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Si Mabuti by Genove Edroza-Matute

The story happened long time ago in a certain school
Its atmosphere seemed normal and natural since it mainly talks tabout the reality of life that comes with
inevitable human strife and hardships
The story revolved around student who couldn’t forget Mabuti after their encounter in library which
they both agreed to refer to as kanilang sulok na iniyakan nilang dalawa. The student was puzzled at
first as to what was the reason for Mabuti’s tears and only realized at the end that Mabuti had a child
with married man.
The story emphasizes how she manages to stay strong and love her child unconditionally despite a
certain circumstance involving her daughter’s father.
It made me realize that

-All about a great teacher who hides her pain and problems behind a smile
-She was called Mabuti because of her manner of always mentioning mabuti in her sentences
-One student couldn’t forget her after their encounter in a certain place they both agreed to refer as
kanilang sulok na iniyakan nilang dalawa. The student was puzzled at first as to what was the reason for
Mabuti’s tears and only realized at the end that Mabuti had a child with married man.
-Though the story seemed normal in a way that it revolves around a normal life with strife, hardships,
and mistakes, it emphasizes how she manages to stay strong and love her child unconditionally despite a
certain circumstance involving her daughter’s father. We humans tend to inevitably make mistakes but
the most important thing is that we should learn and contemplate how to make things right the second

Tata Selo by Rogelio Sikat

The story has a heavy atmosphere
-The story revolved around Tata Selo’s case of murder against someone who has a good status
(Kabesang Tano)
-Tata Selo undoubtedly made a punishable mistake but he is also a victim. He was a victim of
unfortunate Kafkaesque reality in which he felt as though he had no other choice and nothing left to
lose. Since his case is against someone who has power, he didn’t get the chance to defend himself, the
verdict was already decided from the start. However, the most unacceptable part of the story is the
tyranny among those who are in position. Abuse and harassment seem fairly common and Tata Selo’s
daughter (Saling) was one of the unfortunate victims, though it is not stated in the story, it is obvious
that something wrong is happening in that room with the mayor. Hence, the reason for Tata Selo’s
agonizing words “Ang lahat ay kinuha na sa kanila…”.
Morning in Nagrebcan by Manuel E. Argulla

-The story revolved around a typical family having some internal conflict.
-The family members are Nana Elang (mother), Ambo, Baldo, Tang Ciaco (Father)
-The setting of the story is in Katayaghan Hills near the tobacco and corn fields
-The atmosphere of the story seemed refreshing at first since it vividly described the place that which
can easily appeal to the senses of the readers but as the story progresses, the dark and disturbing
conflict between the family surfaces and changes the whole mood of the story
-The story started in a typical morning when Baldo played with his favorite puppy amongst the five the
conflict began when the two brothers having a fight that started with the foolish act of the younger
brother Ambo, eating the banana without peeling it. Baldo, the older brother tried to lecture his brother
but ended up in a rivalry. After a while, Ambo decided to play with Baldo’s favorite puppy but he
wouldn’t let him, this resulted in a fight which resulted in having Ambo’s hand bitten by the puppy. The
father entered the scene blaming and badmouthing Nana Elang for the brothers fight. The father also
noticed the puppy thinking that it had gone mad and ended up beating it to death. The story ended with
the brothers trying to look for the dead puppy’s body in the cornfield and burying it.

The Cherished Daughter

-The poem is about a mother’s love for her daughter that perhaps turned into overprotection.
-From the poem, it can be inferred that the mother values her daughter so much in a way that she won’t
let her get married unless her high standards will be sufficed until it was too late since the daughter
grew older and passed the right age to get married. Despite all of that, the daughter still respects her
mother’s decision and constantly asks what is her plan. In the end, the daughter felt restricted by her
mother’s overprotection and pleaded “Mother, will you just give me away?”.

A School Boy’s Apology by Le Thanh Huan

-The poem is about a young boy who became overwhelmed by tragic events happening around him. His
environment shaped him. His young mind’s desire to play endlessly in a play ground and dreams of
becoming a sailor was replaced with fears and distress from the killings, bloodsheds, and deaths he
witnessed from war.

Inside Submarines by Phan Nhien Hao

-I’d like to think that this poem is about someone who’s uncertain of his/her place and purpose in this
vastness. The submarine symbolizes life in a never-ending journey finding for meaning and sometimes
everything can be so overwhelming that we can’t help but think to just end it all. However, somewhere,
someone still yearns for our existence and reminds us to find the courage to continue.
The Oilfield Labourers

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