Chapter 401-500

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Chapter 401-402

Chapter 401
The two families, the first and second uncles, completely ignored Qin Ming's attitude, making Mu
Xiaoqiao very annoyed.

                She said the nine-eyed dzi bead is a token of affection, that must mean Qin Ming sent,
but she has some girl's reserve, after all, married two months, still a virgin, she was
embarrassed, did not name Qin Ming.

                As a result, the uncle misunderstood her outside someone?

                This is not humiliating her? In the face of her relatives, she couldn't take offense.

                Xu Wan'er said with surprise: "Tsk, so cousin has a sweetheart. Cousin's husband
should be having a miserable time, right?"

                Xu Xiang laughed: "No surprise at all. The cousin's husband is a poor pussy, a country
bumpkin. If it weren't for his good fortune, he could be a son-in-law for his cousin? He would
have been honest, and he would have asked cousin to pursue her own happiness?"

                Second aunt said patiently, "Mu Hao, I have to say something about you on this matter.
How can you arrange Shinjo's marriage event like this? Although it's said that rushing is useful
and your father is fine, but our father is also heartbroken that our granddaughter is spoiled like
this, huh?"

                Mu Hao had a bad face and said, "This is something that we have all discussed. My
father is also much better now, this matter of our family, but thanks to Xiao Qin, without Xiao Qin,
our family would have been in a big mess."

                Mu Hao is a great believer in Zhang Quanzhen, and he does not feel that this is
superstition, Taoism is also about science, right? Their family's genetic defects disease, not rely
on Qin Ming to help solve? The company was almost cheated, but not by Qin Ming to stabilize?

                The first uncle saw Mu Hao angry, immediately turned the wind direction, said: "Oh,
you have to keep your voice down, even if Qin Ming the son-in-law is not here, you are afraid that
he has ears through the wall ah, to let him hear it does not give trouble to Xiao Qiao? The first
thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are talking about. We can call over and
talk together."

                Mu Xiaoqiao rolled her eyes speechlessly and said, "Okay, I'll call him over."

                The elder uncle wondered, "Here? This is not good, right? How disgraceful to Qin

                Second uncle said in a low voice: "What does it matter? A door-to-door son-in-law, but
still turn over the sky? He must listen to what his wife says? This also reflects the status of our
Xiaoqiao in this family."

                Xu 况哈哈笑:"Wait, cousin husband can not stand it, and rushed down again, it will be

                These relatives' words made Mu Xiaoqiao's face very unpleasant, and she walked
upstairs to find Qin Ming.

                Qin Ming is trying on clothes, see Mu Xiao Qiao suddenly walked in, strange
embarrassed, hurriedly covered two points, said: "What? Didn't you go down?"
                Mu Xiaoqiao looked at Qin Ming this way, but it was funny, said: "They are looking for
you, go down."

                Although Qin Ming did not want to get involved in the Mu family's affairs, but think
about what else they could be looking for him? So he said, "Oh, wait, I'll change my clothes

                Mu Xiaoqiao said, "No, this suit looks good, I'll help you put it on."

                After saying that, Mu Xiao Qiao came up and took the initiative to help Qin Ming fix his
clothes, Mu Xiao Qiao even squatted down to help Qin Ming fix his pants, just like a virtuous wife.

                Qin Ming looked at Mu Xiao Qiao up close, youthful and beautiful, sniffing her
fragrance, her fingers gently traced over his body, Qin Ming inexplicably some touched, she a
thousand-year-old lady, the stars of the people, but also to him so tender, Qin Ming is not hard-
hearted, how can ignore it?

                After getting dressed, Qin Ming's temperament has changed, Mu Xiao Qiao looked at,
thinking that really people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddle, now Qin Ming is still a bit
handsome, she can not help but look at a few more, the more satisfied.

                Mu Xiao Qiao took Qin Ming's hand and went downstairs.

                The two took the stairs down, see Qin Ming changed into a set of decent clothes,
human-like, but quite a match, first uncle, second uncle two people have side eye, this does not
look like a poor boy ah, but like a rich young master.

                A boy of the second uncle's family scoffed: "Tch, cousin is back, cousin husband will
have new clothes, hahaha."

                Xu Xian said, "Hush, how to say if cousin husband, the minimum respect um. But,
shouting cousin's husband down for what?"

                First aunt pretended to scold: "Say what you two boys, no big no small. Your cousin
has the ability to control the home, how about outside, you also want to control?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao was dissatisfied: "Great aunt, what do you mean by that? Whether it's at
home or outside, I am the same, Qin Ming is my husband, I don't have the leisure time to take
care of others."

                Great aunt wondered, "Then you just said that the nine-eyed dzi you are wearing is a
token of affection from your boyfriend?"

                Qin Ming was stunned, Mu Xiaoqiao wouldn't say such a brainless thing, right?

                Mu Xiaoqiao immediately retorted: "This is all your own speculation, I said it was a
token of love, but did not say who gave it to me. Is it too disrespectful for you guys to think that I
have someone outside?"

                Mu Hao also immediately said, "First and second uncles, how can you think of our
Xiaoqiao like that? We are unusually related, you can't create rumors, otherwise don't blame me
for disregarding relatives' feelings and ask you to go out."

                Great-uncle was speechless, angry and dry-eyed.

                Great-uncle said, "No, right? Niece, don't lie to your uncle. You said that the nine-eyed
dzi bead was given to you by someone else. It couldn't be your husband, could it?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao looked at Qin Ming and said, "It is my husband who gave it to me. Didn't
you guys say that I should bring someone down? And you don't believe me?"

                The atmosphere was suddenly quiet, followed by a burst of sarcastic laughter from the
first uncle and second uncle's families.

                "Hahahaha, how is it possible, he is a poor boy from the countryside, he can afford it?"

                "Tsk, niece, you are defending your husband's face, right? Did he put pressure on
you? Aigoo, your son-in-law is really big-tempered, Xiao Qiao you have to revive the wife."

                "He just wore a stall, you had to buy his clothes, he has the money? Don't tease me."

                "You don't have to lie to us like this even if you don't want to give it to us?"

                "Cousin, we are very sincere, you see our whole family is here, one is also we have not
seen each other for a long time, two, this nine eyes dzi bead is really important to us."

                "Yes, niece, you'll be taken this Qin Ming as a shield."

                "How poor your husband is, your mother told us a long time ago, didn't she also get
married for the sake of the wedding? Your mother said waiting for the wind to pass, your
grandfather's health, to help do the divorce oh."

                When Xu Shulan heard this, she was very anxious and said, "That was before, I am
now very satisfied with Xiao Qin."

                Mu Xiaoqiao heaved a hum and said, "Enough. Eldest uncle, second uncle, who
actually bid for this nine-eyed heavenly bead, I have the certificate from the auction house here,
and the appraisal letter from the famous domestic antique appraisal expert, Mr. Yang Lao, you
can take a look at it. I didn't spend a single penny when I bid for this nine-eyed dzi, my husband
is not such a penniless poor man as you say."

                The first uncle, second uncle and others immediately took them over, each probing
their heads to watch.

                The certificate is written clearly on it, who is the bidder, how much is the amount, how
much is the tax, it's all clear, all Qin Ming.

                "This ......" first uncle, second uncle two families, incredulous look at the side of Qin
Ming, impossible, right? How could it be this poor boy from the countryside?

                They had just ridiculed him severely, this, this is how to do?

                Xu Xiang suddenly said: "No, right? I found a big problem here."

Chapter 402
The Xu family is a powerful family in the city of Hai, born to despise country boys like Qin Ming.

                After Mu Xiaoqiao took out the certificate, she saw the shocked faces of her eldest and
second uncles and was very relieved, thinking, "Now you're dumbfounded, right? Blind your
eyes, dare to humiliate my husband? You still want this nine-eyed dzi? Dream on?"
                Xu Da-uncle and Xu Er-uncle looked like they had eaten shit, they just laughed at Qin
Ming as a son-in-law, a loser, not treating him as a human being, but in the end, they found out
that whether the nine-eyed dzi could be offered or not, it still depended on Qin Ming's nod.

                That is not to lift a stone to smash their own feet?

                Turning to beg Qin Ming? Just mocked so hard, who can still pull down this face ah?

                Aigoo, what can we do now? Xu Da-uncle and Xu Er-uncle were very worried.

                Old Mrs. Mu looked on, laughed, and watched TV by herself.

                Mu Hao also smiled smugly: "Oh, so it's from Xiao Qin, huh? I just said, where did you
get so much money. Xiao Qin ah, send such a nice gift to your wife, not bad for a good

                Qin Ming rolled his eyes, walked over, came up to Mu Hao's ear, and said, "Boss Mu,
what do you mean by that? You don't want to hide today, you can't hide. I am also here to
cooperate with your acting for you in order to take into account the face of your Mu family."

                Mu Hao said with a kind smile, "No hiding, I definitely won't hide tonight. However, let's
settle the matter here first."

                Qin Ming hummed speechlessly and sat aside, anyway, he felt that he was a "tool", the
Mu family what they like.

                Xu Shulan said proudly, "Ah, brother, you have lost your eyes this time, right? The
company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services. The company's
main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

                Xu Shulan looked like a villain, smiling with a slit left in her eye.

                However, the first aunt glared, Xu Shulan immediately did not dare to laugh, apparently
she is quite afraid of her mother's side.

                When Mu Xiaoqiao saw this, she said with the tone of a boss reprimanding an
employee, "Uncle, don't you know that you should never judge people by their appearance and
that heroes don't ask about their origins? And I want to correct you one thing, my husband and I
truly love each other, stop slandering my reputation."

                "In addition, my husband is still a student, but his grades are number one year after
year, and he never loses his scholarship. The company also participates in internships and
multinational companies, and it is not certain that his future achievements will be higher than

                "Don't think he is useless and soft to eat because he is from the countryside. As far as
I know, after being married for so long, what our Mu family owes him is much less than what he
helps our Mu family. Our whole family is very grateful to him."

                "So, please don't stand in my shoes and humiliate my husband."

                Mu Xiaoqiao's barrage of retorts made her great aunt's face turn blue, being scolded
by a junior by pointing her nose like this, she had never tried it in her fifty years of life!

                The first aunt couldn't help herself and said angrily, "Your mother can't even ride on my
head, you little girl dare to talk to me like this? How dare you talk to me like that?"
                The moment these words were spoken, it was like tearing the skin of the face.

                Since the skin is torn, the second aunt also said in a strange way: "A farmer is a
farmer, did we say anything wrong? The first thing you need to do is to get a job. As for helping,
isn't this something that four men can do? Aigoo, niece, you have a problem with your vision, so
don't teach my Wan'er badly, if my Wan'er also wants to find a poor boy, I must come to you to
settle the score?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao is really angry, these people all kinds of despise her man, and do not
know on what basis, but really make her upset.

                He looked at Qin Ming, who was expressionless, as if he was already accustomed to

being denigrated and had a breezy attitude.

                Mu Xiaoqiao heart more uncomfortable, Qin Ming for their Mu family gave so much,
and she can not even ensure the basic Qin Ming reputation.

                Xu situation to see the parents are sad face, but also be angry dislike, is also temper
up, said: "This is not right ah cousin. Cousin's husband would not be doing illegal and criminal
business, right? This nine-eyed dzi bead more than 100 million, this auction documents write,
cousin-in-law also auctioned a famous painting, and a string of blood diamond necklace, and a
15 million year old dodo bird skeleton, tsk ...... here how must also have two, three hundred
million it cousin-in-law, where do you get so much money ah? Your family printed money ah?"

                Xu situation said so, others also think it makes sense, a hundred million is not bad,
how Qin Ming shot two or three hundred million things?

                Didn't you say you came from a peasant background?

                You work in a multinational company internship, but not to earn two or three hundred
million, right?

                Xu great uncle is also a man who has been in a high position for a long time, the
president of the enterprise, where subject to poor? Pan Kang Naiya shift???? The company
supports the carrot met? The reason for this is the fact that the company has been in the
business for a long time. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products
and services, including family? The family? The family is the only one that has a good chance of
success. The family? forgiveness

                Buy not into the dzi magic weapon, but also can not lose face, let your brother junior
niece lesson?

                Xu great uncle said: "ah, niece, you are not deliberately deceive us? You don't want to
sell it, just say it, don't look like you don't care, and then use your husband out as a shield ah."

                Xu Wan'er also said, "That's right, cousin, thanks to you still blowing your cousin's
husband so well. You are putting gold on your own face, right? Cousin husband almost almost,
you are married, generously admit it, why do you have to lie to us to save face?"

                Second uncle Xu's face was cold and sullen, he also said, "That's right, dragons give
birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, mice's sons will make holes. Qin Ming, the
son-in-law, how come he has so much money? You are not bidding in the name of Qin Ming?
You are taking care of his face, right? We can understand that. It can't be that Qin Ming earned it

                Second aunt said arrogantly, "You're not trying to raise the price, are you? Tsk, at least
we are relatives... we have watched you grow up, do you have to do this?"
                The first aunt asked, "Qin Ming, you say something? We allow you to talk, no need to
be formal, tell us how did you get this money? It's not really illegal, is it?"

                "That's right, cousin husband, you should say a reason, otherwise your income is

                "What's fishy? Either it's illegal or it's not."

                "Cousin brother-in-law, you don't dare to say it, right?"

                This two sides face torn, really relatives feelings are no longer, all kinds of speculation
and malicious words come.

                However, Mu Hao and Mu Xiaoqiao were also curious, they knew Qin Ming's
background very well, and they didn't understand where Qin Ming got so much money. Even the
old lady Mu also listened sideways and quietly, wanting to hear Qin Ming's secret.

                Qin Ming said indifferently: "No, I'm just low profile. I just work for my boss, before I
made a merit, so my boss gave me a World Bank's knight card, unlimited brush a few days, just
those days came across the auction."

                Xu Xiang said disdainfully: "Oh, bragging, you, unlimited brush? That kind of World
Bank knight card, is the average person can get? Then why don't you paint a dress for yourself?
Cousin brother-in-law, I found that you are not very good, quite good at pretending, huh?"

                Uncle Xu shook his head and sighed, saying, "Nowadays, young people are not down
to earth."

                "People are poor and short of will, and horses are thin and long. Niece, your man, no
skills, but bragging is a set."

                Great-uncle also said, "Wan'er, Qian'er, in the future to find a boyfriend must not find a
cousin husband like this. Look at him, he is poor and incompetent, and he spends his wife's
money, and he needs her help to save face, and he does not allow his wife to find other men
outside, so he is really lax."

                Qin Ming was in a good mood, having caught Mu Hao, but these relatives of the Mu
family are really too hateful, this aggressive, what does it mean?

                Because of face?

                Because Mu Xiao Qiao viciously attacked him after hitting them in the face with a
vicious number to defend Qin Ming?

                Qin Ming's good temper was completely worn out, he laughed and said, "It's not hard
to prove it, I can prove it to you guys with a phone call. I'm just afraid you guys won't be willing."

                Uncle Xu said disdainfully; "What's not willing, you call."

                Qin Ming is also angry, this year there are really what people, he is not easy to bully.

                He immediately gave a call to Song Ying, said: "Xiaoying, give me the whole Mu family
relatives, Hai City Xu family business, the whole how big? How big give me whole how big."

                After saying that, he hung up the phone, Qin Ming found others looking at him like an
                Xu second uncle froze, "Qin Ming, what the hell is this talking about? Our Xu family is
still a rich family, you can bring down our Xu family with one phone call?"

                Qin Ming crossed his legs and said leisurely, "Take it easy, let the signal float for a

Chapter 403-404
 Chapter 403
Qin Ming has always felt that he has a better temper, to be a refined and easy-going person, is to
draw a line with the young street gangster of his past.

                But this time, in the face of the Xu family's various insults and suspicions, really
tolerated again and again, are almost tolerated into a turtle.

                Either withering in silence, or explode in silence.

                Now the other party will alas nonsense to ask him to prove that he is rich and capable,
in that case, Qin Ming will not be polite with them.

                He immediately called Song Ying and said: "Xiaoying, give me the whole Mu family
relatives, the business of the Xu family in Hai City, the whole how big? As big as you can, give
me the whole size. Acquire all shares, cut off all business, let the Xu family erase its name on the
Hai City gentry."

                After saying that, he hung up the phone, and Qin Ming found that the air became quiet.

                No big piece of mansion, orange and yellow lights, people inside the house even the
aunt who sweeps the floor looked at Qin Ming in amazement, what kind of words did this say?

                The people of the Xu family looked at him like an idiot.

                They thought to themselves that this is not a fool, right?

                Second uncle Xu froze and said: "Qin Ming, what the hell are you talking about? Our
Xu family is still a rich family, you can take down our Xu family with one phone call? You can't do
it even if you are the king of heaven."

                Indeed, the Xu family has been rooted in the city for many years, business is big, the
volume than the Mu family, or even more powerful, black and white relations are eaten away.

                The world can be a phone call, directly to a business to a hundred billion of the giants
to bring down? The other business partners have been working together for years, so why break

                No one thinks Qin Ming is serious.

                "Cousin husband, are you mad? The first thing you need to do is to accept the reality
that you are poorer than you are poor. I still want to find a rich woman to adopt me."

                "Cousin, is this really good for your husband? He won't get into trouble every day and
you'll wipe his ass, right?"

                "Wan'er, what else do you think? Your cousin has gone into hiding in the capital. This
kind of credulous poor? Pan Kong Falcon Blind? ∫Yellow kitese lu key illian step!
                A few cousins, cousin's sneering, Mu Xiao Qiao really angry teeth, but she also do not
know what can do ah?

                The Xu family is even bigger than their Mu family, and their network is all in the city of
Shanghai, which is an important region in the Yangtze River Delta, a cosmopolitan city, and to be
able to develop into a powerful family in the city of Shanghai, how good are the intricate interests
and relationships?

                A word from the Xu family is very influential, so the people of the Xu family have
enough self-confidence and arrogance to see no one.

                How could it be that Qin Ming, a poor boy from the countryside, took it down with one
phone call? Is this not funny? It is simply a nightmare from heaven.

                In the face of these people's ridicule, Qin Ming disdainfully raised three fingers and
sneered: "Yes or no, we will know later. You may have to leave later, and before you leave I will
charge you with three sins."

                "One sin, I have no enmity with you, and you have insulted me again and again."

                "The second sin, my parents are farmers, you insulted my parents by insulting them."

                "The third sin, insulting Mu Xiaoqiao for the sake of your so-called face."

                "Although I am just an ordinary person, I am not a persimmon that can be easily

pinched, nor can anyone bully me. I ......" Qin Ming looked at Mu Xiaoqiao, hesitated for a
moment in his heart, but still said, "My wife is not something you can insult either. People have to
pay the price for what they do."

                Qin Ming finally chose to save face for the Mu family by referring to Mu Xiaoqiao as his

                When Mu Xiaoqiao heard Qin Ming's words, she ate honey in her heart, she felt that
Qin Ming still cared for her, maybe men are not very good at expressing their feelings.

                The first aunt said in disgust, "Oh, ignorant country boy."

                Second aunt clasped her hands and said, "How about three times the price? Xiao
Qiao, this nine-eyed dzi of yours, we are determined to get it. Mu Hao, have you forgotten how
much help our Xu family has given you in business in the past? We have never asked you for
anything in return?"

                First aunt said, "That's right. It's just a magic weapon to make your son-in-law look
good? What's so rare about it? This game to celebrate the birthday of the old Qin family's old
lady Qin, and can also negotiate a big business of tens of billions of dollars. The most important
thing is to take advantage of the old Qin family's road, they are world-class giants, the influence
is huge, in the future, our Mu family soars, will not forget your benefits."

                The first uncle also said, "Yes, it would be perfect if we can climb up with the old Qin
family. We won't forget the credit of your Mu family in this."

                Second uncle Xu was still so gloomy, stroking the beard on his face and said, "We will
eat the meat, brother-in-law and your family will have no problem with soup. This is something
that is definitely a sure thing. If you don't ask Master Mu, what kind of existence is the old Qin
family? They are thicker than us."

                Qin Ming listened, so this is a plate of business, cast a person's good ah.
                This relative relationship, really plastic.

                For the sake of interest, all ignored Mu Xiaoqiao and his will, humiliated a meal, to use
the strong, using past favors, forced Mu Xiaoqiao out of the nine-eyed dzi.

                But Qin Ming saw Mu Hao face with a difficult look, it seems that the previous really
quite rely on the help of the Xu family, this debt of gratitude, the critical moment to make his waist
straight ah.

                No wonder Xu Shulan can't lift his head in front of his brother and sister-in-law, you
man is not useful wow!

                The actual fact is that you can't get a good deal on your own.

                Old Mrs. Mu then did not shake the Xu family face, obviously more confident.

                She quietly pulled Qin Ming and asked: "Little Qin ah, what you just said is really true?
If it's true, it's too much. If it's false, it's also too much."

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "Do I look like a casual liar?"

                Old Mrs. Mu smiled lightly and gave a thumbs up to Qin Ming, then went to watch TV
by herself.

                This is only five minutes of time, the rather quiet hall, cell phones ringing non-stop, Xu
great uncle, Xu second uncle two full cell phone ringing, no one is not ringing.

                Xu uncle found that it was his secretary calling, immediately answered: "What's wrong?
What? All the minority shareholders have sold all their shares? What's the panic? Those small
shareholders can't make waves, the company is still named Xu."

                "What? All customers canceled their orders? On hold indefinitely? How is that
possible? You call me to ask ah, what? The other boss said no more dealings? Impossible!"

                "What else? Secretary Zhao warned me to be more careful in the future? How is that
possible? I've been friends with Secretary Zhao for many years, how could he warn me?"

                "What? The goods were detained at customs? How can they be detained? Did the
other party have a reason?"

                "What? The factory was fined for production violations and had its electricity shut down
for rectification?"

                There are many problems on the side of Xu's uncle, and there are also many second
uncles. Either business partners cut off relations with each other, or branches were acquired, or
they were warned by official bigwigs who were once very close and suddenly left their relations.

                Those cousins are even worse, friends and relatives cut off relations, do not dare to
communicate, the call for money was also broken.

                Watching this dramatic scene, the Mu family were stunned, Qin Ming this call was

                Xu uncle holding two cell phones in the owl: "cooperation is impossible? Mr. Qin, why
are we suddenly not allowed to bid? We had a good deal last time, didn't we? We will definitely
get the nine-eyed dzi bead and give it to Mrs. Qin as a congratulatory gift. Mr. Qin give us one
more chance, we will ...... definitely be able to."

                There were too many calls, each person could not answer a few, and finally got
annoyed and simply turned off all the phones.

                In an instant, the room became quiet again.

                This time, Qin Ming again became the focus of all eyes.

                But, the atmosphere changed.

Chapter 404
Great Uncle Xu warily received the phone call from the number one magnate in the city of Hai,
the head of the old Qin family, and this was the first time he took the initiative to receive a call
from the other side.

                Because he had just listened to a dozen bad news one after another, Great-Uncle Xu
now became very sensitive and slender: "Hello, Mr. Qin? So suddenly, what, what's the matter?"

                Mr. Qin on the other end of the phone said, "Boss Xu, you are quite capable, you dare
to offend anyone. Now I can't protect you, you are finished, don't burn the fire on me. Our
cooperation is also finished, and that business is also finished. My grandmother's 90th birthday
you also do not come, nine eyes dzi I also do not want your. That's it."

                Uncle Xu's heart thumped, was pierced general, anxious: "Eh, Mr. Qin, do not ah Mr.
Qin, give me a chance ah Mr. Qin. Hello? Hello?"

                But when he called back, the number of Mr. Qin was no longer available.

                Great Uncle Xu looked around in bewilderment, chilled to the bone, he sat on the sofa
and found others like him, listening to their phones, listening to one bad news after another from
the city of Hai.

                "Sister-in-law, you have lost more than a billion dollars from the company in the name
of investment, and this money has been discovered, you can really earn money."

                "Sister, are you okay? You give the company to arrange their relatives, are arranged to
my office? Otherwise he embezzled public money of the matter eastward, I still do not know is
your people."

                "Xu Xiang, you brat, when did you owe 300 million dollars gambling in Las Vegas? And
also use the company account? People's debt collectors have hit me, you loser."

                "Wan'er, you're so heartbreaking to mom, you're actually a secret lover with this
expired male star? He's almost as old as your father. This report has gone out, how long do you
want to hide it from me?"

                "Stop arguing, the old Qin family is no longer dealing with us, and we don't have to go
to Mrs. Qin's big birthday, how come the line that was so easy to hook up with is suddenly

                "What the hell is going on here? Are all these phone calls real? Is our family still private
or not? Where is Secretary Zhao? Dad, let's go to Army Chief Ma for help, this must be someone
messing with us."
                The two brothers of the Xu family, by the sudden flurry of phone calls to the head,
phone after phone, bad news after bad news, either business partners cut off contact, or by the
official bigwigs to draw a line, and then there is the son and daughter's money owed phone calls,
and a large wave of departures, a company executives call to resign, quit, have a better place to

                Who can top this sudden and total collapse?

                No, it's unbelievable, but is this a scam call? But the content of the caller is very clear,
the enterprise mailbox in an email can not be faked.

                Even the real-time news began to shake Xu family some scandals, Xu great uncle
night meeting young model photos were turned out.

                The Xu family's shocking change of hands and feet, compared to the Mu family side is
dumbfounded, Qin Ming this is what the hell God operation?

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to
the market. How powerful must this be?

                Mu Hao looked at Qin Ming and muttered, "Sure enough, sure enough, Zhang Zhen
Zhen was right, Xiao Qin and my daughter's eight characters match, a match made in heaven."

                At this time, Qin Ming's cell phone rang, Song Ying called and said, "Young master, the
Xu family acquisition plan has been 39% completed, the Xu family group's talent has been
poached 50%, business partners poached 90%, recently they have close relations with our Huan
Yu Group's big patron Hai City old Qin family, I also incidentally warned, the old Qin family
people promised to break off relations with the Xu family. "

                "As for those who owe money, secret love affairs, deficit company behavior, is Corrie?
Olsen collected through the intelligence system to facilitate the suppression of the Xu family
group's stock price, now the Xu family's stock is plummeting, immediately can fall."

                "I expect that it will take about another week to acquire the Xu Family Group, and
another thirty billion or so, and it will take two or three years to reoperate to return to capital."

                Qin Ming lightly oh: "Not bad, step up and continue to engage."

                The crowd heard this call from Qin Ming and suddenly realized.

                Right oh, is this Qin Ming messing with them?

                It was him, shaking out all their privacy; it was him, getting rid of all their business
partners; it was him, poaching all the employees of their business.

                Everything is him, why didn't I think of it just now?

                Xu Da-uncle and Xu Er-uncle suddenly pounced on Qin Ming's feet and said in a
painful voice, "Don't mess with it."

                Inside the mansion, the eyes of all people focused on Qin Ming, that quiet, Qin Ming is
the respected boss general, everyone has to look at his face.

                Qin Ming froze and said, "First uncle, second uncle, you guys are the ones who told
me to call. Prove to you guys that I can afford this nine-eyed dzi ah. I am following your words
                This statement is the same as a real hammer, the Xu family group's matter, it is all Qin
Ming stirring up trouble.

                This thousand miles away, a phone call, let the Xu family group in Hai City fall apart?
The two houses of the Xu family were dumbfounded that this was true.

                They could never dream ah, this is too incredible.

                The volume of their Xu family, just to acquire the shares of small shareholders, that will
take several billion ah.

                To pull in those business partners of the Xu family, as well as poaching employees,

this also requires a lot of money, right?

                The most exaggerated is that the previous delivery of foreign cargo ships have been
no accident, today they deliver goods to the countries of the ship, suddenly by the countries of
customs to cut off, to be investigated, the daily seizure costs are quite a lot, dragging a day is
equal to nothing, dragging two days is equivalent to a total loss of money.

                Xu family is now from the source of production to the end of delivery, are pinched, like
a lump in the throat.

                This is also Qin Ming a phone call can do? Then Qin Ming is too counter-intuitive,

                No matter how Qin Ming did it, now is not the time to explore this but should hurry Qin
Ming to stop!

                Qin Ming also asked with a very cheap smile: "First uncle, second uncle, I do not know
if I can prove my own bid for the nine-eyed dzi? I meet your requirements, right? I also do not
want to hurt hurt the peace between the two families, cut off the problem from the root, you do
not ask for the dzi beads from Xiao Qiao, then the conflict will not be gone?"

                What kind of nonsense is this?

                Xu uncle wanted to cry: "This ...... Qin Ming you can not hurt people like this ah. You
are pretending to be confused, ah."

                Xu second uncle also said anxiously: "Qin Ming, Xiao Qiao is my niece, you are my
nephew, my good nephew ah, you can't push uncle to death like this ah."

                Xu Xiang said, "Dad, how do you know this is done by cousin's husband? It's a
coincidence, right? Maybe it's our enemies who did it."


                Xu 况 did not finish his sentence, immediately by the eldest uncle a slap over, the force
is surprisingly strong, face are swollen kind of.

                Great Uncle Xu pulled Xu Xian to Qin Ming and said, "Quickly, apologize to your cousin
and cousin's husband. You are a waste of time, just now, you have been slandering your
cousin's husband, is it because of jealousy? If you are one hundred percent as good as your
cousin's husband, I will have peace of mind in my life. You two brats also come over and
apologize to cousin brother-in-law and cousin sister."

                Xu Xian was blindsided by this slap and wanted to explode in anger, but he didn't dare
to face his own old dad.
                Xu Xian had to bow and said, "Cousin, I'm sorry. Cousin husband, I'm sorry."

                Xu uncle kicked down, Xu 况 forced to kneel on the ground: "Do you have no manners?
Your cousin and cousin-in-law are your elders, kneeling is the basic etiquette for elders, say it

                Xu 况 almost collapsed, he 况少, Hai City, one of the little bully, since childhood, the
first time kneeling, but is cousin and cousin husband? And respecting his cousin as an elder?

                But in the face of his father's majesty, he knelt and said, "Cousin, I'm sorry. Cousin, I'm
sorry. I was wrong."

                The eldest uncle and the second uncle continued to yell and scold, "You grannies too,
come over here and apologize to Xiao Qin, and to Shiao Qiao."

                "Xiaoqiao, Xiao Qin. It's too bad we didn't come when you got married. You are the
golden couple, a match made in heaven. Great-uncle and second-uncle wish you a hundred
years of good fortune and a son soon."

                "Yes, yes, sorry. Little, little Qin ah, we just, just now ...... have eyes not to know the
mountain, you said all right, you, you forgive us, right? You've married a good husband, I envy
you. If my Wan'er is half as well married as you are, I'll be happy to die."

                The first aunt and the second aunt were also called over to apologize, but they had lost
their high-mindedness and had become trembling and frightened, still in a state of confusion.

                These elders of the Xu family made apologies to Mu Xiaoqiao, leaving Mu Xiaoqiao

and Xu Shulan dumbfounded, the first time in so many years.

                In the past, they were pressured to death by the Xu family's first and second uncles,
and it was difficult for Xu Shulan to raise her head in front of her mother's family, because she
couldn't give Mu Hao any trouble, and who made Mu Hao's back not hard enough in front of the
Xu family?

                Today, Qin Ming let their mother and daughter greatly long face.

                Looking at the first aunt and second aunt that panic like a rabbit, begging for
forgiveness, Xu Shulan's heart suppressed years of resentment, all of a sudden smooth,
suddenly feel the world really beautiful, virtuous son-in-law really cowhide.

                Xu Da-uncle and Xu Er-uncle one left and one right bent over Qin Ming's side, said:
"Little Qin ah. Uncle know wrong, for the sake of our relatives for many years, you just point to
the end, right? What? Is that okay?"

                Everyone looked at Qin Ming, was Qin Ming willing to stop?

Chapter 405-406
 Chapter 405
The attitude of the Xu family came to a 180-degree turn, all the Qin Ming as a grandfather.

                "Xiao Qin ah, we were wrong, wrong to see you, more should not underestimate the peasant
origin of you. In fact, our Xu family was a farmer for three generations before. My grandfather was a cattle
herder. Who among us Chinese has never worked in the fields? Who doesn't come from a farming
background, right?"

                "We have absolutely no intention of looking down on you or your parents."

                "As for the misunderstanding about Xiaoqiao, it was really an unintentional mistake, she is our
nephew, we watched her grow up, how could we not be clear about her character? Just now we were losing
our souls, you have to forgive us, right?"

                "Yes, the affluent life has corrupted our minds, forgetting that hardship produces heroes, yes, it
produces heroes like you, Xiao Qin. My niece was right to teach me that heroes don't ask about their
origins. I'm over fifty years old, and I'm still able to be taught by my niece, I'm really too happy."

                "Xiao Qin, you're so ungrateful, why didn't you notify us when you got married? You and
Xiaoqiao are a match made in heaven, a beautiful couple, I wish you a long life and a son."

                "Sister, you also come to help say a word."

                "Shu Lan, you also quickly give your son-in-law a word."

                Xu's uncle and Xu's second uncle hurriedly glared at Xu Shulan, who was actually watching the

                The Xu family is a powerful family, since childhood, these two brothers have not suffered much,
let alone a big loss, and now apologize to the younger generation, and come to beg her sister, this is
something Xu Shulan did not expect, her back also has a straight day.

                The crowd was also stunned by the extremely large power behind Qin Ming, whose background
became more and more mysterious.

                Mu Hao knew that their Mu family is not as good as the Xu family, although not to the point of
being suppressed and tired, but really just but, and Qin Ming a phone call into, simply scary.

                Xu Shulan, after all, a woman, long face, thinking that this is still his brother and sister-in-law,
said: "Xiao Qin ah, you're joking, right? Don't really bring my mother's family down, right?"
                Qin Ming said, "Can't you? Is the Xu family very powerful? Don't they despise me for being a
son-in-law, a poor boy? Then let them try what it's like to be poor too."

                "No, I don't want to be poor? Pan Jun! Ben father shaped the river gorgonian locusts? The swan
stands? The earwig school wrecked the ammonia hacking the jungle? countenance Ч bed Zheng? The Yi
invasion? The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the following Jiaojiao cupboard? The game? I
gun fee shao ci say stop? The moth-eaten leaves interstate and wai n burning arthritis? troubled slug port
mang? Vantage point? Outfitting? I am afraid of the pontoon vanadium umbrella!

                "Cousin, we are wrong, you can persuade cousin husband."

                Xu great-uncle and second-uncle are close to kneeling down and begging Qin Ming, this is their
last bottom line, they let Xu 况 kneel down is thinking that they do not have to kneel.

                The private phone, which was tuned to mute, was still shaking, the more the phone vibrated,
proving that the more bad news there was, the more the Xu family was panicking.


                Suddenly, a cough came from upstairs, but it was Mu Hai Ran who couldn't look away and came

                Mu Hai Ran amiable smile said, "Little Qin ah, you come over here for a moment, the old man
to tell you something."

                Qin Ming smiled lightly, the steps came, he obediently responded, and then got up and pulled
Mu Xiaoqiao upstairs.

                The two came to Mu Hai Ran's study, Mu Hai Ran pointed at Qin Ming, a bitter smile, said:
"You kid, hiding deep, huh? Where did you get the background to fix the Xu family? Old man, my phone
has been broken by the in-laws, begging to me."

                Qin Ming said, "It's not much, you should know, old man, I work in a multinational enterprise.
Recently I was promoted and became the vice president of the Greater China region, the main business is
to collect some sunrise enterprises, with money poaching or malicious acquisition or reasonable
acquisition, anyway, the acquisition of other people's companies to restructure, to achieve profitability on
the line. So I have quite a large amount of money and personnel scheduling ability."

                Qin Ming pulled the lie, not telling his identity as the heir to the global super corporate empire,
the Huan Yu Century Group.

                He smiled sarcastically and said, "Recently, my boss gave me targets, I was worried about
having no targets, and the Xu family is so aggressive, so I'll take them down. In the end, I'm just a wage
earner, right?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao was surprised, as soon as she heard the name of the vice president of the Greater
China region, she felt that it was not simple, she did not expect that after two months of not seeing him,
Qin Ming's career had developed so much that he had already caught up with her, the Miss Mu family's
thousand-year-old daughter.

                The upwardly mobile man is irresistible to his daughter. Isn't this what Mu Hao said when he
came back, that Qin Ming is working very hard in order to match her? Is this for her?

                Mu Xiaoqiao suddenly held Qin Ming's hand even harder, her body also leaned towards Qin
Ming, she felt because of the misunderstanding, Qin Ming worked hard for her this feeling.

                Mu Hai Ran gave a thumbs up and said: "This is already a working emperor ah. Good boy, really
is a high achiever of the Polytechnic University, the latter is fearful. This multinational enterprise of yours
is not simple, right? Last time, you gave me an upgrade in service at Nanshan Sanatorium, and also
contacted a private bio-pharmaceutical company in Magnesium to provide a special medicine to treat my
condition, and now you've been promoted, tsk ......"

                Mu Hai Ran patted Qin Ming's shoulder and said, "Young man, the potential is infinite."

                "However." Mu Hai Ran's words turned into a gesture of an elder talking to a junior, saying,
"Little Qin, this matter today, don't be too rushed to kill, right? In any case, the Xu family and we are also
in-laws. You are the son-in-law of our Mu family, if you bring down your mother-in-law's family, you
won't be able to be a relative."

                But Mu Xiaoqiao said, "It's uncle and his family who are too deceitful. Qin Ming has already put
up with it, but they're holding on to it and using past favors to force my father. This kind of relatives, what
kind of relatives? I beg you, this old man, this time just to the end, okay? Look, they all know that they are
wrong, and several juniors are kneeling down for you."

                Mu Hai Ran looked anxious and said, "You girl, you married your husband and you're turning
your hand away? This Xu family is really going to span, your grandfather and grandma can't even eat."

                Mu Xiaoqiao had filial piety, and shut up when she heard this, and looked at Qin Ming.

                Qin Ming listened to Mu Hailan's plea, as well as the pleading and admission of fault by Xu's
uncle and second uncle, and his anger was half gone, so he agreed, "I accept this favor from you, old man."

                Mu Hai Ran smiled, pointed at Qin Ming, and said, "You bad boy, you still want my favor, okay.
I owe you."

                Qin Ming dragged Mu Xiaoqiao downstairs.

                Mu Xiaoqiao followed Qin Ming, looking at his side face, found Qin Ming more and more
mysterious, more and more capable, she as a wife is also proud of, just a little jealous.

                Mu Xiaoqiao said, "When did you get promoted, and did not tell me?"

                Qin Ming was quite emotional, his position as the heir was not yet secure, it was better not to
pretend too much, he said indifferently: "Working for someone, what is there to say. If the boss wants to
change someone, he can change me anytime, it's my luck."

                Mu Xiaoqiao said, "Luck is also a part of strength, you have the ability to have luck."

                Saying that, Mu Xiaoqiao directly hugged Qin Ming's arm, so that the two appeared more

                Mu Xiaoqiao even stood on tiptoe and stole a kiss on the side of Qin Ming's cheek, saying,
"Honey you are really good today."

                After the kiss, Mu Xiao Qiao had some little daughter-like snickers and hugged Qin Ming's arm
                The round mouth in the cheek "kiss" a mouth, Qin Ming's heart and soul, the body actually some
reaction, especially Mu Xiao Qiao this soft voice, stimulating his nerves.

                To be honest, Qin Ming wanted to resist, after all, he was just acting, damn Mu Hao did not
make it clear that he left the Mu family, leading to misunderstandings among the entire Mu family.

                Qin Ming also did not want to fall out with the Mu family, so he gave the Mu family enough
face before acting.

                But Mu Xiaoqiao such a stunning beauty fake play real, he a little top ah.

                Qin Ming look can living room people are looking at him, silently shook his head, just, after this
Xu family thing to say it, what comes will always come, when Mu Xiao Qiao you do not blame me cruel.

Chapter 406
Xu Da-uncle actually came with a plan.

                The nine eyes dzi bead can be bought Mu Xiaoqiao's mouth, it is the best, or else twice the price,
then a meal, the two families bragging, than a child, well show some of his brother's majesty and
consolidate the position.

                It is not possible to use the old long-ago favors, to the Mu family pressure, how can the nine-
eyed dzi bead to buy.

                Then this year the Tibetan living Buddha wore the nine-eyed dzi bead as a gift to the city's first
magnate, the old Qin family's old lady Qin as a birthday gift, in order to get on the old Qin family's

                From then on, the Xu family's status in the city of Shanghai will be raised a few notches.

                Everything is well calculated, both to buy the nine-eyed dzi, but also to show off a little, so that
the Mu family jealousy at the same time had to submit to his lustful authority of this great-uncle, the
difference is between the great-uncle and the second uncle of the fight for who head credit only.

                As a result, a son-in-law Qin Ming appeared halfway, but also hanging, a phone call to make the
Xu family became stormy, almost to collapse.
                Qin Ming went up to chat with the old man in just a few minutes, the Xu family two houses were
subjected to numerous warning calls, cut off the phone, years of friends once cut off, Xu family group
multiple scandals were uncovered, the company's stock price plummeted, factory accidents, supply and
marketing channels were ordered to shut down under investigation, the company's market value instantly
evaporated 30 billion.

                When I came down to see Mu Xiaoqiao stealing kisses Qin Ming that shy look, see ah, people
couple how loving.

                Mu Xiaoqiao that full of joyful eyes, how can it be fake?

                The people of the Xu family were all ashamed, they still thought Qin Ming was a useless wimp,
all dependent on the Mu family, and thought Mu Xiaoqiao was forced to marry Qin Ming because of her
father's pressure.

                They are used to being high and mighty, and they think too much of everything, and this time
they have met the king of hell, and Qin Ming is the king of hell.

                Xu's uncle did not care about face, immediately went forward and said: "Master Qin, please, take
the Avatar. We don't dare to count the loss this time, just please don't let our Xu family become a street rat
is enough."

                Qin Ming looked back at Mu Xiaoqiao and asked, "Wife, you want to forgive them no?"

                Uh ...... air suddenly became quiet again, the Xu family's safety and security all depend on Mu
Xiao Qiao a word.

                Mu Xiaoqiao advisory tone rhetorical question said: "husband, or forget it? In the future, first
uncle, second uncle, first aunt, second aunt, cousins, cousins, you have to give Qin Ming respect, and my
mother, and then dare to bully my mother, things are not so well handled."

                When Xu Shulan heard this, she also raised her head and chest happily, it was rare for her to
have such a long face in front of her mother's brother and sister-in-law, ah, thanks to her virtuous son-in-
law Qin Ming.
                "Yes, yes, yes." The first aunt and second aunt were busy nodding their heads and were
convinced in their hearts that this stupid woman, Xu Shulan, had found such a fierce son-in-law. Why
would such a fierce man be willing to be the Mu family's son-in-law? It's true that she is still greedy for
Mu Xiaoqiao's beauty, right?

                Qin Ming rubbed his hands and said, "Okay, the old man and his wife both opened their mouths
to plead for you. I will not care about your insults to me, after all, a relative is not?"

                Qin Ming called Song Ying again and said; "Xiao Ying, it's me. The acquisition of the Xu family
group is abandoned for now."

                Song Ying did not go back to ask Qin Ming why, directly responded, "I know young master."

                Song Ying's side ordered to stop, the calls to the Xu family people obviously decreased, then one
after another some business partners called back, saying that the phone was poisoned, just now I do not
know who impersonated their identity and said something that should not be said, business must continue
to do and so on.

                Even the official leaders also said that the phone was lost, just got back, what was said just now
is not my intention, how old friends for many years may cut off the seat of friendship clouds.

                Even the Xu family group transported to the countries of the cargo of the giant ship, again
smoothly into the port, reply is a misunderstanding, not blocked again.

                Several corporate executives have called to say that their cell phones were poisoned and that
they are loyal to the company and have absolutely no idea of leaving.

                It all sounded like a dream, as if it was really a large group of people who had collectively
poisoned or lost their phones.

                But the company's stock price dropped can not be false, Xu Wan'er handed over the popular
fallen star as a boyfriend can not be false, small shareholders equity was bought away can not be false, the
old Qin family and their Xu family has been cut off from the sea can not be false, Xu family group
shrinkage of tens of billions of dollars can not be false.
                This is the power of Qin Ming a phone call, the phone behind the power of how huge, these
people thoroughly felt.

                Qin Ming at this time in front of the crowd, as if the mountain is huge, too scary.

                The arrogant fop of Xu Xiang did not dare to underestimate Qin Ming anymore, shrinking his
neck and sitting at the side with restraint.

                This time the Xu family's loss is very huge, equal to the past and twenty years are in vain, Xu
family group volume to shrink two circles, the first uncle, second uncle hastily apologized, expressed
gratitude to the old man Mu open, then rushed back to the city of the sea to go.

                The Mu family here also restored peace, Xu Shulan that is one after another praise Qin Ming,
what a virtuous son-in-law, a promising young man, a dragon among men are said to open up.

                Qin Ming just shrugged off his work needs, working for a multinational company, responsible
for the acquisition work, is to say the excuse again to dismiss.

                The Mu family also has no place to check, just take it as true, and at the same time praise Qin
Ming skills, senior year found such a good internship, the future achievement is unlimited, capable and
virtuous son-in-law, the best son-in-law and so on.

                This makes Qin Ming very embarrassed, he came to Mu Hao today to talk about his departure
from the Mu family, this matter must be clear.

                Qin Ming saw that there was just the Mu family left, and gently pushed Mu Xiaoqiao's hand
away, making Mu Xiaoqiao slightly surprised, he said, "Ahem, actually I came today to say something
else, right, Boss Mu."

                Saying that, he looked at Mu Hao, the meaning was also very obvious, and his eyes exchanged,
"Boss Mu, it's better for you to say it yourself than for me to say it out loud, otherwise you'll lose face."

                Mu Hao looked very painful and made eye contact: "Xian son-in-law, there is no room for

                Qin Ming gave a fierce glare, "No! If you don't say it, I will."
                Xu Shulan, who didn't know the truth, asked cheerfully, "Little Qin, what's the matter here? Is it
because you know that Xiaoqiao has come back and rushed back specially? Oh, Xiaoqiu, look, you went to
the capital city to start a business, Xiao Qin does not see and does not come home every day, how bad is it,
how can there be a newlywed couple to you like this? Xiao Qin is so good, and our family is also the oldest
family in Guangzhou, you still need the money? The first thing you should do is to have a grandson for
your mother."

                Mu Xiaoqiao blushing pursed her lips, she has a lot of good feelings for Qin Ming, and more or
less have some ideas about that aspect, is Qin Ming almost pushed her down last time, clothes are almost
naked, Qin Ming froze hanging horse, go away.

                Mu Xiaoqiao actually understands that Qin Ming may still be thinking about Nie Haitang in his

                The company's main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the

                She initially avoided because Qin Ming insisted on divorce, these two months have passed, Nie
Haitang disappeared, Mu Hao did not say Qin Ming to divorce, think Qin Ming's thoughts have changed.

                Especially just now, Qin Ming so spoiled her, she also saw in the eyes, for her and up, work
hard, for her bullying anger Xu family, for her and come back to this home.

                She also does not mind so much is it, a little to let Qin Ming like her is not unsatisfactory.

                Mu Hao faced with Qin Ming's pressure, had to sit down, drank a mouthful of water, sitting
upright, sighed and said, "Actually, ah, I'm hiding one thing, that is ......"

                Before the words fell, Mu Hao suddenly fell head first to the ground, directly fainted.

                Qin Ming a look, hell, Mu Hao what are you doing? Don't say faint, faint ah, at least finish the
words and then faint ah.

                But the people started to rescue for a while, the family doctor also emergency delivery came, but
did not see Mu Hao wake up.
                But finally the family doctor had no choice but to rush to the hospital, not long after the hospital
ambulance arrived.

                The family was busy until late afternoon, when Mu Hao came out of the operating room.

                The doctor said that Mu Hao has high blood pressure, high fat, high uric acid, atrial fibrillation,
blood vessels have shadows and other old people's diseases, need to recuperate well, can not be stimulated
and so on.

                Finally, Xu Shulan stayed behind to take care of Mu Hao, and Qin Ming and others went back to
the Mu family compound first.

                Qin Ming back to the Mu family compound, he wondered, this matter should not he ask for

Chapter 407-408
 Chapter 407
Xu Shulan stood at the door of the hospital ward and said with anxiety and anger: "Your father is really,
his health is not very good, before flying abroad to talk about business, so now his body is exhausted. I
have said, the business to the son, son-in-law can also be. Eh, Xiao Qin, do you want to come to work for
our Mu Group? You work for others how to work again, owning a business, that is the boss ah."

                Qin Ming rolled his eyes, before Mu Hao really flew abroad? He also thought that while Mu Hao
was lying.

                Mu Xiaoqiao said, "Mom, Qin Ming has his own business, let him do what he wants to do, it's
not necessarily better than our group. Besides, he is only in his fourth year of college and is not free every

                Xu Shulan made a joke and said with a smile, "That's true. Xiaoqiao, Qin, you guys go back first,
I'm watching here."

                At seven o'clock in the evening, Qin Ming and Mu Xiaoqiao returned to the Mu family
compound, and when he looked at the high gate of the Mu family compound, he wondered in his heart and
couldn't move his legs.
                Should he ask for this matter himself?

                He didn't belong here, even though everyone here treated him like family, making him stay a
little bit attached again.

                His connection with the Mu family, although the origin of Zhang Quanzhen that "deceitful" old
way, but Qin Ming also quite like the Mu family, especially Mu Sichen that quirky little girl, every time
you look at it, you feel like seeing your own sister.

                So he repeatedly, again and again to maintain restraint did not rashly hair, Qin Ming just do not
want to with the Mu family stiff, haunted pop.

                Now Mu Hao is directly hospitalized because of health problems, which makes him very

                Suddenly a pair of hands stretched out behind Qin Ming, covering his eyes, and his back felt two
soft squeezes, then heard a delicate and mischievous voice: "Guess who I am?"

                Qin Ming said, "Mu Si Chun, your chest rubbed against me, I can feel it, your body is quite good

                Mu Sichen was shocked and immediately reached out to cover her chest and ran away saying,
"Ah! Sister, brother-in-law is so bad, take advantage of your sister me, you care or not, I want a million
spiritual damage fee."

                Mu Xiaoqiao instead scolded: "Loss your head, that is also you let him take advantage of. You
and a few girlfriends together at noon to screw Qin Ming, I have not said you yet."

                Mu Sichen smiled wickedly and added, "Sister, it's rare for you to come back, why don't we
sleep together tonight?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao immediately retorted, "Get lost."

                Mu Siqun pointed at her with a bad smile and giggled: "Hahaha, you're exposed, remember to
keep your voice down tonight. I'm not afraid, but I'm afraid you'll make grandparents sleep."
                "You damn girl, what are you talking about?" Mu Xiaoqiao was angry and annoyed, but she
couldn't take offense, this sister was really a tormentor.

                Mu Sichen said with a puff of anger, "Sister, I found that you have changed. After having a
brother-in-law, you don't want your sister anymore. Is it true that a small farewell is better than a new
marriage, and in the afternoon, brother-in-law served you very comfortably?"

                When Mu Xiaoqiao heard this dirty story, her cheeks immediately flew up and she reached out
to pinch Mu Sichen in shame, feigning anger and saying, "You dead girl, you're still getting ahead of
yourself, aren't you? Not clean mouth miles? Give me death over."

                Mu Sichen refused, while running while laughing and said: "Hahaha, sister you blushed, it seems
to be true? Brother-in-law is so powerful? Can you be tamed into submission?"

                The two sisters played around for a while before Mu Sichen asked curiously, "Why don't you see
your parents? You're not out to dinner with your uncle, are you? Sister, are you so rigid? You just don't go?
I'm not afraid of my aunt and uncle's nasty mouths, which will count for three or five hours? Really, I get
annoyed every time I see my uncle's family."

                Mu Xiaoqiao said: "Dad recently busy business, but also to pick me up at the airport and tired to
hospital, but fortunately no serious injury, the doctor said it is an old man's disease, more rest will be good.
Mom is watching the hospital, your brother-in-law and I just returned, brother went out of town to talk
business, tonight we."

                Qin Ming stood at the door, looking at the two Mu family sisters playful appearance, really do
not know whether to go in.

                He felt that once he had taken this step, the distance between him and Nie Haitang was getting
farther and farther apart.

                But he also didn't know if he should go in and insist.

                He found that when Mu Xiaoqiao stole a kiss from him in the afternoon, he was not in any
unhappy mood, that is, he did not hate Mu Xiaoqiao either.
                Indeed that kind of beautiful woman, also attaches great importance to him, and also buy him
new clothes, how can he hate it?

                Qin Ming picked up his phone and looked at Nie Haitang on the wallpaper, he was melancholy
in his heart, why did his road to love have to be so bumpy?

                Qin Ming gripped his phone, turned back, turned around, and left.

                Qin Ming thought to himself, "Haitang, I will definitely find you. Mu Xiaoqiao, you and I were
never meant to be, so I hope you won't blame me."

                However, just as Qin Ming turned around, he saw the two couples Mu Hai Ran returning from

                Mu Hai Ran narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, "Little Qin, it's time for dinner. Where else
are you going? Go in, I still have something to tell you later, about a benefactor who is also my teacher and
friend, Zhang Quanzhen, Zhang Zhen Zhen."

                Zhang Quanzhen, the old fortune teller who single-handedly made it possible for Qin Ming to
join the Mu family, at first Qin Ming really thought he was just an ordinary old man who told fortunes.

                The other party has real ability, and even the people Qin Ming sent to follow and monitor were
thrown off.

                But then Qin Ming, always felt that everything was just so coincidental, it happened that after he
joined the Mu family, it happened that Nie Haitang found out that her mother Zhang Yao had tricked her
into going on a blind date with a rich man.

                Qin Ming said hesitantly, "What am I looking for him for? Master, I'm not superstitious."

                Mu Hai Ran said with a smile, "Okay then, if you want to look for him, come back for dinner.
After eating, I'll tell you again."

                Mu Hai Ran smiled as she walked back inside, old Mrs. Mu fell down, she looked at Qin Ming
with deep meaning and said, "Xiao Qin ah, I am the past, listen to my words, down to earth, cherish the
immediate, as long as now live well, more important than anything else, let fate take its course."
                After saying that, old Mrs. Mu also followed into the house.

                Qin Ming listened to the words of the two elders, his feet were hesitant instead, he was irritated
and did not know what to choose.

                Qin Ming took two steps, stopped again, turned back and took three steps, stopped again, turned
back and took two more steps, thinking hard about what he should do next.

                At this time, Qin Ming, inside actually rose a trace of fantasy, that is, the idea of looking for
Zhang Quanzhen again.

                This is also the other side of Qin Ming's strengths revealed weaknesses, he is too much emphasis
on feelings, but also led him to sometimes have difficulty choosing.

                Suddenly, Mu Sichen came out and took Qin Ming's hand, saying, "Brother-in-law, what are you
doing standing at the door? The food is getting cold, come in quickly."

                Qin Ming was stiffly dragged into the house by Mu Sichen.

                As soon as Qin Ming entered, the maid immediately closed the door.

                Qin Ming scratched his head and saw that he was here, so let's eat a meal before leaving, or ask
Mu Hiran about Zhang Quanzhen.

Chapter 408
Qin Ming found that both father and son Mu Hailan were theater gurus, and were even better at acting than
he was.

                Because after eating, Mu Hailan was drunk directly because of the wine he drank at dinner, and
was helped by old Mrs. Mu to go back to her room to rest.

                Between Qin Ming's hesitation, he was completely left in the Mu family, the problems to be
solved were not solved, and he was constantly being deepened in his relationship with the Mu family.

                "This bad old man!" Qin Ming had a feeling that he was being calculated, had he been tricked?
                He had to find Mu Hai Ran to ask about Zhang Quanzhen, and this had to wait for tomorrow?

                Qin Ming was annoyed and said to himself, "How dare you, do you really think I am some kind
of decent man? I'll do your daughter tonight, and tomorrow I'll reveal the whole thing, see what you do?"

                Aunt Fang was cleaning up the dining table, Mu Si Chun wearing yellow super short pants,
white top in the house wandering around reciting lines, the long white legs, the chest, how to shake some
powerful? Is not wearing underwear?

                The problem is that this girl also deliberately wandered in front of Qin Ming, the round and
upright buttocks, Qin Ming looked angry, really want to kick up, she is afraid not waiting for Qin Ming to
make a mistake and make a fool of himself?

                Qin Ming this can not help but look at a few more eyes, eh, no, look again to nosebleed, and to
make a fool of himself.

                Suddenly, to not be what sharp objects to pinch, but it turns out that Mu Xiao Qiao with nails
pinch his thighs it.

                Mu Xiaoqiao some jealousy said: "Why keep staring at my sister? When I was away, you didn't
bully her, right?"

                Qin Ming said, "I'll be lucky if she doesn't find me in trouble, how else can I bully her?"

                Qin Ming looked at Mu Xiaoqiao sitting next to the sofa, her figure was slender, dignified and
virtuous, her temperament was high and cold, but when facing him, she showed the woman's charm and
enchanting, gentle like water.

                This kind of superb beauty, which man can resist ah?

                Especially when she leaned sideways toward Qin Ming, corset slightly open, the chest of the two
groups of meat obviously sinking posture and not too small outline, perfectly suited to her body
proportions, Qin Ming see that a snow-white skin undulating, can not move their eyes.
                Mu Xiaoqiao shyly pursed her lips, she found Qin Ming's eyes dishonest, but they are after all a
couple, she does not mind, and even secretly snickered, proving that she still has the charm to attract Qin

                The last time before they parted, Mu Xiaoqiao still remembers very clearly, Qin Ming and she
put things outside the union, what should be done, and kissing and touching, but because of a phone call,
Qin Ming went straight away, and said to come back to divorce, to end their ridiculous marriage.

                At that time, halfway to bed, Qin Ming left her behind, which was a great humiliation for Mu

                But she still chose to give Qin Ming a chance. Mu Xiao Qiao, a strong businesswoman on the
surface, is still old-fashioned in her bones and hopes to have a perfect marriage, not a divorced woman,
and she cannot accept a stain on her life.

                After she came back this time, Mu Xiao Qiao obviously felt that Qin Ming's attitude towards her
had changed, and she was secretly glad that she had used a delaying tactic at first.

                Qin Ming looked at Mu Xiaoqiao, really beautiful, close up to see her face, full of collagen,
white and clean, all without cosmetics, especially that pair of deep eyes, seems to be expecting some kind
of response from him.

                But Qin Ming did not.

                Mu Xiaoqiao asked angrily, "Dad said you work very hard and get ahead for me just to try to be
worthy of me. In fact, I know you are very capable, I married you not for how much money you have, the
shoe fits or not, try it on and you'll know."

                Qin Ming said naggingly, "Your father didn't say anything else to you besides this?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao's pretty face flushed and said, "He said you didn't mention the divorce at all, and
I'm glad. You figured it out, although grandpa is well now, and the rush seems to be working quite well.
But we should still live the rest of our lives how we want to live, right?"

                Qin Ming lamented in his heart, "It's impossible to live this life."
                At this time, Aunt Fang came over and said, "Aunt, the water is ready, you can take a bath."

                Qin Ming stood up as if he was fleeing and said, "Well, I'm going to take a bath first."

                Qin Ming left quickly, Mu Xiaoqiao was a little lost, why did she feel that Qin Ming didn't want
to stay with her more? What did she not do well?

                She accepted her destiny and her identity as "Qin Ming's wife", but why did Qin Ming seem to
give her the feeling that he was leaving her?

                Upstairs, Mu Hai Ran and Old Mrs. Mu looked at everything downstairs.

                Old Mrs. Mu said discontentedly, "You old man, you're still pretending to be drunk and
deceiving people at your age."

                Mu Hailan smiled lightly: "No way, without some small means, Xiao Qin will run away. This
young man is too good, too capable, to be someone else's son-in-law, I would not feel comfortable. This is
a big game of chess, we want to laugh to the end, can not lose Xiao Qin."

                Old Mrs. Mu sighed: "Little Qin, this person obviously can't let go of that girl from the Nie
family, Nie Haitang I have also come into contact with, very excellent girl, at first I still wanted her to be
our Mu Zhaoyang's daughter-in-law, but unfortunately she has a special vision."

                Mu Hai Ran smiled: "This can not be blamed on us, this is the sky is helping us, Nie Jianmin
greedy, for the company's diversified development, investment failure, but also an accident, he was lucky
to get out of the whole body. Nie Haitang lost the news, this is a great thing for our granddaughter."

                Old Mrs. Mu added: "Today, Xiao Qin made a phone call and nearly capsized the Xu family's
big ship, I was very surprised, I didn't expect him to have such a big backer behind him, he has a way of
knowing people."

                Mu Hai Ran proudly said: "Of course, my brother gave him a facial reading, there are nine to
five phase, in ancient times, the opportunity to the emperor's life, the main thing is that his birth date and
our Shinqiao combined ah. He will be able to soar in the future, we also have to support, once the power,
feedback back, our Mu family's influence and wealth will be further."
                Old Mrs. Mu was dissatisfied, "What great things you two brothers are going to do, don't say
anything, don't keep putting me off with things like the eight characters, I don't eat this stuff from you."

                Mu Hai Ran was not happy and argued, "I'm telling the truth, we have Chinese Daoism for
thousands of years, you say he doesn't make sense?"

                Old Mrs. Mu grunted and said, "Fine, fine, fine, your Daoist words are all reasonable, and
having your own son take medicine and pretend to be sick to prevent people from Qin Ming is also
reasonable? I am worried that my precious granddaughter, who is excellent in everything, and whom many
good men would like to marry, will have a good outcome with Qin Ming, who has a peachy face."

                Mu Hai Ran said: "You said you do not believe in facial features? How can you still say that
Qin's face is a peach blossom? Successful men, there will inevitably be a variety of excellent women
around, this is the law since ancient times, forcibly and explicitly denied can be curbed? Self-deception."

                When Old Lady Mu heard this, she became angry because Mu Hai Ran was also a philanderer
when he was young, and all of the ladies that surrounded Mu Hai Ran were later cleaned up by Old Lady

                As a woman, she naturally didn't like this kind of talk, but Mu Hai Ran was still very good to
her, so Old Lady Mu didn't want to provoke him, just shut up and didn't say anything.

                At this time, Qin Ming was taking a bath on the second floor, but did not know that Mu Hailan
the bad old man pretended to be drunk to fool him.

                But Qin Ming also figured out, he does not lose, right?

                Then he was in a hurry, he took advantage of it, after your daughter cry, do not blame him Qin
Ming is not generous.

                Qin Ming was taking a bath when he suddenly heard the door open.

                He thought it was Aunt Fang who came over with the washing and changing clothes, so he said,
"Aunt Fang, the clothes can be put on the side, please."

                But the visitor did not answer, a tall, delicate figure slowly approaching the bathtub.
                Qin Ming smelled a fresh fragrance and looked back strangely, but saw Mu Xiaoqiao.

                Qin Ming asked with amusement, "What are you doing? Washing together?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao bit her lips, her face was scarlet, red to the roots of her ears, and only after a long
time did she dare to say, "Together, together, who's afraid?"

Chapter 409-410
 Chapter 409
Qin Ming looked at Mu Xiao Qiao unexpectedly walked into the bathroom and said, "How do I need you
to deliver my clothes?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao bit her lips, her eyes glanced at the dark and firm muscles of Qin Ming's body,
only to feel her body hormones start to secrete, a little attracted, she said, "I'm your wife, it's normal to
bring clothes to you, right?"

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "Then are you going to do your wife's duty and give me a bath?"

                Once she heard that she was going to give Qin Ming a bath, was this a hint to her?

                Mu Xiaoqiao's face blushed to the roots of her ears, but she said boldly, "Okay, I will wash you.
Your son-in-law is so powerful today, he has given our parents face. It's your turn to be the master, I'll be
the concubine to serve you."

                Qin Ming did not resist, the rich girl gave him a bath, this can be a great thing.

                He was lying on the bathtub like a grandfather, Mu Xiaoqiao kneeling next to the bathtub, picked
up the soap and gave Qin Ming a bath, rubbing the sweaty mud, and she washed especially carefully.

                The last time Qin Ming let a beautiful woman give him a bath, or injured in Liao Qingxuan's
home that time, this feeling how to say?

                Let Qin Ming very enjoy.

                Qin Ming looked at Mu Xiao Qiao, jokingly said: "Wait for me to wash you? Let me do my
husband's duty."

                Mu Xiaoqiao shyly gritted her teeth and said, "No. Unless you promise me one thing. Unless you
promise me one thing."

                Qin Ming asked, "What is it? It's not too hard, I don't mind."

                Mu Xiaoqiao said, "Forget Nie Haitang."

                Qin Ming's smile immediately froze, Mu Xiao Qiao knows him very well ah.

                Qin Ming stood up from the water with a clatter, Mu Xiao Qiao was so frightened that she
hurriedly covered her eyes with her hands, her kneeling action, not exactly face to face between Qin
Ming's legs?

                Mu Xiaoqiao was ashamed and angry: "This guy must be deliberate, to make me embarrassed.
I'm so humble, what more do you want from me?"

                But Qin Ming took the towel, covered that gun of his, and walked straight out.

                Qin Ming walked away, the meaning was obvious, he couldn't forget Nie Haitang.

                Mu Xiaoqiao was left alone in the bathroom, her heart fell empty, she liked this man, more and
more humble, more and more careful to take care of this relationship, but this man still hides another
woman in his heart, she was very hard to bear.

                In the middle of the night, Mu Xiaoqiao returned to her room after taking a bath, but found that
Qin Ming was not there, and her heart tightened.

                She came to the study and saw that Qin Ming was asleep in the study.

                "I'm like this, what more do you want from me?" Mu Xiaoqiao muttered.
                Mu Xiaoqiao gritted her teeth in heartache, her fists clenched, a line of hot tears rushed down,
she suppressed her sobbing voice, her body trembled, for a while, before she angrily went back to her
room, and deliberately slammed the door hard, with a loud bang.

                Qin Ming heard the sound, in fact, he also did not sleep, some irritation in his heart.

                He would love to find Nie Haitang and ask her if she doesn't want him anymore, but he can't find

                The year old six has put a lot of effort, and within the group, Chang Hongxi gave orders, will not
cooperate with Qin Ming, Ao Mei has been helping Qin Ming to find, but Ao Mei is not God, a person's
ability is also limited.

                When Qin Ming was annoyed, his cell phone suddenly came with a weibo, the mysterious girl
called "Kou Xin Ling", actually Nie Haitang herself through other numbers, contrary to the original
agreement of Chang Hongxi, secretly contacted Qin Ming.

                Nie Haitang asked, "Hey, Qin, are you asleep?"

                Qin Ming replied, "No, why? Bothered?"

                In a university dormitory in Beijing, Nie Haitang looked at the computer on her lap, on which
was the school network forum of China Provincial Polytechnic University, with various posts of Qin Ming
and Chen Mulin having dinner together and chatting happily.

                The netizens were wailing, denouncing Qin Ming as a slag, a school flower reaper, wrecking the
three major school flowers of the Polytechnic University and so on, and there were people who wanted to
organize themselves to protect the school flower groups, taking special actions against Qin Ming for
wrecking the beauties of the various faculties of the Polytechnic University.

                "Flower-hearted carrot." Nie Haitang flattened her small mouth, this Chen Mulin she naturally
know, is also a beautiful woman, many suitors, did not expect the two can chat so happy.

                Nie Haitang immediately typed and sent a message, "What's bothering you? Girlfriend angry
with you?"
                Qin Ming replied: "She can be angry with me is fine, the problem she disappeared. You said the
girlfriend suddenly left, not leaving a message, is not cheating?"

                Nie Haitang angrily squeezed her small fist and waved it around on the bed in the dormitory,
cursing, "Qin Ming you bastard, I'm not."

                She immediately replied, "What? Your girlfriend is missing? That must be a bitterness, right?
Once a girl likes someone, she won't give up easily."

                "You have to believe her, think about your previous."

                Qin Ming looked at this stranger's message and wondered, "What the hell are you talking about?
You don't know anything about me."

                Nie Haitang replied, "I'm giving you an analysis from a girl's point of view."

                Qin Ming replied, "Then you say, do I have not been able to find her, I have been playing
bachelor? Recently I found that I am quite popular it, or sought-after, I was advised to cherish the present
and let go of the past."

                "Oooh ......" Nie Haitang sat on the bed, bending her knees, very aggrieved, she muttered to
herself, "Of course I know how good you are, how many girls like you. But why can't you wait for me a
little longer. Mr. Chang promised me, just this period of time apart just, all for your safety."

                Nie Haitang remembered that day when Qin Ming was unconscious after a surprise attack by
Chang Huan.

                Qin Ming's righteous father, Chang Hongxi, and a very imposing old man found her and asked
her to leave Qin Ming for a while.

                After what happened that night, she knew Qin Ming's after all and his identity. He, who was
usually so poor, had such an uncomplicated identity behind him, he was the heir of a big business.

                And Qin Ming's position, it seems that there are still many people covet.

                Chang Hongxi means that Nie Haitang's appearance has become Qin Ming's weakness.
                The last time Nie Haitang was kidnapped, it was Chang Huan who intended to blackmail Qin
Ming with her, and Chang Huan personally came to snipe Qin Ming because of Nie Haitang.

                The first time she was kidnapped, it was Chang Huan's intention to blackmail Qin Ming.

                Chang Hongxi said that Qin Ming still needs six months to consolidate his position, and he has
to face all kinds of things in these six months, so he cannot compromise Qin Ming's safety because of Nie

                That night's raid was also thrilling, and Nie Haitang was convinced by Chang Hongxi's words
that she had to leave Qin Ming for his safety for six months.

                It so happened that the Nie family met with an economic crisis again, and a large and powerful
family went bankrupt because of compensation payments.

                Nie Haitang thought about it, the phone replied: "There is a fate to meet a thousand miles, no
fate to meet on the other side. As long as you believe in each other, you will be able to meet again. Do you
watch the anime "Conan"? The male and female protagonists in it, not just a stone's throw away? Shinichi
obviously like each other, like the person is around but can not say. Ran has been waiting for Shinichi, but
does not know that Shinichi is beside himself."

                Nie Haitang repeatedly recited this sentence, she hoped to give enough hints to Qin Ming.

                Qin Ming narrowed his eyes and replied, "What anime 'Conan'? I don't watch anime, I don't
know what you're talking about."

                "...... ah ah ah ah, Qin Ming you don't even know Conan, are you still a normal person."

                Nie Haitang, who was far away from a university in Beijing, let out a pheasant-like miserable
cry, tangled and clutching a head of long black hair, rolling on the bed.

                Nie Haitang pressed the voice and asked, "So you will like other women?"

Chapter 410
"Then will you forget about your girlfriend who disappeared and go and like other women?"
                Nie Haitang's heart was apprehensive, she also left for Qin Ming's safety at first ah.

                Now Qin Ming has fallen in love with someone else instead?

                But who would she go to to reason with? Qin Ming's righteous father? Where is he? Nie Haitang
had nowhere to turn to for reason.

                The attack that night had cast a certain psychological shadow on Nie Haitang, and Qin Ming
almost died. She would rather be in pain than have Qin Ming hurt again, so she agreed to Chang Hongxi's

                But there is no way for Nie Haitang to completely let go of Qin Ming.

                Otherwise, how could she go against Chang Hongxi's request and secretly use a new number to
contact Qin Ming, nor would she refresh Polytechnic University's school network every day to observe the
movements of this school network forum celebrity.

                Qin Ming did not answer Nie Haitang's question, because he did not know that the person who
asked him was Nie Haitang, and he did not want to respond to the real thoughts of his heart with a female
Internet friend whom he did not know very well.

                Nie Haitang held her chin, waiting for Qin Ming's reply.

                The girl in the upper bunk of the dorm said, "Nie big beauty, holding the computer all night
long? Which male god are you talking to? Today you received eight bunches of roses again, is it difficult
to choose?"

                Nie Haitang said bitterly, "Don't laugh at me, I told you, next time don't collect flowers for me, I
won't fall for anyone else."

                A girl with a mask on the next bed said, "Oh, Haitang, you have someone you like? Who is so
lucky? You don't introduce us either."

                Nie Haitang shook her head and said, "But he seems to be in love with someone else."
                "Holy shit, no? You're the new flower of our Tsinghua University, who is he? So much face?
And still dislike you?"

                "Must be a gold-digging man, Haitang family environment is ordinary, so the other side to climb
the rich woman, now many men are not useful, always think of climbing rich women."

                "That man's estimated brain problem, our Haitang so gentle, so beautiful, how can there be men
do not like?"

                The three sisters in the dormitory are saying something for Nie Haitang, but Nie Haitang doesn't
blame them because they don't know the actual situation.

                Qin Ming did not respond to the words of the "female netizen", he got up and opened the
computer, searched for an anime called "Conan" and planned to study it.

                The next morning, Qin Ming woke up and found it was noon, he watched dozens of episodes of
anime overnight last night, feeling more and more interesting, unknowingly fell asleep on the table.

                Qin Ming washed up and went downstairs and found that the Mu family compound didn't even
have a few masters around, it was all cleaned by some maids.

                "Aunt Fang?" Qin Ming called out.

                Aunt Fang immediately came out from the kitchen and said, "Eh, aunt master is awake, does
aunt master want something to eat?"

                Qin Ming asked, "Where is Missy? Has she returned to the capital city?"

                Aunt Fang said, "Missy hasn't returned to the capital yet, she seems to have business in
Guangcheng and has to stay for a while. Young master is awake, do you want to have lunch before

                Qin Ming said, "No, I'm going back to school. Eh, by the way, where is the old man?"

                Aunt Fang said, "The grand master went to meet an old friend, and said, Zhang Zhen Zhen will
come to Guang City in the near future, so you don't need to rush, you will meet again."
                Qin Ming nodded, feeling that it was meaningless for him to stay, Qin Ming changed back into
his own set of cheap clothes and went straight back to school.

                There are still classes this afternoon.

                Qin Ming feels that recently there are many things, he has not serious classes for a long time.

                The classroom, because the senior year, many students have gone to the internship, old He's
higher mathematics class is not half the attendance rate.

                Qin Ming sat down with the three brothers in the dormitory and asked, "Young Yong, is Sister
Zhao okay?"

                Liang Shaoyong said, "Yes, I'll be discharged in two days. Xiao Ming, how come you didn't talk
to Chen Mulin? You are also a pair with Mu Si Chun from the Opera Academy next door?"

                Qin Ming said, "What happened yesterday? I didn't make a deal with Chen Mulin. I do know Mu
Sichen, but she's just an acquaintance, she's just here to cause me trouble.

                Zhao Li Niu said, "Xiao Ming, the school online people want to crusade against you, are treating
you as a model of scum, said to form a flower protection alliance, to protect our school beauty from being
destroyed by you."

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "So middle-aged? Nowadays, students are so immature in their
thinking? But it's okay, I don't want to chase Chen Mulin, they want to protect as they go."

                Sun Zhipeng surprised: "Xiao Ming you do not chase? I see Chen Mulin seems to have a good
feeling for you, people are also very good beauty ah, how do not like?"

                Qin Ming said, "Peng, there are so many reasons why ah? If it's not suitable, it's not suitable.
Yesterday Mu Si Chun brought someone to mess with me, she saw it and left, she never trusted me. I guess
it's good to be a normal friend in the future."

                Zhao Li Niu sighed: "Alas, Xiao Ming, you do not even want a beautiful woman like Chen
Mulin. I'm still a bachelor, buddy."
                Sun Zhipeng also pretended to be pitiful: "No, Xiao Ming, don't you know Mu Si Chun? Let her
introduce some beauties from the opera school to us?"

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "It's okay. To have good girls, how can I let my brothers be

                In the afternoon after class, Zhao Liniu had to go to a part-time job, Sun Zhipeng had to
interview for an internship, and Liang Shaoyong had to visit his girlfriend in the hospital, so Qin Ming,
who was once the busiest, became the most idle one instead.

                He was about to leave when he saw Zhang Xiaoyan from the same class come over and gently
patted him.

                Zhang Xiaoyan's dress today is very cute, with her tender childish face, delicate and lovely,
seems to be more beautiful than before.

                Zhang Xiaoyan said: "Qin Ming, I heard you got into trouble again? The school network forum
is smearing you, saying that you slept with dozens of girls, and also knocked up their bellies, forcing them
to abort, and using Li Meng's previous lies as evidence."

                The corners of Qin Ming's mouth twitched, so exaggerated?

                He said, "The administrator does not delete the post? This is too fake, right?"

                Zhang Xiaoyan laughed: "I heard that the administrator used to be Nie Haitang's secret admirer,
and later was Chen Mulin's suitor."

                Qin Ming gave an awkward laugh and said, "It doesn't matter, I don't really colonel net forum
anyway. Let's go, let's eat."

                Zhang Xiaoyan did not refuse, the two had a good relationship, so they went to dinner together.

                But the two just downstairs, suddenly rushed up more than twenty people, both male and female,
they are wearing a uniform red band, arm chanting: "Polytechnic University Flower Protection Alliance,
reasonable protection of flowers, to protect our school beauty, from the poisonous hands of scum Qin
Ming. We are Polytechnic University, Flower Protection Alliance."

                "Qin Ming, you scum, you slept with dozens of women, nest grass also do not let go, but also on
the same class to do it?"

                "Don't think you know the city leaders, and bought the principal Liao not to be sanctioned by the
school, you think you are great. We do not eat you."

                "This beautiful sister, Qin Ming you still do not know? Even Nie Haitang dare to dump the man,
scum in the very best scum, the human form since the school flower harvesting machine, yesterday his ex-
girlfriend found him cheating, but also said to sleep with dumped, abortion no one to accompany, you must
be careful."

                "Sister, you have to stay away from him, don't be wrecked by him, don't worry, we are there."

                Qin Ming speechless, see these people are sophomores, juniors, it is idle time, surprisingly so
boring, spontaneously formed what the flower protection alliance, specifically against him to come.

                Zhang Xiaoyan was not happy: "What are you doing? I've known Qin Ming for four years, what
kind of person is he, don't I know it well? You guys shouldn't take the black posts on the internet as real,
Qin Ming is very nice."

                Those twenty or so alumni, hearing Zhang Xiaoyan's words, held their heads in horror: "It's over,
there is a schoolmate here who is seriously brainwashed by the scum Qin Ming."

                "No, isolate them, we must not let any more girls from our school get hurt."

                "Qin Ming, don't you ever think about getting half a step closer to that girl again."

                Qin Ming and Zhang Xiaoyan were forcibly separated by this group of schoolmates, and the two
of them stared at each other with big eyes. We can't do anything, right?

Chapter 411-412
 Chapter 411
Zhang Xiaoyan was forcibly protected by several girls, those so-called flower protection alliance was very
domineering, one insulted Qin Ming, despite only having met Qin Ming for the first time, in favor of a
look of world hatred, and did not know what stimulation?

                "Qin Ming, if you want to be a person, stop wreaking havoc on the girls of our Polytechnic

                "The evidence is overwhelming, there are still videos online."

                "A cheater who plays with feelings, we will not let this go."

                "Polytechnic University flower protection alliance, rushing rushing."

                Zhang Xiaoyan feels that these schoolmates are really too childish, and their emotions are so
radical, they simply can't understand, like some brain-damaged fans on the Internet.

                Some of her fans will also be particularly unjustified attacks on the general netizens, a look of
pampering her, in fact, to Zhang Xiaoyan added a great deal of trouble and invited the black.

                Qin Ming is actually not in a good mood these days, originally asked Zhang Xiaoyan to have
dinner together, and also intended to confide in her about the heart, but met with these people pestering, he
mud people still have three points of fire.

                He said: "Enough, students, you do not go too far, I want to get angry."

                Zhang Xiaoyan also scolded: "Yes, what nonsense ah? Be careful I report to the teacher, nothing,
being incited twice and thinking you know the world, being used as a gun and still don't know it."

                Zhang Xiaoyan pushed away the girls and pulled Qin Ming's hand to quickly walk away.

                "Ah! Sister Xiaoyan." A junior male clenched his fist in anger: "Damn, what's so good about that
Qin Ming? Sister Xiaoyan is such an outstanding female anchor, I'm her fan, but I don't even have the
courage to go near her."

                "Sister must have been compelled by Qin Ming's language, I heard that this Qin Ming has great
brainwashing skills."
                "How about we inform Sister Xiaoyan's family? Say that senior sister Xiaoyan is in danger and
is being haunted by a scum."

                "No, we need to grow our flower protection alliance, let more people know about our existence,
and also let more first-year schoolgirls know the true face of Qin Ming's hut, otherwise Qin Ming has
finished cheating the most beautiful sophomore, junior and senior, and then go to cheat the first-year
schoolgirls what to do?"

                "Yes, it is everyone's responsibility to protect the schoolgirls."

                "No, let's listen to what the group leader says first."

                Some people proposed to listen to the group leader first, one by one took out their cell phones,
asking whether to make things bigger, anyway, they are idle, really not used to seeing Qin Ming a poor?
Pan Jun?  The cavity good deception clams curry ao

                At this time, in the conference room of a volunteer club at the university, Li Meng's cell phone
made a message ring.

                She picked up her hand phone, logged on to the WeChat group, and saw that a group of students
in the group were leaving messages asking her if the group wanted to make things bigger.

                The corner of Li Meng's mouth raised a frenzied smile, slender fingers flying typing: "Of course,
this is very meaningful activity. You have seen the content on the school website, are you willing to watch
so many girls being poisoned by Qin Ming? Brothers and sisters, we need to grow up and form an anti-Qin
Ming alliance to save those girls who were deceived and compelled by him, and your merits will become
the story that our Polytechnic University will tell."

                Li Meng finished typing, calmly tapping his fingers on the desktop, holding his chin, searching
for something.

                It's only been a few days, and Li Meng has already joined the school's volunteer club. The
different environment has also created a change in Li Meng.
                Her temperament has changed dramatically, childishness and innocence have faded from her
face, replaced by introspection and maturity.

                In addition to Li Meng's eighty percent appearance, her curvaceous figure, in this volunteer club,
properly stand out.

                But the influence of the volunteer community is not strong enough, but let Li Meng to the other

                She no longer easily expresses her dislike for the poor and rich, much less reveals her inner self
in a straightforward manner, where she has learned to put a mask on herself and hide her true self.

                Li Ming knocked on the table and muttered to himself, "Hum hum hum, Qin Ming ah Qin Ming,
you can't escape my palm. I found out, you people must be hiding some secrets, only I have not found out
all along because of stupidity, you are actually quite capable, every time you encounter trouble can solve,
make a circle of friends, more and more senior, there is no secret behind this, who believes it?"

                "Finally became the Mu family son-in-law, but I know very well that you are a person of great
affection, the Mu family that superstition to make up the eight characters of the marriage, can not bind you,
after all, is the only man I have slept with, I can not understand you?"

                "You are originally my man, before I foolishly abandoned you. I'll snatch you back later. This
time I will not easily expose my ugly state, now I am a volunteer a flower, I have shed my bones."

                Li Meng muttered here, her face grim and somewhat distorted, as if she was angry at Qin Ming
for keeping too low a profile.

                "Li Meng ......" Suddenly, a school janitor aunt next to her came over with a copy of the
information and said, "This is the list of orphans and widows to help next time, you plan the activity plan
and content. "

                Li Meng immediately put away the emotions on her face, revealing a heart-warming smile, head
tilted, and said in the sweetest voice: "Well, it's okay Sister Liu, leave it to me."
                Sister Liu, the janitor, laughed: "Aiya, our Li Meng is really caring, nowadays college students
as young as you don't like to do this, and no money, and tired, and sometimes not understood, and no one

                Li Meng smiled and said, "Sister Liu, I also want to do something good for the community, not
for money, not for fame, just to satisfy myself."

                Sister Liu, the janitor, gave a thumbs up and said, "Our Li Meng can be a real person with a
beautiful heart."

                After Sister Liu left, Li Meng's smile tightened, picked up her phone, looked at the information
in the group, and saw that the schoolchildren in the group had spontaneously organized to pull in more
people, to make things bigger and bigger.

                She looked at the photos sent by the people in the group and saw that Qin Ming was mixed up
with Zhang Xiaoyan, and immediately frowned.

                Li Meng cursed viciously: "Zhang Xiaoyan you green tea! Obviously like Qin Ming, but also
pretend not to like the look, hum, you are so wave, why not go to sell? The first thing you need to do is to
get a new one. The live broadcast room so many rewards, do not sell the batch of ghost believe you have
so much money?"

                Li Meng thought about it, and called Qin Ming.

                Qin Ming is eating with Zhang Xiaoyan in the dining hall, saw Li Meng's call, hesitated or
picked up, said: "something?"

                Li Meng had an anxious tone: "Qin Ming, no, it's not good, I just looked at the school network
forum, it seems that many people say to target you, saying that you have a fling or something. I, although
we have some conflicts before, but I also know that you are actually not that kind of person, but those
people talk nonsense like this."

                Qin Ming's heart moved, this is Li Meng is concerned about him?

                This can be really rare, the previous two in love that will, Li Meng was less concerned about
him, this breakup so long, suddenly by Li Meng care, so uncomfortable.
                Qin Ming said: "I know, a handful of people are just here to make trouble. Thanks for your
concern, I will be fine."

                Li Meng still worried said: "No, no, Qin Ming ah, I have a proposal, I want to help you, how
about we get back together?"

Chapter 412
Qin Ming spurted out a mouthful of soup, what the hell? Li Meng again begging for a compound?

                Qin Ming's first reaction was, could it be that she was lonely?

                However, he vaguely always felt there was something wrong and asked, "Li Meng what do you
want to do again?"

                On the other end of the phone, Li Meng said aggressively, "You helped me so much, I also want
to help you, to repay you ah. I understand why you asked me to volunteer, it turns out that helping people
really reaps happiness and satisfaction, I simply want to help you. What could I want to do?"

                "I mean, we are pretending to get back together, and then publicize our identity in a high profile,
then these so-called flower protection alliance will naturally disperse, and you won't have so much trouble

                "You left the Mu family did not ah? Not yet, otherwise how Mu Sichen came back to bother
you? Yesterday those women should also be Mu Sichen's friends, right?"

                "Qin Ming, don't you love Nie Haitang anymore? The Mu family is obviously a pit, they use
you, what eight characters, what fortune telling, all are deceitful things, that old Taoist even calculated that
I have the life of a rich wife of a rich family, and what happened? I'm still not an ordinary person?"

                As soon as the matter of the rich wife of the rich family was mentioned, Li Meng hammered her
thighs twice again in anger, she regretted it.

                Why was she so stupid at that time? So idiotic? So incapable of being a human being? On the
wrong side? A woman with simple nerves, she almost became the daughter-in-law of a rich family.
                However, it does not matter, she analyzed all the past of Qin Ming, she concluded that Qin Ming
must be hiding a shocking secret, she must dig out the secret of Qin Ming.

                The corner of Li Meng's mouth raised a smug smile, then took a deep breath, changed emotions,
and continued: "Mu Xiaoqiao not to say that it is just a passing guest in your life, Qin Ming, I also look
away, I bless you, bless you and Nie Haitang, I believe you will be able to overcome all difficulties

                "But now that you're in this mess, aren't you making Nie Haitang misunderstand? What will she
think of you if she finds out?"

                What the hell? Li Meng would give her blessing to him and Nie Haitang?

                After only a few days of volunteering, Qin Ming felt that Li Meng had indeed changed a lot.

                Is she letting go of the past and willing to be a new person?

                Qin Ming did think it was good, Li Meng was after all his first love, and they had been happy
before, he did not want to be left with disgust when he recalled Li Meng in the future.

                He said: "Li Meng, I appreciate your good intentions. But these things do not affect me, I can
solve it myself. If it's okay, you go ahead and get busy."

                Qin Ming hung up the phone and Zhang Xiaoyan, who had actually been listening, immediately
gossiped, "What's wrong? What does Li Meng want from you?"

                "Begging to get back together." Qin Ming said.

                Poof, Zhang Xiaoyan a mouthful of rice spewed out, angry: "She really do not want to face this
person, I heard that she owed a lot of gambling debts over the summer, or you help pay? This again
remembered your good? At the beginning of the mockery of you that energy, really angry."

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "Said to help me deal with these flower protection alliance, I see that
she is also kind, but also do not need."
                Zhang Xiaoyan's heart moved, immediately said: "Yes, to find someone to be a fake couple,
which is her turn? I can also be enough."

                Qin Ming immediately said: "How can that be, you are a famous anchorwoman, reputation is
very important to you, you are afraid not to lose powder?"

                Zhang Xiaoyan said, "I don't care. I have already earned my first bucket of money through the
live broadcast, especially the "not forensic Qin Ming" tycoon rewarded a lot of money, although he did not
follow me recently, but I believe he must be silently watching over me."

                When Zhang Xiaoyan said this, she looked at Qin Ming intentionally or unintentionally.

                She had long peeked at Qin Ming's cell phone and knew that her number one fan, was Qin Ming,
but Qin Ming still refused to admit it.

                Qin Ming felt that Zhang Xiaoyan had something in her words, but he couldn't find any

                Qin Ming said: "How big can this be, no need to affect your live career. In a few days they will
naturally stop when they see me walking alone, alone alone."

                Zhang Xiaoyan's cute little mouth flattened, said: "You line a single shadow? This seems to be a
bit difficult. Hey, by the way, there is no class tomorrow morning, I have a live outdoor broadcast, you
give me as an assistant how?"

                Qin Ming did not think much about it and agreed, also counted as a proper relaxation activity,
anyway, he does not appear on camera.

                Zhang Xiaoyan raised her fist in delight and said, "Okay, it's a deal. Haha."

                After eating, Qin Ming came to the library to read a book, as the heir of Huan Yu Century
Group, Qin Ming felt that there was still a big gap in his level, so he had to continue learning.

                Coincidentally, Chen Mulin also happened to come to the library to study, and seeing Qin Ming
who was buried in a book, she inexplicably remembered talking with Qin Ming yesterday and had a very
pleasant conversation.
                Those boys who are pursuing her, each one is not bragging about how much money they have,
what class of car they have, to her disgust, Qin Ming is the only one who can talk to her about studying.

                "It's just that he's a scum who fiddles with flowers." Chen Mulin secretly shook his head and
said, "You are still here leisurely reading a book ah. Pour Qin alliance are coming out, you also do not
want to find a way to deal with, tsk, should I remind him?"

                Chen Mulin hugged her books and suddenly turned her head in an arrogant way, humming, "No,
I don't want to, I must be firm this time and not make mistakes again."

                However, Qin Ming studied until after 10 p.m. Chen Mulin still threw a paper ball at Qin Ming
when he left, reassuring himself, "I don't care about him, he saved me I guess after all. In the spirit of
humanitarianism, remind her to ask for it."

                Qin Ming was reading a book, suddenly someone threw a note over, open it, the handwriting is
neat and good-looking block letters, these days there are few people with good handwriting.

                Qin Ming looked back, did not see anything unusual, muttered: "Like a girl's words, what the
hell is said? The Qin Alliance was established, you be careful these days."

                Qin Ming the whole "black question mark" expression, said: "the inverted Qin Alliance? What is
the relationship with the Flower Protection Alliance? Yuan Longping let these people eat too much? All
day long, eat up, make trouble everywhere."

                Qin Ming didn't care, he had Ah Long beside him at all times for close protection, what was he
afraid of?

                But by the next day, Qin Ming regretted, he really underestimated the state of affairs this time.

                The next day, Qin Ming did a little dressing up, after all, to be on TV, can not give Zhang
Xiaoyan lost face.

                He wore the only designer suit he had and came to the school entrance.
                And Zhang Xiaoyan in the dormitory also carefully dressed up, wearing a set of bewitched
network geeks secondary loli outfit, she is actually a little excited, although said to let Qin Ming help her
to do live assistant, but she has a small plan, that is, after the live broadcast, directly about Qin Ming
together shopping dinner and a movie.

                Zhang Xiaoyan looked in the mirror, with the same burst of breast figure and face, and small
size, this dress is simply a geek killer.

                The girls in the same dorm laughed and said, "Yo yo yo yo, our Xiaoyan is too beautiful today,

                Another girl said, "Outdoor ah, this day so, not easy ah."

                Zhang Xiaoyan smiled: "I can't help it, now the outdoor fire ah, must rub the heat, the sun does
not matter. Let's go."

                "Bye." Both women waved their hands in a friendly manner, and then looked back at Li Meng,
who had been looking at her cell phone, on the upper bunk diagonally opposite Zhang Xiaoyan.

                The girl said, "Li Meng, you really don't want to make up with Xiaoyan? You used to have a
pretty good relationship, ah. How did you fall out for a Qin Ming?"

                Li Meng smiled naturally: "Who said our relationship is not good? I'm just busy, you guys think
too much. Qin Ming is already my past tense, I admit that I was not mature enough, but I will not be
jealous because Qin Ming and her together."

                A girl was surprised, "What? Qin Ming has gotten Xiao Yan? My goodness, how did Qin Ming
this, this catch up with Xiaoyan?"

                Li Meng laughed and held up her phone, "I don't know when. You see, now the school network
forum is talking about it, and there are photos of them holding hands."

                "Let's see ......" two girls immediately open the computer to pay attention to the content of the
school network forum.
                Li Meng don't face, the smile immediately disappeared, then turned into a jealous grimace, her
hand squeezed the phone hard, then immediately typed in the group, said: "Schoolmates, success or failure
today, can't let Zhang Xiaoyan be scourged by Qin Ming ah, take out your manhood, protect the innocent
girls of Polytechnic University."

                "Good! The group master gave the word, Anti-Qin Alliance Team 1, let's go."

                "Anti-Qin Alliance Team 2, let's go."





                "Anti-Qin Alliance Team 18, go."

Chapter 413-414
 Chapter 413
Li Meng quietly followed out of the dormitory and followed behind Li Meng.

                Along the way she vaguely saw members of the Anti-Qin Alliance, who had spontaneously
organized many people in the school, in groups of three or five, and set out today to find trouble with Qin

                "Hm hm hm, once your reputation is ruined, no woman will dare to come near you anymore. I
will appear as a perfect woman to comfort you and give you tenderness, hahaha ...... the man I want, I will
definitely snatch it." Li Meng laughed inwardly in triumph, she propped her forehead with her hand, her
hair slipped down, calling her smug expression invisible.

                Li Meng looked at Zhang Xiaoyan's back and sneered, "Zhang Xiaoyan, you don't just have big
breasts, what are you competing with me for? Do I look worse than you? Ugh."
                Qin Ming was completely unaware of this and did not care, standing at the entrance of the school
and waiting for Zhang Xiaoyan.

                He saw Zhang Xiaoyan, a black loli dress, a curly hair, carrying a small satchel, living out of the
animation characters.

                Qin Ming asked, "Where to go live today?"

                Zhang Xiaoyan said: "To where to count, or you have any place you want to go can also be. In
fact, I do not know much about outdoor live, it is all fan requests, I just cooperate, go to some fun places,
sing a song and dance."

                Qin Ming said: "You're not being set up? To be ambushed by the fans what to do?"

                Zhang Xiaoyan spit out her tongue and said playfully, "I still have you around, don't I?"

                Qin Ming laughed: "That's fine, let's go."

                Qin Ming was about to go, the roadside suddenly rushed out a dozen men and women, some
wearing masks, uniformly wearing red bands, chanting slogans: "Down with the scum Qin Ming, guarding
our school girls."


                Qin Ming was stunned, how suddenly popped up so many people to hit him?

                Zhang Xiaoyan was also very surprised, she said, "You guys don't go too far, stop it in

                "Sister, are you being blackmailed and have a handle in the hands of this scum Qin Ming? Don't
worry, speak up, we will protect you."

                "Sister, you grow up. This man is really scum, school girl reaper, he is just playing with you."

                "Qin Ming, let go of Sister Zhang."

                "Sister Xiaoyan, he figure you money, you are a beautiful anchor girl of seafood station, he just
see your money only."

                "This Qin Ming is the star of the sweeper, right? The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the

                "This poor? The Pancan paralyze the strong section? The lower that? The sooty swan blows Mu
Saek to bow shift skimming? The other thing is that you can't get a good idea of what you're doing. The
ship locates the remaining? What are you doing? The centipede step!

                "I heard that when he dumped Nie Haitang, Nie Haitang's stomach was two months old, really

                "His ex-girlfriend Li Meng is not worse, is also forced to abort."

                "Yesterday I looked at the girls next door to the Academy of opera more miserable ah, the night
before the room slept, the next day to break up."

                outrageous, simply too outrageous, Qin Ming had to admire the network forum, some
falsehoods, they can say a board.

                Qin Ming's face, said: "What? Do you want to control my personal freedom?"

                Zhang Xiaoyan also said, "What kind of people have you been compelled by? Qin Ming did not
do those things, you do not ......"

                Qin Ming frowned and realized that things were not right, this is a huge sound ah.

                He pulled Zhang Xiaoyan to go first, wait for chaos, but it would be bad to let Zhang Xiaoyan
get hurt.

                But on the other side of the intersection, another group of people poured out, about 15 or 16
people, also with red belts, stopping the two of them, shouting the title of beat the scum Qin Ming.

                 The rest is I strike, or leave it to you, young master, to show your hand in front of the girls?"
                Qin Ming's face is black, you can take care of it all earlier, and leave him to show his hand in
front of the girls?

                He showed a fart ah, he is not picking up Zhang Xiaoyan.

                Qin Ming said: "You let Xiaoying fly a helicopter over."

                Qin Ming felt that these people were too much, counting the ones that Ah Long took care of,
there were more than fifty people, which is not a small group in the school.

                Zhang Xiaoyan worriedly pulled Qin Ming's arm and said, "Qin Ming, what's going on here?
What should we do? How about not doing today's outdoor broadcast first?"

                Qin Ming said, "How can we do that? If we don't do the outdoor broadcast, won't it be just what
they want? If I say so, this group of people who are against the Qin Alliance are just a rabble, not useful at
all, I can just move my hand and send them away."

                "Pretentious!" The people of the Anti-Qin Alliance were very unhappy to hear this.

                "He just wants to act like a pussy in front of the girls. What are you capable of, a soft-boiled

                "Zhang Xiaoyan is a female anchor with a name on the seafood station, more than 100,000 a
month, you are not eating soft rice from others?"

                Zhang Xiaoyan was anxious and distinguished, "Qin Ming did not! Qin Ming himself is very

                However, the voice of these students was louder, completely overshadowing Zhang Xiaoyan's
voice: "Down with the scum Qin Ming!"

                Li Meng looked far away from Qin Ming and Zhang Xiaoyan, who could not retreat, and said
smugly, "In the school, the only girl left who has a good relationship with Qin Ming is Zhang Xiaoyan. I
have compelled a few fools to take advantage of the chaos to make a move on Zhang Xiaoyan's face later,
and if things go well, after today, Zhang Xiaoyan will no longer hang out with Qin Ming."
                "On the Mu family's side, I'll keep using Nie Haitang to stabilize Qin Ming, so that Qin Ming
won't stay with Mu Xiaoqiao."

                "In the end, Qin Ming who became a loner, ambulance embraced my tenderness, huh hahaha."

                Li Meng's evil sneer, ruffling the long hair at the temples of his ears waiting for things to
develop in an uncontrollable direction.

                Qin Ming looked at these so-called "Anti-Qin Alliance" people and said, "Students, you are the
rhythm of following us wherever we go, huh?"

                "Yes, it's not right to hit people, and we won't hit you, but we will protest in our own way, and it
will disgust you to death?"

                "Unless you leave our Polytechnic University girls, we will not give up."

                "Sister, add a WeChat ...... cough, yes, Qin Ming you scum, obviously so many chicks, still not
satisfied. Envy to death ...... cough cough, people and gods are outraged."

                "Qin Ming you want to still be a person, go back to jerking off. Xiaoyan belongs to all of us Yan

                Zhang Xiaoyan gritted her teeth and pointed at the so-called fan and said, "Classmate, please get
off the powder. I don't need a fan like you."

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "Then become it, we are going to do outdoor live, you guys follow,
if you can follow, feel free to come."

                "Hahaha." The schoolchildren were all arrogantly laughing

                "What's so hard about this? We even have a car ready, can you escape? Can you still fly?"

                "Come on!"

                Then several wrecked vans immediately drove to the school entrance roadside.
                Qin Ming raised his hand, pointed overhead, and said, "The machine comes."

                Suddenly ......

                The students of the Inverted Qin Alliance were laughing, when they suddenly heard a
helicopter's "burst" sound overhead, the wind blew their hair messy, and their smiles gradually stiffened.

                The helicopter arranged by Song Ying had parked directly in front of the school!

                This is a violation, right?

                After the wind stilled, a red carpet was spread out, directly to Qin Ming's feet.

                One by one, the students of the Qin Alliance were dumbfounded, what had happened? This
helicopter is Qin Ming's?

                Qin Ming very gentlemanly took Zhang Xiaoyan's hand and walked towards the plane, not
forgetting to turn back and say, "By the way, we are going to the Bund to do a live broadcast, if you can
follow, come along."

                Qin Ming got on the helicopter and disappeared in front of the crowd in the blink of an eye.

                "......" long after the helicopter left, the scene is still quiet, this change is too sudden, who all
thought Qin Ming would set off in a car, who would have thought that he took a helicopter?

                Half of the male students of the Qin Alliance, cried, they were sour, jealous.

                Qin Ming is simply "trenchless" ah.

                Nima, people fly helicopters to pick up girls, can not pick up? They do not do a few years single
dog for no reason.

                Suddenly, a teary-eyed boy came forward and said: "We can't give up, we'll go to the Bund and
watch, keep an eye on it, our flower protection alliance will not be easily defeated. I don't believe he still
has a yacht out to sea!"
                "Good!" The students regained their confidence and one by one they got into the crowded and
dilapidated van and set off towards the Bund.

Chapter 414
Hoo hoo hoo ......

                A silver and black helicopter flew across the sky over the city of Guangzhou, overlooking the
entire city.

                Qin Ming was calm and relaxed, he had money, he had to enjoy it, and just now he wanted to
laugh when he saw the dumbfounded and disbelieving expressions of those people from the so-called Anti-
Qin Alliance.

                How can they still keep up? Did he really think that Qin Ming was easy to deal with?

                Qin Ming thought, "I don't mind playing with these people since I have nothing to do anyway.

                As the saying goes, if you do something in a low profile, you will do something in a high profile.
Today, he had promised to give Zhang Xiaoyan a live broadcast, so how could he treat her badly? A
helicopter was sent out to give Zhang Xiaoyan a live broadcast.

                Zhang Xiaoyan held up her phone with the camera pointing out, interacting with the audience
while live streaming.

                "Wow, it's like I'm dreaming, viewers, look, this is the overlooking view of Guang City, so
beautiful, over there is our Century Building, and over there is the Pearl River, the water is very clear,
right? I heard that a mysterious tycoon has recently donated a billion dollars to participate in the campaign
to maintain the Mother River, the water will be clearer in the future."

                "It's my first time on a plane too, I'm so nervous, ouch, I'm getting a little dizzy."

                "Look everyone, these seats on the plane are actually uncomfortable, the safety buckle is like
this, there are armrests here, the dashboard in front, it's totally unreadable wow, any viewer friends who
can read it?"
                "The one next to you? Who said it was the bad guy? He's my assistant, right? We met last time
when we attended the charity gala at Century House, thanks to Xiao Qin."

                "I've told you many times, this plane is not mine, it was found by Xiao Qin. Did he buy it? I
don't know."

                "Qin Ming, does this plane belong to you?" Zhang Xiaoyan went along with the fan's question
and asked Qin Ming.

                In fact, she knew that Qin Ming was very rich, but she didn't reveal him either.

                Qin Ming said, "No, the plane is my boss's. I am now working as an executive for a
multinational company, and my boss appreciates me quite a lot, so I have a little power to use this plane."

                Qin Ming told a small lie.

                Zhang Xiaoyan nudged her mouth cutely, "Oh~! So that's how it is, viewers, solved the
confusion, right? The assistants are richer than the anchor series. Whoops ...... I'm almost too poor to hire
an assistant, so everyone take pity on Xiaoyan and reward her with a harpoon."

                Afterwards, Zhang Xiaoyan read the netizens' queries on the pop-ups, "Too fake, right? A
helicopter, ah, has it stopped bullets for the boss? Can you just say you'll use it?"

                Zhang Xiaoyan was also curious, last time Qin Ming took out a World Bank Knight card and
directly scared the robbers away from the robbery, Qin Ming said it belonged to someone else, didn't this
mean Qin Ming's boss was very powerful?

                Moreover, to be able to borrow that kind of card and to borrow a helicopter, it shows that Qin
Ming is also very favored or has a high status in front of his boss.

                Qin Ming smiled lightly: "That's all I have to say, everyone is free to imagine the rest."

                The pop-up screen soon wailed again: "You seem to have a girlfriend, don't you, assistant? She's
quite pretty, don't make a move on our Xiaoyan."
                "Xiaoyan belongs to our fans, Xiaoyan please, you must go back to your dormitory and sleep

                "This guy is a rich kid, right? What's the point of pretending to be poor? The clothes he's
wearing are Versace Absolute Jazz, which must be several tens of thousands of dollars a set."

                "The secondary style Xiaoyan is so cute, pull out your swords guys, she's my wife."

                "Brothers, die tonight live room, will not dormitory open broadcast, equal to lose body, right?"

                "Kiss Xiaoyan, after the outdoor live broadcast, back to the dormitory and then open broadcast to
prove their innocence is traditional."

                Zhang Xiaoyan looked at this piece of pop-ups, headache, one by one as her as a virtual network
wife, still not let her spend the night outside, spend the night off the powder.

                It didn't take long for Qin Ming and Zhang Xiaoyan to arrive at the Bund. The Bund in
Guangzhou is still beautiful, with long green lanes, sea breezes that bring down the temperature of the hot
summer days, and a sea of yachts of various sizes that can be seen as far as the eye can see.

                There were many wealthy people coming and going, as well as foreigners, and naturally, there
were also individual netizens shooting videos here.

                Qin Ming helped Zhang Xiaoyan fiddle with her phone, she was singing and dancing in the
shade, but she was working quite hard.

                And Qin Ming found that there was still a difference between watching it live and watching it on
his mobile phone. He would feel much better looking and have a sense of realism when he watched Zhang
Xiaoyan singing and dancing live.

                Moreover, Zhang Xiaoyan's eye contact was with him, giving Qin Ming the only enjoyment that
Zhang Xiaoyan was performing just for him.

                Qin Ming was so happy watching that he also secretly logged into his mobile phone account and
rewarded Zhang Xiaoyan with a casual brush of 50,000 and 100,000 gifts a while later.
                He also didn't these small amounts of money, it was right to support Zhang Xiaoyan.

                With more bounties and gradually higher heat, Zhang Xiaoyan was again made to the front page
of the platform by the superintendent, frantically attracting fans.

                Every time Zhang Xiaoyan saw a reward, she enthusiastically shouted the name of the rewarder,
especially when she read the name "Qin Ming who is not a forensic doctor", she even deliberately
emphasized the word Qin Ming to hint at Qin Ming.

                But Qin Ming didn't seem to turn around and didn't pick up on what was being said.

                After more than two hours of live streaming, Zhang Xiaoyan was sweating profusely, her chest
was panting and rising and falling, and Qin Ming was thrilled to watch.

                Zhang Xiaoyan held up her phone stand and said sweetly, "Viewers this is it for today's live
broadcast for now, we're going to eat later, we'll start the broadcast again after we eat, bye bye bye ......"

                Turning off the live broadcast, Zhang Xiaoyan's entire body sighed with tiredness and relief.

                Qin Ming handed her a water and said, "Tired, right?"

                Zhang Xiaoyan said, "No, it's not, singing and dancing again, it's hot and I'm wearing such thick
clothes, I can't stand it, it's better to chat and talk indoors."

                Zhang Xiaoyan looked around and said, "Huh? It seems like those people from the Flower
Protection Alliance aren't coming after us, right?"

                Qin Ming said, "I don't know, maybe the navigation is broken and I can't find my way."

                As soon as the words left his mouth, suddenly three Wuling vans drove past in the greenway,
and after they drove past, they immediately reversed back.

                Then a large number of people came down from the vehicles, each sweating profusely, very
                Qin Ming looked at the three cars of people coming down and was depressed, thinking that he
was a crow's-mouth, when he said Cao Cao, Cao Cao would arrive.

                The thirty or so people surrounded Qin Ming, they were hot and cramped in the broken air
conditioning van to get here, that hard, there are people on the bus live, watching Qin Ming and Zhang
Xiaoyan interaction, that envy, are jealous of red eyes.

                "Qin Ming is not quite able to fly? Now you fly, wherever you fly, we can follow you, we have
the god car Wuling Hongguang."

                "Sister Xiaoyan, I am the fan who just rewarded you with a rocket, my id is "Favorite Sister",
please go back to the dormitory and sleep tonight."

                "The evidence is overwhelming on the school website forum, Qin Ming, you can't escape, we
won't be easily defeated. Dozens of girls have been victimised by you and we won't sit idly by."

                "Go out to sea if you dare, or we'll chase you to the ends of the earth."

                The yachts here on the Bund were the same ones that had been there for years and years,
thundering away, and everyone knew that they were the yachts of the famous and wealthy businessmen of
Guangcheng, and there was little room for anyone else to set up.

                These students of the Anti-Qin League, under the spell of someone, were paranoid that Qin Ming
was a scumbag, hooking up with a girl to cheat a girl out of her money, but even more money couldn't
have a yacht, right?

                The paranoid ones were convinced that the helicopter was rented by Qin Ming with the money
he cheated, not to pick up girls and pretend to be a pussy.

                Then these yachts that belonged to someone else long ago, Qin Ming couldn't possibly be able to
drive them, right?

                However, Qin Ming dragged Zhang Xiaoyan towards a new three-storey yacht, Hatres, and after
a few words with the yacht's caretaker, he was ready to go.
                At 20.57 metres and 5.53 metres wide, it is already a "giant" among medium-sized yachts, and
although it is 5 metres wide, it does not look bulky in any way. The streamlined shape of the boat makes it
impossible to take your eyes off the boat, making it breathtakingly beautiful.

                The triple deck design is able to increase the space utilisation of the whole boat without
compromising the overall design of the yacht.

                A group of students were shocked as they chased the board to the side of the pier and watched
Qin Ming board the boat.

                On the contrary, Qin Ming was still standing on the bridge ship waving at the crowd, saying,
"Later on, when we're tired of playing, we'll also go to the South Mountain Manor to take a dip in the hot
springs, do you want to come along?"

                Poof, a kind of collapse of the students of the Pour Qin Alliance.

                The South Mountain Manor is the top tourist resort manor in Guangzhou City, known as the rich
manor, or membership system to enter, don't come out without a hundred thousand or eighty thousand.

                How can they afford to go with them?

                The morning has been spent watching Qin Ming show off his wealth here, who can stand it?

                "Ooooooooo ...... Qin Ming you beast, you were with me last year and still received the poor
student grant, why are you so trenchant this year?"

                "Seriously, I'm so sour."

                "Actually, I'm just jealous of him for picking up so many beautiful school girls, I didn't expect
him to be so rich."

                "I'm still a virgin ......"

                "Scum, guys, we can't give up, let's find a raft and follow him out!"
                The others looked at the boy who had suggested finding a raft like an idiot, all casting a caring
retarded look.

                On the other side of the pier, the guys were like defeated roosters, demoralised and the first to
give up: "Oh, forget it. Those who know what they're talking about understand, we're just jealous of Qin

                "Yeah, why is he able to reap so many school beauties? It's because he's rich."

                "Another helicopter and yacht, another trip to the South Mountain Manor for a hot spring, I want
to be his little brother."

                "Break it up. It's much easier to be a keyboard warrior than to mess with these league teams, I'm
tired all day, just watching him show off his wealth and pick up girls, I can't stand it."

                "Let's go, this Qin Ming is so well off and so rich, if he really wants to clean us up, we'll be
overwhelmed. Let's disperse."

                "Disperse, I feel like a fool, all passionate and self-involved."

                This inverted Qin alliance scattered separately, Qin Ming didn't even do any operation, all

                At this moment, Li Meng, who was waiting for news in the school, her mobile phone suddenly

                She excitedly picked up her phone to see what these people had achieved, whether they had
succeeded or not, to say the truth, she was stunned when she saw Qin Ming pulling Zhang Xiaoyan away
in a helicopter!

                She only had one word in her mind, "Damn, that should have been my spot."

                However, Li Meng was in no hurry, she wanted her plan to go ahead normally.

                Li Meng took a look at her phone and found that she was the only one left in the group and
wondered, "Eh? Why have they all left the group?"
Chapter 415-416
 Chapter 415
"Why did they all quit the group?" Li Meng was stunned to see that there was no one left in the group,
where was the flower protection alliance she had put together? What had happened? Did those people get
irritated by something? Were they all scared away by Qin Ming?

                Li Meng immediately dialed a number, which was the administrator of the school network

                A man on the other end of the line said anxiously, "Hello, Li Meng? I'm busy here, I've been
hacked, the other party is too powerful, I can't handle it. My smearing of Qin Ming may have been

                Li Meng cursed in her heart, "Rubbish."

                She pretended to be worried and said, "Will you be caught then? I'm so worried about you."

                The man on the other end of the phone said, "It's okay, I won't tell you if I get caught, and it's not
a big deal. Li Meng, after all I've done for you, can I go out with you now?"

                Li Meng held the phone, looked around to make sure no one was there, and with a pitiful look,
said, "Well, as long as you can pull through this time, I'll know that you really like me, then I'll like you

                "Don't worry, I will ...... ah! Who are you people? Who are you to break into my office?" On the
other side of the phone, a loud banging on the door was heard before the words left.

                Li Meng was so startled that her phone fell to the ground, she hurriedly picked it up and
immediately turned off the phone, nervously covered her little heart and blacked out the administrator's
number on the school's online forum.

                "It's not going to implicate me, is it? It's not going to give me up, is it?"

                "It won't, huh, my beauty tempted him like that, he kind of? Pan plea? YiYueTan? I'm not going
to give him up, am I? Ya? Zu? The industry na? Chi forgiveness!
                "Don't give me out, don't give me out ......"

                Li Meng clasped her hands on her head and prayed, after a while, she calmed down and then
muttered, "Damn, who the hell is Qin Ming? What the hell is behind Qin Ming? Why can he suddenly
afford to fly a helicopter? Is he actually super rich?"

                Qin Ming's performance today made Li Meng almost vomit blood at the sight, it was simply too
showy, in front of so many people who were crusading against him, he just took off in a helicopter.

                "Why did I abandon him in the first place? Damn Qin Ming, did he get so rich that he secretly
didn't tell me? Then compelled Yang Wei to approach me and catch me with evidence of cheating so he
could break up with me? Then he quickly climbed up to a rich girl like Nie Haitang as the sad guy who got
broken up with?" The more she thought about it, the more she thought it was possible!

                Li Meng said viciously, "But God help me, I still have a chance, I will definitely laugh till the
end, that old fortune teller said it, I am destined to have the qi of a rich wife, I will definitely be able to
become a rich wife of a rich family. Hmph, Qin Ming, you wait for me, I will definitely get you."

                This farce made Qin Ming, who had not been on the school network once in a million years,
finally log on to the school network forum once.

                Qin Ming flipped through the content of the forum, which immediately made him cry and laugh,
what with him having relationships with dozens of girls, it was all a bunch of pictures from a single search
on the internet, some of them were not even students at all, all of them were some messy and deliberate
false content to smear him.

                The attentive Qin Ming found that these articles were all posted by those accounts, so it was
obvious that someone had deliberately smear him.

                Settling scores?

                Of course, Qin Ming was not that generous.

                Once Qin Ming got on board, he immediately sent a message to Ao Mei, asking her to find the
person, it was not possible not to clean up, some people just owed it.
                After Ao Mei stepped in, she locked down the poster's internet IP in almost a minute and took
down the Polytechnic University's school network, and forced her way into the room and arrested the
person, who was just a webmaster for the school network and admitted to being jealous of Qin Ming's
harvesting of school girls everywhere before smearing him.

                Ao Mei called to react to the results with Qin Ming and asked how to deal with this guy who had
created the rumour to smear Qin Ming.

                Qin Ming thought about it and said, "Call the police to deal with it, just don't even let me see him
in my school in the future."

                Ao Mei she hung up the phone, the corners of her mouth lifted, she pulled out a packet of white
powder and put it in this administrator's pocket, saying, "You're luckier to have survived, but people have
to pay for what they've done."

                After today, the Polytechnic University broke a big news story, the school website forum
administrator was arrested for being high on drugs, and the various black materials that appeared on the
school website against Qin Ming were clarified by the school, those were all false content, the school
issued a notice to restore Qin Ming's innocence, and also let many unknown people know the truth, from
then on the school website forum restored peace.

                Some students even came to apologize to Qin Ming, which also took Qin Ming by surprise.

                All this was an afterthought, and Qin Ming did not care much about it.

                In the afternoon, after helping Zhang Xiaoyan with her live broadcast, Qin Ming found Li Meng
coming to see him.

                Dressed in a volunteer uniform with a faint smile on her face, Li Meng was sitting at the desk in
Qin Ming's dormitory.

                Li Meng had also bought some fruit for the three dormitory brothers to eat.

                The three dormitory brothers were also talking and laughing with Li Meng.
                Qin Ming was so uncomfortable, because he and Li Meng had been messing around for a long
time, and suddenly Li Meng became so gentle and skilful, smiling so gently, this kind of gentle smile Li
Meng had not seen much before.

                When Li Meng saw Qin Ming, she got up and gave up her seat and said, "Qin Ming is back? I
was looking for you."

                Qin Ming asked, "What is it?"

                Li Meng took out a stack of information and said, "The United Volunteer Department of the
University City is recruiting people, I am in charge of publicity and planning, and I was told to recruit
more people. I'm in charge of publicity and planning, and I've been asked to recruit more people. So I'll
start a campaign for the boys who are handling it. You don't have to participate in every activity, you can
just go when you have time. Volunteering is very meaningful."

                Of course Qin Ming knew that volunteering was meaningful, it wasn't like he had never done it

                What he was surprised by was the change in Li Meng, she spoke softly and in a slower tone,
invariably giving a sense of respect and acting like a proper person now.

                As the two looked at each other, Zhao Liniu saw that the atmosphere was not right and hurriedly
patted the remaining two in the dormitory, signalling for the group to go out first.

                Young Yong and Peng hurriedly slipped out in their slippers, leaving the dormitory to Qin Ming
and Li Meng.

                Li Meng, in a rushed and shy posture, said, "What are they doing? Qin Ming, leave the
information for now, you can come back if you want. There is one more thing today, I am here to
apologise to you."

                Qin Ming said, "Apologise for what?"

                Li Meng covered her hands in sorrow, her eyes penetrating with apology, and said, "I, I suspect
that this time, the Flower Protection Alliance is because of me."
                Qin Ming asked again, "How so? Did you plan it?"

                Li Meng hurriedly shook her head, "No, no, no, didn't I listen to you before and join the
volunteer activity? I thought of doing a bit of publicity on the school website to get more people to join,
then I met that forum administrator, he said he liked me and wanted to pursue me, I said I had someone I
liked, he got angry and said whoever it was, he would make the other person lose his reputation, I got
scared and ran away."

                "Then he, he found out somewhere that I, I liked you and he posted a lot of smears about you on
the forum."

                "I'm sorry Qin Ming, it's probably because of me that you suffered unfairly, that forum
administrator was really hateful, I even said I wouldn't like him and he still pestered me."

                "Ugh, I don't know what to do now? Bringing you into so much trouble. That person seems to be
a bit paranoid and can't listen to what others have to say."

                Li Meng's speech was vocal and pitiful, really like an innocent schoolgirl who had been bullied.

                Qin Ming said indifferently, "It's alright, that person has been reported by me. If nothing is
wrong, you can go back to ......."

                Before Qin Ming's words fell, Li Meng suddenly opened her hand and jumped into his arms,
crying and crying, "I'm sorry Qin Ming, I know you have good intentions, I finally know how wrong I was
at first, I'm sorry, Qin Ming, will you forgive me?"

                Li Meng's hug caught Qin Ming off guard and even made him recoil a little, "What are you

                Qin Ming wanted to push Li Meng away, "Get up, talk properly."

                But Li Meng didn't care, but she took advantage of the situation and stood on her tiptoes to kiss
Qin Ming!

Chapter 416
Li Meng suddenly stood on her tiptoes and tried to forcefully kiss Qin Ming.
                Naturally, Qin Ming refused and immediately pushed Li Meng away with the force of his arm,
he chided, "Li Meng, it's impossible between us, don't you understand that it's hard to put back the water?
You cheated me twice, and last time you tried to cheat me out of money by pretending to get back
together, I still remember that."

                Li Meng didn't make a scene, didn't scold, instead she looked very confused, she didn't know
how to place her hands, like a small child who had done something wrong, she bit her lips, tears gradually

                Li Meng bowed in tears and apologised: "I'm sorry Qin Ming, I can't control my thoughts about
you, I've been unhappy since I broke up with you. There are some things that you don't know until you've
experienced them, and it's the loss that's the best."

                "I know you have someone you like now, but I ...... am sorry, I won't bother you again."

                After saying that, Li Meng hid her tears and grabbed the door.

                As soon as Li Meng left, the three Zhao Liniu, who were crouched at the door eavesdropping,
walked in and they all looked at Qin Ming with admiration.

                Qin Ming was depressed, so he said, "What's up?"

                Zhao Li Niu started his hand and said, "Come one, two, three, we are not the same, not the same,
so many years brothers, who knows you better than us, picking up girls is really easy for you ......"

                Qin Ming was pounded by this trio and laughed helplessly.

                He was not good enough to say, "All right, don't give me a hilarious, I and Li Meng is
impossible, she is just wishful thinking."

                Sun Zhipeng said, "Xiao Ming, you can ah, this morning live with Zhang Xiaoyan, flying in a
plane, on a yacht, soaking in a hot spring, got rich? Hiding it, are you still a brother?"

                Zhao Liniu said, "Xiao Ming you've made a fortune, remember when you used to eat three meals
of green vegetables with white porridge for more than half a year."
                Qin Ming said; "Didn't you guys give me meat? It wasn't that bad."

                Liang Shaoyong asked, "Last time you helped me act tough in front of my sister, you used a lot
of money too, didn't you? Where did you get rich? The brothers are still worried about work."

                Qin Ming said, "I was busy a while ago, so I didn't have time to tell you guys about it. I'm doing
corporate mergers and acquisitions for a multinational company and my boss appreciates me, I'm the vice
president of the Greater China region."

                Qin Ming did not tell his brothers the truth, not that he had any strange ideas, but simply because
he was afraid of scaring them.

                The ones with backgrounds in their families are all preparing for the national exams, or hanging
out their names as managers in big enterprises, and the ones like him are not too sudden, just that they are
suddenly vice presidents, which is very surprising.

                "Vice, vice president?" The three of them were dumbfounded, the name alone sounded very high

                "Greater China?" Zhao Liniu was in awe again, "Xiao Ming, what kind of company did you get
into? You're so cowardly that you can become a vice president? Oh, I'm not looking down on you, I know
you've always been competent, but that's an exaggerated span, isn't it? You were still delivering food last
semester, weren't you."

                Liang Shaoyong also marvelled, "Crap, a multinational company, less than a company with a
hundred billion dollar background."

                Sun Zhipeng was more direct and asked, "Xiao Ming, who's with who between us two brothers,
right? I don't ask for much, it's okay to hire me as your driver, a monthly salary of thirty thousand after tax
is almost enough, you have a girlfriend anyway, just introduce your secretary to me."

                Zhao Liniu kicked over and cursed, "Peng Shao you are dreaming, net add trouble to Xiao

                Qin Ming grinned, feeling that the tone was still a little too high and had scared his brothers.
                He lied again, "I was just a small assistant clerk. There were originally five vice presidents in the
Greater China Region, but the original one retired, and I was so successful that my boss wanted to nurture
me and let me do something.

                "I'm willing to work for two lifetimes." The three brothers said in unison.

                Qin Ming said, "Brothers, if you want me to help you find a job, I can arrange it anytime, okay?
We have been good brothers for many years, can we treat you poorly? The monthly salary is guaranteed to
be fifty thousand, and as long as I am working, I will cover you all, and you will have priority for
promotion and salary increase."

                The three brothers in the dormitory looked at each other, so excited about such a cool thing.

                The three of them asked, "Really?"

                Qin Ming said in a packaged voice, "Real money that's real."

                "Yay!" The three of them pounced on Qin Ming at the same time and lifted him up in the
dormitory, "Ming, you're awesome, I'll work with you from now on. Oh~!"

                "Boom." Because the three of them threw him too high, Qin Ming hit his head on the ceiling
light bulb.

                Qin Ming was so happy that he let out a wail, "Oops."

                The light bulb broke and the dormitory suddenly went dark. The three men failed to catch Qin
Ming, who directly pinned the three Zhao Liniu underneath him. The four brothers in the dormitory wailed
for a while, but when they got up, the four of them looked at each other again and smiled, hugging each
other on the shoulder.

                In the days that followed, the brothers were not worried about work, began to skip classes every
day, stall corpses, every day in the dormitory to play games, nightclubs bubble wine, the beautiful name,
the last madness before graduation.
                Qin Ming had no choice but to say that if they could not graduate successfully, the company
would not be able to hire them, forcing the three to continue to go to class.

                After a week or so of classes, Qin Ming's days were relatively full, and nothing much happened
after the incident with the school network passed, until a phone call from Feng Dongxiang shattered Qin
Ming's peaceful life.

                "Young master, I have arranged a blind date with the Zhao family, may I ask when young master
will have time?"

                Qin Ming was plunged into gloom when he received a call from Feng Dongxiang, one of the
Four Patriarchs.

                Before Nian Lao Liu's side could find Nie Haitang, the Zhao family had acted first on this side.

                The Zhao family was very influential in the business of the Huan Yu Century Group here in
China, and had been a thorn in Chang Hongxi's side every year, but it was not easy to uproot because the
Zhao family was too powerful in China.

                When Qin Ming wanted to gain a firm foothold in China, Chang Hongxi asked him to join hands
with the Zhao family.

                Qin Ming smiled helplessly. It was the 21st century, but political marriages were still inevitable.

                However, there were policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom, Qin Ming had
already thought of the word delay.

                Qin Ming asked rhetorically, "What about Old Chang?"

                Feng Dongxiang said, "Old Chang is in South America rectifying some loss-making industries,
he is fully aware of this matchmaking, he is more than satisfied with the Zhao family's arrangement, this
woman from the Zhao family, young, beautiful and well educated, is from this family, the information I
will send to your secretary, the other party will arrive at the airport tonight. My subordinate personally
proposes that young master go to the airport to pick her up."
                Qin Ming said, "No, let her go directly to Century Mansion, I will go there after I finish my
elective class."

                Qin Ming hung up the phone, his heart despondent and unhappy.

                He was the heir to the world's richest man, and he still couldn't make his own marriage. Isn't it all
about women? Do you have to sleep with a noble one? If the shoe fits, you'll know when you wear it.

                "Righteous father, your old path, I will never go." Qin Ming clenched his fist and muttered, "A
true man will not give up the love of his heart for any reason."

                That night, after Qin Ming finished his evening class, he arrived outside the school and Ah Long
opened the car door for him.

                Qin Ming was about to get into the car when he suddenly heard a sound of ringing bells,
followed by a hoarse and long reciting voice: "All fortunes in the world are accurate, fortune telling
interprets dreams, mysterious and wonderful, come one, come all, take a look, guide the lost gentleman,
remind the long-stranded hero."

                Qin Ming was stunned, and his head, which was already in the car, moved out again and looked
at the line of sight, damn, wasn't that that old liar Zhang Quanzhen?

                Why did he appear in front of his university?

Chapter 417-418
 Chapter 417
"Shit~! You bad old man, stop right there. Ah Long, give me a go."

                Qin Ming instantly recognised Zhang Quanzhen, the old fortune teller who had fooled him into
joining the Mu family, and as soon as Ah Long heard Qin Ming's order, he rushed up with his first arrow
and reached out to grab it.

                The banner bamboo pole that he was holding, which was used by Zhang Zhenxian to interpret
dreams and tell fortunes, was placed against Ah Long at once, making it impossible for Ah Long to move
in or out.
                Zhang Quanzhen heatedly smiled: "Young man, don't run too fast, be careful of falling down."

                Ah Long was stunned, was it an illusion just now? He felt as if Zhang Quanzhen had avoided his
grappling gesture.

                Qin Ming also followed after him and said, "Old man Zhang, it's not easy to find you."

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled heatedly, "What's wrong? Mr. Qin."

                Qin Ming frowned, this cry of General Qin could contain a lot of things.

                He asked, "Did Master Mu tell you everything about the recent events?"

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "More or less, for example, you almost brought down the magnificent Xu
family in Hai City with one phone call, which is not something ordinary people can do. I'm afraid that
calling you Mr. Qin isn't enough, look, you have luxury cars in and out and bodyguards on your side,
you're not the poor boy you were back then."

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "You are not a fortune teller who looks so much down on his luck,
people, there are always secrets that are not known to people. And what is your secret?"

                Zhang Quanzhen looked at the bodyguards around Qin Ming, who immediately understood and
said to Ah Long, "Tell Xiao Ying to help me stall for time, I need to have a few words with Daoist Master

                The university city's Wei Ming Lake, after the summer's construction work, the place already
had coloured lights at night, and Qin Ming and Zhang Quan Zhen came to the lake.

                Qin Ming said, "Old man Zhang, don't tell me that you appeared to me tonight by chance. You
must be looking for me for something."

                Zhang Quanzhen scrunched up his old face, stroked this goatee and said with a smile, "There are
many coincidences in the world, so no coincidence can make a book, right? I am just following the seven
stars of the Big Dipper southwards, looking for the destined person, and whoever I bump into is the
destined person."
                Qin Ming's heart stirred and he looked up to see, "Damn, this night is cloudless, a rare good
weather, the night sky is quite a lot of stars, vaguely see a few particularly shiny.

                Qin Ming said: "Okay, I won't listen to your bullshit anymore. I won't listen to you anymore.
Make a price, and you make up a reason for Mu Hai Ran and Mu Hao to agree to let me break away from
the Mu family."

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "To fool around is to cheat. Mr. Qin, your words are a great insult to me. I
am a monk, I have been telling fortunes for my whole life, and I have never lied to anyone. When I first
asked you to join the Mu family, didn't your intended come back to you?"

                This nimrod's logic was so invincible that Qin Ming could not even refute it.

                Qin Ming said stiffly, "That was a coincidence! Nie Haitang she was cheated by her mother."

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled blandly, stroking his goatee and holding a fortune-telling hanging cloth,
and said, "Then Mr. Qin is admitting that I am not wrong? Fortune-telling is a mysterious and subtle
matter, and sincerity of heart is spiritual."

                Zhang Quanzhen continued, "What I told the Mu family is all true, how can I make it up? Our
Taoist esotericism is about avoiding harm and solving problems for mortal people, and I have solved the
problems for the Mu family. Did I do anything wrong? How can I make it up?"

                Qin Ming propped up his forehead speechlessly, this bad old man, his mouth was so powerful,
worthy of being a Jianghu-food eater.

                Qin Ming said, "Daoist Master Zhang, now I have divorced Mu Xiaoqiao, but Mu Hao hasn't
said anything about it yet, causing no one in the Mu family to know. I get along quite well with the Mu
family, and I don't want to hurt the Mu family's feelings. Can you do me a favour and get Mu Hao to agree
to me leaving the Mu family?"

                Zhang Quanzhen reached out his fingers, pinched his fingers and counted up, saying, "Mr. Qin,
you lied to me, didn't you? Wasn't it you who deceived me the last time my fortune telling was off?"

                "At first I asked you if you had ever met your destiny, and you said no, when in fact you had."
                "One wrong step and the street is full of falling ropes, you should know this too, right? In
scientific terms, that's the butterfly effect. Where there is a cause, there is an effect."

                "If you were just an ordinary person who joined the family, you wouldn't necessarily be in the
Mu family's favour now; if you were just an ordinary person who joined the family, you wouldn't be able
to solve the Mu family's problems time and time again; if you were just an ordinary person who joined the
family, you would now no longer be worried about leaving the Mu family."

                "You say, is it your fault or my fault? It's obviously your fault, why do you want to dump the pot
on me?"

                Qin Ming's face was black, damn you, he looked around and there was a brick on the ground, he
quickly leaned down and picked it up, he wanted to smack this old man Zhang to death.

                Zhang Quanzhen smilingly stroked his beard and said, "The more excited you are the more you
prove that you can't refute, the more powerless you are inside. Even if you you smash my head, it won't
change anything."

                "I'll fuck you." Qin Ming threw away the moving brick and kicked Zhang Quanzhen down into
the unnamed lake.

                Zhang Quanzhen dispatched from the lake, still maintaining his temperament, wiping the water
stains from his face and said, "Actually, I knew last time that you had deceived me. So I said, you face has
changed, excessive roundness, peach water flooding, your current face on a emperor peach blossom
robbery, I had reminded you, do not forget the original heart, this point you did a good job."

                "If you had stuck to your original heart, we probably wouldn't have met today."

                Zhang Quanzhen spoke so eloquently and impeccably that although Qin Ming had the intention
to refute, he was unable to explain.

                Qin Ming asked, "What are you implying when you say that this is a peach blossom robbery?"

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "It implies that in the future you will overwork yourself in intercourse and
will suffer from kidney deficiency, or perhaps you will also have an enlarged prostate."
                "......" Qin Ming was silent, this conclusion was really incisive.

                He said, "I can marry whoever I like, how can others force me?"

                Zhang Quanzhen counted up again with his fingers and said, "Others can't force you, how come
you have a voluptuous fortune tonight? The main star, Di Ba, the middle house is broken, and the other
party is still a virgin, Mr. Qin is so convinced. I promise, if I don't show up, you will definitely sleep with a

                Qin Ming raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhang Quanzhen in horror, was this guy really for

                The internal affairs of his Huan Yu Century Group, and there wouldn't be too many people who
knew about it, were mainly arranged by Feng Dongxiang, the other party was someone sent by the Zhao
family, a mysterious powerful family in China.

                Qin Ming only knew about it a few hours ago, and this Quanzhen knew about it with a pinch of
his fingers?

                This fortune telling thing ......

                Qin Ming wondered, should he believe in good?

                Qin Ming asked, "Old man Zhang, did you know something long ago? Your identity must not be
simple, right?"

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled and said, "All of China, but anyone who knows me, all know that I am
not simple, I am the five hundred and sixty-sixth generation of the Tiger Dragon Mountain Zheng Yi Sect,
I am a proper Taoist heir, when I was young I also worked as a deputy to the National People's Congress
and contributed to the propaganda of the Taoists."

                Zhang Quanzhen added, "I don't know what you are going to do next, but I can more or less spy
something from your face, I am leaking the truth and will lose my life, if you don't believe me again, then I
will just leave here."
                When Qin Ming saw that Zhang Quan was really going to leave, he hurriedly reached out to pull
him back and said, "Daoist Master, wait a moment."

Chapter 418
When Qin Ming saw that Zhang Quanzhen was leaving, he immediately got up and stopped him.

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Mr. Qin lied to me in the first place, so I won't bother with you. But
since you don't believe me, it is useless to talk more. What else is there to say?"

                Under the darkness of the night, Qin Ming's sharp eyes gazed at Zhang Quanzhen, as if he would
see through him.

                Qin Ming's mind turned quickly and suddenly revealed a smile: "We are not joking with you,
Daoist Master. You are a master, so why bother with a layman like me?"

                Qin Ming asked again, "Then would you be willing to help, Daoist Master, so that Mu Hao and
Mu Hai Ran can stop making things difficult for me? Otherwise, if I were to say it directly and openly, I'm
afraid that both Mu Xiaoqiao and Mu Sichen would be very angry, and there would be no chance for

                Zhang Quanzhen pinched his fingers, did the math and said, "Oh, Mr. Qin is really a man of
great affection and righteousness. But the bond between you and Miss Mu has already been tied. Whether
you admit it in your heart or not, you were once a couple, this is the cause, and there is bound to be a
consequence in the future, good or bad, it all depends on you."

                Qin Ming said, "It is because I don't want to bring about bad consequences that I sought you out,
Master Dao. I just want to get together for good, the couple's fate is over, and they are still friends."

                Zhang Quanzhen twirled his beard and said with a calm smile, "It is my duty to help those who
have a destiny to solve their problems, but since you pushed me down into the lake, my clothes and my
surname Li are soaked, so it is not easy to carry out my work."

                Qin Ming said, "OK, I will treat you well tonight."

                Qin Ming directly invited Zhang Quanzhen to go to the Century Mansion for a good night's stay.
                When Qin Ming arrived at the World Building it was already eleven o'clock, more than thirty
minutes later than the appointed time.

                This was a clear indication of Qin Ming's attitude towards this blind date.

                He didn't even look at the information that Song Ying had sent over.

                When Qin Ming arrived at Century Mansion, he first told the manager to treat Zhang Quanzhen
well and find some beautiful women to serve him to death, so that he could not let this cunning old man
get away with it.

                Only afterwards did Qin Ming arrive at the State Guest Service floor of the Century Mansion.

                In the opulent and luxurious lobby, a professional pianist was playing music, and there were
people playing classical music on the cello and violin. In the tea-talk room covered with flowers, Song
Ying and Ao Mei, in formal dress, had already waited at the entrance, the two women were simply two
sisters of the East and the West, and Qin Ming could not help but look at them a few more times.

                Next to them were a couple of bodyguards in Tang suits, who were supposed to be the personal
bodyguards of this woman from the Zhao family.

                Feng Dongxiang was very anxious to see Qin Ming and greeted him, saying, "Young master, it's
just as well you didn't pick up the plane, how could you be late? Miss Zhao has a good connotation, she
didn't take it personally."

                Qin Ming was a little puzzled as to why Feng Dongxiang was so concerned about his blind date.
Chang Hongxi didn't even care that much, and said that the Zhao family had many children, so you could
choose whichever one you liked.

                Wasn't this telling Qin Ming that he could carry on this blind date for a year and a half?

                However, he doesn't have much time these days, so he can just get rid of this one today.

                When Qin Ming walked into the hall, the bodyguards on both sides stood up and looked at the
future heir of the Huan Yu Century Group, so young and dignified.
                Qin Ming's gaze fell on a luxurious bench in front of the band, the woman stood up slowly
instead, then very elegantly turned back towards Qin Ming with a slight bow, saying, "Young Qin."

                Qin Ming looked at the female, who looked okay.

                Really just okay, Qin Ming recently looked at too many beautiful women, are dazzled, each and
every one is beautiful tight, sinking fish and geese, the country, like Mu Xiao Qiao and Mu Si Chun two
sisters, indeed top.

                The child-faced breast loli style Zhang Xiaoyan, civilian school flower of Bai Yuchun, Miss
Qianjin different character Nie Haitang, which dance teacher's also have want Liao Qingxuan, and
beautiful police flower Sun Changxi.

                If you look at more beauties, Qin Ming's vision is naturally higher. If you count Nie Haitang as
one hundred percent in his mind, this girl is only eighty-five, a little better than Li Meng, and with makeup
and luxurious clothes, she can be among the ninety percent or more.

                Of course, Qin Ming would not judge people by their appearance, this was just his first

                Qin Ming was actually a little nervous in his heart, after all, it was his first blind date, his real
father and mother didn't know, try playing with the fact that there were such children under the sky?

                Qin Ming responded politely, "Ahem, hello, Miss Zhao, please have a seat."

                After the young lady sat down, she said, "Young Qin doesn't even know my name, right? My
name is Zhao Xinyu, isn't that a name that Qin Shao will soon forget?"

                Yo? Quite impressive, trying to use retreat as an advance?

                But Qin Ming didn't eat her words and said directly, "Miss Zhao, let's get right to the point, since
this is a blind date. I'll start with my situation, I'm a very philandering person, people who know me call
me the 'human-shaped self-propelled school girl reaper'."
                Zhao Xin Yu said with a disbelieving laugh, "Heh heh, is that so? But the information Mr. Feng
provided me with, but it said that young Qin is a very innocent person, and your ex-girlfriend broke up
with you, and you were still sad for a long time and are still single. Why would young Qin lie?"

                Qin Ming said, "How did I lie? See the two standing at the door? They are both my women, and
although I am single, there are many women I keep a relationship with."

                The corners of the mouths of Song Ying and Ao Mei who were standing at the door twitched,
why did the young master's style change so abruptly today? It didn't look like he liked this blind date very

                Feng Dongxiang couldn't help but say, "Young master, the other party is from the Zhao family
and has come a long way to meet you on a blind date, full of sincerity, you don't pick up the plane, you're
late, and you don't have a bouquet of flowers, it's all too unbecoming of your status and doings. Besides,
both Song Ying and Olsen are just your subordinates."

                Qin Ming said with surprise, "Aren't my subordinates just my women? I'll sneak up on them,
won't I?"

                Qin Ming snapped his fingers and said, "Ao Mei, come here."

                Corrie? Olsen walked over to Qin Ming with a smile on her long legs and ruffled her long golden
brown hair.

                Ao Mei's face and figure belonged to a more petite type, her face was even more outstanding,
definitely a face that was perfectly conquered by the aesthetics of the East and the West, her face was on
the small side, her jawbone was slightly wide, forming an angular curve, if you looked closely, you would
find her eyes were oh so charming, as if they would hook people, but never demonic.

                To be honest, Qin Ming thought Ao Mei was even more beautiful, especially with her
perennially trained enchanting figure, full of deadly temptation, for the pampered Zhao Xin Yu, a bit of a
little flesh.

                Qin Ming reached out to hook the back of Ao Mei Ding's neck and made a move to kiss her.
                Ao Mei did not resist, she had been stolen a kiss by Qin Ming when she was captured for the
first time before, there were psychological expectations, she did not mind kissing up with Qin Ming in

                This ......

                Even those staff members who played music were stunned, hell, is this a blind date for a rich
man? So exciting.

                Boing, several seconds later, when their lips parted, Ao Mei even deliberately pulled the oral
silk, this scene, can be described as charming.

                Qin Ming waved his hand and told Ao Mei to back off, saying, "See? If you want to marry me,
you have to suffer the advantages of my philandering, after all, I am more fraternal, but all beautiful
women are my targets for raiding."

                Turtle, philandering has become a virtue?

                Feng Dongxiang's old brows furrowed as he said in a deep voice, "Young master, this is a great
disrespect to the Zhao family."

                Qin Ming sank his face majestically and immediately shouted fiercely, "Old Feng, recognise
your status clearly, who has the say here? You say, who is in charge here. Who are you going to serve? To
whom do you owe allegiance?"

                Feng Dongxiang was startled, a pair of Qin Ming's sinister eyes, full of starlight, stared at him
who was actually killing and fighting in battle with a hint of panic, he himself could not believe that he
was scared by a Qin Ming in his early twenties?

                Feng Dongxiang was also quick to react, and he was the first to bow and apologise: "Young
master, it was me who took offence. I just hope that you can take this blind date seriously, young master,
the Zhao family has no malicious intent, I am afraid that Miss Zhao will be unhappy and both sides will
make things unpleasant."

                Qin Ming said, "I am very serious, I am such a philanderer, I don't want to deceive Miss Zhao,
do I have to get married before I tell Miss Zhao that I am a philanderer? Miss Zhao, now you believe me,
right? Don't worry, if you are willing to marry me, I will guarantee you glory and wealth, but not sexual
happiness. If you don't believe me, that, Xiaoying, you come over here for a moment too."

                Song Ying was still depressed just now, why did Qin Ming ask Ao Mei to act in a play and not

                She was surprisingly extremely uncomfortable or jealous inside when she saw Qin Ming and Ao
Mei kissing.

                Now when she heard that Qin Ming still wanted to act, she happily walked over to her.

                Zhao Yuxin, however, began to produce discomfort, and she moved her lips, forced herself to
calm down and raised her hand, "Young Qin, that's enough, I believe you. I didn't expect you to be so

                The moment Song Ying was told to stop, she had an urge to kill.

                Qin Ming said with a smile, "Of course, honesty is a virtue of mine. But I am very macho, I can
play around, but my woman must only serve me alone, and occasionally serve me with other beautiful
women. Really? Miss Zhao, is that acceptable to you?"

                Zhao Yuxin was obviously a very educated and luxurious young lady, and when she heard such
filthy words from Qin Ming, and such a lewd request, she wanted to vomit a little.

                She pounded her chest lightly with her small hand and said with a slight gasp, "That young Qin,
I, I promise, promise ......"

Chapter 419-420
 Chapter 419
Zhao Yuxin came from a prestigious family, and when she was in the capital, she was the object of chasing
by countless gentry and families.

                With the Zhao family's background in China, she could pick whichever handsome man she
wanted, and the other party might not even think of objecting, not to mention that she herself was not bad
looking, and she knew from a young age that she would be the future mistress of a world-class family,
living like a royal family.
                This time, she had no choice but to follow her family's arrangement and come on a blind date
with the future heir to the world's top company, the Universe Century Group.

                She had thought that even if it didn't go well, she would still get along for a little while.

                We were of a similar age and there would be plenty to talk about.

                As a result, Qin Ming came up and told her that he was a philanderer and could not give her back
her sexual happiness, and that she had to serve Qin Ming together with other women, and even had a
French wet kiss with a blonde foreign girl in public.

                This was an insult to her.

                She punched her chest lightly with her small hand and stroked her breath twice before saying,
"That young Qin, I, I promise, I promise ...... can't."

                Qin Ming shrugged indifferently and said, "Then ...... the blind date has failed. Elder Feng, you
can arrange for Miss Zhao's return trip."

                Zhang Yuxin was stunned, she had flown all the way over for a blind date and it was over in just
these few minutes?

                When she looked at Qin Ming, she only felt that he was so arrogant, did he really not understand
how influential the Zhao family behind her Zhao Yuxin was? Was she that annoying?

                Zhang Yuxin got up and said, "Qin Shao ......"

                But Qin Ming no longer wanted to say more, and directly got up and walked out.

                Qin Ming gestured for Song Ying and other subordinates to follow him inside the office.

                The first thing Qin Ming did when he sat down was to look at Ah Long, Ao Mei and Song Ying
and asked, "What was said here will not leak out, right?"
                Song Ying assured, "Young master, please don't worry, ever since I accepted Hua Xia's property,
I have personally kept an eye on all aspects of security and information work at Century Mansion, so there
will be no more slip-ups."

                Qin Ming trusted Song Ying more, so he said, "Good, Ao Mei, you start from today to collect all
information about Feng Dongxiang and all his future actions. You and Ah Long do a good job of joining
forces, one day in the future, I will definitely take him down, and the position of the Four Elders, I will be
on my own in the future."

                When Qin Ming said the words "one of our own", he swept a glance at the three of them,
implying clearly that he would promote them from among the three.

                The four elders of the Universal Century Group were in control of all the industrial affairs on
one continent, and they had to do all kinds of things for Qin Ming.

                Both Ah Long and Ao Mei were very interested. If they had any ambition, they wouldn't want to
be a bodyguard or an intelligence chief for the rest of their lives.

                However, Song Ying was willing to work for Qin Ming as his secretary for the rest of his life.

                It was like the difference between being a frontier minister and a red eunuch at the emperor's
side, each with their own advantages and benefits.

                Song Ying also knew very well that as long as she was Qin Ming's secretary, then she could
oppress and fear no one but Qin Ming, so that she could protect him all the time.

                She said, "Young master, I'll stay out of it, let's leave this to the two of them."

                Qin Ming was quite happy, Song Ying meant that she wanted to stay by his side, giving Qin
Ming a bit of vanity satisfaction.

                Ao Mei and Ah Long said in unison, "Got it, we'll arrange it."

                Qin Ming added, "Xiaoying. In the future, if Feng Lao arranges a blind date for me, try to put it
off if you can, push it off if you can, and arrange it if you really can't. Also, can you find information on
that Zhao family?"
                Song Ying said with difficulty, "There are rules within the group, members of the highest board
of directors, cannot conduct investigations. Privately I have also sent people to search some of the
contents, but nothing was found, the other party hides very deeply, this is afraid that there is a deep official

                Qin Ming said, "Ao Mei, from now on you will mainly collect any and all content and
information about the Zhao family, and you make the intelligence system of Huaxia independent from the
Huanyu Group for the time being."

                Ao Mei did not push back, she deliberately but cried poverty, "Boss, how can I start my work
with a salary of a thousand per month? My sister is still undergoing rehabilitation in the general public
hospital and her livelihood is in question."

                After saying this, she winked petulantly at Qin Ming, her turquoise blue eyes revealing the
symbol of small money.

                Qin Ming wondered, "Xiao Ying, haven't you done her induction yet?"

                Song Ying looked at Ao Mei hostilely and said, "Young master, this is your private hire
employee. Corrie? Olsen, as Chang Huan's former subordinate, has not yet gone through the inspection
period and is not allowed to be inducted according to the rules."

                O-Mei clasped her hands together and said aggressively, "Look, young master, she is jealous that
I am prettier and more talented than her. It's like just now, Young Master chose me over her for the sake of

                Ao Mei spoke to Song Ying's sore spot, and Song Ying was so angry that she wanted to pounce
on her and fight.

                Qin Ming waved his hand and said, "Fine, fine, I have money of my own, I will give you one
hundred million, whether you hire someone or buy them, if you don't do something, you will receive a
thousand dollars monthly salary for the rest of your life."

                Ao Mei was overjoyed and said, "OK, I won't let boss down this time."
                After instructing a few things on Qin Ming's side and signing a few more documents for the
more important industrial investments, Qin Ming remembered Zhang Quanzhen, he had to go to him to
deal with a personal matter this time.

                Qin Ming arrived at the eighty-eighth floor of Century Tower.

                He saw Zhang Quanzhen enjoying a massage from three beautiful women, lying on a glass
terrace overlooking the entire Pearl River and the night view of Guangzhou City.

                Qin Ming said, "Tsk tsk tsk, Zhang Zhen Zhen, are you still a monk? Aren't monks not close to

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled and said, "There is a saying that says, "Wine and flesh go through your
intestines, but Buddha stays in your heart. As long as I have the Tao in my heart and do not violate my
conscience, there is nothing I cannot do. Besides, the people you have arranged for me, if I don't suffer,
they may have to be chastised, and I am helping people."

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "You really can blow this, this can even be rounded back to you."

                Qin Ming waved his hand to indicate the waitresses to leave and said, "I remember when I came
here, you said I was blessed with a flirt tonight, but I was forced to go on a blind date with a woman
tonight. But you miscalculated, I won't have anything to do with her."

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled, "Because you brought me back, where there is a cause, there is an
effect, I am your cause, and the fact that your voluptuous fortune is gone is the result I have made for you."

                Qin Ming disagreed and said, "Bragging, do you want me to go back and sleep with that Miss
Zhao now and refute you?"

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Well ...... how about this, you go back now, guess what will happen to
you and that woman?"

                The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

                 He didn't believe it.

                Qin Ming came to Zhang Yuxin's presidential suite, a whole floor by herself, but he saw that
there was no one here to serve him?

                "Where is everyone?" Qin Ming looked around and muttered, "There are a few waiters standing
at the door instead."

                With a click, the bathroom door suddenly opened, the mist of water inside drifted out and a
woman walked out from inside.

Chapter 420
Zhang Yuxin came out of the bathroom with a damp mist, her complexion pink and curves attractive.

                Only when Zhang Yuxin walked out she found a man standing at the door, a good two steps
away from her.

                Qin Ming was wronged, he saw the room without even a bodyguard, too much of an anomaly, he
thought Zhang Yuxin had left in anger and was not here, he was still smug in his heart, Zhang Quanzhen
you have miscalculated, right? It turned out that she was here alone in the shower and came out with
nothing on.

                "Ah! Young Qin, you, what do you mean by that? Breaking into my room with force." Zhang
Yuxin let out a scream of fright and questioned loudly.

                Qin Ming confessed, "I'm sorry, Miss Zhang, I had another matter to come to you, but it turned
out that there was only our waiter at the door, so I came in and didn't see your bodyguard, I thought you
had left, why didn't you leave a bodyguard behind?"

                Zhang Yuxin ran back to the bathroom, but she tripped over her feet and fell in the bathroom
with a 'bang', hitting her head.

                The way she was on all fours, Qin Ming saw it all.

                Zhang Yuxin fell to the floor, making painful noises, and passed out a short while later.

                Qin Ming felt very wronged, he did not do anything, he just stood in the doorway, the result is
like this.
                Qin Ming hurriedly grabbed a towel and put it on, and carried him to the bed.

                Qin Ming took a deep breath to calm himself down, but the fragrant smell of the woman in the
room made it difficult for him to settle down, and the evil fire surged up and he had the idea of doing
something like that.

                Qin Ming laughed at himself, "I'm getting worse and worse, I want to sleep when I see a woman,
what's wrong with me? However, this woman is never to be moved, the Zhao family is still not good to
offend, as long as she does not lose her virginity, it is all good to deal with afterwards, right? Besides,
Zhang Quanzhen is still waiting for me."

                Qin Ming knew he could not do that kind of thing and immediately moved to leave, but as he
reached the door, he ghostly walked back.

                In a trance, Qin Ming had this kind of feeling for the second time.

                The last time was in the ? The last time was when he saved Nie Haitang from the ancient castle
of the country, he was mistaken for a relative and sent on a blind date with a young lady from a decadent
and wealthy family in western Hunan.

                Qin Ming had forgotten the name of that young lady, Lin or Yurou.

                At that time, when Qin Ming was tricked and drank the faulty water, he was also in this kind of

                His spirit and brain went blank, as if he had forgotten to do something? Turning back to see
Zhao Yuxin, who was lying unconscious on the wear, Qin Ming pounced on her at once.

                He kissed the unconscious Zhao Yuxin, enjoying her small lips and tenderly kissing every inch
of her skin.

                The unconscious Zhao Yuxin also let out a burst of ecstasy, and subconsciously she was even
cooperating with Qin Ming.
                But inside Qin Ming's consciousness, he knew that this was wrong, but he just couldn't control
his desire.

                When he had almost finished kissing and touching, Qin Ming took off his clothes and was about
to go further when one of them suddenly rushed in behind him, and it was Zhang Quanzhen.

                Zhang Quanzhen bellowed, "Wake up!"

                Qin Ming was hugging Zhao Yuxin, his blank mind suddenly woke up, and then the back of his
body was violently nudged by Zhang Quanzhen's finger, Qin Ming suddenly felt a pang of nausea, and
immediately lay down on the edge of the bed to vomit.

                "Vomit!" Qin Ming vomited a mouthful of bitter water furiously and fell awake.

                After waking up, Qin Ming turned back in horror to tidy up the scene, he touched his trousers
and luckily, they were still on.

                He thought back to what he had just done to Zhao Yuxin and felt a pang of pleasure, ah no, a
pang of fear in his heart, he had almost committed a crime ah.

                "What's going on?" Qin Ming muttered to himself, "I didn't drink any unknown liquid, ah?"

                Zhang Quanzhen covered Zhao Yuxin with the quilt to cover her body, and then said to Qin
Ming, "How was it? Little Qin, I didn't lie to you, did I? If I didn't come, you might have gotten someone
else's girl pregnant."

                Qin Ming frowned deeply and said, "What is going on here? Daoist Master Zhang, have you
tampered with me?"

                Zhang Quanzhen waved his hand and said, "I am a monk and do not do such harmful things. The
last time I saw you, I felt that you smelled wrong, and this time the smell is even greater, so I am even
more certain. You have a worm inside you, and another female worm is looking for this male worm inside
you, so the smell is especially noticeable."

                "A worm? Parasitic worms?" Qin Ming sniffed his body in confusion, reasonably, there was no
smell? Your old Taoist dog nose?
                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Good, both parasitic worms, to use the name in our profession, is also an
ancient compulsion. To put it more plainly, x-worms on the brain are the same kind of worms."

                "This kind of male worm is parasitic in the human blood, and its excrement affects the body's
endocrine secretion, influencing hormone secretion in large quantities, as well as stimulating the brain's
nervous system, causing people to lose their minds completely."

                "I gibberish." Qin Ming was bitter in his heart, but he could not say so.

                The first time this kind of physical inability to control himself happened, it was at the ? The
ancient castle of the country, he was mistakenly thought to be a relative of the ancient castle's owner's
family who looked like him and was forcibly dragged to a blind date for the children of a fallen gentry in
western Hunan, when he drank a glass of water and later slept with the woman.

                Qin Ming thought it was no big deal, it was just a shot, you drugged her unkindly in the first
place, I ran away unjustly in the second, no loss, right?

                The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem and think that you will never see each
other again, but it turns out that what the other party put down was not a drug, but a worm, a parasite.

                Qin Ming suddenly remembered a very old movie and asked, "Zhang Quanzhen, would someone
hold a drum and bang it against me and I would get a stomachache?"

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled and took out a small drum. When Qin Ming saw it, he broke into a cold
sweat, "Damn, you're a bad old man who is very bad.

                Zhang Quanzhen started to clap his hand and there was a thud.

                Qin Ming squinted his eyes, didn't feel much ah.

                "Hahahaha!" Zhang Quanzhen laughed aloud, patted Qin Ming and said, "You've seen too many
movies, it's not that mysterious. The reason why you lost control is because inside this woman, there is a
female worm. And this female worm is very different from the male worm."
                After a pause, Zhang Quanzhen added, "The female worm is dominant, and the excrement of the
female worm can enhance the woman's body, boost her immunity, and control the male worm inside you,
thus affecting your body's endocrine secretion. To put it bluntly, the female wants to get you, and you will
lose control and be reduced to the female's plaything."

                "If the female wants you dead, she can also make this male worm in your body commit suicide
through the smell secreted by the female worm, once the male worm commits suicide, necrosis in the
blood vessels, it will produce poison, which usually leads to blood clots and heart attack death, the forensic
doctor can't even find the evidence."

                Qin Ming heard this burst of horror, but he questioned again, saying, "But, didn't this Miss Zhao
pass out?"

                Zhang Quanzhen explained, "The other party is now injured and unconscious, you go straight
away, the male leaves the female at such a time, and the female will secrete aroma to control the male
inside you and bring you back."

                "This ......" Qin Ming are speechless, this lesson is really bad, really go out and drink less of
other people's water ah.

                Zhang Quanzhen puzzled said, "Strange, where is this woman from? This kind of ancient
compulsion is actually rare, and people generally don't use it easily, the law of cause and effect in this
world is really amazing."

                Qin Ming touched his body and immediately asked, "Real Zhang, don't examine this, is there a
way to get the parasite out of this body of mine?"

                "Er ...... so hot, young Qin, young Qin ......" Suddenly, Zhao Yuxin transformed leisurely, licking
her dry lips.

                Qin Ming immediately said, "Daoist you go first, I'll come back to you after this is taken care

                Zhang Quanzhen frowned and stared intently at Zhao Yuxin's body.

                Qin Ming said, "Daoist Master, it's not kind of you to take advantage like this."
                Zhang Quanzhen slapped his thigh and said, "Oh no, I'm too late. Just now you did enough
foreplay with her, and inside this little doll, the mother worm has caused an imbalance in her endocrine
secretion, so you have to have sex with her now, or she might get hurt."

                Qin Ming raised his eyebrows in shock and said, "No, Taoist Master, didn't you say that it would
be fine if you came? This doesn't end up with me having to have sex with her?"

                Zhang Quanzhen stretched his hands out, "Then there's no way out, your imperial peach blossom
destiny is too strong. You made your fortune yourself, you can't blame me."

                Qin Ming was speechless and said, "So, I can only sleep with her then?"

                Zhang Quanzhen sank his face, nodded his head, smiled mysteriously and said, "Congratulations
Mr. Qin, remember to press the insurance."

                Holy shit, you bad old man is bad as hell.

                Qin Ming said, "You must have a solution, don't you, Daoist Master? If you're a monk, don't beat
around the bush, just say it?"

                Zhang Quanzhen stroked his goatee and said, "Hey, hey, hey, there is a way, of course. I am the
heir of the Heavenly Master of Tiger Dragon Mountain, in this rollicking red earth and mundane world,
isn't that why I am here to guide the lost gentleman and the long-suffering hero? Only ......"

Chapter 421-422
 Chapter 421
Subconsciously, Qin Ming still didn't quite trust Zhang Quanzhen's routine, what with all the finger-
crossing and knowing that something was going to happen to you and so on, but he was beginning to think
that Zhang Quanzhen was the one with the skills.

                At least he explained why Qin Ming had suddenly lost control and had strong urges for a woman
he was not interested in at all, it was all because of the compulsions inside his body.

                Qin Ming looked at Zhao Yuxin, who was on the bed, and said, "Daoist Master, you can't just
see death and not save her. She and I are both innocent."
                Zhang Quanzhen smiled mysteriously, "Saving people is fine, but I am a clear and honest fortune
teller, so I have to charge some fees."

                When Qin Ming heard that he wanted money, he said, "Please make a price, Master Dao."

                Zhang Quanzhen stretched out a finger and said, "It's not much, one favour from Mr. Qin is

                As the saying goes, money is good, but favours are hard to return, and this debt of favours is not
something that money can measure.

                Qin Ming frowned and was quite dissatisfied, "Taoist Master is imposing on me, holding a
human life hostage. So be it, saving people is important, I owe you. Please, Daoist Master, hurry up and
save him."

                Zhang Quanzhen looked at Qin Ming quite admiringly, then smiled and said, "Tsk tsk, Mr. Qin,
you misunderstand me. Even if I don't make a move, this young lady won't die. I only said that she might
be injured, I didn't say she would definitely die, please understand my words clearly."

                "Holy shit! You old weedy Daoist set me up?" Qin Ming froze, he then got up and rushed into
the wine table and pulled out a knife to give this stinking old man a piece of his mind.

                Zhang Quanzhen hurriedly put on a smile, "Calm down, Mr. Qin, don't be impulsive, it's against
the law to kill someone. I didn't force you to do anything. It's you who misunderstood me, it's not my

                Qin Ming put a knife against Zhang Quanzhen's neck and scolded, "You still want to deny it? If
you set me up again, don't blame me for being ruthless. Forget it, save the others first."

                Zhang Quanzhen still piled on a smile and said, "Oh, Mr. Qin, go and bring a tray of cold water

                Qin Ming immediately did as he was told.

                As soon as Qin Ming had left, Zhang Quanzhen immediately looked at Zhao Yuxin with grave
concern, probed the artery in her neck, then took out a dark pill from the bag he had with him and gave it
to Zhao Yuxin.

                When Qin Ming came back, Zhang Qunzhen said, "Just wipe Miss Zhao's whole body with a
cold water towel."

                Qin Ming was stunned and said, "Nothing else?"

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Nothing else. Oh, don't look at me in a rude way, I'll go back first."

                Qin Ming immediately stared at him with sorrow, it turned out that washing his body with cold
water was all that was needed, nothing technical at all, this stinky old Taoist priest had cheated him out of
a favour for nothing.

                Qin Ming had no choice but to call Song Ying to come up and deal with it, and wait for Zhao
Yuxin to wake up before apologizing and compensating, etc. He also followed him out.

                Qin Ming followed Zhang Quanzhen back to the 88th floor, the bad old man was lying by the
glass bar watching the night view of the tall building, Qin Ming pushed back his left and right and sat

                Qin Ming said, "Daoist Master seems to be familiar with these compulsions that only appear in

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Compulsions are not made up out of thin air, they are also a type of
strange living insect, modern people think that compulsions are not science, they are nonsense, but who
has had the chance to study these things? Those are unique techniques that have been handed down from
generation to generation. In ancient times, compulsions were used for many purposes, healing the sick and
saving people, solving difficult diseases, poisoning kings and lords, and enslaving their men, all without

                Qin Ming asked again, "Now I have compulsions in my body, and I can't resist if a mother worm
comes at random. I will be very grateful."
                "Of course there is a way." Zhang Quanzhen said, "I am not bragging about my skills, in the
whole of China, one can count on one palm the number of people who can give you the solution to this
compulsion without hurting your body."

                Qin Ming felt that this old Taoist was becoming more and more mysterious, and he was sure that
Zhang Quanzhen was not an ordinary person.

                Qin Ming sat upright and said sincerely, "Please help me this time, Daoist Master Zhang."

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "There are two common methods, one of which is to forcefully pull out
the worms, which is more harmful to your body and will require you to lie in bed for a year and a half to
recuperate. The second is to rely on you to pull out the worms yourself, but it requires you to practice a
martial art hard."

                Hearing this, Qin Ming asked, "I don't like the first one, I don't have that much time to
recuperate. Practise martial arts? Just the kind on the movies?"

                Zhang Quanzhen shook his head, "The ones in the movies are called martial arts, what I am
talking about is martial arts, it is a kind of martial art of our Daoist sect of Tiger Dragon Mountain to
strengthen your body, practicing it once a day and once a night, it can have a small effect for three months,
it can help you to draw the qi and blood around your body, by taking a special musk to lure the parasites in
your body to sneak into your large intestine, you can then hold your shit and squirt the parasites out."

                Qin Ming said slyly, "Why does it feel a bit disgusting, not quite like what is said in the book?"

                Zhang Quanzhen laughed: "What's in the book is a trick, I'm telling the truth."

                Qin Ming listened to Zhang Quanzhen and hesitated, the first method hurt his body. The second
method, on the other hand, obviously required some exclusive secret transmission from the Daoist sect of
Tiger Dragon Mountain, could it not be made to be given to him casually?

                Qin Ming asked, "Does Daoist Master have any other methods?"

                Zhang Quanzhen spread both hands and said, "The last method, that is to let the master of the
mother worm parasite, come to you and draw the worm out, this is the easiest and most convenient
method. But as far as I know, it is usually done by some of the great fallen clans over in the deep
mountains of our country, some of the women who raise parasites, in order to keep their negative lovers."

                Qin Ming said, "Taoist Master, at that time I drank a cup of water and that was it. I didn't know
her at all."

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled mysteriously and came up to Qin Ming's ear, saying, "Actually, I have
already guessed who it is. I heard that the people from the Lin family of Xiangxi Tu Zhai are looking for
you. Mr. Qin, do you need me to inform the Lin family? When the woman arrives, it would be the fastest
and easiest way to draw you out directly."

                Qin Ming's face stared, this stinking Taoist priest, he knew so much?

                This was a matter that had nothing to do with him, but he actually knew about it at first hearing,
it was simply rare.

                Qin Ming simply spread his hands and said, "In that case, Taoist Master, give me a copy of
whatever martial arts secrets you have. Money is not a problem, nor are favours."

                Zhang Quanzhen twirled his beard and said, "Hey, what kind of words are these, Mr. Qin? Didn't
I say it just now? I have come following the seven stars of the Big Dipper to find a person with a destiny to
solve his or her problems. I have already received a favour from you just now, and I will not ask for it
again. As for money, as far as I am concerned, it is just an extraneous thing, I don't care about it. I will help
you with this one for free."

                Saying that, Zhang Quanzhen touched the hanging pouch on his body and suddenly his face
changed, "Huh? Strange, where did I put it? Hey, I forgot, when I came to Guang City, I went to the Mu
family first and put the stuff in the Mu family. You should go to the Mu family to pick it up."

                Qin Ming's heart moved, so he said, "Okay, I'll go and get it. Thank you, Zhang Quanzhen, for
your help, Qin Ming will never forget it."

                Zhang Quanzhen waved his hand and said, "These are all trivial matters, it's just that I have a
favour to ask of Mr. Qin later, and I hope that Mr. Qin can repay me for my hard work today."

                The tail of the fox was showing.

                Qin Ming smelled something, but didn't know what to say, you want to say that the Zhao family
had some connection with Zhang Quanzhen? It wasn't like he had any proof, and secondly he wasn't too
sure what Zhang Quanzhen had in mind for him because of the Mu family.

                The second thing was that when Zhang Quanzhen first started, he only looked at his birth date
and did not know about the Huan Yu Century Group behind him, which meant that from the beginning he
did not come for the money.

                What exactly did he want to do?

                And what did he want Qin Ming to do?

Chapter 422
Whatever Zhang Quanzhen was going to do, Qin Ming had to get rid of the parasite in his body, so it was
better for him not to ask for the time being and get the bug out first.

                But he caught a whiff of it, the whiff of conspiracy.

                He felt as if Zhang Quanzhen had an invisible net that had suddenly caught him as a fish.

                But Qin Ming had not known Zhang Quanzhen in the past; they had first met by chance at the
intersection of the pedestrian street, seeing him arguing with Li Meng, then suddenly finding out that he
was someone the Mu family held in high esteem, and only later learning that he had a deep connection
with Mu Hai Ran.

                And tonight, Zhang Quanzhen's ability to divine the future was also shown to him, and his guess
was spot on, as well as pointing out the problem of the parasite in his body.

                Qin Ming didn't agree straight away, because tonight he was taught a lesson.

                Young and tender, he found that Zhang Quanzhen, an old greaser, had easily set him up, and he
had learned.

                Qin Ming simply said, "Daoist Master, please don't worry, your business, my business, I will do
what I can."
                Zhang Quanzhen rolled his white eyes, what the hell is within your means? Isn't that just doing
what you want to do and not doing what you don't want to do? You're learning to be so smooth at such a
young age, little slick.

                But he had already said the method, and there was nothing he could do about Qin Ming.

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Rather, there is no hurry, good karma has good results, and sometimes
patience is needed."

                Qin Ming had some more things to say, but Zhang Quanzhen wanted to continue his travels
around the country on the grounds that he had given away too much heavenly information and could not
say any more, and set off.

                Qin Ming wanted to find someone to follow him again, but the little brother who went to follow
him last time could not follow Zhang Quanzhen at all, so Qin Ming asked for his contact information

                The old man didn't even have a mobile phone, so Qin Ming offered to send him one, but he
didn't want it, he would just throw it away.

                Qin Ming had no choice but to let him go.

                He also had to leave immediately to go to the Mu family and find that martial arts book.

                Qin Ming hurriedly took the car to the Mu family compound. To be honest, he really didn't think
that he would come back to the Mu family.

                Qin Ming was standing at the entrance when he saw Mu Hao's car coming back.

                Mu Hao smiled happily and said, "Aiya, little Qin, you're home?"

                He also enthusiastically came up and took Qin Ming's hand, saying, "It just so happens that I was
discharged from the hospital today, so you came to see me? Hahaha, there's filial piety."
                Qin Ming became angry when he saw Mu Hao like this, he threw his hand away and said, "Boss
Mu, again and again, I won't be polite to you if you do this. I've obviously divorced Mu Xiaoqiao, the
divorce certificate is still done by you, what do you want?"

                Xu Shu Lan was shocked and said, "What? Xiao Qin, when did you divorce Xiaoqiao? How
come I didn't know?"

                Mu Hao rubbed his hands together, embarrassed, and said, "This matter, it's really my fault. Ah
Xiao Qin, I deceived you, the divorce certificate you have is a fake, in fact you are still legally married."

                Qin Ming had a dark face: "......"

                Mu Hao added: "Xiao Qin, don't be angry yet, I'll be honest, at first I really wasn't too happy
with you either, but Zhang Zhen Zhen said that your eight characters were good with my daughter, so it
must be good, that's why I set the terms of the charter with you. Later I found out that you were really good
and was very happy with you, and Shinjo she didn't resist, so I took you completely as my good son-in-
law. I didn't really want you to leave, and our Mu family didn't put you through too much, did they?"

                "So when you asked to leave our Mu family, I made a bad move and didn't go through with it,
nor did I inform anyone else."

                "I thought that in time, you might come around."

                Mu Hao sighed despondently, "I didn't expect you to be so resolute, all right. Let's go in and talk
about it, one by one. I just hope you don't regret it."

                Ya drink? Qin Ming was surprised, this Mu Hao was so forthcoming again today?

                Xu Shulan, however, was anxious: "Why do you want a divorce? Qin Ming, is it because I
scolded you and ridiculed you before, and you hold a grudge? You can also scold me and humiliate me
now. This, this is going to be a divorce, won't our daughter become a broken shoe? Our Mu family is a
luxurious family, she will be pointed out behind her back everywhere she goes in the future."

                Mu Hao pulled his wife with a decided look, "Xiao Qin is bent on having her own way, so there's
nothing we can do. Let's go in."
                The three of them entered the house, there was no one else in the hall, only Mu Xiao Qiao
reading an agreement, Qin Ming had sharp eyes and saw it as soon as he entered, the divorce agreement.

                When Mu Xiaoqiao saw Qin Ming, her eyes were complicated, but she quickly regained her old
calmness and hardness, a living piece of iceberg.

                Qin Ming's heart twitched, he didn't expect Mu Xiao Qiao to be dead to him, but she was the one
who first proposed to get a divorce?

                Mu Xiaoqiao stood up with a stern face and said: "Dad, you have come back just in time. Since
everyone is here, I have something to announce. All you have to do is sign it, and it will be legally

                After saying that, Mu Xiao Qiao looked at Qin Ming and angrily slammed down the divorce
agreement, turned around and picked up her satchel, saying, "I have a date tonight, I'm not coming back to

                Mu Xiaoqiao's determination and indifference made Qin Ming slightly uncomfortable in his

                But he didn't make a sound either, this was something that should have happened a long time
ago, it had just been dragged out by Mu Hao until now, and it was finally over.

                Xu Shulan hurriedly chased after him, "Eh, eh, Shiao Qiao, don't be impulsive."

                Mu Hao picked up the divorce papers and said, "It seems there's no need for me to do anything.
Xiao Qin, our Mu family has been in big trouble several times, all of which were as heavy as the
destruction of our family, and my father and my son's lives were saved only because of your help. If you're
my son-in-law, then we're all on the same side, so I won't talk about returning the favour."

                "But if you want to go, then the kindness of mud, I, Mu Hao, will not forget."

                Qin Ming said, "Your sister Mu Shuyun gave me one billion, so it's considered even, so Boss Mu
doesn't need to hang on to it."

                Qin Ming picked up the pen and was about to sign it.
                Suddenly, a dish of cold water poured down on his head.

                With a crash, Qin Ming was soaked to the skin and the agreement was also soaked.

                Qin Ming looked up and saw that it was Mu Sichen making a face at him: "Slightly Slightly
Slightly ...... brother-in-law you dare to sign, I dare to ignore you. How about you don't sign first and come
up and beat me?"

                Qin Ming wiped the water from his face, it was not good to sign when this paper was wet.

                He asked again, "Boss Mu, did the real Zhang come here?"

                Mu Hao nodded and said, "Yes, he also left something, said he gave it to Xiao Qiao, it was a
box, said it was some kind of women's guide to wolf-proof martial arts, it was passed down from their
Tiger Dragon Mountain, girls are good at learning, a small gift only."

                "......" Qin Ming listened, how come it felt different from what Zhang Quanzhen had told him?

                He asked, "No, did he leave anything else behind? For example, he will definitely come back for

                Mu Hao was surprised, "No, he was here in the living room talking to my dad, and when he left,
he didn't leave anything behind, the only thing he left behind was the box for Xiao Qiao."

                Qin Ming frowned, such a coincidence? Then wouldn't he still have to look for Mu Xiaoqiao?

                Qin Ming had to call Mu Xiao Qiao.

                Just after the call, he heard Mu Xiao Qiao's cold tone and asked, "Have you finished signing the
name? Just leave the divorce agreement in place. I put the nine-eyed dzi you gave me in the study, so you
can take it by the way."

                Qin Ming asked, "Did Zhang Zhen Zhen give you a box, I want that box, can you ......"
                Mu Xiaoqiao snorted coldly, "Qin Ming, that was something given to me by the real Zhang, it
doesn't cost you a penny, it has nothing to do with you, and I have no intention of giving it to anyone else.
Since you signed the divorce agreement, we will never see each other again for the rest of our lives. You
go your way, I'll go my way."

                "Oh? Shinjo, you've finally figured it out? Divorce that son-in-law, I told you so ......"

                "Duh ......"

                Qin Ming was about to say a few more words when he did hear another man's voice inside the
phone, and then the phone hung up.

                Qin Ming put away the phone, his face was gloomy, his tiger eyes were murderous, he said,
"Boss Mu, you tell Zhang Quanzhen that next time he dares to appear in front of me, I will take his dog's
life. I, Qin Ming, cannot be teased over and over again."

                After saying that, Qin Ming turned around and left.

                As he walked away, Qin Ming took out his phone and called Ah Long, saying, "Ah Long, you
and Bi Yuan make some arrangements, we'll go to Xiangxi this weekend, well, do a little business and
prepare more people."

Chapter 423-424
 Chapter 423
"Dad, this can be messed up?"

                Mu Hao paced anxiously back and forth in the study as he pointed at the soaked divorce papers
and looked at a silent Mu Hai Ran, "I didn't expect Xiao Qin's personality to be so rigid, he should have
guessed that Zhang Zhen Zhen was helping us keep him."

                "He's not going to find Xiao Qiao here."

                "Sigh, originally I thought it was because Qin Ming wasn't good enough for our Shiao Qiao, but
it turns out it's because our Mu family's little fish pond can't keep him."
                Even though Mu Hao was a big businessman, he was at his wits' end when faced with this kind
of childish relationship.

                Especially when Qin Ming was in Guangzhou, a phone call almost wiped out the status of his
relatives, the Xu family, in the city of Hai, and he was now a bit afraid of Qin Ming's methods.

                Mu Hai Ran was holding a copy of Ghost and Valley, slowly flipping through it and said, "Our
Mu family is worth tens of billions and has businesses all over the world, how can we call it a small fish
pond? It is true that Qin Ming has become more mysterious now and his background is confusing. But his
character, can't you see it? Is that measured by money? There are many people in the world who chase
after fame and profit, but few who value love and righteousness, and Qin Ming is one."

                "But as far as this matter of him leaving the Mu family is concerned, he has been handling it
carefully, not wanting to cause too much harm or trouble to us, which shows that he is not cold and
heartless, and even gets along with us."

                "This time, he may have angered him, but there is still room for manoeuvre, and those who value
love should be impressed with true love."

                "According to my observation, Qin Ming is a person who suffers from softness but not hardness,
if you talk to him properly, then you can definitely become friends, if you play tricks on him, on the
contrary, you will easily anger him. This time, Zhang Zhen Zhen has miscalculated."

                Mu Hao was astonished, "Did he miscalculate? I admire Zhang's tactics the most."

                Mu Hai Ran's old face scrunched up as he smiled, "A real person is also a human being, my
senior brother used to make mistakes all the time, the reason why he is so calculating is that he knows how
to learn from his lessons and mistakes, but that doesn't mean he won't really make mistakes again."

                Mu Hao said reluctantly, "Dad, so we can only stay in Guangzhou City? When our whole family
was kicked out of the capital city, do we have to carry the humiliation of that year for the rest of our lives?
You were a reigning figure in the capital city back then."

                Mu Hai Ran's face froze, seemingly caught up in contemplation of the past, causing his face to
gradually turn cold and his fists to clench involuntarily.
                Mu Hao said again, "Dad, since it's all turned out like this. Then I'll let Xiaochun go. My Mu
family is also thin on the ground, with only two daughters."

                Mu Hai Ran grunted coldly, "You didn't raise the younger ones when you were told to, and now
you're too old to have them, so you regret it, right? But luckily, Xiaochun's personality is completely
different from her sister's, so maybe it will work wonders. You go and call Xiaochun here."

                A short while later, Mu Sichen was called into Mu Hai Ran's study.

                "Grandpa, what's wrong?" Mu Sichen was a little upset and her eyes were a little red.

                Mu Hai Ran said lovingly, "Aiya, who has bullied our little princess? Did someone bully you
during the filming over at Director Feng's place?"

                Mu Sichen flattened her mouth, "I have my brother-in-law to cover me up, how can I be bullied?
I'm just angry that brother-in-law wants to leave, why does he want to leave? Is our family treating him
badly? Sister too, isn't brother-in-law quite nice? Why does she want to file for divorce?"

                "Who can say about things like feelings?" Mu Hai Ran chuckled, "Actually, I do think that Qin
Ming doesn't have deep feelings for your sister, he treats you well."

                Mu Si Chun simply nodded, "Well, I didn't know my brother-in-law before, I thought he was
incompetent and unreasonable, but later I found out that my brother-in-law is very powerful and also very
gentle, eh heh heh, I envy my sister."

                Speaking of this, Mu Si Chun was still a little shy, she thought carefully about all the time she
spent with Qin Ming and was quite happy.

                Mu Hai Ran smiled and said, "That's not true. Little Qin is a very good man. Unfortunately, he's
not meant to be with your sister. Moreover, he is suffering from a difficult disease and I am afraid that he
will not live long."

                "What life is not long?" Mu Sichen's expression changed.

                Mu Hai Ran said, "Xiao Qin has a strange disease in his body, and Zhang Zhen Zhen sent a box,
the same box that was given to your sister, which contained something you could save you him. But when
the two of them got divorced, your sister wouldn't give it to him, so ...... alas, there was a standoff."

                "How can my sister do this? It's important to save people, brother-in-law is too miserable, right?"
Mu Si Chun angrily clenched her small fist and said, "I'll go find her for a theory."

                Mu Hai Ran called out to Mu Si Chun, saying, "Hey, what are you doing getting involved in a
child's business? You should stay out of adults' business. Go back to your room, you didn't take on Feng's
drama? You're only a sophomore, and you're able to work with a well-known domestic director, how lucky
are you? For Qin Ming's sake, you don't care about anything else?"

                Mu Sichen nuzzled unhappily and walked back to her room with a huff.

                She took out a backpack and grunted, "Grandpa is too hateful, isn't brother-in-law still signing
his name on that divorce agreement? Isn't there still room for redemption? To take a step back, isn't
brother-in-law's life important? He has helped our family so much, how can he turn his back on this?"

                Mu Sichen picked up the phone and dialed Qin Ming, saying, "Brother-in-law, where have you

                When Qin Ming heard that it was Mu Sichen, he was not annoyed that she had just thrown him
cold water, but simply said, "What's wrong? Xiaochun, I'm no longer your brother-in-law anymore, I hope
I can still be friends with you."

                "Brother-in-law, I don't want you to go." Mu Si Chun's small eyes were a little aggrieved as she
said, "Where are you? I'll go with you to find my sister and ask her to give you something. It's for saving
lives after all."

                Qin Ming said, "Alright, you kids should stay out of adults' business and study hard."

                When Qin Ming hung up the phone, Mu Sichen was furious, this exact same tone as Mu Hai Ran
had completely angered Mu Sichen.

                She gritted her teeth in anger, "Good for you, Qin Ming, you're only two years older than me?
Why are you pretending to be an adult? No, I can't just ignore it, I must get Qin Ming back."
                He felt that he had been set up from the beginning, but had no evidence.

                Mu Hao's yang-fang defiance also annoyed him, and Zhang Quanzhen's unusual relationship
with the Mu family, which secretly kept him in the Mu family, annoyed him because he hated being
manipulated into his fate.

                Since you wanted me to find Mu Xiaoqiao, Qin Ming was inclined not to do so.

                Now that Mu Xiaoqiao wanted to divorce him, that was just what he wanted, to live his own life.

                But he had a compulsion inside him again, something he had not expected.

                Since Mu Xiaoqiao refused to give him the box, Qin Ming could only go to Xiangxi to look for

                But the divorce papers still had to be handed back to her.

                Qin Ming arrived at a night market bar because Ao Mei's intelligence network had investigated
that Mu Xiao Qiao had come here to the nightclub.

                Over at the bar, it was obvious to see a dressed-up Mu Xiao Qiao with a handsome man in a suit
sitting beside her.

                Normally, a beautiful woman like Mu Xiao Qiao appearing at a bar to get drunk would be the
subject of competition for heroes and heroines of all walks of life, but the man sitting next to Mu Xiao
Qiao, who also had bodyguards and four brawny men forming a safe little circle of strangers, could be
considered domineering.

                Qin Ming walked straight over.

Chapter 424
Qin Ming walked over and saw Mu Xiaoqiao, who had already drunk a dozen cocktails in front of him, her
face flushed, her eyes hazy, her feminine charm showing through.
                Qin Ming said, "Mu Xiaoqiao, even if you're divorced, you don't need to get drunk in a place
like this, do you?"

                The intoxicated Mu Xiaoqiao looked back at Qin Ming and said with cold eyes, "Put down your
things, you can go now."

                When Qin Ming saw such a drunken Mu Xiao Qiao, he actually blamed himself a little, if it
wasn't because of him, how could Mu Xiao Qiao come to this kind of night club bar alone to drink and get

                Mu Xiao Qiao's situation was already dangerous, once she was drunk, she was at the mercy of
the handsome man in the suit next to her.

                Qin Ming and the Mu family had known each other for a long time, so he couldn't bear to see
Mu Xiaoqiao trample herself like this.

                Qin Ming said, "All right, come back with me first. I have something to say."

                Mu Xiaoqiao broke away from Qin Ming's hand and said, "Who are you? Who are you to me?
Why should I go with you? I don't know you, and I don't want to hear anything from you."

                "Stand still!"

                One of the suit man's bodyguards suddenly stopped Qin Ming and scolded, "Where's the stink?
Pan Jun? Maximus gluttony? The problem? I don't think so. The company's main business is to provide a
wide range of products and services to the public. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a
new one. The sheaths of the houses are not the same. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of
what you're doing.

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

                Qin Ming said, "Get out of the way."

                "Let him come over." The elegant handsome man straightened his "bukkake brothers", put his
hands in his pockets and looked at Qin Ming arrogantly, "If I guessed correctly, are you the Mu family's
son-in-law, the poor bastard that Xiao Qiao said before."
                Qin Ming asked, "Yes, it's me, and who are you?"

                "Me? My name is Su Shiming, I am Mu Xiaoqiao's business partner, the raw materials for their
company's luxury brands' cloth are all supplied by my company, technically speaking, many luxury brands'
cloth materials supply and demand in countries all over the world, all have cooperation with me." Su
Shiming proudly introduced himself, "With a fortune of over a billion dollars, and you, have you graduated
from university? Oh, I remember, Shinjo said you had just started your senior year."

                An arrogant tone of a successful socialite, the condescending posture of a rich family's son.

                Qin Ming said, "Oh, so what if you're rich? Do I still need you to take charge when I talk to Mu

                Su Shiming added, "It's obvious that Mu Xiaoqiao has already divorced you, and her affairs,
don't need your attention. You're not stalking? You can't let go of the Mu family's glory and wealth? A
man like you can't help Mu Xiaoqiao at all, do you know that? You're a liability, you know that?"

                Su Shiming lit a cigarette and blew out a puff leisurely, saying, "Do you know how much trouble
Shiao Qiao's company is in right now? Do you have the ability to fix it? Do you know how bad the
competition from international luxury brands is?"

                "You don't know anything, you just know how to eat soft food. Don't you?"

                "Drop your divorce papers and go away. You ignored her in the first place, and you can't afford
to be high on her in the future."

                "But I have you to thank for that, I've known Mu Xiaoqiao for years too, and I've been courting
her, but she doesn't like me. It turns out that she secretly married a poor boy like you, Boss Mu wants a
son-in-law at home, hehe, now is the time when Shiao Qiao is sad, and it's thanks to you for providing me
with this opportunity."

                Mu Xiaoqiao suddenly stood up, took the divorce papers and said, "What's the point of talking so
much? Su Shiming, send me back to my old company building. I don't want to see this face."

                Mu Xiaoqiao had drunk a lot of wine and was walking staggeringly.

                Seeing this, Su Shiming knew that his chance had come and hurriedly reached out to help.

                But Qin Ming suddenly stormed up and knocked his arm away, grabbing Mu Xiaoqiao, who was
about to fall, with one hand.

                Mu Xiaoqiao stumbled and fell on top of Qin Ming again. She saw Qin Ming and pushed him
away breathlessly, saying, "What are you doing? Since you've signed the divorce, you're divorced. Don't
you want Nie Haitang? Go ahead, you go and find her. Won't I be out of your way after the divorce? Won't
you be free with a divorce?"

                Qin Ming was stunned when he heard this, it was a bit of a solid statement.

                Qin Ming said, "Su Shiming has no good intentions towards you, don't be naive."

                Mu Xiaoqiao said excitedly, "Can't I see it? But at least people are interested in me and even
want to sleep with me, what about you? You don't even want me when I'm naked in front of you, have I
been a bitch to you once and a half? I feel less than a hair on Nie Haitang's head. You let go of me, I don't
want you to care."


                Mu Xiaoqiao, under the influence of alcohol, threw a slap across in anger.

                Qin Ming was slapped so loudly that there were red marks on his face.

                This slap made everyone in the bar quiet down.

                In fact, when the argument started over here, someone had already noticed it.

                "No way! Such a superb beauty, not even stripped naked?"

                "Who is that one called Nie Haitang? Is she prettier than this one?"

                "It can't be Nie Haitang, the daughter of a wealthy family who went bankrupt in Guang City, can
it? Fortune magazine often reports that the rich wives of the gentry in Guang City are all trying to give
their sons the thousand-year-old daughter-in-law they want, ah, but unfortunately they haven't heard from
them since they went bankrupt."

                "Oh, men. Aren't they all greedy for the new and old? Eating from the bowl and looking at the
pot. The goddesses you all fancy, you don't know that she's already puking from day to day."

                Su Shiming looked aside and smiled smugly, he knew very well that at times like this, he didn't
need to be in the limelight, low profile was the most cowardly way to pretend.

                Mu Xiaoqiao grabbed a bottle of whisky from the drinks counter and poured it straight into her
mouth, causing many drinkers at the bar to hoot and holler, "Good, the beauty is bold enough, awesome."

                Mu Xiaoqiao wiped her mouth and a tear sprang up at the corner of her eye, but the bar was
dimly lit and she couldn't see it clearly. From now on, even if I sleep with a dog on the roadside, it's none
of your business. Su Shiming, are you dead? Help me back to the company."

                Su Shiming dropped a wad of money straight away and said, "Pay the bill. Shinjo, I'm coming,
I'm here, be careful, look how drunk you are, don't go back to the office and work overtime, let's go to the
hotel and take a walk to the spa, how nice to soak in the hot spring."

                Su Shiming's four bodyguards, also very timely to stand out, blocking Qin Ming's way, can not
let him get in the way of the boss to pick up girls ah.

                Seeing that it was these four again, Qin Ming said in annoyance, "Get out of the way, or else you
will be responsible for the consequences."

                The four bodyguards looked at each other and grinned.

                "Brothers, did I hear you right? This kid is telling us to get out of the way? Just this little body of

                "He's been the son-in-law of a rich family for a few days, so he thinks he's a big shot."

                "Kid, you can't beat our Young Master Su. Our Young Master Su is young and rich, handsome,
and knows how to be considerate of women."
                "You're a stinking door-to-door son-in-law who's been dumped, why don't you hurry up and get

                Qin Ming waved his hand, and Ah Long, who was wearing slippers, immediately stepped out at
the side and yawned lazily, "Young master, what's going to be done?"

                Qin Ming pointed at Su Shiming, the four bodyguards, and said, "It's not a good night, let them
stay in hospital for a few months."

                Ah Long hurriedly agreed, "Okay, young master, you go first, silly big guy, get out of the way."

                As soon as the words left his mouth, Ah Long slapped him across the face, so fast that before the
bodyguard could react, he was directly hit by Ah Long's slap on the face and fell to the ground, unable to
stand up!

                Ah Long's slap was simple, direct, brutal and even more unexpected.

                Qin Ming glared at a few people and just sauntered out.

                The other three bodyguards were dumbfounded, what had happened here? This kid had such a
powerful bodyguard? Wasn't he the son-in-law of the family?

                Ah Long stretched and said, "Alright, let's all go together, five seconds to send you all to the
hospital for a few months."

                Behind Qin Ming, there was soon a burst of wailing and screaming, he didn't really care about
any of this, after all, he was the boss, giving orders, his men just worked.

                At the entrance of the hotel, a drunken Mu Xiaoqiao was pulled by Su Shiming into a BMW.

                Qin Ming walked over and kicked him off, snatching Mu Xiaoqiao away.

                Su Shiming fell on his face and turned around and cursed, "Holy shit! It's you again, poor? Pan
Jun? The first time I saw you, I was so happy. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what
you are doing. The actual fact is that you will be able to find out more about the actual actual actuality. The
company is a member of the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Education. The government has also
been working on the development of a new technology for the development of the country. What are the
people? What's the difference? The gadfly is a good idea.

                And at that moment, a golden Rolls-Royce Plus drove by Qin Ming, and a row of black-clad
men protected Qin Ming as they watched him put the drunken Mu Xiaoqiao into the car.

                Su Shiming was stunned, why did a luxury car suddenly appear? He knew this car, it was a Rolls
Royce custom-made limousine at the top of the villa on Cloud Hill.

                Su Shiming's family lived in the Cloud Peak Villa, but he lived at the foot of the mountain and
would occasionally see this luxury car coming in and out, the license plate was correct for this number, the
owner who could own this car was widely talked about in the wealthy circles of Guangzhou City, many
people did not know the identity behind it.

                All they know is that Hou Qing, a big businessman, and people from the powerful Qi family all
do business with the owner of this car.

                The owner of this car also has a super pretty beautiful secretary.

                Giggling ...... Song Ying stepped on her high heels and came in front of Su Shiming, the latter
trembled, what a beautiful woman, but at the same time his pupils shrank, everything in front of him
seemed to be confirming his thoughts.

                This, this Qin Ming, Mu Xiaoqiao's man, was the owner of the highest peak villa at the top of
Cloud Mountain? That mysterious super rich man?

                Impossible, right? Wasn't he a student? Moreover, he was wearing such shabby clothes, and his
secretary was so pretty, why did he need to marry Mu Xiaoqiao?

                Bang Bang!

                Ah Long threw out Su Shiming's four bodyguards, each with a bruised face and unconscious
                Su Shiming was even so scared that his legs went limp and he no longer dared to ask, could this
not be seen? His four bodyguards were all professionally trained, but the result was not enough for a little
brother in slippers to beat him up?

                Song Ying looked down at Su Shiming with cold arrogance, a sharp blade in his hand, and said,
"I heard that you want to pay for our young master's life?"

                Su Shiming was so frightened that he fell to his knees and hurriedly said, "I, I, I am sorry for the
shock, the disturbance, Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin, what I said just now was my drunken, drunken slip of the
tongue, please forgive me Mr. Qin."

                After putting Mu Xiaoqiao in the car, Qin Ming walked over and said, "Young Master Su, right,
I'll send you a message, if you dare to divulge half a word about today's incident, I will destroy your whole
family in the future."

                Su Shiming looked at Qin Ming's sharp eyes and was scared out of his wits, not daring to
squeak, he could see that Qin Ming was serious.

                Qin Ming turned around and walked away after he finished speaking, at the same time saying,
"Smash up Su Shao's car so that he remembers this lesson."

                Su Shiming watched as Qin Ming's men smashed the car, he did not dare to go forward to stop it,
nor did he dare to ask ah, he could only admit it.

Chapter 425-426
 Chapter 425
A headache, Mu Xiaoqiao's brain ached.

                Her consciousness was somewhat fractured, her own last self being taken to the car by Su

                Who was Su Shiming? She was drinking at a bar tonight and happened to see him picking up
girls and then got stuck with him.

                She was at the bar tonight and happened to see him picking up girls, and then she was pestered.
Due to her partnership with his father, Mu Xiao Qiao didn't be too rude to drive him away.
                In the end, in order to appear spontaneous in front of Qin Ming, she let Su Shiming send her
back to the empty old company building, saying that she couldn't be a wimp about anything.

                Her eyes snapped open, she wondered how long she had been drunk, if Su Shiming had ended up
taking her to the car, would she have lost her virginity, the very thought of it made Mu Xiaoqiao drenched
in cold sweat and instantly sobered up.

                She wasn't going to be possessed by Su Shiming while she had the chance, was she?

                Mu Xiaoqiao looked around her when she woke up and felt the clothes on her body and was
relieved to be lying comfortably on the bed again.

                This was her room, and her clothes weren't messy.

                "I didn't expect that Su Shiming to be such a gentleman and send me straight back." Mu Xiao
Qiao let out a long, cloudy breath and couldn't help but feel a little more kindly towards Su Shiming in her

                Mu Xiaoqiao looked at the clock, it was only after 3am.

                She also saw Aunt Fang, the nanny, dozing off to the side, and she called out a few times, "Aunt
Fang, Aunt Fang, get me a cup of warm water."

                "Oh, you're awake, Missy." Aunt Fang yawned and hurriedly poured Mu Xiaoqiao a cup of
warm water, saying, "Oh, your father and wife were so distressed when they saw you being sent back
drunk. Fortunately, the aunt sent someone to bring you back, otherwise it would have been ...... if you had
met a bad person."

                Mu Xiaoqiao was stunned and said, "Wasn't it my friend who sent me back?"

                Aunt Fang said, "No, it was a friend of the aunt, a woman, very beautiful."

                Mu Xiao Qiao reached out and grabbed her heart, she was having some difficulty, she had
clearly decided to forget that hard-hearted man, she clearly no longer wanted to remember him, but the
moment she heard that Qin Ming had sent her back, she couldn't help but steal joy in her heart, instinctive
feelings cannot be deceived.

                Mu Xiaoqiao looked through her bag, but could not find the divorce papers, and when she
thought about it, she seemed to have left them in the bar.

                That copy of the divorce agreement had to be given to a lawyer before it could go through to
have legal effect, and if it was lost then another copy would have to be signed.

                Mu Xiaoqiao sighed: "Forget it, let's go look for it later. Aunt Fang, you go to bed, it's been hard
on you."

                Aunt Fang got up to leave, but then stopped and said, "Eh yes, just now Missy your phone kept
ringing, so I turned it off for fear of disturbing you, I don't know if it would make you miss something
important, Missy you should check your phone first."

                Mu Xiao Qiao took her phone and found that they were all calls from her sister Mu Sichen, more
than thirty of them, and because she couldn't get through, she had sent messages afterwards.

                After reading the messages, Mu Xiao Qiao was so shocked that she couldn't put on her shoes and
immediately got up and ran, turning back to grab a pair of shoes after running out the door.

                Aunt Fang, who had just come downstairs, wondered, "Eh? Are you going to the kitchen, Miss?
What do you want to eat? I can get it for you."

                Mu Xiaoqiao said, "Aunt Fang, I'm going out for a while. Don't tell my parents."

                Mu Xiaoqiao had only just sobered up and didn't dare drive herself, so she hailed a taxi from the
roadside and returned to the nightclub bar where she had spent the evening drinking.

                Even after 3am, the nightclub was still very busy outside, but there was a smashed BMW 7-
series on the roadside, which Mu Xiao Qiao recognised as Su Shiming's car.

                She quickly walked into the bar and asked the bartender who had made her a drink: "Sir, do you
remember me? I started out with eighteen of your cocktails and I think I ended up taking a bottle of your
whiskey, and my husband came to me with a divorce settlement, where is that settlement?"
                The bartender said, "Oh, I saw it. Our bouncer threw it in the trash by hand, so if you want to
look for it, look in the outside trash."

                Mu Xiaoqiao ran to the alley outside the bar again.

                "Ah!" Just as she stepped outside, she was startled to see several drunken women lying over to
the place, with some men leering next to them.

                One pretty-looking one was even carried away, and a few ugly ones were left unattended instead.

                Mu Xiaoqiao held back her fear for a moment and walked quickly to the bin.

                The rubbish was piled up in the gutter behind the bar, emitting all sorts of stench, and she came
across a condom containing an unknown liquid.

                Mu Xiaoqiao frowned in disgust, but she had to get the divorce papers out.

                She wanted to make sure of something, had Qin Ming signed the agreement when he came to see

                Was he that stone-hearted? And if he was so hard-hearted why did he come to control her again?
Not to let her fall, not to let her get drunk all over the place?

                Mu Xiaoqiao remembered the message her sister Mu Sichen had just sent her, saying that Qin
Ming had a strange disease that would kill him and needed something in a box in her hands to save his life.

                Mu Xiao Qiao was actually quite puzzled, the box she had was given to her by Zhang Zhen Zhen
when he came to visit the Mu family today, saying that it was a book of martial arts for strengthening the
body, and it also contained a musk bag with a fragrant scent.

                It was just a very ordinary gift, nothing special.

                She originally found it very strange, she had always been in good health and was not at all
interested in any body-strengthening martial arts, she would go to the gym if she wanted to exercise.
                Why did Zhang Zhen Zhen give her this?

                Then she heard Qin Ming's phone call and realised that Qin Ming wanted this item.

                But she really didn't know that Qin Ming was going to take something to save his life.

                At that time, Mu Xiaoqiao was on fire and when she heard that Qin Ming wanted the box, she
threw it straight into the bin behind the bar.

                So, the box Qin Ming wanted, along with the divorce papers, were all thrown into the rubbish.

                With this mountain of rubbish, Mu Xiaoqiao could only go through the bags one by one and find
them slowly.

                Inside, apart from wine bottles, cigarette boxes, food, there were many adult products, and
women's sanitary napkins, and even bags of condoms, the smell of which made her want to vomit.

                "Vomit!" Mu Xiaoqiao really threw up, vomiting in a big way, her stomach full of alcohol.

                But after she had vomited, she wiped her mouth, not caring so much, she could only continue to
look for it, it was something that concerned Qin Ming's life, and she regretted very much that she had
casually thrown it away.

                Mu Xiaoqiao gritted her teeth and said, "Why does he have a strange disease? Normally it
doesn't look like it at all."

                Mu Xiaoqiao had been searching for almost an hour, the mountains of rubbish were all scattered,
every plastic bag was opened and its contents dumped down, and she was sweating and dirty from the

                "Hoo ......" Mu Xiaoqiao gulped and wiped her sweat as fatigue swept through her body.

                "Hey, what are you doing? You stinking beggar, looking for rubbish elsewhere, all messed up,
I'm going to get docked." The bar's cleaning aunt hit Mu Xiaoqiao on the back with an angry broom.

                "Ah!" Mu Xiaoqiao grunted in pain and fell to the ground.

                "Huh? You ...... you're not a beggar." The cleaning aunt saw that Mu Xiaoqiao had a beautiful
face, only her clothes were ridiculously dirty, before she realized that she had hit the wrong person: "Are
you too high on drugs? What are you doing going through the rubbish? Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were a
beggar from the neighbourhood."

                Mu Xiaoqiao endured the pain and said, "Auntie, I'm fine. Have you seen a piece of paper, a
divorce agreement. There is also a very ordinary wooden box, but it smells good."

                The cleaning aunt thought for a moment and said, "Oh, a wooden box? I picked it up, you want
it, you have to give me a tip."

                Mu Xiaoqiao hurriedly opened her bag and took out all the cash she had, saying, "Auntie, this is
all I have, the box must be returned to me, people's lives are at stake, I beg you."

                The cleaning lady took a hundred yuan and said, "We are not blackmailing you, a hundred yuan
is enough for a tip."

                Mu Xiaoqiao then took the wooden box that Zhang Quanzhen gave her and found that the
contents were not missing, she was relieved and a reassuring smile spread across her cold face.

                She pushed all the money over and said, "Auntie, you can take the money too, as compensation
for the mess I made here. So, did you see a copy of the divorce papers?"

                The cleaning lady said, "Yes, but you can write another one, I didn't bring any paper to the toilet
that day, so I wiped my butt with that white paper. What's the point of writing another copy when you're
already divorced anyway?"

                "......" Mu Xiaoqiao was speechless, this flushed the toilet?

                Mu Xiaoqiao asked, "No, auntie, where the man signs, does it say face? It's obvious, right? A
quick glance and you can see it, right?"

Chapter 426
"A signature?" The cleaning lady thought carefully and said, "No. I say to you, little girl, life is not easy
for anyone, two couples have to understand each other and get by when they can, my old partner and I
used to quarrel a lot when we were young, although he was not much of a man and could not earn money,
but isn't that how life is? At least he loves me, his wife."

                "I saw that young man too, he was obviously worried about you being taken away by someone."

                "The owner of that BMW is a regular at our bar here now, I've seen him hook up with a lot of
girls who have bought drunk, tsk ...... at the time I thought you were going to get in the car with him, so
you're definitely going to lose your virginity tonight."

                "Hey, your husband is quite a man, hard to snatch you back. I'm not going to blame my wife for
talking too much, because you gave me this three thousand, I'll advise you, the day can live together, then
come over."

                "What man in the world is not a womanizer? He has you in his heart, right? Eh, my partner says
that a man who is not capable of doing anything is not a philanderer. Hey, hey, so he'll only be able to treat
me right for the rest of his life."

                Mu Xiaoqiao was being "lectured" by this cleaning lady, but she didn't listen to her, she only
heard the cleaning lady say that Qin Ming hadn't signed the divorce papers.

                Why hadn't he signed?

                Didn't he miss his Nie Haitang? Then go away, why hasn't he signed? Why is he still bothering

                Mu Xiaoqiao couldn't figure it out, and she returned to the Mu family compound in a daze, all
dirty and confused.

                She arrived here in the study and didn't see Qin Ming's figure.

                In the days when Qin Ming had been a member of the Mu family, he had almost always slept in
the study, and this was also the place where Qin Ming had spent the longest time.

                She saw the nine-eyed dzi bead that lay on the study table, an antique full of antiquity and the
vicissitudes of history.
                Mu Xiaoqiao picked up the nine-eyed dzi and wore it around her neck again, then left her tired
self on the sofa in the study where Qin Ming used to sleep and went straight to sleep.

                Early the next morning, Qin Ming was already fully loaded and ready to go.

                He had already decided to solve the problem at the source, as the heir to the Huan Yu Century
Group, why be so cowering?

                He slept with that Lin Yurou, right? But how does it count if you lay the bug first?

                If you really want to fight, I'm not afraid of you. Hurry up and be honest and get the bug out for

                Rather than suffer Zhang Quanzhen's set-up calculations, he should go and get Lin Yurou to get
it out.

                "So that's how it is, I've been put under a parasite, I'm going to Xiangxi to find someone to get
rid of it, what are you doing following Mu Si Chun? Hey, you girl, you still know to squat in my dormitory
for me to go back to ask for leave? You're really a ghostly spirit." Qin Ming was speechless as he looked at
Mu Sichen who was holding on to his arm.

                This woman had never let go of her hand since she squatted on Qin Ming in the school dormitory
last night, hanging on to him like a tree bear.

                She had also not closed her eyes all night, lest Qin Ming should run away.

                Gritting her teeth, Mu Sichen nuzzled her mouth and said, "I want to follow you. What if you are
in danger in the mountains? I can protect you."

                "Hahaha." The bodyguards beside Qin Ming burst into laughter, this delicate Mu Sichen, and she
said she would protect Qin Ming? Wasn't that a joke?

                Mu Sichen looked at Bi Yuan and said unhappily, "What are you laughing at? Oh, I recognise
you, you are all friends of Qin Ming's, aren't you delivery people, waiters and janitors? Are you wearing
formal clothes now? You look like you're going to war, aren't you going to work?"
                Bi Yuan laughed and said, "We are brothers, so we have to go to the tiger's den."

                Qin Ming had taken Ah Long and Bi Yuan with him on this trip, and last night the lead team had
already rushed to Xiangxi for deployment.

                Song Ying had to stabilise her business and operations on the Chinese side, and Ao Mei was
currently busy with gathering information on the Zhao family.

                Ah Long was also originally very busy, but for the sake of Qin Ming's safety, he was drawn

                Mu Sichen hugged Qin Ming to death and said, "I don't care, brother-in-law, I will follow you
wherever you go until you change your mind and don't divorce my sister. If you don't take me with you, I'll
go home and cut my own veins and leave a letter saying that you bullied me and tried to be irresponsible
after you got pregnant."

                "......" The crowd was speechless, wasn't Mu Si Chun playing a scoundrel?

                Qin Ming looked at Bi Yuan, who reluctantly nodded his head, feeling that he could still protect
Mu Si Chun.

                One more person was just one more mouth to feed, so it didn't matter to Qin Ming.

                The group set off in style, and after taking the private jet arranged by the group, Mu Sichen was
finally sure that Qin Ming would not leave her behind, so she finally closed her eyes.

                But this girl didn't go anywhere when she was sleeping, she still had to lie on Qin Ming's lap,
and it's a good thing this was Qin Ming's private plane.

                When the plane reached the halfway point, Qin Ming looked at Mu Sichen lying on his lap,
sleeping with a cute mouth nuzzling, because of the little black skirt and white round-neck top he wore, a
big white long legs entwined.

                Qin Ming couldn't resist stealing a photo.

                Just as he was about to save it, his phone rang.

                "Hello, something wrong?" When Qin Ming saw that it was Mu Xiaoqiao calling, his emotions
were relatively calm, the past was in the past and he didn't think much about it.

                However, there was some inexplicable discomfort in his heart, as if it was a bit of a loss to get
divorced without having slept around.

                Mu Xiaoqiao's side looked more anxious: "Where are you? I'm sending you the things that
Zhang Zhen Zhen gave me. Why don't you be patient and tell me about such an important matter?"

                "What?" Qin Ming looked at the clouds and the blinding sun outside the private jet and said
straight away, "No need, I'll go and find other high achievers to solve the matter of my body. That old man
Zhang Quanzhen set me up, I won't let him off the hook. Keep that thing for yourself, I heard it can
strengthen your body, just throw it away if you find it useless. Also, I won't meddle in your affairs from
now on, but I advise you to get drunk in nightclubs less often, there are all kinds of people in places like

                Mu Xiaoqiao clenched her fist and said, "Don't give me any more bravado, just tell me where
you are. Can't I send you there myself?"

                Qin Ming said nonchalantly, "I'm on a plane, you're flying over to deliver it to me?"

                "......" Mu Xiaoqiao was silent for a while, then added, "Then give me the address of your
destination, and I'll fly over to deliver it to you."

                Qin Ming said, "No need, why are you following me here? Didn't you ask me to leave you
alone? Since we're divorced, you don't have to care about me either. I asked you yesterday, and if you don't
give it to me, I don't expect you to."

                "You're angry, aren't you?" Mu Si Chun said, "Last night I, I ...... admit that I was angry and
didn't listen to you carefully, and I did wrong. But you didn't sign your name on the divorce papers, didn't
you just try to get me back last night? We are still legally married now. Isn't it right for me to help you
when you're having health problems? Give me the address."

                Qin Ming's head tilted, he remembered that he had signed it.

                "Oh!" Qin Ming remembered, the paper had been wetted by Mu Si Chun's pot of water, did the
handwriting get smudged?

                Qin Ming said, "Forget it, you've filed for divorce, what else ......"

                Mu Xiaoqiao said directly, "I'm against divorce now, tell me where you are? Do you even want
your life? I'll send you something over here."

                Qin Ming licked his lips, not knowing how to speak, Mu Xiao Qiao suddenly gave him the
contents of that box despite everything, which was quite touching to Qin Ming.

                Suddenly, the sleeping Mu Sichen reached over and hugged Qin Ming's neck, pressing herself
against his chest and muttering in her sleep, "Brother-in-law, has Dayong City arrived yet? I'm hungry, ow,
bite your flesh ...... brother-in-law don't go, sister doesn't want you, I want you."

                "......" This was awkward, and a short silence fell over the call between the two.

                Mu Xiaoqiao was so shocked that the breath in her chest was hard to calm, she pinched the nine-
eyed dzi bead she was wearing around her neck, suddenly having the unpleasant taste of having the most
important person snatched away from her, and said, "Qin Ming, how come my sister is beside you? Didn't
you say you were on the plane?"

                Qin Ming was speechless, this was too much of a coincidence, right? Thief God, aren't you
fooling me?

                I am a young man with money, people, status and position, but I am misunderstood as a scum
who has hooked up with his sister-in-law?

                Mu Xiaoqiao said: "Dayong City, right? Qin Ming you wait for me, remember, you and I are not
divorced yet. I'll send you something over right away, let's talk it over, okay?"

                Qin Ming really couldn't understand, why are you all following me here?

Chapter 427-428
 Chapter 427
As a famous tourist city in China, Dayong City has the famous Glass Ball, Phoenix Ancient City, Golden
Whip Creek, Forest Park and other attractions, and there are countless tourists coming to Dayong City
every year.

                As Qin Ming had arrived in Dayong City in western Hunan, he had to meet with the Lin family,
a local clan of a large earth cottage, right?

                He went to stay at the most high-end hotel in the local city, which was also the local branch of
the Huan Yu Century Group, so there was no need to worry about security.

                In order not to be easily recognised, Qin Ming had done some make-up, got fake myopic glasses
and a scruffy beard, and Mu Sichen even laughed at Qin Ming for turning into a mature uncle and trying to
fool little girls.

                Qin Ming naturally wouldn't try to deceive little girls, after all, he was mistaken last time, and
now he is still afraid that the other party will use the female insect to emit a smell to lure the male in Qin
Ming's body, thus making Qin Ming lose control.

                So some make-up to change his appearance is still a must.

                The last time I came back from ? country, because he had saved Nie Haitang, Qin Ming did not
remember too much about the affair that happened in the ancient castle, including the woman whose
virginity he had broken.

                But after that old Daoist priest Zhang Quanzhen reminded him, Qin Ming remembered that he
had been mistakenly identified as a relative by Qin Zhongbai, the eldest young master of that old Qin
family in the city of Hai, who was known as the Ninth Young Master.

                "These gentry can really give birth, the ninth young master ......" Qin Ming muttered in his heart,
"As the saying goes, people have similarities, things have similarities, I'm really curious how much that
ninth young master really resembles me?"

                The local head of industry came to meet Qin Ming, the big boss, not long after Qin Ming's group
stayed at the hotel.
                In terms of qualifications, the head of the industry in charge of Dayong City did not have the
face to come and meet Qin Ming, usually the head of the industry in charge of South Lake Province would
come to accompany Qin Ming personally, but Qin Ming did not want to make too much of a mess, and in
the way of his subordinates earning money for him, so he let the head of the industry in Dayong City come
and forget it.

                According to the group's internal personal information, the head of the Dayong City industry
team was an elderly general manager called Zhang Xianmin, with strong business ability and many years
of experience, who intended to work for a few more years in the Huan Yu Century Group, receiving
preferential retirement for the kind of excellent employees.

                Zhang Xianmin came to Qin Ming, but was a little formal and nervous, saying, "Young master, I
have heard of your name, but today is the first time I have met you, young master is really young."

                Qin Ming immediately stepped forward and stopped him from bowing, a senior in his fifties who
had worked hard for the group all his life, Qin Ming gave him courtesy.

                But why did it feel like Zhang Xianmin was a little too nervous?

                He was at least an old boss, right? He was managing so many hotels, scenic restaurants and
restaurants in Dayong City, why was he so formal like a youngster?

                He said, "Mr. Zhang, please sit down first. This time I have to trouble you because of some
personal matters, it's my problem."

                Zhang Xianmin wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Young master, what are you
talking about? We are all working for you. Is the young master here on a pleasure holiday this time? Or is
it a visit to a strange man?"

                Qin Ming was surprised, "Oh? What strange people do you have in western Hunan?"

                Zhang Xianmin was stunned and said, "Young master, the whole of western Hunan? That's too
big a scope, I thought you were looking for a strange man in Dayong City."

                Qin Ming said, "It is true that the scope is a little too large, the great clan of the Xiangxi Tuzhai,
the Lin family, that's all I know. You've heard of it?"
                Zhang Xianmin thought for a moment and shook his head, "I'm very sorry, my subordinate
doesn't really remember much, but I'm familiar with many dignitaries and rich people in western Hunan, so
I can ask around about that Lin family. What's so special about their Lin family?"

                Qin Ming said, "Likes to grow worms for people."

                The corners of Zhang Xianmin's mouth twitched, he didn't feel right, but he didn't know and
didn't dare to ask, responding, "Young master, then my subordinate will go do it right away. I'll arrange for
my secretary to come to your side on my side, and I can dispatch her whenever I want."

                "Don't want one." Qin Ming vetoed, "If something comes up, I will have Bi Yuan contact you."

                Zhang Xianmin was an old employee and naturally knew Bi Yuan, who had been one of Chang
Hongxi's important bodyguards at the time.

                Qin Ming was surprised that the Lin family was not famous in Dayong City, was their influence
so low? Unable to radiate to Dayong City?

                Then how come even the young master of the old Qin family, Qin Zhongbai, was helpless at that
time and was forced to go on a blind date with Lin Yurou? Could it be that influence is not money?

                If it wasn't the influence of wealth and power, but other aspects of influence, the general public
really wouldn't know about it.

                "It could also be that it's more low-key." Qin Ming counted the possibilities, looking for sure he
could find it, he was afraid he would have to wait for a few days, muttering in his heart, "Should I go back
to school first?"

                Qin Ming was dirt poor this time.

                It was only a little over an hour to fly directly from Guangcheng to Dayong City, and with his
private plane, it was just under an hour.

                It was really faster than his trip back home, where he still had to take a few hours in an old bus
into the mountains.
                He couldn't even afford to take the high-speed train in the past, and he always felt that it would
take him a long time to get to Dayong City, but he didn't know that a private jet would be so fast.

                His imagination was really limited by his previous poverty.

                After Zhang Xianmin left, Ah Long came over and said, "Young master, why do I feel that this
man is a bit strange? He is restless, as if he is hiding something in his heart."

                Bi Yuan also said, "That's not bad. When he met with Elder Chang in the past, he wouldn't be so
nervous and nervous, could it be that your majesty is so powerful that it has scared him?"

                Qin Ming said, "I'm just a brat, how can I be that powerful? Forget about that, let's get down to

                Qin Ming thought since he had to wait for news, let's wait.

                "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law!" Putting down the surname Li, Mu Si Chun ran over wearing a
sun visor and took his hand, saying, "Let's go to the glass bridge, quick, quick, quick, I haven't been there
yet, I heard it's very scary, it makes people weak in the legs."

                "......" Qin Ming was speechless and said, "Mu Sichen, I'm here on business, not for fun."

                "Oh, I, I forgot." Mu Sichen playfully spat out her tongue and added, "Then let's go eat the local
cuisine, three under the pot, waxed blood tofu, cold noodles and Tujia buckled pork ...... pant, my mouth is

                Qin Ming reached out and flicked Mu Sichen's forehead, "You foodie, you just know how to

                Mu Sichen threw Qin Ming's arm petulantly, "I want to eat, following brother-in-law has meat to
eat, right?"

                Qin Ming had no choice but to take Mu Sichen out for food first.
                At this time, Mu Xiao Qiao on the plane was tugging at the wooden box in her hand, but she
couldn't contact her sister even if she wanted to.

                Mu Xiao Qiao's heart was in turmoil, her mind was filled with Mu Si Chun's dream-like words,
"Brother-in-law, don't leave, sister doesn't want you, I want you", which lingered in her mind.

                When did the two of them have feelings for each other?

                What did Qin Ming think?

                Mu Xiaoqiao covered her head in pain: "If why didn't you write your name on the divorce
papers, if you did, I wouldn't have any more illusions about you, do you like me at all? However, whether
you like me or not, this thing that can save your life, I will definitely give it to you with my own hands."

                Mu Xiaoqiao was worried when suddenly a pretty girl in the front seat poked her head over and
said, "This sister, you brought this box?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao asked, "What's wrong? It's just an ordinary box."

                The woman said, "I know it's an ordinary box, but the smell of the box makes me physically ill,
so I hope you can put it in your bag."

                Mu Xiaoqiao picked up the box and took a sniff, the usual wood scent, nothing special?

                But she didn't want to start an argument with anyone, so she put it in her bag.

                The woman in the front row sat back, took a long breath, pressed her abdomen and said, "How
can a normal person have something like that? Little Bo was almost restless. It's bad luck this time, I just
followed the scent to Guangcheng, only to have to rush off to Dayong again."

                There was an old woman sitting next to the woman, saying flatly, "Proof that the man is running
amok, but we'll be able to catch him soon. I don't believe that we, the Xiangxi Lin family, are going to let
you, Miss, suffer this one stifling loss of body, and the old Qin family in Hai City is still playing Taiji for
us, so we must find the man."

Chapter 428
As the saying goes, both come and go.

                Qin Ming could not have imagined how the big clan of the earth cottage in the mouth of others,
set aside in his subordinates here had never heard of it, and could only wait for Zhang Xianmin to find it

                Qin Ming led Mu Sichen to a nearby attraction to have some fun first, it just so happened that he
had never been here either.

                The two came to the ancient town of Phoenix, the ancient town is slightly quiet during the day,
but not crowded, a round down Mu Siqun mouth did not stop, but also bought a local Tuzhai ethnic dress,
wearing a head are all kinds of flowers, I have to say, as long as people are beautiful, any clothes can be

                This outfit was misunderstood by the tourists as a local ethnic beauty, and she had to drag Qin
Ming around to take photos and buy a bunch of local specialties that she had to take back with her.

                When Qin Ming looked at the energetic Mu Sichen, he felt tired, was he here for business? Or
was she here to have fun?

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.
Why don't you go to the hospital and take a CT? Can't you find out and operate to remove the worms?"

                Qin Ming casually nibbled two bites and said, "I took a photo, but I can't find it. If it dies in the
blood vessels, I will also die of heart attack."

                When Mu Si Chun heard the word "death", she became a little scared and flattened her mouth,
"I'm sorry brother-in-law, am I ...... getting in your way? I just want to help you, but I don't know what to
do. I just want you not to leave our house, but I can only follow you around."

                Qin Ming dotingly stroked Mu Si Chun's head and said, "It's okay, the more money you have,
the more annoyances you have, and I'm used to it, but I'm still quite happy to have you, a little beauty,
following me around."

                Hearing Qin Ming's praise, Mu Sichen happily pursed her lips and smiled shyly, "Then I'll let
you have a bite of my iced sugar gourd too."
                Qin Ming was about to eat it when he was stunned, at the intersection in front of him, he saw
Zhang Xianmin.

                Zhang Xianmin was carrying a black leather bag, walking with some young men in local ethnic
costumes, they were in a hurry, and they looked like they were taking three steps back.

                The first thing Zhang Xianmin did was to look around and be on guard.

                Qin Ming's heart moved, Zhang Xianmin did not go to him to inquire about the Lin family, come
to the scenic spot to do?

                However, Zhang Xianmin's eyes were about to cast Qin Ming's side, and he hurriedly walled Mu
Sichen, who was nibbling on an iced sugar gourd, against the wall of the small roadside shop to avoid
being seen by Zhang Xianmin, who was watching left and right.

                "Ah! Brother-in-law you ...... what are you doing?" Mu Sichen was startled, she shrank her neck,
facing Qin Ming's strong wall knock, she didn't even know how to react, did Qin Ming want to take
advantage of the scenery to have a fling, to kiss her?

                So it was all a plot by her brother-in-law, saying he hated taking her, but he ended up bringing
her to the scenic spot for good food and drinks, and swinging the boat and buying clothes, and then
walloping her while she was happy, and then he was going to give her a bite of a kiss?

                Bang bang, bang bang, Mu Si Chun looked at Qin Ming's face, she only felt her body burning
like fire, her mood was excited, the two buns on her chest were heaving together.

                She didn't know if she should follow the kiss when Qin Ming was about to kiss down? Or would
it be better to slap it?

                But Qin Ming's eyes looked over to Zhang Xianmin's side, who, after seeing nothing unusual
around him, quickly picked up the money with his companion then walked away.

                Qin Ming threw a look at Ah Long who was secretly protecting him, signalling Ah Long to
follow immediately.
                Ah Long and Bi Yuan guessed right, this Zhang Xianmin really has something odd, but I don't
know what kind of odd, let's follow it first.

                "That little pure ......" Qin Ming looked back at Mu Si Chun, she was surprisingly red in the face,
her body was stiff and didn't dare to move, her eyes were drifting everywhere.

                "Sick?" Qin Ming probed Mu Sichen's forehead, why was this girl's forehead suddenly rolling

                "No, no, brother-in-law you, what are you doing all of a sudden?" Mu Sichen felt Qin Ming's
hand and became even more nervous, she licked her lips and said in a panic, "Walloping, walloping
someone, there are so many people here, here."

                Qin Ming said, "Oh, I scared you, actually you misunderstood, I ......"

                Qin Ming's words had not fallen, suddenly behind several tourists children running and jumping
to chase each other, one of them accidentally hit Qin Ming's back, Qin Ming was caught off guard and
crashed headlong.


                The two of them coincidentally kissed each other on the lips.

                "!!!" Mu Sichen's eyes widened in surprise, and a deep sea of huge waves rose up inside her:
"Look, look, it's true that brother-in-law just has a plot, he made me so happy, just to take advantage, oooh,
my first kiss."

                Qin Ming really cried out in his heart, his back was unguardedly bumped by a junior high school
student, he kissed Mu Si Chun's delicate little mouth with a mouthful, his lips were a little cold and there
was a hint of sweetness from the iced candy cane.

                The soft lips took Qin Ming by surprise, Mu Sichen's fragrance and tenderness softened his
whole body and bones, and he couldn't help but stretch his tongue across.

                "Ah!" Mu Sichen's delicate body shook, her taut body kept shaking, and tears were flowing
down her eyes.
                This process also had four or five seconds, Qin Ming felt that the impact was not good and
hurriedly released his lips, but a pain, rubbing miles, by this girl to bite through.

                Mu Si Chun's eyes were straight up with tears, staring at Qin Ming pitifully, with Qin Ming's
blood at the corner of her mouth.

                "Big brother is sorry." The two tourist children who had just bumped into Qin Ming because of
the chase were polite enough to apologise.

                Qin Ming waved his hand, not bothering with the little kids, "It's alright, you guys be more
careful next time."

                Qin Ming looked back at Mu Si Chun, she still looked aggravated, Qin Ming soothed, "That little
pure, just now I found my subordinate in suspicious shape, that's why I walloped you on the wall to hide
my whereabouts, and happened to be bumped into, this ...... is too much of a coincidence. "

                "But why are you sticking your tongue out? I'm your sister-in-law." Mu Si Chun puffed out her
mouth, tears in the eyes straight, just did not flow out.

                These words really stuck out, directly causing Qin Ming's lewdness to go unnoticed.

                Well, Qin Ming admitted that when faced with a beautiful woman like Mu Sichen, he couldn't
hold back the moment of the accidental kiss just now.

                Qin Ming was also depressed, he managed his lower body but not his upper body. Tsk, it's so
hard to be a man, and even harder for a good man like him to manage this and that.

                But Qin Ming retorted to save face, "You, you don't reach over too."

                "Ooooooooooo ......" Mu Si Chun, who had been holding back, was poked inside and became
even more shy, not even daring to look at Qin Ming, and finally let out a wow to hold back, tears rustling
down her face.

                She threw up her pink fist and punched Qin Ming, "Brother-in-law is bad, big bad, despicable,
shameless, nasty, bully, I'll tell my sister."
                Qin Ming said, "I've just divorced your sister."

                Mu Si Chun said, "Then you have to be responsible for me, what you just did was my first kiss."

                While the two were squirming, Ah Long called and said, "Young master, there's a big discovery,
you need to come over right away."

Chapter 429-430
 Chapter 429
Ah Long called urgently and said, "Young master, there's a big discovery, you need to come over here
right away."

                Qin Ming hung up the phone and said, "Xiaochun, something is going on over there, you ......"

                Mu Si Chun said with tears in her eyes, "Brother-in-law, will you be responsible for me?"

                Qin Ming said with a flourish, "Negative, definitely responsible. I'll let you kiss me back, once is
not enough you kiss me more times, kiss me until you feel no loss, how about that?"

                "Brother-in-law, you're thinking beautiful." When Mu Si Chun heard Qin Ming's shameless
words, she immediately broke into a smile, "Alright, get busy with business first. Let's get going."

                Qin Ming's heart was moved, it was rare that Mu Sichen didn't cause any trouble, she was still
quite well behaved when it came to important matters, this was something that both sisters were somewhat
alike, putting the bigger picture first.

                It had to be said that Mu Hao was not a very good person and had raised daughters with their
own flaws, but they were still kind and considerate at heart.

                The duo followed Ah Long's hints and made their way to a water house on the edge of the
ancient town of Phoenix, with a few wooden boats sitting next to it.

                Qin Ming arrived just in time to see Zhang Xianmin and a companion, jumping onto the wooden
boats with a black leather bag full of money and quickly paddling away.
                And next to them, in a shop selling local souvenirs, there was the sound of a fight.

                Qin Ming immediately followed him inside, and just as he entered, he saw a stout, bare-chested
man being squeezed by the neck with one hand by Ah Long and given a crashing smash on the shop's
display case, scattering the souvenirs all over the floor.

                "Ah Long watch out behind you." Qin Ming looked up as a man lunged down from upstairs and
attempted to lock Ah Long's neck.

                Ah Long reacted extremely quickly, sidestepping and kicking him in the abdomen with his knee.

                "Ah!" The man curled up on the floor in pain, unable to get up.

                Ah Long rushed outside to the bridge of the ferry, but was looking at the river, the other side was
rowing downstream and was quite fast, Ah Long's priority was to keep Qin Ming safe and could not chase
him along the shore.

                Ah Long tied up the two men from unknown sources and escorted them to Qin Ming, saying,
"Young master, give that Zhang Xianmin a run for his money, he panicked when he saw me, something is

                The bare-chested man shouted, "Who are you? Robbing in broad daylight? It's almost noon,
people are coming and going, you want your hide to be exposed, we're just decent businessmen, watch out
if we call the police and get you all arrested."


                Ah Long kicked the other man in the fat of his abdomen.

                "Ow~ please, don't kick, it hurts." The bare-chested man hastily begged for mercy, "I'm really
just a decent businessman, selling some small gifts to tourists."

                "If you don't want to suffer, be honest with me." Ah Long scolded, "Say, what do you do?"

                The other skinny man said, "We are really just proper businessmen here, those few just now
were just our acquaintances, I thought you had a problem with him and helped him escape."
                Qin Ming looked at the small mud-brick shop, which was somewhat old and did not have any
special organs.

                Qin Ming instructed, "Ah Long, close the shop first, to save any idle people from coming over."

                On Ah Long's side, he went to close the door, and Qin Ming began to inspect the old house,
which had a dry well, quite deep and dark.

                Qin Ming used his mobile phone to shine a light under the well, but found a person.

                He immediately asked Ah Long to find a rope and went down to bring the person up, but the
person he found was Zhang Xianmin, who was not wearing glasses?

                How could there be two Zhang Xianmin's? Twins? No, that's impossible.

                This Zhang Xianmin was obviously much more emaciated.

                "What's going on? Bribing people? This is Mr. Zhang of the Century Tourism Group in Dayong
City, not to mention that you don't know him, the one who escaped just now also looks the same." Qin
Ming brought the unconscious Zhang Xianmin in front of the two shopkeepers.

                When those two shopkeepers saw Zhang Xianmin unconscious in emaciation, they both fell
silent; sophistry at such a time would only reveal more.

                Qin Ming analyzed, "So, the Zhang Xianmin I saw today was a fake and this is the real one. Tsk,
tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. What do you guys have to say?"

                "......" Those two were still silent.

                Qin Ming simply waved his hand and said, "Since you don't want to talk, take them back and
interrogate them slowly."

                Ah Long immediately called for Bi Yuan to send someone over, and not long after Bi Yuan
arrived in large numbers.
                A few medical personnel from the assassination team put Zhang Xianmin in place and
immediately administered medical treatment. After some busy work, Zhang Xianmin slowly opened his

                "Hoo, hoo ...... I'm saved?" Zhang Xianmin said breathlessly, "Young man, who are you? Did
you save me?"

                Qin Ming said, "Sort of."

                Bi Yuan walked over and exclaimed, "Old Zhang, do you remember me? Bi Yuan."

                "Oh, old Bi." Zhang Xianmin said in a breathless voice.

                Bi Yuan said unhappily, "Luo Bi you granny bear, can you stop calling me by my nickname?"

                Zhang Xianmin laughed: "It seems that you are true, ah, old Bi ah, I have fallen for someone's
plan this time, I have to be careful. There's a guy who's made up to look exactly like me, and he's been
trapping me here for over a week now. Eh, this young man is your little brother?"

                Bi Yuan hurriedly dodged and said, "Aiya, Old Zhang, you really dare to say that, this is our
young master, the heir to Chang Lao."

                "What?" Zhang Xianmin was startled and immediately came to life, sizing up Qin Ming
carefully before finally saying once again in gratitude, "So it was Young Master who saved me, my
subordinate is ashamed of Young Master, he almost also let Young Master fall into the calculations of
those thieves from the Lin family."

                Qin Ming frowned, regardless of anything else, and asked, "The Lin family? The Lin family, the
big clan of the western Hunan clan?"

                Zhang Xianmin said, "Yes, those Lin Chaofeng people are members of the Lin family. The Lin
family is famous in western Hunan, and everyone who has a wide range of friends knows them. But their
earth cottage is a bit far from Dayong City."

                Qin Ming clapped his hands together and said, "No wonder, that fake Zhang Xianmin was
nervous when he saw me, that was because he was a thief, and he said he didn't know any of the big clan of
the Lin family from the earth cottage, which was simply nonsense, because they were from the Lin family
and knew that I was here for trouble."

                Bi Yuan pursued, "Old Zhang, why did they impersonate you?"

                Zhang Xianmin said, "It's not for money, they originally knew me, the one impersonating me,
Lin Chaofeng has also been my friend for many years, one midnight dinner, they suddenly coerced me to
deficit the company and make money for them, I have been working for the group for more than 30 years,
I have long considered the group as my second home, naturally refused, and then they kidnapped me. "

                Qin Ming was puzzled, "The other party is a big family, would they be short of money? And
would go out of their way to ask for all this money for illegal crimes?"

                Zhang Xianmin said, "Young master is new to this country, I don't know anything, in fact, I've
known about this for a short while, something happened to the Lin family, the biggest clan of the western
Hunan province, I don't know what kind of trouble they are in, now they are very short of money."

                The story was clear.

                Lin family trouble, that is why two months ago let Lin Yurou to find the old Qin family in Hai
City marriage, the result let Qin Ming touch, that Qin understand to take advantage of the words, the result
of the marriage naturally failed to end.

                And it seems that the Lin family is in big trouble, even starting to have clan members who are
desperate to do something illegal and disorderly for money.

                There was no telling whether it was the clan chief's order or the thoughts of a small group of

                Qin Ming had a premonition that this journey of his would not be easy.

                Qin Ming asked, "Chief Zhang, do you know where the Lin family's earth cottage is?"

                Zhang Xianmin hesitated for a while and said, "This is something that ordinary people cannot
find, the Lin family is very mysterious in western Hunan, they are a big local clan and are spread all over
the Xiangxi Tuzhai, their influence is not how much money they have, but the large number of clansmen
and some of their Lin family's unique mystical doctrines. It's fine to meet ordinary clansmen, such as that
Lin Chaofeng who impersonated me, who I also know, but it's not easy to meet the clan leader."

                Qin Ming bit his lip, there were so many rules here?

                Ah Long enquired, "Young master, what should we do next?"

                Qin Ming was about to make a judgement when his phone rang, Mu Xiaoqiao had arrived.

Chapter 430
Qin Ming never expected that he would run into someone from the Lin family just after he arrived in
Dayong City, and that he would impersonate his own subordinates for seeking money, exposing both his
purpose and wasting half a day of his time.

                If Mu Si Chun hadn't had to pester him to go to Phoenix Ancient Town to eat and drink, Qin
Ming wouldn't have been able to discover the secret.

                "So, I'm important, right?" Mu Si Chun proudly patted the big white buns on her ripe and plump
chest and said, "So what if you're the vice president of Greater China, it's still not up to me, my cute, smart
and charming sister-in-law, to be a lighthouse on your coastline and guide you towards the truth,

                Qin Ming laughed, not going to bother with this little girl.

                Qin Ming ordered the two clansmen of the Tuzhai Lin family to be invited back to the hotel for
tea, more or less to ask for something, he believed that Bi Yuan's assassination squad had a great deal of
ability to pry open the mouths of these two Lin family members.

                However, Qin Ming still planned to go and pick up Mu Xiaoqiao first.

                After being set up by that old bastard Zhang Quanzhen, Qin Ming had asked Mu Xiaoqiao for
the box containing Tiger Dragon Mountain's unique martial arts, but when Mu Xiaoqiao refused to give it
to him, Qin Ming was more or less sulking and arrogant in his heart, so he decided to come to Xiangxi to
find the Lin family in person.

                Now that Mu Xiao Qiao suddenly sent it from a thousand miles, he was very happy again.
                Qin Ming arrived at the airport and saw Mu Xiao Qiao standing at the entrance of the airport at a
glance. She was poised, extremely beautiful, with a tall figure and curvy proportions that stood out

                She was dressed in black, and under the hot afternoon sun, her skin was even more beautiful than
snow. Her hands were white jade, holding the two peaks on her chest, which seemed to be holding her
black dress apart, causing many hooligans to whistle.

                But Mu Xiaoqiao was like a quiet lotus flower in a lotus pond, which could be watched from afar
but not profanely played with.

                Finally people saw an ordinary brat, dressed in a stall, white washed jeans and an old pair of
patched back shoes, and he walked straight towards Mu Xiaoqiao.

                "Hey, there's a poor bastard trying to strike up a conversation."

                "He doesn't know what kind of status he has, that goddess knows at a glance that she's waiting
for her boyfriend to drive up."

                "There's never a shortage of these shameless poor bastards these days, toads trying to eat swan

                "Oh, we'll just have to watch the fun."

                "Kid, you want to pick up a girl at least, get a bouquet of flowers."

                "Eh, there's a big Ben driving over there, wow, there's a big handsome guy coming down."

                "This must be the boyfriend of this goddess, right? Sure enough, a pretty woman still needs to be
hit with money."

                Qin Ming was a little annoyed to hear these people gossiping and looked back, it was the car in
front of him that had gone and Ah Long had brought the car up from up, so that it would be convenient for
Qin Ming to get in later only.
                Qin Ming walked up to Mu Xiaoqiao and said, "What are you doing here?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao was more surprised by the beard and glasses on Qin Ming's face: "What are you
doing with this make-up? You look like an older man, trying to pick up a young girl?"

                Mu Xiao Qiao looked at Qin Ming, her heart was full of mixed feelings, she didn't know how to
speak for a while, but as soon as Qin Ming asked, he questioned why she came along, this made Mu Xiao
Qiao feel very upset, I'm not worried about you, why am I coming along? I'm not worried about you, why
should I come? Wouldn't a grown man like you think of my intentions? Did you get in the way of you and
my sister wandering around here?

                Her face suddenly turned ugly and she seriously doubted whether Qin Ming and Mu Sichen had
had any illicit relationship.

                When he heard Mu Xiaoqiao say that his make-up was for "picking up young girls", he could not
help but remember that he had accidentally kissed Mu Sichen, and that sweet and fragrant kiss, it seemed
that he was really a bit suspicious, so he immediately felt weak and did not know how to answer.

                For a while, both of them stared at each other with wide eyes, and neither of them said anything.

                However, Mu Xiaoqiao hesitated for a moment and still chose to believe Qin Ming.

                Qin Ming was suffering from a strange disease and needed what was in the box in her hands to
save her life, and she still disliked him with such a bad attitude, and slapped him, and made no sense, and
went to a nightclub to get drunk, and had to have Qin Ming come to her rescue.

                Isn't it just harder to get over an ex-girlfriend? What is she jealous of?

                But she didn't know what attitude to use to face Qin Ming, the little woman at heart or the
everyday iceberg poker face?

                "Let me tell you, the divorce papers are gone, legally we are still husband and wife." Mu Xiao
Qiao ghosted a scowl.
                After saying that, Mu Xiao Qiao regretted a little in her heart, she had come a long way to catch
a passenger plane to come to Dayong City, why did she have to give Qin Ming a scowl? Shouldn't this be a

                But she didn't know how to face Qin Ming either, she wanted him to pamper her and spoil her,
but he didn't, so she was annoyed and in a depressed and uncomfortable mood.

                However, the conversation between the two immediately left the hooligans and landlubbers
watching around dumbfounded and stunned, Turtle, this poor boy is this beauty's husband? This is too
much, right?

                "My God, what's wrong with this society? Can a good cabbage be given to a poor pussy?"

                "Who can tell me how these two can encounter each other with their social backgrounds? And
still have sparks?"

                "What the hell? It's clearly a life version of Duan Yanqing sleeping with Dagger White Phoenix,
damn, this poor pussy boy, he can still sleep with such a good woman?"

                "Look at her water snake waist, that face is so tender that it can wring out water, I learned to read
from a master some years ago, this woman has a clear human middle. Apart from reflecting a woman's
body and longevity, the human middle also means that she has excellent luck with her husband and very
good luck with her children."

                "Holy shit, this woman's face is so strong?"

                "No, she has a clear middle and good luck with her children, which means her children are not
only intelligent but also very filial. As soon as their children grow up, they can bring themselves a lot of
wealth, so that they don't need to continue to work after middle age and can enjoy happiness, which is one
of the typical facial features of an honourable husband and filial son."

                "A flower stuck in cow dung, the heavens are unfair, I'm still a bachelor after working my ass off
here every day."
                Qin Ming glared at the hooligans and gangsters next to him, which caused those people to
immediately shift their eyes, smoking, and sending out WeChat, as if they were not the ones who were
talking about the wind.

                Qin Ming said indifferently, "It doesn't matter if you lost the divorce agreement, write it again."

                A passerby couldn't sit still and got up and cursed, "Shit, this man is a fool, right? He doesn't
even want such a good woman?"

                Another fat man came over and said, "Beauty, do you need love? I'm famous for loving my

                "Beauty, such a scum doesn't want you, don't be afraid, there are more opportunities and more
men for a good woman like you."

                "Sure enough, an honest man like me is a single dog, scum just change women day in and day

                Qin Ming was really speechless, what had he done wrong? What had he done wrong to be
ridiculed for getting a divorce? What do you passers-by know?

                However, these people tried to take advantage of the opportunity to hit on Mu Xiaoqiao, Qin
Ming also did not allow it.

                He pulled Mu Xiaoqiao's hand and shielded her behind him, saying, "All of you get lost."

                When Qin Ming was angry, his face was fierce, and his eagle eyes were dark and stern, as if they
had a sharp, cold aura that penetrated the heart, shocking these hooligans who wanted to take advantage of
the opportunity to fish in the water.

                Although she was a cold and arrogant woman on the outside, she was very delicate and sensitive
on the inside, and this action of Qin Ming softened her heart.

                Mu Xiaoqiao suddenly hugged Qin Ming from behind, waved her face at these idle people and
scolded, "We two couples quarrelling, what has it got to do with you."
                This ...... sudden wave of dog food spilled out, so that the passers-by watching the hustle and
bustle had a full meal, they could not stand to lose face and all dispersed.

                Qin Ming was suddenly hugged from behind by Mu Xiaoqiao, his heart was also a bit confused,
this is his favorite hugging position, it always makes him lower his guard and stereotypes a lot.

                He said gently, "Okay, it's hot outside, get in the car, let's talk about it at the hotel."

                The two got into the car, Qin Ming habitually looked back around, but then noticed something
unusual, there was a woman with long black hair in plain clothes standing by the roadside, that woman, she
was looking straight at Qin Ming.

                "Buzz off!" Qin Ming stared at her for a moment, suddenly in a trance, for no reason at all he
had a desire rising from the bottom of his heart, his body was hot, it was the same kind of feeling as the
last two times, it was the same kind of feeling that the compulsion in his body was affecting his endocrine

                Qin Ming suddenly propped himself up on his forehead, he felt that he was losing control.

                He was going to, he was going to take off his trousers in public!

Chapter 431-432
 Chapter 431
"Hoo, hoo ......" Qin Ming's breathing became rapid, his desire came and went, completely out of control,
his body was on fire and unbearable, he then thought of pouncing on the young woman across the road and
crushing her underneath him.

                It was illogical; Qin Ming was not at all interested in that woman.

                That result spoke for itself.

                The other woman had a female worm inside her body, a female parasite produced by the Lin
family, a great clan of the western Hunan clan, which was said to be strong and healthy for women, and
could also control the male worm inside a man's body by emitting a special scent, and then influence
endocrine secretion through the male worm, causing the man to be incomparably fascinated by the woman,
falling over, losing control and willingly giving everything.
                This can be considered a very vicious act.

                Qin Ming couldn't help but take off his trousers and lunge at the woman, not caring that this was
an airport with many passengers.

                Mu Xiaoqiao, who had just boarded the bus, asked curiously, "Qin Ming? What's wrong with
you? What are you doing with your trousers all of a sudden? The car, the car will not be good, at least, at
least to the hotel first that what ah ...... eh? Qin Ming where are you going?"

                Suddenly, an old lady walked by the woman who was staring at Qin Ming, took the woman's
hand and said, "That's enough miss, don't make a scene."

                The young woman said, "But this man must be a negative man, the smell emanating from the
baby inside his body is too strong, and his wife is not even a woman from our earth cottage. He must have
played with the women of our Tuzhai and abandoned them and then married someone else, I want to
avenge the injured sisters of the Tuzhai."

                The old woman said, "Enough, look at that driver on the other side, his face is fierce and the
smell of blood is too strong, he is not a simple person, we have business to attend to, we must hurry to find
the man who took your body, this man is a middle-aged uncle, he should not be the one we are looking

                The young woman said in annoyance, "It is the middle-aged uncle with a mature and stable
temperament who is good at fooling the simple young girls of our Tuzhai and playing with their feelings.
He's a scum, damn it, I'll cut him into pieces."

                The old woman pulled the young woman stiffly, "Miss, calm down, don't place the resentment of
the man who took your body on others, it's against the great taboo of our clan again."

                "Qin Ming!" Mu Xiaoqiao sensed that Qin Ming was very wrong and immediately pounced out,
hugging Qin Ming's waist.

                Qin Ming's movements also suddenly stopped, he regained his composure, swallowed and took a
breath of fresh air, a pang of fear in his heart, again in that trance, losing his mind, as if he was possessed.
                The road was still full of traffic, so he walked past so recklessly? Wasn't he afraid of being hit by
a car?

                Qin Ming had a moment of fear in his heart: "It must be the mysterious Tuzhai woman who can
flexibly use the compulsions in her body, am I being discovered? It's really impossible to guard against

                But then Qin Ming looked across the road and the young woman was gone.

                Mu Xiaoqiao, still holding his waist, fell to the ground and looked up to ask, "Qin Ming what are
you doing?"

                "I... I'm fine." Qin Ming exhaled a cloudy breath and said, "I'm sorry, it got a bit out of hand."

                Qin Ming looked gratefully at Mu Xiaoqiao who was holding him, no matter what, Mu Xiaoqiao
also cared about him before stopping him, a thought that Qin Ming was grateful for.

                However, why had Laozi taken off his trousers? His red trousers were leaking out.

                The shameful movement and the shameful posture of Mu Xiaoqiao, who was holding him in a
position where her face was facing the red trousers, made the two of them extremely embarrassed.

                The shameful gesture also drew a lot of onlookers.

                An old man travelling with a tour group said, "Tsk, the world is really bad nowadays, taking off
their trousers right outside the airport.

                The grandmother next to him also said, "It's hurtful, young people nowadays, ouch, and wearing
red, slutty."

                "Maybe make a video? People nowadays will do anything strange to get attention."

                "You have to pay attention to the social impact of filming anything, there have to be rules in a
public environment, everyone is messing around, so what's the mess?"

                The people next to you said one thing and one thing, pointing at Qin Ming all over the count.
                Qin Ming hurriedly put on his trousers, pulled Mu Xiaoqiao into the car and drove away.

                Mu Xiaoqiao asked worriedly, "What happened to you just now? It's like you've been smitten,
rushing out without thinking, don't you know there are many cars on the road?"

                Qin Ming said, "I've been put under a compulsion, and I can't help myself when I'm faced with
some people making bad moves. Just now, someone made a bad move on me."

                Mu Xiaoqiao was silent for a while, and she complained, "Why didn't you tell me about such a
big deal? You still don't think I'm your wife."

                "I never thought of you as my wife."

                Qin Ming was silent for a while, such hurtful words, at this moment, he could not say them.

                Every time he felt Mu Xiaoqiao's tenderness and patience towards him now, all he wanted to do
in his heart was to chop Zhang Quanzhen's dog's head off with a knife and eat it with wine.

                At the same time, he also deeply regretted why he had suddenly become superstitious and
listened to the belief that "washing away happiness" and "transforming robbery" would turn Nie Haitang's
bad luck into good luck, and then joined the Mu family, which was really a sinful fate.

                Of course, he admitted that Zhang Quanzhen was capable, but he had also seen the depth of
Zhang Quanzhen's tricks. In short, the old hairy Taoist priest was both capable and effective in his tricks,
making his relationship with the Mu family deeper and deeper, and it was almost difficult to tell them

                Mu Xiaoqiao also reached over and helped Qin Ming tie the button on the front of his jeans, not
feeling the least bit bad about it, just a little shy.

                Mu Xiaoqiao took out the wooden box with a special fragrance again and said, "This can save
your life, right?"

                Qin Ming took the wooden box and suddenly felt a pang of nausea, a sudden pang of nausea, the
fragrance of this wooden box, I'm afraid it had some effect on the compulsions inside his body.
                After Qin Ming took out the martial arts book, "Unity of Righteousness", he hurriedly closed the

                Mu Xiaoqiao said: "I've read this book, it seems to be some practice of spitting and breathing,
and some martial arts moves, it said it was for me to protect myself from wolves, I guess it was a lie at the
time, just to save it for you. These martial arts books are available in the library. But the stuff given by
Zhang Zhen Zhen should have something over the top."

                Truthfully, Qin Ming had a headache when he saw this kind of stuff, he might as well be shown
a corporate q1 marketing report for comfort.

                But this thing could save his life, so he had to delve into it seriously.

                Since he had this life-saving contraption, did he still have to go to the Lin family, a big clan of
the earth cottage?

                "Go, or go." Qin Ming was still relatively determined, since he was here, he had to have an end
to it, not to mention practising this exhalation and unreadable move movements, it would take at least a
month in terms of time, and it might not take so long to find the Mu family directly.

                Even if it's because the Lin family's people kidnapped Zhang Xianmin and made up to look like
Zhang Xianmin, losing a lot of money to the Dayong City Century Tourism Group, this has to be

                At this time the other end of the airport junction, an ordinary Santana car came to meet the
young woman and wife who had affected Qin Ming.

                They were greeted by a young lad who asked; "You're back, Miss? Wei has been arrested"

                The old woman said nervously, "What did Little Wei do? Who did you get in trouble with this

                The young man said, "I messed with Zhang, the president of the Century Tourism Group in
Dayong City, and both Wei and Ping were arrested, but the other side didn't call the police. And the big
boss behind Zhang Xianmin is here, naming our Lin family for trouble."
                The old woman changed her expression and chided, "You guys are really nonsense, now that the
Lin family is in danger, you are still making so much trouble ...... ugh ...... Yu Rou, what is to be done?"

                Lin Yurou sighed, you have changed your name from Miss to Yurou, is that still not a plea? Who
does not know that Lin Mingwei is your grandson ah?

                Lin Yurou said, "First get the people out, can not leave evidence, then set it right."

Chapter 432
Inside the group's hotel, Qin Ming brought Mu Xiaoqiao back and first reunited her with her sister Mu

                Qin Ming went to a separate small dark room and asked, "Bi Yuan, did you confess why you
kidnapped Zhang Xianmin? What else did you ask about?"

                Bi Yuan laughed out loud, "Hahahaha, he confessed after two scary sentences, and the tools
weren't even used. There was nothing special about it. They explained that the Lin family had some big
changes and needed a lot of money, they originally knew Zhang Xianmin, so they wanted Zhang to
shortchange the group, but as a result, Zhang Xianmin refused, so they kidnapped Zhang."

                "That Lin Chaofeng looks a bit like Zhang, his body type is similar, he used to be a good friend,
and he was the one who mainly shorted the group's finances. In a little over a week, the deficit has been
over fifty million for the group."

                Qin Ming nodded and asked, "Did it say anything about what happened to the Lin family?"

                Bi Yuan responded, "They weren't sure, they all said that someone from the family above had let
it slip that whoever could get the money would get their name written into the ancestral ancestral hall. The
Lin family's ancestral shrine is usually only for the sons of the family to write their names in."

                The words of these two Lin family clansmen actually confirmed the purpose of Lin Yurou going
on a blind date with the old Qin family's young man in Hai City, it was for money.

                How can the Lin family, which is also a powerful family, be so short of money as to be so
                Can't friends borrow? Couldn't the bank borrow money?

                These specifics, Qin Ming did not know, and he did not want to care, asking, "Let them say how
to meet the Lin family's principal?"

                Bi Yuan said, "I asked, but they said they were too low in status within the Lin family clan to
know. But the person in charge of the Lin family, is called Lin Yuanwang, I have checked this person, he
is the chairman of Lin's Shenghui Tourism Group, the company is within Dayong City, I have sent people
to inquire, but I can't see anyone, any business is done by the deputy director on behalf of the company, the
deputy director is not a member of the clan within the Lin family."

                "Lin Yuanwang ......" Qin Ming recited and asked again, "Continue to have people keep an eye
on Lin's Shenghui Tourism Group, once found, take control of Lin Yuanwang first."

                Bi Yuan received the order and immediately went to work.

                With a harvest and a target on Qin Ming's side, the next step of the plan was well underway.

                Qin Ming arrived at the room of the two sisters Mu Xiaoqiao and was about to knock on the door
when suddenly a fire alarm sounded in the hotel: "Ring ring ring ring~!"

                The sudden fire alarm and the thick smoke of burning hay that came out of nowhere quickly
filled the entire hotel.

                The hotel's security guards immediately sprang into action and ran to evacuate the guests, and
the hotel immediately became a mess.

                But Qin Ming was frowning, this hotel was on fire, the smell was not right, it couldn't be the
smell of burning hay, right? Wasn't it the sour smell of burning plastic?

                This was someone deliberately setting fire to create chaos!

                Bang, bang, bang, Qin Ming rapped vigorously on the door and called out, "Mu Xiaoqiao, Mu
Sichen, are you there? Stay inside and don't come out."
                "Here, it smells great, it's that negative man." Qin Ming then heard a woman's feminine voice.

                At the end of the corridor, a woman in a long yellow dress walked out slowly, she looked at Qin
Ming hostilely and said, "I didn't expect to see you here, you heartless man, think about which girl of our
Lin clan you have failed, right? I never thought you would dare to come to Xiangxi."

                Qin Ming's expression moved, he recognised the yellow-shirted woman in front of him, wasn't
she the one who had given him the parasite that day, Lin Yurou?

                The reason why the other party did not recognise Qin Ming was because he had been very
resourceful in putting on make-up from the beginning and disguised as a middle-aged uncle, so that he was
not discovered.

                Qin Ming saw that Lin Yurou was accompanied by two dark-skinned men, who looked like
professional fighters.

                Qin Ming looked at all the other party's thugs and his heart fluttered, "Not good, Ah Long go and
prepare the team and equipment, Bi Yuan go and arrange for someone to keep an eye on Lin Yuanwang's
company, as it happens there is no one around me."

                Lin Yurou pointed at Qin Ming and said, "You guys go and give him a severe beating."

                The two thugs grinned fiercely, squeezed their fists and said, "It really smells strong, scum, did
you come to our Xiangxi Lin clan to bully any girl and start a fight? Then leave both legs behind."

                Qin Ming took two nervous steps back and held his breath. He was a street fighter, and he had
never been afraid of fighting.

                When he saw that the two fighters were about to rush in front of Qin Ming.

                With a creak, the door of the hotel room suddenly opened.

                The two fierce fighters only had eyes for Qin Ming, but they didn't expect the door to open

                Both of them slammed straight into the door and were knocked to the ground in a faint.

                After a while, Mu Xiaoqiao poked her head out and said, "Is there a fire alarm? I, I bumped into
someone? Are you alright, Qin Ming? Sister, come on, forget about the clothes, the fire alarm is there."

                Mu Si Chun said from inside the house, "No, brother-in-law bought them for me, I can't lose a
single one."

                Uh ...... this scene, Qin Ming looked at the two women, and then looked at the two beaters who
had fainted on the ground, and laughed out loud, earning heaven help me.

                He rushed forward with an arrow step and immediately grabbed the yellow-shirted woman.

                Lin Yurou was not strong enough and did not struggle twice, but was slapped twice by Qin Ming
and had to be honest.

                After holding Lin Yurou, Qin Ming said proudly, "You didn't expect that, did you? I'm so lucky,
it's you, it's all you."

                Lin Yurou bit her lip, her cheeks were red from the beating, she was so depressed, this was too
unexpected, these two were the better bodyguards of her Lin clan, strong in physical fitness and fighting,
but this turned out to be good, they all knocked their heads against the door and fainted on the ground.

                Lin Yurou scolded stiffly, "You bitch, negative-hearted man, our Tuzhai Lin clan will not let you

                Qin Ming raised his hands viciously and said angrily, "You won't let me go? I won't let you go
yet. You ......"

                Suddenly, a sinister voice came from behind, "Kid, let the man go. This little sister and your wife
are sisters, right?"

                Qin Ming turned around in surprise, it was a hunchbacked old lady in a flowery wisp of a dress,
but her eyes were very sharp,? kui scarlet? grating furore? The father of the family is the father of the
                That old lady is surrounded by, isn't it the two Lin clansmen who assisted Lin Chaofeng in
defalcating the group's funds? How could they have been rescued?

                It turned out that these people were also people from the Lin Clan One, who had suddenly
snapped to rob people.

                And Mu Siqiu was caught by that wife's thugs because she had just come out of the room.

                Mu Xiao Qiao followed a few steps because she was worried about Qin Ming and got stuck in
the middle instead.

                When Mu Xiaoqiao saw this situation, the first thing she did was to run towards Qin Ming. She
looked at Mu Sichen worriedly, but she didn't know what to do, she just reprimanded, "It's you guys? I've
seen you on the plane, who the hell are you people? Let my sister go."

                The old woman demanded, "You release her first and then we will release her."

                Qin Ming said, "You are the ones who are setting the fire, right? Let my sister go first and I'll let
this woman go too."

                One of the thugs at the side yelled, "Let our lady go, you have no bargaining terms."

                Too late, a large number of security men rushed up from downstairs, and Ah Long and Bi Yuan
also arrived at the news.

                "Five, six, seven ...... eleven ...... are in trouble, there are too many people on the other side,
retreat first." The old woman slightly side ear, heard a large number of footsteps, immediately chose to
retreat of, led the crowd directly into the room next to Mu Si Chun.

                Boom froze, the sound of breaking glass was heard, followed by the men jumping straight down
the stairs.

                When Bi Yuan and the others arrived, they found that they had already set up ropes by the
window, and one by one, like scurrying monkeys, climbed down the stairs with the ropes.
                There was a spare escape car next to the hotel, and they ran off in a flash.

                Bi Yuan picked up his walkie-talkie and shouted, "License plate number Xianga?****, give me
chase immediately!"

                After these people from the Lin clan escaped, the hotel also quickly restored order, but now the
situation was not optimistic anymore, Qin Ming had captured Lin Yurou and they had captured Mu Si

                This is still thinking of finding someone from the Lin family to get the bug out, but as a result,
the conflict is getting deeper and deeper, huh?

Chapter 433-434
 Chapter 433
"Young Master, we've contacted the Lin Shenghui Travel Group side, but those people haven't given us a
response, and Lin Yuanwang hasn't come forward either, and doesn't seem to know too much about the Lin
clan. Unless we're going to use force on the entire company of dozens of people."

                "The robbers' escaped cars, they've also been found, but the men have already run away, and I've
dispatched the local assassination squad to participate in the search for now."

                "The police have not been notified yet, and additional manpower has been sent over."

                Qin Ming listened to Ah Long's report and was in an agitated mood. He treated Mu Si Chun as if
she was his sister, and now that Mu Si Chun was involved because of him for no reason, he could not be at
peace with himself.

                Qin Ming asked, "How long has it been?"

                Ah Long said, "It's been half an hour, but there has been no contact from the other side. That Lin
Yurou is also under our watch, and we have her phone under control."

                After saying that, Ah Long blamed himself, "I'm to blame for this, if I had organized my team
and equipment more quickly, I wouldn't have been exploited by those people, and Miss Lin wouldn't have
been caught."
                Qin Ming shook his head and said, "I am to blame for not bringing more people with me. I
thought I could talk to the Lin family on the stage on this trip, but it turned out that I had to fight with
them. It's just that, let's start with that Lin Yurou."

                Qin Ming came to the hotel's dark room, Lin Yurou was tied up tightly, her body was tied up,
but she had a beauty of bondage, but her belongings were all laid out.

                Qin Ming picked up Lin Yurou's identity card and read it out, "Lin Yurou, age nineteen, from
Shaoyang. Do you know that your people from the Lin clan kidnapped my subordinate Zhang Xianmin and
shorted the Century Tourism Group by fifty million dollars?"

                Qin Ming said, "We didn't call the police yet, thinking that you are also a famous family in
western Hunan, so we just settled it privately. You're a good boy, you're here to rob people. Is it because
you know that I haven't called the police yet and you want to snatch the person away, so you have no
evidence and plan to deny it?"

                Lin Yurou was poked at the plan, biting her lip and could not retort, there was no other way, this
matter involved the grandson of her grandmother, Lin Mingwei, who was responsible for protecting her
since childhood.

                Once the matter was stirred up back to the Great Walled City, Lin Mingwei's kidnapping of
innocent businessmen and fraudulent payment of fifty million dollars would be enough to take half a life.

                Unfortunately, she came here smelling the smell of insects on Qin Ming's body, intending to
teach him a good lesson as a negative man, but ended up falling into Qin Ming's hands instead.

                Lin Yurou looked at Qin Ming, changed the subject and said viciously, "You are a scum who
started and ended up in trouble because you have the unique compulsion of our Lin clan on your body
while your wife does not."

                This Qin Ming was so wronged, even more wronged than Yang Naiwu.

                He was the one who was set up by this woman in front of him, Lin Yurou, how dare you talk
about me, the victim?
                But he thought about it, without breaking this lie, he might be able to continue hiding his identity
through other methods.

                Qin Ming said, "I found a quite capable Daoist priest who told me about the capabilities of the
Lin family, a large clan of your Xiangxi clan. This kind of heartlessness and enslavement is something
only you people can do, how dare you scold me? Shouldn't two lovers respect each other? Instead, the
woman uses the worm to blackmail the man's life?"

                Lin Yurou argued, "Bullshit, the women of our Lin clan would never use such underhanded
tricks. We of the Lin Clan raise worms to cure illnesses and save people, and to strengthen our bodies. You
have no choice but to use this kind of love compulsion. If you had not left her, the male insect in your body
would have been familiar with the scent of a female insect and would not have been affected by the scent
emitted by other females. The irony is clear, you are a scum."

                Qin Ming said disdainfully, "Oh, you call it compulsion when you have someone's little life in
your hands? What a self-deception. If you don't have the ability to keep your man, so you make such
underhanded tricks, it's strange if the man doesn't leave."

                However, Qin Ming was really a bit surprised, this compulsion was so mysterious? It can also
distinguish the smell of the mother insect, and is not affected by other mother insects once it is familiar
with one smell?

                Qin Ming said, "You are good at bragging, how can there be such a mysterious thing under the
sky? Then try to draw out the male worm in my body?"

                Lin Yurou was furious, "No, I won't. You can suffer for the rest of your life, it would be easy for
me to kill you."

                Qin Ming laughed, "Fine. Then we'll have to see who doesn't let go of who first? I heard that you
still have the ability to cause the compulsions in my body to die directly through scent, which will also
lead to my death. Then I can tell you clearly that once I die, you will definitely die too, my men will first
strip you naked, then cut you with a thousand cuts, and when the blood is almost gone, pour honey on it,
then throw it inside the mountain forest and find a nest of bullet ants to put it in, so that you can try the
taste of hundreds of bullet ants gnawing on you."
                When Lin Yurou heard such a horrible way to die, she was so frightened that she almost cried,
her legs were together and she looked at Qin Ming like a monster, this man, was too scary.

                Qin Ming approached Lin Yurou's side and said, "How about we make a deal. You get the bug
out, have your people return the 50 million, and we'll forget our grudges with a smile. How about that?
Let's forget about today, I'll let you go, and you let my sister go too. After all, you are all innocent."

                Lin Yurou was stunned, why did it feel like Qin Ming's conditions had suddenly relaxed? It was
indeed wrong to blackmail people for money, one had to pay back.

                But he surprisingly didn't hold a grudge, so this was already considered a step back.

                Lin Yurou thought to herself, "Although this guy is a negative person, now that the Lin family is
suffering from internal and external problems, they really can't make any more enemies."

                Lin Yurou said, "How can I be sure of your words?"

                Qin Ming directly untied Lin Yurou and said, "What else do you want? Turn a small thing into a
big thing, a big thing into a huge thing, a huge thing into a life-and-death feud? Stop early before there's a
human life, I'm not a bad person either."

                Lin Yurou was stunned again, really amused by Qin Ming's expression, the words were not
premature, there was no need to continue to raise things to a higher level.

                Qin Ming's words of resting his case made Lin Yurou feel a little more good about him.

                Lin Yurou bit her lip and said, "Okay, I'll believe you for once. Let's exchange hostages first, and
then I'll help you get the parasite out of your body. Of course, it's right here in the hotel, you have quite a
lot of people, so you're not afraid that we'll suddenly run out, right?"

                Qin Ming calculated that this seemed fine, and he asked Lin Yurou to take back his mobile

                Lin Yurou dialed the wife's number and said, "Sister Bai Ying you come back to the hotel, bring
the girl back too, trust me, it's fine. Also hurry up and raise the 50 million, it's money that you cheated
people out of, you have to pay it back anyhow. What? You have already taken the water route back to the
big village? Something happened to the clan?"

                "What about the girl? Oh, oh, she's at Uncle Lin Shui's place. All right, I'll take care of things

                Lin Yurou hung up the phone and said, "You send someone to pick her up from the small
restaurant at No. 8, Lane 6, Phoenix Ancient Town, don't worry, I won't leave."

                Qin Ming listened and immediately asked Ah Long to send someone to pick up Mu Si Chun.

                When he arrived at the restaurant, he saw that Mu Sichen was eating with an open stomach and
asked Qin Ming to help him pay the bill, which made him laugh and cry.

                It was as if it was all a farce.

                Lin Yurou said, "The person has been released, so you should let me go too, right?"

                Qin Ming shook his head and said, "What about the 50 million? You have also left, where am I
going to find 50 million? It's not a small amount."

                Lin Yurou looked straight at Qin Ming and said thoughtfully, "I can return the money to you, but
you have to come with me to see my father, my father has money."

                Qin Ming said, "Your father is not in Dayong City? He doesn't live deep in the mountains, does

                Lin Yurou explained, "Normally, he takes care of business in Dayong City, but there is
something going on at the Tuzhai, so he is there all the time. It's half a day by water, so don't worry it won't
take long, we're not primitive."

                "And ......" Lin Yurou paused and said, "The compulsion inside your body has to be easily lured
out, I also need to use some herbal materials and need to go back to the Dazhai to get them, you have to at
least release me and I'll get the stuff out to save You must at least let me go and I will get the stuff before I
can save you."
                This debt collection has gone to the mountains? Qin Ming was frowning, should he go?

Chapter 434
Qin Ming went to fetch Mu Sichen back, but this girl had a big heart, she was still eating and drinking on
other people's turf, she didn't look like she was tied up at all.

                Qin Ming asked, "It wasn't difficult for you, was it?"

                Mu Si Chun proudly crossed her arms and said, "Of course not, as soon as I reported your name
as brother-in-law, they were shocked, hmmmmmm, they received me like a guest, the local food here is so
delicious eh."

                Qin Ming breathlessly stroked Mu Si Chun's head and said, "It's good that it's okay."

                Mu Sichen looked at Qin Ming shyly as she was touched on the head with a little cute snicker.

                At the side, Mu Xiaoqiao watched the scene, the two were not siblings, what was the meaning of
being so close?

                She was inexplicably uncomfortable in her heart, and hurriedly went forward to pull Mu Sichen
away, saying, "Xiaochun, let me take a look, where is it bumped and hurt."

                On the contrary, Mu Sichen said with displeasure, "No, sister, I'm fine."

                Qin Ming moved to return to the small dark room and said, "Lin Yurou, your people have all run
away and left you alone, how unexpected, I thought you were important."

                Lin Yurou said confidently, "It's just that Sister Bai Ying has left, it's not like our Lin clan is
pulling out of Dayong City. I think your hotel has just fired a few "traitorous staff", right? They were
members of the Lin clan who assisted us in infiltrating the hotel and robbing people in a fake arson attack.
So I'm still under the protection of a large number of people."

                Qin Ming frowned, indeed just now Bi Yuan fired a manager and four employees of the hotel,
they had neglected their duties to allow the Lin family's people to infiltrate and come, it turned out that it
was not negligence, nyet they were all insiders and outsiders.
                Qin Ming sighed: "The Lin family is worthy of being a big family in western Hunan, even my
own hotel has been infiltrated by you, I heard that those are still old employees who have been working for
seven or eight years."

                Lin Yurou said, "Normally, of course, they work conscientiously to support the family, but when
it comes to the family's prosperity, every member of our Lin clan will be willing to make sacrifices, and I
am no exception."

                Lin Yurou paused and said, "If the compulsion inside your body wants to be easily drawn out, I
also need to use some herbal materials that I need to go back to the Great Walled City to get, you have to at
least release me and I will go and get something out before I can save you. Right now something has
happened to our Lin family, and it might take quite a bit of time for you to wait for me to return."

                Wait? Qin Ming didn't want to wait for a moment, it was already afternoon, and he still wanted
to get things sorted out within the next two days.

                But to go, this this debt collection to the mountains? Qin Ming's brow was furrowed, should he

                Qin Ming, however, was guilty of muttering and asked, "Why did you invite me to go to your
earth cottage?"

                Lin Yurou said, "I think you should be very rich, our Lin family has been in trouble recently, and
I think my father might talk to you about some business, and I am inviting you with this purpose in mind.
If the business deal works out, I can also help you get rid of the bugs in the first place, and wouldn't it be
smooth for you to take back the fifty million and leave?"

                The reasoning was this, but too smooth also made Qin Ming uneasy.

                Qin Ming asked, "It's still not about the money? Isn't your Lin family in the tourism business?
What could there be that is worth paying for? Is it hard to sell bugs to me?"

                Lin Yurou said, "This is about our Lin family's secret, so I can't talk about it. But if you negotiate
a business deal, my father might let you know some of it."
                Qin Ming was intrigued, after all, he had physically felt it, the power of those worms: "You are
at least a powerful family, short of money to such an extent? How big a shortage of funds do you probably

                Lin Yurou said tentatively, "One hundred billion to solve this trouble."

                Qin Ming was quite surprised, one hundred billion? This really wasn't something that an
ordinary magnate could take out, and it was impossible for an ordinary bank to borrow that much.

                No wonder Lin Yurou wanted to marry a world class magnate, the old Qin family of Hai City, as
her daughter-in-law in the first place, and even went out of her way to use that underhanded tactic.

                However, your your difficulties are not an excuse for individuals to add to the trouble.

                Qin Ming naturally had no intention of giving them 100 billion, it would have been fine if he had
borrowed it, and it would have been a sum of money to collect interest later.

                Qin Ming questioned, "Are you implying that my life is worth a hundred billion dollars?"

                Lin Yurou shook her head and said, "Your wife's sister has been released back, I hope you can
let go of your prejudice against our Lin family, I am hostile to you because you have a love compulsion in
your body while your wife is an ordinary person, I think you are a negative person and I just want to teach
you a lesson."

                "If you can help our Lin family, I will also put aside the preconceptions in my heart. In the
future, you and our Lin family will also be close business partners."

                Qin Ming now had two doubts, what had happened to the Lin family as the local gentry that
forced Lin Yurou to go on a blind date to join a marriage to cheat money; and secondly, could going to the
Tuzhai really get rid of the bug for him?

                Once you go to the earth cottage, you'll be a fish on the chopping block, which carries some risk.

                But taking what Zhang Quanzhen had left behind, wouldn't that be falling for his trap?
                This was what made Qin Ming even more annoyed. That stinking old Taoist priest Zhang
Quanzhen was calculating to trap him, and he was determined not to be manipulated by him.

                Lin Yurou had actually been observing Qin Ming, she saw that Qin Ming had quite a lot of
bodyguards around him and had married such a beautiful wife, she was afraid that he was also a very rich
and powerful businessman.

                She tentatively said 100 billion, in fact, she did not need that much to save the Lin family, only
50 billion would be enough.

                As a result, Qin Ming did not even blink, seemingly thinking that 100 billion was not an
exaggerated astronomical figure, but a price he could afford.

                This excited Lin Yurou, their Lin family had already raised loans everywhere, and although they
had borrowed a lot of money to tide them over this difficult time, there was still a big shortage of funds.

                Moreover, for some reason, they could not tell everyone about the Lin family and make it

                Qin Ming thought about it, that the Lin family is not some unforgivable gentry, the danger factor
is not too high, since the other party has a request, it is good for him to run to make acquaintance, one
more friend is also good.

                Especially being able to de-worm his body was key.

                Qin Ming said, "I can look into this, one hundred billion our group can take out, but it's not
likely that it will be given for nothing, the interest is negotiable."

                Lin Yurou was overjoyed and said, "Really? What is your name, sir?"

                Qin Ming smiled, "My surname is Fu, my name is Xinghan."

                Lin Yurou directly smacked her lips and rolled her eyes, "Aren't you intent on revenge? You are
a big man who is so petty?

                Since the two sides had agreed, Qin Ming was ready to go.
                Qin Ming deliberately acted stealthily this time, without informing the two sisters Mu Xiaoqiao,
to save them from following quietly again.

                As he had to take a small boat, Qin Ming's side only found three, including two senior cadres,
Ah Long and Bi Yuan, and must have brought nine people with him, swinging this small boat downstream,
so that he could reach the Tuzhai village of the Lin clan at night.

                What had happened to the Lin family would be resolved by going there and following up.

                The boat set off slowly, and the group dressed as a jungle adventure, and also provoked a lot of
ogling from tourists along the way.

                Lin Yurou said: "You do not bring your wife? Are you worried about seeing the girl you
abandoned when you get to the big fortress, for fear of causing conflict?"

                Qin Ming said, "The women of your Lin family feed worms everywhere, there are many victims
like me every year, right?"

                Lin Yurou said, "Not at all, we wouldn't do that unless we had to. Moreover, once we do so, the
nature spirits will give a curse to punish the women we put under the love parasites. So there won't be too
many people casting love compulsions."

                "Huh ......" The men around Qin Ming burst into laughter, thinking that Lin Yurou's
metaphysical talk was simply a legend among the countryside, and that it was okay for the general public,
who were all men who had been killed in a gunfight and didn't take it seriously.

                Bi Yuan scoffed, "You curse even more bull, can be more powerful than a mouthful of blue fire

                "Hahahaha ......" The surrounding minions burst into laughter again.

                Lin Yurou was a little aggrieved, feeling that the mysterious legends of her hometown were
underestimated, she hummed, "The mysteries of nature can never be understood clearly."
                "Eh? Who's that? Miss Mu? What's she doing here with us?" Suddenly, Ah Long pointed to a
woman running quickly over by the river bank.

                The crowd looked up and saw that it was indeed Mu Xiaoqiao running along the river bank
chasing after their three boats, that was quite fast, not at all like a pampered young lady, her athleticism
was quite high.

                Lin Yurou looked on and laughed: "Look, your wife thinks you're going to meet your lover and
there's a fire in your backyard, right?"

                Qin Ming frowned, what was this stupid woman doing here? Didn't she know that it was
dangerous to go into the fort this time?

                Qin Ming hurriedly shouted, "Quickly, quickly, row faster."

                But it was useless to row faster, for ahead was an arch bridge in the ancient town, and Mu Xiao
Qiao ran to the arch bridge just to leap at Qin Ming's boat.

                "Holy sh*t!" The crowd looked horrified, was this an attempt to die together?

Chapter 435-436
 Chapter 435
"Holy shit, Mu Xiaoqiao, are you crazy?" Qin Ming looked at Mu Xiaoqiao who jumped down from the
arch bridge, too late to make any reaction, he could only stretch out his hands to catch it.

                The others, on the other hand, turned over and went into the water, saving one bad move and the
whole boat would sink.


                Qin Ming, with his feet spread apart and firmly planted in a horse stance, did so in style, holding
Mu Xiaoqiao in a princess hug.

                The boat's draft immediately deepened and sank badly, and Qin Ming was not stable enough, so
he almost fell over on the floating hull.
                But Bi Yuan and Ah Long and a few other youngsters immediately surrounded the boat and used
all their strength to stabilise it, not allowing it to flip over on its side, nor did they make Qin Ming's perfect
princess hug possible.


                "Cowhide, so powerful."

                "Wow, that girl really dared to jump."

                "The ones who went into the water are out of luck, hahaha."

                Mu Xiaoqiao was also excited as she hooked Qin Ming's shoulders, calming her excitement, she
didn't know if Qin Ming would catch her, but when he did catch her, she was still happy inside, at least she
wasn't dispensable in Qin Ming's heart.

                However, Qin Ming then had a cold look on his face: "What are you doing following me? Don't
you know it's dangerous? Do you think you're going to play?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao was full of joy, but when she suddenly saw Qin Ming's "Sima face", her heart
suddenly went cold again.

                She was extremely aggrieved, "If I wasn't worried about you, would I have risked coming along?
You can't even understand this, are you a straight man of steel?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao bit her lip, she had been suffering from aggression, she simply disliked back,
"Humph, then you throw me into the water ah, I will swim back by myself."

                "You woman are really ......" Qin Ming looked at the few subordinates below the water, quite
distressed that they had gotten wet for no reason to protect Qin Ming, and chided, "Mu Xiaoqiao you are
unreasonable and adding to the mess. "

                "I!" Mu Xiaoqiao was exasperated and wanted to retort, but for a moment she didn't know what
to say, after all, Qin Ming hadn't called on her either, and she had indeed forced herself to come along.
                Following the river, the ancient town went farther away, the number of tourists diminished,
along the way one would occasionally see some rural Miao cottages, the light was dark in the high
mountains and gorges on both banks, while the current became more and more rapid the further one went.

                The sound of apes crying on both sides of the river, and even birds sweeping low and passing by,
instantly introduced into the green forest of the green hills, along the river occasionally see large fish
swarming and passing, a good natural scenery of western Hunan.

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "Your scenery in western Hunan is just right, my hometown of
Baishui is full of barren mountains and weeds along the way, not even a single stream or river in sight."

                Lin Yurou was quite proud of herself and said, "Of course, there is a place called the Valley of
the Ghosts, covered by clouds all year round, with snowy peaks piling up at the top of the mountains, those
big mountains with hidden magnetic fields, very complicated and chaotic, electronic devices can't even be
used, a bad one won't be able to walk out, encounter poisonous snakes and beasts, even if they escape, they
will get some strange diseases."

                Mu Xiaoqiao, a girl from a big city, had heard to Lin Yurou say that this kind of horror novels in
general places, also some fear, subconsciously patted hands and feet, caution against some mosquitoes and
insects bite, will get some strange disease.

                Qin Ming took a bug spray and said: "Come on, what skirt are you wearing? You don't even
know to put on a stocking?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao huffed and took it, not saying thank you, but the moment she looked down, the
corners of her mouth lifted in a happy smile.

                Lin Yurou added, "Our Lin clan keeps some compulsions, as long as there are such compulsions
in the body, ordinary poisonous insects will not dare to come near the person when they smell, so they will
not be bitten by insects and get any fatal diseases, but still need to be careful against some poisonous
snakes and fierce beasts."

                Hearing her say so, Qin Ming became more and more curious about the bugs raised by the Lin
clan, which were so magical.
                It was getting dark, and as the three boats shuttled through the gloomy valley, the birds and
beasts and insects in the mountains and forests on either side became clearer and clearer, and it was no
longer possible to make a call on the mobile phone, except to check a time.

                But Ah Long had a super satellite phone ready, which was a private satellite of the Huan Yu
Century Group, and could still contact the outside world, so Qin Ming was not worried.

                It was just that as they entered a low canyon, there were more monkeys on either side.

                "Kiri ......" they screamed in patches of agitation, annoying people.

                They were also pulling at the canes on the mountain walls, bobbing around on the water, and
attempting to snatch the luggage bags of Qin Ming's party.

                Ah Long was quick on the uptake and hit a few monkeys with a few stone throws, causing them
to wail in pain, but instead of stopping the monkeys, Ah Long's actions made them more and more
irritable, attracting more of their kind through their screams.

                "Oh no, the monkeys are angry." Lin Yurou looked at the situation and carried a glass lamp to
shine a shadow on both banks and said, "There are many of them, usually given some food they won't
attack the boats along the way, hitting them with stones just now has obviously angered them."

                As soon as the words left their mouths, more and more mountain monkeys rushed out from both
sides of the shore, pouncing on them in groups, pulling branches, tearing at the people and grabbing the

                The group scrambled around, covering each other, and Qin Ming kept Mu Xiaoqiao behind him
in a deadly manner.

                These monkeys were also very clever and knew how to throw stones at Qin Ming and the others
on top of the mountain wall, emitting louder and louder howls that disturbed the crowd.

                Fortunately, Qin Ming and his men were well-trained warriors and although they were not
equipped with hot weapons, they were able to beat the monkeys with their bare hands.

                "With a bang, the three boats flipped over one after another, and it was a man all overboard.
                By the time the crowd came ashore again, they were already in the water.

                "Goo ......" a burst of beasts cried out in the middle of the three forests at night.

                Mu Xiaoqiao was timid and nervously hugged Qin Ming's arm, looking around in panic.

                Qin Ming sighed, you say you are such a timid woman, why did you have to come along? Now
you're suffering, right?

                But at times like this, he wouldn't sneer at Mu Xiaoqiao and protect her all the time.

                With Qin Ming's sudden warm gesture, Mu Xiao Qiao felt a surge of warmth even though she
was drenched, and she also subconsciously leaned towards Qin Ming's back, thinking of him in her heart
even though her mouth was arguing with him.

                Qin Ming felt two soft, soft flesh on his back, rubbing against his back and rubbing against him,
this was Qin Ming's favourite hugging position, and he couldn't help but feel apoplectic.

                "No one is missing, right?" Qin Ming asked.

                "Nope." Ah Long counted the number of people and asked, "Miss Lin, how much further is your

                Lin Yurou said, "On foot, it's about an hour away, but it's very close to the legendary Valley of
the Spirits, and it's still a small matter for snakes, insects and rats to infest the area, and for some fierce
beasts to come out at night, it's easy to get hurt."

                Qin Ming sighed in depression, this is really outside the section, also afraid of the night long
dream ah.

                The crowd looked at him, here he had the say, whether to rush or find a place to rest was at Qin
Ming's beck and call.

                Qin Ming naturally wanted to hurry, but he didn't know if Mu Xiao Qiao's status could take it,
and when he looked at Mu Xiao Qiao, he suddenly raised his eyebrows.
                Mu Xiaoqiao noticed Qin Ming's surprised expression and froze, "What's wrong?"

                Qin Ming saw a colourful green-spotted flower snake lying on the tree trunk behind Mu Xiao
Qiao, and was opening its bloody door to bite her where her neck was, Qin Ming was so anxious that his
body reacted instinctively and immediately reached out to block.

                "Ah!" Qin Ming let out a low, painful sound as his arm was bitten by this colourful green-spotted
flower snake.

                Qin Ming's arm quickly felt a tingling sensation.

                Quick-eyed, Ah Long snatched the large snake with his bare hands, pinched its head and
shouted, "Quick, prepare the serum."

Chapter 436
The tingling sensation quickly spread from the wound on his arm.

                He had played with many snakes in his hometown when he was a child, but they were all non-
poisonous, whereas the one that bit him was obviously a poisonous snake.

                He tied up the blood vessels in Qin Ming's arm to prevent the toxin from spreading too fast, and
at the same time cleansed his wound.

                Bi Yuan quickly identified what type of venomous snake it was, so that he could select an

                "What kind of snake is this?" After observing for a while, Bi Yuan frowned: "It's a bit like a
silver ring, but not quite, the colour is too bright, it's definitely a type of pit viper, let's use a refined
multivalent antivenom."

                Thanks to the fact that he was well-prepared for this trip and had many options, Bi Yuan
immediately injected Qin Ming with the serum.

                After the serum was injected, the tingling sensation in Qin Ming's arm disappeared somewhat,
but it was still there and his body was gradually becoming somewhat unconscious.
                Mu Xiaoqiao asked worriedly, "Honey, how is it? Is it any better?"

                "No, it's fine." Qin Ming's body took a few steps, but his feet went weak, his eyes went black,
and he collapsed straight into Mu Xiaoqiao's arms.

                "Honey! Qin Ming you don't scare me, you wake up." Mu Xiaoqiao's frightened eyes wept as she
hugged Qin Ming, who had fallen into a coma, and was inwardly very self-conscious.

                Bi Yuan was still holding the anti-snake venom serum, very embarrassed, this snake venom was
too fierce, right?

                Ah Long immediately said, "Find a place to set up the camp immediately and inform Secretary

                A group of young men, all fully equipped, immediately found an open position under the dodge
in the mountain forest, set up a glowing fire, propped up the tent and took out all the medical tools to give
Qin Ming emergency treatment.

                But to their despair, the special satellite communication equipment did not work either!

                Deep in the mountains of western Hunan, the magnetic field was complicated, so the signal
could not be transmitted smoothly.

                The effect of the snake venom serum, although a little, was not good. Qin Ming had already
started to show signs of red rash and fever, sweating profusely and unconscious.

                The crowd was anxious, and if Qin Ming was going to die here, they were afraid that they would
not survive either.

                However, Qin Ming had just come ashore and was standing in a safe position. It was only when
Qin Ming suddenly gave himself up to rescue Mu Xiaoqiao that everyone was unprepared.

                Seeing Qin Ming poisoned like this, Mu Xiaoqiao burst into tears, "I'm sorry Qin Ming, it's all
my fault, it's all my fault."
                On the side, Lin Yurou looked at the chaotic crowd, she went outside to look and brought back a
strange bunch of weeds and said, "Try this one."

                The crowd looked over and none of them could identify what kind of herb it was.

                Ah Long asked, "Will it work?"

                Lin Yurou said, "I was expecting him to borrow money to save our Lin family, how could I let
him die? That big flower spot just now is a kind of pit viper, specialising in eating poisonous insects and
rats and ants in the valley, and over time it becomes more toxic, much more poisonous than a normal
flower spot. This kind of Xinglin grass, which is rarely recorded in books, usually grows in cold, damp
places in the valleys, and it is also his fate, I guess. Let me find a bunch."

                The crowd still hesitated, this random weed was brought in and given to Qin Ming to eat?

                Mu Xiaoqiao asked, "Are you sure?"

                Lin Yurou said mysteriously, "Before I came here, I reminded you all to fear nature, now you are
at a disadvantage, right? No matter how much technology develops, the mysteries of nature can never be
explored to the end. As the saying goes, nature is full of dangers, but at the same time, there are
opportunities everywhere. Don't worry, I've used this herb before to cure a friend who was poisoned by a

                Ah Long asked, "What do I do? Decoct the herb?"

                Lin Yurou shook her head and said, "Chew it with your mouth and then put it on the wound. If
the fever doesn't go down, you can properly dispense some anti-inflammatory medicine and western
medicine for analgesia and fever reduction, take off all his clothes, prepare fresh water to wipe his body,
and if you don't have saline for an IV, you have to prepare fresh water and feed it constantly to prevent

                Ah Long listened and said gruffly, "OK, I'll chew it."

                Mu Xiaoqiao suddenly took the Xinglin grass and said, biting her lip, "No, I'll do it, you guys get
the medicine and water ready, quickly."
                Ah Long and Bi Yuan looked at each other, they both knew what was going on between Qin
Ming and the Mu family, but the relationship between Qin Ming and Mu Xiao Qiao was something that
could not be sorted out.

                Below the stone walled valley, Ah Long and the others prepared their things and then took guard
around the area.

                After chewing for a while, she was so sour that her brow creased into a "Chuan" shape, and the
green juice dripped from the corners of her mouth, making her want to cry.

                After chewing it for a while, Mu Xiaoqiao put it on Qin Ming's red and swollen wound.

                Not long after, Ah Long and the others came in and gave Qin Ming an anti-inflammatory
injection, but Qin Ming still did not wake up, instead his body was getting hotter and hotter, and once
measured, he had a high fever of 39°5 and his body was sweating profusely.

                Mu Xiaoqiao undressed and wiped Qin Ming's body again to keep him dry and his skin

                But after sweating more, Qin Ming's lips were visibly dry, his body had lost too much water and
he had to be hydrated.

                Ah Long helped try a few times, but Qin Ming, who was unconscious, was not able to swallow
very well, and basically choked and spat out the water he poured in.

                Ah Long frowned and said, "It's a bit difficult to do, we have to gag him, but if we use too much
force we are afraid of vomiting."

                Lin Yurou said aside, "Let's use the dumbest method, use your mouth."

                Use your mouth? There were all grown men here, they wouldn't bat an eyelid if they had to fight
and kill.

                "I'll do it." Mu Xiaoqiao took the clear water and took a sip herself first, then held the back of
Qin Ming's head and fed him water mouth to mouth, although a lot still flowed out, through Mu Xiaoqiao's
efforts, Qin Ming more or less drank some.
                She couldn't care less about the shame of people watching as she fed Qin Ming mouthful after
mouthful of water, prying open Qin Ming's lips and plugging up the water that was pouring out, just
begging Qin Ming to take a sip.

                When the crowd saw this, they looked at each other and knew it was not appropriate to stay any
longer and walked out, leaving the tent to the two of them.

                "Mmmmmm ......" Mu Xiaoqiao used her arms, hugging Qin Ming so that Qin Ming's head was
resting on her chest, and lowered her head to give Qin Ming a mouthful of water, truly comparable to a
nurturing bird of mercy.

                And time and time again in the pair of kisses, Mu Xiao Qiao also became more and more
familiar with Qin Ming's lips, thick and hot lips, the man's rigid and masculine breath man, making her

                She subconsciously placed Qin Ming's hand on her heart.

                Mu Xiaoqiao used the dumbest method to feed Qin Ming water for three hours in a row before
Qin Ming drank some, during which time she wiped a lot of sweat from Qin Ming's body, which could be
considered meticulous care.

                Only then did Qin Ming's body temperature gradually drop back.

                The exhausted Mu Xiaoqiao showed a stiff smile, because her mouth was so close to kissing that
she could not feel it anymore, she still hugged Qin Ming with tears in her eyes and prayed silently in her

                "Er ......" Qin Ming slowly turned awake, his eyes hazy but powerless to open, his consciousness
still in a daze.

                "Haitang ...... you don't leave me ...... Haitang, I want ...... I want ......" Qin Ming let out a low
murmur in his daze.

                "What do you want?" Qin Ming's voice was so weak that the tired Mu Xiaoqiao couldn't hear it
at all.
                She had to lean down and press her ear to Qin Ming's mouth, asking, "Are you awake, husband?
What do you want?"

                "I want you to stay by my side forever." Qin Ming murmured in a daze, "...... sea, sea ahem ......"

                "I'm not leaving, I'm not leaving, I'll always be by your side, you must get better, get better." Mu
Xiaoqiao did not hear the front, nor the back, but heard the middle one, she hugged Qin Ming tightly and
said, "I will never mention divorce again, I was wrong, you are my man, always will be, even if you do not
know how to express it, but I feel it, you fool."

                "I'm cold ......," Qin Ming began to chill again after his fever had subsided, and his body was
shivering and his consciousness was muddled.

                Mu Xiaoqiao took the quilt, took off her own clothes and the two of them hugged tightly, using
the warmth of her body to give Qin Ming warmth: "Not cold, not cold, I'll hold you and cover you with the
quilt, Qin Ming, don't you leave me."

                When Qin Ming woke up the next day in the heat, he found that he had regained consciousness
and was sleeping in a tent, wrapped in two layers of bedding in the heat.

                The most exaggerated part was still Mu Xiaoqiao clinging to him, their sweat sticking together,
and she was still undressed.

                Qin Ming's heart 10,000 head of grass mud horse crashing past, who will tell him, what
happened last night? How did his hand end up in a strange place?

Chapter 437-438
 Chapter 437
When he woke up, Qin Ming found himself completely undressed and wrapped up in a blanket with Mu
Xiaoqiao. He hadn't lost his virginity, had he?

                No, why was his hand in a strange place?

                Qin Ming touched it, it was soft and big, his skin was slippery from sweat, I must say, Mu Xiao
Qiao's development was really first class, worthy of a great beauty.
                Qin Ming's body was on fire with evil, rising uncomfortably, he wanted to push Mu Xiao Qiao
away, but the sheet was wrapped tightly, he couldn't push yet, instead he touched Mu Xiao Qiao's chest a
few more times.

                "Mmm ......" Mu Xiao Qiao was made a few times, biting his lips, drowsy sleep, eyelids did not
lift, but her arms again hold tighter Qin Ming, mouth muttered: "husband are you still cold? "

                Qin Ming's heart was stunned before he remembered that he had been bitten by a poisonous
snake last night, and after his consciousness returned last night, he remembered that for a while his body
was cold, unbearably cold, and then in a daze, he dreamed of a woman, hugging him, and the warmth of
that woman made him hold on.

                "Could it have been her?" Qin Ming looked at the sleeping Mu Xiao Qiao, and it could only be
Mu Xiao Qiao who gave Qin Ming warmth.

                Qin Ming slowly lifted the quilt and saw the sleeping Mu Xiao Qiao's jade body Chen Heng,
feasting his eyes, he hurried to cover her up again, exclaiming that it was hard to top, to tempt people to
commit crimes.

                Qin Ming took his own clothes and put them on and went out to find Ah Long and the others a
few metres away, eating canned food around the fire.

                When the men saw Qin Ming wake up, they immediately followed him, "Young master, you're
awake? Wonderful."

                "Wonderful, that herb really works."

                "Miss Lin, it's thanks to you."

                "Young master, last night it was Miss Lin who found a special herb that gave you the cure for
the poison involved."

                "Oh, and Miss Mu took care of it all night and just fell asleep."
                Listening to the little brothers you are talking about, Qin Ming looked at the wound on his arm,
the swelling had already gone down, he also listened to the people talk about the fierce danger last night,
also a pang of fear, this big mountain a poisonous snake, almost killed his dog, but now it is finally back
from the ghost gate.

                Lin Yurou said modestly, "I didn't help much, your wife took care of you all night last night and
only closed her eyes in the early hours of the morning, she was the one who worked the hardest."

                Qin Ming's heart fluttered, it was really Mu Xiaoqiao who had taken care of him all night.

                Ah Long asked, "Young master, do we have to rush? Let's get a few people to get a stretcher to
carry her."

                Qin Ming thought about it and said, "Rest for a while, wait until Xiaoqiao wakes up, she's tired

                Qin Ming went back to the tent and looked at the sleeping Mu Xiao Qiao, stroking her hair, Qin
Ming's heart was in a bit of turmoil, because some mistakes in the past had brought them to this situation.

                Since ancient times, heroes have difficulty with beauty, Qin Ming knew that he would not be
able to get through this one.

                "God, what do you think I should do? I've signed the divorce papers and she still managed to
lose them. I didn't intend to ask for that box of stuff, and she still managed to come all the way here and
remember me and take care of me."

                "I can't blame her for getting married in the first place, she did it for the sake of the wedding and
to save her grandfather, Mu Hai Ran, out of filial piety. These were all calculations and set-ups by Mu Hao
and Zhang Quanzhen. But what she did for me, I can't ignore."

                Qin Ming stroked Mu Xiaoqiao's cheek hair and murmured, "You can't get much heroic energy,
and it's hardest to get rid of beauty's grace."

                At noon, Mu Xiaoqiao also woke up, she felt around and woke up immediately without touching
anyone, and realised that she was not dressed, and hurriedly covered herself with the quilt, only to find Qin
Ming sitting by the side.
                "Awake?" Qin Ming asked.

                Mu Xiaoqiao's cheeks suddenly flushed scarlet and she said, "When did you wake up? You
didn't do anything bad to me, did you?"

                Qin Ming snickered, "What? Didn't you say that we are legally married? What's wrong with
doing something bad to you? What? You still want to call the police to arrest me?"

                Hearing this, Mu Xiaoqiao was even more ashamed, and she scowled, saying, "They're all out
there, how can you, how can you be so shameless."

                "Haha, teasing you, what's the point of worrying blindly, I haven't even touched you." Qin Ming
laughed out loud, "I played minesweeper with my phone all morning, you see the advanced one played for
98 seconds."

                Mu Xiaoqiao was in a tense and shy mood, her mind was in turmoil, wondering what "bad thing"
Qin Ming had done to her, kissed her? Did he sleep with her? Did he touch her?

                The result was that Qin Ming threw down a plate of cold water on his face and he actually
played a morning game of minesweeper in front of her without clothes?

                "Tsk ......" Mu Xiaoqiao's mood immediately sank, she ruffled her hair and propped her head up,
her heart felt hard, was she unattractive? The fact that she had been married for several months and was
still a virgin was probably not even believed when she said it.

                She had been the most popular girl in the school from junior high school to university, and there
were many people chasing her.

                How come she was disliked by all kinds of people when it came to Qin Ming?

                Qin Ming took a set of his clean clothes and said, "Your skirt is dirty, don't wear it, wear my
clothes. We have to get ready to leave, it's almost afternoon."

                "Hmm?" Mu Xiaoqiao looked at the time, it was already 1pm, which meant that the whole team
had waited for her to sleep and hadn't left?
                This team must be led by Qin Ming, which meant that Qin Ming had been guarding her all
morning, waiting for her to rest before leaving?

                Mu Xiaoqiao took Qin Ming's clothes and felt warm again, this act of Qin Ming doting on her
made her very happy.

                It wasn't long before Mu Xiaoqiao was ready too, and the group planned to continue their
journey to Lin's fortress.

                An hour's journey was neither long nor short. Lin Yurou was obviously used to walking among
the mountains, and she could navigate even the roughest roads and walk fast.

                It was not necessary to say that Ah Long and Bi Yuan and the others were simply walking on
smooth ground.

                After all, Qin Ming was a man and was physically fit enough to keep up.

                But Mu Xiaoqiao was having a hard time walking, almost falling several times, and her physical
strength was not as good as Qin Ming's and the others.

                As Qin Ming watched her walking hard like this, dripping with sweat and gritting her teeth all
the time, he simply squatted down, patted her back and said, "Come up, I'll carry you."

                Mu Xiaoqiao was stunned, biting her lip, looking at Qin Ming's back, her heart warmed, she
gently ambled on Qin Ming's back and said, "I, I'm dragging my feet."

                Qin Ming raised the corners of his mouth confidently and said, "It's alright, with me here, who
dares to say a word against you?"

                Qin Ming's domineering words caused Mu Xiaoqiao to snicker with delight.

                "Am I heavy?" Mu Xiaoqiao asked.

                Qin Ming turned it upside down and said, "Not too bad, not too heavy."
                "Heh heh heh." Mu Xiaoqiao raised the corners of her mouth happily, and hooked her arms
around Qin Ming with a happy expression.

                Lin Yurou on the side looked at the two of them, but her heart was something else, how come
the beard around this Qin Ming's mouth seemed to be a bit unstable in its stickiness?

                A fake beard?

                Lin Yurou couldn't help but slow down her pace and suddenly reached out her hand and grabbed
the fake beard on Qin Ming's cheek.

Chapter 438

                Mu Xiaoqiao was very alert and grabbed Lin Yurou's hand that was reaching out, not letting Lin
Yurou tear off the fake beard on Qin Ming's face, and coldly questioned, "Miss Lin, what are you doing?"

                Lin Yurou was stunned, not expecting to be stopped by Mu Xiaoqiao, she drew back her hand
and said, "Nothing, the beard on Mr. Qin's face seems to be fake, why is it falling off on one side?"

                Qin Ming hurriedly used his hand to press the fake beard, in his heart he cried out in danger, if
he were to recognize Lin Yurou as the person who slept with her, the consequences of this could not be
predicted ah.

                Normal de-worming was out of the question, and he might even be in danger.

                Qin Ming said, "It doesn't matter if the beard is fake or not, it's enough that I have money."

                This remark made Lin Yurou wary, it was Qin Ming's way of implying that she should not be
nosy, and that if she was nosy again, she would not lend the money.

                Despite her curiosity, Lin Yurou covered her scandal with a smile and let it go.

                After a long journey of more than an hour, the group also finally crossed the mountains and
rivers and came to a Pandi village and town, where the terrain was smooth, and from afar we saw cooking
smoke, terraced fields, some old-style wooden buildings, a patchwork of low-rise houses, looking as if
there were as many as a thousand families?

                Deep in the mountains lives one of the more original and conservative villages, the Lin clan of

                Ancient style buildings abound, but you can't find two that resemble each other. There are large
hills on either side, towering into the clouds; there are small hills, like rockeries in a garden.

                There are earthen hills, yellow and black, and stone hills, green and white, some rising slowly,
some standing steeply.

                As soon as they entered the village they were greeted by a cool, refreshing air, and Ah Long
could not help but exclaim: "This kind of place is not bad for retirement, the environment is just right."

                Lin Yurou said proudly, "Of course, our village is a longevity village, now the longest living
person, Grandpa, is 106 years old, and many Grandpa and Grandma are also over 90 years old and still in
good health."

                Qin Ming was very curious and said, "Modern society has become urbanised, how come there
are still young people willing to live deep in the mountains? My parents don't even want to live in the
village, they all moved out of the town too."

                Lin Yurou said, "Depending on the mountain, we can eat the mountain, depending on the water,
this is the treasure left by our ancestors, it is our foundation. Leaving here our Lin clan will have nothing."

                As we gradually walked into the pandi, we could still see the electricity poles and wild dogs
barking on the roadside, but Lin Yurou's appearance was a surprise to many villagers, who came up to
greet them.

                The most common question asked was, "Has Missy found a solution?

                Clan factions in southern China are a long-standing problem, and even in modern times, such an
environment of seemingly feudal clans still exists.
                The Lin Yuanwang family is not only the patriarch of the Lin clan, but also the village head,
holding the livelihood of the whole village. The Lin clan is active in western Hunan and has a very wide
influence by virtue of its clan power.

                Qin Ming made his way along the village path, attracting many ogling glances from the village,
as Ah Long and the others were all fully equipped and seemed to make the villagers sense the danger, with
somewhat hostile gazes.

                In particular, Ah Long and Bi Yuan and the others were all in an encircling posture towards Qin
Ming, shielding him in the centre, obviously very wary, much less making the local villagers feel good.

                Lin Yurou said, "Mr. Qin, I will first arrange for you to stay and rest in the fortress, I will ask
Lin Chaofeng and the others to return the 50 million they cheated you out of, and then I will ask my father
to come and talk to you about it, and hopefully we can negotiate a partnership with you."

                Qin Ming said, "We are guests, let's listen to your arrangements."

                Not long after, the old lady who had started the conflict yesterday also arrived at the news, she
anxiously pulled Lin Yurou and whispered a few words in her ear, Lin Yurou's face suddenly changed and
she hurriedly rushed towards the village.

                And that old woman, Sister Bai Ying, led that Lin Mingwei, whom Qin Ming had captured
yesterday, over to make amends: "Mr. Qin, thank you very much for your generosity and escorting our
young lady back. For all the offenses I have committed before, the old lady makes amends on behalf of
those who did not know any better."

                After saying this, the old lady bowed deeply, the old lady herself was old and this bending was
afraid of breaking her back.

                The Lin family was a big family in western Hunan, and Qin Ming expected that they were not
unreasonable people. The previous conflict was entirely caused by some juniors cheating money, which
could not be on stage, and he was not surprised by the wife's attitude.

                Qin Ming also did not want to intensify the conflict and did not say anything more.
                Qin Ming was indifferent to this and asked, "Yesterday at the airport gate, was it your staging?
Or was it Lin Yurou's staging?"

                Bai Ying's sister-in-law was stunned and knelt down straight away, saying, "It was my wife's
impulse that misunderstood Mr. Qin, fortunately Miss stopped me in time, if Mr. Qin wants to hate me, my
wife has no complaints, I am willing to bear all the blame."

                Qin Ming's fist clenched, Nima, so it was you, the old woman, who had made the mistake, he
took a step forward.

                That Lin Mingwei immediately rushed out and said, "This time it was all my idea, Mr. Qin, I
will pay you back the money. Where did my grandmother offend you, I, Lin Mingwei, will suffer for her."

                Ta-da-da, the people from the assassination squad immediately surrounded the two grandma's,
while some people around the village also quickly gathered, holding hoes, choppers and the like to
surround Qin Ming and the others.

                "What are you people going to do to Sister Bai Ying?"

                "Drop your weapons or you are not welcome at our Lin's Dazhai."

                "Kid, I'm warning you, if you want to walk out of the Great Walled Village alive, you should
know your place clearly."

                The atmosphere became unusually hot in a flash.

                Sister-in-law Bai Ying knelt in front of Qin Ming and loudly scolded, "Nobody move, this is a
private matter between me and Mr. Qin, I did wrong Mr. Qin and almost put him in danger, if Mr. Qin
wants to punish me, I have no complaints whatsoever."

                Qin Ming looked at the elderly Bai Ying's sister-in-law on her knees in front of him, and then
recalled the sharp movements she had made yesterday when she kidnapped Mu Si Chun.

                Looking around at the villagers who refused to retreat, he frowned and said, "I'll put that down
for now and see how this trip goes. I am a mundane person, I will repay any grudge and repay any favour,
so you remember that for me."
                "Yes yes yes, Mr. Qin, this way please." Sister-in-law Bai Ying happily accompanied him with a
smile and reached out to invite Qin Mingdao to stay in the unoccupied house inside the big fortress.

                As she led the way, Bai Ying's wife said, "Our village chief is out of town and I'm afraid he
won't be back until tonight, so please wait for a moment, Mr. Qin. Little Wei, you are responsible for
treating Mr. Qin and the others well and giving you the chance to make up for your mistakes."

                Qin Ming and the others arrived at the lobby of the Great Cottage Hanging House, only to find
that there were other outsiders here, all of whom also came with black-clad bodyguards and stood at the
entrance wearing sunglasses, quite imposing looking.

                And walking inside, Qin Ming was even more stunned to see Zhang Quanzhen.

                This awful old man, the stinking weedy Taoist priest, was actually here? He was drinking tea
slowly and leisurely? Aigoo, he was even touching his hand bones with the young girl he was entertaining?

                As soon as he saw Zhang Quanzhen, Qin Ming became furious and immediately brought a knife
towards him.

Chapter 439-440
 Chapter 439
"Zhang Quanzhen you stinking old Taoist, why are you here too?" Qin Ming pressed on step by step with
his knife.

                The others in the hall tensed up in fear, but only that Zhang Quanzhen did not take it seriously,
calmly sipping his tea.

                Qin Ming walked up to Zhang Quanzhen, pushed his goatee and put the knife to Zhang
Quanzhen's neck, cursing, "Good for you, you stinking old Taoist, you have set me up badly enough."

                Zhang Quanzhen hurriedly said, "Hey hey hey, Xiao Qin, calm down, if you want to kill me with
a knife, it won't do you any good."
                Qin Ming looked around, so many eyes were staring at him, he naturally wouldn't do such a
thing to give people an advantage, but he cut off a small handful of Zhang Quanzhen's beard with his knife,
and cursed, "Your head is hanging on your head for now, when I'm in a bad mood, I'll come and get it."

                When he finished, Qin Ming put away his knife and turned around, and the people around him
looked at him in surprise.

                "Zhang Zhen Zhen hey, how many rich and powerful families want to climb up to the Daoist
master, how many people can't even afford to flatter him, how dare this young man who popped up from
nowhere cut a pinch of Zhang Zhen Zhen's beard?"

                "What's the origin of this ...... kid? He dares to brush off the tiger's whiskers?"

                "No way! How dare he do that? His family can't protect him from a tank."

                "Why doesn't the real Zhang seem to be angry?"

                "He's just not a young man, I guess. The second generation of rich people nowadays really have
no moral character, they think they are great when they have some money, but when they encounter
something tough, they just pull the plug.

                "Zhang Zhen Zhen probably moved his mouth, there are countless people for him to clean up
this kid."

                Qin Ming listened to the five men of about the same age gossiping around him, each of them had
two bodyguards behind them, each one dainty and well dressed like a rich young man from a wealthy

                Qin Ming looked back at Zhang Quanzhen and said, "Old man Zhang, you seem to be quite
famous? Shouldn't I act like I'm afraid of you?"

                Zhang Quanzhen laughed and said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Why did you guys only arrive today? You should have been here
last night."

                Qin Ming said, "How do you know? Are you a magician? Can you tell what I met last night?"
                Zhang Quanzhen counted on his fingers and said, "Oh, you were in trouble last night."

                Qin Ming said angrily, "Are you talking nonsense? If there was no trouble, you would have
arrived earlier? Tell me, what are you trying to set me up for this time? Didn't you calculate at the
beginning that I would come to Xiangxi personally? Did you deliberately use a trick to trick me into
coming to Xiangxi?"

                Those few wealthy gentry looked at Zhang Quanzhen who was surprisingly not moved by
having his beard cut and gave him a sideways glance.

                "Does this guy have a lot of background?"

                "Doesn't look like it."

                "Never seen it before, shouldn't be from our northern circle."

                "From the south? Oh, the south can those boomers, how many of them can compare?"

                "Most likely an acquaintance, otherwise with Zhang Zhen's temper, he's not so nice to talk to."

                Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, these people were really annoying, how did he communicate with
Zhang Quanzhen and they had to take care of it?

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled but did not say anything, and only after a while did he say, "There is no
such thing, I have told you the method for your health problem, haven't I? It was your own choice. Did
Miss Mu not give you that box? Did she not divorce you? Did she even sign the divorce papers and you
didn't get what you wanted? Didn't you accomplish everything you asked for, Xiao Qin? Have I screwed
you over?"

                Qin Ming couldn't really find anything wrong with what he said, but if everything in the world
was so easy, would there be so many contradictions?

                Qin Ming scolded again, "You bad old man is very bad, everything is your plan, now this
marriage can not be divorced."
                Zhang Quanzhen rummaged through his shoulder bag and took out a divorce agreement, saying,
"This is the divorce agreement you lost that day, you both wrote your names on it, I got it back from the
sweeper's aunt, take it to Miss Mu and make sure the divorce is done."

                Qin Ming looked at this divorce agreement, it was really the one he had written, and there were
still water stains on it from Mu Sichen.

                Qin Ming asked, "Didn't Mu Xiaoqiao say that this had been thrown away by the cleaning lady?"

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Oh, to be honest, I happened to be passing by the bar that day, and I took
it after you guys left, maybe that sweeper aunt mistook someone else's for yours, that's all. Little Qin, don't
say I didn't complete my task, if you take it to Miss Mu, she'll probably take it and leave immediately, or
save it from continuing to get in your way."

                Qin Ming's heart was in shock, he hadn't found Zhang Quanzhen in the nightclub that night, and
Zhang Quanzhen was acting more and more secretively, he must have some purpose!

                Qin Ming felt that he had not yet jumped out of his net, what exactly did he want to do?

                Qin Ming grimaced and said, "Zhang Quanzhen, are you trying to set me up again?"

                Zhang Quanzhen cried out injustice: "Qin Ming, I am a monk and I have professional ethics that
I abide by as a Taoist priest. Everything that has happened to you so far is your own choice. Our meeting,
that was all fate."

                Qin Ming said, "Heaven's will you devil, then I will leave now."

                Zhang Quanzhen hurriedly pulled Qin Ming's hand and said, "Eh eh eh eh, Little Qin, you've
come all this way, don't you want to take in the atmosphere of the great clan of the earth cottage? If you go
back now, won't you have come for nothing? It's pointless."

                Qin Ming said smugly, "Hey hey hey, see, you bad old man, I knew it, you were going to set me
up again. Let me guess, did you owe a favour to the Lin family, who asked you to come and help, and you
had to come, but you felt you couldn't help with this, so you said something about following the seven stars
of the Big Dipper to Guang City, seeking me, the destined person, which is me, and then fooled the Mu
family into following your set-up, successfully provoking me, and then setting me up on the side of the Lin
clan's earthwork."

                Qin Ming paused and added, "The only thing I'm not sure of right now is whether the mother
parasite inside that Zhao Yuxin's body that night at Century Mansion was put there by you. Because when
you left Guangzhou last time, you knew that I had a compulsion inside me, you have a dog's nose that is as
good as that Lin Yurou, right? So you were certain that once I went up to be alone with her that day at
Century Mansion, something was bound to happen."

                Zhang Quanzhen's expression was calm as he gazed at Qin Ming, who did not look at him in

                Qin Ming's series of reasoning and analysis directly overturned Zhang Quanzhen's providence,
his destiny, and seemed to have turned into an artificial arrangement, a bureau.

                Zhang Quanzhen was the first to laugh, and with the tone of an elder, he denied it flatly, "Little
Qin, you're being paranoid, how could I be that capable? Some things simply cannot be said."

                Qin Ming snorted coldly, "I am afraid that you have already known some of my details and are
hiding them in your heart, aren't you? Zhang Quanzhen, you've been given to me to fool around, so tell me
directly, what is your purpose?"

                Faced with Qin Ming's aggressiveness, Zhang Quanzhen felt the pressure.

                Zhang Quanzhen obviously felt that Qin Ming had completely stopped eating his way, Qin
Ming's wisdom was far from being as easy to fool as others ah.

                After the two of them had been muttering and chatting for a while over here, Mu Xiaoqiao saw
Qin Ming with a piece of paper in his hand and came over, saying, "Honey, what are you guys talking
about? Huh? What's this again?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao reached out for it, and somehow, Qin Ming immediately snatched it up and shoved
it straight into his mouth, biting it in a flurry, eating the whole piece of paper cleanly as Mu Xiaoqiao
stared in amazement.
                Qin Ming said, "No, it's nothing, I've been walking for too long and I'm a bit hungry, so I asked
Zhang Zhen Zhen if he had anything to eat, and he said he only had paper, hahaha."

                Mu Xiaoqiao pouted, "If you don't say, you don't say, I don't care. Zhang Zhen Zhen ...... didn't
expect you to be here too, what a coincidence."

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled, "Miss Mu, I have always been fated to be with your Mu family. Aigoo,
I see your face, rosy and happy, congratulations on the furthering of your relationship as husband and

                Mu Xiaoqiao blushingly pursed her lips and said, "It's also thanks to you, Zhang Zhen Zhen, for
being a moon elder."

                Qin Ming rolled his eyes as he pulled Zhang Quanzhen with him and lowered his voice, "Old
man, tell me, what is the purpose of tricking me into coming to the Lin family? What exactly has happened
to the Lin family?"

                Zhang Quanzhen licked his lips, patted Qin Ming and said, "You really need to help with this
Lin family matter, it will be of great benefit to you."

Chapter 440
In the lobby of the Hanging House, the young masters were sitting in separate groups.

                They were all talking about the newcomer Qin Ming, curious about his relationship with the
famous Zhang Quanzhen, who had become one of the most powerful men in the country, and how he was
able to cut off a pinch of Zhang's beard and still be fine.

                And Qin Ming also heard something from the gossip of these people, this Zhang Quanzhen
seemed to be quite famous.

                It was no wonder Qin Ming didn't understand, he was just a delivery student two months ago,
and such a level of magnates was not something he could get in touch with.

                However, even if he knew, he did not intend to change his attitude towards Zhang Quanzhen, as
he could not be spoiled by the old man.
                Zhang Quanzhen and Qin Ming were sitting together, and Mu Xiaoqiao was making tea for

                Zhang Quanzhen lowered his voice and said, "Actually, the Lin family's affairs are still their own
internal affairs, and it's a shame to talk about it, so not many people know about it."

                "The Lin family has a door-to-door son-in-law who was originally a side relative of the old Qin
family in Hai City, called Qin Weiyuan."

                "As a collateral relative of the old Qin family, Qin Weiyuan himself had little ability and a low
status, and was often suppressed by his relatives and friends, so he later became a door-to-door son-in-law
to the Lin family's Lin Yuanwang's eldest daughter, and has been childless since his marriage."

                "The family is often unpredictable, and Qin Weiyuan's father has suddenly gained the respect of
the old Qin family, and is in charge of a large number of business operations, so the status of this side
relative has naturally risen thanks to the old Qin family in the city."

                Qin Ming listened, surprisingly it was that old Qin family in Hai City again, he had heard its
name a lot recently, as a world class gentry, it also had many business dealings with the Huan Yu Century
Group, Song Ying had also not suggested Qin Ming to take action against it.

                Qin Ming said, "The family has a position, so Qin Weiyuan wants a divorce, and the Lin family
refuses, so there is a conflict?"

                Zhang Quanzhen shook his head and said very shamefully, "Speaking of divorce alone, if he
wants to leave, the Lin family can't keep him? When Qin Weiyuan first joined the family, he was relying
on the Lin family to shelter him and lead a good life, now he's being a wolf, so he's naturally spurned."

                "Qin Weiyuan does want a divorce, and the Lin family has agreed to it, but Qin Weiyuan wants
to share the insect breeding scriptures that the Lin family has been operating for generations, and also take
away a large batch of rare breeds."

                Qin Ming's heart stirred, so the Xiangxi Lin family was not only in the tourism business, but also
in farming, right?
                He said, "Isn't that delusional? A door-to-door son-in-law, the Lin family accepted him when he
was suffering, and now that his father has become rich and wants to leave, he still asks to take the root of
people's lives with peace of mind?"

                At the side, Mu Xiaoqiao suddenly looked at Qin Ming with complicated eyes, compared to the
others, it seemed that when Qin Ming was leaving before, he didn't ask for anything from the Mu family,
and he had even helped the Mu family a lot.

                Really, they were both sons-in-law, but the difference was not small.

                Zhang Quanzhen added: "That Qin Weiyuan now holds himself backed by the old Qin family
behind him, plus he used to suffer a lot of white eyes and bullying, and was also looked down upon by
some villagers here in the Lin family, as he was not productive here either, could not raise worms, and was
not very well received. After becoming rich, Qin Weiyuan's temperament changed drastically, and he
became arrogant and domineering. Seeing that the Lin family would not compromise, he directly blew up
the entire insect valley where the Lin family raised insects. All the valuable worms were all gone."

                Qin Ming asked curiously, "This total bombing, meaning the Lin family's years of hard work
was ruined by that Qin Weiyuan?"

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Not bad, the Lin family has a skill in raising worms, except for some
rare and rare worms, a small worm is worth a lot, millions of dollars is not uncommon. There are also
some for medicinal herbs, all of which have already taken orders to be shipped to people and are now
facing sky-high default fees. There is also the Lin family's most mysteriously rumoured compulsion, which
has also suffered heavy losses. It will take a lot of money to regain its vitality."

                Qin Ming said, "Then why didn't you arrest that Qin Weiyuan?"

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Without evidence, all accusations are meaningless. Qin Weiyuan has an
alibi, so he can't be testified against. The person who blew up the valley was caught, but before anything
could be asked, that person died, and he died because of the Lin family's compulsion. Once the scapegoat
was dead, then there would be no proof of death."

                Qin Ming's heart dawned on him, because there was no evidence, so he was emboldened.
                Qin Ming said, "A door-to-door son-in-law almost wiped out the entire Lin family's wealth, Lin
Yuanwang is really a disgrace. The Lin family should still have some money, right? Can't they start

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled, "Lin Yuanwang is a wealthy man, but also a charitable man. Whenever
people ask him to borrow money, he gives it to them without ever writing an IOU, and he often donates
money to charity, so he doesn't have much money himself. If you want to restore the ecology of the entire
Bug Valley, you can't do it without tens of billions, and the breach of contract for a large number of orders
is also astronomical."

                Zhang Quanzhen pointed at Qin Ming, smiled mysteriously and said, "It was still the old Qin
family's Prince Qin who, for the sake of his long-time friendship with the Lin family, lent the Lin family
60 billion to tide over their difficulties. But because of that incident with you and the fact that Qin
Weiyuan was also a member of the old Qin family, after Lin Yurou's marriage alliance hit a wall in Hai
City, Lin Yuanwang's stubbornness came up and he refused the sixty billion from Grand Master Qin."

                Qin Ming got depressed and said, "Old man Zhang, what kind of look are you giving me?
Although my surname is also Qin, I have nothing to do with the old Qin family in Hai City, right? What
does it have to do with me if Lin Yurou's marriage with the old Qin family has hit a wall?"

                Zhang Quanzhen stroked his beard and lowered his voice again, "Little Qin, don't pretend to be
confused, how did that bug come to you? Did you get it out of thin air? Two months ago, you were looking
for Nie Haitang in You were looking for Nie Haitang in China two months ago? Wasn't Nie Haitang
tricked by her mother into going on a blind date with someone from the old Qin family? Wasn't Lin Yurou
in the same place?"

                "Lin Yurou thought you were Qin Zhongbai, whom she hadn't seen for years, and ended up
mistaking you for someone else, losing her body to you, and you were also planted with a parasite. Later
on, Lin Yurou went to the old Qin family to reason with them, only then did Lin Yurou realise that she had
mistaken the person, Lin Yurou was neglected and was insulted that she did not know shame and licked
her face to marry into a rich family, you say that you did not play a vital role in this?"

                Qin Ming's face froze and he looked back at Mu Xiaoqiao next to him, fortunately she was not
listening at the moment.
                He padded his head closer to Zhang Quanzhen and said, "Old man Zhang, you are quite well-
informed and quite good at analysing intelligence."

                Zhang Quanzhen said smugly, "No, when I pinch my fingers, I know what is going on in the

                Qin Ming understood the root cause of the Lin family's disaster, and that it was caused by a son-

                Qin Ming asked curiously again, "Then you said that helping the Lin family would also be
beneficial to me? And what is that?"

                This time Zhang Quanzhen said with a smile, "Far from it, just helping you get the compulsions
out of your body straight away, isn't that the biggest benefit? And it's not like I'm giving you help for
nothing, the interest won't be less in the future."

                Qin Ming said, "Aiya, you stinking old Taoist, selling me a story again?"

                He was about to bash Zhang Quanzhen for a few words when a big handsome man with a face
like Fu Yu came up next to him and he said straight away, "Zhang Zhen Zhen, just now I saw you and this
young brother talking all the time, I think you must also be a young master of some magnificent family,
but I don't look familiar, I don't know what to call you?"

Chapter 441-442
 Chapter 441
"This gentleman must also be a young master of some magnificent family, but I look new to you, I wonder
what to call him?"

                "Yes, I have also rarely seen a young man who can chat so well with Zhang Zhen Zhen, it's just
that we are ignorant and don't know such a young and promising young man."

                "Yes, we are all from the same circle and we all know each other. To have been invited by the
Lin family, I'm sure he's also a member of a large and powerful family in the south."

                The five young men in their twenties from the wealthy families all went along with the first
person to speak up to greet Qin Ming and pull strings.
                They thought that the Lin family's current circumstances were exactly the time when they needed
money to regroup, pay for the breach of contract and fill in the payment for the goods, and that if they got
through this hurdle, the Lin family would be able to rise again in the future.

                If they couldn't, the Lin family would be badly wounded.

                And the Lin family had already borrowed a lot of money through various efforts long ago, but
there was still a big capital gap, and this time they were invited to come in order to borrow money by
various means, as little as billions or as much as tens of billions.

                The fact that Qin Ming could come proved that his family was well off, plus the fact that he
knew Zhang Quanzhen so well, immediately aroused their curiosity.

                When Qin Ming saw them ask, he said modestly, "I'm from the Mu family in Guang City."

                "Oh, so it's Master Mu's grandson." One of the men in black suits dawned on him, "Old Master
Mu Hai Ran was a reigning figure in our north back then, and I still hear about Old Master Mu's awesome
timing occasionally now."

                "I heard that Elder Mu was very close to Master Zhang, so no wonder you had such a good chat
with him just now."

                "The Guangcheng Mu family, I've heard of them, is very strong in investment and real estate.
You must be Mu Zhaoyang, right? We're still alumni, I'm also from Peking University."

                "Mr. Mu, this is my business card."

                Qin Ming was slightly embarrassed when he heard that they had mistaken him for Mu Zhaoyang,
but he also felt that a powerful family is a powerful family, with a reputation to uphold.

                He looked at the business card handed to him and didn't know whether to accept it or not, he
didn't even have the habit of being prepared.

                Mu Xiaoqiao walked over, took Qin Ming's arm and said, "He's not my brother, he's my
husband, his name is Qin Ming. He's still a student."
                Qin Ming also took over, "I'm not Mu Zhaoyang, I'm the son-in-law of the Mu family. My name
is Qin Ming."

                As soon as the words left his mouth, the atmosphere instantly changed as these people no longer
looked at Qin Ming with friendliness and appreciation, but with contempt and disdain, with one directly
snorting in disdain.

                The few business cards that had been handed to Qin Ming were all withdrawn, and Qin Ming's
hand, which had just been raised a little, was just hanging in mid-air, looking at the withdrawn business
cards, very embarrassed.

                Mu Xiaoqiao was also stunned, why did they all change their faces?

                "Tsk, another door-to-door son-in-law? How wasteful are men nowadays to be son-in-law to

                "Didn't you hear? He's still just a student, huh, maybe he has good grades and potential, and
Master Mu doesn't want his granddaughter to marry far away."

                "Alas, isn't this Lin family wrecked by a son-in-law at home? When a man has no dignity, all the
talk is nonsense. Sooner or later, there will be problems."

                "Hush, he just cut Zhang Zhen's beard, Zhang Zhen couldn't do it because of Master Mu's face,
right? Oh, this kid will be in trouble afterwards."

                "Forget it, it's just shabby goods, let's wait for Boss Lin to come over."

                These rich young men from the gentry, speaking without the slightest regard for other people's
face, directly disliked Qin Ming, just because he was the son-in-law of the family.

                Qin Ming didn't take it too seriously, so they could do whatever they liked.

                Mu Xiaoqiao felt that these people were going too far and wanted to defend Qin Ming, but was
pressed by Qin Ming, saying, "Forget it, don't make trouble on other people's turf."
                Not long after, Lin Yurou led a few people dressed in local ethnic costumes and walked in
carrying a few plates.

                Lin Yurou said, "Shao Zhang, Shao Bai, Shao Ma, Shao He, Shao Huang, Mr Qin and Taoist
Master Zhang, you are all very welcome to come to our Lin clan's earth cottage and help our Lin family to
tide over the difficult times. My father is on his way back from Bug Valley and it may take a little while.
You have given our Lin family a helping hand at a most difficult time, and I, Lin, thank you on behalf of
the Lin family."

                Saying that, Lin Yurou pointed to what her companion was carrying beside her and said, "This is
one of the few beauty bug syrups we have now, it is much more useful than any hyaluronic acid, collagen,
autologous fat or botox."

                That young Zhang who first approached Qin Ming to speak said, "Yes, this is the one, my
mother always buys it, and it's still too expensive day after day, a bottle has to cost more than ten million,
it's horrible."


                Qin Ming was drinking tea when a mouthful of water directly spurted out.

                He was curious about that thing being so exaggerated, and beauty bug pulp? Wasn't it the same
as some beauty needle in the market? How rare could it be? Is the unit VND?

                It turned out to be very rare, more than ten million dollars a bottle, to be rubbed on the face?
How many times can you rub it on your face?

                Qin Ming's astonished movement drew the attention of the crowd and he asked, "Miss Lin, are
you kidding? This bottle costs more than ten million? It's not an immortal medicine?"

                "Oh, dirtbag, it's worth more than an immortal pill."

                "Forget it, the family is just a door-to-door son-in-law, still a student, poor in insight, we are all
people of status."
                "This kind of stuff is only passed around among our Chinese gentry, ninety-nine percent of the
world can't afford to use it. He's a son-in-law from the family, he must not have come into contact with it."

                Lin Yurou was stunned, how could it be that after only a short while, these people were targeting
Qin Ming so much?

                She then explained, "Mr. Qin, this beautiful insect pulp, is the mouth fluid spat out by a special
insect of our Lin's parasite, it is not easy to collect this small bottle, the time and manpower, the cost of
raising the insect is very high. But the effect is absolutely great, and most importantly natural, with no side
effects and a whole body effect. Arang, go and call Water Mother over."

                A runner went away and brought over a young, fair-skinned older woman not long after.

                "Miss, you called for me, what's the matter?" Although she was a bit old, she still had her charm,
especially her white skin, which was comparable to beauties like Lin Yurou and Mu Xiaoqiao.

                The most important thing is that it is not the kind of paper white, the kind of chemical white that
is overly coated with cosmetics on the market, it is like the delicate skin of a young girl.

                Lin Yurou said, "Mr. Qin, guess how old she is, Shui Ma?"

                Qin Ming looked at Shui Ma, she must be in her early fifties to have a "Ma" on her body, right?

                He understood that Lin Yurou was trying to prove to him the effect of their beauty bug paste,
Qin Ming said conservatively, "Forty-six?"

                "Hahahaha ......" The people around him laughed.

                Those few rich young men mocked, "Turd, you haven't seen the Lin family's treasure, have

                "Haha, not bad for a door-to-door son-in-law, shame on you."

                "Let's not even talk about it, let him guess, let's see how he guesses, it's time for the delightful
part of guessing the water mother's age again."
                Qin Ming was a bit uncomfortable as he listened to these people sneering and sarcastic, what
was wrong with him being a dirtbag? It was true that he had never seen one, so naturally he did not know.

                Qin Ming this time seriously look at this water mum, hair is a little dry, there are white hair, but
face wrinkles very little, body type obviously obese, typical square ama figure, but the hands are not too
pale, should also have applied bug paste, chest sagging seriously.

                In fact, at first glance, Qin Ming felt like a middle-aged woman in her thirties, and he said that
forty-six was beyond his expectations, and he guessed wrong.

                Those few broad young men saw Qin Ming staring for a while and sat down again, scoffing,
"Our Huang Shao had the fastest guess at first, guessing four times."

                "Hahahaha, dirtbag, forget it if you can't guess."

                "Insightless trash, this kind of nature's treasure, if you don't join a luxurious family, you're afraid
you won't see it for the rest of your life."

                "Let's guess, Miss Mu, your family has already bought it, right? You wouldn't be unaware of the
effects, would you?"

                "Yes, why doesn't Miss Mu help your doorstep husband? The fact that you're already a door-to-
door son-in-law proves that you're not capable of anything."

                Mu Xiaoqiao said with a cold face, "So what if I guessed wrong? My husband is young and
doesn't use these things, so what's so strange about not knowing? Did you guess correctly when you first
met? Guessed a few times?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao's words immediately made these wealthy young men shut up in embarrassment,
they weren't any better than Qin Ming at first.

                Qin Ming gazed at Shui Ma for a while and said, "Sixty-nine?"

                "Eh?" The crowd was stunned.

Chapter 442
Although it was just a very ordinary age guessing session, Zhang Shao, Huang Shao and the others still
looked down on Qin Ming in all sorts of ways, as if they were dirt-poor and uneducated, which made Qin
Ming feel very unhappy in his heart.

                So Qin Ming was much more careful in his judgement this time.

                He did not judge from Shui Ma's skin, but from her figure, as well as the subtle eyes and
eyebrows of her features, her ears, her mouth and teeth, and her feet under her slippers.

                Qin Ming said, "Shui Ma should be sixty-nine, right?"

                This time Lin Yurou was astonished and said, "Mr. Qin is so good, he guessed correctly the
second time."

                Water Mother also smiled sarcastically, "It seems that of all the people who have guessed my
age over the years, Mr. Qin is the first one to guess my actual age on the second time."

                Mu Xiaoqiao was overjoyed and said, "See, how many times have you guessed? My husband
guessed it immediately when he was serious."

                Qin Ming scolded in a majestic manner, "Well, what's there to brag about such a trivial matter?
It's just for fun. If others are uncultured, can we be uncultured too?"

                Qin Ming's "rebuke" was a rebuke to the rich and powerful for being uncultured, but it was true
that they could not refute it, especially when they had just bragged that they had guessed four times, but
Qin Ming had guessed it the second time.

                The most crucial thing is still that he, a son-in-law of the family, scolded Mu Xiaoqiao, who
even nodded obediently and said seriously, "Well, husband is right, we are educated people."

                The few people, Zhang Shao and Huang Shao, froze their smiles, not expecting Qin Ming to
guess correctly the second time, and to mock them for being uncultured, to be mocked by a door-to-door
son-in-law for being uncultured?

                In their eyes, a door-to-door son-in-law like Qin Ming was not qualified to sit in the same room
with them, and only deserved to bow down and make way when he saw them.
                It was not a question of whether the matter was important or serious, even if it was a small
matter, but if they lost, it was a loss of face, and they felt uncomfortable when they were humiliated by Qin
Ming's accusations and they did not have the strength to fight back.

                Huang Shao's face was gloomy and he said disdainfully, "Oh, a blind guess and he guessed it."

                Zhang Shao also said, "Yeah, just lucky."

                When there was an unpleasant situation here, Lin Yurou immediately intervened and asked, "Mr.
Qin, how did you get it right the second time? Zhang Zhen Zhen also guessed five times at first."

                Qin Ming smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing special, I found out the characteristics of this
beauty bug pulp, it's simply skin care, a skin care product. Water Mother's figure, the skin on her feet, as
well as her eye sockets and ears, differed greatly from her skin, as if it was a young woman's skin over an
old man's body."

                "I made a comprehensive estimate and it should be around sixty-nine years old."

                Lin Yurou said, "Mr. Qin is really meticulous, combining so many factors."

                Zhang Quanzhen praised, "Details determine success or failure, although it is just a very
ordinary guess of age, it also shows that Xiao Qin pays attention to details."

                Zhang Quanzhen's praise was undoubtedly very weighty, he supported Qin Ming and also made
the five rich young men of the rich family stop talking, any more sneering would be a bore.

                But Qin Ming also counted to understand the greatness of this beautiful insect paste, surprisingly
take an old mother, become thirty-something young woman skin, is really horrible, no wonder so

                Lin Yurou added: "But our beauty bug pulp has a downside, the effect gets worse the more you
use it, usually the third time you use it there is little effect, the maintenance of youthfulness however can
last more than five years, pure natural, whitening, will not let people see abnormalities, and the production
is scarce. This is a gift of one bottle each for your willingness to help the Lin family through this difficult
time. With what happened to our Lin family this time, it's not something you can just buy in the future."
                Tsk, tens of millions at the first offer, the Lin family was worthy of being a magnate in western
Hunan, broad enough.

                After Qin Ming took it, he handed it to Mu Xiaoqiao and said, "Keep it for yourself."

                Mu Xiaoqiao was slightly surprised because it was a gift for Qin Ming, and Qin Ming was caring
for her. Women love beauty, so she naturally took it and used it later when she was old, now she was full
of collagen and wrung out, she didn't need such things at all.

                Lin Yurou gave the gift and invited Qin Ming outside to talk again.

                Lin Yurou said, "Mr. Qin, the compulsions in your body I can help you drain out now. However,
you have failed the women of our Lin's earth cottage, I hope that I will be the one to do it and you can put
aside your past grudges."

                Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, everything else was fine, but this was the only thing he could not

                If he told the truth, what if Lin Yurou held him responsible? What was her status? She had been
broken by Qin Ming for nothing, and misunderstood by someone else, and went to the old Qin family in
the city of Shanghai to ask for an explanation, and was even humiliated, so her past should not be easy to

                If she knew that Qin Ming was the man who had slept with her, she was afraid that she would
not storm out?

                Although there was something wrong with Lin Yurou, but at this juncture, she absolutely could
not say anything.

                Qin Ming put on a deep face and said, "Miss Lin, it was a misunderstanding and a mistake
between her and I. She doesn't like me at all. I am afraid that if we meet, it will ruin my trip this time. So
Miss Lin, let's forget it. If we have to meet, then we'll have to wait until I've finished talking business with
Boss Lin."

                Lin Yurou frowned, didn't she think that Qin Ming was just a typical slag?
                This was blackmailing her with a ten billion dollar business.

                But the Lin family had no choice, the Lin family was now in internal and external difficulties,
the Bug Valley had been bombed, a large number of bugs of extraordinary value had died, they were
facing all kinds of sky-high default bills, and they desperately needed funds to tide over the difficult times.

                Lin Yurou hesitated for a long time and finally compromised, "Alright, Mr. Qin please come
with me, but only you and I are allowed."

                Qin Ming had no problem with this, was he afraid that she was a weak woman?

                Qin Ming came to a small wooden hut where a strange spice was burning, which smelt

                Qin Ming and Lin Yurou sat opposite each other, and she picked up a few leaves that Qin Ming
could not name and put them in her mouth to chew, as if eating wild grasses raw, making her little mouth
full of green juice.

                But soon, Qin Ming's body had a feeling of desire, a desire that could not be controlled, Qin
Ming felt that his endocrine secretion was out of balance again by that worm.

                And Lin Yurou looked at Qin Ming a little strangely, as if she had some strange thoughts, her
legs quietly clenched.

                However, after she refused, she spat out the strange leaves in her mouth and handed them to Qin
Ming, saying, "You put these in your mouth and chew them, and when you vomit, the parasite will be
urged out."

                This ......

                Qin Ming had a black face, reasonably speaking, it was all her saliva on it.

                Although Lin Yurou is quite pretty, in terms of beauty is comparable to Mu Xiao Qiao, the
person is pretty and sweet, the small round face is also quite cute, but she finished chewing the leaves in
swallowing, it is really disgusting.
                Lin Yurou said, "Hurry up, I can't help it."

                Can't help it? What are you holding back?

                Qin Ming looked at the movement of her legs rubbing together, it couldn't be that she was wet,
could it?

                Qin Ming was horrified in his heart, "Turtle, you're feeling it just by staring at me in this small
room? Is it that powerful?"

                Qin Ming also did not understand, nor did he know, nor did he dare to ask ah, gritted his teeth,
for the sake of his own de-worming, endured it.

                Qin Ming took it and chewed it with his eyes closed, but unexpectedly there was no sourness or
bitterness, instead there was a strange aroma and it was not difficult to chew.

                But Qin Ming chewed for a while, his body did not change or abnormal.

                "Er ...... Mr. Qin, is it still not ready?" On the contrary, it was Lin Yurou who was having a hard
time, she was almost lying on the table, her two feet were clenched and rubbed back and forth, her
breathing became rapid, her face was scarlet and her small fists were clenched, as if it was really hard to

                Qin Ming was stunned, Lin Yurou, who was so serious just now, had suddenly become so

                Suddenly, Lin Yurou raised her head and looked at Qin Ming: "This smell, what's going on? Is
this the smell of the male insect king?"

                Qin Ming's heart was shocked, oh no, had it dragged on for too long and been discovered by her?

Chapter 443-444
 Chapter 443
"What's going on? Is this the smell of the male bug king?" Lin Yurou raised her head in surprise and
looked at Qin Ming.
                Lin Yurou knew very well that the worms of the love compulsion were a pair, a male and a
female, and once the man and woman the compulsion parasites stayed together in bed long enough for the
compulsions to adapt to each other's scent, they would no longer be affected by the scent of other love

                The love compulsions are the most mysterious and forbidden in the occult science of the Lin clan
in western Hunan.

                It is also used by very few people, only in very extreme circumstances, and a situation like Qin
Ming's where he was secretly bewitched belongs to chance.

                This is because the female worm can manage the male worm very well and is suspected of being
a slave.

                The male insect in Qin Ming's body had obviously not adapted to the scent of any of the female
insects, so he could be affected by the scent emitted by all of them.

                But this process of drawing the worm out, Lin Yurou suddenly felt that this male worm's smell
was a bit off, quite strong, much stronger than any other male worm.

                The smell of the love bug is diffused out through endocrine secretion, affecting the human pores,
that is, it is diffused through the human body, enhancing the smell.

                So whether Lin Yurou or Zhang Quanzhen, they are not dog noses, they are just familiar enough
to be able to discern.

                When Qin Ming had almost finished chewing, he finally had a feeling of vomiting like he was
seasick, his brow furrowed and he suddenly opened his mouth with a vomit, vomiting out a puddle of
stomach acid.

                There was nothing in the liquid, and it was hard to tell what kind of parasite was in it.

                But the strange feeling of desire in Qin Ming's body also disappeared.

                Qin Ming immediately stomped on it, and rubbed it on the ground a few times of sorts.
                "Wait a minute." Lin Yurou suddenly let out a long breath and her demeanor became relaxed,
but she was also already drenched in fragrant sweat, as if she had helped draw out a lot of strength just

                However, once the male worm of the love compulsion left the human body, the smell became
very subtle and not good, so the compulsion could not be allowed to die because of this.

                But Lin Yurou had just shouted, and Qin Ming stomped on the puddle that he had spat out a
dozen times.

                "......" Lin Yurou was dumbfounded, a compulsion insect is time-consuming to cultivate,

especially the king of the insects, and is not something that can be measured by the value of money.

                However, Qin Ming had already king the scales and was determined to destroy the evidence.

                Qin Ming said, "Ah, sorry Miss Lin, I was too scared, afraid that the worm would burrow back,
could it still be swallowed by others?"

                "......" Lin Yurou waved her hand and pointed at the door, forcing down her inner dissatisfaction,
and said, "Mr. Qin, you can go out and leave me alone."

                Qin Ming also guessed the calculation, feeling that any living thing should die before saying
sorry and leaving.

                After leaving the cabin, Qin Ming felt refreshed, breathing in the fresh air of nature, his whole
body was much more relaxed, and the big thing that had been piling up on his mind was let go, no one
could control him anymore.

                However, after this time, Qin Ming was also full of admiration for the Lin clan's parasites, which
were really mysterious things, no better than the various black technologies in movies.

                Now that the Lin clan was in a big crisis, he could negotiate a big deal.

                Qin Ming went back to the hammock, and there were still the same people, chatting about one
thing or another.
                When Zhang Quanzhen saw Qin Ming return, he twirled his short beard and laughed, "It has
been settled at this point, as expected from the poor Tao, with a talent like yours, why would you have to
take another detour?"

                Qin understood and gave this bad old man a look, you damned well didn't set me up to come
here? But remembering that Zhang Quanzhen did help in this matter, he didn't say so much.

                Mu Xiaoqiao was most happy and said, "Honey, is it really alright? How do you get rid of the
worms? Are there any bad effects on the body?"

                Qin Ming didn't want to say that he had eaten something that Lin Yurou had chewed and
casually said, "No effect on the body anymore, the process was nothing special, I was given a little
something to eat and I just pooped it out as if it was shit."

                As expected, once we talked about shit Mu Xiaoqiao lost interest.

                The crowd didn't have to wait long before Lin Yurou came in again, but this time she had
changed her clothes and was dressed in the local Tuzhai costume, which was also something special, and
the few men present couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

                But when Qin Ming and Lin Yurou locked eyes, thinking back to what had just happened in the
hidden wooden hut, they were both rather embarrassed by the double release.

                "Is this really wet?" Qin Ming could not help but have a reverie in his mind when he saw that she
had changed her clothes.

                Lin Yurou said, "Gentlemen, my father rushed back just now. I also know that several big
brothers are all busy with a hundred things and earning money every day, so I won't waste everyone's time,
please come together over to the lobby of the main building."

                Hearing this, Zhang Shao and the others shook their clothes and said, "Since Boss Lin is back,
it's time to talk about business. But it's really lucky that certain people came to join the fun and got a bottle
of Beauty Bug Syrup for nothing."
                Young Bai followed suit, "Yes, as far as I know, the Mu family is now headed by Mu Hao. This
son-in-law is obviously here to join in the fun, and getting a bottle of beauty bug syrup worth a lot of
money for nothing is really cheeky."

                Huang Shao said, "I guess he'll get a billion at most later, tops. It's probably still dependent on
the wife."

                He Shao said, "Huang Shao, you're not talking nonsense? How much money can a student have?
Not to mention Miss Mu, even if Mu Hao himself was here, he wouldn't necessarily be able to take more
than ten billion, after all, the money is the company's, and you don't just take it when you want to do a

                Mu Xiaoqiao bit her mouth very unhappily and hummed, "No one in sight."

                Qin Ming said very plainly, "It's fine, it doesn't affect me."

                The group arrived at the lobby of the main building, only to see a farmer-like man, barefoot and
covered in mud, but quite sturdy, with a small flat shaved head, sweating profusely as he fanned the wind.

                Lin Yurou walked up to that uncle, and Qin Ming guessed that the unattractive man should be
the patriarch and village head of the Lin clan, Lin Yuanwang.

                When Lin Yuanwang saw the visitor, he went straight to Zhang Quanzhen and took Zhang
Quanzhen's hand, saying in joyful words, "Aiya, Zhang Zhen Zhen, it's really my sin to make you wait for
me for a whole day, it's really the matter of the Bug Valley side, if I can recover a little loss, it's a little."

                Zhang Zhen Zhen said, "Ah Xiao Lin, I have already heard about your family's affairs from your
father. Your father called me over, can I come empty-handed? Look, I've got the Scattered Fortune Boy for

                Saying that, Zhang Quanzhen pointed at Qin Ming.

                Lin Yuanwang looked at Qin Ming curiously, thinking that this young man looked familiar, but
for a moment he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

                To be honest, Qin Ming admired Zhang Quanzhen.

                The company's business is a very important part of the company's business.

                He helped Qin Ming solve the matter of the compulsions and also helped the Lin family find
powerful helpers, while also allowing Qin Ming to continue to be the son-in-law of the Mu family.

                Qin Ming believed that if he had not been hit by the compulsion, Zhang Quanzhen would have
had other ways to fool him into coming over just the same.

                There was a judgment of human nature involved, especially the analysis of Qin Ming's and Mu
Xiaoqiao's personalities, and the bureau that was eventually laid, the skill of which took Qin Ming's breath

                This kind of heartfelt admiration, the last time or Qin Ming followed Chang Hongxi to learn the
way of business, and Zhang Quan is really for people, each different also has a thousand.

                It is true that ginger is still old and spicy.

                This gave Qin Ming the idea of taking him under his wing.

                Zhang Quanzhen was of the same age as Mu Hai Ran, but he was a monk, a monk, and had a
strong point in health and wellness, so he had something to live for.

                Lin Yuanwang extended his hand towards Qin Ming and said, "I wonder what the young man's
name is? Which gentry's son? Forgive me, Lin Yuanwang, for my clumsy eyesight, I didn't recognise him."

                As Qin Ming was about to introduce himself, Zhang Shao and the others at the side spoke up,
"Mr. Lin, what kind of a rich family's son is this? He's just a son-in-law."

                He said contemptuously, "I guess he's just here to join in the fun, just the son-in-law of the Mu
family in Guangcheng."

                Mr. Bai echoed, "Yes, Mr. Lin, you'd better not waste your time with him, he's just a student and
a son-in-law, how much money does he have? You can't even afford to pay for the breach of contract for
one of your orders."
                Lin Yuanwang's hand, which was about to reach out, froze in mid-air, and he frowned. He had
asked the Mu family for help before, but was rebuffed by Mu Hao at the time.

                Now he was asking for help again? Wasn't that a joke? How much money could the Mu family
afford to pay?

                If he really had the money, wouldn't Mu Hai Ran have sent his son Mu Hao? If not, he would
have sent his grandson Mu Zhaoyang, a son-in-law?

Chapter 444
The fact that Lin Yuanwang withdrew his hand was something Qin Ming had not expected.

                Didn't he say that Lin Yuanwang was a gregarious person and liked to make friends? Why did
his face change as soon as he heard that he was a son-in-law, a student and had no money?

                Lin Yuanwang changed his handshake into a fist hug and said, "Hello, how are you, please have
a seat."

                After saying that, Lin Yuanwang also greeted several wealthy young men and sat down together,
no longer paying attention to Qin Ming.

                Come on, Qin Ming didn't even need to give his name.

                He Shao passed by Qin Ming's side and scoffed, "Oh, see? What's the point of getting together if
you don't have money? If you usually come over, you can still fool Boss Lin, now? What a shameless

                Bai Shao also said, "That's right, over the years there are too many people who have taken
advantage of Boss Lin's good-natured personality to come and climb up the ladder and cheat him out of
favours, people like you who are still speculating at a time of crisis are really shameless."

                Huang Shao is taller and holds his chin up, looking at people through his nose: "Still staying?
You're not going to see the coffin, let's see how you make a fool of yourself later."
                These rich and powerful men attacked Qin Ming at every opportunity, for no other reason than
they felt that Qin Ming was just a son-in-law and did not deserve to be on their level, so they had to step on
him a few times if they did not like him.

                Mu Xiaoqiao was very annoyed, she admitted that she used to despise Qin Ming too, but people
cannot be seen, Qin Ming had conquered her with his ability and skills, she had already worshipped Qin
Ming's skills.

                Now Qin Ming said that he was also the Vice President of Greater China of a multinational
corporation, and that he could even do the acquisition of the Xu family, which was still a powerful family
in Hai City, and still couldn't get ten billion dollars to invest?

                So seeing that she saw that Qin Ming was being belittled, she was very annoyed and said, "Do
you guys have a say in whether my husband has money or not? You are not taking the family's money?"

                Young Zhang and Ma, who had fallen behind, laughed, "Rich, who dares to slander the Mu
family's son-in-law for not having money? A few hundred million? A few hundred million is no use, a few
hundred million to come over to the Lin family to put out the fire, aren't you kidding? It's not enough to
pay for a single order breach of contract."

                "Miss Lin I suggest you piss in bed tonight to wake your husband up, don't let him come out day
in and day out to disgrace himself. Disgrace the prestige of Master Mu. Hahahaha."

                "You guys!" Mu Xiaoqiao's face was covered in frost and she wanted to slap him across the face,
but was pulled back by Qin Ming.

                Qin Ming said calmly, "Don't be impulsive, don't be ordinary with some dude."

                Mu Xiaoqiao was unhappy, "But they humiliated you like that."

                Qin Ming smiled calmly, "Who humiliates who, we don't know yet. Let's see who laughs at the

                Lin Yurou at the front was anxious, she knew that Qin Ming was capable of taking out tens of
billions of dollars, she walked over and tried to say something to Lin Yuanwang.
                Lin Yuanwang somehow lost his temper with his daughter: "Do you think I haven't approached
the Mu family for help? I approached the Mu family two months ago and was sent straight away by Mu
Hao with 300 million, Mu Hai Ran couldn't even meet her, how many years of old friendship, huh, and
now they're sending a son-in-law to ease relations?"

                The voice was not loud, but it was quiet here in the main building, so everyone could still hear it.

                It turned out that Lin Yuanwang had approached the Mu family for help two months ago, and
had met a wall.

                But two months ago, the Mu family was really in dire straits, Mu Hai Ran was seriously ill, Mu
Hao was looking for solutions everywhere, and it was not an exaggeration to say that the Mu family was
also in a state of mud and unable to protect itself at that time.

                Although Qin Ming was a bit upset, he could understand, Lin Yuanwang should have run around
a lot after the Lin family's accident, and probably experienced some of the world's difficulties.

                These days, there were many people who added flowers to the cake, but few who sent charcoal
in the snow.

                The family's family is still in a difficult situation and Lin Yurou went on a blind date with a rich
young man from the old Qin family, but Qin Ming became a key factor in the disruption.

                With the Lin family still to be saved, I'm afraid Lin Yuanwang has been hanging on for dear life,
just short of the last straw to crush him.

                After everyone sat down separately, Mu Xiaoqiao couldn't help but ask Zhang Quanzhen, saying,
"Zhang Zhen Zhen, do you really need that much money to save the Lin family? Tens of billions of dollars
is already a big deal, but tens of billions more?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao was a business person, she knew very well that over a billion was not a small
amount, ten billion was exaggerated, let alone needing tens of billions?

                Many of the gentry in Guangzhou were not worth tens of billions, not to mention that this was
still working capital, it was not like we were running a bank.
                Qin Ming muttered in his heart, "Ten billion is a lot?"

                But when he thought of the different volume of the Huan Yu Century Group, it was not good
enough to come and pretend.

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Miss Mu, you don't know anything about this. It really needs to be this
amount, Lin Yuanwang's family, as the village head, must guarantee the profit harvest of every villager in
the clan, and this is not a small amount here, otherwise he, the clan head and village head, will have to be
driven down."

                "Secondly, the person who blew up the Bug Valley was Qin Weiyuan, the son-in-law of Lin
Yuanwang, who was most responsible for what happened within the Lin family."

                "The worms in the Bug Valley are worth a lot of money and are used for medicinal, cosmetic,
scientific research and special purposes a lot every year, it just so happens that when Qin Weiyuan blew up
the Bug Valley, it was the time to ship the goods immediately, but the Lin family only ships goods once
every few years, the losses were heavy and the total value was over ten billion."

                "The liquidated damages for the orders that could not deliver the goods alone would total over
twenty billion. Lin Yuanwang initially begged those merchants to be accommodating for a few years, but
the other party didn't give a damn, and directly demanded to pay the damages according to the contract, to
be repaid within three months at the latest, otherwise the Lin family would be required to hand over the
insect breeding know-how as collateral, isn't that asking for the Lin family's life root? This month is just a
few days left."

                "The last thing is to rebuild the ecology of the Bug Valley, which not only takes time but also
money, re-cultivating all kinds of rare bugs also requires a lot of money and human resources, which also
requires money, no less than twenty billion."

                "As I said before, Lin Yuanwang used to be a charitable person who liked to do charitable
donations and make friends, and his own family didn't have much liquidity. The villagers in the village
were quite wealthy, but he, Lin Yuanwang, couldn't possibly force the villagers to pay out with a knife,

                "So, Lin Yuanwang is at his wit's end."

                Mu Xiaoqiao said, "Two months ago, our family was also in danger, and it was only thanks to
your help, Zhang Zhen Zhen, that we were able to tide over the difficult times. Boss Lin is going to
misunderstand Qin Ming."

                Qin Ming smiled sarcastically, this girl was still fighting about this, or was it for his sake?

                He said, "It's alright, I was born with a black body, I am always looked down upon wherever I

                Mu Xiaoqiao said, "People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, you wear these stalls
every day, of course you will be misunderstood. I bought you several designer suits, why don't you wear
them? They cost several thousand dollars, so you won't be looked down upon when you walk out."

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled: "Actually, it's not. The stereotype in people's mind is a big mountain,
and it has nothing to do with what you wear. It's like the famous Einstein said, before he became famous,
no one knew what he was wearing, after he became famous, no one knew who he was wearing."

                Qin Ming gave Zhang Quanzhen an odd look, it was a bit comical that this stinky old man as a
Taoist priest still knew Einstein.

                "This can't be!"

                A fierce roar pulled the three men's attention, but it was Lin Yuanwang who jumped up and
roared on the spot.

                Lin Yuanwang said, "Young Zhang, aren't you joking with me? You want a batch of insect eggs
and you want me to breed them for you? With all the people going to your place, wouldn't all of our Lin
family's insect farming techniques be known to you?"

                Zhang Shao crossed his legs and said indifferently, "Boss Lin, that's not right. I came here with
ten billion to help you, I had a hard time asking my father for it, and everyone knows that you've fallen out
with the old Qin family. Even the banks are afraid of offending the old Qin family and won't lend to you,
everyone knows that, and many of the rich and powerful families can't afford to help you, also everyone
knows that."
                The left sentence about everyone knowing and the other about everyone knowing caused Lin
Yuanwang's face to twitch and his legs to go weak, so he had to sit back down.

                I took the risk to negotiate with you for this 10 billion, but do you want to give me the pulp in
batches over 20 years? What's the difference between that and an empty glove? It's ten billion. You think
toilet paper?"

                Lin Yuanwang's face was extremely ugly and he fell into silence.

                "How about listening to my opinion?" Bai Shao, who was on the side, interjected and said, "I
will also take out ten billion, but I don't want your Lin family's bug breeding technology, after all, our
family sells natural gas, these don't earn a few dollars, however, I want people."

                The crowd heard this, there was still the matter of selling and buying people?

Chapter 445-446
 Chapter 445
Shao Bai pointed at Lin Yurou and said, "I am taking out ten billion as a bride-price to ask for Miss Lin's
hand in marriage. Yurou, we've known each other for many years, and I've been chasing you for three
years, this time I've risked breaking off my relationship with my family before they gave me ten billion, so
please believe in my sincerity."

                Lin Yurou's face froze, and Lin Yuanwang did not have a good face as well.

                Lin Yuanwang hummed, "Shao Bai, I am very happy that you have come to help, but what
happened between me and Bai Jingting, you as a junior may help not know, I will not marry my daughter
into the Bai family."

                Qin Ming's heart stirred, Bai Jingting? Wasn't that Bai Yuchun's real father? It was only before
that he found Bai Yuchun and brought her back to live in the capital city.

                In fact, Bai Yuchun would also contact Qin Ming from time to time, after all, the two had added
WeChat to each other, but they were all just some greetings on life, not too much deep friendship.

                Qin Ming occasionally watched the content shared by Bai Yuchun's circle of friends, all of
which were about her learning to cook or making new friends, so she seemed to be doing well.
                I didn't expect this Bai Shao to be Bai Jingting's son, Qin Ming guessed it wasn't the same

                Bai Shao said, "Boss Lin, it's all old history. Why should our generation be involved in the
affairs of the previous generation? I can move out and not live in the mansion, I truly and sincerely like
Yurou, please make it happen."

                Lin Yurou said categorically, "Thank you for Bai Shao's love, but as I have been saying for three
years, I am not worthy of Bai Shao, and I will not drag down Bai Shao's happiness and future, please forget
about me."

                Lin Yuanwang looked dotingly at his daughter and said firmly, "Thank you for your love, but
my daughter will not marry for now. And I still have my doubts about your Bai family's motives."

                Young Bai was unhappy and said with a sulking grimace, "If you don't marry into my Bai
family, who else can Lin Yurou marry? Two months ago, she failed in a blind date with Qin Zhongbai in ?
Two months ago, she failed in a blind date with Qin Zhongbai in China, and was replaced by someone
else, losing her virginity. When she came back to China, she went to the Qin family to seek justice, and
what a joke she made? Who doesn't know that? This is already a scandal and a joke among the big gentry.
Lin Yurou is already a broken shoe, I don't dislike you, but you still dislike me? Is my Bai family's status
in the capital city any worse than your Lin family?"

                That young Zhang also said, "Yes, Miss Lin, I also saw it that day, Qin Zhongbai's mother
scolded you in public for being shameless, being slept with, and still trying to climb the old Qin family,
this is no longer a secret. Young Bai doesn't mind wearing a cuckold, so it's clear that he's sincere."

                As soon as Qin Ming heard this, he was a thief and touched the fake beard on his face and the
glasses without degrees, cautioning himself not to show his face ah.

                At the same time, he also lamented that Lin Yurou was really pitiful, all this was the price for her
bad thoughts first, right?

                But Bai Shao's words were rather hurtful, and a bit arrogant, and more than a little broken,
revealing that he had ulterior motives in asking for Lin Yurou's hand in marriage.
                Lin Yurou's face turned white with anger, and she fought back tears as she angrily rebuked, "Bai,
Bai Hao Cheng, don't spray people with blood. I can marry whoever I want, and it's none of your business
if I marry a dog."

                Lin Yuanwang really wanted to kick people out, these one and all luxury fops, they actually
wanted to take advantage of the fire.

                But he couldn't, in more than two months, he had only raised five billion dollars, which was not
enough to pay the breach of contract, and the owner would send someone to hate the breach of contract in
a few days, without which he would have to use the insect breeding technology that the Lin family had
kept for generations as collateral, and then the Lin family would really suffer a disaster.

                Despite the humiliation, Lin Yuanwang endured it bitterly.

                He said, "Mr. Bai, why don't I borrow in another way? How about a five-year term, with a single
repayment of capital and interest at maturity, and a loan interest rate 1% higher than the bank?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao shook his head straight after hearing this, "This Boss Lin is too mean."

                Impatient, Bai Shao banged on the table and said, "Uncle Lin, do you see me as someone who is
short of money? I just want to marry Lin Yurou, why don't you say yes? She's a broken shoe, a joke among
the gentry, who would dare to marry her in the future? Apart from the mysterious man who slept with her,
who would dare to marry her? Do you want your daughter to be a nun for the rest of her life?"

                Lin Yuanwang gritted his teeth and said, "Bai Haocheng! Thank you so much for your kindness.
But I, Lin Yuanwang, as a father, do not sell my daughter for glory. If you want to take me to task for her
running off on a blind date, then I will also tell you that I objected to it at the time, and it was she who saw
that I was too stressed and ran off on her own. Just because she ended up in a situation where she was left
with no money, doesn't mean my daughter should have to put up with your humiliation. If you don't want
to help, please go back."

                Qin Ming's heart twitched, this Lin Yuanwang was a good father, smashing pots and pans rather
than selling his daughter.

                Over here, both Zhang Shao and Bai Haocheng didn't get to chat, one wanted the unique insect
breeding technique and the other wanted to marry Lin Yurou by force, what purpose was still unknown.
                He immediately came out to round up the situation and said: "Boss Lin, don't be upset, we are all
here with sincerity. I neither want your Lin family's insect breeding technology, nor do I marry Miss Lin
who has already lost her virginity."

                This arrogance made her heart sting, but she still had to bear it, she had to suffer for her own

                Lin Yuanwang also eased his emotions a little and asked, "He Shao, what do you want then?"

                Mr. He said, "Didn't Mr. Lin just say that? Five years, principal and interest paid in full, I only
have 15 billion here, but the annual interest rate for the loan is 30%, what do you think?"

                "Excessive!" Qin Ming and Mu Xiaoqiao said in the same breath.

                The bank's annual interest rate was twice as high as usury, and the Lin family would be stuck in
a bottomless pit of debt repayment in the future.

                This act of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall was of little use to Lin
Yuanwang, as the debtor had changed hands.

                Lin Yuanwang did not make a sound, he was not stupid, he knew that this would not save the
Lin family at all.

                Huang Shao and Ma Shao's conditions are similar, both want to take money with the technology
of raising parasites, especially love parasites.

                The Lin family, as a powerful family in western Hunan, the love compulsion is a taboo, the use
of family members are a lot of trouble, let alone out of the world, that is impossible.

                The first time I saw him, I was so tired that I sat down on a wooden chair and sighed.

                Qin Ming did not want any Lin Yurou, nor did he want to take advantage of the fire, nor did he
want any secret formula for raising insects, he only wanted some mysterious compulsions, like the beauty
insect pulp, which was amazingly effective, and he wanted as much as he could get.
                Qin Ming got up and said: "That Lin boss, in fact I ......"

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

                what? Qin Ming was depressed, he hadn't had a chance to speak up yet.

                He said, "Boss Lin, please listen to me first."

                Lin Yuanwang interrupted Qin Ming and said, "How much money can you have for a son-in-law
who comes to the door? Just stop trying to set me up? How much money can Mu Hao have, how come I
don't know? I don't know how much money Mu Hao has. Yu Rou, send off the guests on my behalf, I'm

                After saying this, Lin Yuanwang walked away with his tired body, not wanting to say another
word to the crowd.

                Lin Yurou also held back her anger and tears and made a gesture of invitation, "Everyone, please
go back to the Hanging House first."

                Qin Ming was bored as he followed Zhang Quanzhen out and said, "Old man Zhang, you can see
that this Boss Lin is desperate but doesn't seem to want my help either. I still want to make this sure-fire
deal that should earn me a billion and some precious worms, but unfortunately Boss Lin doesn't want to
talk to me."

                Zhang Quanzhen shook his head, "This situation of the Lin family is also caused by Lin
Yuanwang's own impetuousness, he refused the help of the old Qin family in Hai City and fell out with
each other, many of the big and powerful families are afraid to deal with the Lin family anymore. It's also
because these brats, whose hearts are not enough to swallow an elephant, just want to take advantage of the
fire, are too classless."

                Qin Ming said, "That's all, I don't want to stick my hot face on a cold ass either. Let's go too,
anyway, I've got rid of my bugs, I'm not losing anything."

                "Hehe ......" Zhang Quanzhen smiled mysteriously, as if he was plotting something else.
                No, before the three of them had even returned to the hanging building, Lin Yurou quickly
followed them and said, "Mr. Qin, please wait a moment, my grandfather wants to see you in private."

                Qin Ming was stunned, Lin Yuanwang's father? Why?

Chapter 446
Zhang Quanzhen reminded: "Lin Yuanwang's father, Lin Yundong, who is known as Master Dong, used to
be a tough man and was a friend to all the four corners of the world. But later on, he suffered from a lack
of education and got screwed, and spent thirty years in prison. After he came out, society had changed and
he returned to Hunan to live a peaceful life. He was a life-saver for me and Mu Hai Ran back then."

                Qin Ming narrowed his eyes and said, "Zhang Quanzhen, are you implying that I should take
action? To help you repay your kindness?"

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled and said, "Little Qin, aren't you talking business here? Lin Yuanwang
has been running around for more than two months with nothing to show for it, and has been humiliated
everywhere, subjected to blank stares, experienced some of the world's conditions, and no longer trusts
you. Why don't you talk to Lin Yundong directly? It's not a bad deal for you, you have money to earn, you
have favors to take, and you can even wipe out the fact that you slept with Lin Yurou."

                At the end of the sentence, Zhang Quanzhen was very careful with his words, so that Lin Yurou
and Mu Xiaoqiao did not hear him, but he still scared Qin Ming into kicking Zhang Quanzhen.

                "Ah ah." Zhang Quanzhen was caught off guard and fell directly into the creek by the roadside.

                The people around him looked at Qin Ming strangely, why did he kick someone?

                Qin Ming let out a harrumph and said, "Nothing, I suddenly had a leg cramp. Miss Lin, you can
lead the way. Let's go, Zhang Quanzhen will come up on his own."

                Zhang Quanzhen was actually not annoyed and said to the people behind him with a smile, "Eh,
that one who, give a hand, give a hand."

                Lin Yurou led the group to a greenhouse heated room for insects, where from a distance they
could see surveillance cameras, barking wolf dogs, and some security personnel patrolling back and forth.
                From a distance, it appeared to be a glass room with many plants inside.

                Lin Yurou said as she led Qin Ming and the others, "My grandfather is a biologist and has won
many international research awards, he likes to study bugs and various rare plants the most now, I hope
you won't take pictures later."

                Qin Ming turned back to the crowd and said, "Did you all hear me? Don't cause any trouble for
Miss Lin."

                When he arrived at the greenhouse, the layout of the place gave Qin Ming a feeling of being in a
different world. It looked like a scientific research base deep in the mountains, a laboratory, with many
glass bottles as far as the eye could see, the ground here was spotless, and every staff member wore clean
shoes and worked dust-free.

                The greenhouse was planted with various plants that Qin Ming couldn't hand in names, and there
was also a high-tech numbered storage box with various species of spider bugs seen in the glass mirror.

                Qin Ming looked at the joke that he was going to be bitten by one of these spiders, would he
mutate into a spider man?

                As the crowd was attracted by the dazzling array of plants and bugs, a white-haired, unkempt old
man came out.

                The old man had a loud voice and said, "You can try a bite, hahaha, I'll be responsible for curing
you if something goes wrong."

                Qin Ming looked at the man and Lin Yurou immediately introduced him, "Mr. Qin, this is my
grandfather, Lin Yundong. Just now my father was stimulated and didn't listen to you, I am sorry, so I
asked my grandfather to come out and hope that you can discuss with our Lin family again about the
cooperation and investment."

                Lin Yundong said, "That dull ass of your father, like me, can't read people, borrowed so much
money and didn't make a few reliable friends. I still need Zhang Zhen Zhen's help. Eh? Why did you fall
into the water, Zhang Zhen Zhen?"
                Zhang Quanzhen touched the water on his face and said, "Oh, my foot slipped just now, it's not a
problem. Come, Master Dong, let me introduce to you, Mu Hai Ran's grandson-in-law, Qin Ming, the
Scattered Fortune Boy."

                Qin Ming glared at Zhang Quanzhen without good grace and said, "Hello, Master Lin, I am Qin
Ming. Let's get right to the point. In fact, I already understand your Lin family's affairs clearly. I am
willing to carry out friendly cooperation, a loan of fifty billion won't be a problem, but I can't lose too
much either."

                When Lin Yurou heard Qin Ming open his mouth and said that fifty billion would not be a
problem, she was happy, she really did not trust the wrong person, this Qin Ming was different from those
few rich young men from the rich families.

                Lin Yundong smiled: "Good, young people nowadays are really rich and generous. Qin Ming,
our Lin family is now in a life and death situation, you are willing to lend a helping hand, what conditions
do you want?"

                Qin Ming said, "I don't want to take advantage of the fire, my loan is at the same interest rate as
the bank, so that you won't have to bear too heavy a burden, and the time can be divided into five and ten
years. There is also an additional condition, and this additional condition only requires the help of Elder

                As soon as Lin Yurou heard that Qin Ming was willing to lend money at the same interest rate as
the bank, she was overjoyed and felt that the Lin family was saved this time.

                However, the condition that Qin Ming mentioned, asking for Lin Yundong's help, was a bit
strange, as it was the first time they had met.

                Zhang Quanzhen, however, had a stunned expression, as if something unexpected was about to
happen again, but he was not a god either, yet he did not know what it would be.

                Lin Yundong said with amusement, "Hahahaha, Mr. Qin is quick to speak, quick enough, you
say, I, Lin Yundong, am an old man, except for this biological and herbal skill, I am also worried about not
having an heir."

                Obviously, Lin Yundong thought that Qin Ming wanted to learn from him.
                Qin Ming, a student of economics, naturally would not be interested in biology, plants and
especially these parasites.

                He said, "Master Lin, in fact, I have known Mr. Zhang for a long time, and I have been trying to
invite him to become a consultant of our group, but he keeps saying that he has been travelling in the world
and refuses to do so. I am also having a big headache, as long as Master Lin opens his golden mouth and
pleads with the real Zhang to join our company as a consultant, this fifty billion dollar loan will
immediately arrive."

                Surprised, the crowd in the greenhouse where the plants were cultivated looked at Qin Ming
strangely, what kind of condition was this? What kind of condition is this? It's too much of a leap, isn't it?

                But only Qin Ming knew in his heart that the opportunity was too good to miss!

                Qin Ming had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, and had finally counted Zhang
Quanzhen, a smelly Daoist priest, in.

                All the signs of this trip surface, and even his careless revelation that Zhang Quanzhen was
dragged in by favours and had been saved by Lin Yundong back in the day, which is why Qin Ming was
set up by Zhang Quanzhen.

                Zhang Quanzhen handled the situation very cleverly, Qin Ming's interest in the Lin family was
really strong, and everything turned out to be a business deal in a logical way.

                But Qin Ming also set Zhang Quanzhen up, asking him to return the favour was fine, but you had
to work for Grip in the future!

                This was the same as turning the favour into Qin Ming's property.

                Lin Yundong would naturally not refuse for the sake of the Lin family, while Zhang Quanzhen
would not agree to return the favour to save the Lin family.

                If he did not agree and Qin Ming walked away, then the Lin family would not be saved.
                Zhang Quanzhen looked at Qin Ming, shocked and helpless, and finally he lost his smile
helplessly, Qin Ming was counting him out, how could he not see that?

                Moreover, this situation had also made him quite passive, it was like rushing a duck onto a shelf,
leaving him in a dilemma.

                Zhang Quanzhen said to himself, "This brat, as expected, has the fortune of the Nine Five, and is
bold enough to even dare to subdue me?"

Chapter 447-448
 Chapter 447
Qin Ming's terms were something that no one could have predicted.

                No one expected Qin Ming to care at all about the Lin family's interests, and he instead admired
Zhang Quanzhen as a person.

                Qin Ming felt that he had a lot to learn from Zhang Quanzhen, otherwise he might not be able to
manage the Huan Yu Century Group in the future, in fact, when he first met Zhang Quanzhen at the Lin's
fortress, Qin Ming had this idea.

                Now that he had caught the opportunity, wouldn't he be able to lure him in?

                "Oh? So that's what this is about." Lin Yundong was quite surprised and thought that Qin Ming
wanted to pay homage to his master, but in fact, Qin Ming didn't even know him, Lin Yundong, nor did he
know how big he was in this city, which made Lin Yundong's heart white with expression.

                In fact, Lin Yundong is also quite difficult, he asked Zhang Quanzhen to put out the fire this
time, although there is the kindness in the year, but also can not be too much to force, to persuade Zhang
Quanzhen to do what corporate adviser, to put it bluntly is still to be under Qin Ming?

                But if he didn't ask, Qin Ming would definitely find excuses not to save the Lin family.

                Lin Yundong pulled Zhang Quanzhen over and asked curiously, "Doesn't this Mr. Qin know
your status and position?"
                Zhang Quanzhen smiled sarcastically, "Two months ago, he was just an ordinary student in a sea
of people. Once he became rich, his status has now become extraordinary, so it's not surprising that he
doesn't know me, but I do like this boy, and although he still has many flaws now, he's indeed a promising

                Lin Yundong added, "Then what do you mean, Zhang Zhen Zhen? My Lin family is now in
internal and external difficulties, and we have also offended the old Qin family, so many rich and powerful
young men do not dare to deal with us. I also have to pull down my old face and ask you to save my Lin
family, ah."

                Lin Yundong said it very politely, but he was also pleading with Zhang Quanzhen to obey Qin

                Zhang Quanzhen counted on his fingers and said, "There is no rush, no rush, just a little while
longer and I will make a decision. If I am destined to him, I will naturally come together without your

                "Oh? What else can happen after a while?" Lin Yundong asked suspiciously, "Is Zhang Zhen
Zhen not pushing back on my polite words? If you don't agree, I'll just reject Mr. Qin, that's the fate of my
Lin family, I don't blame you."

                He said that he did not blame you, but Lin Yundong's eyes and tone were more anxious than
anyone else.

                Zhang Quan Zhen had no choice but to say, "Just now I saw that your son, Lin Yuanwang, has a
blackened seal and his eyes are cursed. I have followed the star all the way from the north, and I think it is
Qin Ming, the brat.

                Qin Ming was in no hurry, since he was going to set a trap for Zhang Quanzhen, he had a
backhand to make him comply.

                However, before the two elders could finish their conversation, Bai Ying's wife suddenly came
running outside.

                The patriarch is now climbing up the high beam of the cross-bridge and wants to jump off the
                When the crowd heard this, Lin Yuanwang was actually forced to jump off a building?

                The fifth floor was not a room, but a grey tiled roof, which was generally inaccessible, but Lin
Yuanwang climbed up and stood at the cross-bridge, and as soon as he stepped out of the way, his head
would go down and both sides would be open.

                The dusk sun, as red as blood, shone on the village, a sad sight.

                "Yuanwang, come down, what can't you get past?" an old woman cried, worried. An old woman
cried out worriedly, seemingly Lin Yuanwang's old mother, already full of white hair, how could she bear
to send the white-headed man to the black-headed man.

                "Yuanwang don't do anything stupid, our son just called, he's got the money, he's on his way
back, you have to hold on." A rather young and beautiful looking woman, should be Lin Yuanwang wife,
may have applied beauty insect paste, the face looks similar to Lin Yurou two sisters.

                "Patriarch don't ah ......"

                "Uncle Lin, don't, we believe in you."

                "Uncle Lin, big deal, start all over again? You come down quickly."

                There were villagers gathered under the high building, all persuading Lin Yuanwang to come
down, but Lin Yuanwang acted as if he didn't hear.

                He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and cried out to the waning sun, "I, Lin
Yuanwang, have spent my whole life doing good deeds, donating no less than ten billion dollars to charity
alone, building schools, supporting the medical development of this province, and gifting no less than ten
billion dollars in advanced equipment, I have never taken money seriously. Oh, in the end, it was money
that forced me into a desperate situation."

                Lin Yuanwang spoke sadly, but the crowd was sad.

                He added, "I've made friends and helped countless people, and I've never done a single heartless
thing in my life. What have I done wrong? What have I done wrong?"
                "I'm not convinced! I want to go to hell, I want to talk to you clearly."

                The crowd shook their heads as they listened to Lin Yuanwang's sorrowful accusations to the
heavens, after more than two months of running around asking for help, they only managed to raise five
billion, which was not even enough to replace the default.

                The other side is too strong and they don't want to let themselves get into an accident for the sake
of the Lin family.

                And Lin Yurou didn't know who had broken her body and couldn't find that person, while
making Lin Yurou a laughing stock among the gentry, broken shoes, and Lin Yuanwang, who had always
loved his daughter and wanted her to marry into the gentry and enjoy the happiness, was even more

                Although he knew that the murderer was Qin Weiyuan, he lacked evidence, and now he was
relying on the old Qin family in Haicheng, so he had no way to sue and could only suffer a loss.

                The crowd was still persuading, but the debtors below quit, holding up the contract they had
signed in the first place, saying, "Boss Lin, it's not that we're rushing to kill them all, we can't get the
goods, and it's not easy to explain to the big boss, it's hard to do on our side too, we have to pay the breach
of contract too."

                "Boss Lin, I have poured out my family's money to sign a contract with you for the beautiful
insect pulp, and the life prolonging compulsion, if I can't deliver the goods, my company will collapse, I
have my difficulties too."

                "Old Lin, your hundred year old family, you can't really not take my one billion dollar breach of
contract, can you? It's only double the breach of contract, theirs is more, mine is less, you want to pay me
back, okay? We've been brothers for years too, you can't screw me over as a brother."

                "Woof woof woof ......" The village dogs barked furiously at these people, but they were pulled
back by the villagers and did not dare to let them bite.

                Qin Ming looked at these debt collectors, surprisingly, they came to the door en masse, more
than thirty debtors.
                He asked suspiciously, "Isn't the Lin's Great Walled City a place where people generally don't
know the exact location? Lin Yuanwang is usually based at the tourism company in Dayong City, right?"

                The people around him looked at him, not understanding what Qin Ming was implying.

                Qin Ming continued, "These people are obviously organised and premeditated, and I'm afraid
there is someone behind them who is familiar with travelling to and from Lin's Dazhai fortress, secretly

                Zhang Quanzhen's heart stirred and he asked, "Little Qin you mean that Qin Weiyuan is here?"

                Qin Ming said, "Once Qin Weiyuan has gained power, don't you want a divorce and leave the
Lin family? And also the mysterious insect breeding scriptures of the Lin family, do you think he will give
up? He is after all an outsider, after joining the family must know that the Lin family's compulsions have a
set of learning and advantages, I am afraid that he wants to use this to stand firm in the old Qin family in
Hai City."

                Zhang Quanzhen nodded and responded, "That makes sense, it seems that this is hilarious."

                Mu Xiaoqiao said, "Husband, the Lin family is also oddly pitiful, why don't you help out if you

                Before Qin Ming could reply, a man in the crowd stepped forward and said loudly in public, "I
have the ability to help the Lin family through this difficult time!"

Chapter 448
Located in a small valley deep in the town of Miaojiang, Lin's Dazhai was once isolated from the rest of
the world, with its mountains, gurgling streams and tranquil rivers intertwined, as if a masterful painter's
brush had produced a stunning painting.

                As the fortress is located in a valley in a remote area, before entering the fortress one needs to go
through three unusually rugged and difficult walks: the Bamboo Raft Drift, the Xiang Wang Cave and the
Yellow Water Slope, and is also prone to walking into the Valley of the Ghosts, where the complex
magnetic field can easily cause electronic instruments to malfunction and get lost.
                So Qin Ming was certain that these debtors came to the door at the same time, and must have
been abetted and led by someone who, I'm afraid, was trying to force Lin Yuanwang to hand over the
insect farming scriptures of the Lin family fortress in western Hunan, which was also the most lucrative
door method.

                Qin Ming whispered to Bi Yuan, "You eight go and find a set of local costumes to wear to hide,
then go and watch all the incoming boats, block the intersection, remember all suspicious characters, by
the way, look for the photo of that Qin Weiyuan, that guy should be here. If you see him, arrest him."

                Zhang Quanzhen, who was at the side, saw that Qin Ming's operation was obviously not just
about lending money to the Lin family, so he asked, "Little Qin, what are you doing?"

                Qin Ming smiled lightly, "Zhang Quanzhen, you old man, can't you see what I want? Naturally, I
want to pull in some chips for myself. People often say that luck will only come to those who are prepared,
but I think that if we have to wait for luck to come, people will have already starved to death. People who
do great things talk about one is to plan from afar, to do things on the ground, to negotiate for themselves
to increase their chips, to increase to a certain extent, even if the enemy's luck can not be brought down. Be
a man and never think of waiting for luck to come, luck that is the icing on the cake."

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled and did not respond, he also wanted to see to what extent Qin Ming was
going to handle the matter.

                If Qin Ming handled the matter beautifully, he would appreciate it and would have to bend over
backwards to do Qin Ming's bidding in order to save the Lin family.

                If Qin Ming handled the matter badly, he would not agree to it, no matter how much Qin Ming
tried to set him up.

                The people here at Lin's Dazhai were still persuading Lin Yuanwang not to jump down, although
it was only five storeys high, if he really jumped down, his head would hit the ground and he would still be
a dead man.

                "Boss Lin, I have the ability to help your Lin family, don't you trust me?" Suddenly, Bai Hao
Cheng lined up in the crowd and looked up at Lin Yuanwang, "As long as you let Lin Yurou marry me, I
will take out ten billion, as a bride price, then I will talk to my family and ask my father to take out another
ten billion, a total of twenty billion, to marry Lin Yurou."
                The Bai family's twenty billion was just enough to give the Lin family a breather, nowhere near
enough to save the Lin family.

                "Boss Lin, our Zhang family only needs the production line of one of the beauty bug syrup, you
will send someone to keep an eye on it specifically, to ensure that your business secrets will not be
revealed, ten billion this is a very good deal, why don't you agree to you? Fifteen billion, how about that?"

                The Zhang family's calculations were equally sound, Qin Ming had seen the efficacy of that
beauty bug pulp, it definitely had a deep market prospect, fifteen billion to set up a powerful competitor for
himself, it was too unwise.

                That He Shao, Huang Shao, Ma Shao also came out again to negotiate the conditions, all the
same as just now, but slightly made some concessions only, in fact, still can not make the Lin family
accept the conditions.

                "Old Lin, you see so many people helping you, just agree to it, so we can also take the breach of
contract and pay our guests ah."

                "Boss Lin, won't your son still have to pay for it when you die? You can't get away with this
debt. We've been working together for years, you wouldn't screw me over like this, would you?"

                "Why don't we look in the Valley of Worms, maybe there is still something in stock. I'm in a lot
of trouble if I don't have the goods to deliver the life extension parasites I ordered."

                "Yeah, where to go in the worm valley?"

                "Go, go, go, go to Worm Valley to find the goods."

                The debtors combined to go to the worm valley of the Lin clan, but the villagers of the Lin clan,
one by one, armed with wooden sticks and hoes, stopped the people.

                "You want to go to our Bug Valley, don't even think about it."

                "Who brought them in?"

                "Stop right there, or we will not be polite."

                "Woof woof woof ......"

                The villagers were also tough and surrounded these debt collectors, but there were many debt
collectors, plus a few young masters of the gentry such as Bai Hao Cheng and their bodyguards, so the
number was not small, and both sides pointed at each other and cursed.

                Lin Yuanwang stood on the beam upstairs, very sad, he was really forced to no other way, he
looked down at his mother and wife and daughter who were crying for him to come down, he just felt very
sorry for them.

                He used to be a generous man who treated money like dirt and did not know how to leave a way
out for himself, so that now he had no money and no one to borrow from when things went badly wrong,
and he had dragged his loved ones into it.

                "Mum, Ping, I'm sorry." Lin Yuanwang, an old man, wept: "As long as I die, they won't push so
hard anymore, and that old man Qin Xiaoguang will probably help us again in remembrance of our
friendship back then, but how can I have the face to see him send people to humiliate me? Mum, my son is
incompetent, I'll be filial to you in the next life."

                An old mother below shouted in a hoarse voice: "Yuanwang, don't, even if it's a big deal, we can
still carry it as a family."

                And the villagers took out many quilts and tried to give Lin Yuanwang a cushion, but the debtors
didn't pay any attention to them, they just kept shouting at Lin Yuanwang to pay the default money.

                Suddenly, Lin Yuanwang stood up straight and the crowd was stunned, as if they all expected
Lin Yuanwang to make the next move, either climbing down or jumping down.

                Qin Ming's pupils suddenly shrank and he immediately pushed Ah Long, saying, "Ah Long the
other side, quick, quick, go and catch him."

                Ah Long was stunned, but immediately understood what Qin Ming meant by the other side, this
cross-bridge high building was against the mountain wall, a section was the village road, on one side was a
small river, the side of the small river was full of stones, the fall was almost six storeys high, the phone
that landed head first, Lin Yuanwang would definitely die.

                Ah Long was as fit as a fiddle, grabbing over a bamboo pole on the way.

                And the moment he ran away, the crowd let out screams and shrieks as Lin Yuanwang, just as
Qin Ming had guessed, tried to run to the other side of the tall building and then fell head first.

                "Ah!" The crowd let out screams of fear.

                The incident was so sudden that only Qin Ming had expected Lin Yuanwang to jump in the
opposite direction.

                And as Lin Yuanwang's body fell, Ah Long suddenly swung the bamboo pole in his hand and
did a pole vault, presenting a bottom-to-top parabolic flight.

                As the crowd exclaimed, Ah Long had already grabbed Lin Yuanwang's body with one hand and
crashed into the wooden window on the third floor.

                With a crash, Ah Long hugged Lin Yuanwang's entire body and gave a dash into it.

                Seeing this scene, the crowd let out another "wow" of surprise and immediately rushed into the
main building to rescue Lin Yuanwang.

                A short while later, Lin Yuanwang was rescued, both of them unharmed.

                The rescued Lin Yuanwang was very dejected. He had clearly resolved to use his death to give
the Lin family hope and a future, but in the end, he had not yet died.

                He looked at the debtors who were pouring up to collect their debts, and Lin Yuanwang was
again powerless and dry-mouthed.

                Qin Ming looked at Lin Yuanwang, who was tightly surrounded, and with a big wave of his
hand, he said, "Ah Long, clear the way for me."

                "Yes, Young Master." Ah Long answered in a mighty voice.

                Suddenly, Ah Long grabbed one in the back with one hand and threw out all these debtors who
were blocking the road. Several bodyguards of the rich young man from the luxurious family frowned and
tried to stop Ah Long.

                But Ah Long is too violent, talk about the ex-soldier king simply do not reason with you people,
a punch out, and then all the bodyguards of Bai Hao Chen and others scattered.

                Ah Long's violent fist cleared a path and the crowd finally saw a leisurely Qin Ming.

                He walked up slowly and said, "Boss Lin, we haven't finished our business yet, why are you in a
hurry to seek death?"

                Lin Yuanwang looked at Qin Ming, who, in his desperation, had not remembered that Qin Ming
had been introduced to him by Zhang Quanzhen.

                He still did not take Qin Ming seriously and said, "You are Mu Hai Ran's grandson-in-law, you
saved me, but you are a door-to-door son-in-law, what can you do to help me? And what are you capable

                Qin Ming nudged his mouth with a smile and said, "Indeed, I don't have much ability, I just have
a lot of money."

Chapter 449-450
 Chapter 449
Qin Ming was not annoyed with Lin Yuanwang for neglecting him.

                After all, Lin Yuanwang had been on the run for two months, had experienced the warmth of
human feelings, and had been forced to jump off a building by a debtor at his door, so how could he still
take anyone seriously, unless that person took tens of billions of dollars and dumped it directly in his face.

                Qin Ming smiled and nudged his mouth, saying, "Indeed, I don't have much ability, I just have a
lot of money."

                Lin Yuanwang looked at Qin Ming and said rather woodenly, "Then how much money do you
                Qin Ming said confidently, "More than you can imagine."

                Once they heard that Qin Ming had money to support the Lin family, the group of debtors all
subsided for a while.

                "Really, is this any rich young man from a wealthy family? Aigoo, what a talent."

                "Yes, old Lin, he has money to save your Lin family, why didn't you say so earlier?"

                "How much money are you taking out, young man?"

                Qin Ming didn't really want to pay attention to these people, they were all vampires and would
only squeeze others.

                However, next to him, Bai Haocheng stepped out and said, "Boss Lin, don't fall for it, he, the
son-in-law of the Mu family at home, wants to take advantage of an empty glove."

                Zhang Shao also followed, "That's not true, what kind of money can he have? He doesn't even
have money to buy clothes, look at the holes in his shoes, he's just a son-in-law of the family, using a
chicken feather as an arrow."

                He Shao also said, "I even think he's a liar, deliberately stalling for time, you can take it easy,
Boss Lin."

                Qin Ming frowned, these people were talking so much that he didn't have a chance to talk to Lin
Yuanwang, he waved his hand and said, "Ah Long, tell them to shut up."

                Ah Long answered and immediately moved to grab a stick on the ground, then turned back and
swept across, not caring whether these people reacted or not, the sweep was a fallen piece.

                "Ahhhh!" Most of them were pampered bosses and rich youngsters, how could they react in
time? All of them were swept down by Ah Long's stick.

                A few bosses broke into curses, "Fuck, your mother, all of you."
                Bai Hao Cheng and a few other rich young masters cursed, "Come on together, beat this dog's
day to death."

                "Stand still!" But Lin Yurou stood up to defend Qin Ming, directing the villagers to present a
protective circle of a half-moon arc, shielding his Qin Ming and the others inside.

                Lin Yurou chided in a very domineering manner, "This is my Lin family's earth cottage, it's your
turn to spill the beans? Everyone stand still and protect Mr. Qin, don't let them lean over again."

                Bai Hao Cheng's face was red and swollen after being swept by Ah Long. He was ashamed and
annoyed, and cursed, "Lin Yurou, I don't mind you, and I even gave you a bride-price of ten billion, what
are you still dissatisfied with? Do you think your pussy is encrusted with diamonds? Do you really think
that you can get the old Qin family's doorstep?"

                "You ......" Lin Yurou was angry and annoyed, but did not know how to retort, and was afraid
that Bai Haocheng would say more and more, so that everyone would know that she, Lin Yurou, did not
know which man had slept with her.

                Bai Haocheng cursed, "What are you doing? Did I say it wrong? Didn't you sell ...... out for
money in the first place?"

                Suddenly, Qin Ming swung up a stone on the ground, three steps forward and two steps back,
and knocked down on Bai Haocheng's head.

                "Boom" Bai Hao Cheng, who was cursing in excitement, did not notice that the bodyguard
beside him had long been knocked down by Ah Long, and when Qin Ming smashed the stone down, there
was no one to block it for him, and he splattered blood three steps on the spot.

                "Ah! You're just a son-in-law of the Mu family, I'm not even afraid of the Mu family, Mu Hai
Ran, that old bastard, was a dog that lost his family back then, a piece of shit that was driven out of Beijing
by my people, you're just a son-in-law, I'll fuck your mother, ah!"

                The cursing Bai Hao Cheng had violated Qin Ming's scales and insulted his family, so Qin Ming
couldn't stop, was the little bully of Baishui Town not a commoner? In terms of fighting, Qin Ming had
never been afraid of anyone.

                Qin Ming's second blow, a stone, caused Bai Haocheng to faint on the spot and blood flowed

                Qin Ming dropped the bloodstained stone and said indifferently, "Who else is not afraid of

                The people around ...... saw Qin Ming knocking the man unconscious and still acting as if
nothing had happened, they were all in a state of shock.

                One by one, they all shut up and didn't say a word, goaded.

                Qin Ming clapped his hands and turned back to say, "Understood, finally quiet, right? I can talk
now, right?"

                Qin Ming looked around and saw that no one dared to speak anymore before he said slowly,
"Boss Lin, make an offer, my company can give you a loan at an annual interest rate similar to that of the
bank. I don't have anything in particular that I want for your Lin family, so if we do business in the future,
I hope you will give me priority in selling Gooding West to me."

                The crowd was stunned, Qin Ming's condition, wasn't it a free offer?

                It was true that Qin Ming was giving for nothing, but he was also selling favours, money was
nothing to Qin Ming, he could still earn a few hundred million with low interest, but favours could be more
than that.

                Especially if he wants to take Zhang Quanzhen under his wing, he has to deal with things here
and cannot be too utilitarian.

                The Lin family strength is actually still very strong, raising a variety of rare and valuable insects
have a set, is the need for liquidity to tide over the difficulties and restore vitality, time, the Lin family
slowed over, and is again earning money giants.
                Qin Ming this low-interest loan, not just to earn a few hundred million just, this is a great favor.

                Those bosses who were waiting to collect their debts were all dumbfounded.

                "How is that possible?"

                "Acting a double act, right? Fooling us?"

                "Then just wait and pay it back."

                "The young people nowadays are talking out of their mouths, they probably haven't even seen
100 million, and they still have 10 billion, does he know what the concept of 10 billion is?"

                Those debtors still didn't quite believe Qin Ming, they thought Qin Ming was bragging.

                But Qin Ming ignored them, he really hadn't seen how much ten billion was, but the quarterly
net profit revenue report that Song Ying gave him for the China region industry would be tens of billions
of dollars.

                Lin Yurou couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Qin, my grandfather hasn't agreed to your additional
conditions yet, you, you're agreeing to it?"

                Qin Ming sighed and said, "Things have come to this, if we keep dragging this out, these people
won't know what they are going to do, and I'm afraid your father will lose faith and seek death again. Life
is at stake, so I'll postpone that for a bit."

                Zhang Quanzhen looked at Qin Ming's actions and smiled secretly.

                Lin Yuanwang took a slow breath and said regretfully, "This time the breach of contract is so
much, it's all because of that white-eyed wolf Qin Weiyuan who has set a trap for our Lin family, he signed
all these massive contracts, the sky-high breach of contract was also set by him, and as a result the Valley
of Worms was all blown up by him, thanks to me for trusting him so much before."

                "Mr. Qin, just lend me as much as you can." In the end, Lin Yuanwang still didn't trust Qin Ming
too much in his heart and was only asking tentatively.
                Qin Ming chuckled, "I heard that someone dumped you sixty billion and you didn't even take it,
I'll dump you seventy billion, is that enough to restore your Lin family's energy?"

                Quiet, Qin Ming's words made the atmosphere around them terribly quiet.

                Qin Ming was too rich and generous, right? A real person does not reveal his face, but revealing
his face is not a real person? Qin Ming, who looked inconspicuous, was the real tycoon?

                No, was he bragging too much?

                Lin Yuanwang was also stunned, and he became as dumb as a chicken when he had no hope.

                The scene like Bai Haocheng, Zhang Shao, He Shao and others took out even ten billion, which
was already a very exaggerated amount of money, without the background of a big tycoon could not take
out such a large amount of liquidity.

                Qin Ming opened his mouth and said seventy billion? Is he in the business of printing money?

                The old Qin family is a world class family, one of the world's top tycoons, so they have the
courage to take 60 billion dollars for granted, not the same as the ordinary tycoons in China.

                The company's son-in-law is not the Mu family's son-in-law? Is he not familiar with the Mu
family in Guangzhou? How could they have so much money?

                Lin Yuanwang licked his lips and asked cautiously, "Mr. Qin, you're not joking with me, are

                Qin Ming said, "I never joke about such things, my company has enough money to make
forward investments, ten billion investment is nothing, trillion investment are available."

                Gulp, the people around swallowed wildly, trillion investment, what is that? National livelihood
projects? Aerospace technology? You want to build a dam and a high-speed railway?

                But the crowd looked at Qin Ming who was still so calm and collected, and said with full
confidence, "Is Boss Lin going to reject me again?"
                "I don't believe it!"

                Suddenly, a high-pitched jeer suddenly came from the back of the crowd, "Lin Yuanwang, don't
stall for time by singing a double act here, I've had enough of your drama, pay me back now!"

Chapter 450
"I don't believe it!"

                "Lin Yuanwang, don't stall here by singing a double act, I've had enough of your drama, pay me
back right now!"

                "The contract is your company's seal, you received the money, and if you can't deliver the goods,
you have to pay for the breach of contract. This is tens of billions of dollars, can you take it out or not take
it out earlier? Now you're looking for a brat to stall for time?"

                "Yeah, don't be so smug, why don't you just give us the money? We have a contract in black and

                "What's the point of blowing a trillion dollars if you don't have the money? Look at you, you're a
son-in-law and a poor bastard, what is it if not a double act?"

                Those businessmen who were collecting debts opened their mouths again to crusade, Qin Ming
frowned, these people's actions were too obvious, not necessarily for money, I'm afraid the people behind
the curtain instigated the pendulum with another purpose.

                Qin Ming asked Ah Long in a low voice, saying, "Has there been any news from Bi Yuan and
the others?"

                Ah Long shook his head and said, "Not yet."

                Qin Ming frowned, was he wrong in his thinking?

                But it didn't matter, what he was about to do wouldn't matter.

                Qin Ming asked Ah Long to bring the satellite communicator over and set it up in front of Qin
Ming after debugging it.
                Qin Ming dialed Song Ying's number and told her what had happened, asking Song Ying to
contact the legal affairs of the Lin's Shenghui Tourism Group to draw up a loan contract as soon as
possible and to make a batch payment of twenty billion to the company's account in Qin Ming's personal
name first, so that the Lin family could pay off the default first and avoid a lawsuit.

                Qin Ming made the call in style, talking as if he really had twenty billion dollars.

                However, the guys took out their mobile phones, but damn it, there was no signal in the
mountains, so how could they contact the outside?

                "You're just blowing it, right? I don't believe you."

                "Is this the kind of acting you want to do to get rid of us? There are still three days left before the
repayment date, how hard is it for me to come here? I'm not going to leave."

                "This is quite a good double act."

                "Haha, it's not that they can't get the money and want to hide here in the earth cottage to avoid

                But just as these people finished laughing, a villager suddenly ran up and said to Lin Yuanwang,
"Patriarch, patriarch, there is a landline call, our Shenghui's legal affairs called and said that the World
Bank wants to give us a loan and wants to sign a contract, and needs your seal. And there's someone called
Qin Ming who has paid twenty billion to our company's account in batches."

                Lin Yuanwang was stunned, if Qin Ming was bragging, it was impossible for his deputy and the
legal affairs of Thi Shenghui Tourism Group to be bragging.

                Lin Yuanwang looked at Qin Ming with an incomparably complicated mood, wasn't he Mu Hai
Ran's granddaughter-in-law? Hadn't the Mu family already rejected him?

                He had such a big say in the Mu family? Could he get so much money?

                Lin Yuanwang suppressed his mood and asked with the attitude of a junior, "That Mr. Qin, can I
borrow your satellite phone for a moment?"
                Qin Ming made a gesture of invitation, Lin Yuanwang hurriedly took it and, shivering his
fingers, immediately called someone from the Shenghui Tourism Group and asked his subordinates to
check the money in the company's account.

                This check really has so much money, Qin Ming's personal name, twenty billion in batches of

                What a wealthy man!

                Lin Yuanwang finished his phone call and remained stagnant for a long time, for more than three

                Suddenly, Lin Yuanwang threw back his head and laughed: "Hahahahaha ...... hahahaha ......"

                After Lin Yuanwang laughed, he danced around again, scratching his head, constantly shaking
hands for Qin Ming, for Zhang Quanzhen, for Mu Xiaoqiao, for his daughter, and for the villagers, looking
a little scared for the group.

                It is not possible that the ups and downs of life come too quickly, Lin Yuanwang cannot stand
the excitement and is going crazy, right?

                However, after laughing out loud, Lin Yuanwang took a deep breath and said, "Good, very good!
Listen up everyone, drive all these debt collectors out of my Lin's fortress, the day of repayment has not
yet come, I am rich now, still afraid of you?"

                "Yes." As soon as the villagers saw that their backbone Lin Yuanwang had regained his old
domineering spirit, they also gained the courage to swing these wooden sticks and hoes and frantically
push these debt-collecting vampires to drive them out of the fortress.

                Lin Yuanwang's performance was a far cry from what he had just done, and it made the debt
collectors feel subtle.

                Is this the Lin family having a scare and being reeled in?
                Zhang Shao muttered, "No way? A son-in-law of the Mu family, no way, this is absolutely
impossible, he actually has more money than us."

                Young Huang also said in surprise, "How could Lin Yuanwang be a different person without
money, he was driven to suicide just now. Maybe he really has money, twenty billion dollars just by saying
he'll give it, what kind of person is this Qin Ming?"

                Bai Hao Cheng had just been saved by his bodyguard and covered his head and cried out in pain,
"Ah, my head, I'm going to die, the Mu family's son-in-law you're dead, I want you to die, ah ...... who spat
at me? Grass, how come this spit has blood in it?"

                He Shao said with great regret, "Looking at Lin Yuanwang's reaction, he should have gotten
twenty billion in aid. How come this Qin Ming has never heard of it? How come he's so rich? Not even a
whisper of it? There was no such person among the nation's gentry at the last Meng Lanpen Convention."

                Ma Shao's face turned red, "How can he be so rich for a door-to-door son-in-law? Won't we be
embarrassed now? If word gets out, how can the five of us lose face? Being beaten by a son-in-law with

                Lin Yurou walked forward in an annoyed voice and bellowed, "Young masters, our Lin family's
beauty bug syrup is only for our valued guests, not for troublemakers. Sister-in-law Bai Ying, take
everything back."

                She rushed to Bai Haocheng, Zhang Shao, He Shao and the others and fished through their
pockets one by one, and in no time, she had retrieved five bottles of the precious beauty bug syrup.

                On the contrary, the bodyguards of these rich young men looked tall and strong, but their speed
was completely unable to keep up, and when they did, they could not even beat Bai Ying's sister-in-law
who was a handful of years old.

                Even Ah Long, who was standing beside Qin Ming, let out a cry of surprise, "Huh? Good stance.
This man looks old, but he's explosive."

                Qin Ming asked, "Can you win the fight?"

                Ah Long said carefully you, "Of course I can, young master, you underestimate me too much,
don't you? But mine is only possible if I get serious."

                Zhang Quanzhen laughed instead, "I don't think so, if it's in the ring, you might still win. If it
was somewhere else, you might not, unless you had a gun. When Lin Baiying was famous all over the
country back then, your parents were still playing in the mud."

                Hearing that Zhang Quan Zhen did not think highly of him, Ah Long was also aroused and said,
"Real Zhang, when I was on missions around the world, I saw many strange people from different
countries, and I have seen many strange and deadly tricks."

                Qin Ming said, "Alright, let's have a sparring session sometime, and let Ah Long avenge my
small revenge for affecting my mind at the entrance of the airport."

                In no time at all, Sister Bai Ying took back all the beauty bug pulp that she had given out, and
she did a favor by presenting it to Mu Xiaoqiao with both hands, "Miss Mu, only a guest of your calibre
deserves to enjoy the most secret bug pulp of our Lin Clan, may you stay young forever."

                Qin Ming sighed in his heart, "You didn't hear what I said, did you? This sister-in-law Bai Ying
is really good at pleasing people."

                With Qin Ming's funds and assistance, Lin Yuanwang had a lot of energy, wailing to drive away
these debtors and exhaling for a while.

                But Qin Ming walked over and said, "Boss Lin, wouldn't it be cheaper to let them go like this?"

                Lin Yuanwang was stunned and said, "We can't keep them locked up, can we? It's not legal."

                Qin Ming laughed, "We're all decent people, how could we do something illegal and disorderly?
I've tried to find out how difficult it is to walk back. You have to have a boat and a guide even for the
waterway, right? You can't reach the outside with mobile phone reception here, just your village landline
and my satellite phone, right?"

                "Er ......" The crowd was fascinated by Qin Ming's words, as if Qin Ming was about to dish out
                Qin Ming said with a subdued smile, "I mean, just now I have sent people to control all their
boats, so you guys have to keep an eye on your boats later on."

                The crowd was shocked, and then they understood what they were going to do, and in their
hearts they gave a thumbs up, "Qin Ming, you old cunt!

                Qin Ming smiled cunningly, he had much more than that in his calculator, the show had just

Chapter 451-452
 Chapter 451
Lin Yuanwang immediately ordered to take all the boats back inside the fortress, which was tantamount to
making Bai Haocheng and the other rich youngsters and the 30-odd debtors who came to collect their
debts, have to walk back.

                It was the first time they had come to the Lin's village, so how could they walk back? If they
went astray halfway into the Valley of the Ghosts, they would really be in trouble, and they would be
bitten by snakes, insects and ants in a matter of minutes.

                "Tch, did not expect that Qin Ming so rich, miscalculated, still want to ask for some cheap ......
Huh? Where is our boat?"

                "Who, who smashed all our boats?"

                "That's too much! Our boats."

                "It must be Lin's people who did it... Damn, getting financial aid and playing rogue?"

                "Yes, go back for justice."

                Each of these merchant debtors was righteously indignant and wanted to go back to the village to
seek justice, after all, the boat they had come on had been wrecked, wasn't this a way for them to walk

                But the wooden door of the fortress was closed, and only two dogs were barking inside, not
letting them in.
                A young man at the gate scoffed, "Sorry, you're not welcome here, so go away."

                "Where's our boat? What's the matter with you smashing up our boat?"

                "That's right, you're destroying our property, we'll call the police when we get to Dayong City."

                "You're still suspected of murder."

                At this moment, Bi Yuan came out and said with an expressionless face, "I am fully responsible
for this matter, I broke the boat, you can sue me at any time. Our young master said, you can do whatever
you like, just don't regret it afterwards."

                After saying that, Bi Yuan walked away in an overbearing and dashing manner without leaving a
single name.

                The young man who was watching the door at Lin's Dazhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "As
you have heard, this has nothing to do with our Lin's Dazhai."

                This ...... terrible air suddenly froze, everyone was hot and sweaty in this summer, and it was
also sunset time ah.

                Let them walk back in the dark? Wouldn't that be dangerous at any time?

                But they had already had their way with Lin's cottage, and they couldn't go back.

                In an instant, they all found themselves in a dilemma.

                Some people cursed, "Fuck! Shameless, taking advantage of our door-to-door debt collection to
wreck the boat."

                "What now? How can we go back without a boat? Go and ask that man?"

                "There's nothing we can do if the Lin family doesn't hand over the man."
                The group muttered and looked at each other, not expecting that Lin Yuanwang had suddenly
received twenty billion dollars in financial assistance, and had instantly gained the strength to drive them
all out ah.

                While these people were deliberating, Qin Ming had already been pulled by Lin Yuanwang's
hand and invited to the lobby of the main building, and had to pay homage to Qin Ming as a brother,
completely disregarding the fact that the two of them were a generation apart.

                Lin Yuanwang was in high spirits when he met a happy man, and he took Qin Ming's hand with
emotion and said, "Little brother Qin, you've played this game of secretly smashing ships very well. I also
hate those white-eyed wolves. In the past, when my Lin family was in good shape, I didn't help them a lot,
I borrowed money interest-free, and when they pulled in investments, I just threw money at them and
didn't even take it seriously when they lost money. When something happened to me, they all wanted to
suck my blood and eat my flesh. I was so angry that I couldn't eat or drink for the past two months."

                "Just now it was also your bodyguard ...... Brother Long, it's all thanks to your hand, Brother
Long, otherwise my old life would have been lost." Lin Yuanwang shook Ah Long's hand gratefully again.

                A Long said calmly, "If I hadn't been reminded, I wouldn't have been able to save you."

                Lin Yuanwang took Qin Ming's hand again and said, "That's not true, this is far-sightedness,
little brother Qin just has good vision, worthy of being introduced by the real Zhang, he is simply the
saviour of our Lin family, thank you, thank you so much."

                The back hall of the main building was a clan ancestral hall, where the Lin clan's earth cottage
stretched over a dozen generations, and in front of which were hung spiritual tablets and incense, Lin
Yuanwang seemed to really want to form a brotherhood with Qin Ming.

                This Qin Ming politely declined, "Thank you for your kindness, I am not looking down on Mr.
Lin, but I am a brat, so I cannot mess up my seniority."

                The general public would have weighed this kind of polite refusal, but Lin Yuanwang, who was
in an emotional state, didn't think much of it and said, "Hey, there's no such thing as messing up the
seniority, you saved my life, you saved my Lin family, and you saved my last face. As the saying goes, it's
easy to add flowers to the cake, but hard to send charcoal in the snow. I used to explain so many friends,
each different from the five lakes and four seas, but only a few really treat me as a brother, little brother
Qin you didn't leave because of my negligence, and were willing to come and stay to help me, so you
deserve to worship with me."

                At this moment, Zhang Quanzhen stepped forward and approached Lin Yuanwang's ear,
whispering, "Lin Yuanwang, it's not that I'm bullying you. You haven't even figured out what Qin Ming's
identity is, and sometimes your good intentions aren't always good. I think it's more like you should be his
little brother and worship him, you can't necessarily afford it."

                Lin Yuanwang was stunned, Zhang Quanzhen's words were like enlightenment, he suddenly
understood, was he qualified to worship with Qin Ming?

                Qin Ming was a life-saver for the Lin family, but Lin Yuanwang knew nothing about him, was
he really just a son-in-law of the Mu family?

                Seeing that Zhang Quanzhen had finished, Qin Ming gave another step and said, "Boss Lin, it's
really a bit messy with the generations, it's not appropriate."

                Lin Yuanwang immediately changed his tone and said, "Well, since Little Brother Qin has said
so, then I won't force myself, it's me, Lin Yuanwang, who has a shallow fortune. Come, come, little
brother Qin is so young, really young and promising, admirable. Since we are not going to pay tribute, why
don't we go and rest first? Tonight we will have a banquet to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Qin."

                Qin Ming said, "Boss Lin, there is no hurry, I will deal with those people outside first."

                "Hmm?" Lin Yuanwang and the others were very strange, what else was there to do but smash
the boats and let them go back by the mountain road?

                Qin Ming smiled and said, "Making money. So many fat sheep, how can I live up to their insults
to me if I don't shear the wool a bit?"

                Fat sheep?

                The crowd was curious, how could Qin Ming slaughter fat sheep? Wasn't it enough to wreck
their ships?
                That was certainly not enough, Qin Ming had recently learnt the truth that setting people up in a
loop was actually a very happy thing.

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "Boss Lin, you guys just live and build your meals tonight, just
guard against thieves, don't worry about the rest."

                The others didn't know what Qin Ming was up to, but it was Zhang Quanzhen who laughed and
advised, "Little Qin, don't go too far, sparing a life is better than creating a seven-level pagoda."

                Qin Ming was not impressed and lectured, "Old man Zhang, when they forced Boss Lin to die,
why didn't you stand up for yourself? It's not okay for you to double standard."

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Wouldn't you have been there then? No matter how arrogant they were,
you could stand up to them. But when you step forward, they are fish meat on the chopping block, you can
rub them at will, although it's not right, it's still human life."

                Qin Ming shook his head and said, "Old man Zhang, you don't look like someone who cares so
much about others. What you care about shouldn't be those debt-collecting vampires, right? You should be
afraid that something might happen to those five rich young men from the gentry, right? What? It has a big
impact on you? You're hiding a lot of things in your heart, trying to set people up again, aren't you?
Hahahaha, this time it's my turn to trap you. You want me to let them off the hook, fine, be a consultant for
my company."

                Zhang Quanzhen sighed silently, Qin Ming's bargaining chip was not light this time.

                Zhang Quanzhen had finally been forced onto a fork in the road by Qin Ming, either to be Qin
Ming's little brother or to watch how Qin Ming would go about torturing those people outside.

Chapter 452
Originally, Qin Ming's plan was to use Lin Yundong's saving grace to Zhang Quanzhen back then, a great
favor passed onto his head, to trap Zhang Quanzhen to be his subordinate.

                Although he hated Zhang Quanzhen and was always trapping him, he did admire his skills. He
couldn't recruit Zhang Quanzhen by spending money, so he used favours and his best trap.
                As a result, Lin Yuanwang is seeking death, and there are debtors coming to his door forcing Qin
Ming to give Lin Yuanwang an early loan to give him the confidence to tide the family over.

                The fact that Zhang Quanzhen seemed to care quite a bit about the five wealthy young men was
also keenly caught by Qin Ming, but he didn't agree to Qin Ming's request because of it.

                But it was one thing for him not to agree, Qin Ming had long planned to punish Bai Haocheng's
wealthy young men who had fallen on hard times, as well as reward himself for his hard work over the past
two days.

                While it was important to help people, it was also important not to make a trip for nothing, right?

                In fact, from the moment these debt-collecting merchants swarmed into Lin's fortress, Qin Ming
could see the signs and had already thought of a way to trap these people.

                In order to prevent any thieves from entering the fortress and stealing anything, or to prevent
them from attacking the fortress by force, the Lin family has deployed many young and strong men to
patrol and guard the fortress to ensure that the dinner goes smoothly tonight.

                The five rich young men and the debt collectors were left to fret outside the fortress.

                As it was already dark, the group had no idea how to get back.

                It was unrealistic to force their way through the mountains, not only would they get lost, it was
not uncommon for them to die on the way.

                So these people could only wait, first sending a few resourceful ones along the mountain road
back to Dayong City, and then looking for a boat to come back.

                Inside this big fortress, the main character of the dinner party was naturally Qin Ming. Qin Ming
and Mu Xiaoqiao were treated with respect and courtesy by the entire Lin clan, with good food and meat
served, and there were also traditional singing and dancing performances, even Lin Yurou herself came
down to present a dance for Qin Ming.
                Even Lin Yurou herself danced for Qin Ming. With her waspish waist, long legs and cute little
round face, she danced so charmingly that Qin Ming could hardly take his eyes off her. In his mind, he
recalled the day he kissed Lin Yurou's body and possessed her in the ancient castle of the country.

                Although he was controlled by the parasite at the time, his memory was particularly clear,
especially when Lin Yurou had a mole on her back.

                Oops, Qin Ming suddenly ate pain in the flesh of his waist, but it was Mu Xiao Qiao who was
pinching him angrily on the side.

                "So Miss Lin danced that well? You don't even take it seriously when Master Lin invites you for
a drink?" Mu Xiaoqiao said sourly.

                Qin Ming hurriedly snapped back to his senses and gave Lin Yundong his drink back, saying
with a harrumph that he was a bit sleepy and had just gotten dazed, but this lame explanation drew
laughter, and anyone could see that Qin Ming was looking at Lin Yurou over his shoulder, and even Mu
Xiaoqiao was jealous.

                Lin Yurou also half hid her face and was shy. Women are confident in their beauty and proud of
their ability to attract men, so she was not annoyed but worried that Mu Xiaoqiao would be hostile to her
because of it.

                Mu Xiaoqiao didn't think so much of it, she blushed and said in a broken voice, "I can dance too,
if you like I can dance for you."

                Qin Ming smiled sarcastically, this kind of jealousy was quite refreshing to eat.

                The crowd was having a good time eating here, but outside the cottage was a sea of cursing
mothers and grass fathers, these people had been shouting for three hours, since the Lin's big cottage
families started cooking, cursing away, now cursing each hissing voice.

                "Boss, I can't really curse anymore."

                "Big Brother, they're not taking it seriously at all."

                "Grass, Qin Ming you son of a bitch, smash our boat, just you wait."
                "So hungry. Who has brought some dry food?"

                "...... ate it all long ago, ah, I smell wine."

                "Shit, we'll be out of here by the time they find the boat back tomorrow, think the hills will be
too much for us? Shit, we ain't stupid."

                "Yeah, you want to fuck us over? No way."

                "It smells so good ...... it's the smell of the back to the pot meat."

                At the mention of the backpot meat's, the group couldn't help but swallow their saliva, here at
Lin's Tudor Village with a population of 1,000 families, they were still having a big feast tonight as if it
was a festive occasion, and what happened? They were stopped at the door, hungry and tired, and their
mouths were watering just from the smell of the food.

                One of the bosses pulled out his wallet and said, "Eh, I have 500 here, can you get us some

                But the Lin clansman patrolling the entrance to the earth cottage completely ignored this boss's
money, he knew that these were the people who had forced the patriarch to go jumping off a building as a
debtor, he didn't care about the money, he wasn't bad.

                Suddenly, the door of the big cottage opened and Bi Yuan pushed some roast chicken,
vegetables and rice to pull out in an ox cart.

                He looked around at the people and said, "Here we are, here we are, anyone who wants to eat can
come and buy it from me."

                The group looked and laughed, "Hey, there are still resourceful people who know we are here
and profitable. Huh? Aren't you the one who destroyed our boat?"

                Bi Yuan said, "Not me, did I ever say that?"

                Rubbing miles, a kind of debt-collecting merchant burst out in anger, this guy was playing a

                "It's you, it's you, don't you dare deny it."

                "What? You think we won't let you off the hook if you take a meal to please us?"

                One by one, righteous indignation, Bi Yuan sighed and said, "In that case, I won't sell it."

                With that, Bi Yuan pushed the ox cart back again.

                Now it was awkward.

                The bosses of the various companies looked at each other with coveted faces, they were usually
used to calling the shots in their own companies, had they ever been treated so badly?

                "Ugh, why are your mouths so foul?" Mr. Zhang cursed in annoyance, "Can't you solve your
stomach problems first before complaining?"

                Ma Shao also scolded, "Really, a bunch of corporate bosses, what a waste. We've already sent
people three ways back to Dayong City to look for a boat, they won't be back until tomorrow, just make up
for the night tonight, do we have to make a mess?"

                The old bosses who had come to collect their debts were scolded, but they didn't dare to retort, as
these rich young men were all of good standing and could not afford to mess with them.

                The door of the fortress opened again, and Bi Yuan and a group of subordinates from the
assassination squad came out, they set up a banquet at the entrance of the fortress, there were bandit
chicken, three lower pots, bacon, mao tai, blood duck, roast goose and so on, the aroma of that meal was
fatal to a group of people who were starving and had accumulated.

                Bi Yuan greeted his men and said, "Come, come, eat, first a bowl, one roast goose for each."

                "Thank you, boss."

                "Thank you, boss."

                The little brothers all gorged themselves on meat and wine, it had been a busy day and night, and
it was time to treat their five organs.

                However, as they ate here, Bai Haocheng and the others looked on with their mouths swallowing
wildly one by one as they leaned over.

                Bai Haocheng's eyes were sultry as he said, "I know your tricks, you know we can't possibly go
back by land, you're hungry and tired, so you're deliberately out to annoy us, aren't you? How about a
price? How much would it cost to give us a meal? Ten thousand? Twenty thousand?"

                Bi Yuan laughed and put the rice he had eaten a few times in front of him and said, "Our young
master said, a bowl of rice is 100 million, the real price, if you want to eat, you can pay."

                "You're fucking brain-dead?" Bai Hao Cheng immediately cursed in annoyance, "This is
disgusting, you think we will die if we don't eat this bowl of rice? I pooh, even if I starve to death, I, Bai
Haocheng, will not fall for your trick and not eat your rice."

                Bi Yuan laughed and said, "That's up to you, our young master said, it's not easy to have a full
meal, so eat and cherish it. I'm afraid that some people don't even have the chance to eat a full meal."

                The crowd frowned at once, what did this mean?

                As they were wondering, suddenly several people over the mountain road rushed back with each
other, shouting as they went, "Young master, help, someone is poisoned, poisoned ......"

Chapter 453-454
 Chapter 453
The five men who had arrived from the mountain road were a few daring hinds and the five bodyguards of
the rich young man, one of whom had been carried back while being poisoned.

                Mr. Zhang cursed at his bodyguards, "What's going on? You've been out for four hours and
you're back again? Make it a priority to go to Dayong City or the villages and towns along the way to find
a boat and guide."
                The bodyguard's mouth was dry and he didn't listen to his boss's scolding at all, instead he was
looking at the table of dishes at the entrance of the fortress with Bi Yuan and the subordinates of the
assassination squad.

                These men, hungry, tired and suffering from the trek, thought that the bosses had food even
though they were trapped outside the fortress, and one by one, not caring so much, left their poisoned and
injured companions and ran to Bi Yuan's side to get something to eat.

                But was this food something they could take?

                With a snap, one of Bi Yuan's chopsticks plunged into the back of the palm of the first man to
reach out.

                "Ah!" That bodyguard spilled blood on the spot and let out a miserable scream.

                These people had insulted Qin Ming and forced the Lin family into a desperate situation, so
naturally they would not look kindly on him.

                Bi Yuan grunted: "Someone who doesn't want to be a thief? A cup of water for a hundred
million, take the money and buy it."

                "Do you, do you ...... have any humanity left? A cup of water for one hundred million? Is that a
plutonium? You guys are illegally raising the price." The injured bodyguard staggered back covering his
palm, also scared the others regardless of rashly reaching out, these assassination squad people, each
looking fierce, as if a fierce beast in the dark.

                Bi Yuan picked up a roast goose and smiled fiercely, "Humanity? Those who rush our line of
work don't need such things, it's enough for us to carry out orders like robots."

                At this moment, a kind-looking corporate boss came over and said, "We have someone who has
been poisoned and injured, why don't we find a village doctor to come out and take a look? Otherwise, if
someone really dies, when it is reported out later, you are not afraid of being drowned by public opinion if
you don't help them when they die?"

                "Hahaha ......"
                "Hahahaha ......"

                Bi Yuan and others laughed out loud, laughing so calmly and exaggeratedly.

                And these debt collecting tycoons and rich youngsters like Bai Haocheng were puzzled, what
was so funny? Theirs was perfectly capable of making this a social hotspot and pointing the right and
wrong party at Lin's Dazhai that Qin Ming.

                Bi Yuan laughed for a long time before he came up for air and said, "Go ahead and find the
media to expose it, if you can get out of these deep mountains alive on your own merits."

                The air suddenly calmed down as Bi Yuan's words nudged them awake.

                How were they going to get out of the complicated environment, the unstable magnetic field and
the lack of signal in the deep mountains of western Hunan?

                There was a guide, but there was no boat.

                Walking back would be nine deaths, the same as sending them to their death, and they had
already had one poisoned.

                They were hungry and tired, and it was only a matter of time before they were starved to death.

                After about an hour had passed, Bi Yuan and the others were all full, burped and stretched, and
were going back.

                The rich merchants waited, waiting for Bi Yuan and the others to throw away their leftover
bones and rice, more or less with a bit of meat on them, and go to the river to fine their mouths.

                What else could they do?

                Really a bowl of rice to give him a billion? Not even the door, every rich boss has it in his mind
to show these scum like Bi Yuan the backbone in them.
                However, the rich bosses miscalculated their plans, Bi Yuan used a big plate to fill up all the
meat and bones, then a guy in the earth cottage pulled three or four dogs out and several of them started
eating a big meal around the big plate.

                "Woof woof woof ......" There was also a yellow haired wolf dog barking at the rich men,
indicating that if they dared to come over and grab it, they would attack them.

                This ......

                Wasn't this humiliating them, even worse than dogs?

                Zhang Shao was so angry that he cursed: ''This is too much bullying! Lin Yuanwang, you think
you're in heaven just because you've survived a robbery? You've offended the old Qin family in Hai City,
and now you've offended us as well, how can you still be in the Huaxia gentry circle in the future?"

                But no one paid any attention to them, and Zhang Shao's words seemed to fart to the air.

                In the end, the dog ate it all, leaving a pile of broken bones and scraps, the plate was just sitting
there, and no one wanted to take it, who could eat this? Who could eat this? They used to be rich people,
and they ate a lot of food.

                In the middle of the night, there were a few daring people who wanted to sneak into the fortress
to steal food, but they had no idea that Qin Ming and Lin Yuanwang's men were on duty in shifts,
watching their every move.

                After such a mess, no one dared to mess around anymore.

                The next day, Qin Ming got up early, and every household here was burning a fire to cook, and
the smell of the morning stimulated every rich merchant who stayed at the gate of the fort.

                Qin Ming walked leisurely out of the gate of the fortress with bean paste in one hand and mochi
in the other, with two earth dogs wagging their tails by his side.

                As soon as Qin Ming appeared, he immediately stimulated these hungry, tired and exhausted rich
debt collectors, their stomachs were already rumbling with hunger, and they were red-eyed.
                But in the face of more than thirty men who had gone mad, Qin Ming was very relaxed and
found a small wooden chair to sit at the entrance.

                Those men were about to get close to Qin Ming, but they were knocked to the ground with a
stick by Ah Long who was following them.

                The rich merchants fell down in a flash.

                Qin Ming leisurely took a sip of soya milk and said slowly, "I say you people are really
shameless too. As far as I know, Lin's Shenghui Tourism Group has already contacted your respective
company's legal affairs again and is ready to repay the money, just waiting for your confirmation."

                Bai Haocheng cursed, "Qin Ming, you son-in-law, what are you so proud of? Don't pretend to be
confused, how are we going to get out of here in the middle of nowhere when you've broken our boat? You
just want to force us to die? You're a murderer."

                Qin Ming nibbled on a patty and said, "Is that so? Is it useful for you to bleep here? Do you have
evidence to accuse me of smashing the boat? Did I stop you guys in your tracks?"

                Qin Ming's words silenced another kind of wealthy boss, it seemed to be true, they were being
played by Qin Ming.

                All because Qin Ming had helped the Lin family and they had offended the Lin family, this was
really a regretful situation.

                Qin Ming smacked his lips and said, "Eh, this patty is a bit sticky, I don't want to eat it, I'll sell it
to you guys for cheap, does anyone want it for 10 million?"

                Qin Ming's almsgiving appearance made the rich bosses' teeth itch, but despite their hatred, there
was nothing they could do about it.

                Suddenly, a skinny rich boss in the crowd raised his hand and said, "I, I'll buy, but how do I
transfer the money to you?"

                "Boss Zhao, no way."

                "He's breaking our will, we can't fall for it."

                "Old Zhao, don't fall for it."

                That boss Zhao pushed the crowd away and cursed, "I don't want to die here. Can backbone be a
meal? I want to get out alive."

                Qin Ming beckoned, and Bi Yuan and the others immediately brought in the satellite
communication device. There was also a high end sophisticated computer here, so it was no problem at all
to log into the internet bank, and the phone could be connected to the internet by accessing the signal.

                Under the supervision of Bi Yuan and the others, the boss really transferred 10 million to Qin
Ming's account, then took Qin Ming's leftover patties and ate them in big bites.

                Boss Zhao was in tears as he ate, "This is the most expensive patty I've ever eaten. Sure enough,
the value of any commodity does not lie in its own cost, but in the place where it sits."

                Gurgling, the others who didn't get to eat swallowed furiously.

                The forty or so people at ...... the scene, one by one, were starving and unbearable.

                Suddenly, someone came up and said, "Boss Qin, the Lin family should all listen to you now,
right? I know it's not right for us to collectively force Lin Yuanwang to pay back the money, but we also
have our own difficulties. Just tell us plainly, what will it take to spare us?"

                Qin Ming smiled faintly, "If you had been so honest, why did you have to suffer like this?"

Chapter 454
Qin Ming said to a kind of wealthy boss who came to the door to collect his debts, "Where is Qin
Weiyuan? I suppose he instigated you all to come and collect your debts, right?"

                The bosses looked at each other with a dilemma.

                The expressions on their faces also confirmed Qin Ming's statement.

                Qin Ming continued, "My people have searched for him for a long time but couldn't find him,
what a rat's head. Give up his whereabouts, and you will sign a new default agreement, lowering the
default rate and using my company to collect on your behalf, and I will send you out of the mountain in
comfort, otherwise, you can walk back on your own. No one is standing in your way anyway."

                Qin Ming's terms could not be considered bad, and he was already extraordinarily forgiving.

                According to his enquiry last night, he learned that the order contracts signed by these people
were as high as between fifty and one hundred times the amount of the breach of contract.

                Wasn't this a blind few signings? Signing himself into a pit.

                These contracts were all signed by pro-Weiwu, who was still the son-in-law of the Lin family at
the time, when Lin Yuanwang did not expect his son-in-law to set him up and stamped them, resulting in
so many debtors.

                This is obviously Qin Weiyuan he did on purpose, because of the unusual Lin family's position,
the general contract default just pay the principal, and then a discount even.

                This time Qin Weiyuan changed more than thirty contracts at once, and then blew up the Lin
family's Bug Valley, his heart is punishable.

                Wouldn't these people know that? Knowing that this operation is not an attempt to take
advantage of the fire?

                As for the change of contract and Qin Ming's recovery on his behalf, naturally, it was also a mix
of water and fish, ten times the share was then retracted by Qin Ming, which is equivalent to these people
can only recover the basic early payment for the goods, there is no money to be earned at all.

                The only benefit was the ability to leave this forested mountain.

                Qin Ming's condition was tantamount to costing everyone billions, which they naturally refused
to do; they were holding the contract, and as long as they got out of here alive, it would all be worth it.

                Moreover, Qin Weiyuan's current status was not something they could offend.
                As a result, when Qin Ming finished, no one was willing to come and work with Qin Ming, and
each of them covered their contracts to death, it would be bad if they lost them.

                Qin Ming did not force the issue, he just left them hanging, they could do whatever they liked.

                When he returned to the cottage, Lin Yuanwang had already sent someone to draw up a contract,
a five-year loan contract at an annual interest rate of 4.5 per cent, or a further three years of forgiveness if
it could not expire, which was a great concession to the Lin family.

                The Lin Yuanwang family was again grateful to Qin Ming and praised him so much that they
were close to paying tribute to him.

                The rest of Qin Ming's loan would arrive in the coming month, but it would need to be stamped
by the World Bank branch of Huan Yu Century Group's Huaxia branch before it could take effect.

                Qin Ming was in charge of eating, drinking, playing and having fun here at the Lin's Tuzhai, and
by the way, he learned what kinds of compulsions Lin's mysterious compulsions had.

                Apart from that beauty bug pulp, Qin Ming also knew about a kind of life prolonging

                As we all know, the process of human growth is the process of continuous cell division, when
the dna telomeres in the genes are depleted with cell division, the cells no longer divide, the person will die
of old age.

                The powerful thing about this life compulsion is that it secretes cytokinin, which affects the
length of dna telomeres by regulating and influencing the process of cell division, slowing down and
reducing the process of cell aging.

                It can be said that this kind of longevity compulsion is a natural mystery against human genes,
basically allowing a dying old man to live an extra five to ten years.

                However, this kind of longevity compulsion is not easy to cultivate, a mature compulsion has to
invest more than 100 million each year, a longevity compulsion sells for 300 million yuan, is still a sought-
after item, many wealthy merchants are rushing to.
                Now because the insect valley was bombed, the longevity compulsion is scarce, because the
people of the Lin clan previously cheated the branch of the Huan Yu Century Group in Dayong City, Lin
Yuanwang still sold Qin Ming five longevity compulsion insects at a low price, sold to Qin Ming at a cost
of 150 million.

                Qin Ming look at this longevity parasite, contained in a thumb-sized glass container, the liquid is
very attached, the plug has air holes, but the parasite is very small, do not use a magnifying glass to see
clearly, looks a bit like iron wireworm, but has many claws.

                In addition to this kind of longevity parasite, there are also some that adjust the human physique,
absorb human toxins and so on, there are also many rare and weird bugs that are used in medicine,
although Qin Ming is more interested in all of them, but the worm valley was bombed, now there is no
stock at all.

                After the two sides had agreed on a deal, Lin Yuanwang said politely, "Little brother Qin, I
heard that you want to punish those people outside the fortress, I have no objection, they are all ungrateful,
white-eyed wolves. However, if there is too much trouble, it will be easy to kill people, which is not good
for anyone, what do you think?"

                Qin Ming smiled lightly, "Are you pleading for the rich businessmen who are collecting debts?
Or are you pleading for the five rich young men from the rich family? What? Worried about being
retaliated against?"

                Lin Yuanwang said, "My Lin family was almost destroyed, Bai Haocheng and the five of them,
although they came to drop stones, they really had nothing to do with them, and I didn't want to go too far.
After all, they all know their fathers."

                Qin Ming said, "Oh, so it seems to be a plea for mercy for the five rich young men from the rich
family. That means it was Zhang Quanzhen who hinted at you? You tell him to come over and talk to me."

                After saying that, Qin Ming patted Lin Yuanwang on the shoulder and said, "Boss Lin, these
people deserve what they get, I have my own plans, even if things get bigger, the debt will not be on your
head, so you can rest assured."
                Qin Ming's words were clearly not buying Lin Yuanwang's account, which made Lin
Yuanwang's heart sink, as he looked at Qin Ming, who was young but had a lot of temperament, although
he had been ridiculed by all sides at the beginning, he held back but didn't issue.

                Now once he had a fit he was in full control of the initiative and all the cards were pinched in his

                Qin Ming's first foot went out, and behind the lobby screen, Lin Yundong and Lin Yurou

                Lin Yuanwang said, "Dad, I did persuade him, but ...... this Qin Ming is not an idle person, his
bottom line must be very strong."

                Lin Yundong said, "To be able to not put the old Qin family in the city of Hai within the eyes,
certainly not an idle person, but Zhang Zhen Zhen asked, we should do what we have to do."

                Lin Yurou muttered and said, "Dad, grandpa, those debt collectors are so hateful, and they even
teamed up with brother-in-law to trap us, can we just let it go? It's not better to let them suffer, so why stop
Mr. Qin? Isn't this hot Mr. Qin's displeasure?"

                Lin Yundong shook his head and said, "You little girl, what do you know? Our Lin family's
calamity this time, the water is deep. It's still the case that True Father Zhang has resolved the situation for
us, so when True Father Zhang asks, we have to do it."

                Lin Yurou asked in confusion, "Grandpa, what does that mean? How deep is the water? Isn't
brother-in-law the one who made this happen?"

                Lin Yuanwang explained, "Silly daughter, if it was simply that Qin Weiyuan was valued and
made a fortune, he would have had the guts to divorce your sister, yet he would not have had the guts to
blow up our Bug Valley. As a result, he not only blew up, but also pitted our Lin family, and was defended
by Qin Xiaoguang and Qin Ningyuan's father and son. And when you went to the sea city to seek justice
and were humiliated, when I went to the sea city to borrow money from them, their attitude, the conditions,
hum ...... everything was one loop, they were trying to get our Lin family."

                Lin Yurou was stunned, her willow eyebrows gathered up and said, "Dad, you mean this time,
behind this incident is the old Qin family against us? They ...... They're family friends with us anyways."
                Lin Yundong hummed, "It doesn't look like it was Qin Xiaoguang who did it, but in fact it was.
This is where Qin Xiaoguang's tactics are brilliant. This time, if it wasn't for the hand of Real Zhang, our
Lin family would really have been pinched by Qin Xiaoguang. Therefore, when Real Zhang asked us to
persuade Mr. Qin, we had to do so."

                Lin Yurou still looked incredulous.

                Lin Yuanwang nodded and said, "Now that things are counted as past, it's not impossible to give
you the benefit of the doubt. Qin Weiyuan a not much ability, at first also sold his Qin Ningyuan face, he
gave a side branch of the trash as a matchmaker, hard stuffed into my Lin family, your sister is also a
heartless person, alas ...... Yurou, you have also suffered once, from now on you have to be careful."

                Lin Yurou bit her lips, holding a Buddha dzi in her hand, and said, "Dad, I will definitely find
that person, I recognize his appearance even if he turns into dust, and he left behind an important thing at
that time, I will investigate him."

                Lin Yurou asked again, "Dad, then what are we going to do when Mr. Qin continues to punish
those people outside? Stand for Zhang Zhen Zhen or stand for Mr. Qin?"

Chapter 455-456
 Chapter 455
For two days in a row, outside Lin's earth cottage, more than forty people were already starving, and in
between they sent two more groups of people to take the mountain road back to Dayong City to seek help.

                One of them came back injured again, the other group was said to be lost and kept hearing the
sound of someone calling for help in the mountains, but they just couldn't see anyone, and they didn't know
if they had successfully returned to Dayong City or were missing?

                The fate of these people was completely pinched in Qin Ming's hands, who sent Bi Yuan out
every day to perform and eat a big meal, so greedy that a kind of rich boss wanted to chop up Qin Ming's
head for wine.

                Naive, they couldn't beat these fighters.

                Moreover, Qin Ming was forcing them to die.

                The thirty or so rich businessmen who were collecting debts had experienced the taste of Lin
Yuanwang being forced to die by them, it was too hard to top.

                Finally, on the morning of the third day of starvation, the boss Zhao who bought a patty that Qin
Ming had eaten for 10 million dollars, he faltered!

                He took out his own contract to re-sign the transfer agreement with Qin Ming, it was enough to
get back the money he lost on the goods, and the sky-high breach of contract was all transferred to Qin
Ming, so that Qin Ming could personally ask the Lin family for it.

                The Lin family ignored their lives and deaths. They were hungry and tired, and they had sent
their men to try to take the mountain road three times, but they couldn't make it, so if they delayed any
longer, they would be eating bark and waiting to die.

                Then they might as well recoup the cost, leave a life behind and hurry up and leave this hellhole,
they are all just pampered corporate bosses, so they might as well go back and take their time to find a
young model to get comfortable.

                With the first, there is naturally a second.

                After Mr. Zhao re-signed the contract, Qin Ming even rewarded him with a chicken leg. The
others looked at Mr. Zhao gnawing on the fragrant chicken leg on the sidelines were all heartbroken and
couldn't help it, all collapsed and came up one by one to re-sign the contract with Qin Ming and asked him
to guarantee to send them away.

                Of course Qin Ming said yes, how could he not?

                The contracts had long been prepared and one by one they signed and fingerprinted and couldn't
wait to have a bite of hot rice.

                It didn't take long for Qin Ming to get hold of all of the Lin family's 10 billion plus debts, which
could be considered a rogue act.

                After signing, Qin Ming took back the old contracts, then sent someone to get boats for these
people and send them away.
                And that Qin Weiyuan they also confessed was the guide who had led the way at the beginning,
Qin Weiyuan, the son-in-law of the family who was very familiar with the waterways of the Lin's
earthwork, who was now in critical condition because he had been poisoned for many days without
medical treatment.

                What Qin Weiyuan's purpose in coming to the Lin's Tuzhai was, they did not know, they were
all encouraged and abetted to come and ask for money because they were afraid that after Lin Yuanwang's
accident, they would not be able to ask for funds and their own company would lose money.

                Also because Qin Weiyuan had been bitten by a snake, these people did not know how to walk
back and waited for two days.

                Qin Ming ordered the men to take him into the earthen fortress and treat him first, to see how the
Lin family would deal with this traitorous son-in-law, who he did not even want to bother with.

                However, after taking care of this, Qin Ming instructed, "Avoid the aftermath, inform Xiaoying,
tell her to find some people and bring down all these people's corporate companies."

                Bi Yuan said, "Young master, since we have gone this far, why don't we send them to Hades one
by one in our assassination squad, to ensure that all of them are accidents."

                Qin Ming shook his head and said, "Then I'm too suspicious, let's send someone to keep an eye
on them first, and those who have revenge on them will strike again."

                Finished with the business here.

                Qin Ming found Lin Yuanwang with a thick stack of pitiful contracts and said, "Boss Lin, there
is no banquet under the sun, I have also been harassing you for two days, so I will leave later. I've caught
Qin Weiyuan for you, I don't want you to pay back the breach of contract for these contracts, but in the
future, you can order a pad to do the payment for the goods of your Lin family's cherished bugs, right?"

                Lin Yuanwang looked at Qin Ming got all the contracts, his heart was very impressed, really a
ruthless character, flat out earned more than 10 billion, the Lin family is still helpless, in the future all have
to slowly supply to Qin Ming.
                He was curious, wasn't Qin Ming worried about the subsequent retaliation?

                However, how did Lin Yuanwang know that Qin Ming was not afraid of retaliation?

                Qin Ming said goodbye to the Lin family, took some local specialties, and the group took three
boats and was led by a guide to leave the earth cottage.

                Qin Ming deliberately did not bother with Zhang Quanzhen.

                His perverse behaviour built Mu Xiaoqiao all curious and asked, "Didn't you want to recruit
Zhang Quanzhen? Now you're leaving?"

                Qin Ming deliberately said aloud, "If he wanted to serve me, how would I need to use so many
tactics? If not, I would have starved them all to death, for I am most uncomfortable with evil people. I don't
want to see that awful old man Zhang Quanzhen ever again."

                "Huh." Ah Long couldn't help but laugh as he could tell that Qin Ming was saying the opposite.

                Mu Xiaoqiao said, "Look, your bodyguard doesn't even believe you."

                As the group boarded the boat to leave, Qin Ming deliberately said to Mu Xiaoqiao, "You start
counting down to five now, and when you finish counting down, he will come."

                Mu Xiaoqiao would start counting backwards in faith: "Five, four, three, two ......"

                Before 'one' could be counted out, Zhang Quanzhen's voice could be heard running behind him,
"Xiao Qin, Miss Mu please wait a moment, take me with you for a while."

                Hearing this voice, Mu Xiaoqiao covered her mouth and smiled, "It's really true."

                Qin Ming harrumphed and said, "Quickly, quickly, hurry up and row, don't mind him."

                When Zhang Quanzhen saw that Qin Ming's three boats were going on regardless and had
gradually left the river dock, he immediately quickened his pace and jumped at the edge of the dock,
separated by a distance of about three metres or so, Zhang Quanzhen actually jumped down onto Qin
Ming's boat in one go.
                He landed on his toes and his body was so light that it did not add any pressure to the boat.

                When Zhang Quanzhen showed such a kung fu skill, it was really very impressive and drew
surprised looks from Bi Yuan and the others.

                Qin Ming pretended to be surprised and said, "Eh? Zhang Quanzhen? What brings you here?"

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled and pointed at Qin Ming, saying, "Little Qin, don't talk to me about
these useless things, don't tell me that you weren't waiting for me?"

                Qin Ming said happily, "No, really no. Eh, turn back, let Zhang Zhen Zhen go back."

                Zhang Quanzhen hurriedly said, "No, no, let's go together, I've finished my business here and I'm
going back too. What? Not happy to take me for a ride?"

                Qin Ming laughed, "Oh, you want to dilly-dally with the boat, Zhang Zhen, you told me earlier,
how could I not wait for you if you told me earlier?"

                Qin Ming looked at Zhang Quanzhen with a strange smile, the latter was really worn out by Qin
Ming's temper and had to give an honest account: "Alright, you are getting more and more resourceful.
You're getting more and more clever. I thought you would come looking for me, but you forced me to
come looking for you."

                Mu Xiaoqiao said, "Generally speaking, if a company is in a hurry to recruit, it is the employee

who takes the initiative, if the employee is in a hurry to find a job, it is the company that takes the
initiative. Does Zhang really mean that he is willing to take the initiative to seek work? Zhang Zhen Zhen
if you can, please must be Qin Ming company's consultant, he is still young, although the boss
appreciation, become a vice president, but now which big enterprise does not have ten or eight vice
presidents? If Zhang Zhen Zhen can help him, he will definitely take a lot less detours and be less trapped
by people."

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled sarcastically, "With his skills, how could he be set up by others?"
                After sitting down, Zhang Quanzhen stroked his goatee and mused, "Good, I won't beat around
the bush. Qin Ming, you want me to assist you, and I also think you are a buildable talent, are you willing
to worship me as your teacher? I intend to take you on as a student."

                Qin Ming was stunned, he never expected that it had come to this, he had set Zhang Quanzhen
up to death, guessed all the steps, but in the end he was still turned against him by Zhang Quanzhen.

                He didn't want to be Qin Ming's little brother, he wanted to be Qin Ming's teacher.

                This status relationship makes a big difference.

                Zhang Quanzhen took the initiative instead by retreating.

                Once Qin Ming refused, then Qin Ming's past efforts and set-ups would come to naught, as he
had given up the opportunity himself.

                But by agreeing, Qin Ming would not have as much initiative in the future in their relationship.

                The crowd looked at Qin Ming, did he say yes? Or did he refuse?

Chapter 456
When Qin Ming arrived back at Dayong City, it was exactly noon.

                Zhang Xianmin had already brought someone to greet Qin Ming, along with the grumpy and
unhappy Mu Sichen, who was unhappy because Qin Ming had not brought her along.

                After two days of running around, Qin Ming felt very tired and said, "Let's go back to the hotel
first. Old man Zhang, together?"

                He was still thinking about it, he was also thinking about some issues, but his ability was limited
and he could not come up with a result quickly yet, so he could only delay it.

                Zhang Quanzhen readily agreed and got into the car with Qin Ming.
                In the back seat of the car, Mu Xiaoqiao helped Qin Ming remove his make-up. The beard on his
face had been glued for too long, making him very uncomfortable, and after too long with his fake glasses,
Qin Ming's eyes were unbearably dry and he had to rest.

                Mu Sichen flattened her mouth and asked, "Sister, what happened when you went to that Lin's

                Mu Xiaoqiao made a silent flying gesture, "Shh, let your brother-in-law be quiet for a while, he's
thinking about something."

                Mu Sichen's face darkened as she said, "What? Didn't you two get divorced? Why are you
suddenly so concerned about brother-in-law, sis?"

                Mu Xiaoqiao glared at her sister in annoyance and said, "Do you really want us to get divorced?"

                Mu Sichen brushed her lips and said, "No, why are you being mean to me, sister?"

                Mu Sichen was a little upset, her sixth sense felt that her sister was a little hostile towards her, as
if she was wary of her.

                The two sisters didn't have much to say on the way.

                Although Qin Ming had his eyes closed, he felt a little guilty when he saw the two sisters like
this. He was afraid that Mu Sichen had not said something in her sleep when she came with him on the
plane and let Mu Xiaoqiao hear it and misunderstand something.

                The more you explain, the darker it gets, so you can only wait for time to digest it.

                The people returned to the hotel, Qin Ming took a comfortable shower, removed his makeup and
returned to his original appearance, he sought Zhang Quanzhen to come to the study here to spend time

                Seeing that there were only two people left in the private room, Zhang Quanzhen asked, "How is
it? Have you thought about it, Mr. Qin?"
                Qin Ming did not respond directly and asked instead, "Old man Zhang, I feel that you are a bit
special to me, from two months ago when I was struggling to find Nie Haitang, you appeared next to a
small park, when I was failing to chase a plane and was wandering aimlessly on the road when I came
across you."

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled, "That was fate, I had just received a gift from Mu Hao, he gave me a
Porsche, I was just itching to drive around."

                Qin Ming laughed, "Forget it, you're not fooling me? You should have come prepared, right?
Can you tell me what is it about me that you care about?"

                Zhang Quanzhen was silent for a moment, knowing that Qin Ming no longer believed in his
words about karma or whatever.

                "Your perceptiveness amazes me." Zhang Quanzhen finally exclaimed, "It seems like you have a
pair of eyes that are quite accurate in reading things and people, but there is a downside, often the sharper
the talent, the more it can go wrong at critical moments, as if many people who are drowning are confident
in their swimming skills."

                Qin Ming ignored Zhang Quanzhen's criticism of him and asked rhetorically, "So you're
admitting that you've had your eye on me for a long time?"

                Zhang Quanzhen said unapologetically, "Yes, I need you, to do something and fulfil a wish. But
I know that normally it won't work. It just so happens that something has happened to the Mu family, and I
need a pawn to defuse the situation, you and Mu Xiaoqiao have good eight characters, once you can unite,
the Mu family's troubles can be defused, and when I found you, I marvelled to myself that you were simply
the person chosen for me by the heavens."

                Qin Ming was indifferent to Zhang Quanzhen's words, this awful old man, whose words could
only be believed 10%.

                Qin Ming asked, "I will fulfil my heart's desire for you, and you are willing to give me all your

                He didn't wait for Zhang Quanzhen's response, and continued, "I am self-aware, I am a student
of a first-class Polytechnic University, although my studies are quite good, but in terms of ability, being a
vice president of a company is probably the highest achievement in my life, and I am afraid that if I am
close to being a general manager."

                "But I have a chance now, a chance to soar to the top, and I don't want to throw away everything
I have now because of my lack of ability, so I need talent, to help me."

                "Extraordinarily capable fighters like Ah Long Na, with military experience and experience in
protecting VIPs; business talents like Qi Ming Hui who studied at MIT; and also talents like you, old man
Zhang, who know how to diffuse all kinds of chaotic big trouble."

                "You almost saved the Mu and Lin families with one mouth, you have a skill that I can't hope to

                Zhang Quanzhen smiled and said, "Ten thousand feet tall buildings rise from the ground, many
resources depend on accumulation and information gathering, and I made mistakes in the market when I
was young. If you are willing to fulfil my heart's desire, what's wrong with me teaching you all the skills I
have in my life? Besides, I don't want my skills to go uninherited when I die."

                The two of them had almost finished talking and were open and honest, revealing some secrets
to each other.

                Zhang Quanzhen had already made his stand, and the rest was up to Qin Ming to make his own

                Qin Ming felt that the atmosphere was almost operational, so he poured a cup of tea and brought
it in front of Zhang Quanzhen, saying, "I am willing to take you as my teacher. How about hiring you as
my personal teacher at a monthly salary of two thousand?"

                The corners of his mouth twitched and his heart burst into a frenzy, "Good for you, you brat, I
really have a good plan, you have a ladder to cross the wall, you have to be disgusted after paying respect
to the teacher?

                I had an employee before me, and I only paid her a thousand a month for more than 20 years,
and she was still grateful to me. You are my teacher, so naturally your salary is doubled. Why don't you
join my company as a consultant, and the company's salary will be higher in the name of the company."
                Zhang Quanzhen smiled sarcastically, reached out and smacked Qin Ming on the forehead three
times, saying, "Don't make small moves in front of your teacher, I don't want the money, remember to
respect your teacher in the future. I won't set you up again like I did before, without saying anything. You
don't have to worry about me setting you up either."

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "Teacher, you are overly concerned, two thousand monthly salary is
really high."

                Zhang Quanzhen drank the tea and the two formally established their relationship as master and

                The relationship had changed and so did Zhang Quanzhen's attitude. He said, "The Mu family's
eldest daughter's fortune is indeed quite compatible with yours, the fortune of the dragon and the phoenix.
But you really don't like her, I can also help you."

                Remembering what happened the night he was bitten and poisoned by a poisonous snake, Qin
Ming shook his head again and said, "I owe her, I'll just deal with it myself."

                Zhang Quanzhen stroked his beard and smiled, "Since ancient times, heroes are sad to see
beauty. Last time I met, I also read your face, you are an imperial peach blossom robber, I am only afraid
that there will be many women in the future."

                Qin Ming frowned and asked, "Is there a way to resolve it?"

                Zhang Quanzhen was happy and said, "Don't you not believe in my set of physiognomy? I didn't
intend to teach you this, why? Now you're itching to do it again?"

                Qin Ming smiled awkwardly, "Now that I am a student of my teacher, I have to learn everything,
and if I don't learn everything, then I won't be as good as you in the future."

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Then what the hell, didn't I ask Mu Xiaoqiao to give you a book on
martial arts? Practice more, strengthen your yang, tonify your kidneys, and strengthen your body, no
amount of women will be able to squeeze you dry in the future."

                Qin Ming's face darkened: "......"

                Qin Ming didn't really think in his heart that he would have many peach blossoms in the future,
he already had a method in his heart to deal with Mu Xiaoqiao's relationship.

                He also did not want to dwell more on this topic, so he said, "Teacher told me to practice, then I
will practice. But, what do you want me to do, teacher? Help you fulfil your heart's desire?"

                The moment he spoke of his long-held wish, Zhang Quanzhen's heart became hard and his
expression turned sad.

                He pondered for a moment before speaking, "It was many years ago, we were all a group of
depressed young people who got together and vowed to do something big ......"

Chapter 457-458
 Chapter 457
"That was many years ago, it has to start from when I was a child ......"

                Zhang Quanzhen recalled the past and said, "I grew up with Mu Hai Ran, who wore the same
crotch as I. He was originally from a powerful family and was sent to Tiger Dragon Mountain to learn the
art to save his life because he was not favoured due to the feuds and struggles of the powerful family.
Later, together with me, he became a disciple of Zhao Demin Zhao's teacher."

                Qin Ming was stunned and asked, "Old man Zhang, aren't you a Taoist priest from Tiger Dragon
Mountain? Why do you worship another teacher?"

                Zhang Quanzhen put on the authority of a teacher and tapped Qin Ming on the head, saying,
"After you have drunk the tea of worship, call me teacher."

                Qin Ming smiled sarcastically and said, "Teacher."

                Zhang Quanzhen explained, "I was in my sixth year. There wasn't even much to eat, where were
there really a few Daoist priests? Although Tiger Dragon Mountain was a famous Taoist mountain, not
many people stayed there. The current grandeur of Tiger Dragon Mountain was also developed slowly by
me later."

                It dawned on Qin Ming that he had overlooked Zhang Quanzhen's age, as well as the background
of the great era.
                Zhang Quanzhen said, "Our teacher, when he was being criticised, also met a bull, who was also
our later teacher, Zhao Demin. After the criticism was over, he came back and had also gone blind in a pair
of eyes, he remembered that we, a few hairy boys from Tiger Dragon Mountain, were pitiful and had a
meal without a meal, so he recommended that Mu Hai Ran and I go and study with Teacher Zhao, so that
we could at least make a living."

                Qin Ming was moved in his heart and asked, "The Zhao family is so powerful, so they should be
a big and powerful family, right?"

                Zhang Quanzhen nodded and said, "In terms of influence, it was even stronger than the old Qin
family in that city of Hai, in those days of famine. A behemoth like the Zhao family, even a hired hand,
had a house and assets overseas."

                Qin Ming's heart was silent, this Zhao family, should be one of the highest board members of the
Huan Yu Century Group, even his righteous father, Chang Hong Xi, could not deal with it.

                Because the Zhao family had deep roots in China, their influence was enormous.

                Zhang Quanzhen said: "Teacher Zhao took in five students at that time, and Mu Hai Ran and I
were two of them. We, the five of us, were as close as brothers and sisters back then, and we vowed to
fight the world together at the Peach Gate."

                Qin Ming said, "In the end, because of a woman, we turned against each other and went our
separate ways. Teacher, all these dramas are so bad."

                Zhang Quanzhen gave him an angry glare, then sighed, "It's true, life is like a drama. The five of
us were scattered because of a woman. More than ten years of being students together, eating, sleeping,
crying and laughing together, have all gone up in smoke. However, Mu Hai Ran and I are both from Tiger
Dragon Mountain, so our relationship has always been fine."

                Qin Ming asked again, "So what is your wish, teacher?"

                Zhang Quanzhen sighed despondently and mused, "After decades, I want to dissolve this knot, I
want to go back to the past, we should not have gotten into this. His night running is not so, I know he is in
pain and I want to help him put it down."
                Qin Ming was quite touched, this was perhaps the bond between men, after decades of going
their separate ways, Zhang Quanzhen still remembered and hung on to each other.

                But Qin Ming was curious again and said, "But teacher, I don't know any of you elders, how can
I help you?"

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "The time has not yet come, so I won't talk to you yet. You should first
learn some basic content of knowing and recognising people, it will help you a lot in treating people in the
future, right now you are still too juvenile and not mature enough."

                Qin Ming's eyes rolled up, come on, he was hanging on to people's appetites again.

                Why did Qin Ming feel that Zhang Quanzhen was just like his father, Chang Hongxi, who liked
to wheedle people's appetites and talk about timing? Are you trying to prepare for pregnancy?

                He had no choice but to say, "I am not in a hurry, if there is anything I can do to help you, just

                Zhang Quanzhen said calmly, "Don't blame me for keeping you in the dark, but you're not yet a
man of the cloth, so if you get involved in my affairs, you won't be able to achieve great things and will get
into trouble. I will give you a book, familiarize yourself with it, and the martial arts instruction I entrusted
to Mu Xiaoqiao, also practice more, although it will not help you become more able to fight, but it will
strengthen your body, a hundred diseases will leave your body, and prolong your life."

                Zhang Quanzhen took out another book with a thick black cover from the back pocket he

                Qin Ming opened it curiously and found that the contents were written in Zhang Quanzhen's own
handwriting, in very nice block letters.

                Zhang Quanzhen said, "This is my study of how to deal with people in the world, as well as the
contents of my successes in turning calamities, and also the summaries of my failures, the conditions
needed to do an impossible thing are many, and there is always the possibility of survival in any crisis. The
empty glove is the highest level, success or failure all depends on one mouth, the dead is said to be alive,
the white is said to be black."
                Qin Ming's heart was aghast, wasn't this Zhang Quanzhen's personal autobiography of this life?

                Zhang Quanzhen pressed Qin Ming's hand and said, "Remember, this book is very important, it
must not fall into the hands of others. If you lose it, you are not worthy of being my student."

                Qin Ming also said seriously, "Don't worry teacher, I won't lose it."

                Zhang Quanzhen nodded and said, "I have other things to do now that I've dealt with the Lin
family's affairs. After this period of time, I will go to Guang City to see you again, and I hope you can
grasp it as soon as possible. If you have time, you can also learn more from Mu Hai Ran, he's not less
capable than me, it's just that what happened back then made him lose his heart and resign himself to
mediocrity. But that doesn't mean he's not capable."

                Qin Ming said, "I know."

                The first thing that happened was that he was going to leave, and before he left, he wanted to
give Qin Ming two longevity parasites, and Qin Ming was depressed, that was a treasure of two or three
hundred million dollars, you are a bad old man, when our master is relying on the relationship, just eat and

                But Qin Ming didn't have anything to do with it, so he gave it.

                The Lin family owes him now, so he can ask the Lin family for it later.

                Qin Ming felt that Zhang Quanzhen had said quite a lot this time, but still did not say the most
crucial content. He never expected that he had been set up by Zhang Quanzhen from the very beginning
and almost became a pawn.

                However, Qin Ming was no slouch either, and promptly backtracked Zhang Quanzhen, forcing
him to reveal his foot, thus establishing a master-pupil relationship between the two.

                Although Zhang Quanzhen did not exactly follow his orders, but when his disciple was in
trouble, how could he, as a master, not step in?
                This gave Qin Ming a good "insurance" and leverage in his future struggle with the Huan Yu
Century Group.

                However, Qin Ming did not dare to guarantee whether this master-disciple relationship was solid
or not, as it depended on what Zhang Quanzhen wanted to do and who he wanted to help.

                For Qin Ming himself, he can also get what he wants, which is Zhang Quanzhen's ability.

                From the last time they met in Canton, when he blocked Ah Long's grappling hand, to the
morning when he leapt onto the boat at the dock of Lin's Tuzhai, Qin Ming already knew that Zhang
Quanzhen was in fact also very capable of fighting, which meant that Zhang Quanzhen was a master of
both arts and martial arts, and that he had been hiding his kung fu all along.

                Now Qin Ming was holding two books in his hand, although they were both basic primers.

                He is not in a hurry, one bite does not make a fat man, a ten-thousand-foot high building has to
be built from the ground up.

                Qin Ming accompanied Mu Xiaoqiao and her sisters for half a day, and when the evening came,
the private plane was ready and the group had to return to Guangzhou.

                On the plane, Mu Sichen slept soundly with a pile of clothes and scenic gadgets from Qin Ming.

                And Qin Ming was also tired and taking a nap because he had been busy for days.

                Mu Xiaoqiao was in a more apprehensive mood, she felt that Qin Ming was treating her
differently, but she couldn't say what she felt, but it wasn't like an intimate couple.


                Suddenly, Qin Ming's phone rang with the sound of an incoming letter from WeChat.

                She took Qin Ming's old mobile phone and opened the screen to see Nie Haitang's sweet, heart-
warming smile, which was the wallpaper of the pro-people phone.
                Mu Xiaoqiao felt uncomfortable looking at it, but she had to admit that Nie Haitang did smile
more than she did and had a nice smile.

                She peeked at the contents of her WeChat and found that a girl with the name Kou Xinling was
sending messages to Qin Ming every day, each time with messages such as "Are you in?", "When I want to
talk to someone, I think of you", "Why are you ignoring me?", "Am I that much trouble?", "Have you
eaten?", "Is it better for girls to have straight hair or curly hair?

                But Mu Xiao Qiao found that Qin Ming never responded and she was happy again, smiling and
looking at the sleepy and napping Qin Ming.

                Mu Xiao Qiao directly picked up Qin Ming's phone, then curled up in Qin Ming's arms, the
phone raised at a 45° angle, took a picture and sent it to him, then added: "Harass my man again and I'll
make you pay, fox spirit."

Chapter 458
Morning in the girls' dormitory of Tsinghua University in Beijing.

                Nie Haitang cried all night long when Qin Ming's WeChat sent her a picture of another woman
sleeping with him and called her a fox spirit.

                She knew that Qin Ming had changed his mind and that he had another woman with him.

                Although the woman's face was coded in the photo, that full figure, that delicate complexion,
that long hair, it was obvious that she was a big beauty.

                "Oooh ......" Nie Haitang woke up crying again, her eyes red.

                She curled up on the bed where her body was, her eyes red, and she took out her phone, the chat
conversation from last night had been withdrawn and deleted.

                But it didn't matter, she had fallen out of love.

                She had imagined that Qin Ming's feelings for her would last forever, but it was over after only
two months.
                She looked up at the dormitory, her housemates were not there, and cried even louder.

                After a long time, Nie Haitang raised her head and picked up her mobile phone to dial a special
phone number, left to her by Chang Hongxi who had persuaded her to leave Qin Ming for his safety that

                "Hello ......" a hoarse voice came through when the call was answered.

                Biting her lip, Nie Haitang asked, "Chang, Mr. Chang? This is Nie Haitang, I want to go see Qin
Ming, is he safe now?"

                On the other end of the phone, Chang Hongxi pondered for a moment and said, "No, it's still
early, I've wasted so much effort in hiding your whereabouts to protect you, so that his enemies don't catch
you and use you as blackmail."

                "But ......" Nie Haitang choked back tears of sadness, "He's with other women, you promised me
that there would be no other women around him."

                On the other side of the phone, Chang Hongxi said, "I'm sorry, I can't guarantee that. That proves
that the love between you cannot stand the test. Moreover, there is the latest news that there are some
foreign militants who intend to continue assassinating Qin Ming, you are also being targeted, and the
moment you are captured, you will become a hostage to hold Qin Ming hostage, so you better not mess

                Beep ......

                Chang Hongxi hung up the phone, Nie Haitang was exceptionally annoyed in her heart, she
didn't mind facing danger with Qin Ming, she was even willing to sacrifice for Qin Ming.

                However, when Qin Ming was in a coma that day, it was Chang Hongxi who persuaded her that
for Qin Ming's safety, she had to be separated for the time being, just for six months, and he would be able
to eliminate his opponents for Qin Ming.

                He also guaranteed that within six months, there would be no other women around Qin Ming as
well as Qin Ming's safety.
                But everything was a nice talking nonsense, and in the end she lost everything.

                When Nie Haitang called again, she found that she could no longer get through.

                She wiped her tears and gritted her teeth, telling herself that she had to hold on.

                Nie Haitang got up and put on her clothes, grabbed an ordinary ground floor bag, and walked out
of the campus while watching the time.

                She had no classes today, so she was going to do a part-time job as a print model, doing clothing
promotions for some well-known clothing brands' new products.

                Because she was no longer the eldest girl of the gorgeous Nie family in Guangcheng, her father
and brother were working from scratch in Guangcheng, and she had to scrimp and save, even doing some
part-time jobs to help supplement the family.

                A small model for one of the more prestigious brands can earn between two and three thousand
for a day's shoot.

                Nie Haitang was walking along the school road when she touched her wallet, and was suddenly
flattened with frustration.

                She didn't even have enough money to buy a ticket back to Guangzhou.

                She patted her pretty face and cheered herself up: "Come on, Nie Haitang, if the shooting goes
well, you'll have more than three thousand.

                She had a Maserati car parked by the side of the road not far away, and Nie Haitang had a lot of
envy in her eyes.

                However, she was surprised by the person who got out of the car and immediately pulled a mask
out of her bag and put it on.

                A fashionable girl got down from the passenger side and said, "Xiaochun, you're amazing, it's
only been a month and you're already driving very steadily."
                And the person who got down from the driver's seat was none other than Bai Yuchun.

                Now Bai Yuchun had changed her face, her face had a lot more smiles, her clothes were all
luxury brands, she was dressed very fashionably, no longer the plain and simple beauty she used to have,
dressed as a fashionable net-celebrity in general, as she also had three female friends, all dressed as net-
celebrities as well.

                However, Bai Yuchun's character did not change, pursed her lips and said very gently and
amiably, "The drive wasn't very good yet, luckily I had you guys with me, otherwise I wouldn't have dared
to go on the road."

                Nie Haitang watched Bai Yuchun and her three friends chatting together, although it was not the
first time she had seen Bai Yuchun in this university.

                But she was still shocked, she knew Bai Yuchun, didn't she go to university at the Guangzhou
City Polytechnic University? And she was also known as the commoner's school flower. Her family was
very poor and she had to work part-time in order to study, doing some table cleaning, delivery and
waitressing jobs every day.

                It was said that Qin Ming had once helped her and rumours had it that the two had an illicit
relationship. Nie Haitang was not very jealous, she trusted Qin Ming more at the time and the rumours
were not believed by her.

                But she never expected that after only two months of not seeing her, Bai Yuchun had already
transformed into the eldest lady of the Bai family, a wealthy family in Beijing, and was surrounded by
many friends from equally wealthy families.

                Nie Haitang didn't think much of it, flipping on her mask and walking quickly past them.

                Perhaps it was because she was walking too fast, still with her head down, and a gust of wind.

                "Tch." A fashionable girl on the passenger side frowned in dissatisfaction, "Walking so fast to
catch a reincarnation, huh? Almost bumped into me."

                When the girl saw that Nie Haitang was ignoring her, she cursed again, "Tsk, are you deaf? It's
another poor girl from the provinces. Wearing a mask all day long, are you too ugly to see people?"
                Another girl said, "Xiao Li, forget it, why do you care so much? Xiaochun, let me drive too?"

                Bai Yuchun looked at Nie Haitang's back in confusion, her eyebrows raised, she felt some
familiarity but didn't know who it was, hearing that her companion wanted to test drive her car, she said,
"Well, yes."

                Bai Yuchun withdrew her thoughts and sat in the back as the group drove off.

                Nie Haitang walked to the bus stop, took off her mask and let out a long breath; she was terrified
of meeting Bai Yuchun in this situation.

                The two were only acquainted to the extent that they were not very close at all, and now the
inverse difference in their status would make it very awkward for her, so it was better not to see them.

                The bus ride brought her to the front door of a fashionable clothing company, a young company
that often had new products on the market, and Nie Haitang had a hard time finding a job.

                Her looks and figure were perfect, devilish but with a natural hanger, so to speak, and she
showed off these new clothes beautifully, and gradually gained some fame in the modelling circle.

                However, before she could enter the company building, a thin boy suddenly rushed out from the
roadside, the other wearing a suit, glasses and a slim face.

                The boy said, "Nie Haitang, I knew you were here, I, I like you, please accept this bouquet of

                Nie Haitang was stunned and looked at the boy, who was very special.

                Because this boy's face, cool like Qin Ming, the resemblance was like ninety percent, it was the
temperament and myopia, or the physical sturdiness that was completely different.

                When she first saw is, Nie Haitang thought she was blind and Qin Ming had come to her and was
so moved that she cried.

                Only later did Nie Haitang realise that he was not Qin Ming, but only had a resemblance to him.
                Nie Haitang was speechless and said, "Zhao Zhengyan, I've said it all, I only helped you in the
first place because I thought you looked like a very important person to me, and I took you for him.
Besides, that was just a very small thing, you don't have to take it personally."

                The boy called Zhao Zhengyan said, "But you saved me didn't you? Nie Haitang, you are the
most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and the one with the kindest character. I just want to express that I like
you, please accept my flowers, okay?"

                Nie Haitang shook her head and said, "I don't just accept flowers, I do have a boyfriend ......
er ...... Zhao Zhengyan, it's fine if I accept the flowers, I want to ask you to go do something for me, is that

Chapter 459-460
 Chapter 459
"What? You're asking me to go to Guangcheng to take a message for you?" Zhao Zhengyan was puzzled
by Nie Haitang's strange request.

                What era is this, can't you call?

                Last night, Nie Haitang found out that her original number was not working somehow and she
couldn't use it.

                She had a new number with a fake name, Kou Xinling, but Qin Ming had no association with it
and had been ignoring her, even posting a picture of him sleeping with another woman last night.

                She suspected that Qin Ming had changed his mind, so she was not too keen to question him
directly on the phone, and was too disturbed to call.

                In fact, Nie Haitang wanted to leave immediately and fly back to Guangzhou, but she was

                That night, Qin Ming had been chased by organised and premeditated foreign mercenaries and
almost died, and she was afraid that she would become a hostage and put Qin Ming at risk.

                Secondly, she didn't have the money to fly back to Guangcheng, either.
                Nie Haitang, who was used to being wealthy before, realised that it was really too difficult to go
from luxury to frugality, and that money was needed everywhere in life, especially in the capital city of
Beijing, where a few thousand dollars disappeared in the blink of an eye and money was not spent.

                It was also because she did not get carried away by money and gradually adapted to ordinary
people's lives, gritting her teeth and persevering.

                She has to help supplement the family and buy medicine for her father, Nie Jianmin. After all,
her brother Nie Zhengming is now in the start-up stage and needs money everywhere, so life is not easy.

                Nie Haitang said seriously: "How about it? A small favour, not too hard for you, is it?"

                Nie Haitang looked at the man in front of her, he really did look like Qin Ming, although she
knew that there were many lookalikes in society nowadays, a famous actor with three or four lookalike
doubles, but Zhao Zhengyan was nearsighted and had whiter skin, a frail kind of white.

                When Nie Haitang first saw Zhao Zhengyan at school, he was being mobbed by several people,
Nie Haitang subconsciously thought it was Qin Ming and ran over to protect Zhao Zhengyan and save him.

                Only later did she realise that this man with no self-confidence and a vastly inferior temperament
was not Qin Ming.

                She also had to marvel at the fact that there were two people in the world who resembled each
other so much, like Sister Chi Ling and Miss Hatano, which was not even a rare thing.

                Zhao Zhengyin said hesitantly, "I, I'm under a ban from my family, I can't leave the capital ah."

                Nie Haitang rolled her eyes and said, "Then take this flower back, and please move aside, I have
to go to work."

                Zhao Zhengyan stepped in front and said, "Nie Haitang, be, be my girlfriend, I'll support you and
you won't have to work."
                Nie Haitang was not moved at all and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I really have a
boyfriend. I hope you meet a better girl in the future. Get out of the way, I have a ten o'clock appointment
to shoot my new dress and I'm going to be late."

                Zhao Zhengyan still wouldn't let go and said, "You're lying, you tell everyone you have a
boyfriend, but you're never alone. Nie Haitang, my family is very rich, if you agree to be my girlfriend, my
parents will also be very happy, and I will have as much money as I want then."

                Nie Haitang was short of money, although the cruelty of life had made her realise that her
fairytale fantasies of love in the past were a bit impractical and ridiculous.

                But she believed in her own abilities, and she could earn money in the future, if not great wealth,
at least clothing and food.

                Besides, she was in a messy mood right now, she wanted to find Qin Ming so badly, yet she was
worried about Chang Hongxi and those who were going to hurt Qin Ming, so it was impossible for her to
be influenced one iota by other men.

                "Get out of the way!" Nie Haitang suddenly became furious, she was like a raging lioness, her
eyes became angry as she rebuked Zhao Zhengyan.

                Zhao Zhengyin immediately gave in and stepped aside with the flowers, his heart sour.

                He couldn't understand why the first girl who had been nice to him already had someone she

                Zhao Zhengyin was lost, Nie Haitang went to ignore him and went into the company to work.

                There were quite a few models like her earning quick money in the clothing company's photo
booth, and most of them were also schoolgirls. There were more clothes to shoot today, and everyone was
working on a tight schedule.

                Once Nie Haitang arrived, she was assigned a pile of clothes full of plastic smell, which hadn't
been washed, or even gone to smell and chemical potion ah.
                In the past, Nie Haitang wouldn't have even looked at them, let alone worn them to the photo

                A group of young female models all frowned, today's new clothes are obviously rushed out, the
strong plastic and chemical smell has not been eliminated, girls with good skin, wearing these clothes have
to be itchy all over.

                When the female manager saw that the people had complaints, she immediately said loudly,
"Listen up, I have a meeting at noon, no one is allowed to drag their feet, move faster, whoever gives me a
hard time, I will immediately kick them out."

                Nie Haitang sighed and took her clothes to play with the changing room for the sake of her

                However, halfway there, she was stopped by the female manager, who very enthusiastically took
Nie Haitang's hand and said, "Little Nie, ah."

                "Eh, Manager Cheng." Nie Haitang answered politely, "Is something wrong?"

                Manager Cheng smilingly looked at Nie Haitang and said, "Our little Nie is really pretty and has
a really good figure. Especially your temperament, it's so top notch."

                Nie Haitang grinned nervously and said, "Thank you, Manager Cheng, if there's nothing else, I'll
go and change first."

                Manager Cheng hurriedly said, "Eh, don't rush. Little Nie, your last photo shoot worked very
well and made one of our pleated dress styles a big seller, the company boss is very happy and wants to
hire you as a contracted model for the brand, with a one-time endorsement of fifty thousand."

                Nie Haitang was surprised and said, "Manager Cheng really? Thank you."

                The female manager smiled with satisfaction and added, "Of course, you have a good figure, a
natural clothes rack, and you can earn money for the company, so can you not be treated well? I highly
recommend you, and the boss wants to give young people a chance, so if you stay with him for one night,
it's a done deal. Nie ah, the opportunity is rare, this is a key step for you to make a name for yourself in the
modeling world ......"
                "What!" Nie Haitang's surprised expression immediately sank, is this not sleeping with him?

                Giving you a $50,000 job to sleep with you for one night, this is a pathetic drop in price.

                Nie Haitang thought back to the past, when she was in Guangcheng City before, she had also
been offered such a request by a rich man, it would be 100 million, she refused angrily at that time, feeling
that these people were too disgusting, thinking that being rich was great, that being rich would allow her to
do whatever she wanted?

                Little did she know that she was now a phoenix on the ground and was being offered 50,000 a
night, no, that was still to work for.

                Nie Haitang flatly refused, saying coldly and arrogantly, "Manager Cheng, you are insulting
people, I won't agree."

                Manager Cheng immediately lost his smile and said, "Little Nie, what a great opportunity, our
company still has many resources, what's the use of you holding on to your teenage naivety? It's just a
layer of film? It's the money that comes to hand that is the most real. Our old boss is only in his forties,
very gentle, he's not strong in that area, a few minutes to finish and you've got a fifty thousand dollar job, it
won't aggravate you much."

                "You ......" Nie Haitang was so angry that her chest rose and fell, the bully was too much!


                Nie Haitang slapped at Manager Cheng, the sound was so loud that the entire photo booth heard
it, and everyone turned their heads to look this way.

                Only to see Nie Haitang with red lips and white teeth, furiously saying, "Me! No! No! Up!"

                There was no need for any hesitation, once she refused, there was not even a chance for this
regular shoot, and Nie Haitang walked away straight away.

                The female manager's voice scolded behind her: "What a great opportunity you have, you don't
want to do it, you don't want to do it, there are a lot of people who do it, you think you are so valuable?
You are a goddess, but if you don't, you are still a woman? What you have that other women don't? I've got
a couple of tits, too, don't I? You don't even know how to earn the money you've been given, you idiot!"

                Nie Haitang wiped her tears and quickly walked out of the clothing company, she was very
aggrieved and she had nowhere to run.

                Nie Haitang walked all the way to the side of a small park where there were not many people,
she finally couldn't help herself and broke down and cried: "Oooh ...... Qin Ming ...... I miss you."

                In the midst of her breakdown, Nie Haitang took out her mobile phone, sobbing, and dialed Qin
Ming's number.

                She didn't care about that much, she had to talk to Qin Ming.

Chapter 460
"Ha~! So chicken-tired." Qin Ming yawned and looked at Old Xiao who was lecturing endlessly on the
podium, not having much spirit to listen to the lecture.

                Although it was said that it was senior year, there were still classes, especially Introduction to
Economics, a course that was almost inexhaustible.

                But Qin Ming's fatigue was not that the classes were boring, but that he had started practising the
Martial Arts Guidelines given by Zhang Quanzhen last night, and he had dragged the three brothers from
the dormitory to practise with him, but as a result, the four of them had tossed and turned all night and had
not even got the basic moves right.

                And the Martial Arts Guidelines require that the basic movements must be adhered to for an hour
every day, at seven in the morning as well as at ten at night, and must be adhered to daily.

                Zhao Li Niu said, "This is even harder than yoga, but yoga can also strengthen the body.

                Liang Shaoyong also said, "That's right, there are a lot of these things out there, there is no
difference, but also can practice internal strength, hahaha."
                Qin Ming smiled and did not respond, this was the basic introduction to martial arts that Zhang
Quanzhen had given him, since he had said he wanted to learn the whole set of skills, how could he give
up because it was too difficult?

                Qin Ming took the martial arts guide and pondered over it carefully, when suddenly his mobile
phone vibrated.

                He took it over and was a little surprised to see that it wasn't the call from the girl called Kou
Xinling from Beijing. Was she going to call him for delivery again?

                Qin Ming didn't really want to talk to her, he felt that this kind of person was too idle, he was
bored all day long and wanted to find someone for online dating, right?

                Qin Ming hesitated for a moment and wanted to hang up, this was still a class, he couldn't
disrespect the teacher, even though he didn't deal too well with Old Xiao.

                But Zhao Li Niu's hand next to him inadvertently touched, and Qin Ming's finger pressed on the
answer button.

                "Ooo ...... mmm ...... ooo ......"

                An intermittent sobbing sound, from the phone, Qin Ming's heart moved, what is she doing here?

                Qin Ming, a person who is the type who can't see others suffer, hearing a girl cry, inevitably a bit
soft-hearted, he bent low to shrink in a corner of the classroom and whispered, "Kou Xinling? What do you
want? I'm here in class, if you do this again I'm going to pull you out."

                "Oooh ...... my name is not Kou Xin Ling." Nie Haitang cried as she denied her fake name.

                Qin Ming was stunned, how come her voice had changed a little?

                He hadn't heard Kou Xin Ling's voice like this before, before it was much sweeter and had a bit
of a metallic sound, now it was much gentler, much lighter and much more familiar, like Nie Haitang's

                Because this time Nie Haitang did not use a voice changer.
                But Qin Ming didn't make much of an association and asked, "So what's your name? Why did
you use a fake name to deceive me in the first place?"

                Nie Haitang would immediately say, "Because I ......"

                But before she could get the words out, she suddenly felt something against her head, Nie
Haitang was stunned, she turned back in horror and her pupils shrank, but it was a silenced gun.

                A gun was hidden in the wide sleeves of a cold, ruthless man, and he was pointing it at her

                When did this man get close to her, Nie Haitang didn't notice it at all.

                The killer said coldly, "Miss Nie, I hope you won't force my hand, I'm also just making a living.
Don't say what you shouldn't say."

                But in these cold words, he still left a ray of life for Nie Haitang.

                Nie Haitang cried, she finally understood that from the very beginning she had been cheated,
cheated completely.

                She had been deceived from the very beginning, completely deceived. Qin Ming's righteous
father, Chang Hongxi, was trying to get her away from Qin Ming.

                Nie Haitang's heart was pounding, she knew she would be killed if she didn't say the right thing.

                "Hello? Are you still there?" On the other end of the line, Qin Ming's voice questioned.

                Nie Haitang sniffled, holding back her tears, and said, "I... I tried to cheat you out of a million
and a half dollars, but it didn't work out, so I'm crying."

                As soon as the words left her mouth, the phone was snatched away by the killer.

                The killer got the card out and then gave the phone back to Nie Haitang.
                The killer took a phone and handed it to Nie Haitang to answer.

                Nie Haitang took the phone with some trembling, only to hear Chang Hongxi's familiar voice,
saying, "Miss Nie, I admit that I have deceived you. Your status is too common, and I can't accept you
being with Qin Ming. If you promise me that you won't cause any more trouble, accept a cheque for one
billion dollars and live your life properly. If you don't get restless again, I'll have to kill and exterminate
not just you, but your whole family included, and disappear from the world."

                Nie Haitang's already white face turned even whiter in fear, like a sheet of white paper.

                She was once a daughter of a powerful family, so she naturally knew some of the tactics of the
powerful family, not to mention that Qin Ming's righteous father seemed to have even greater power.

                This was really an ultimatum.

                Nie Haitang couldn't help but feel that a small person like her couldn't even be autonomous in
her own destiny?

                Nie Haitang was silent for a long time before she said, "I don't want your money, I promise you
won't touch Qin Ming again, and you promise me you can't hurt my family."

                Chang Hongxi said, "Okay, I won't cheat you this time. As long as you start a new life quietly, I
won't touch anyone in your family."

                The killer took the phone back, handed over a cheque for a billion dollars and asked, "Really
not? That's a billion."

                Nie Haitang's eyes were devoid of light and she shook her head, "No amount of money can buy
back what I've lost."

                The killer said, "Miss Nie, I won't hide it from you, you are also surrounded by our secret sentry,
I hope you won't mess around, if you contact the young master secretly again, the whole family might
really die because of it."
                Nie Haitang wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, stood up, patted the dust on her
clothes, and walked away without looking back, to a bus stop, put on her mask, and waited silently for the
bus to arrive.

                At the same time, Qin Ming, who was in Guangzhou, stood up from the classroom with a start.

                Old Xiao was talking about the operation of individual markets and the form of the overall
market operation when he saw Qin Ming suddenly stand up, remembering that last time Qin Ming knew
the school and city leaders, he did not dare to be too arrogant and asked, "Student Qin Ming, if you have
any questions, please raise your hand first."

                Thump ......

                Qin Ming walked away without looking back, not giving Lao Xiao any face at all.

                Old Xiao was furious and cursed, "Qin Ming, you, don't think you can do whatever you want in
class just because you know the leader, you, don't complain to Principal Nie and Secretary Li about me."

                Qin Ming couldn't care less, he had a hunch that Kou Xinling was Nie Haitang because the voice
was so similar!

                He couldn't forget anyone's voice but his girlfriend's, could he?

                In particular, the phrase "I wanted to cheat you out of a million and a half dollars, but it didn't
work out, so I cried" instantly made Qin Ming think.

                As Qin Ming walked down the school road, Ah Long immediately followed him and asked,
"Where is the young master going? By car or by helicopter?"

                Qin Ming said decisively, "Drive, to Old Six's bar last year."

                But the two had just walked out of the school gate when they immediately ran into Old Six of the
Year, who had brought his men Old Bai and ? Brother Zi came looking for him.

                Old Six of the Year wiped the sweat from his fat and said, "Ah, what a coincidence Mr. Qin, I
happen to have something to look for you."
                Qin Ming asked, "Is there any news from Nie Haitang?"

                Nian Lao Liu said with difficulty, "It can be said that there is news, but it can also be said that
there is not. Mr. Qin, listen to me first, I took your money, so naturally I looked everywhere for someone,
and for two months, there is no information about Miss Nie in the list of all the people who left the country
on the plane, so I am sure that Miss Nie is still in the country."

                Nian Lao Liu spoke cautiously, then looked at Qin Ming, not daring to have too rich an
expression to save angering this fatalist.

                He said, "Then I made connections everywhere and mobilised people to investigate, all over the
country, I thought I would find nothing and be scolded by you."

                "It turned out that the little brother who was investigating in the capital city was done in."

                "I thought it was because my little brother was not open-minded and had messed with the wrong
people, so I sent someone else. It turned out that the little brother I sent a second time was done in again."

                "So I think there must be something wrong here, it can't be that coincidental."

                Qin Ming frowned and asked, "You mean Nie Haitang is in the capital city?"

                Nian Lao Liu nodded and said, "I suspect that Miss Nie is in the capital city."

Chapter 461-462
 Chapter 461
The reason why Qin Ming is in a hurry to find the year old six, is because he heard it, that is Nie Haitang's
voice, the two have known each other for several years, often in the badminton club together to participate
in activities, and later developed into a couple, he can recognize the wrong?

                And, the last sentence "I wanted to cheat you a million and a half, but it didn't work out, so I
cried", no one will understand, only Qin Ming and Nie Haitang will know.

                When Nie Haitang because Nie's Sanitary Group shares are threatened, Nie family is exactly
when the lack of money to acquire equity, she took 100,000 to ask Qin Ming to help go to the stock market
to earn some money, Qin Ming on a branch, undercover, strong hit the money, sent Nie Haitang one

                So a million and a hundred thousand such strange numbers, in Qin Ming's memory is very deep.

                Qin Ming felt it was Nie Haitang's hint to him.

                Why hint? And not say?

                At that time, Qin Ming obviously heard "Kou Xin Ling" deny the name, to say the real name,
there was a small pause before he gave him this hint words.

                Qin Ming guessed that Nie Haitang was now afraid that she could not help herself.

                Because Kou Xinling's number is the number of the capital city, call back again has been turned
off, which makes Qin Ming even more suspicious.

                Once he thought of this, Qin Ming was very worried and could not wait to fly to the capital to
confirm, even if it was a vast sea of people to find, then also to find.

                But he was afraid that he had made a mistake, so he wanted to find Nian Lao Liu to confirm,
after all, he paid Nian Lao Liu to find people, looking for two months, there must be some progress.

                As a result, Nian Lao Liu also came to him, bringing the news of the death of the two minions
sent to the capital city to find Nie Haitang, and also brought the possibility of a final word.

                Qin Ming could be sure that Nie Haitang was in the capital city.

                Nian Lao Liu took a restrained breath and said, "Mr. Qin, don't worry, I will be more cautious in
sending people to investigate this time, I will start with Nie Jianmin and Nie Zhengming, they are both
relatives, they should be much safer, we will have news soon."

                Qin Ming patted Nian Lao Liu's shoulder, the latter tiger body, do not know whether Qin Ming is
satisfied or unsatisfied na.

                How could Qin Ming be satisfied? The efficiency of Nian Lao Liu was too slow.
                But Qin Ming remembered that Zhang Quanzhen gave him a thick teaching autobiography,
yesterday saw a sentence inside: "Anyone can become a chess piece, each chess piece has a place to put,
the daily interpersonal relationship tending, it is the same as managing their chess pieces for the time

                Qin Ming looked at Nian Lao Liu with no expression, then showed a polite and pressure-filled
smile and said, "Boss Nian, you did a good job, our cooperation is considered over this time, you don't
need to interfere in this matter anymore, and this matter should not be mentioned to anyone in the future,
got it?"

                The cold sweat on his head betrayed his heart, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Qin, if you need anything,
just give me a command, I, Nian Lao Liu, have no frown on the mountain of swords and the sea of fire."

                After dealing with Nian Lao Liu, Qin Ming took a car to the Cloud Peak Villa area.

                Nie Haitang's former home was in the seventh building at the foot of the mountain, and
everything in the large four-story villa remained unchanged. Qin Ming bought this place first after the Nie
family went bankrupt, and the name was put under his personal name.

                However, it was the first time he came here.

                A large house, very quiet.

                Qin Ming came to Nie Haitang's room, where all her things were, except for taking away some
of her clothes and important things, most of her household items were here.

                The sky-high evening dress that Qin Ming gave Nie Haitang was not there.

                The reason why Qin Ming came to Nie Haitang's room was to find some clues.

                He knew that Nie Haitang was an intelligent woman, so if she was forced to leave Guangcheng,
would she have left some information behind?

                Qin Ming is also secretly scolding himself, why didn't he think more about it at first? How about
coming earlier?
                Qin Ming remembered the night that Chang Hongxi persuaded Nie Haitang to leave, he and Nie
Haitang experienced a chase, and his true identity as the heir to the world's richest man was made known
to Nie Haitang.

                Could Nie Haitang have considered that Qin Ming would honor her and buy her original home?
So leave some contact code?

                Qin Ming touched the bed sheets and bedding, sniffed the smell, and there was still Nie Haitang's
body fragrance, eh? Why is there a pink panty on the bed?

                Ahem, Qin Ming hurriedly threw away.

                Oh? There is also a cup, c cup, Qin Ming's mind again remembered Nie Haitang that attractive
body, indeed, is good.

                Qin Ming hurriedly shook his head to calm his emotions down, these are two months ago, now is
not the time to see things.

                Qin Ming made a round, did not find any electronic products, are some clothes, piano, dolls,
badminton rackets and other things, photos are all taken away.

                But Qin Ming was patient, he saw a luxurious solid wood desk with many books covering it.

                Qin Ming packed up the books and saw a drawing on the desk.

                Two loving hearts were entwined by a red thread of the moon, with the names "Qin Ming & Nie
Haitang" written on it, and the time, July 28th.

                Isn't that the day Nie Haitang left Guangcheng?

                Qin Ming reached out and touched the words on the table, a line of hot tears could not help but
flow down, he did not know how Nie Haitang was in a mood to leave the city.

                In fact, Qin Ming also had the cell phone numbers of Nie Jianmin, Nie Zhengming and others in
his hand.
                But just like Nie Haitang's past cell phone numbers, they were all unreachable and unreachable.

                The most important thing is that Chang Hongxi forbade him to use the people of the Universal
Century Group to find Nie Haitang, and even to arrange a match with the Zhao family.

                This is something that Qin Ming very much rejects, but had to compromise, so his last blind date
was simply stalling for time.

                Qin Ming then carefully observe the table to see if there is any information left.

                Unfortunately, there was not, the only thing that made Qin Ming's heart ache was the two hearts
painted on the table.

                "There really isn't?" Qin Ming's brow was locked, very disappointed.

                He left Nie Haitang's house and returned to the manor house at the top of the mountain.

                Qin Ming rarely came here, even though it was as luxurious as an ancient castle, it was basically
Song Ying's office here, as well as some maids living here to clean up.

                The rare arrival of Qin Ming, Song Ying was very surprised, immediately ordered the kitchen to
make some delicious food, at the same time changed into a very beautiful set of casual clothes dress.

                "Young master." Song Ying stood at the door to greet Qin Ming.

                Qin Ming answered and walked straight into the manor villa, while giving the order, "Let
everyone leave, this house only needs you and I to exist."

                Song Ying was stunned, not expecting Qin Ming to arrive suddenly and suddenly give such an

                Song Ying still did as she was told and drove all the security personnel, and caretakers out, while
she had some doubts in her heart, could it be that Qin Ming was going to do something to her?
                As a loyal secretary who worked for Qin Ming, Song Ying felt that she had nothing to gain from
Qin Ming except her body.

                Song Ying a distorted thought, suddenly both faces flushed, is the young master finally found
her charm? To do her?

                But Song Ying soon calmed down again, she felt the change of temperament in Qin Ming's
body, his eyes more absorbent than before, his emotions more introverted, this is perhaps the gradual
transformation of a boy to a man.

                Song Ying suddenly had a sense of crisis, a woman's sixth sense is always particularly accurate,
she also followed Qin Ming step by step.

Chapter 462
In the study, Qin Ming faced a huge bookcase full of books, a wide computer on the counter, and many
documents on the bronze desktop.

                Next to it was a cup of hot coffee.

                In fact, Qin Ming really likes Song Ying, naturally, not the kind of male and female love, is
simply a man's appreciation of women, and the recognition of the boss to subordinates.

                Song Ying was able to help him stabilize his industry and business on the Chinese side, with
large investments and subsidiaries doing well in terms of profitability.

                But he also knew that Song Ying was the person that Chang Hongxi sent over to get up, the best
female assassin in the current training camp of the Huan Yu Century Group.

                And Chang Hongxi had deceived him.

                Nie Haitang should have been forced and monitored, not persuaded to leave, these are two
situations, if the former, then Qin Ming felt cheated by Chang Hongxi's great deception, which he could
not accept.

                Qin Ming sat down and asked, "Xiaoying, is Nie Haitang being watched by YiFu's people?"
                Song Ying's expression changed, he didn't expect Qin Ming to come for Nie Haitang, hadn't he
been dealing with the Mu family's Missy quite closely recently?

                Song Ying said seriously, "Young master, this I do not know, I know the same as the young
master, for the young master's safety and through the marriage, to consolidate the young master's position
and power, Chang Lao persuaded Miss Nie to leave the young master."

                Qin Ming did not hide his anger and asked directly, "Are you loyal to your righteous father, or to

                Song Ying was startled, this was the first time Qin Ming had been angry with her, but it made it
even more difficult for her.

                She immediately said, "Young master, I was not present at that time. At that time, only Elder
Chang and Feng Dongxiang were talking to Miss Nie."

                After finishing her sentence, Song Ying said anxiously, "Young master, I am completely loyal to
you. How do you want me to prove it? Without your presence, Young Master, I wouldn't have been
selected from the training camp, and I would have passively received orders to go around the globe on
assassination missions every day. Not being able to protect myself from day to day, that is not a human life
at all."

                Qin Ming said, "In your own way, prove to me that one day when I disobey my righteous father's
orders, you will be on my side."

                Song Ying's heart tightened and she said grimly, "Young master you still don't believe me?"

                Qin Ming's face was terribly gloomy, he had to question Song Ying and said, "The birth of a lie
usually requires more lies to cover things up, once a lie is exposed, then there will be a domino-like
collapse and everything that seems normal on a daily basis will be reversed. I don't want me to become like
Fu Hongxue and do something meaningless."

                Song Ying didn't know what Qin Ming was implying with these words, nor did she know who
Fu Hongxue was, but she sniffed out some of Qin Ming's thoughts.
                She asked rhetorically, "Does Young Master care that Elder Chang has deceived you about Miss
Nie? Think I'm also a pawn that Chang Lao arranged to spy on you, young master?"

                Qin Ming had exactly this thought; he trusted Song Ying because he had always trusted Chang

                But now that he found out that Chang Hongxi was deceiving him and that he most likely sent
someone to spy on Nie Haitang, wouldn't that be stuck master his life? Suddenly one day Qin Ming
disobeyed, he pointed a gun at Nie Haitang and demanded Qin Ming to obey, then what could he do?

                Although it is said that Chang Hongxi is dying, a handful of years old, but also give him the sky
is rich, arranged his match with the Zhao family is also to help the Lord Qin Ming consolidate power in the
group, but this intention to manipulate Qin Ming's behavior, is Qin Ming can not accept.

                "My life by me not by others." This is Qin Ming bottom line and principle, once a person can not
be autonomous, God knows what will happen to call people unacceptable?

                This is the reason for Qin Ming's anger again.

                "Righteous father clearly promised me, only this time, but he broke his word." Qin Ming said,
"Although I'm not 100% sure, but at least 80% or more."

                Song Ying looked at Qin Ming, although she could understand that Qin Ming questioned her, but
she was still a little sad, because she really did not have second thoughts, last time she disobeyed Feng
Dongxiang's order, but also for Qin Ming ah.

                Song Ying found a copy of the information, handed it over, said: "Feng Dongxiang, as the
group's four patriarchal advisers, recently ordered me privately, with me to ask for every day of the young
master's life report in Guangcheng. I concealed the affair between the young master and various women."

                The corners of Qin Ming's mouth twitched, what do you mean his affair with various women?

                That is normal communication, right?

                Just some occasional physical contact, wipe oil is inevitable, that is force majeure ah.
                Qin Ming took a look at the report, the three months of Qin Ming's campus life are written in
detail in this report, there is no mention of what happened to him and the Mu family.

                Song Ying continued, "If the young master still does not trust me, I can carry the young master's
child to prove my loyalty to the young master."

                The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.

                The first thing you need to do is to get a new one.

                Although Song Ying's brain circuit is a bit strange, but Qin Ming think more layer can

                Song Ying is not a spy, she is a female warrior, she grew up training, proficient in all kinds of
firearms and fighting, she slept in a dung pit, lying on a mountain of corpses, walked through the sea of
blood, chased the enemy in the Amazon jungle, carried out missions in the African continent, she did not
have feelings, until she met Qin Ming.

                She does not have the traditional female spy's spirit of sacrificing her body at all costs, because
she is a female warrior, so she will be like an ordinary girl, very concerned about her chastity, and the
question of who to sacrifice herself for.

                This is perhaps the most clumsy and unexpected way of self-evidence that Song Ying came up
with in this environment.

                Qin Ming held his chin in his hands, in a somewhat excited mood, and some snickering, how
could he let his secretary prove his loyalty, but make it look like a confession?

                However, all along Song Ying's performance, Qin Ming saw in the eyes, she worked very hard
for Qin Ming, but also cared a lot about Qin Ming's safety.

                Qin Ming is actually most afraid of Song Ying's second thoughts, because Song Ying is too
important to him.

                Now that there is no one in the manor, Qin Ming has to make a choice.
                Song Ying said sadly, "Elder Chang is suffering from cancer and may die at any time, young
master, the only person I can be loyal to is you, once you are gone, everything I have will be lost, I am just
an ordinary member within the group. There are as many assassins like me that have been trained up, as
many as the group wants. From the moment I was chosen to work for the young master, I was bound to the
young master, and if I left you, then I would be nothing."

                Qin Ming looked at the sad Song Ying, eyes holding back tears, his heart was greatly touched, he
felt it, Song Ying's anxiety, she desperately wanted to explain clearly.

                Qin Ming got up, walked to Song Ying's side, reached out to gently wipe the tears at the corners
of her eyes, and said tenderly: "I believe in you. Even if you leave me, you are still you, beautiful and
smart, and a capable and excellent secretary, don't presume yourself."

                Song Ying's delicate body shook and suddenly tears fell like rain, and Qin Ming's trust and
compliment made her grateful again.

                Song Ying couldn't help but lean her head on Qin Ming's shoulder and choked up, "Young
master, I will never betray you, I swear on my life."

                Qin Ming couldn't help but hug Song Ying, caressing her gentle back and enjoying her

                After a while, Song Ying settled down emotionally and Qin Ming said, "Little Ying, you help me
contact my righteous father now."

                Song Ying asked worriedly, "Since the young master is already suspicious because of Miss Nie,
aren't you worried that Chang Lao has other intentions for the young master?"

                Qin Ming pondered for a moment and said, "I have my own score, you just contact it."

                Song Ying immediately answered, "Yes, I will contact Elder Chang immediately."

Chapter 463-464
 Chapter 463
In the computer communication screen in the study, Qin Ming saw Chang Hongxi in a hospital bed with a
tube inserted, and an old white butler next to him handing him medicine.
                Qin Ming asked with considerable concern, "Righteous Father, has your health deteriorated

                Chang Hongxi said breathlessly, "For the time being, I can't die, we also have a lot of advanced
bio-pharmaceutical technology in the world, so I can live for one day. Suddenly looking for me, what's the
matter? I heard that you rejected Zhao Yuxin's blind date and suddenly broke into her room?"

                Qin Ming said calmly, "That was a misunderstanding. Do most of all she's not my type, I don't
like good girls, I like independent women like Nie Haitang, she has a nice smile."

                Chang Hongxi was silent for a moment and said, "You should forget about her, after all, she
could easily be a target to blackmail you with. I know you, you are a person who values righteousness, you
would rather have a woman than a wealth that can be called global, this is rather a point that I do not like

                Qin Ming said, "Righteous father, you arranged for her to go, I did not see, did not do anything
to hurt her, right?"

                Chang Hongxi said, "No, she is an ordinary person, why should I make things difficult for her. I
still say, a good match, even if you start a relationship with a girl from the Zhao family first, you will have
much less resistance when you officially take over. Soon Feng Dongxiang will arrange your second blind
date with the Zhao family, don't be adding to my mess."

                Qin Ming answered and said some more small talk before disconnecting the communication.

                Song Ying had been standing next to him, and when he saw that Qin Ming had not spoken for a
long time, he asked, "Young master? You don't trust Chang Lao? How about I go to the capital to look for
Miss Nie?"

                Qin Ming suddenly said, "No, if my assumption is correct, then there must be many people
watching around Haitang right now, once I act rashly, there might be some changes on my righteous
father's side. You give me to instruct a task to Qi Mingxun, let him submit an itinerary to the righteous
father, well ...... education investment, right, to the major famous schools in the capital city investment
program, I as the representative party of the Huan Yu Century Group, to the schools for condolences,
preferably to meet with the students of the schools to exchange activities, the purpose is to enhance my
visibility in the education sector, to try out the reaction of my righteous father."

                Having said that, Qin Ming paused again and said, "If I assume wrong, it's just a false alarm and
a wasted trip, it's no loss whatsoever."

                Song Ying nodded and responded, "Yes, I'll do it right away."

                Qin Ming bit his lip, his fingers fit, and looked unfocused at the study door.

                Qi Mingxun turned out to be the general director of commerce in the northern Dongshan
province, under which he was in charge of many rare metal deposits development and transportation as
well as logistics of the whole Dongshan province, as well as many pharmaceutical and investment
companies and so on.

                He is currently investing in the education business, which is a good excuse.

                The most important thing is that Qi Minghui is young, unlike his father, Qi Yundong, who is not
familiar with Chang Hongxi, and was promoted by Qin Ming not long ago to be the overall head of the
entire North China region, that is, Qin Ming's own people.

                Qin Ming and Song Ying had just finished their lunch when Qi Mingxun returned the message,
saying that his proposal had been rejected by Feng Dongxiang on the grounds that Qin Ming still needed to
finish his studies and was about to go on a blind date with the Zhao family, so it was not appropriate for
him to go to Beijing.

                Qin Ming looked at the tablet computer handed over by Song Ying, bit his lips, his mind turned
rapidly and said, "Xiao Ying, don't do anything for now, just do everything as usual."

                Song Ying nodded and said, "Yes! Young master."

                At night, Qin Ming went back to the Mu family, for the Mu family, Qin Ming had mixed
feelings, he touched the venomous snake wound on his wrist, it had already scarred.

                When Aunt Fang saw Qin Ming come in, she said happily, "Eh, auntie is back, just now Missy
and Second Missy were discussing whether auntie would come back for dinner."
                Qin Ming scratched his face and said, "I'll eat here tonight."

                Qin Ming came into the house and found that Mu Hao and Xu Shu Lan were studying to go to
Beijing to buy a villa for Mu Xiaoqiao, so that it would be convenient for her to live, and they were
distressed that their daughter was starting a business in Beijing and sleeping in an apartment every day.

                And Mu Hailan was singing with old Mrs. Mu, the old couple was quite amiable.

                But Qin Ming knew that there was a small one outside Mu Hailan, which he saw in the hospital
last time.

                The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing. I was just about to call


                Mu Xiaoqiao knocked off the two pulling hands, pulled Qin Ming, said: "Mu Sichen you wash
your hands and eat. Is hubby not sleeping in the dorm these two days?"

                Qin Ming nodded and said, "After we eat, there are some things I want to say to you."

                The hearts of the people moved, somehow, as soon as Qin Ming had something to say, the
people of the Mu family thought that Qin Ming was going to leave the Mu family.

                The last time the two had a divorce, Mu Hao and Mu Hai Ran already thought it was irrevocable,
and even tried to let Mu Si Chun go and develop a little with Qin Ming, but as a result, the two returned
from Xiangxi, and their relationship was much better, making the two fathers and sons regret it, because
Mu Si Chun seemed to be nagging Qin Ming day after day, thinking about Qin Ming more than before,
which had already caused Mu Xiao Qiao's discontent.

                After the meal, Qin Ming discussed with Mu Hailan about learning, and Mu Hailan was very
surprised to learn that Qin Ming worshiped Zhang Quanzhen as his teacher.

                Because Zhang Quanzhen never accepts apprentices and has said that he does not accept
apprentices, what fears that the mantle will not be inherited after his death are his deceptive nonsense.
                Mu Hai Ran is very happy that Qin Ming can become Zhang Quanzhen's disciple, but also urged
Qin Ming to learn well, because Zhang Quanzhen is their great teacher Zhao Demin taught the best
students, not small skills.

                Qin Ming also wanted to ask some questions about the previous affairs of several elders, such as
gossip about what kind of women they thought they had back then, causing the brothers to turn against
each other, and how the other three were flirts back then.

                But Mu Hai Ran played cover up to change the subject and talked about the economy and
people's livelihood.

                Qin Ming can't help it, the small talk did not take long, did not inquire what gossip.

                Qin Ming returned to the study, Mu Xiao Qiao is dealing with the company's documents, look
Mu Xiao Qiao's mood is very calm.

                Mu Xiaoqiao looked at Qin Ming and asked, "What do you have to tell me?"

                Qin Ming scratched his head and said, "About the matter between you and Nie Haitang, I want to
discuss with you ......"

                Mu Xiaoqiao's expression was stunned, the document in her hand had nowhere to rest, tugging
tightly, she knew that Qin Ming and she would always face this issue, whether it should be put down, or
not, there would always be a conclusion.

                If not clear, the relationship between them will not be able to move forward.

                Mu Xiaoqiao took a deep breath and said, "Good, it's also time to speak clearly."

                At this moment outside the study, Mu Sichen tiptoed to the door, his ear close to the door wall.

                Mu Sichen was very concerned, concerned about whether Qin Ming was going to divorce his
sister again. In the past, when she heard that the two of them were divorcing, she would be very excited,
not wanting Qin Ming to leave the Mu family, she felt that Qin Ming was a good brother-in-law.
                Now it is not excited, and even think that since the two have conflicts, then divorce, stay barely

                Mu Si Chun muttered in his heart: "Although brother-in-law is a scum, but in addition to

emotional scum, other than a bit, it is okay, considered a quality man. This time you should be able to
successfully divorce, right?"

                Mu Si Chun heart snickers, as if stickers against the wooden door, eavesdropping on the
conversation of the two inside.

                The two people in the study talked for a long time.

                Mu Sichen expression at first surprised, then frowned tightly, then revealed a joyful feeling,
followed by turned into incomprehension, not a moment later and sulking nuzzles up fragrant cheeks,
broken: "Hum, Qin Ming you are too kind, change me, I want them all."

Chapter 464
The next morning, Mu Xiaoqiao to go back to the capital city to continue to work, booked a morning ticket
to go, and Qin Ming sent a ride, continue to come back to school classes.

                The four people in the dormitory just sat down, Zhao Li Niu said: "Qin Ming you can ah? Last
night and did not return to the dormitory, back in the morning all fragrant, you have to tell me that last
night did not sleep with which woman, I do not believe it."

                Qin Ming hooked Zhao Liniu's arm and cursed: "Brother Niu you will die if you don't say it?"

                Zhao Li Niu laughed: "I will die of jealousy if I don't say it. Say, which woman's first blood did
you take?"

                Suddenly, Liang Shaoyong said, "Hey, hey, you two stop, I have something to discuss with you,
I want to go to a foreign enterprise internship in Beijing."

                The remaining three were shocked and said in unison, "Didn't we agree that Qin Ming (I)
package the job? You still go to find what internship?"
                Liang Shaoyong said, "My girlfriend, she happened last time that kind of thing, almost let her
people and money empty, thanks to Xiaoming, she did not happen anything. But her parents want her to go
to work with relatives, safer, has arranged for her relatives in the capital city of a company, I am still
worried about her, so to go with."

                Liang Shaoyong patted Qin Ming's shoulder and said, "Brother, when I can't get mixed up, I'll
come back to you, and then you don't mind me."

                Qin Ming said, "Of course not. But what about your credits?"

                Liang Shaoyong said, "Nothing, self-study, exams and then come back, now many people are
like this, the fourth year does not hurry to find a job, one after the year, completely no classes, and then
find that it is too late."

                Qin Ming heard that Liang Shaoyong and Zhao Menghua went to Beijing, the idea of letting him
help find Nie Haitang, but quickly dismissed the idea.

                He didn't want to let his good brother get killed because he had sent two of his brothers there.

                For going to the capital city to find Nie Haitang, Qin Ming has another arrangement, and will
soon have action.

                At noon, the group went out together for a trampling meal and said goodbye to Liang Shaoyong.

                Qin Ming had time to go to the supermarket to see his big brother Qin Chaoyang, by the way,
give him a sum of money to take home.

                Qin Ming wants to accelerate the development of Qin Chaoyang's career, so that he can control
more businesses and wealth, so that later he will not fail to inherit, the whole family and nothing.

                But on the way is to see Zhao Fugui's family's small supermarket is clearing goods, the door is
posted on the red paper for rent, apparently has been operating unsustainable, was occupying a good
location of convenience, treating student customers with a poor attitude, now the crowd has a better
demand, are not going to his small supermarket.
                Qin Ming heart secretly happy, no wonder the recent look Zhao Fugui are a bit grasping the
feeling of strapped, but Yang Wei seems to be worse than Zhao Fugui, Yang Wei's family business is in
decline, living expenses almost no difference with ordinary people, a month on a couple of thousand,
completely without the previous broad.

                I heard that Yang Wei's a second-hand Audi was also taken back by the family, completely no
pick up girls sharp, day by day honestly can not.

                Although Qin Ming looked within the eyes, but also do not want to care about these things.

                Qin Ming was passing by, and suddenly someone was blown out of the mini-mart, not precisely
Yang Wei?

                Then Li Meng hurriedly followed out, to reach out and pull Yang Wei up.

                And the mini-mart Zhao Fugui holding a broomstick cursing: "grass nima, the previous food and
drink to take my still less? You have the nerve to ask me? Li Meng, you bitch, and mix with Yang Wei,
good horses do not eat grass, you are not ashamed?"

                Li Meng righteously denied: "I'm not with Wei! Zhao Fugui is you owe money, I help Yang Wei
what? He is Qin Ming's hometown, I just want to help him. Zhao Fugui, you invited to dinner is your
voluntary money, A Wei borrowed your money is said to pay back."

                Yang Wei also shouted: "Zhao Fugui you do not think you can still pop? How long, look, this
big supermarket across the street, that is Qin Ming his brother opened, Qin Ming ate you to death, he is
also my hometown, I grew up with him in a pair of pants. Today you must give me back the money, last
month I borrowed you 10,000 yuan, must be returned."

                These two people would actually turn against each other for 10,000 yuan? What a turn of events.

                Tsk, before 30 to 20 thousand a month without frowning a little.

                Qin Ming looked at the three, also he knew for many years classmates, he did not want to pay
attention to these people's business.
                He did not pay attention to, directly away, to the supermarket office to find Qin Chaoyang, but
was told to go to a meeting to learn, which again let Qin Ming pounced on a blank.

                Qin Ming had no choice but to leave the supermarket first, found opposite Zhao Fugui's store
door, Yang Wei was Zhao Fugui and a few small workers a severe beating.

                Li Meng was shouting at the side: "Don't fight, you guys don't fight."

                Qin Ming looked quite comical, did not want to care about these people, he felt that now he is
not the same as in the past, he is higher ranked, this kind of campus life fights the chicken little thing, he
does not need to be involved in it.

                He now needs to prepare a proper plan to go to the capital city to find Nie Haitang without
letting this old guy Feng Dongxiang keep an eye on him day in and day out, always forcing him to go on a
blind date with the Zhao family.

                Qin Ming are a little suspicious, as the group's four advisers, but also the patriarchal members,
governing the business of the continents docking the highest board of directors, for the big boss, how Feng
Dongxiang a little too much care Zhao family feeling?

                "Shouldn't the righteous father be the one who hates the Zhao family the most?" Qin Ming was
puzzled in his heart, "How come I can't see Feng Dongxiang?"

                Qin Ming thought as he walked, Li Meng looked across the road, that anxious, so easy to catch
the opportunity, how Qin Ming does not care about her in the slightest?

                He has always been the most soft-hearted, right? The most uncomfortable with the road has
injustice? How come he ignored what happened here today?

                Li Meng's mind turned rapidly: "It was hard to repair the relationship with Yang Wei, but also
encouraged him to turn against Zhao Fugui, in order to create a look, I and Yang Wei were bullied, Qin
Ming you just watch me and Yang Wei were bullied?"

                As the saying goes, if you don't break it, you can't build it. Li Meng came into contact with a lot
of enthusiastic people in the volunteer club and learned a lot about the human condition, and she realized
that after she completely broke her relationship with Qin Ming, it was possible to re-establish it, but it
needed to go through some opportunities.

                Yang Wei is her pawn, she used to be annoyed with Yang Wei day by day only want to take
advantage of her, not to spare her money, so use Zhao Fugui beat Yang Wei, and then use Yang Wei as a
springboard to re-establish a relationship with Qin Ming, not to say restore to the previous, even close to
Zhang Xiaoyan like relationship, is also a victory.

                Li Meng see Qin Ming farther and farther away, a heart, rushed up to block Yang Wei, and then
just Zhao Fugui a stick knock down.

                Originally hit Yang Wei's buttocks, that more meat, under a hard hand is not afraid to kill people.

                As a result, Li Meng a head on the top, she was directly by Zhao Fugui a stick knock clock head.

                "Ah!" Li Meng let out a miserable scream, suddenly the sky spun, forehead blood burst out,
directly fainted on the ground.

                "Wow!" The surrounding crowd of onlookers saw this scene also issued a scream, this is going
to kill people's rhythm?

                Yang Wei was also shocked, Li Meng only accompanied him to collect debts, but surprisingly
for him by Zhao Fugui a stick beaten head bleeding? Is this true love? They had been good for ten days
after all, although they did not sleep together, but it is good to take advantage of the hands.

                Qin Ming while being attracted to this scream, looking back, has seen Li Meng fell in a pool of

                Qin Ming rushed over, set aside the crowd, look at Li Meng that wound, shocking, he cursed at
the dazed Zhao Fugui: "Zhao Fugui what are you crazy? It's only 10,000 yuan? Do you have to do this?"

                Zhao Fugui said, "No, I didn't want to hit her, she suddenly rushed up."

                Yang Wei said, "Qin Ming, say so much for what, quickly take Xiao Meng to the hospital."
                Qin Ming had no choice but to watch the reformed Li Meng die, and immediately asked Ah
Long to drive the car and rush to the hospital.

                After the car hit the road, Li Meng slowly opened his eyes and looked at this luxurious Ben, his
heart was excited beyond measure, this is Qin Ming financial power? And full-time drivers?

                Li Meng closed her eyes again and endured the pain, acting to a full set, can not reveal halfway,
once she was too naive, only to keep failing.

                At this time, the driver's seat of Ah Long asked: "Young master, today is not the layout of the
plan to the capital city?"

                Qin Ming looked at lying on her lap, forehead blood flowing non-stop Li Meng, sighed: "A
classmate, or my first love, can not see death, that thing, let's talk about it tonight."

                Li Meng mind stunned: "Young master? To the capital city? How did Qin Ming become a young
master? Good for you Qin Ming, hidden deep enough. The previous me too naive, did not cherish you
properly, the future I will make you love me to death, hehehehe."

Chapter 465-466
 Chapter 465
Hospital emergency room, Li Meng endured severe pain and tinnitus, opened his eyes and looked around
the doctors and nurses, even Yang Wei and the school counselors have rushed to the hospital, but not Qin

                Qin Ming dropped people off and left?

                Li Meng was so angry, did she have no charm? She obviously had a good make-up today and
was confident in her beauty, but Qin Ming didn't stay for her for a while.

                If it was the old Li Meng, she might have jumped like a thunderstorm, but now Li Meng is
smiling smugly: "I sacrifice my head, how do I know that you Qin Ming hides so deeply? Anyway, there
are plenty of opportunities later, Yang Wei, Zhang Xiaoyan, Zhao Li Niu these people are your friends,
you care so much about friends, I always have the opportunity to mix acquaintance."
                Yang Wei saw Li Meng suddenly smiling and asked worriedly, "Little Meng, what are you
smiling at? You're not beaten silly, are you?"

                Li Meng immediately put on a cordial smile and said, "No, nothing, I didn't expect that so many
people would come to see me after I was injured and admitted to the hospital, I was very touched."

                In fact, Li Meng cursed in her heart, "Of course I'm laughing at Yang Wei, you idiot boy, being
used by me, and being beaten by Zhao Fu Gui, hahaha."

                Yang Wei said movingly, "Little Meng, I am so touched, thanks to you blocked that stick for me,
so you are so good. I didn't treat you well before, I'm really blind."

                Li Meng also regretted in her heart: "Yes, I was really blind before, how could I dislike Qin
Ming? He is quite handsome, sleeping with him is cool, and the key is to treat me like a princess in the
palm of your hand, but it turns out that he is still a rich man who hides very deeply."

                "Ha~ sneeze." Qin Ming at the hospital entrance sneezed and muttered, "Who's thinking about
me? Oops, being handsome means more girls are thinking about you."

                Qin Ming rubbed his nose, at this time in front of the hospital, he did not care about Li Meng, he
saved Li Meng out of humanitarianism, and did not want to pay any attention to the rest.

                He was about to leave, behind Yang Wei chased out.

                "Ah Ming, wait a minute." Yang Wei called out, this is the name of Yang Wei to Qin Ming
before he went to college, after all, the two fought to wear a crotch to grow up.

                Because Qin Zhiguo used to be poor, working for Yang Qiangjian, whenever Yang Wei does not
wear the clothes will be packed and sent to Qin Zhiguo, Qin Zhiguo will give Qin Ming to wear, can save a
large amount of money.

                However, the relationship between the two changed when they went to college.

                No one bullied Yang Wei in college anymore, the rich Yang Wei instead mixed with prosperity
and popularity, Qin Ming such a poor boy who speaks of righteousness, but suffered from ridicule.
                Yang Wei used to have low self-esteem because he was often protected by Qin Ming in Baishui
Town and was ridiculed as Qin Ming's follower, which is why he wanted to get rid of Qin Ming's shadow
so badly.

                Qin Ming looked back, Yang Wei is still the same Yang Wei, eyes will always show the lack of
confidence and timidity, which is also the reason he is good bully, as a man, how can not confident?

                Qin Ming asked rhetorically: "What's wrong? No money to pay the medical bills? Don't worry,
Li Meng's parents will pay for it, if you want to send me car fuel money, then forget it, a classmate."

                Yang Wei shook his head and said, "I, I want to borrow money from you."

                Qin Ming wondered, "Borrow money? Your family environment is so poor? There are always
savings, right?"

                Yang Wei smiled bitterly: "Don't laugh at me. What is the situation of my family, you still do not
know? Your parents should have told you something, right?"

                Qin Ming froze and said, "I really don't know, my dad didn't tell me."

                Yang Wei sighed and said, "The factory originally had seven or eight workers, but now your
father is the only one left. Because of the offense of a large customer, the business of the city of
Guangzhou side is broken, other local manufacturers price pressures, coupled with peer competition, now
our family's auto repair shop, parts pile up, can only be maintained by some familiar customers in town to
repair cars, long gone."

                Qin Ming gloomy, which seems to be more or less related to him.

                Yang Wei said: "Ah Ming, or your family is good, Uncle Zhiguo to our factory is not
abandoned, but also voluntarily reduced salary. Brother Chaoyang also lent me 10,000, let me send home
to save the emergency, but not enough, the family's liquidity gap is quite large, need 200,000 to be enough,
now there is still a shortfall of 50,000 to 60,000, I want to help the family to put together this money."

                Rub miles, Qin Ming heard this news, immediately to his honest old father very speechless.

                However, it was not good for him to comment on what happened between his father's generation.
                Qin Ming was silent for a moment and said, "Sorry, I don't have any money, nothing else?"

                Borrowing money? Qin Ming was not going to be confused by a few sentimental and polite

                Yang Wei bit his lips and said, "I know I did a lot of things wrong to you in the past because I
was jealous of you, jealous of your competence, jealous of your talent, jealous of your one call in White
Water Town. So I wanted to win over you with money, I wanted to be on par with you and even surpass
you. Now that I think about it I was really childish before and did so many things to hurt you, I'm sorry,

                Qin Ming's heart moved, he and Yang Wei is a hometown, grew up playing together, Yang Wei
is his little brother followers, say no feelings that is false, this brotherhood is as deep as ten years.

                And Yang Wei mainly mocked Qin Ming, to highlight their own superiority, to put it bluntly, the
heart is empty, people, the more lack of what the more like to curse what.

                Qin Ming patted Yang Wei's shoulder, said: "I remember the past. But I am thinking of Uncle
Yang's face, do not want to become a world feud. You take care of yourself, do not hang out with Zhao Fu
Gui kind of dude second generation."

                Qin Ming turned to leave, Yang Wei called him again and said, "Ah Ming, I have another matter,
it's about Nie Haitang, if you want to hear it, I can talk to you."

                Qin Ming's footsteps immediately stopped, this can have unexpected harvest?

                "Go ahead." Qin Ming suppressed his inner excitement, his fingers kept rubbing, but he asked
without moving his voice on the surface.

                Yang Wei slightly surprised, did not see how excited Qin Ming, does he not care about Nie

                Yang Wei said: "I have not previously made a girlfriend next door to the University of the Arts?
She has a sister, used to be Nie Zhengming's girlfriend, that was a long time ago, you still remember when
the Nie family because of the equity issue, almost being taken away from the company? At that time, Nie
Zhengming broke up with his girlfriend and tried to find a marriage union with the Mu family, but was
rejected by the Mu family."

                Qin Ming nodded, he was still impressed by this incident, the two siblings were also very
desperate to save the family business, and even tried to sacrifice their own happiness at one point.

                At that time, Qin Ming and Nie Haitang did not fall in love, just a relatively good relationship.

                Yang Wei continued: "My girlfriend broke up with me before, I had met with her sister, her
sister said that the Nie family bankruptcy, defected to relatives in the capital city, to start all over again in
the capital. Her sister also got back together with Nie Zhengming, and also met Nie Haitang, and I heard
that Nie Haitang is still studying at Tsinghua University."

                "Gulp." Qin Ming swallowed a mouthful of saliva, this was definitely the most valuable news.

                His heart is already set off a shocking wave, the crowd looking for him a thousand degrees, that
person is in Tsinghua University? The turtle, it seems to be studying in a more advanced school ah.

                The relatives of the Nie family are really deep.

                Yang Wei said, "I don't know if I can help you, that's all."

                Yang Wei walked back to the hospital, suddenly his phone rang, he picked it up suspiciously and
saw that Qin Ming had transferred him 50,000!!!

                Qin Ming also left a message: "This money is borrowed from you, remember to pay back."

                Yang Wei was surprised, he immediately ran to the hospital entrance, but where there is still half
a trace of Qin Ming?

                Yang Wei suddenly broke down and cried, holding the phone and kneeling at the hospital
entrance, saying, "Brother Ming, you will always be my brother. The past is, and will always be. I Yang
Wei used to be blind, have you such a good brother do not want, have to mix with Zhao Fu Gui those
playboy second generation, ah ah ah ......"
                At this time, Qin Ming, who had already gotten into the car, also received two messages on his
phone, one was a greeting from Li Meng, which he directly ignored, and the other was a thank you from
Yang Wei.

                Qin Ming smiled and put away his phone, he was in a good mood, he finally found Nie Haitang.

                This is really an unexpected harvest.

Chapter 466
Qin Ming felt that if it wasn't for Chang Hongxi's covert operation, he would have found Nie Haitang a
long time ago.

                This kind of feeling of being obstructed makes him very uncomfortable, he likes to be free, does
not like to be arranged, this has always been Qin Ming's bottom line, principle.

                Even though it was Chang Hongxi, who gave him great wealth, could not, neither could his own
parents, not to mention a righteous father.

                After Qin Ming found Nie Haitang, his mood instead became much lighter, he knew she was still
living a good life, she was still studying.

                But she was supposedly being watched, which put her in a dangerous position.

                Qin Ming had a strange thought that one day, would Chang Hongxi blackmail him with Nie

                But this thought was quickly thrown out of his mind: "How is that possible? The righteous father
is almost dead, because of a green head, his wife's betrayal, his children are not his own, causing him to
become paranoid. When I had to refuse to agree to inherit everything from him, he only gave me a sum of
money and let me go just."

                Qin Ming felt that Chang Hongxi did not have any reason to victimize him, after all, the original
him was a poor boy who sent outside every day and watched bars in the middle of the night, so poor that Li
Meng disliked him.
                "The righteous father's desire to control is too strong." Qin Ming secretly sighed: "Since ancient
times, kings and lords like to control people and do not allow their men to be half disobedient."

                After Qin Ming found out the news of Nie Haitang from Yang Wei, he did not stop for a moment
and went straight to the university party branch and found President Liao.

                Qin Ming said, "Principal Liao, I want to ask you a favor. Do you have any contact with the
teachers at Tsinghua University? I want to ask their teachers to find Nie Haitang now, and I want to speak
to her."

                It was safest for Qin Ming to contact Nie Haitang through the teachers' channel.

                If he ordered his subordinates in the capital city or Qi Mingxun to find Nie Haitang, not only
would it take time, but he might also be discovered and put Nie Haitang in danger.

                And a university teacher looking for a student, that's not normal? If there was someone watching
around Nie Haitang, it would be absolutely impossible to be discovered.

                This was a trick to hide the truth, to ensure that no one would know.

                Principal Liao said: "Tsinghua? I do know Professor Ma of Economics and Finance, I can
contact him. Eh, no, Nie Haitang seems to be a student of our school, this semester the family had an
accident, went to the capital city? Or did she get into Tsinghua? That's impressive."

                Qin Ming smiled, yes, kind of a foot into our country's most advanced institutions of learning,
much more powerful than their China Provincial Polytechnic University.

                In a short while, Principal Liao handed over the phone and joked, "The person has been found,
you guys are having a falling out? Why do you need my help to contact."

                Qin Ming swallowed, some trembling to take the phone, looking for two months, has been sent
by Chang Hongxi obstruction, now finally found, he was in an excited mood ah.

                "Hello? Principal Liao?" In the phone, Qin Ming heard the familiar voice again, it was Nie
Haitang's voice, Qin Ming's tiger body shook, his chrysanthemum tightened, he really missed Nie Haitang
too much.
                Principal Liao had the good sense to sit a little farther away from the office, leaving Qin Ming a
large enough space.

                "Hello? Is this Principal Liao?" Nie Haitang asked again.

                Qin Ming took a deep breath and said, "Kou Xin Ling ...... Haitang?"

                The phone Nie Haitang also choked for a while, she listened to the voice in her ear
incredulously, the university teacher said a former school teacher to call her, she was curious about what it
would be, but it turned out to be Qin Ming's voice.

                The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.

                "Qin Ming ......" Nie Haitang instantly gushed tears, Qin Ming still found her.

                "Shhh ......" Qin Ming made a gesture of silence and said, "Do not get excited, first call a teacher
Qin to calm down."

                "Qin, Qin teacher ......" Nie Haitang whirled and smiled shyly, Qin Ming is teasing her? Or
taking advantage of her? But no matter which case, her heart was still excited, Qin Ming always let her

                Qin Ming finally found her, and in such an unexpected way.

                Qin Ming is also in an unusually happy mood, his heart thumping viciously accelerated, hearing
Nie Haitang's voice made him so happy.

                Qin Ming after a while, the mood calmed down and said, "Nie Haitang students, miss me?"

                Nie Haitang looked at the teacher next to the office and shyly responded, "Mm."

                Qin Ming hurriedly asked again, "How have you been these two months?"

                Nie Haitang said, "Well, it's okay, although it's not as easy as before."
                "You tell me a bank card number that you don't use often." Qin Ming said immediately.

                Nie Haitang's heart immediately surged with a warm sweetness, their Nie family long ago had
nothing to do with the gentry, just like ordinary people, the hardships of life and the pressure to earn
money also made Nie Haitang almost breathless.

                Qin Ming is also suffered, think of Nie Haitang pampered, turned into , which must be very
difficult, direct violence to play money, this a concern, Nie Haitang very touched.

                "621***......" Nie Haitang is not pretentious, reported a bank card number, she really needs
money now, her boyfriend sent her money, she wants it.

                Qin Ming said: "First give you a hundred million."

                Nie Haitang's eyes were so excited that tears almost welled up, one hundred million in the past
she felt a lot, but now it is even more astronomical, this money can directly relieve her family's economic
pressure, especially her father Nie Jianmin's medical expenses are also very good.

                Qin Ming hit the money and asked, "You're being watched now?"

                Nie Haitang whispered, "Well. The other party threatened the life of my whole family and
prevented me from contacting you. I don't know which person around me is their person now, so I'm very
cautious in what I do."

                When Qin Ming heard this, his mood was a bitter one, his righteous father's move was too
ruthless and had touched his bottom line.

                Does he have to marry the Zhao family to do so?

                Qin Ming could not figure out his father's calculations now, did he not believe in his ability?

                Qin Ming said, "Because of some of my circumstances, I'm not the same as before,
condescending to you."

                Nie Haitang bit her lips and said, "No aggravation, it's good that you're okay. Are you safe now?
Are those foreign mercenaries still after you?"
                Qin Ming said, "I'm fine, don't worry. It's just that I was forced to go on a blind date with a girl
from a rich family designated by my righteous father, and he forced me to marry another woman."

                Nie Haitang was in a gloomy mood and said, "He told me that too. Qin Ming, what should we

                What should we do? Qin Ming's side was also very headachey, and he was silent for a while,
knowing that what was to come was still to come.

                For Qin Ming, his headache was not the Zhao family's matchmaking, but his righteous father's
bent, and Mu Xiaoqiao.

                Qin Ming took a deep breath and said, "Then to make you become safe and free, we can only
really break up."

                "......" Nie Haitang was stunned, she couldn't believe that this was coming from Qin Ming, Qin
Ming was going to break up with her?

                Qin Ming continued, "Nie Haitang, this is a punishment for you. It's a punishment for you for
leaving me twice without saying goodbye. It is also a punishment for me because I did something wrong to

                Nie Haitang's tear glands tensed up all of a sudden, remembering that night, Qin Ming's phone
sent pictures of him sleeping with other women, before secretly calling Qin Ming, and the sound of other
women giving him a bath.

                A moment, Nie Haitang two lines of hot tears a moment rustling down, anxiously said: "You
have a favorite person? You don't want me anymore? You don't love me anymore?"

                Qin Ming bit his lips and said in a low voice: "I still love you. But I've fallen in love with
another woman, and I can't do it anymore without her."

                Nie Haitang bit her lip, if this was not a teacher's office, she would have broken down and cried.

                You are not moving on?

                Qin Ming said: "Haitang, you do not sad, you listen to me first. This matter or you lied to me
about getting cancer to begin with, because of worrying about you, I was fooled by an old mongrel Taoist
priest ......"

                Qin Ming told the story of his foolish initiation into the Mu family, his failed divorce from Mu
Xiaoqiao, the moving trip to Xiangxi, and now Nie Haitang's strange behavior of being sent by Chang
Hongxi to spy on her and force Qin Ming to go on a blind date with the Zhao family.

                Finally, Qin Ming said, "I already owe too much to Mu Xiaoqiao, and I have to take care of my
righteous father's oppression and your safety, and at the same time I regret that I am not strong-willed.
Therefore, I divorced Mu Xiaoqiao, I will also break up with you, so as to give her an explanation, so that
the righteous father will not send people to spy on you. This way when I am done with the matter between
my righteous father and the Zhao family, I will follow my heart fairly and deal with you two and me
properly ......"

                "I won't lose."

                Not waiting for Qin Ming to finish, Nie Haitang immediately said, "I won't lose to her! I'll wait
for you, Qin Ming you must be careful."

                Qin Ming was stunned, his heart warmed and he said, "Haitang, you don't blame me?"

                Nie Haitang bit her lips and said, "I don't blame you, I know you can't help yourself. I was not
strong-willed and left you, you must be very sad, it was me who hurt you. It's all my fault ...... didn't expect
you to do so much for me, and to be tricked into giving people into the robbery, just for me to be safe, they
are too deceitful."

                Qin Ming lamented, "Yes, we are both too young, many times fooled, from now on we must be
on guard."

                Nie Haitang added: "Miss Mu I know her, she is a very good woman, but I will not lose to her.
Qin Ming, I like you. Next time, I won't let you slip out of my palm again."

                Qin Ming was surprised that Nie Haitang didn't get angry and forgave him.
                He was also torn inside, he discussed with Mu Xiao Qiao that night, if he wanted him to
completely forget Nie Haitang, then they would have to have a complete and fair relationship and let Qin
Ming follow his heart's choice.

                Mu Xiao Qiao agreed, she divorced Qin Ming, Qin Ming broke up with Nie Haitang, when Qin
Ming dealt with the internal affairs of the group, Qin Ming had no one to restrict, then when the time came,
how to choose between the three, then start over.

                Seems absurd behavior, but is also Qin Ming can think of, the best way.

                Because Qin Ming can neither ignore Mu Xiaoqiao, nor can he keep Nie Haitang under
surveillance life.

                So Qin Ming thought of breaking up all together, not thinking about women, focusing on his
career, and then considering matters between men and women after he was completely in charge of the
Huan Yu Century Group.

                The two women, Mu Xiaoqiao and Nie Haitang, were not touched by Qin Ming, and he had no

                Because, Qin Ming even ignore Nie Haitang, Chang Hongxi side once he knew about the matter
with Mu Xiao Qiao, I'm afraid Mu Xiao Qiao will also suffer, because Chang Hongxi's demand that he
marry the Zhao family women in marriage, that attitude is too firm.

                The key problem is still, Qin Ming he is still just a "prince", not really on the "throne" ah.

                The two talked for a while before Qin Ming hung up the phone in despair.

                His layout has also officially begun.

Chapter 467-468
 Chapter 467
Qin Ming was in a somewhat melancholy mood, and he didn't know if he was doing the right thing.

                But he had to do this, he originally thought it would be difficult to obtain Nie Haitang's
forgiveness, but it turned out that Nie Haitang forgave him easily.
                Similarly, that night at the Mu family, he gave Mu Xiaoqiao his idea, and Mu Xiaoqiao was
willing to wait for him, and also promised not to marry him, only the two secretly divorce news, and did
not notify the Mu family.

                As long as Mu Xiaoqiao won the competition Nie Haitang, Qin Ming will be with her well in the

                Two women that he couldn't let go of were willing to believe in Qin Ming and were willing to
wait for him.

                He was somewhat touched because he understood that Nie Haitang and Mu Xiaoqiao really liked
him to forgive Qin Ming, to be willing to wait, and to be unconvinced.

                What more could a person want in life than to have such a confidante?

                Qin Ming took out his cell phone and called Chang Hongxi.

                Qin Ming opened the door and said, "Righteous father, remove all the people around Haitang,
I'm breaking up with her."

                On the other end of the phone, Chang Hongxi sat up from the hospital bed, unusually surprised.

                Then, he laughed and said, "Good boy, you can't hide it from me so soon, ah, well, I admit, I
have been sending people to monitor that little girlfriend of yours, but I was trying to protect her, not to
hurt her, before someone investigated her, I blocked it all."

                Qin Ming said unhappily, "Righteous father, you've touched my bottom line twice. This is the
last concession, I will make a good match with the Zhao family's woman and consolidate my position in
the group. And you should stop harassing her normal life. She's a girl who lives under surveillance all day
long, she'll soon become mentally deranged."

                Chang Hongxi gasped and said, "Cough cough ...... Okay, you really broke up, and I believe you.
I'll send you the list of people watching around her, and you personally go and remove them. Zhao family
side of the matter, you must do your best to get. Child, I am doing it for your own good. You will
understand me later."
                "Understand your sister." Qin Ming inwardly slandered: "Arbitrarily arrange my life, that is not
good for me, but let me live uncomfortable."

                Qin Ming hung up the phone, Song Ying's side also quickly got the news, Qin Ming let Song
Ying go to arrange people off, all get away.

                Nie Haitang, far away in Beijing, suddenly had a terrible thing happen, three girls in his
dormitory were suddenly withdrawn from school, two teachers and the security guards at the entrance of
the family's apartment, and the receptionist lady of the big brother's new company, all suddenly resigned
from the job without any reason, and the people disappeared that day.

                When those people disappeared, Nie Haitang was also frightened enough, she vaguely guessed
that Qin Ming was responsible, those people may be the killers who spied on her, she did not expect that
Chang Hongxi had placed so many people around her and her family.

                She marveled at the magnitude of Chang Hongxi's ability and very frightening tactics.

                "Qin Ming, you must be careful." Nie Haitang silently prayed for Qin Ming again in her heart,
"I'm waiting for the day when you, take control of the whole situation."

                Although she did not know much, Nie Haitang's sixth sense told her that Qin Ming's situation
was not as good as it seemed. Qin Ming, who was in crisis, had to go on a blind date with a woman he did
not like in order to save her.

                Nie Haitang said silently, "I have to become strong as soon as possible, I can't just rely on Qin
Ming, otherwise he's going to be snatched away by Mu Xiaoqiao."

                Qin Ming was also in a slightly better mood after he got the people arranged by his righteous
father, Chang Hongxi, away from Nie Haitang.

                Qin Ming said to himself, "This is perhaps the gentry family, for the sake of power and status,
children are all pawns, the sacrifices of the gentry. However, my life is up to me, not to others. Godfather,
it's time for you to retire, this world belongs to the young people."

                Qin Ming walked alone on the campus road, his brain calculating a series of plans.
                He wanted to seize power, he could not wait until Chang Hongxi died of illness, and his
righteous father Chang Hongxi now wanted the old Buddha must have clamped down on Qin Ming.

                This matter of cancer has a great uncertainty, so Qin Ming is always subject to Chang Hongxi.

                He wants to control the power of the big boss of the Huan Yu Century Group as soon as
possible, if not all, at least so that he can have the capital to call the shots with Chang Hongxi.

                After this incident, Qin Ming is incomparably eager to get power, from becoming the heir of the
world's richest man, after his first taste of power, to now being restricted, this feeling of power being
restricted, makes Qin Ming very uncomfortable.

                He longed to be the only one, the only one of the super enterprise, the pinnacle of power, the
Huan Yu Century Group.

                No power, even the girl he likes can not protect, how suffocating.

                At night, Qin Ming obeyed Feng Dongxiang's arrangement, and he went on a blind date with the
girl sent by the Zhao family for the second time.

                Feng Dongxiang's arrangement came faster than expected, but Qin Ming did not have much of a
problem with it, the sooner it was resolved, the sooner his plans were carried out.

                Feng Dongxiang is still the same, unsmiling, dressed in ancient style, he saw Qin Ming,
introduced: "Young master, the girl who came this time is very significant, is the direct grandson of the
Zhao family Zhao Zhen, called Zhao Xinran, age is one year younger than you, since childhood in the
British aristocratic Miss school, majoring in finance and economics, she grew up living abroad, her
personality is also inclined to European and American women, she has the ability to men promiscuous
relationship between men and women is more acceptable, very much in line with your philandering

                "......" Qin Ming is speechless, Feng Dongxiang you can really find a woman for Laozi.
                Seriously, Qin Ming feels that he is not philandering, he has always liked Nie Haitang, but the
trip to Xiangxi, his heart and quietly more than a Mu Xiaoqiao, but spare, Qin Ming still feel that the two
women can only choose one, so there is now such a situation for the two women waiting for him.

                As a result, Feng Dongxiang directly arranged a western-minded woman for him, which can be
considered considerate.

                It was the same private room where he had a blind date with Zhao Yuxin last time, and it was
still the same musical procession, but this time Qin Ming had an extra bouquet of flowers in his hand.

                Qin Ming walked in with a bouquet of flowers and saw a curly-haired girl at the tea table, with
an outstanding figure and appearance, worthy of the word "beautiful".

                And the other side of the face has a strong flavor of books and volumes, quite like close.

                "Zhao Xinran, hello, my name is Qin Ming." Qin Ming politely handed over a bouquet of blue

                Zhao Xinran carefully examined Qin Ming once, received the flowers, crossed her legs and
asked playfully, "Thank you for the flowers. I heard my sister Yu Xin say that you are very philandering
and even wet kissed your female subordinate in front of her."

                Qin Ming laughed: "I didn't like her much at that time, I just wanted to find an excuse quickly
and get rid of her."

                Zhao Xinran said, "Oh? You send me flowers, this is to see me? How do you know if I like you
or not? It's obvious that you are the one who approached our Zhao family for marriage, and the initiative is
on my side. My initial impression of you is not good."

                Qin Ming smiled and said, "Indeed, I have no merits, and I was forced to come to the match. If
Miss Zhao doesn't like it, there's nothing I can do."

                Zhao Xinran said, "But then, if I don't go on a blind date with you, I will also go on a blind date
with others, what with the Qin family, the Bai family, the Wang family ...... some magnificent families, my
fate is all arranged by my parents. I also can only be short in the tall."
                Qin Ming heart slander: "Since you know you can not help yourself, but also so many opinions?
Don't talk as if I value you."

                Zhao Xinran added: "I heard that the condition you offered to my sister Yu Xin is to guarantee
the wealth and the status of your wife, and after the marriage, each play their own game, right?"

                Qin Ming nodded, "Do you feel appropriate about this condition?"

                Zhao Xinran nodded and said, "I am more concerned about the one of each playing their own
game after marriage. I also like freedom, I don't like to be tied down."

                Qin Ming was stunned and asked rhetorically, "Then what do you mean?"

                Zhao Xinran said, "What I mean is, let's get a license sometime. I want to live on 100 million
pounds a month after marriage, that's not too much, right? If you want to live as husband and wife, you
have to inform me beforehand, if you need, I will not refuse you, and I will only give you two children.
The rest you can't control me."

                Poof ...... Qin Ming inwardly a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

                Feng Dongxiang you found me a real extreme ah!

Chapter 468
Zhao Xinran said naturally: "After the marriage, I naturally do not care about your business, you love to
screw with which woman is free to you, the same you can not control what I go to do. You also have to
sign a prenuptial agreement, about the law. Also, if you if you want to divorce, have to compensate me not
less than a trillion breakup fee."

                Qin Ming slyly turned back and stared at Feng Dongxiang, staring at Feng Dongxiang's heart, it
was clear that Qin Ming was angry.

                Qin Ming is not so angry, it is just a show, he just feel some disgust, so scum of the woman, he
counted to see.

                Feng Dongxiang also slightly embarrassed, he knew that this has been in foreign noble schools
to study Miss Zhao open-minded, but did not expect to open to this extent.
                Feng Dongxiang thought: "It looks like tonight is not a deal. Alas, how did the Zhao family raise
such a woman? If Zhao Songzhi knows that his youngest daughter has become like this, I am afraid he will
be so angry that he will vomit blood."

                However, Qin Ming said, "No problem, that's fine, I have no problem with that."

                Zhao Xinran was stunned, then asked, "You have no problem then, good, then when will we get

                Qin Ming said, "As you like, but the process of marriage may be complicated, after all, my
identity and your identity are not simple, this is a matter of great influence, you wait for me to arrange, I
will inform you, I personally still want to finish my studies first, just get an engagement ceremony first,
when I graduate, we will get married, how about it?"

                Zhao Xinran responded, "Okay, everything is at your disposal."

                Qin Ming smiled faintly and said, "Okay, I'll excuse myself for a moment."

                Qin Ming led Feng Dongxiang to his office and said, "Feng Lao, look at the success of today's
blind date, you are responsible for the communication with the Zhao family side."

                Feng Dongxiang frowned and asked, "Young master, why do I feel that you are a bit reluctant?
Is Miss Xinran really okay? The Zhao family has many other excellent women, this one doesn't like it, in
fact, you can still change to the next one."

                Qin Ming said, "No, just this one. See how liberal she is, how open-minded she is, marriage is
just a trade of interests, and she doesn't need to risk her life. Besides, I do need the Zhao family's support,

                Feng Dongxiang was depressed, he couldn't hear whether Qin Ming was telling the truth or the

                However, he said, "Young master, since you are willing to marry Miss Zhao Xinran, then I have
no objection, Miss Xinran is Zhao Zhen's eldest son, Zhao Songzhi's youngest daughter, and is very much
loved. It is estimated that soon, inside the highest board of directors, the Zhao family will also support the
young master to inherit the group, the young master's support rate will reach more than 70%.
Congratulations to the young master."

                Qin Ming smiled lightly, "Oh, men, they always have to grow up, profit is everything, power is
the most important, right? Giving up impractical love and embracing power is the right thing to do."

                After Qin Ming finished, he asked curiously, "Then Zhao Zhen is the head of the Zhao family in

                Feng Dongxiang said, "Yes young master, Zhao Zhen is the most important person in the Zhao
family, and his words are the most useful. Not to hide from the young master, I was also once his student."

                Qin Ming's heart moved, rub miles, no wonder you guys are so biased Zhao family, so there is
this layer of relationship.

                Feng Dongxiang immediately said again: "However, I am absolutely loyal to the young master.
After all, I'm still one of the group's four elders, I followed Chang Lao early on to fight. Since Chang Lao
is going to let Young Master inherit the group, I will also serve Young Master well."

                "Heh." Qin Ming sneered in his heart, when I find the opportunity, I will take you down.

                Qin Ming said, "Well, you prepare two gifts for me, one for Miss Zhao who came all the way to
the match, and one to send to the Zhao family, we have settled this marriage for the time being, when I
graduate, I will marry Zhao Xinran for the wedding."

                Feng Dongxiang asked, "Young master no longer chat with Miss Zhao?"

                Qin Ming said coldly, "We have already agreed to get married, what else is there to talk about?
You ask her if she wants to sleep with me tonight, come up if she sleeps with me, if not, I will make
arrangements early."

                "Yes." Feng Dongxiang frowned, Qin Ming this look is too dude, no usual personality, but he
can only go do as he is told.

                At this time, the matchmaking ceremony living room toilet, Zhang Xinran to the toilet mirror,
red face, wash a few times with cold water, exhaling.
                "I can't believe I could say such a humiliating thing, it's so humiliating."

                Zhang Xinran patted her cheeks and muttered, "What to do, what to do? I'm such a scum girl, but
he agreed? Is that person a psycho? He agreed to spend 100 million pounds a month? Rich is great ah?"

                "Oooh ...... didn't sister Yu Xin say that it was easy to talk about the collapse?" Zhang Xinran bit
his lips, very upset rolled his eyes, said: "Yu Xin sister originally intended to marry this Qin Shao change
the status of the family, but I was forced by parents to come ah. Ah ...... why he likes scum girls? I should
have known that I pretended to be a good girl."

                At this time, someone came in outside the toilet, not exactly Song Ying?

                Song Ying politely asked, "Miss Zhao, our young master asked if you want to sleep with him

                The corners of Zhao Xinran's mouth twitched, and then calmly took out cosmetics to fix her
makeup, and only after a while said, "No, I am not physically convenient today. What other formation
arrangements does he have?"

                Song Ying said, "Our young master said there are no other arrangements, the engagement
ceremony we will arrange and discuss with your Zhao family, Miss Zhao can continue to go back to
Eikoku to carry out her studies, or stay in Guangzhou to play."

                Zhao Xinran said, "Alright, I know, arrange a private jet for me, I will return to Eiguo later."

                Song Ying slightly owed and turned to leave, Zhao Xinran saw her leave and then let out a big
sigh of relief and said, "Tch, this man is crazy, right? Want to whoring for nothing? Money is great, huh?
Ah ...... do I, Zhao Xinran, really want to marry a man I don't like?"

                After Song Ying arranged for Zhang Xinran's private plane back to Eungoku, she went to report
back to Qin Ming.

                Qin Ming nodded, completely unconcerned about going on a formality-like blind date, and said,
"Good job, this way, righteous father won't interfere with what I'm doing in the short term, and my
business will have to start right away."
                Song Ying asked, "Does the young master have any plans?"

                Qin Ming said, "I want to change people, within a month, all the important management cadres
of all the domestic industries in China are to be replaced with people who only listen to my orders, and all
the old guys within the group are to be replaced. It seems like young people like Zhou Yu, Qi Minghui, Qi
Mingxun, just promote more and instill the idea that I am their boss."

                Qin Ming said, and pointed to an updated document on the countertop, said: "Look, the people
who are spying on Nie Haitang this time are all arranged by Xuanyuan Wu. Xuan Yuan Wu is also an old
man of the group, following his righteous father for many years, his righteous father gave orders to him, he
did not even inform me, this Xuan Yuan Wu must be removed. Whether it is the assassination squad, or
the head of business, there must be a clear understanding that in the future, they can only listen to my Qin
Ming's orders alone, and report all things to me first."

                Song Ying was silent for a moment and said, "Young master, there are many reserve cadres, they
are all very young, most of them feel that young master and Chang Lao are in the same lineage, if they are
properly trained, they can indeed make them completely loyal to you. But some important positions of the
elderly, suddenly removed, the impact is very big, especially the assassination team in the small captain,
suddenly find someone to replace, too difficult."

                Qin Ming's heart moved and asked his personal bodyguard, Ah Long, "Ah Long, do you have
any good comrades to come over and take Xuan Yuan Wu's place?"

                Ah Long said, "Yes, there are two of them, they are very good retired special forces soldiers,
recently discharged and are planning to do something. Young master, how about I recruit the people for

                Qin Ming slapped his thighs and said, "Yes, come as many as you can collect."

                Once a son of God, Qin Ming, after letting go of his children's personal feelings, listened to
Chang Hongxi's matchmaking arrangements, got engaged to Zhao Xinran, the direct son of the Zhao
family, and began a radical reform.

                At this time, in an old mansion in Beijing, Zhao Songzhi walked into an ancient, stately and
atmospheric study with the news of his youngest daughter's successful match with Qin Ming.
                Standing in the doorway, Zhao Songzhi said to an elder in an old suit who was reading a
document at the desk, "Dad, Xinran's match with Chang Hongxi's illegitimate son was successful, and
Feng Dongxiang asked us to discuss the engagement ceremony."

                The elder who was reading the document stopped moving, his hair was white, his eyes were
shining, but his face looked like he had just entered his old age, he was officially the master of the Zhao
family, Zhao Zhen.

                Zhao Zhen said indifferently, "Let me see the information."

                Zhao Songzhi immediately handed over some not quite correct information about Qin Ming.

                Zhao Zhen took a glance at Qin Ming's picture and said, "Hmm? How come it looks a little bit
like your fourth brother's son, Zhao Zhengyan?"

Chapter 469-470
 Chapter 469
"Lao Si?" Zhao Songzhi was slightly surprised, why did his father mention the fourth oldest at this time?

                The fourth son, Zhao Songli, was not born to the same mother as him, that is, his father had sex
with a famous model outside, and had a low status in the Zhao family, but the fourth mother and son were
also relatively smart, and had no intention to compete for the family assets and the helm of the Zhao Group
from the beginning.

                Zhao Songli has been in business for many years and has two sons and one daughter, and has
had some success in business. In order to avoid speculation about competing for the family fortune, the
Zhao Songli family does not return to the Zhao family home on New Year's Day.

                In addition to the once a year grandfather's birthday, basically do not see people, come and do
not stay overnight, the same day to leave the same day.

                Zhao Songzhi is still quite comfortable with his brother, not to threaten him.

                He said: "Dad, people have similarities, things have similarities, this is not surprising. This
Chang Hongxi's illegitimate son named Qin Ming, a senior student at the Canton City University of
Technology, I investigated his background, it seems to have been raised by an ordinary farmer in Baishui
Town before being discovered, nothing special, loved to fight as a child, came to the big city also
obliterated as a crowd, is Chang Hongxi suddenly found him."

                Sitting on the book table, Zhao Zhen wrinkled his face and said, "Chang Hongxi that old fox,
huh, now sick to death, waiting for the sky to harvest it. This kid named Qin Ming, he hides deep enough,
but what can he do at a young age? Let's send someone to investigate him in detail again first."

                Zhao Songzhi nodded and responded, "I have already asked someone to make arrangements.
Father, what about the external statement of the marriage, just proceed normally? Xinran and this boy first
held an engagement ceremony, and this boy said that he would wait until after he graduated before getting

                Zhao Zhen said, "Well, it's hard for this child Xinran. She's a good kid, you didn't force her to
go, did you?"

                Zhao Songzhi shook his head and said, "Not at all. She said she has grown up and has to do
something for her family, a small sacrifice is nothing, the family's longevity is what matters."

                After saying that, Zhao Songzhi vainly pressed his eyes down, not to look directly at his father,
because he was the one who forced Zhao Xinran to go on a blind date with Qin Ming, because he felt that
this was his chance to make merit.

                His father is already a handful of years old, and the position of the Zhao family's helmsman, he,
as the eldest son, is bound to win.

                Now that Chang Hongxi of the Huan Yu Century Group has to fall at a critical moment, the
alliance system of the highest board of directors may have to reshuffle, although very suddenly launched a
young kid Qin Ming, but the future can not be predicted by anyone.

                But he only needs to do well during this time, so that the Zhao family profits, then the Zhao
family helm position, he Zhao Songzhi can sit on.

                Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "It is also because you have educated well. The engagement
ceremony between Xinran and Qin Ming, you should organize it, and just treat it as the normal way for our
Zhao family to marry their daughter."
                Zhao Songzhi nodded and said, "Okay dad. By the way, Dad, our Chinese side of the interests of
the group is getting less and less, last quarter is even let us go to that Qin Ming to ask, when you said not
to question for the time being. But soon the third quarter financial report will come out, the entire Asia and
even the Pacific part of the island's revenue distribution, or did not say hello to us."

                Zhao Zhen said, "What? Two quarters, only a few hundred billion dollars, and you can not sit
still? Don't underestimate Chang Hongxi, he has all the skills of his old man, Chang Dekai, whose skills I
also scorned back then. Chang Hongxi is also a talent, is also an old fox, can not be underestimated."

                Zhao Songzhi said, "But Dad, now the group distribution is more and more unstructured to say.
Although Chang Hongxi controls the power, the interests are nominally the group's, but in reality he still
has the say? Now he wants to let that Qin Ming inherit, we should step in and not let that Qin Ming take it
so comfortably."

                Zhao Zhen shook his head and said, "Not only China and Asia, but Oceania, eu, and Southern
Magnesia's third quarter financial reports were all handed over to that bastard. It seems to be that kid is
new and good at bullying. But the latest news, we in the assassination squad "nail" all pulled, some
important aerospace technology and energy industry important management, our people were also
replaced, the boy means is not simple."

                Zhao Zhen tossed the document he had been looking at to his son.

                Zhao Songzhi took it and looked at it, it was the document of the recent personnel transfer within
the group issued by the Huan Yu Century Group. 60% of the people in it were the secretly planted "nails"
of the Zhao family, and coincidentally, all of them were replaced by Qin Ming.

                Zhao Songzhi frowned deeply and said: "How did he find out? This Xuanyuan Wu ...... has been
lurking for fifty years, how can ...... this ...... be no different from the retirement pension."

                Zhao Zhen tapped his fingers on the desktop and said in a deep voice: "I guess things are not that
simple, Chang Hongxi the old fox is really letting go and giving up power, it really looks like life is not
long. He is worried that his illegitimate son, Qin Ming, will not be able to sit still, so he wants to marry
with our Zhao family. This has both advantages and disadvantages for both of us."
                Zhao Songzhi said, "How about another set-up like cousin Zhao Turnip? Our Xinran is smart
and clever, it shouldn't be much of a problem to manipulate a dirt boy who was raised in the countryside."

                Zhao Zhen chided with an expressionless face, "How many times have I said, don't be arrogant
and don't think everyone is so stupid and think they are smart. I arranged for Zhao Turnip to marry Chang
Hongxi also took a lot of effort, this Qin Ming ...... is not simple from his face. If only my senior brother
Zhang Quanzhen was around."

                Zhao Songzhi said, "Zhang Zhen Zhen ...... heard that a while ago to help the Xiangxi Lin family
to survive a disaster. The Lin family is not as good as a year, but the thin camel is bigger than the horse,
the old Qin family to engage him, but still Zhang Zhen Zhen help to set things right. Dad you want to find,
I sent someone to find."

                I don't know how, Zhao Zhen suddenly jumped like thunder, angry cursing: "Find what find?
Did I say to look for it? You have to ask others for everything, are you all trash? Wait and see first, don't
make a rash move, behave in a low profile."

                Zhao Songzhi was scolded for no reason, but he didn't dare to have half a word back, so he
obediently answered a few times and went out.

                Zhao Songzhi went out of the study and sighed. When his sister talked about Zhang Zhen Zhen,
his father would jump like a thunderstorm, and he didn't know why.

                However, Zhao Songzhi didn't care about that.

                He muttered: "Now I take the initiative, no matter what happens to that Qin Ming in the future,
my daughter is his wife, or deal with his relationship, I will have a say in the Zhao family side, the greater
my chances of inheriting the Zhao family in the future. Oh, our Xinran is beautiful and pleasing, the
second brother's daughter Zhao Yuxin can be far worse, or illegitimate daughter, oh, the identity is a big

                At this time, Guangcheng City, after Qin Ming gave the order, Song Ying also followed his
instructions to promote a large number of young people, and let Qin Ming do a lot of meetings and
                For a month, all the provincial team leaders of Huan Yu Century Group in China were removed
for various reasons and replaced one after another with a group of young, energetic new faces.

                Qi Yundong, the head of the industry in charge of the Guang province, was not replaced, and
Qin Ming was more or less scrupulous about Qi Yundong.

                Zhou Yu under Hou Qing, Qin Ming also directly promoted to the north to go with Qi Mingxun,
stabilize the profits of the industries and business operations, to avoid too many personnel transfers,
affecting the whole of China, the business linkage operation of the north and south.

                Qi Ming Hui directly promoted to the Southeast Asia region of the industry's general team
leader, replacing the position of the original Songsan Ticha.

                The two brothers of the Chi family can now be described as very much valued by Qin Ming.

                And the blonde girl Corrie? Olsen set up an independent intelligence company, specializing in
providing Qin Ming with a variety of information, especially the Zhao family's intelligence.

                This month is also Qin Ming's busiest days, every now and then meet with the reserve cadres and
promoted cadres, give them a big pie, let them show their loyalty.

                And this process, Chang Hongxi did not have any objections.

                This day, Qin Ming very tired lying on the soft sofa, a long breath, the hand about his
engagement with Zhao Xinran schedule to the side, pick up the phone, looking at the screen wallpaper

                Qin Ming squeezed the phone hard and said to himself: "As long as I stand tall, stand firm, no
one can influence me. Those who obey me will prosper and those who oppose me will die!"

Chapter 470
On this day, Qin Ming was bare-chested and practicing alone in his dormitory, in a pose with his hands
dragging the top and steadily tying the horse stance.

                Although only thirty minutes, but Qin Ming is already full of sweat, because as he follows the
martial arts guidelines, he must also gulp the air in the lungs, active body qi and blood operation.
                Qin Ming this "kung fu" practice also has more than a month, in addition to seeing a woman
every day on the fire, but also did not feel where there is any change to improve lung capacity?

                Qin Ming is also single for a long time, as a young and vigorous man, every day have to endure,
I thought that practice can forget that aspect of desire, the results of the more difficult to practice the top.

                Qin Ming is very torn about this, and he is not a casual person, can not mess around ah.

                As for the successful marriage fiancée Zhao Xinran, Qin Ming did not even want to look at it, he
has promised Mu Xiaoqiao and Nie Haitang, he will make a choice when things are over on his side.

                He does not want to become a beast that pushes women on sight.

                Even though Zhang Quanzhen once said that his face had changed his fate and his fate was
peachy, Qin Ming believed more than anything else that man is destined to win, and as long as he has the
will to persevere, he will eventually be able to achieve.

                Especially now he is focused on taking care of the group, focusing on the centralization of
power, and recruiting talent everywhere, soon the third quarter financial report will come up, Qin Ming
under the control of the wealth will be more.

                Qin Ming can only get down by making himself tired and busy, so he won't think about so many
messy things.

                Zhang Quanzhen said Qin Ming has not yet become a climate, Qin Ming also very modestly
accepted, he needs to plump up his wings, while also in a low profile,.

                As the saying goes, the gold scales are not a pool of things, once the wind and clouds change
dragon, Qin Ming knows that now is not his chance.

                So Qin Ming put the next six months of their focus on improving their own ability, and gradually
take charge of the group power above.

                Qin Ming is sweating and practicing, suddenly the doorway blew over a wisp of fragrance,
refreshing the soul.
                "Yo, you kid can still tie the horse stance?"

                Qin Ming looked up to see the person, but it was the long-lost police woman, Sun Changxi.

                A month or so has not seen, she has more flowers on her shoulder patch.

                Qin Ming thought to himself, "Is this chick someone above? It doesn't make sense to rise so fast
to be able to do it.

                Qin Ming was just enough to collect his power, he stood up and took a long breath, stretched out
his hands and said, "Cuff me."

                Sun Changxi was stunned, blinked and asked, "I cuff you for what?"

                Qin Ming said, "Then you came to me in your work clothes, it must be that I have committed a

                Sun Changxi smiled: "Haha, you're not going to confess, are you? Well, tell us what crime you
have committed?"

                Qin Ming laughed: "Me? I'm a thief, a thief, a thief, a thief, a thief, a thief, a thief, a thief.


                Sun Changxi lightly knocked Qin Ming in amusement and said, "Tsk, this little mouth of yours
is really the famous human-shaped self-propelled school flower harvesting machine of your school, how
many girls are going to be fooled by you?"

                Qin Ming smiled and said, "At least a beautiful girl like sister Changxi was not fooled by me."

                Sun Changxi said, "All right, you dress me up, last time I did not say yes to invite you to dinner,
I have been busy, I forgot, today just promoted, want to find someone to celebrate, and thought of you."

                Qin Ming slightly surprised, promoted ah? How come he didn't look for his colleagues? Instead
of looking for him?
                But Qin Ming did not think much of it, people are young police superintendent, do not give face

                Qin Ming wiped his body sweat, aside Sun Changxi look at Qin Ming body, sweat, muscle,
strong clothing, all full of manly charm.

                Sun Changxi heart surprised: "He is quite a good body, tsk, skin bronze, you idolize Gu Tianle

                Qin Ming changed his clothes and followed count Sun Changxi out, saying, "Sister Changxi, you
look really beautiful in uniform, and your body is really good. You asked me out, not afraid of boyfriend

                Sun Changxi said: "I do not have a boyfriend, who is jealous? Tsk, you bad boy, prying about
me, right? Do you want to get my ideas? Do you know that I went into your school, looking for you all the
way, asked three boys, two girls, they all gave me advice that you are a scum, told me to be careful, are
worried that I was cheated by you."

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "So I'm a stealer, heart, thief and thief, yes. Sister Changxi don't fall
in love with me, I'm not responsible for anything."

                Sun Changxi laughed and said, "Look how proud you are of yourself, not just invite you to
dinner. Last time to catch the lecture as a cover for a large gang of crooks, you helped me, a man must be
faithful to his word, I can not give forget you this meal."

                Qin Ming's heart moved, once he talked about the last time, he also dressed up as a man and
went to a hot spring with a group of beautiful women.

                At that time, he was also misunderstood by Chen Mulin and touched her breast.

                That soft whirring feel, he can not wrap his hand full of plump, Qin Ming has not forgotten.

                And Sun Changxi's body also seems to be very hot and impressive.
                Especially in uniform, waistline, long legs are outlined, Qin Ming could not help but peek a few
eyes, chest that bulge up really too seductive, Qin Ming are like touching a hand, but he did not dare ah.

                The two of them don't meet often, but they get along very well and are familiar with each other,
ordering a bunch of things and beer.

                Qin Ming east and west to ask Sun Changxi catching thieves some interesting stories.

                Suddenly the roadside suddenly came a Bentley car, the car got off a dominant suit man, he held
a bouquet of flowers directly towards Sun Changxi.

                Qin Ming's eyebrows narrowed, feeling that something big is not good.

                Sun Changxi saw the visitor and said, "What a spoiler, the match arranged by my family has
been bugging me for days. I didn't expect that I would hide here and find him."

                Qin Ming bit into the chicken wings and said with a smile, "Sister Changxi, why don't I pretend
to be your boyfriend and let you get rid of him?"

                Sun Changxi gave him a blank look and said, "I'm single, I'm single, it's not like I'm not visible,
why should I ask you to impersonate me and bother you to be a shield? Doyu! He's a gentleman, he won't
taunt you or hit you, don't worry about it, it's just too, too annoying."

                Qin Ming laughed, he had seen this kind of situation a lot, fighting and jealousy, which can have
a good ending? But Qin Ming is not in a hurry, he has long been different from the past, we the world's
richest man afraid of you a rich second generation?

                The man sent the flowers to Sun Changxi, said: "Changxi, congratulations on your promotion to
the police station branch chief of the Dagang District."

                Qin Ming heart a loud 'crap', this Sun Changxi is only how old, but even a succession of

                Sun Changxi under the flower, said: "Thank you, but I'm eating with friends. Huang Shaohao,
please don't disturb us can you?"
                Huang Shaohao smiled and said, "Yes, I'll open another table next to you, you guys eat your
food, I'll eat mine. When you're done eating, I can drive you back, you see the typhoon is coming, it's not
good if it rains later. Boss, open a table for me and have a grilled fish."

                Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, he was actually ignored? Turtle, at this time this Huang Shao
should not be disliking him and mocking him as a poor? Pan Ke Xaek

                Sun Changxi was speechless and covered her forehead, saying, "Look, this person has to send
me back, is it annoying?"

                Qin Ming smiled badly and said, "Sister Changxi, he might be afraid that I will get you drunk
and send you to the hotel."

                Sun Changxi feigned anger and said, "Qin Ming you bad boy, do you have the guts to do that?
You wouldn't dare to give you a bear's heart and a leopard's guts."

                Instead, Qin Ming broke the pot and smiled, "Sister Changxi, if you dare to get drunk, I dare to
go to the hotel."

                Sun Changxi "angry" waved her fist, said Qin Ming you pay attention to me, and then nonsense
to eat bitter.

                She added: "Do you have a way to kick him out? I have rejected him many times, but he is oil
and salt, has been very gentleman, very patient. I don't want to get married so early, I still want to continue
fighting for my career, and I've been annoyed by the family arrangement for days."

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "That's not simple, let him know that he lost and can't beat me, isn't
that the end of it? I've seen a lot of this kind of rich generation, just like to hit people's faces with money,
sister Chang Xi, don't worry, look at me."

Chapter 471-472
 Chapter 471
"Heh~ Heh, just you?" Sun Changxi drank a glass of beer and teased, "Not that I'm looking down on you,
but you don't have the ability to get rid of him."
                Qin Ming asked rhetorically, "Why not me? Sister Chang Xi, you are too underestimating me,

                Sun Changxi said, "I can't even get rid of him, you want to try? No violence and immoral means,
you can get him away, I will drink this case of Pearl River beer, you can not do you drink this case of

                Qin Ming's heart moved, he recently a month or so also happened to be studying Zhang
Quanzhen left him the "autobiography book", Qin Ming has finished reading, is basically Zhang Quanzhen
early years in China around the travel and fight some foolish examples.

                As the saying goes, there is a way to cheat, not to cheat people is his way.

                But this "cheat" is not the real cheat, but in helping people to break the deadly harmless means,
this boundary is the most difficult to control, lies in the set of whether the adherence to the heart of a naked
son, once gone astray, is the real art of harming people.

                Qin Ming felt that he learned more than a month, still can not get away from you a rich second
generation, that will lose Zhang Quanzhen people.

                Qin Ming carried two cans of beer over, handed a bottle to the other side, said with a smile on
his face: "Huang Shao? Hello, my name is Qin Ming, Chang Xi's little boyfriend."


                The side of Sun Changxi a mouthful of beer all spewed out, she that man-eating eyes, really
want to tear Qin Ming, you bastard, not to give me rumors? Are you not the son-in-law of the Mu family?
The last time the Mu family infighting happened, I still saw it.

                "It's true that the school has a poor reputation, this Qin Ming looked a serious look"

                However, Qin Ming did not care so much, he is that this Huang Shaohao try their skills.

                But Huang Shaohao was calm and politely reported a smile and said, "Hello, my name is Huang
Shaohao. I know you, you are a friend of Zhang Zhen Zhen, my brother had suffered from you in the
Xiangxi Lin Clan's Tuzhai, so I have seen your picture."
                The Lin family's earthwork that Huang Shao?

                Qin Ming immediately had an impression, the white suit, dragged to death, looked down on him
as a son-in-law, and then was starved for two days at the entrance to the cottage with the bodyguards
waiting for death look of Huang Shao, did not expect those people to be so vindictive, but also widely sent
photos? Make a group to discuss how to deal with us?

                Huang Shaohao said again: "Are you not the son-in-law of the Mu family? Oh, Changxi, your
new boyfriend has a wife, you know?"

                Sun Changxi cursed: "He is not my boyfriend. Qin Ming you come back, don't be embarrassed."

                Shit, this is a shame.

                It's really not a good thing that it's the brother of the young man Huang, and the photo was taken

                In this way, fooling around is not going to work.

                Qin Ming looked at Huang Shaohao, good and neat, winning look, and not afraid of Qin Ming's

                Qin Ming explained, "You should not know, I got divorced last month, because I want to be with
Changxi, do not believe me, you can go to the police station to check, absolutely no false."

                Sun Changxi heart, immediately pull out the phone to ask colleagues to investigate, this check is
really divorced.

                Sun Changxi heart can not understand, wide city Mu family she also know, wide city's old rich
family, that Miss Mu look very beautiful, is also very good businesswoman, how divorced?

                But she is not a gossipy woman, and did not want to look deeper.
                Qin Ming said again: "Huang Shao, slim ladies gentleman martyr, I am a gentleman, but you do
not see it anymore, people Chang Xi have said let you go, you are still in the way here what? Not to make
her unhappy? Not to prevent us from getting a room later?"

                "Qin Ming, you're a dead man! Who wants to go to a room with you?" When Sun Changxi heard
this, her face was red with shame, and she was so angry that her tits were about to explode, and a beer can
was thrown at her.

                Qin Ming hurried a poop, bang, just hit Huang Shaohao forehead, also splashed him a booze.

                "Aiya ah ......" Qin Ming cheap laugh: "Chang Xi sister, I'm kidding, you are so nervous to do
what? Look, the person Huang Shao clothes dirty."

                Qin Ming picked up the dirty rag on the countertop to Huang Shaohao clean clothes wipe, Huang
Shaohao clean push away, and with Qin Ming pull away a certain distance, said, "Enough, you guys eat
your bar. Qin Ming is right? I'm not in your way to pick up girls, what do you care about me? I still can't
eat here?"

                Qin Ming's heart secretly nodded in praise, this guy really good connotation, this can withstand.

                Huang Shaohao said blandly: "Or do you want to compare hard conditions with me? See that
Bentley? I bought it with my own money, I didn't rely on my family for a penny. Don't hate the rich, and
not every rich person takes ordinary people like you seriously."

                The rubric, so just condition?

                It seems to be really a quality rich second generation ah.

                However, Qin Ming listened to this heart wow gas ah, this guy's attitude, but really not the usual
arrogant, completely in the eyes of no one.

                Huang Shaohao a then wipe the face of the beer while saying: "I am not afraid that you can steal
Chang Xi. Because I know very well what kind of person Chang Xi likes, people like you are just her
ordinary friends, he likes a "man" like me!"

                Saying that, Huang Shaohao took off his clothes and revealed his strong muscles.
                Huang Shaohao proudly said, "Can you protect Changxi?"

                Sun Changxi speechlessly rolled her eyes, she just like to watch boxing fighting, just to learn,
how in Huang Shaohao here became like muscle fierce man?

                Sun Changxi couldn't help but remember just now in Qin Ming's dormitory, watching him in the
horse stance, she instead liked Qin Ming's physique, not thin, not fat, not too much muscle, but also a bit of
fighting leaving scars, appeared to be a man with a story.

                After Huang Shaohao sold his muscles, while dressing, he said: "Than career you do not have,
than physical quality you can not, than the mouth? Indeed, your mouth is annoying enough."

                Tsk, completely flattened.

                Sun Changxi said while drinking and laughing: "Hahaha, Qin Ming, you have no choice, right?
The teacher came over and drank this case of beer. Huang Shaohao, you bullying a student is too much."

                Huang Shaohao smiled: "I did not bully him? I am giving him a small lesson, so that he
understands his smallness, our circle is too high for him to climb."

                Turtle, these words made Qin Ming nameless fire.

                Qin Ming stretched out his right hand and said, "Huang Shao, be a man and don't say your words
too full, or else you'll lose a mess and not know why. Your muscles are protein powder eaten out? Have
the ability to arm-wrestle with me? I lose, I'll ask my secretary to drive my Rolls Royce over and get out
immediately. If you lose, give me the Bentley, I'll take sister Chang Xi to get high for one night."

                The corner of Huang Shaohao's mouth lifted and said, "Oh, I'm taking protein powder for this
muscle? Really ignorant and fearless. Just compare! But do you have a Rolls Royce? Don't brag."

                Qin Ming laughed: "Then if you win me, won't you know I'm not bragging again? I'm afraid you
don't have that ability."

                The two wanted to compete in arm wrestling, and Sun Changxi came to be an impartial person.

                She pressed the two men's hands that were grasping together and said, "Okay, are you two

                Huang Shaohao proudly raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Changxi, I'm ready to go with
you later to celebrate your promotion."

                Sun Changxi smacked her lips speechlessly, why is this man so annoying.

                Qin Ming also followed to sell good behavior, said: "Changxi sister's, later we drive Bentley to
the Bund for a drive, ouch ...... I do not have a driver's license it."

                Sun Changxi smiled, scolded: "You win say you, look at you proud of it. Okay, three, two, one,

                With a command, Qin Ming vainly felt a tremendous force coming from his wrist, to crush his

Chapter 472
Although Qin Ming was prepared, but still by Huang Shaohao this rich kid's wrist strength to a jump, this
is really not eat protein powder eat out, this is the muscle out of training.

                But Qin Ming did not feel the effort at all!

                This surprised Qin Ming, if it was before, Huang Shaohao's arm strength I'm afraid to make Qin
Ming very difficult to cope with, this guy must exercise every day, Qin Ming messed up to lose.

                But the last month or so Qin Ming practiced the martial arts guidelines given by that Zhang
Quanzhen, day and night practice, but found that his muscle strength improved, usually did not feel, this
time a comparison, Qin Ming felt it.

                Huang Shaohao was very hard at first, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake Qin
Ming by half.
                Huang Shaohao face is a little ugly, he again, his left hand dead tug on the corner of a stage, feet
clutching the ground, using the strength of the waist, facial expressions are twisted into a ball.

                Two people this side of the competition, next to some diners are also watching and talking.

                "Oh ...... competition for jealousy ah."

                "Tsk, that rich kid seems to have the upper hand."

                "Silly, don't you see that poor boy hasn't exerted himself yet?"

                "Tsk, the uniform is fake, right? Three flowers hey."

                "How can it be true, look at it is to play uniform seduction, cosplay, now young people are very
popular. But this beauty is really beautiful, the body is also, no wonder these two men fighting for the red

                Qin Ming for the show effect, slightly put a little water, let Huang Shaohao a little bit of pressure
on his arm down, forming a large angle, look like to lose.

                "Ohhh ...... this poor boy still lost ah."

                "Normal, beautiful women are the accompaniment of rich people."

                "Alas, no reverse ah, that rich kid's muscles look terrible ah."

                Sun Changxi listen to the surrounding people do not look at Qin Ming, heart some upset, this
Huang Shaohao she knows, is a fitness expert, muscle strength developed explosive power, Qin Ming is
just a student, can not win normal.

                She said: "Qin Ming, you can not ah? I can't buy this meal?"

                Qin Ming heart happy, he teased Huang Shaohao play it, will not be?

                But when he thought about it, he deliberately pretended to be struggling and said, "Sister
Changxi, you, you have to give me some support ah."
                Sun Changxi crossed her arms, held her chin high and asked, "What support? Don't talk about
something like kissing you a bite, giving you motivation, you kid is really bad, can cheat women ah."

                Qin Ming grinned and said, "How dare I, or sister Changxi you sit on my lap, give me power, I
immediately win to you see."

                Sun Changxi even rolled her eyes, but she has to pay attention to the image, especially around so
many diners, will not do something to damage the image of the police force.

                Sun Changxi shyly "glared" at Qin Ming and said, "To win or lose, be quick, I don't like men
who are stalling."

                When Qin Ming heard this, he seized the opportunity and said, "Oh, Sister Changxi is implying
that I am more alert and I am your type? I get it, I get it."

                Huang Shaohao heard, almost useless force, he coldly snorted: "Slick talker brat, oh, I know, you
want to use this to influence me? Then you have made a mistake. I tell me, instead of influencing me, I'm
even more motivated to win against you. Ahhhhhhh!"

                Huang Shaohao throat issued a low roar, blatantly forceful outburst, naive just a little failed to
press Qin Ming hand to death.

                And this will, Qin Ming opened a beer bottle cap with one hand, he drank while his right arm on
the force, the power to, Huang Shaohao's muscular arm looks fierce, but a little bit was broken back!

                Qin Ming's arm looks to be a thin circle, but it completely rolled over Huang Shaohao.

                "My God, this poor kid just didn't have the power, huh? And he's drinking and arm wrestling at
the same time? Don't you know the big impact?"

                "Oh my God, it's too strong."

                "It's true that the power of love is infinite."

                "Poor boy is going against the odds? Young man you win, your table I will pay for you."
                Sun Changxi just finished Qin Ming, then saw Qin Ming power, see Qin Ming completely
dominate the upper hand, Huang Shaohao in order not to be Qin Ming overwhelmed wrist, is already using
all the strength, full of veins and blood red, in contrast, Qin Ming leisurely drink beer it.

                She was secretly shocked: "Is he not a student? Daily exercise in the dormitory itself, can have
such a good effect? Then the health club will have to close down, right?"


                It only took Qin Ming five seconds to press the fitness expert's thick arm to death on the

                "Wow!" The surrounding crowd let out a cheer, giving the highest praise to the victor.

                Qin Ming easily defeated Huang Shaohao, who was dazed and dumbfounded, his face as silent
as death.

                Huang Shaohao could not believe that he lost, or lost so badly, Qin Ming did not seem to exert
much force, drinking beer to win him?

                He is a year-round fitness, daily one to three is not a problem, how will lose to a thin circle of
college students than him?

                Qin Ming raised his hands and enjoyed the cheers of the crowd, he also squinted at Sun Changxi,
Sun Changxi was not good enough to sit back, think Qin Ming is too crazy, won, look proud of the way,
the tail is up in the air.

                Qin Ming said, "Huang Shao, your Bentley car keys left, take a taxi back."

                Huang Shaohao face gloomy uncertainty, this is a matter of agreement, he clenched his teeth, or
willing to bet to concede, the Bentley car keys down, a sip of beer without saying a word to go, can not
afford to lose this person.

                He was really afraid that Qin Ming would drive a Rolls Royce to hit him in the face later.
                He is proud, so despise Qin Ming such poor college students, do door-to-door son-in-law also
divorced, do not have to ask, must be driven out, this must be how waste? His connotation may be slightly
better, but the arrogance in his bones will not change.

                But once he lost, he felt a great insult to his dignity.

                He lost completely by preference.

                Qin Ming took the keys to the Bentley and sat back, saying with a flourish, "Sister Chang Xi,
look, I'm not getting rid of him? So this case of beer?"

                Sun Changxi slapped her chest, two soft flesh on her chest shaking, said: "Look at you, drink,
drink, just beer, I am willing to bet to lose."

                Qin Ming smiled: "Forget it, drink so much easily drunk, you do not still have to work
tomorrow? I'm just kidding, how can I bear to get you drunk, Sister Changxi?"

                Sun Changxi said boldly, "Just kidding, beer can make me drunk? Do you think I am you? Can't

                Gulp, gulp ...... Sun Changxi rolled up her sleeves and said dry, although it is a small woman, but
character like a real man, say one thing, a can of a can of drink down, now and then to two skewers of
barbecue meat, eat that a cool.

                Drinking a case of bottled beer, Sun Changxi really did not get drunk, only the face is much
rosy, smile more charming good enchanting.

                Only, the two did not immediately go, dinner ate to the night market, the light to the toilet went
to seven or eight trips trip, and drank three cases of beer.

                "Burp ...... drink again." Sun Changxi has been drunk, the two of them around full of beer cans,
the boss is happy, this table of two people, earned almost three thousand dollars.

                Sun Changxi stepped on the table and said, "Qin Ming, I tell you, I just hate it when my family
arranges me here and there, so I came to Guangcheng to fight on my own. You say, this is what era, why
can't a woman do a career, must marry and have children, every day to be a cooking woman? Do you think

                Qin Ming also burped and said, "Yes, sister Chang Xi, your ability is not inferior to men. Why
do you have to listen to your family's arrangement? Me too, my righteous father, on the basis of giving me
everything I have, has made all kinds of arrangements for me, I hate, I hate that I am not strong enough

                "I am not also? If I got promoted faster, my family wouldn't dare to tell me what to do." Sun
Changxi drunkenly said, "Come on, let's change places to drink, you boy good, chatting with you
smoothly, we next the next half of the night field."

                Qin Ming pinched his forehead and shook his head, said, "No ah sister Changxi, drink again we
both have to fall down, go, I will send you back, Ah Long ...... drive, send us back."

                Ah Long, who had been eating at the next table, immediately walked over and said, "Young
master, where to go?"

                Qin Ming shook his head and said, "Go to the Greenway neighborhood, my villa ...... can't really
go to a hotel."

                Ah Long asked suspiciously, "Young master, to buy you a set?"

Chapter 473-474
 Chapter 473
"Buy a fucking set, huh? Ah Long, you're a nasty thinker." Qin Wei gave Ah Long a look and said, "If
someone invited me to dinner and I slept with her, wouldn't I be worse than a beast? Do I look like that
kind of person?"

                Ah Long nuzzled his mouth, thought seriously and laughed: "Young master, aren't you that kind
of person?"

                "Shit! I, Qin Ming, no matter how much I can't help myself and knock myself out, I won't mess
around with her." Qin Ming kicked over, and Ah Long went to the car with a big smile.
                Qin Ming actually did not drink much, but rather sober, Sun Changxi is particularly able to
drink, already drunk, in the back seat of the car hugged Qin Ming a strong confession: "Qin Ming ah, if
you were my father would be good, so I do not have to force me."

                Qin Ming depressed rubbed his forehead, said: "I am still your grandfather, ah ...... Chang Xi
sister you do not pinch me ah."

                "Dad, I'm only so young, I want to do something, I don't want to marry so early, do you
promise?" Sun Changxi was so drunk that she couldn't tell the difference between something northwest,
grabbing Qin Ming's hand just very hard, and the other hand hit Qin Ming wildly.

                "Slap, slap, slap."

                Sun Changxi mouth also muttered: "Do you promise or not? You think you are the old leader is
great? Huh? I can't say you, I still can't hide from you? Still looking for me, and even called that Huang
Shaohao to come over to my blind date? Your old leader is great?"

                Qin Ming dodged while saying, "Sun Changxi, rubbing miles, I am not the father, you do not hit
me, ouch ...... do not pinch my thigh ah, it hurts."

                Qin Ming immediately resisted, grabbed Sun Changxi's hand and pinned him down on the car
seat, but Sun Changxi immediately twisted to break free, and then made a grappling hand, reverse Qin
Ming hand clasped in the back and then pressed Qin Ming, cursed and said, "Reality does not dare to hit
you, I dream still afraid of you?"

                "Dream your sister ...... me ......" Qin Ming is speechless, this wine is too bad, right? Drunk
people are crazy?

                Qin Ming immediately got up and Sun Changxi wrestled into a ball, once again pressed her
underneath, but a pull, but surprisingly her uniform ripped open.

                Once the uniform opened, revealing the purple corset inside, and a piece of snow-white skin, the
hemisphere of the surge and two tender collarbones across the open a line.

                It is obvious that the skin on the chest is whiter, and the neck is tanned to a healthy wheat color.
                "Qin Ming what are you doing?" Somehow, at this time Sun Changxi regained her senses, she
covered her chest with one hand and chided, "How dare you plan to take advantage of my drunkenness to
lay hands on me?"

                "I ......" Qin Ming even rolled his eyes, how can this be explained?

                Qin Ming said, "Sister Chang Xi, it was you who wanted to hit me, I resisted this. You are drunk
and crazy, blame me?"

                "I am not drunk? I am very sober, it is clearly you ......" Sun Changxi discontent to stand up, and
the result "bang" head hit the roof of the car.

                Sun Changxi directly fell into Qin Ming's arms.

                Qin Ming sighed, this finally stopped.

                The car drove to the community villa, Qin Ming carried the person into the guest room to go, and
then back to the master room to sleep by himself.

                But Qin Ming, just put the person down, Sun Changxi a hand to grab him.

                Qin Ming turned around in surprise and said, "Sister Changxi you're awake?"

                "Qin Ming, my head hurts, pour me a glass of water." Sun Changxi propped her head up and
said, "Where is this? You're not really taking me to a hotel, are you?"

                Qin Ming handed over a glass of water and said, "A hotel with this kind of décor? This is my
home, you can sleep in peace, I won't mess around."

                Sun Changxi smiled faintly and said, "I know, thanks. I'm fine, you go to sleep."

                Qin Ming walked out of the room and gently closed the door, then he let out a long breath of
turbulent air, his brain was a little hot.
                Sun Changxi face drunken red, enchanting and charming, especially in uniform, the long legs
under the stockings round and powerful, coupled with her beautiful appearance and temperament, none of
which is very attractive to men.

                Qin Ming has been very restrained.

                She took a cold shower, walked to the villa garden, assumed a zigzag stance with her hands on
top, and then followed the martial arts guidelines for breathing, three deep breaths and one shallow breath.

                Soon Qin Ming was sweating profusely, alcohol evaporating from the pores on his skin.

                Qin Ming used to drink alcohol will migraine, but now will not come, is because of the practice
of such a martial art given by Zhang Quanzhen, his physical quality has been improved.

                Half an hour of persistence, Qin Ming sweat like rain, as if fished up in the water.

                When he nasally closed his hand, he turned around but saw Sun Changxi carrying a bottle of
foreign wine leaning by the gate looking at him.

                "Hey? Sister Chang Xi, you still want to drink?" Qin Ming asked in surprise.

                Sun Changxi said with a smile, "When I was blowing upstairs, I saw you practicing horse stance
in the garden and was curious for a moment. So this is how you won against Huang Shaohao, right? I saw
you breathing in and out, and your chest was puffed up especially, is there anything special about this
breathing? Can you tell me about it?"

                Qin Ming wiped his sweat, his body muscles bulged, his abdomen had four abdominal muscles,
after sweating it looked like his body lines were very androgynous.

                He naturally would not say it explicitly, casually responded: "A Daoist priest from Tiger Dragon
Mountain gave it to me, and said that it can strengthen the body, and a good practice a dozen."

                Sun Changxi laughed: "If you don't want to talk about it, forget it, but you still fight ten?
Fighting is not arm wrestling, relying on brute force."
                Qin Ming approached, Sun Changxi inexplicably took a step back, her eyes did not look at Qin
Ming, but looked at Qin Ming's body, after all, she is also a woman, facing Qin Ming's attractive body line,
a little unable to look away.

                Qin Ming also found Sun Changxi's abnormal, but he is also a man, faced with drunken
charming Sun Changxi, especially the collar of the loose button, a hidden piece of snow-white skin,
especially seductive.

                Qin Ming swallowed his saliva, just after practice, men and women that aspect of the fire is
particularly large, about to resist the impulse.

                Qin Ming shook his head, biting his painful lips, and mentally laughed at himself: "Just now I
swore to Ah Long that I would not make a mistake, and now I can't help it?"

                Qin Ming hurriedly covered his crotch and said, "Sister Changxi I'll go back to rest first, you also
go to bed early."

                Sun Changxi looked at Qin Ming covering his bottom and stepping away in a very comical
posture and couldn't help but laugh: "What a simple man, hiccup ...... but how did he come to such a big
house? Just, I also sleep."

                Qin Ming went back to his room, took a long breath, and fell back to sleep.

                But before he could fall asleep, he heard the door open, Sun Changxi walked in, shaking and
sleeping next to Qin Ming, then one hand over.

                Both of them were stunned, how did they sleep in the same bed?

                "Ah!" Sun Changxi immediately sat up and said, "Qin Ming, you're in the wrong room!"

                Qin Ming hurriedly look around, that shame, but really he went into the wrong room, he
hurriedly climbed up, said: "Sister Changxi do not panic, I'm leaving, ah ......"

                Qin Ming climbed up in a panic, and ended up tripping over Sun Changxi's long legs, Qin Ming's
whole body fell headlong and pressed on Sun Changxi.
                "Boing ......" Sun Changxi was this sudden overwhelming, suddenly felt the body fluttering a
hormonal outbreak, biased Qin Ming head-first on her face, the two lips coincidentally kissed together.

                "Mmm!" A moment both feel each other, and then along with Qin Ming's body a slip, bang,
rolled with the sheet two fell off the bed together.

Chapter 474
Qin Ming never thought that the drunk Sun Changxi did not go to the wrong room, he actually went to the
wrong room?

                But this can't be blamed on him, he had never lived in this villa either.

                In a moment of panic, Qin Ming also accidentally tripped over Sun Changxi's long legs, and he
fell headfirst, right into a kiss with Sun Changxi.

                "Mmmm!!!" The two felt each other's lips for an instant.

                Qin Ming one hand still pressed on top of Sun Changxi chest, that soft elasticity makes his body
more evil fire, abstinence for several months, after Qin Ming practiced the martial arts guidelines given by
Zhang Quanzhen, that aspect of the thought is getting stronger day by day, this kiss, is undoubtedly the
biggest stimulus.

                As the saying goes, wine strengthens the courage of people, wine chaos sage wisdom.

                Qin Ming drank tonight, began to lose his mind a little.

                He knew it was wrong to go further, knew it was a mistake, but still sniffed Sun Changxi's body
fragrance mixed with alcohol, and kissed her together.

                And although Sun Changxi sanity still exists, but only a trace, she is more drunk tonight, has
been single she has not tried the taste of men, Qin Ming this kiss, is her first kiss.

                Also let her open the door to an unknown, untouched new world.
                Qin Ming's impression she is the most profound, the last time the case was solved when the hotel
spa, Qin Ming men dressed as women when the two touched, this moment again by her memories,
recalling the toughness of Qin Ming.

                Sun Changxi facing Qin Ming's offensive, surprisingly a little overwhelmed and try to try the

                Because her drunken brain is also unable to think properly, her body honestly complies with Qin
Ming's demands and counter-claims, and even enjoys.

                Sun Changxi body is not by reason, on its own with Qin Ming, with his touch and kiss, just let
out a few words of little resistance: "Qin Ming, do not ...... you calm some, do not ......"

                But just move your mouth without hands, which is undoubtedly the greatest stimulus and
inspiration for men, Qin Ming lost his mind after drinking, forgetting everything, transformed into a beast,
buried his head in Sun Changxi's arms, buried madly in kissing her snow-white skin.

                "Uh ......" Sun Changxi also gradually feel, eyes confused, she wanted to push Qin Ming away.

                But I don't know why I pushed several times, I couldn't use the force, she knows very well that
it's not her lack of strength, but Qin Ming's taste makes her also some can't resist, especially Qin Ming is
covered in sweat, that muscle bulge up, look intoxicating.

                Qin Ming raised his head, and the unkempt Sun Changxi looked at each other, as if to confirm
something, but also as if he was thinking that he had made a mistake again, it would not be allowed.

                Sun Changxi legs clenched, biting her lips, eyes half squinted, gasping, whispered, "Qin Ming do
not ......"

                Said do not, but she did not have any resistance to the action.

                And Qin Ming looked at the uniform half-untied Sun Changxi, blood burst out, especially her
desire to resist and welcome the gods, as if the secret language of the king to choose.

                Her beauty and the curve of her delicate body, but also full of temptation.
                Qin Ming swallowed, this time, the man's beast instincts prevailed, he forgot the promises he
gave Mu Xiaoqiao and Nie Haitang, and mentally took the excuse that he was already single and leaned
down again.

                Qin Ming reached out but untied Sun Changxi's clothes, one by one, faded off, and finally the
two have been frank, flesh to flesh rolled on the sheets.

                "Qin Ming don't ......" Sun Changxi narrowed her eyes, feeling her body by this not to say love,
but not hate, and not boyfriend, but also more than ordinary friends, but know and not too long, but very
much appreciate the man.

                Perhaps everything is the effect of alcohol.

                Sun Changxi hugged Qin Ming's head and let Qin Ming caress her body, kissing her white skin,
licking her body like a little titty dog.

                Unknowingly, Sun Changxi had already enjoyed in this fish and water pleasure, her legs
clamped on Qin Ming's back.

                "Ah~!" Sun Changxi suddenly felt the tearing pain and screamed out, she grabbed Qin Ming's
arm with both hands in a death grip, her nails were about to pinch into her flesh, she felt Qin Ming had
entered her body, her body was on fire and dripping with fragrant sweat.

                But Sun Changxi's voice is very good, especially she shouted loud and clear, but also to
stimulate the nerves of the beast Qin Ming, so that he is more vigorous.

                Qin Ming then rolled over Sun Changxi's body, the two eyes looking at each other, looking at
each other, Qin Ming's strong and sprint eventually conquered, Sun Changxi closed her eyes, through
never again, replaced by the watery and creamy comfort, she also let herself go, emitting humiliating
shameful sounds, a wave over a wave.

                The window was open and the night breeze brushed by.

                A Bentley under the moonlight, Ah Long is lying in the driver's seat, slightly opened his eyes,
turned back to the villa's windows, shook his head in amusement: "I told you, really fragrant warning,
young master you still do not believe, lonely men and women also drink so much wine, can not happen
something is strange."

                The night passed, Sun Changxi woke up the next day, feeling weak and sluggish, as if being
punched hundreds of times, last night Qin Ming is simply a beast, pressed her to want again and again,
tossing her three times, to the second half of the night before stopping, before willing to let her go.

                Sun Changxi looked again at Qin Ming, who was still sleeping beside her, and the whole person
fell into silence.

                She muttered to herself, "Qin Ming you bastard, look what you you have done ah, Sun Changxi,
you ...... ugh ...... me this is becoming a real woman?"

                Sun Changxi lifted the quilt, and indeed saw a puddle of blood on the bed sheet, her first kiss and
first time were accounted for.

                She never thought in her life would be given to a man who was two years younger than her, and
the other party also he was divorced.

                "So doing that kind of thing is so tasty." Sun Changxi once thought of what happened last night,
suddenly blushed, the first taste of forbidden fruit, want to get out of bed, but feel a little uncomfortable,
walking posture is strange.

                "Ah ...... why does it hurt a little?" Sun Changxi walked a few steps and lay back again, pinching
Qin Ming in shame and anger, "You bastard thing, also I walk uncomfortable."

                Qin Ming was awakened by this pinch.

                He opened his eyes and saw Sun Changxi and said in amazement, "Sister Changxi you have such
a good figure?"

                Sun Changxi was stunned and grabbed the sheet to cover her body in shame, and rebuked, "What
are you looking at?"

                Qin Ming grinned and said, "I didn't see enough last night."
                Sun Changxi's face darkened and her fists clenched in annoyance, "Qin Ming, you want to die,
don't you?"

                Qin Ming hurriedly grabbed his clothes and said, "No, no, no, sister Changxi you were tired last
night, don't go to work today, I'll go buy you breakfast to replenish your strength."

                Qin Ming swallowed his saliva, grabbed his clothes and hurriedly slipped away.

                "Wait a minute!" Sun Changxi immediately called Qin Ming and said, "Qin Ming, what
happened last night, do you regret it?"

                Qin Ming was stunned, so cool thing, after doing it is good to say regret? The most important
thing is that Sun Changxi is such a beautiful policewoman.

                He stood at the door and turned back and said, "No regrets, sister Changxi, we were both drunk
last night, but what happened happened, I will be responsible for you."

                Sun Changxi covered her reddened face and said, "I also tell you, last night I was also, also
responsible, you do not have any psychological burden, are adults, this kind of thing ...... I, I ...... I ...... I've
seen a lot."

                Waste a lot of energy to say something that you do not even recognize in your own heart.

                But Sun Changxi knew that while now must be said, she added: "But we are not a couple, you
just forget what happened last night. Just think of it as a wonderful encounter, don't think too much about
it. After that, you go to your college, and I have to continue working. Understood?"

                Qin Ming's heart moved and asked, "Sister Chang Xi are you not responsible for this? What do
you want? I can give it all to you."

                Sun Changxi shook her head and said, "I don't want anything from you, just forget about what
happened last night and resume our previous relationship, that's all."

                I don't know why, Sun Changxi such as the two last night happened as a "wonderful encounter"
to forget, Qin Ming inexplicably feel a lot more comfortable inside.
                Because he is now full of guilt, to Nie Haitang and Mu Xiaoqiao guilt.

                Sun Changxi did not ask him to do anything, so his guilt was released.

                Qin Ming nodded and said, "I know sister Changxi, I, I'm going to get you breakfast, you take a
rest first."

                After Qin Ming left, Sun Changxi grabbed her long hair again with chagrin and muttered,
"Ah ...... what am I talking about? Am I that spontaneous? In fact, seriously think about it, Qin Ming this
kid, in addition to the poor reputation, age don't me two years younger, all aspects of the conditions are
also quite good, but also chat. Ah ...... forget, just drunk irrational behavior, he may not like me, why

                Qin Ming bought breakfast back, found Sun Changxi has gone, even that bloody bed sheet also
packed away, but her stockings forgot to wear away.

                Qin Ming picked up the stocking and sniffed it, it was her smell.

                "Ugh ...... Chang Xi sister is so nice." Qin Ming put the stockings away and got ready for his
morning practice.

                Qin Ming came to the villa's garden, hands on top, steadily tied the horse stance, and began half
an hour of exhalation.

                Usually, Qin Ming would be very hard and sweaty, but I wonder why it has become effortless
and no sweat now? After half an hour had passed, Qin Ming was refreshed and his body was as light as a
swallow, full of a feeling of strength.

                Qin Ming was very surprised, this proved that he had practiced the first step and could practice
the second step of the martial arts guidelines!

                Qin Ming said to himself, "Turtle, could it be the effect of the kind of thing he did with Sister
Chang Xi last night?"

Chapter 475-476
 Chapter 475
Qin Ming was very surprised, he got up early in the morning and found that his physical quality had

                The daily horse stance became surprisingly easy, the muscles were not as tense and tired as
before, and his spirit was so good that he was surprised.

                Qin Ming couldn't help but wonder, could it be that doing that kind of thing between men and
women could also help him practice martial arts? This is too exaggerated, right?

                And now Qin Ming, not so deep desire as before yesterday, the body needs are not so strong,
even though Qin Ming now recalls everything that happened with Sun Changxi last night, remembering
her body softness, her intoxicating aroma, her intense voice, Qin Ming also does not have such a strong

                Before that, Qin Ming had been holding back very hard ah.

                This back and forth change surprised Qin Ming, and he wondered, "What's going on?"

                Qin Ming tried a few punches, because not a professional boxer, his posture is not quite correct,
but the wind from the punch is very fierce.

                Qin Ming muttered: "The idea of that kind of thing between men and women has decreased a lot,
and suddenly became cold. And body strength and lung capacity is greatly improved, what's wrong? Forget
it, call to old man Zhang and ask."

                After Qin Ming became Zhang Quanzhen's student, he also had Zhang Quanzhen's contact
information. This bad old man actually had a cell phone, but he only had three people's numbers in his
phone, and now there was one more Qin Ming.

                Qin Ming dialed Zhang Quanzhen's number.

                The voice on the other end of the phone was a little noisy, and it seemed to be from a speeding

                "What's wrong?" Zhang Quanzhen asked.

                Qin Ming asked, "Teacher, what martial art did you give me to practice? What's the name of it?"

                Zhang Quanzhen explained, "Nothing special, just some basic Daoist breathing and martial arts
guidelines for exercising muscles, all the accumulated wisdom of previous generations, which is good for
you. Prevent your future kidney deficiency. Oh ...... I guess, you this kid looking for me early in the
morning, last night with do not know which woman did it?"

                Qin Ming made a face red, coughed twice and said, "Teacher, you are not pitted me? This
martial art is so lewd and evil?"

                Zhang Quanzhen scolded: "You do not practice to return the book, obviously you are not good
enough self-control, can not blame others. You practice to a certain limit, there will also be a great change.
No need to do that kind of thing with women as an aid. You practice for another month and a half, and
you'll be back to your previous limit. You try not to find a woman as an aid, and you can achieve the same
effect after another half month of hard work."

                Qin Ming rubbed his chin and muttered, "Is it that amazing?"

                Zhang Quanzhen hummed: "There are many magical things in this world, you are ignorant. This
is originally for children who started to practice martial arts at the age of three, people practice until they
are teenagers, especially masculine, and that aspect will also be very strong help. And you are too late for
the desire to explode, but it is not something that can not be tolerated, you do not get the advantage to sell
a good thing. Also, in the future, do not move to find a woman to help you break through the fire, rely on
your own to suppress this fire is also very beneficial."

                Qin Ming scratched his head, so that is what happened, this is a small child practice, no wonder
he an adult practice, will affect so much.

                Qin Ming hung up the phone, also understood the special place of this martial arts guidelines, the
more admiration for Zhang Quanzhen's skills, what he has seen so far is only the tip of the iceberg Zhang
Quanzhen skills, there is more need for him to learn in the future.

                Qin Ming went back to school after practicing, and at noon Song Ying came to inform that the
head of the regional industry in Europe, Pete James, had come to meet him urgently. He was informed that
Pete James, the head of the European region, had come to meet with him urgently to discuss something
                This Pete James is the head of the European region. He asked for the cooperation of the eu
division when he went to Nie Haitang, but this Pete James did not like Qin Ming. The company's main
business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

                The current personnel transfer of the Chinese branch has affected the entire Asia, this Pete?
James arrived at this time, and bumped into the third quarter of the financial summary, several continents
of administrative affairs, have been transferred to Qin Ming's side.

                Qin Ming control of the Universal Century Group is the trend.

                Qin Ming felt that this guy was here to show his loyalty, because he had asked Song Ying to
provide some lists of personnel to be sent to foreign countries.

                At noon, Qin Ming came to the Century Building, and according to the agreement, he was going
to have lunch with Pete? James had lunch together and would also be listed to meet his subordinates.

                When Pete saw Qin Ming, he gave him a warm hug and said in his not-so-fluent Chinese, "Qin,
my boss. Hello, I'm honored that you took time out of your busy schedule to have lunch with me."

                Qin Ming looked at this Pete, blond hair, white skin, tall and lanky, with a bearded face, hawk
nose, blue eyes, still looking middle-aged, but Pete was already fifty years old.

                Old age, as well as once held an opinion about Qin Ming, is the reason why Qin Ming wanted to
replace him.

                However, now Pete is like a new person, very enthusiastic to come up to embrace.

                But Ah Long blocked him with a cross body, making Pete make an awkward scene and said very
aggressively, "Come on, just a hug."

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

                Qin Ming went up to shake hands with him and said, "Sit down, Pete, I'm honored to have lunch
with you too. Xiao Ying, open a bottle of classic Lafite, and have enamel cuisine today."
                Pete said happily, "Boss you actually know that I am an enamel countryman, I am deeply

                Qin Ming said, "Pete, don't talk about these useless things, what's the matter, you can say it
directly. You should know that now the group is in a very special period, my righteous father has been
recovering in magnesium, I have started to take over the business in Oceania, and soon it will be Europe."

                Pete Nui Niu mouth, said: "boss, you should know, now eu countries, there are refugees
everywhere, the general environment is also bad, profits are not as good as in previous years is certain, I
have worked for the group for decades, do ten years ceo, responsible for most of the eu affairs, has always
done a good job. Why is it ruled that I didn't do a good job because of the profit issue in the first two
quarters of this year? This is very unfair."

                The corners of Qin Ming's mouth lifted and he said, "Pete, is it fair or unfair, is it useful in my
case? I know you are a talented person, but with the conditions of the group, talented people who are a
little bit worse than you can do the same success as you. This is you do not want to leave? Then what do
you take in exchange with me? You didn't come to me without knowing what I wanted, did you?"

                Pete was silent for a moment and said, "I know, boss, a lot of people are against you, not only
our eu branch, but also there in the magnesium headquarters. Now that Boss Chang is still around, so no
one has too many opinions, I can give you a list of some of the people who are opposed to you, as well as

                Qin Ming looked at a flash drive that Pete handed over, which contained the information of all
the opponents of the eu division, this was undoubtedly a big help to Qin Ming, saving him a lot of effort in

                This Pete betrayed others and profited from his own behavior is very western.

                It looks like this Pete is very prepared to betray his friends and colleagues for the sake of his own
interests in the group.

                Qin Ming asked Song Ying to check it out and confirm the authenticity of this thing.

                Qin Ming is not in a hurry to make a decision, should be anxious to know Pete? James, not him.
                He invited Pete to dinner, and also chatted some gossip.

                Pete was really anxious and thought he didn't have enough chips. He poured Qin Ming a glass of
red wine and said, "Boss, I know you have achieved more than 70% support from the highest board of
directors, and I apologize for my previous offense. Please trust me, I can create a higher profit for you. If
you still have any hesitation, I can tell you a secret about the Supreme Board."

                Qin Ming's heart stirred, there is still a secret?

                He asked, "What secret, tell me."

Chapter 476
In order to keep his position as the general director of the eu division, Pitt also prepared a lot of leverage,
not hesitating to betray his former colleagues and friends, and handed Qin Ming a list of opponents.

                Qin Ming is very satisfied with that list, it can save a lot of time to select the disobedient people,
so that the personnel transfer can become a faster process.

                Even he could leave it to Pete if he wanted to keep him.

                Within the Universal Century Group, there are two systems in existence, one is the people
responsible for business operations, signing contracts, everyone is a wage earner, the difference is the level
of authority and salary.

                The other set is the assassination squad, which exists in all continents and countries, and usually
does something else when there is no task.

                The assassination squad is also directly under the jurisdiction of the highest board of directors,
but after decades of operation and change by Chang Hongxi, assassination squads around the world have
long been under the jurisdiction of the group's big boss, especially many of the part of the young members,
are trained within the group, loyalty is very high.

                Chang Hongxi undoubtedly gave Qin Ming a very good foundation, but also made Qin Ming
very convenient.
                It was this system of assassination squads that made Pete? James felt intimidated by the ability of
the Huan Yu Century Group to infiltrate the top eu countries long ago, he used to offend many people by
virtue of being the chief of the eu industry.

                Once Pete lost his job, it is the same as losing the shelter of the group, he is going to be screwed
to death in a minute.

                Pete said, "Boss, I know, there are a few opponents in the highest board of directors who want to
work against you, they once approached me, I found excuses to excuse myself from the past."

                Qin Ming was not surprised by this, the structure of the highest board was like this.

                From the history of the development of Huan Yu, it is to pull you in first, let you taste enough
sweetness, and then start the struggle for power, once you are screwed, then your share of the benefits will
be divided by others.

                This is too chaotic, before being Chang Hongxi reformed to centralize power in one person, but
unfortunately Chang Hongxi got cancer.

                Qin Ming said while eating enamel country foie gras, "Is that so? Who are all of them?"

                Pete said, "Jordan? The people of the Serchiaque family and the Harrison family have joined
forces and want to target you, boss."

                Qin Ming was still very calm, he knew there were many people who wanted him dead, but he
didn't care much, he also had many people around him who could protect him.

                When Pete saw that Qin Ming did not care much, he became anxious, was this not enough

                Speaking in broken Chinese, Pete said, "Boss, I'm absolutely loyal to you, really, and I can do a
lot more for your group, for you, too. Just like my father worked for your father, I can work for you until I

                Qin Ming patted Pete on the shoulder and said, "This time you came to China, there is something
                Seeing that Qin Ming was still not responding positively, Pete said feebly, "Yes, I brought a few
heads of enterprises over, and I have to attend a technology exhibition tomorrow to see if there are some
interesting new energy materials."

                Qin Ming nodded, and patted Pete's shoulder, saying, "This is your job, you do a good job, I will
not treat you badly. Eat, it will be cold if you don't eat."

                Pete? James heart moved, Qin Ming this did not say any promise, but also did not say must
remove him ah?

                This makes Pete in a good mood, maybe he just do a good job, will not be removed.

                Once you think about this, Pete's face is naturally pleasant.

                For Pete? James, who is the boss is the same, his salary is written in the contract, his power are
not less, he knows how to offer his loyalty, then he is very stable.

                Qin Ming this is deliberately not to give a commitment, he is learning Zhang Quanzhen that
book of autobiography, the so-called into and out of the degree, that is, can not easily promise, that is,
Zhang Quanzhen often hanging on the mouth, the mysterious and subtle, the meaning of the heavenly
machine can not be revealed.

                Do not promise everything is possible, once promised, your back way is less a large part.

                He gave Pete a hint with an intimate gesture like a tap on the shoulder, and let him guess the
meaning behind it, that was enough.

                The two had lunch, and Pete talked to Qin Ming a lot more about the situation in the eu division,
how many more planes the group had sold, some anecdotes about Pete's visit to the royal family of the
Eugenia last month, and so on.

                And Qin Ming would know that the general affairs of the eu division had always been
coordinated by the group's four patriarchal advisors, the Chinese Huang Jin.
                And Pete has not seen Huang Jin for two years, Huang Jin's affairs were temporarily replaced by
Feng Dongxiang.

                This makes Qin Ming is very surprised, the four elders are often Hongxi powerful men, she has
seen two, one of them has been in magnesium to assist Feng Dongxiang to clean up some opposition.

                And this Huang Jin, he also can not contact, there should not be any problem, right?

                Qin Ming has already thought about it, Maine? Heatherway attitude is very good can stay
temporarily, Ah Long or Ao Mei later to replace Feng Dongxiang position, if not loyal, this Huang Jin will
find Qi Yundong or Hou Qing to replace.

                These are follow-up plans, Qin Ming can not be implemented now.

                In the afternoon to send away Pete? After sending Pete James away in the afternoon, Song Ying
also checked the documents of the "opponents" provided by Pete, in addition to the list, there are some
irregularities they have done, Pete can really collect very carefully.

                Song Ying had a difficult face, said: "Young master, to replace so many top cadres, the impact is
a bit big. The Chinese side already has its hands full."

                The company's main business is the development of a new product. James to do, let him
appropriate change, our wings are not full enough, first let the people below the dog bite dog, will damage
a certain amount of vitality, dragging the development of the back, but for the world of this super corporate
monster, just a few small things."

                Song Ying said admiringly, "Young master, this is a great move of yours, so that those senior
people who oppose you are busy engaging in civil strife with Pete, they will not have so much mind to
target you, young master, and we will have enough more time to grow."

                Qin Ming said, "That's for sure, rice to bite, the road to take one step at a time, too much force
will pull the egg. By the way, I removed a few Chinese assassination squad leaders, there is no chaos?
What's the news about Xuanyuan Wu?"
                For the removal of Xuanyuan Wu, Qin Ming is still a little apprehensive, because he is Chang
Hongxi's old subordinate for many years, hard work, night almost retired, suddenly removed, afraid of
causing a backlash.

                However, the two comrades introduced by Ah Long are not small in ability, but can withstand
the pressure.

                Song Ying said: "Young master, Xuan Yuan Wu is waiting for arrangements at home. He is the
leader of the Chinese assassination squad and a spiritual symbol for many years, why don't we arrange
some posts for him?"

                Qin Ming thought about it and said, "Then let him go to South Mountain Manor and stay with
Ma Shaofu. Spiritual symbol? One down can push another, I'll push out whatever they want. Only those
who obey my orders can stay."

                After arranging some things for Song Ying, Qin Ming took a long breath, recently the group has
too many things, he is also deeply tired, she can trust too few people, he has to find some more reliable
people to work for him.

                He originally looked for Zhang Quanzhen, but the result did not work, made the master and

                But now, where is he going to look?

Chapter 477-478
 Chapter 477
There are many talents in China, but not many of them belong to Qin Ming himself.

                Qin Ming accidentally recruited Aaron Corrie Olsen Chi Ming Hui is already very lucky, Zhang
Quanzhen became his master, but that is the key moment to invite.

                Qin Ming muttered in his heart this "hey? Or go to school to look for a few, I do know a few
capable and capable classmates, before also part-time work together, now less contact, but the relationship
is still good. Now is the time for everyone to find a job, ah."

                Qin Ming thought of doing, took out his phone to contact some of his former friends.
                Qin Ming immediately sent a message in the group "brothers, who is free? Tonight for a drink?
There are long-lasting good jobs introduced."

                Once Qin Ming sent the group, someone immediately responded.

                "Ah, the boss Qin finally remembered us, I told you, the boss Qin rich will not forget us."

                Immediately someone sent a photo of Qin Ming holding Zhang Xiaoyan's hand in a helicopter,
accompanied by the comment "Boss Qin begs to take."

                "Gou Fu Gui, really do not forget each other, the boss Qin begs to take."

                "How did you become a vice president, Mr. Qin?"

                "Boss Qin introduce a girl, pass on your pick-up technique to us, we are all single."

                "Qin Ming where to eat? You treat, that must be given face."

                "Yes, more than three years have passed, before Qin Ming also every day in the group released
part-time jobs, finally boiled the head, we are still looking for work."

                Qin Ming looked at the alumni of various faculties and departments in the group quite actively
and enthusiastically, these people he knew the bottom line, although their skills were not particularly
strong, but they had a strong learning ability, and they had nothing to do with any power in the group, they
knew him Qin Ming.

                Once they adapt and get used to the rhythm of Huan Yu Century Group, through Qin Ming and
their learned skills to stand firm, then they will be a big help for Qin Ming.

                More reliable than the group's internal reserve cadres.

                Qin Ming also said "want to come, tonight rose bar together to talk."
                Qin Ming did not call on Zhao Li Niu and Sun Zhipeng two people, they are Qin Ming's good
brothers, there are good things Qin Ming naturally will not treat them poorly, as early as the position of
general manager reserved, do not need to come to do from scratch.

                7:00 p.m., off-campus the rose bar

                The last time or Yong young love to buy drunk, encounter Zhao Meng Hua encounter liar it.

                Qin Ming took the information prepared early in the morning with him, the group responded to a
lot of people, there are more than a dozen so many, are Qin Ming called on the name, he knows the root of
the root.

                The main thing is that it is quiet and the drinks are all shallow.

                The reason why Qin Ming did not want to go to dinner, one is to save money, the second to drink
two cups, each mind is not sober, it is easy to agree to chant.

                At seven o'clock, five men and one woman, six alumni appeared on time at the Rosebud Bar.

                "Xiao Nan A Fei Cai brother Fang Hao Xiao Ma Qi Weidong ...... how only you six?" Qin Ming
finished greeting, wondering, not a dozen people responded to it?

                The company's reputation is not good now," said Liusunan. Although the school previously
clarified that the school members deliberately rumors to smear you, but people still say you capricious
since the school flower harvesting machine, huh huh."

                Liu Xunan is a slim girl, wearing glasses, face and one or two pimples, although not a big
beauty, but also in the upper posture, mainly young, often molested in the group.

                Qin Ming laughed bitterly and said "Xiao Nan, I am really misunderstood ah. You have to
believe me."

                A Fei patted Qin Ming said "Qin Ming you do not also fly a helicopter to pick up girls, you
know how much stimulation our school's singles received last time? Your class Zhang Xiaoyan so
beautiful, legitimate loli ah, the beauty anchor, are you taken, right?"
                A Fei's real name is Xue Fei, a senior student in the business school and a perennial scholarship

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

                The crowd nodded, said "very much like ah, before looking that one pure and honest, now a bad
face, specializing in hooking up with beautiful women, your waist is still good? Hahaha."

                Rub miles, Qin Ming see classmates a burst of laughter, depressed, but he could not help it, these
guys are the masters, have to serve.

                Cai Zhong Jin said "Okay, you guys don't start. Xiao Ming, you said there is a good job
introduction, we also know each other, you tell us, what good job?"

                Pray Weidong also said "Yes, Qin Ming, I heard that you are in a foreign company to the vice
president, too bull. The annual salary is a million, right?"

                The crowd cast envious glances, they are all from similar families, they used to study together
how to balance part-time work and study, and Qin Ming is undoubtedly doing better, three years of college
living expenses and tuition fees are earned by himself, but also incidentally pick up a class flower Li

                The previous Qin Ming they are envious of, not to mention now when the vice president of
foreign companies.

                Qin Ming also did not break, modestly said "just a posting, because I have a very good project in
hand, the big boss let me set up a branch, then the head office there can pull investment, the money ghost
big boss half, the rest we engage in the project."

                Liu Shunan cherry lips slightly open, pushed the glasses, said "you this trick empty glove, quite
powerful ah."

                Xue Fei said "the company got up?"

                Qin Ming said, "up, the money is in place, the project has, good prospects for development. To
be honest with you, I have no name in the head office side, are relying on the boss to work, this project
does well, I can go up, I went up, after everyone can go in, our head office is a multinational enterprise, the
world's top 100, a quarter on tens of billions of dollars in profits."

                Gollum ...... people listening to the wild gulp, they are still senior students, although they are
beginning to anxious about their jobs, but also did not think that can go into the company so cowhide ah?

                A moment, the crowd had a feeling that the level gap, they and Qin Ming seems to have been not
a level, not a world of people, although they are all still in the same school, are senior students, but the gap
in the heart formed.

                "Really? Qin Ming you don't fool us?" Pray Weidong asked suspiciously.

                Fang Hao also said "sign a contract? How about the salary?"

                Qin Ming said "of course sign the contract, salary from 10,000, depending on the arrangement of
the position and performance, a freshman in Guangzhou City from 10,000, is also considered very good,
many undergraduate students are fighting for two or three years are not yet this price."

                Qin Ming took out the prepared information on hand, handed it to the crowd and said, "You can
look at it first."

                The people took the information, Qin Ming's company is newly registered as a subsidiary of the
Chinese branch of the Universal Century Group, the purpose is to give him a springboard to train his

                The peculiar existence of the highest board of directors allowed Qin Ming to have to speed up
his control over the group.

                At this time, far away in a hospital in magnesium, Chang Hongxi sitting on a hospital bed
looking at some documents, a man came to his side, whispered "boss, the young master he replaced many
important positions, in addition to airborne and broken promotion, even the assassination squad are all in
the hands, the Chinese side, we can no longer intervene."

                Chang Hongxi said "nothing, let him toss and turn, he should have anger. Oh, this kid has a
personality, do not like to listen to others. I like it, but there is no one on the top board to stop him from
becoming the new alliance leader. It's his turn, he grabbed it."
                The man added, "Boss, what's our next step?"

                Chang Hongxi put down his handwriting and sighed, "It's time for me to retire, it's time to hand
over this beast to the young people."

Chapter 478
The six people, including Xue Fei Fang Hao, were tempted by Qin Ming's high salary offer and promising
career plan, and all of them agreed to join Qin Ming's new company, the Chaoyang Group.

                The owner of this company is naturally his elder brother Qin Chaoyang, after all, the fat water
does not flow outside the field, money to earn or send home.

                Qin Chaoyang has been the manager of the supermarket for a few months, although he has a low
education, but he learns quickly, there is a secretary Xiaoli, a high school student to help, cope with the
general daily affairs is quite okay.

                After the people talked, Qin Ming gave the follow-up work to Song Ying, first let them work out
well, and then promoted to important positions when there is a suitable opportunity.

                These are his people! Qin Ming, of course, will not immediately entrust them with heavy
responsibilities, that has to be arranged slowly, step by step, he and Song Ying has also long developed a
set of processes.

                It can be said that Qin Ming has already set these alumni of his classmates into his plan to
control the Huan Yu Century Group, they have all become Qin Ming's pawns.

                After Qin Ming made a deal and celebrated with the people drinking, each one shouted that Qin
Ming would cover them in the future and earn money together, Qin Ming was also full of promises.

                Drinking until more than ten o'clock, a group of people only to disperse.

                Qin Ming walked alone on the night road, the cold wind blowing, since the practice of martial
arts guidelines, he drank non-headache, but also become special can drink, for some of their own changes,
whether it is the physical physique, or the maturity of mind, Qin Ming sighs.
                "Can't go back ah." Qin Ming looked up at the moonlight overhead and sighed.

                How simple he used to be, every day just know to read to coax Li Meng occasionally do sports,
did not think that more than three months have passed, he has become the world's richest man.

                Also with Chang Hongxi fell out with a parting shot, to the crown prince on the throne, seized

                However, there is not much opposition from Chang Hongxi's side, as long as he joined forces
with the Zhao family and got the support of the Zhao family, Chang Hongxi has no more voice.

                Qin Ming maintained also twice sacrificed his principles, becoming more utilitarian, can really
be said to be a saying, only children will be serious about right and wrong, adults are choosing the

                Qin Ming chose the interests.

                Qin Ming was about to go back to school, the roadside suddenly came a Bentley, the car Huang
Shaohao came out, said "Qin Ming, you stop."

                Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, this Huang Shaohao how has not left the city of Guangzhou?

                Qin Ming teased "Huang Shao, I have not offended you, right? If arm wrestling can be called
offending people, your temperament is too little."

                Huang Shaohao cursed and said "you kid let me a good search, I ask you, where did you take
Chang Xi last night?"

                Qin Ming's heart moved, playing dumb, "No, after using your car to go for a drive, Chang Xi
sister back to the dormitory by herself."

                Huang Shaohao said "impossible, I have long spent money to buy her dormitory girlfriends, she
did not go back to the dormitory last night, I also investigated all the hotels in the city, there is no record of
your two open rooms ......"

                Qin Ming a black face, this man can really persistent.

                He asked, "I said Huang Shao, you have to do? The sky is the limit where there is no grass? Why
do you love a flower alone?"

                Huang Shaohao said, "I have been chasing her for ten years, you ask me why I love a flower?
Our two families are family friends, the elders even said we were engaged in a baby marriage, of course,
that was just a joke, but it is clear that our two families have a good relationship. We are also considered
childhood friends, I have been waiting for her, I went out of my way to reject many beautiful women for

                "She likes type, so I joined the gym, spent money to play with guns, even went to tan my skin, I
remembered her favorite color her birthday, and deliberately went to the same high school with her,
attended the same class, and visited her house every New Year's Eve."

                "You ask me why I love a flower alone? She is the best in my eyes, and I will definitely marry

                Qin Ming mouth corner twitch, this can really infatuation a man, but also a little perverted,
people girls will like you would be strange, but you definitely do not want to hear what happened last night
Sun Changxi with us.

                Qin Ming back and forth but engaged three times, so far the memory is still fresh.

                "Well ......" Qin Ming is now in a difficult position, this is not the average rich second generation

                He is a quality rich second generation, cultured, capable, but also so infatuated, Qin Ming felt
bad good account, the other side will not let him go.

                Qin Ming deliberately teased Huang Shaohao said "I took Chang Xi sister back to the dormitory,
do you believe?"

                Huang Shaohao black face, pulled the suit lapel buttons, said "less cheat me, I asked your
dormitory classmates, but also retrieved your school boys dormitory monitoring, last night you did not
return to the dormitory. You give me an honest account, where did you two go last night?"
                Tsk, Qin Ming shuddered a bit, what did you guys do? This is not a stalker?

                Qin Ming said "I said Huang Shao, you did not come to a blind date? Since the blind date failed,
why do you still stay in Guangcheng?"

                Huang Shaohao arrogantly grunted, said "by the way business, you think I am like you, 20 years
old, still rely on father and mother, I rely on my own to earn money. I am talking about a big business in
Guangcheng, I want to make some achievements to Changxi, to prove my excellence."

                The corners of Qin Ming's mouth twitched, this guy is really arrogant, completely despise as a
student of Qin Ming.

                Huang Shaohao said, "I'm not going to hide it from you, Changxi her mother also came to
Guangzhou City, is also to talk about a big business, I can help, you are younger than Changxi students,
and Changxi is impossible, you will die that one heart."

                Qin Ming wronged, he did not have that heart, right, Huang Shaohao misunderstood him.

                Qin Ming did not panic, smiling and said "Huang Shao, you are so nervous about what? So
concerned about what? Are you afraid that I had sex with sister Chang Xi last night?"

                As soon as he heard the words "had sex", Huang Shaohao's veins rippled, and he immediately
went in front of Qin Ming, tit-for-tat, threatening "How dare you? Qin Ming, I warn you, if you touch a
hair on her head, I will not let you go. Although my Huang family's power is not in Guangzhou, it is still
easy to deal with you."

                Qin Ming sneered in his heart, he had not only touched a hair of Sun Changxi?

                However, Qin Ming could not explicitly say, explicitly said, is not to Sun Changxi and he added
trouble ah?

                This Huang Shaohao also said that Sun Changxi's mother came over, it is estimated that is also
to see the daughter after working outside, he can not give Sun Changxi more trouble.

                Before marrying someone first lose their body, although in modern society is very common, but
for many families, it is still difficult to accept, especially some of the big gentry.
                Qin Ming rudely patted Huang Shaohao chest with the back of his hand, said "look at your
anxious look, people who do not know also think you are Chang Xi sister boyfriend. What do you take
sister Chang Xi for? She went to sleep with another girlfriend last night, in the nearby Green Island

                Last night Qin Ming's car is parked in the community villa, he this Huang Shaohao and go to
investigate the monitoring, so can only arrange a long time no see Liao Qingxuan that.

                Qin Ming found that since he read the autobiography book given by Zhang Quanzhen, lied, face
not red heart, a say an accurate, simply stunned him.

                Huang Shaohao frowned and said, "The neighborhood?"

                Qin Ming said "Yes, you can check the monitoring. I'll leave you to it."

                Huang Shaohao stopped Qin Ming, said "No, you take me to a trip, I can pay you."

                Qin Ming said disdainfully, "I'm not short of money."

                Huang Shaohao still stopped him and said "What if I must ask you to take me there?"

                With that, Huang Shaohao squeezed his finger bones, crackling, and he twisted his neck to relax
his muscles.

                Huang Shaohao arrogantly held his chin up and said "I lost to you yesterday in a match of wrist
strength, but I am proficient in all kinds of fighting, you can't walk under me in five moves, do you believe

Chapter 479-480
 Chapter 479
Huang Shaohao came to the door to provoke, first with the look of bragging about his relationship with
Sun Changxi, showing off his career success, mocking Qin Ming a college student is not qualified to
pursue Sun Changxi.
                Then worried that he was cuckolded, the future will marry a second-hand goods, a forced Qin
Ming does not prove his innocence, do not give you go look.

                First of all, not to mention whether he can marry Sun Changxi, a single Qin Ming did not help
him prove that obligation.

                He has said the location of the cell, let him check the monitoring well by himself, but he still
wants to fight with Qin Ming, forcing Qin Ming.

                Qin Ming is also angry, you are too much, really think he is a good persimmon pinch?

                "This street road, you provoke us like this, the tiger does not give vent to you think I am a sick
cat?" Although Qin Ming has never practiced fighting, but he grew up to be the master of fighting, known
as the little bully of Baishui Town, it is false to say that he does not know how to fight.

                Qin Ming also craned his neck and said, "Okay, if you beat me, I'll take you to the place where
she stayed last night."

                The corners of Huang Shaohao's mouth raised, showing confidence and and fierce fangs, said "to
wine not to eat the penalty, I have been very polite to you, have to force me to fight, eat bitter, this is a
cheap bone, right."

                Qin Ming frowned, you guys, bring the pride? Look down on people?

                "Hey!" Huang Shaohao lower plate is more stable is Qin Ming is very surprised, since he began
to practice, also know how to distinguish people's lower plate is not stable, this Huang Shaohao looks like
really learned some fighting.

                Qin Ming made a stopping gesture towards Ah Long, who was about to strike, this guy he
wanted to clean up personally.

                The casserole-like fist hit Qin Ming's face.


                Qin Ming took it hard with his bare hands!

                Qin Ming was forced to take a step back by the tremendous force of the punch, which was fist
for fist, still made his fist a little painful.

                However, Huang Shaohao was just stunned, his punch right in the middle had failed to knock
Qin Ming down?

                "Ha~!" Huang Shaohao a punch does not work another punch, Qin Ming also reacted very fast,
constantly dodging, constantly pulling the distance, Huang Shaohao froze and could not hit.

                "Walking around, are you a mouse rat?" Huang Shaohao annoyed mocked.

                Qin Ming sneered "you think everywhere is your ring can not? Street fights with you to talk
about the rules?"

                Huang Shaohao annoyed "I read that you are just a student, I have not really, you are so arrogant
and do not cooperate, want to die?"

                Damn, who is arrogant? Qin Ming found that she hated this guy more and more, a look of empty

                The first time I saw him, I was able to get to him.

                Boom, a flesh against fist, Huang Shaohao brow locked, this time it was his turn to take a step

                Qin Ming see Huang Shaohao brow wrinkled into a look, laughing "how? The usual fights are
protected by gloves, right? Today there is no more, it is difficult, right?"

                Huang Shaohao's situation is really he was right, he practiced fighting are a full set of protection,
rarely suffered the flesh, endurance is not as good as Qin Ming.

                But Qin Ming is used to flesh and blood suffering, do not feel anything.

                Huang Shaohao face Qin Ming this smiling mockery, angry, owl rushed up left hook right hook,
fight with a pattern, very frightening.
                But Qin Ming is with him hard, than power, head-on hard, special treatment of these fancy

                Boom boom boom ...... connect three punches later, Qin Ming fist began to heat up, arm muscles
full of power, and Huang Shaohao is miserable, his arms trembling and sweating, this is not the same as
his boxing practice in the club, the other party is not sandbags ah!

                Qin Ming took advantage of a gap in Huang Shaohao's retreat and went forward with a kick,

                He kicked Huang Shaohao egg above, this move is absolutely forbidden in the ring, but street
fights definitely see quick results, Qin Ming was taught a lesson by a girl when he was a child, from then
on fighting he loves his eggs.

                "Oh~!" Huang Shaohao covered his crotch and fell to the ground in pain, cursing "Qin Ming,
you beast, are you still a man? Oh ...... you bastard."

                Qin Ming, with both hands, said "Huang Shao, I did not use much force, you do not have to
worry about not being a man, but you just give me a little bit of peace, and then come to bother me, I am
not so good at talking."

                Qin Ming whistled, humming a little song, in a good mood, about to leave.

                But the roadside came another extended Mercedes, the car unexpectedly first down two sturdy

                Qin Ming heart a tight, this Huang Shaohao play real?

                A Long immediately went to Qin Ming's side, in case the other side had weapons, said "Young
master, back a little."

                However, the bodyguards did not go to take care of Huang Shaohao, but to the back seat to open
the door, the car came down a noble dress, a long skirt covering the legs, white and delicate noblewoman,
just look at the face, about only thirty feelings, too young.
                At the same time, the car also came down Sun Changxi.

                Qin Ming was stunned and thought, "Hmm? It can't be Sun Changxi's mother, right? Two people
look like two sisters ah. Is it also coated with the Lin family's beauty insect paste? The effect is also too

                The beautiful woman and Sun Changxi first looked at the scene and found Huang Shaohao
covering his brother lying on the ground, the two women secretly shook their heads, this is too bad, right?
Even a student can not clean up.

                But in fact, it's really not the fault of Huang Shaohao not to give strength, it's really Qin Ming
too cowhide, what skills do not need, a force to descend ten will, by brute force to win.

                The female beauty woman walked up to Qin Ming, said "Hello, I am Sun Changxi her mother,
you can call me Mrs. Sun, you should be good friends, right?"

                Qin Ming nodded and said "Hello sister, I do know sister Changxi, she usually takes good care
of me, she even bought me a drink yesterday."

                When it comes to drinking, Sun Changxi gritted her teeth and glared at Qin Ming, then said a
series of words in her mouth across the air, but Qin Ming also does not know lip-sync, what the hell did
she say?

                But it is clear that in front of her own mother, Sun Changxi completely rested and did not dare to
have any creation.

                Mrs. Sun was satisfied that Qin Ming called her sister, after all, women love beauty, rich women
love beauty, super rich women love to maintain youth.

                She asked, "Qin Ming, I heard Huang Shaohao say that you and my daughter finished drinking
last night and she stayed up all night, where did you go? Did you do something to her?"

                Qin Ming's heart was stunned, turning his head to look at Sun Changxi, who was anxious, his
eyes revealing expectations, expecting Qin Ming to set this matter right.
                At the same time, Qin Ming also annoyed this Huang Shaohao, but really annoying, this kind of
thing and parents to complain? You junior high school student? No wonder Sun Changxi annoyed you, you
are not infatuation, simply "infatuation line".

                Qin Ming played dumb and said "no ah, sister you misunderstood it, you do not believe their
own daughter?"

                Mrs. Sun frowned, approached Qin Ming and whispered "a girl, the night before drunk, the next
day walking posture is not normal, you say nothing happened? You don't have to be afraid, this is the legal
system now, I'm just asking about the situation, I won't do anything to you, right?"

                The woman is really a woman, you have experience, you can see it at a glance.

                But who would believe your lies? If you really don't want to do something to us, why do you
need to come here in such a hurry at night? Tomorrow teahouse while eating and talking can not?

                But Qin Ming has learned to naturally brag and lie, but also do not reveal the crack.

                He still played dumb and said "walking posture abnormal? Why? This how I know, sister, you
are misunderstanding me, although sister Changxi is very beautiful, the body is very attractive, but even if
I have a lustful heart, but also do not have the courage ah, I was afraid that she a gun popped me."

                Standing behind the Sun Changxi very speechless rolled his eyes, Qin Ming you damned cheap
but also sell a good boy, but read in you did not say, temporarily spare your life.

                At this time, Huang Shaohao walked over with a crutch and said, "Auntie, leave this to me, I will
definitely return Changxi a clean slate."

                Qin Ming and Sun Changxi heart at the same time are very speechless, want to stab this Huang
Shaohao, you a talented rich generation, why is the emotional intelligence is so low?

                If you hadn't been jealous and snitched, would Mrs. Sun have taken it so seriously?

                Qin Ming realized that this matter must be resolved, or Sun Changxi and he are going to have
big trouble.
                Mrs. Sun asked "Qin Ming students, this is quite important to our family, I hope you can prove
it, not waste much of your time, I can give you some compensation afterwards, do you think it is

                Qin Ming frowned, there is no escape from this, thinking "it seems that we really can only go to
Liao Qingxuan that, I hope she can cooperate. No, what if she is not there?"

Chapter 480
In fact, Qin Ming did not want to bother Liao Qingxuan, because he was worried that Liao Qingxuan
would not react and spoil things.

                But going to big brother's place? That is not more pit? Big brother that honest a man, will not lie.

                There is no way out, Qin Ming can only lead the crowd to the city Green Island district, whether
it is successful or not, Qin Ming can only take this step.

                Huh? How to fall behind the Sun Changxi mouth is still constantly saying what the hell? But did
not dare to voice, that Mrs. Sun looked back at her, she immediately honest again.

                A Long looked aside and came close to Qin Ming to translate "Young master, the policewoman
said, must not shake out what happened last night, or you will have to look good."

                Qin Ming laughed in his heart, good-looking? He did look good last night, but also to see can be

                Qin Ming came to the second floor of a building in the district, knocked on the door, no
movement inside.

                Qin Ming has a black face, Liao Qingxuan really is not in ah?

                Qin Ming actually has a key, before he lived in Liao Qingxuan here for a while, Liao teacher too
much trouble to give him the key, but Qin Ming is now bad to pull out the key, ah?

                You have a student with a teacher's house key, how do you explain? The company's reputation
was also ruined by Liao Qingxuan.
                Huang Shaohao face ugly, said "What's going on? You should open the door. Auntie Yang is
also here, you do not want to cheat, or you can graciously admit what you did last night."

                Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, this Huang Shaohao really more and more annoying, the more he is
afraid of Sun Changxi lost his body, the more anxious to let Qin Ming self-evidence, the more anxious, the
more likely to say the wrong thing.

                It is not difficult to understand that he must be thinking in his heart that Sun Changxi is his
woman now and cannot let others get their hands on her, and Qin Ming is a poor boy that he would never
approve of, and if he knew that Qin Ming had gotten his hands on Sun Changxi, he would probably think
he was cuckolded.

                This kind of self-righteousness, unauthorized Sun Changxi as a future wife, is also annoying

                People Sun Changxi does not like you at all, right?

                Qin Ming said, "Maybe people are not in, it can not be blamed on me, right? Last night so late, I
do not know where Changxi sister lives, and no money to stay in a hotel, can only come to my teacher la."

                Auntie Yang said, "You have such a good relationship with your teacher? That should have a
phone number, right?"

                Sun Changxi was about to say something, Auntie Yang interrupted, "You do not speak, drink
drunk all night and not return not enough shame? If your father knows about this, see how he will clean
you up, our Sun family's face still want? You have been capricious enough, but not lawlessness."

                Once Qin Ming heard the beautiful woman's scolding look, it was really majestic, it should be
the aura of someone who has been in a high position for a long time.

                Sun Changxi was scolded and flattened her mouth, not daring to speak.

                Qin Ming did see some clues, the reason why this Aunt Yang cared so much, I'm afraid not only
worried about Sun Changxi lost his body to him, but also worried about this Huang Shaohao, right?
                Huang Shaohao's persistent investigation, so that he suspected Sun Changxi lost his body, once
the hammer is real, I'm afraid that if you talk nonsense, then Sun Changxi's reputation is gone.

                If it is a general family, at best, relatives, neighbors, someone behind the finger, but for the
gentry family, it is very likely to become a joke in the circle, the face of a loss to lose many years.

                That later who married Sun Changxi will be ridiculed receiver, honest people, meet people are
embarrassed to greet, after all, the circle is the circle.

                People will not mention it to you, after all kinds of ridicule and look down on, who put who hard
to bear.

                So, I'm afraid that Aunt Yang also wants to get a Sun Changxi "innocent" answer in her heart.

                Qin Ming sighed in his heart, really drunkenness is wrong ah, they two early not innocent.

                "Eh?" What are you guys doing in front of my house?

                Suddenly, a drunken voice came from behind, a beautiful young woman in a long dress, carrying
a bottle of beer against the wall of the stairs, wobbling up, and the other hand kept pulling out the keys in
the bag.

                The other hand kept pulling out the keys in the bag. Isn't that none other than Liao Qingxuan?

                Qin Ming had a black face, he forgot, Liao Qingxuan is a female alcoholic.

                Once there is something unhappy, love to drink, drink unconscious is a common thing.

                The reasoning is that Qin Ming did not help Liao Qingxuan get tens of millions, she has changed
from a university dance teacher to an entertainment dance company owner who does stage shows with her
own resources, a proper little rich woman, what else is there to be unhappy about?

                Qin Ming hurriedly went forward and said "Teacher Liao, why are you drinking again?"

                Liao Qingxuan see is Qin Ming, smiling reached out to hook Qin Ming arm, said "ah, you kid
again, is not miss the teacher? Want to peek at the teacher's body again ...... oooh ......"
                The first thing you need to do is to get drunk and talk nonsense. The first thing you need to do is
to get your hands on the teacher.

                Qin Ming immediately covered Liao Qingxuan's mouth with his hand, really poor taste in wine,
the past is clearly you do not dress properly, wrapped in a towel in front of us wandering to fall down,
what does it matter to us?

                But once you say that, our character impression score will fall to zero.

                Qin Ming quickly said "Mr. Liao, it is like this, last night we did not ask you to help take care of
a friend? She slept at your place last night, so don't get drunk and forget, right? Teacher Liao? Teacher

                Qin Ming was embarrassed that Liao Qingxuan had fallen asleep and was lying on top of him.

                He looked at the crowd helplessly and said, "Why don't you come back tomorrow? You see,
there is indeed such a person, I do not need to lie to you."

                Sun Changxi took the opportunity to say "Yes, when I left this morning, it was here that I left."

                At this time, Auntie Yang's two bodyguards came up and said, "Madam, the district's
surveillance has been retrieved, last night was indeed Huang's car drove in, but this morning was found
Missy left the entrance of the district on her own."

                Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, these people's movements are really fast.

                Qin Ming said "right? I did not lie. Sister Chang Xi spent the night here with Mr. Liao last

                Huang Shaohao hummed "I was afraid you would not take advantage of the opportunity to

                Sun Changxi got angry, isn't this Huang Shaohao adding to the mess? Besides, she was taken
advantage of by Qin Ming, what does it have to do with him? All day long, a future husband's attitude, so
Sun Changxi is very annoying.
                Sun Changxi said, "Huang Shao, you have money to throw dirty water on people? Can you be
responsible for what you say? Don't think of people so nasty."

                Huang Shaohao hurriedly explained "No, Changxi you misunderstood me, I was worried, I was
afraid that you would suffer a loss. I just scare him a little, he will be honest and dare not lie."

                Qin Ming's heart was happy, obviously worried that he did not have a chance to take "first
blood" but here all kinds of sophistry.

                Qin Ming simply pretended to be angry and said, "I have been like this, you still do not believe
me, so what can I say? Really, you have to have stereotypes in your heart, how I explain can not say."

                Aunt Yang said, "Well, what's all the noise? What do you think? Get out of the way and let the
host family go inside. Qin Ming, we can go in and sit down, right? Just me and Chang Xi can, others do
not go in."

                Qin Ming carried the drunken Liao Qingxuan into the house and said, "Wait a minute, I'll wake
up Miss Liao and come back."

                Qin Ming got a hot towel for Liao Qingxuan wiped her face and woke her up.

                "Burp ...... hmm? How come it's not in bed? I want to go to bed I want to go to bed!" Liao
Qingxuan woke up and surprisingly launched a drunken madness, twisted her body and frantically wanted
to go to bed.

                The actual fact is that you have to be able to get a good deal on your own. The actual fact is that
you can't get a lot of money from the company.

                He said, "Teacher Liao, wake up, hurry up and save your life."

                Liao Qingxuan's face was red with drunkenness, and she laughed foolishly and said, "Save your
life? You can kiss me and I'll save your life. The first thing you need to do is to get a kiss. ......"

                The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.
                Yesterday Sun Changxi drunk to beat him, this year Liao Qingxuan drunk to kiss him, you
women are really annoying eh.

                Qin Ming hurriedly covered Liao Qingxuan's mouth with his hand, said "No, teacher, you must
help, ah? Otherwise, there is a lot of trouble."

                "Hiccup ......" Liao Qingxuan burped, a small woman look spill, angry "I want to kiss, not kiss,
not save life."

                ...... "Qin Ming that depressed, really want to slap the past, there are you so when the teacher?
The day by day when an alcoholic, which day the road was dragged into the grove you will regret the

                No, last time she was not drunk, almost dragged into the grove? Thanks to Qin Ming passing by
at the time.

                "Hiccup, you do not pro ...... I still have to drink, do not stop me." Liao Qingxuan smirked and
went to the refrigerator to find wine to drink.

                Qin Ming is very anxious, know that this matter can not be delayed, no way, sacrifice the small
self, complete the big self, he does not go to hell, who goes to hell?

                Death is death, no, kiss is kiss.

                Qin Ming took a big step forward, grabbed Liao Qingxuan's shoulder, said "Okay, Ms. Liao you
have to wake up quickly, I kissed, well ......"

Chapter 481-482
 Chapter 481
Qin Ming knew that he could not delay any longer, and in the face of Liao Qingxuan's unreasonable
request, he could only accept it with a sigh of resignation.

                With the spirit of saving the "innocence" of the deflowered girl Sun Changxi and sacrificing his
own sexuality, he decided to put up a fight.
                Qin Ming grabbed Liao Qingxuan's shoulders and had to say that the shoulders of a woman who
practiced dancing were really soft and boneless, her body was really slim and slender, her waistline was
good and her body was also without a trace of fat, giving people a feeling of a light body and soft and easy
to push down.

                The key is not like Sun Changxi who will have some muscles.

                It was only the last time he embraced the sports-loving Nie Haitang that Qin Ming felt such a
superb figure.

                "Well ......" Qin Ming nudged his mouth about to kiss over, his heart actually a little excited,
wondering what Liao Qingxuan's lips tasted like.

                The slap.

                The result is a slap to give Qin Ming to wake up.

                "Qin Ming what are you doing while I'm drunk?" Liao Qingxuan suddenly regained her senses,
and with a "vicious" look, she slapped Qin Ming's face with her hand and said, "You kid, you're young, but
you've learnt something bad, haven't you? I am your elder, how dare you treat me badly?"

                Qin Ming was wronged and innocent, and said, "You said it, no kisses, no life saving. Am I not
fulfilling your request? I'm in a hurry to save my life, but you have to go crazy and play with kisses."

                Liao Qingxuan hummed "Bullshit, how could I possibly say such a frivolous request? Don't I
give you benefits for nothing? You're full of train wrecks, covering up for your own indecency?"

                Qin Ming wanted to cry and said "Teacher, it's really important to save lives now. You have to
cooperate later ......"

                Once Qin Ming told the story, Liao Qingxuan washed her face and also sobered up a bit before
realizing that she had misunderstood Qin Ming.

                 Tsk, I can't see that you are quite honest, but you are so bold?"

                Qin Ming had nothing to say now, because he had really done that and could not refute it.
                He said, "The teacher is not what you think, will you help? People's lives are at stake."

                Liao Qingxuan propped her head up and said, "Fine, I'll say she slept with me last night.
However, I don't welcome strangers into my home, I'll talk outside."

                Liao Qingxuan held Qin Ming's arm and staggered out of the room. As soon as she reached the
door, she smelled of alcohol and Auntie Yang frowned.

                Qingxuan Liao said, "What's wrong? There's a bunch of people blocking my door, say something
quickly, I want to sleep."

                Auntie Yang asked, "Hello, did my daughter stay at your house last night, we are here to say
thank you, sorry for the inconvenience."

                After saying that, a bodyguard next to him brought over a box of wild ginseng as a gift.

                Qin Ming took a look, this Auntie Yang was good at talking and doing things, and would not
cause dissatisfaction to anyone, in contrast, that Huang Shaohao, his emotional quotient was really far
from good.

                Although taking people's hands, Qin Ming was an acquaintance.

                Liao Qingxuan didn't look at the gifts and said, "Oh, I remember, it was too late last night, Qin
Ming brought a friend over and said it was inconvenient for a girl to stay outside, so he borrowed my place
for one night. What's wrong? What's the problem? I don't have any video surveillance at home, believe it
or not."

                Auntie Yang smiled and said, "No problem, I see you look familiar, may I ask if you are a
dancer who used to dance in any TV station?"

                Liao Qingxuan was stunned and sobered up a bit, saying "Sort of, I did appear in the Spring
Festival Gala when I was young and won some fame. Now I'm a teacher at the Guangdong Opera
University. What? Don't believe me? My name is Liao Qingxuan, you can check my profile."
                Auntie Yang hurriedly said, "Oh, the famous Miss Liao, no, no, no, I didn't think that. I just
didn't expect the famous Miss Liao to come to the south, I thought you had been studying folk dance with
Miss Bi."

                A big name? Qin Ming was puzzled, he didn't expect Liao Qingxuan to be so famous, no wonder
some of the people he had met before were quite rich.

                It was true that people wanted to be famous before it was too late.

                Liao Qingxuan hiccuped and asked, "My teacher is getting old and has stopped teaching dance
long ago. You guys don't have to worry, I'm not lying, hiccup ...... What else do you guys want?"

                Qin Ming said, "You hear that? It's very late now, so don't disturb Miss Liao's rest. If you don't
believe me, I won't care. If you bother me, I'll get mad."

                Auntie Yang got the confirmation and smiled heartily "It's true that I have disturbed you for a
long time, Teacher Liao is very sorry that my daughter disturbed you last night, next time I will come to
the door to thank you."

                Liao Qingxuan waved her hand and said "It's alright, it's nothing."

                Qin Ming sent the people back, Liao Qingxuan lying on the bed in a daze said "Qin Ming, this is
what you owe me, I lied for you, I really ...... never lie."

                Qin Ming said "Teacher you sleep, I'll lock the door for you, thank you this time, next time buy
you dinner."

                "Well ........." Liao Qingxuan fell asleep in a daze "What kind of meal are you inviting me to eat,
which time am I not cooking for you."

                Qin Ming went out and found these people still there.

                "What are you doing? What else do you guys want to do?" He asked.

                Huang Shaohao's black face immediately said, "Qin Ming, you slept here last night too, didn't
you? The surveillance at the entrance of the area shows that you left this morning. You also slept here last
night, this house is two rooms, your teacher sleeps in one, you Chang Xi sleeps in one, you sleep in the
living room, is it possible for you to ...... in the middle of the night"

                The latter words were not finished, but the meaning was self-explanatory, implying that Qin
Ming climbed into Sun Changxi's bed in the middle of the night.

                Sun Changxi was so angry that her face turned white and she said, "Huang Shaohao, what are
you trying to say? I ......"

                Aunt Yang immediately said "You shut up!"

                Sun Changxi immediately did not dare to speak, the atmosphere of the arms clasped.

                Qin Ming was also stunned, this Huang Shaohao had no end to it?

                Qin Ming could understand, he took the attitude of Sun Changxi's future husband, found out that
Sun Changxi had not returned last night, he was afraid and worried, he was very worried that Sun Changxi
had lost her virginity, so he had to break the sand pot to the end.

                But this would be too much, it has risen to the level of insulting Sun Changxi, and that would be
more than worth it.

                Auntie Yang asked, "Qin Ming, where did you sleep last night? Since we've already checked
here, you should also testify yourself so that nothing will happen in the future, okay?"

                Qin Ming coldly snorted "Really, you guys have to ask me to prove this and that, isn't it
annoying? If I am proven innocent, what do I have to do? I want Sister Chang Xi to accompany me to see a
movie, how about this condition?"

                Qin Ming's move was a retreat, it looked like he was being rude, he looked like he was taking a
big advantage by asking to watch a movie with Sun Changxi here, in fact it looked like he didn't get any
advantage from Sun Changxi, he was secretly protecting Sun Changxi.

                Huang Shaohao said "Oh, you are delusional, toad wants to eat swan meat."

                Sun Changxi said, "Qin Ming, just say it straight."

                Qin Ming shook his head helplessly and said, "Really, my big brother's family lives next to me, I
stayed at my big brother's house last night."

                As he said that, Qin Ming took out his keys and opened the door.

                Qin Chaoyang was watching TV in the living room, and when he saw Qin Ming enter, he said,
"Hey? Xiao Ming, you're here? Did you bring your friends? I have to clean up the living room."

                "Brother, it's okay, they won't come in." Qin Ming turned back and said "I'm tired of you guys
asking me to prove this and that, so get lost wherever you can and leave me alone."

                The door slammed shut, leaving behind an embarrassed crowd, so this is where the family lives.

                Seeing that the proof was almost complete, Sun Changxi said, "Now are you convinced? I just
fell down and hit my stomach. I was walking in the wrong position and you said I was having sex with
someone else. You even dragged my mother to find someone else to prove this and that, what were you
thinking? Why don't you call her brother to come out and prove that Qin Ming slept here last night?"

                Auntie Yang said indifferently, "The matter has been proved, you are innocent. Chang Xi, don't
blame Huang Shao, he's just worried about you, you have to know that in our circle, if there's a little thing
that doesn't see the light of day, it's all over the news."

                Huang Shaohao saw that the proof was over, and his heart was relieved to know that Sun
Changxi was still innocent, and a smile appeared on his face.

                He hurriedly said with a smile on his face, "Yes, Changxi, I am also worried about you. I
definitely believe in you in my heart, but I'm afraid you'll be at a disadvantage. I'm sorry, I won't do it

                Sun Changxi lost her temper and said, "Humph, I'm going back, you guys continue to spend time

                As she got into the car, Sun's phone rang and a message came from Qin Ming, "Sister Changxi,
did you still say you were going to watch a movie? Let's watch 'Nezha' together?"
                Sun Changxi smiled, she had taken a big step forward today and did not let her family find out
what happened between her and Qin Ming last night, otherwise she would not have been able to eat at
home and her old father at home would not have wanted her life.

                What happened last night, Sun Changxi did not feel that she had suffered a loss, it was originally
Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, a matter of willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer.

                She could not shamelessly say that it was all Qin Ming's fault, right?

                So, Sun Changxi just wanted to treat it as a "beautiful encounter" and forget about it.

                As for the future? Although she regretted losing her virginity, not all men in China care about the
membrane, and she would not marry Huang Shaohao, a straight man with advanced cancer.

                In the small house, Qin Ming was holding his mobile phone and received a message from Sun
Changxi "No, I'm not going, I've lost my virginity to you over a meal. I'm afraid I'm not going to get
pregnant watching a movie?"

                "Hahahaha ......" Qin Ming burst out laughing, it looks like the night was handled well.

                Qin Ming was about to put his phone away and take a break, but at that moment, Liao Qingxuan

                Qin Ming's heart stirred "Hmm? Isn't Miss Liao asleep? Why ......"

Chapter 482
"Well ...... Qin Ming, I feel so bad...I've shouted at you so many times, where are you?" Liao Qingxuan
rattled on the phone.

                Qin Ming sighed, how could this Liao Qingxuan be a teacher? Every other day, she got drunk.

                He had to go back next door and found Liao Qingxuan lying in the living room again, holding a
bottle of red wine and pouring it down her throat.

                The floor of the living room had also been vomited on, and the vomit stank of the floor.
                Qin Ming was really angry, drinking like this, do not want to die?

                But for the sake of his mentor, Principal Liao, Qin Ming couldn't ignore it.

                He went forward and grabbed the red wine, saying "Liao Qingxuan, what are you doing? You
don't want to drink any more liver?"

                 I still want to drink ...... drunk, you can have whatever you want, there are luxury cars, good
Chanel, Ferrari, and award-winning ......"

                Qin Ming said in annoyance "You really want to drink into the hospital, how can I face Principal
Liao ah? She has helped me so much, can't watch you degrade yourself."

                "Qin Ming, give you a kiss, you give me wine." Liao Qingxuan hugged Qin Ming's thigh and
went booze crazy, saying "Kiss wherever you want."

                Qin Ming kicked him away and said, "Go, go, I won't give you any more wine. What do you
want to kiss, you know how to cheat people."

                Qin Ming carried Liao Qingxuan back to the room, Liao Qingxuan smoothly hooked a pair of
jade arms around Qin Ming, said "Qin Ming, am I very heavy?"

                Qin Ming said "You're not heavy, what's wrong?"

                Liao Qingxuan smiled and poked Qin Ming with her hand, saying "No, humph, you can talk, no
wonder you can trick girls into staying home at night."

                Qin Ming's face was dark, it was true that he had just said that the kissing was a lie, this woman
was really getting mad when she was drunk.

                Qin Ming got Liao Qingxuan some more boiling water and cleaned the living room again, after
working for a while, Liao Qingxuan was already asleep lying on the bed.

                Qin Ming was speechless, why did Liao Qingxuan notify him first when something happened?

                The last two times it was Liao Qingxuan who grabbed his hand and wouldn't let him go.
                The last two times it was Liao Qingxuan who grabbed his hand and wouldn't let him go." Qin
Ming calculated, "Alas ...... sleep on the sofa."

                "Qin Ming, I'm so hard ...... should we women have to be like this?" Suddenly, Liao Qingxuan
muttered something in her sleep.

                Qin Ming was stunned and asked "What's so difficult for you? Aren't you properly a little rich

                "Oooh ...... I've been cheated." Liao Qingxuan muttered in a daze, and a line of hot tears actually
flowed down from the corner of her eyes.

                Qin Ming was very surprised, cheated? How was she cheated?

                But it was no longer possible for him to pursue the question, Liao Qingxuan had already started
to snore, her charming face, white and tender, although her wine taste was not good, her sleeping face was
really nice.

                Qin Ming was somewhat concerned about what Liao Qingxuan said, Qin Ming was a man of
great affection, he treated Liao Qingxuan as a friend, when his friend was in trouble, he was naturally
happy to help, as if Liao Qingxuan had just lied for him.

                Qin Ming walked to the living room sofa and went straight to bed.

                When Qingxuan Liao woke up the next day, she touched her body, her clothes were in good
condition, and said to herself gratefully "I didn't do anything bad, not bad, good boy."

                Liao Qingxuan walked to the living room and found that Qin Ming had already made breakfast
and greeted her, "Teacher Liao, are you up? Come and eat."

                Liao Qingxuan sniffed the noodles with her nose and said, "There's too much salt. The taste is
average, not bad."

                Qin Ming grinned "It's definitely not as good as yours."

                Liao Qingxuan was surprised and asked "Don't you have classes? It's already past nine, ah ......
I'm late for class again, forget it, let someone else take my place."

                The corners of Qin Ming's mouth twitched, this woman is really, how can she be a university
teacher? It was late and still full of care.

                Liao Qingxuan propped her head up and asked as she ate, "I was drunk last night, I didn't say
anything strange to you, did I?"

                Qin Ming joked, "Yes, you said you wanted to kiss."

                Liao Qingxuan suddenly made a red face and her cheeks flew up, she hurriedly used her hands to
cover up and said "This ...... is because I was drunk. Is there anything else?"

                Qin Ming said "There is also, you said you were cheated. Ms. Liao, what kind of person have
you been cheated by? Tell me, I'll help you settle the score."

                Liao Qingxuan shook her head and said, "Forget it, you're a kid, you can't help. You're already a
senior, graduate well and find a good job. My business ...... alas ......"

                As soon as Liao Qingxuan talked about her sadness, she went to the fridge again to find beer to

                This early in the morning to drink?

                Qin Ming immediately pressed the fridge and said "Liao Qingxuan, I'll state solemnly again, I'm
not a kid, I'm 21, teacher, aren't you only 26?"

                "25!" Liao Qingxuan immediately corrected, exasperated, "Virtual age 26."

                Liao Qingxuan ruffled her hair and said "Anyway, I'm a teacher, you're a student, you're a kid.
You can't help me with my business. And it's not a life-threatening matter, it's a family matter."

                Qin Ming took a bottle of wine and said "I won't give you a drink until you say so."
                Liao Qingxuan looked at Qin Ming with mixed feelings, the last time she was disturbed by
Zhang Jundong, a big brother of the grey forces in Guangcheng, she even involved Qin Ming at that time,
later it was Qin Ming who enlightened her and did not let her worry too much.

                Later on, she was helped by someone who took care of Zhang Jundong and made him pay a huge
sum of 50 million dollars, which instantly turned Liao Qingxuan from a debt-ridden woman to a rich

                Later on, Liao Qingxuan asked around for some people to help her with her troubles, but there
was no news, instead she had a vague feeling that Qin Ming was involved in these matters.

                But she had no evidence, and Qin Ming was just a student, right?

                Qin Ming said, "Teacher Liao, I've been waiting for you all night, just tell me. One more person
has one more idea, two stinkers are better than half a Zhuge Liang. Hey, did you forget? The last time you
were in trouble, I was the one who told your fortune and came up with the good luck. My fortune-telling
skills are even better now."

                Qin Ming naturally did not know how to tell fortunes, but in that autobiography of his Zhang
Quanzhen, many of the so-called fortune-telling was to ask the subject to do something weird and chaotic
and pray to God for blessing, and then Zhang Quanzhen secretly facilitated a coincidence, a result, and that
result was what the subject said he prayed for.

                After such a thing was done, Zhang Quanzhen's fame rose.

                Qin Ming now also has a bit of an idea in this regard, as a training exercise, after all, this is the
most basic of Zhang Quanzhen's skills.

                When Liao Qingxuan saw Qin Ming's persistence, she sighed and said, "Didn't I make a small
fortune and easily set up my own company? I've also done a few shows and just made a name for myself."

                Qin Ming asked, "Well, what happened? Who in your family cheated you?"

                "My dad." Liao Qingxuan clenched her fist in pain, her eyes filling with hot tears again "He lied
to me and said that his company was in trouble and needed a large sum of money to turn around. He
wanted to take my company as collateral to borrow money, he talked to me for a long time, and I agreed to
him in a moment of weakness. As a result, he lied to me, his so-called company, just an empty shell, my
company's public accounts were all transferred by him, to my brother, opened a new company ...... my
company was finally seized by the bank."

                "?" Qin Ming listened, the whole person is a question mark, asked "Why did your father do this

                Liao Qingxuan said in pain "Because my dad is patriarchal! Because my brother met a rich white
girl friend, and the girl's family disliked my brother for being unproductive and a nibbler. My dad just took
my dreams and hard work and gave it all to my brother. If it weren't for his preference for sons, why else
would my mother have divorced him?"

                "Oooh ...... Qin Ming, I have nothing left, why? It's so hard for me, I just bought my Ferrari last
month and I haven't paid the outstanding amount yet, what should I do?" When Liao Qingxuan reached a
sad point, she was at a loss and helpless, leaning her head against Qin Ming and crying loudly.

                Qin Ming's heart fluttered, "Can this be considered a family matter? It was clearly a fraud.

                He saw how pitiful Qingxuan Liao was, what should he do now? What should he do now?

Chapter 483-484
 Chapter 483
"Ooooo ...... uhhh ......" Liao Qingxuan leaned against Qin Ming's solid chest and cried out.

                But Qin Ming enjoyed Liao Qingxuan's soft flesh and warm fragrance as much as he could, her
willow waist, and through his clothes he felt those two clusters on his chest, a faint fragrance coming to his
nose, and, well, a smell of overnight wine.

                Liao Qingxuan's figure was very sensual to hold, the lines were particularly slim, yet
exceptionally well developed, Qin Ming could hardly resist.

                He handed Liao Qingxuan a hand towel.

                Liao Qingxuan turned around, wiped her tears and said awkwardly "I lost my temper, Qin Ming,
don't take it to heart."
                Liao Qingxuan's loss of temper also proved that she really cared about the company she had built
up, which had just been lost.

                Liao Qingxuan smoothed out her anger and said, "My father is a very traditional man, macho
and patriarchal, although he has a successful career, he can't change these problems, especially the
patriarchy, my mother couldn't stand this and divorced him when I was in junior high school."

                "It was actually this education issue that we argued about, my mother was an educator, she
insisted that she couldn't overly spoil my brother and ignore me, my father said that boys will understand
when they grow up, my mother, a small woman, didn't understand."

                "I was actually quite naughty as a child and I liked the fact that my dad left me alone, he said that
sooner or later a girl marries someone and it's okay to be as crazy as you want."

                "My mother fought with my dad a lot because of that, and when she fought more, she got

                "Over the years, my dad did get along with me and was quite concerned about me."

                "I didn't really have much to say against him, although he preferred my brother, but I was doing
well on my own and didn't envy my brother or anything."

                "But he lied to me, cheated me out of my money, mortgaged my company, took the money and
turned it around to start a company for my brother. He even said that later on, if my brother's marriage
went well, he would then let me be the vice president of my brother's company, huh?"

                "Right now I still have contracts in hand for three big stage shows with the TV station, the
people under me are all still waiting for my salary, and I, having just bought a Ferrari to pay for, now only
have a little over a million left, which is not enough to cover my expenses."

                "Qin Ming, do you think, is there really such a father in the world? To completely ignore his
daughter's life and death, to completely disregard me, his daughter, for the sake of his own son."

                Liao Qingxuan despondently and helplessly confided in Qin Ming, she had been holding this in
for days, and it was only because she had a special relationship with Qin Ming that she spoke up.
                Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, this was indeed a bit too much, he said "Call the police, Ms. Liao,
this is already a fraud."

                Liao Qingxuan shook her head and said "So I personally sent my father to jail and ruined my
brother's marriage?"

                Qin Ming said incomprehensibly "Then they have ruined your life like this. Such relatives, even
if they don't help you, they still pit you. The more you put up with them, the more they will take advantage
of them."

                Liao Qingxuan was still very resistant and said "But ...... Qin Ming, this matter is my business,
you should not get involved. I'll take it as eating a sting and growing wise. I really can't really send my dad
to prison."

                Liao Qingxuan escaped, not wanting to go through with this painful decision.

                How could this be called eating a sting and growing wiser? This was clearly a case of being too

                In fact, in Liao Qingxuan's heart, she had always grown up under a single-parent family.
Although her parents had divorced, Liao Qingxuan had grown up with her father and elder brother on good
terms, and although she was not cared for much, she had become a nationally famous dancer at a young
age because she had been taken care of by her mother since then.

                As a socially successful person, that was the star-studded protagonist, Liao Qingxuan lacked
nothing and did not have much hostility in her heart, and also worked as a dance teacher, so her mentality
was even better, except for the lack of desire for a family, which had always been a longing in her heart.

                So Liao Qingxuan has little resentment towards her family in her heart, but instead often laments
the fact that she is a single parent.

                She believes that loved ones are more important than money.

                It is in a woman's nature that maternal glory is easily tolerated, especially for the mistakes of her
family, and she would rather suffer herself than wait for the moment when they turn around and reform.
                Qin Ming looked at Liao Qingxuan's choice and recalled the contents of Zhang Quanzhen's
autobiography and thought to himself that what he had said was indeed true.

                The current Liao Qingxuan is too much of a saintly mother, suffering alone in order to maintain
a "relative" who does not take her seriously, it is not worth it.

                Dingdong ...... suddenly the doorbell rang.

                The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

                Liao Qingxuan was surprised and said, "Dad? Why are you here? Aren't you in the capital?"

                The visitor was none other than Liao Qingxuan's biological father, Yuan Bing.

                Liao Qingxuan took her mother's surname later.

                Yuan Bing, with his fat head and big ears, walked in and said, "Yes, Xiao Xuan, don't blame Dad
for keeping this from you, you are an understanding child. You should know that your brother is almost 30
years old, and it's hard to get a wife, so you can't make any mistakes. Can you bear to see your brother
being a bachelor for the rest of his life?"

                "Moreover, the woman is very rich, although we men are not as good as, but we can't lose face,
that accompanying dowry are one or two hundred million, when the time comes, then return the money to
you, won't it be fine? You just think of it as a short-term investment."

                "I I ......" Liao Qingxuan had a hard time saying.

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

                Yuan Bing was stunned, looked at Qin Ming and said "You have friends? The company's main
business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. Besides, if she can't, her mother
is also the president of the university, and she can say a few words. It's not a matter at all, you're young and
don't understand this society, it's a human society."

                Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, he was indeed young, but understood this society too well to sell
his daughter for his own selfish interests.
                If Principal Liao really played favorites for the sake of her own daughter, then she would have a
handle in the future, the same included Liao Qingxuan, once she owed a favor and a handle, then she
would be subjected to people everywhere in the future.

                "Heh." Qin Ming gave a disdainful dry smile.

                Liao Qingxuan was afraid that the two would get into a fight and hurriedly said, "Qin Ming,
you've finished eating noodles, go, go, go, go back to your school."

                Qin Ming sighed, this was an expulsion order.

                Liao Qingxuan asked again, "Dad, what's up? Is it because big brother and sister-in-law are
getting married? Just let me know on the phone, why come here in person."

                Yuan Bing rubbed his palms together and said, "Alas, it's still about your brother? Originally, the
gift and other things were agreed upon, and the house was also bought in Beijing, but your sister-in-law
suddenly said she wanted to come to Guangzhou to work and open a company, and also said she wanted a
good car to facilitate her future work."

                Liao Qingxuan wondered, "So what? I don't have any money anymore."

                Yuan Bing said, "Didn't you say last time that you had ordered a Ferrari? The down payment has
already been given. How about this, you can give the car to your brother, and Dad will pay for the
subsequent loan repayment, you don't have to pay. In addition, you can also borrow your house in
Guangcheng, so that your brother and sister-in-law can live here for a while after they get married, so that
our family can afford to buy a house in such a good location in Guangcheng."

                Liao Qingxuan said aggressively, "I can't. If my brother gets this house, where will I live?"

                Yuan Bing said with a stern face, "Aren't you a university teacher? Didn't your school assign you
a dormitory? It's not a permanent residence, why are you so stingy? Your brother can't lose face and look
like our Yuan family has properties in Beijing and also in Guangzhou, and can afford to drive a luxury car,
otherwise your sister-in-law will be pressing your brother in the future, what will happen then?"
                Qin Ming was so angry that he was going crazy, how could he do that? What the hell do you
think? Your son can't hold down his own daughter-in-law, so he uses his daughter as a pawn, tsk, Qin
Ming really didn't know there was such a strange father until he saw it with his own eyes.

                He looked at Liao Qingxuan very torn and helpless, not knowing what to do.

Chapter 484
In the end, Liao Qingxuan agreed to her father Yuan Bing's request and gave the Ferrari to her brother,
taking the down payment as a wash, and temporarily lending the house to her brother and sister-in-law as a
temporary place to live after the wedding to look respectable.

                Because the sister-in-law to come to Guang city to open a company to start a business, after all,
Guang city is a first-tier city in China, economic and trade is very developed, currently vigorously promote
technology and information industry, it can be said that there is gold everywhere.

                Yuan Bing's idea is to merge Liao Qingxuan's elder brother's company with her sister-in-law's.
After all, her brother is not very good at business and is prone to losing money, so her daughter-in-law will
work and her brother will be a big boss behind her.

                Once everything is on track, Liao Qingxuan will join the company as a vice president to help her
brother keep an eye on things.

                In addition to spend money to buy a house is too waste of money, and Yuan Bing in order to
organize this wedding, has also spent a lot of money, originally in the capital city to buy a set of tens of
millions of houses, the results of the woman does not want to live in the capital city, but must come to the
city of Guangzhou to start a business.

                The old father had no choice but to come to his daughter who was working in Guangzhou for the
sake of his son's marriage.

                Although Liao Qingxuan's house was only a two-room apartment, the price of a good location
and environment in the urban green island district had been rising, and it was almost up to the level of ten

                Yuan Bing looked around the house and said "The decoration is very stylish, very good, not to
lose face."
                Liao Qingxuan was speechless and propped up her forehead, asking "Dad, how many days will
brother and sister-in-law stay? There has to be a deadline, right?"

                Yuan Bing said, "It won't be long, half a year at most, they have a house in Beijing, so they won't
want your house. If it wasn't for your brother's daughter-in-law and my grandchildren, I wouldn't have
gone to such lengths. Xiao Xuan, dad knows you know best, you won't not help your dad and your brother
this time, will you?"

                "It's not that I don't want to help, it's just that ......" Liao Qingxuan had a headache, if Dad really
did what he said, that he would return the money later when he earned it, buy a house and move out, and
give everything back to her, it wasn't impossible for her to sacrifice a little.

                But she didn't have the confidence.

                The word "no" stuck in her throat, especially when facing her old father, Liao Qingxuan's
decisiveness plummeted.

                This is perhaps the case with elders.

                Yuan Bing said with conviction, "Don't be so unsure. Yes, Dad admittedly prefers your brother
because your brother doesn't know any better. As the old saying goes, raising a child for 100 years is a
long way to go, right? But you're also Dad's own flesh and blood, and my company has really been having
trouble with its turnover lately, and I've bought your brother a house in the first ring of the capital, so I'm
short of money."

                "Your sister-in-law is white and rich, her family is rich, we can't let your brother lose face, can
we? Your brother can't hold down your sister-in-law, and he'll have a hard time in the future. Then your
sister-in-law's dowry won't be good enough to take, and if it's not good enough, it won't be good enough to
pay you back, will it?"

                "Don't worry, Dad won't harm you, Xiao Xuan, you are a sensible child, you have to think about
the bigger picture, we are a family, so we should support each other and tide over the difficulties together."

                "When your brother takes your sister-in-law's dowry in the future, I'll make the decision and I'll
definitely return the money to you, is it still short of your tens of millions? Right?"
                With Yuan Bing's constant persuasion, Liao Qingxuan eventually had nothing more to say and
agreed to hand over both the car and the house.

                Qin Ming stood at the door and watched, secretly shaking his head, it was bad luck for a woman
to have such a family.

                This was someone else's family matter and Qin Ming could do nothing about it. He and Liao
Qingxuan were only good friends at best, so he could not intervene directly if Liao Qingxuan did not ask.

                Qin Ming went back to the next room, Qin Chaoyang and Xiao Li were still there, and they
seemed to have just taken a shower, and they were wearing pajamas? The vacuum inside? The flesh on
their chests was swaying through their pajamas.

                What kind of shower is this early in the morning? The two of them together?

                The first thing you need to do is to go back to your room when you see Qin Ming.

                The first thing you need to do is to look at your older brother, Qin Chaoyang, who has a rosy
complexion and is bare-chested with tanned skin and strong muscles from years of working on
construction sites.

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.
I'm going to have a sister-in-law soon?"

                Qin Chaoyang made a big red face and smiled nervously "Why did you suddenly come back
without saying anything? Don't make a fuss, Xiao Li is thin skinned, you'll make her embarrassed."

                "Ai yo yo, brother, still dislike me back?" Qin Ming smiled and said, "Let's do it, let's transfer
the house to you later, I won't come back later."

                Qin Chaoyang was puzzled and asked, "Doesn't this house belong to your boss? It's for your
boss's secretary, but it's been so long, I haven't seen your boss's little secretary come over."

                Qin Ming said, "My boss said that I had done a good job recently, so he asked me what I wanted
as a reward, and I said I wanted this house, so he gave it to me."
                When Qin Chaoyang heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "So good? But no,
brother, it's not easy to have a house in Guangcheng, you have to cherish it, this house is big, so you won't
have to worry about getting a daughter-in-law in the future."

                Qin Ming laughed, big brother still worried about him getting a daughter-in-law in the future?

                Qin Ming said, "Brother, if you don't have this house, you may not be able to marry your sister-
in-law, do you believe it? You see, you are not young, do not worry to accept it, have a career and a big
house later to get you a Mercedes, to ensure that the sister-in-law married home smoothly, so that our
parents hold grandchildren, right? But ......"

                The first thing you need to do is to get a new one.

                "But what?" Qin Chaoyang asked.

                Qin Ming looked at the door of the room, his face sank, said "but sister-in-law's family does not
know how? If the character is not too good, are sharp-eyed, miser like ......"

                Qin Chaoyang said "Xiao Li so good a girl, can have such a good tutor, his family's moral
character will be poor?"

                The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not in a hurry to get married and find
the opportunity to meet with Xiaoli's family. Try to look a little poorer, if Xiao Li's family still agrees, then
I have no problem with it."

                Qin Chaoyang asked "So what do you mean?"

                Qin Ming lowered his voice and said "Brother, you first do this ...... and then do this to see the
reaction of your sister-in-law's family, and if everything goes well, these houses will be yours in the future.
As a congratulatory gift from me to you and your sister-in-law."

                Qin Chaoyang frowned "Brother, this is not good, right? It feels a bit deceitful."

                Qin Ming said, "Brother, listen to me, it's right, relationships that can't stand the test are plastic."
                Qin Chaoyang said, "Okay, then Xiao Li and I will move out today."

                Qin Ming nodded, he looked at the door again, he was quite satisfied with this secretary of his
elder brother, he hoped that she could stand the test and make things right with him.

                The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're getting into. Three two
one ......"

                The words just fell, Qin Ming's phone rang, and it was really Liao Qingxuan calling.

                Liao Qingxuan said very tiredly "Qin Ming ...... that, there is something to ask you, you can you
take me in for a while?"

                Qin Ming played dumb and said, "Why? I'm just a student, why would I take you in? You can
talk to Principal Liao about it?"

                Liao Qingxuan gritted her teeth and said, "Can't I tell my mother? My mother will definitely
come and fight with my father. By then, my brother's wedding will be gone. Isn't your brother and your
sister-in-law living next door? I often see them in pairs. Can you do me a favour and let me stay for a few
months? Just a few months would be fine. I promise, I won't disturb their private life."

                Qin Ming stammered, "Well, it's not impossible, my brother has to move out recently, so it's
okay for you to help look at the house. But what's in it for me?"

                Liao Qingxuan became angry and said, "Hey ...... you little brat, you can't even help your
teacher, but you want benefits? You can give you rent, right? You really want a kiss? You bad boy."

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "Then how about this, I can help you, but you have to ......"

Chapter 485-486
 Chapter 485
"Qin Ming, you're not going to hit me with attention, are you?" Liao Qingxuan said angrily "If you don't
help, I'll find someone else."

                Qin Ming said with amusement "Teacher, if you can think of someone else, would you still look
for me first? You're not still hiding this from Principal Liao, are you?"
                "Well ......" Liao Qingxuan puffed up her mouth and clenched her fist, she really didn't have any
good places to go, she did have friends, but where could she find an empty house? The male friends, the
safest and most reliable, she thought of Qin Ming.

                She didn't live in the school dormitory, she had been receiving an allowance, and she couldn't go
to her mother's place, otherwise she would have to argue.

                After thinking about it, Liao Qingxuan thought of Qin Ming's elder brother and his wife who
lived next door.

                Liao Qingxuan said, "I'll give you the rent, right? You just think of it as helping the teacher,
okay? You're a bad boy."

                Qin Ming said, "Liao Qingxuan, do you want to go there? I can help you, but you have to ......"

                The first thing you need to do is to take advantage of her. This bad boy, bad as hell.

                Qin Ming finally laughed and said "You must take care of the house, this house is for my big
brother's future marriage, it's very important, you just think of it as helping to take a look at the house, the
daily cleaning must also be done, got it?"

                When Liao Qingxuan heard this, wasn't this a very regular request? She was so shocked that she
thought Qin Ming was going to make some excessive request.

                "I told you, he's deliberately teasing me, what a bad boy with a coloured heart and no guts." Liao
Qingxuan's heart was happy and her feelings towards Qin Ming increased by a few points.

                Liao Qingxuan said, "Sure, where are you? I'll go and talk to your brother about it. You're the
best, every time I'm in trouble, you're always there to help, you're my mother's best student."

                Qin Ming said "I'm just downstairs, come down and talk."

                Liao Qingxuan landed downstairs and said, "You bad boy, you're specifically trying to trap me? I
can't believe you're waiting here."
                Qin Ming said "Liao Qingxuan, you're giving up your house and car, that's too great, isn't it? I
can't watch you sleep on the streets either, can I?"

                Liao Qingxuan heard Qin Ming's words and explained, "My father gave me his word. He said
that he would return the money to me, and now that my brother is getting married, it's a critical time for me
to sacrifice a little. I can't even trust my dad anymore? I'm renting this house from your brother, I'll take
care of it, don't worry."

                Qin Ming was speechless, what was the point of this kind of son first promise?

                Liao Qingxuan was also too good at fooling.

                Qin Ming nudged his mouth and said, "That's fine. I see that your brother's marriage and your
house loan are not going so well. If you need to, ask me to tell your fortune, and I might be able to help

                Liao Qingxuan said, "You want to read my palm again? Do you think I really believe you?
Okay, is your brother here? I'll go and talk to him."

                Qin Ming said, "Yes, they're moving elsewhere today."

                It didn't take long for Qin Chaoyang to call a moving van, intending to move his daily life stuff
to his secretary Xiao Li's former rental house in the city village.

                The urban village in Guang City was poorly managed, next to a stinky ditch, mixed with dragons
and snakes, and the environment was so far worse than a small community that this shift in treatment of
moving there was not something the average person could afford.

                But Qin Ming is intentionally arranged in this way, to test Xiao Li's family.

                Qin Chaoyang even sleeps with his secretary, with his understanding of his big brother's
personality, this should be the first woman in his life, he is also almost running three years old, I guess he
also wants to marry Xiaoli home.
                Then he as a younger brother will have to help keep an eye on his big brother, otherwise he will
have to rely on his simple and honest parents, who are still in the countryside helping their boss to tide
over the difficulties, and who cares so much.

                If it is a good woman, then we will marry her quickly, if there is a problem, then we will split up
early, to save rubbish.

                Qin Ming is a little bit like he is the younger brother, but he wants to be the "father" of the

                The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

                Qin Ming said, "Sister Li, I'm sorry, I have other uses for this house."

                Wang Xiaoli dared not have anything against Qin Ming, he was the boss of the board, she
hurriedly said, "No, it's okay. We can just rent a house outside, it's not expensive."

                Qin Ming helped his elder brother move, and then helped Liao Qingxuan move over, after some
hard work, he said to Qin Chaoyang "Brother, it's time for you to meet your parents, no matter what, let
Sister Li's family see you first, and you can take it back home and meet with your parents to see if you are
both satisfied."

                Qin Chaoyang nodded and said "I know, pretending to be poor. When Wang Feng disliked me
for being poor, she ran away after four years of talking, preferring to sell rather than sleep with me, and
humiliating me with money, I always remember that. Xiao Li I feel good, I at least have a job now, and
since she is willing to follow me, it shouldn't be a big problem."

                After Qin Chaoyang moved out, Qin Ming went back inside and saw Liao Qingxuan counting
her clothes.

                Liao Qingxuan asked curiously, "Eh, Qin Ming, I don't need your brother's room, the guest room
is full of miscellaneous things and there's no bed. But who is the master bedroom? That bed is so beautiful,
it seems to be unoccupied."

                Qin Ming said, "Mine. Teacher Liao, why don't you sleep in my bed?"
                Liao Qingxuan hesitated, "Is that a bad idea? You haven't done anything strange in bed, have

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "What's wrong with that? I'm not a little kid? What are you shy

                "I'm not shy, hey, you little brat." Liao Qingxuan gave Qin Ming a blank look and said "Fine, I'll
sleep in your room."

                Suddenly, the door opened and Yuan Bing, the old father, poked his head in, and when he saw
Liao Qingxuan, he walked in directly without greeting her, saying, "Oh? This house seems to be more
spacious and better decorated, huh? Wow, is this crystal cabinet real? It must be several tens of thousands
of dollars, right?"

                The decoration of this house is of course good, at first Song Ying thought Qin Ming was going
to live in it, the decoration materials are all the best, the decoration cost is more than 500,000, and there are
all kinds of expensive furniture and appliances, the grade is much better than the house of Liao Qingxuan
next door.

                Qin Ming said "I am the landlord, I rented the house to Ms. Liao."

                When Yuan Bing heard this, he said, "Eh? Xiao Xuan, you've rented it? Isn't that perfect? The
house next door is a bit small, so it looks like we have two houses here. You can use it for your brother to
brag about."

                Liao Qingxuan said speechlessly, "Dad, this is someone else's house, does it make sense to lie
like this? Sooner or later, they'll find out, and it'll be even more humiliating. Is your sister-in-law trying to
make money for our family?"

                Qin Ming was not annoyed, and said with a smile, "This set was bought for more than five
million, including the decoration, it costs more than six million, and recently the price of housing has been
rising rapidly. Two sets together, estimated 15 million, if a young man can buy it in a year or two of hard
work, it is possible to brag."

                Yuan Bing was very satisfied and said, "Well, that's very good, very good, you and I thought of
the same thing, this can lose anything, but not face. Young man, can you buy a house at a young age?"
                Qin Ming said, "No, it's my big brother's. He let me take care of it. Uncle, do you want to rent it?
I'll rent it for you, but I'll have to pay for the old stuff in the house. How's that?"

                Yuan Bing was a bit impressed, this house of Qin Ming's was indeed too high-class, his house in
Beijing was not even as good as this one.

                His son was going to pose out, thirty years old, with his own company, assets in the tens of
millions, with a Ferrari to drive, two more houses in Beijing, two houses in Guangcheng, worth ten
million, and an old father behind him, also with a money making company, a proper successful person.

                The company has a company that earns money.

                Qin Ming said cheaply "Oh, teacher Liao, you don't understand this, do you? The woman wants
to get married and get knocked up, so what's the point of worrying? The woman still wants to divorce and

                "Eh!" Yuan Bing said with surprise, "The young man has thought of the same thing as me. I'm
not sure if you can just marry a factory girl or a village girl, right? If you marry a high quality woman, then
our Yuan family will have face. Do you understand? This is a good house. I want to rent it. Young man,
how about a price?"

                Qin Ming said with a gradual smile, "Oh, uncle, what are you talking about, we're all family, I'll
rent it to you cheaply. But I have a condition."

                Liao Qingxuan was completely devastated, she felt as if Qin Ming was going to do something,
what was this talk of conditions?

Chapter 486
"What are you doing, Qin Ming? I just moved over here." Liao Qingxuan was about to collapse, facing her
old father's aggressive attitude, Qin Ming was still acting like he was cooperating and not helping her,
which made her very sad and tired.

                Qin Ming said "Sister Xuan, you don't want me to rent it out, do you? Uncle, you heard me, I
can't rent it."
                Yuan Bing immediately became upset and said with his hands behind his back and a stern face,
"Xiao Xuan, what are you doing? Where can you not rent a house? This is a great house, and since your
friend is willing, what are you objecting to? You go back to your school dormitory."

                "But Dad ......" Liao Qingxuan really didn't know what to say, she had already given in time and
time again, why did her dad repeatedly oppress her living space for the sake of her brother Yuan Haohua.

                The actual fact is that you'll be able to get a lot more than just a few of these. It is not good to
live in, not to mention the money, which is quite a lot, which is like an acquaintance like Qin Ming, the
house is good and the rent is cheap.

                The fact that Liao Qingxuan suddenly found that she became fond of relying on Qin Ming, who
was a few years younger than her, but always felt very reliable, and every time something happened Qin
Ming was by her side, gave her a sense of security, as if Qin Ming could fix anything.

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of services to the public. The company's
main business is to provide a wide range of services to the public. I told you that you have a house in this
neighborhood. The actual fact is that you can't have a big house. The company's main business is to
provide a service to the public. You want to lose your face again after bragging about it? Are you happy
watching your brother and your sister-in-law quarrel?"

                Liao Qingxuan was so angry that her face turned red and she angrily rebuked, "Yuan Haohua is
not that big of a head, so don't wear such a big hat? Is it, is it that he bragged about his successful career,
having a car and a house, coaxing other girls. So you just gave him all mine, and you're still lying to me
aren't you?"

                Yuan Bing's face was slack, his eyes dared not look at his daughter from side to side, and he said
"Oh, I'm not going to say it? When the matter is over, take the dowry of your sister-in-law's family and
return the money to you? Don't you want to help your brother get a daughter-in-law?"

                Liao Qingxuan was so angry that tears welled up in her eyes, and she wanted to say something to
refuse, but it stuck in her throat and she couldn't say it.

                She cried in anger, "Fine, I'll help, I'll move out! I'll give it all to you, satisfied?"

                After saying that, she carried a box of clothes and left the house in tears.
                Yuan Bing frowned and said, "Eh, what is this child of yours doing? You can't even stand a little

                Qin Ming did not chase after her and said, "Well, Uncle Yuan, do you want to rent? I'll have my
secretary come over to talk to you, in fact the rent can be cheaper, but the decorations in this house can't be
broken, otherwise you have to pay the original price."

                Yuan Bing said "No problem, this house is good, I'll rent it, but Xiao Qin you can't appear to say
that this is the house we rented."

                Qin Qinming smiled broadly and said "Don't worry Uncle Yuan, I understand."

                Qin Ming informed Song Ying to come over and talk to Yuan Bing money rental contract, he did
not care about this side of things.

                In fact, Qin Ming gourd is not selling any medicine, he actually first saw Yuan Bing, he felt that
this person is to collect debts, completely patriarchal, son praised to the sky, daughter stepped on the
ground, rely on Liao Qingxuan valued relatives of this emotion, and demanded inordinate, really too much.

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

                In the end, Qin Ming is going to use this house as the last straw to crush Liao Qingxuan's
psychological bottom line, and at the same time to set up this Yuan Bing, to help Liao Qingxuan get back
the money she lost, right?

                Qin Ming walked downstairs and wanted to call Liao Qingxuan, but he saw her sitting alone on
the lawn outside the badminton court, hugging her suitcase and crying.

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

                Qin Ming walked over and said "Teacher Liao ......?"

                "You go, you do not care about me." Liao Qingxuan choked up and said, "You helped my father
to bully me. I thought you were my reliable little brother."
                The corners of Qin Ming's mouth twitched, what the hell kind of reliable little brother? Is it not
the boy next door?

                Qin Ming said seriously "Cough cough, Liao Qingxuan, in fact, I think your status as a national
level dancer is too degrading to live in this commercial house."

                "Are you going to mock me?" Liao Qingxuan's eyes were red and she reached out to hit Qin
Ming's thigh, exasperatedly saying "I don't live in a commercial house, do I live in a big villa? Do you
know how hard it is to get a commercial house in a location like Guangzhou City? Ordinary people work
for a lifetime to buy a toilet."

                Qin Ming didn't move, Liao Qingxuan's fist didn't have any strength at all, it was like scratching
an itch.

                He laughed and said, "Yes, you only deserve to live in a big villa. Come, I'll take you to a big

                Liao Qingxuan gritted her teeth and said "I'm not going, you've been fooling me day in and day
out, trapping me. If you have the guts, you can carry me there."

                Before the words left his mouth, Qin Ming really leaned down and picked up Liao Qingxuan,
wrapping him in a princess hug, saying "Alright, let's go, let's go, our sister Xuan is moving into the big
villa today."

                When Qingxuan Liao saw that she was easily picked up by Qin Ming, her heart trembled and she
didn't know why, she didn't dare to move, she felt that Qin Ming would really take her to the villa,
knowing that it was unlikely, but she felt that it was good to have a fantasy and something to look forward

                Perhaps it was because he was Qin Ming.

                Qin Ming hugged Liao Qingxuan and found her leaning on his shoulder without saying a word,
making him a little shy.
                He had absolutely no unhealthy thoughts in his head. He helped Liao Qingxuan not only because
he liked to help his friends, but also because Principal Liao had helped him, a poor student, a lot in the
past, and he had to return the favor.

                Qin Ming walked along the main road of the district towards the independent villa at the back of
the district.

                Liao Qingxuan suddenly asked "I'm not heavy, am I?"

                "No, you've asked several times." Qin Ming responded, and as he said that he looked down, he
saw that Liao Qingxuan's posture had left her collar open, revealing the beige lingerie inside and a
squeezed cleavage on her chest.

                White and tender, the words flashed through Qin Ming's mind.

                "So beautiful." Qin Ming peeked at the snow-white scenery of Liao Qingxuan's collar while
thinking to himself "Ms. Liao's body is too good, she's also good looking, she's a good cook, she's a
family-oriented person, and she's career-minded, alas, the ultimate good woman. It's just that she loves
buying luxury goods and drinking, otherwise there are no shortcomings."

                Qin Ming carried Liao Qingxuan to the door of his villa, and Liao Qingxuan froze and said,
"Yours? Qin Ming you don't joke with me, this Huiyuan Pavilion is the best villa in this community,
private pool sports field garden driveway ...... just the rent will cost more than 100,000 a month."


                Qin Ming had already opened the electronic door when Liao Qingxuan was gibbering, and then
made a gentlemanly pose of invitation, saying "Beauty, want to move in? The rent is reduced by half and
the water and electricity are free."

                Liao Qingxuan's questioning voice came to a screeching halt, dumbfounded, looking at Qin
Ming incredulously, froze and said "Is it really yours?"

                Qin Ming took Liao Qingxuan's small hand and dragged her into the house, saying "Nonsense,
otherwise I could let you live here?"
                If he knew that this villa was still yours, wouldn't he have the cheek to drag me in to rent this
house from you? If you rent it out cheaply, you'll lose money?"

                Qin Ming said, "What? Don't you see clearly? Your father only cares about his son, he doesn't
care about you, so you're going to put up with him like this? Are you going to put up with this until you are
bruised and battered? Where is the Liao Qingxuan who usually lives as herself?"

                When Liao Qingxuan heard Qin Ming's words, it was like an enlightening experience. Yes, the
company had been cheated to mortgage her deposit to open a company for her elder brother, the car had
been cheated to give her elder brother's house and cheated to make it a wedding house, even Qin Ming's
commercial house had been rented out at a low price through her favours, and her old father Yuan Bing
was like a bottomless pit, constantly squeezing her value.

                Liao Qingxuan again covered her face in pain and said "But what can I do? What can I do?"

                Qin Ming said "Teacher Liao, you listen to me, let's do it this way ......"

 Chapter 487-488
 Chapter 487
"Do you still believe your father?" Qin Ming asked seriously.

                "I ......" Liao Qingxuan covered her face in pain and said, "Reason tells me that my father is lying
to me. He took everything I have to fill my brother's old age, he's thirty years old and all he knows how to
do is play games and buy hand-me-downs, eat, drink and play, he's never tried to earn a penny on his

                "My dad spoils my brother too much, his company used to be worth over 100 million, but now
my brother has lost tens of millions. I don't see any growth in my brother, just a spoiled social giant, and I
feel like I can't get back the money I was cheated out of."

                "But I I couldn't say no once I faced my dad, I couldn't say no, I looked at him and thought he
was telling the truth and he would give me my money back."

                "Because because I don't want to lose them, you don't know, I used to spend it all with my
mother, when I was studying, I was envious when I saw other people's fathers present at parents'
                "On New Year's Day, my mum had to work and I spent it all alone. My dad would even call me,
I especially didn't want to lose them."

                Qin Ming added "I understand how you feel, the less people have, the more they become overly
concerned. Listen to me this time, not only will you not lose your dad, but you won't lose your career or
your house."

                Liao Qingxuan looked up in surprise, she looked at Qin Ming and asked "You can really do

                Qin Ming said, "Of course I can, I have learnt some skills from a fortune teller, Miss Liao, your
fortune is good, you are blessed with good fortune, and your life will be smooth and smooth."

                Liao Qingxuan couldn't help but say, "You're coaxing people."

                Qin Ming said, "Why don't I show you my palm? I can guarantee that I can guess your recent
luck, so you should believe that I am a fortune teller, right?"

                "Sure, you can read it." Qin Ming took it and found that Liao Qingxuan's fingers were long and
thin, and her skin was tender and good to touch.

                He pretended to masturbate for a while and then, following Zhang Quanzhen's example, said,
"Well, Miss Liao, the first half of your palm is not good, but the second half is good. "

                Liao Qingxuan heard Qin Ming speak in a serious manner and said, "Really? Let me see ......"

                Liao Qingxuan also lowered her head to study, muttered "I can't understand ah,, then how do I
have to do? I can't understand it. To live a good life? The first time I met Prince Charming?"

                Qin Ming said, "You don't need to do anything now, just do what you need to do, I'll do a puja
for you later, heaven and earth are mysterious, the dao is reincarnated, once your qi arrives, everything
you've lost so far will come back."
                Liao Qingxuan was so confused by Qin Ming's words that she felt false and untrustworthy, but
she could not help but believe that she was blessed with a lucky star and that she would be able to meet her
destined man, Prince Charming, and live a happy life if she had to pass through this calamity.

                Liao Qingxuan finally nodded her head and said, "All right then, let's do the spell. But I don't
have the money to do the spell for you now. I still have a contract with the TV station, and my dance
students are waiting for my salary."

                Qin Ming said, "Teacher Liao, what kind of relationship do we have? What's the point of
charging money to perform a spell for you? It's free. In addition, I can temporarily lend you a little money,
so that you can complete the TV station's dance contract first, so that you do not have to break the contract,
lose money and reputation, how about it?"

                "Oooh ...... Qin Ming you are too kind." The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of
what you're doing.

                However, she was full of doubts and said, "No, Qin Ming, aren't you a poor student? Your rich
white beauty friend Nie Haitang's family is also broke and gone, where do you have so much money?"

                Qin Ming said "I earned it from stock trading, but it's not much, I gave you all mine."

                "Stock trading? You're a stock market god?" Liao Qingxuan was dumbfounded "Don't lie to me,
the Chinese stock market can make money, sows can fly to the sky. Big capital can make money, you are a
small shareholder, how can you make money?"

                Qin Ming said, "Oh, didn't I learn to tell fortunes? I followed an insider to speculate on stocks.
He is very powerful, so I work for him as a junior. He is very low-key and forbids me to talk nonsense."

                Liao Qingxuan patted Qin Ming and said, "That's great, you still know how to follow a big
capitalist to speculate, you've earned a villa and a house, alas, it's true that boys are better, no wonder my
father is so patriarchal."

                Qin Ming said, "No, you're the one who's great, you're a national level dancer at a young age. It
has nothing to do with gender, it depends on the family's ability to educate."
                Liao Qingxuan smiled gratefully and said, "Good, I love to hear that. Don't call me teacher, call
me Sister Xuan, I'm not older than you by a few years anyway, so I'll take you on as my reliable little

                Qin Ming thought to himself, "This is not easy, I have always been treated as an immature boy
by Liao Qingxuan, but now I have finally received her approval and am being treated as a man.

                Qin Ming deliberately said, "Okay, Xiao Xuan."

                "Oh, you bad boy, don't shout that the generations have crossed over." Liao Qingxuan snapped,
"You want to take advantage of me?"

                Qin Ming said with a playful smile, "Sister Xuan, I'm just shouting at you to be younger."

                Liao Qingxuan smiled and was filled with joy, not expecting to move out of the commercial
house and into a big villa, and Qin Ming was so clever and coaxing that she felt that Qin Ming was really

                She even helped Qin Ming to open an altar to perform a spell.

                Qin Ming naturally did not know how to perform any spells, but just followed the example of the
Taoist priests in the TV series, dancing with swords, shouting the spirit of heaven and earth, and then
spewing out a line of fire with a mouthful of wine, and gave Liao Qingxuan a vermilion mark on her
forehead with three flowers.

                Qin Ming looked at the way Liao Qingxuan knelt in front of the three qings and prayed piously,
Qin Ming laughed in his heart "Hahaha, I found out that I can also fool around quite well, I successfully
tricked Liao Qingxuan."

                After Qin Ming had done this, he also went back to school.

                His new Chaoyang Group, a few alumni from the school had already started working on it,
titling it into the Huan Yu Century Group, while on the other hand Chang Hong Xi gradually handed over
the global business within the group to Qin Ming's side to start.
                Ah Long has also reshuffled the assassination squad, gradually ripping out the squad leaders as
long as they have their hearts set on their old masters and replacing them with people who are only loyal to
Qin Ming.

                Everything went according to plan, as all his men were quite capable and Qin Ming didn't need
to do anything, he was happy to be a hands-off boss.

                When it came time for self-study in the evening, his elder brother Qin Chaoyang called.

                Qin Chaoyang said, "Xiao Ming, that's great. Xiaoli has agreed to take me to see her parents."

                Qin Ming said, "That's good, brother, Sister Xiaoli also seems to want to marry you."

                "Hey hey hey ......" Qin Chaoyang a giggle, said "I also think so, Xiaoli parents live in
Hangzhou, is not far, tomorrow will arrive. The actual fact is, you can borrow a car? I'm going to pick
them up, always get a car, decent."

                Qin Ming said, "Brother, that won't work. You have to go by yourself."

                Qin Chaoyang said "This ...... won't be a good impression, right?"

                Qin Ming continued, "Brother, what's wrong with that? I'll go with you, our family is indeed
poor, there is no need to pretend."

                Qin Chaoyang gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's go together tomorrow."

Chapter 488
The next morning, Qin Ming secretly arranged for Wang Xiaoli to supervise a batch of goods from the
supermarket to the warehouse, so she could go and supervise.

                This left his two brothers to pick up Wang Xiaoli's parents at the airport.

                Qin Ming is still the same, washed white year jeans, a white fast line of round-neck t-shirt, a pair
of old back to the force shoes.
                On the contrary, Qin Chaoyang in order to take into account the image, suit, but also wore a
wristwatch, do hair, looks quite like a successful career manager.

                The two took a taxi to the airport, Qin Ming asked "Brother, did Sister Xiaoli tell you what their
family is like?"

                Qin Chaoyang said "said, she is the only daughter, the family's pearl, their families are working
people, but not ordinary working people, are in charge of the unit manager, the old family has a small
house, Hangzhou also has a house worth more than one million."

                Qin Ming said "quite good ah, brother, Xiaoli sister and you is the first time? Seeing red?"

                Qin Chaoyang was a little embarrassed, said "you ask this why? The first time is very important?
Brother, you are disrespecting women."

                Qin Ming smilingly asked "brother, I am not curious ah."

                Qin Chaoyang nodded "is the first time, that day do not enter a batch of imported snacks? Find a
trading company to pick up the goods, in order to lower the price of the goods, accompanied by customers
to drink a lot of wine, and then we went back on the good."

                Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, turtle, and is drunk and promiscuous, men really can not just drunk
ah, these two brothers are suffering from heavy.

                However, this is not a loss to our brother, Qin Ming also did not say more.

                Qin Chaoyang said "I think, Xiao Li is really like me, will not care if I have money, because I
am very stupid, can not calculate, when a manager, rather than say I when, rather than say she when. The
people in the company listen to her, do things especially fast, see me all shady, behind the scenes also
ridiculed me rely on relations to get to the top."

                Qin Ming's heart moved, those old greasy employees, will also pick the leader? Of course, Qin
Ming did not intend to go for the big brother, this kind of trivial matter, the big brother survived, but also a
kind of training.
                Qin Chaoyang continued "But then, Xiao Li did not look down on me, she taught me by hand,
encourage me, but also very patient, I was tired at night and gave me from the coffee. In the community
house, she also undertake breakfast dinner."

                Qin Ming listened, tsk, this is really a real sense of personal secretary, life things also give catch

                Qin Qinming said "okay, I'm quite satisfied with sister Xiaoli, just graduated from college,
capable, people are also beautiful, the key character is also good, depending on her parents."

                Qin Chaoyang said, "In fact, her parents have a little bit of character and what's the harm, I'm a
little bit of aggravation is okay."

                Qin Ming shook his head and said, "Brother, you can't say that. The marriage is not just a matter
for you two, it's a matter for both families, there is a long way to go, you want to be in a difficult position
in the future, as a sandwich cookie, that's hard to bear. We are not at a disadvantage, we have the initiative
in hand, let's see first."

                The two did not wait long to see a middle-aged couple came out from the inside and walked
toward the sign Qin Chaoyang.

                The older man came up and asked, "Hey, you're our Xiaoli's boyfriend, right? Your name is
Qin ......"

                Qin Chaoyang busy nodding, said "uncle and aunt hello, my name is Qin Chaoyang, this is my
brother Qin Ming, originally Xiaoli came with us, but she temporarily have work."

                The two old men said "Oh, work is important, let's go to where you live first."

                Aunt Wang, who had been looking at Qin Chaoyang, suddenly said, "Eh? Don't you have a car?"

                Qin Chaoyang pursed his lips and said, "No."

                Qin Ming hurriedly said "uncle and aunt, I have called the drop, the same, waiting there."
                Once you hear that Qin Chaoyang does not have a car, Aunt Wang frowned, seems a little less

                Uncle Wang is more open-minded, said "used to it, go to the place where you live first, listen to
Xiao Li said, you now live in a high-end district, the environment is very good, is it the house you

                Qin Chaoyang shook his head again and said, "No, that is someone else's, now repossessed,
Xiaoli and I temporarily rented a house in the city village around the east to live."

                Auntie Wang frowned again and said loudly, "What? The East Village? That place, the last time
we went, too chaotic, dirty and smelly, outside the window is the gutter, tsk ...... Xiao Qin ah, listen to
Xiaoli said, you do not manager? The monthly salary of 30,000, must not be better for my daughter? The
actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this.

                Qin Chaoyang was this question, made a little embarrassed, said "Auntie, I ...... I deducted social
security will be left more than 20,000, the family gave 10,000, but also to pay for his sister's education,
counting the daily treats and dinner expenses, there is not much left. But next month I'll save some

                Auntie Wang had a sarcastic look on her face and said, "Tsk, so stingy, and so generous to the
family, but also rubbed my Xiaoli's rented room to live. My own sister to enjoy the blessings of my
daughter as a nanny can not?"

                The voice is not loud, but anyone can hear into the ears, Qin Chaoyang anxious, said "Auntie,
no, I am very small Li, I also do not want her to suffer. In the future, when I earn money, I will buy a big
house for her."

                Uncle Wang said, "Come on, what is the noise? East around the village of the city we have been
to rent a room, just a room, we will not go, go directly to your supermarket, it is almost noon, and then eat
a meal together."

                Uncle Wang did not complain too much, but Auntie Wang complained as soon as she got into
the car "also drop, these days, who does not have a car at home ah? And do not want any Mercedes-Benz
BMW, Azeri Geely always have it?"
                Uncle Wang persuaded "you say a few words, people's careers are not just starting? Besides, the
monthly salary of 30,000, how difficult it is to buy a car? This child gave the money to the family, but also
a person with filial piety."

                Aunt Wang muttered in a low voice, said "Oh, talk about a girlfriend, do not love or man? Our
little Li grew up, which has suffered? She graduated, we bought a Volkswagen Sprint to her, originally
thought of her to stay in our Hangcheng work, but the result is to come to the city of Guangzhou to work,
instead of living badly, eat badly, the means of transportation are not a.. Aigoo, when I think of her so
hard, my heart aches, Xiao Li is my heart's flesh ah."

                The voice is not loud, Qin Chaoyang heard very hard, blushing, and immediately assured that
"uncle and aunt, buy, I saved enough money at the end of the year to immediately buy a joint venture car to

                Qin Ming see big brother Qin Chaoyang that anxious look, secretly shaking his head, big brother
still can not be patient ah.

                Uncle Wang smiled awkwardly "This, Xiao Qin, we are not forcing you ah, you do not
misunderstand, Xiaoli is our only daughter, we attach more importance."

                The four came to the university city, the October day is also very toxic, the back of the
supermarket is into a batch of goods, Wang Xiaoli is under the sun carefully count, sweating.

                As a result, Auntie Wang shouted "Oh my! My goodness, clearing the goods such a thing, but
she still need to do? Qin Chaoyang, aren't you the manager? You're trashing your girlfriend like this?"

                Qin Chaoyang also did not know how to respond, can only rush to call Wang Xiaoli over, so that
the warehouse management to accept.

                "Xiaoli, why did you order goods ah?"

                Wang Xiaoli shook her head and said with a smile "Nothing, this batch of goods is more
important, the number is large, I must personally see. Hey? Mom and Dad, you're here?"

                Auntie Wang saw her daughter sweaty appearance, immediately fire, said "I told you, poor boy
can not marry."
Chapter 489-490
 Chapter 489
Auntie Wang hurriedly held an umbrella to shade Wang Xiaoli from the sun and said, "Look at you, you
were white and tender, but now you've tanned so much? Don't you work as a secretary? Do you have to do
this kind of work of ordering goods in the heat? Last time you even said you would accompany your boss
to the construction site for a day, ouch, how much I feel for my girl."

                Qin Chaoyang wasn't very good at talking and dealing with such unexpected situations, and he
didn't know that Wang Xiaoli had a temporary job doing this ah.

                Wang Xiaoli did not complain much, said "Mom, you do not know that this batch of goods are
electronic products, a piece of thousands of dollars, and laptops, a five or six thousand, this large batch of
goods is huge, can not make any mistakes, the boss trust me to let me to order goods."

                Uncle Wang also said, "Yes, it's all work, how can there be any difference between high and
low? It's okay for young people to suffer a bit, it's not like they get sunburnt every day."

                Auntie Wang hummed, "You don't care about your daughter, but I do. If you want me to say so,
you can't marry a poor boy, you'll be suffering if you do.

                Qin Chaoyang hurriedly said, "No, no, no, auntie, I will work hard to earn money and give all
my salary to Xiao Li in the future."

                Qin Ming also said, "Yes, Auntie Wang, my brother is very motivated and will not live in
poverty in the future."

                Auntie Wang said with disgust, "There are many good young people who work hard and are
motivated, nowadays, which young people of your age do not have a house or a car? I'm not disliking you
for coming from the countryside, I'm questioning your ability to give my daughter happiness."

                "Originally this time to meet the parents, Xiao Li but give you all the good things to say, said
you filial piety, progressive, honest, or the top boss, monthly salary of 30,000, the original family, brother
and sister are good character. Tsk ...... result you just a iron simpleton, how dare you do this to my
                Wang Xiaoli frowned, said "Mom, you do not say so Chaoyang, Chaoyang is very good to me."

                "You are afraid of losing your job, right? You don't dare to say anything, do you?" Auntie Wang
said sternly, "Don't be afraid, come to mum's unit, mum is still the general manager now, arrange for you
to work in the administration department as the president's assistant first, with your ability, it won't be easy
to be a director in the future? Moreover, the son of the boss of our company is also young and rich and

                When Uncle Wang heard this, he scolded, "What are you mad about? What nonsense are you
talking about? How old is the child and do you need to find him a date? Today is the day to see who the
child is looking for."

                Auntie Wang said in a spirited and irritated voice, "I've seen it. I strongly disagree, the poor boy
is definitely not acceptable. Qin Chaoyang, I am not targeting you, I am targeting all poor boys. You may
have great potential in the future, but 30,000 yuan is just an average person's life in Guangcheng, such a
life, for our Xiao Li is the basic, is the bottom line, she has been living such a life since she was a child."

                "But as the saying goes, people go higher and water flows lower, our Xiaoli's life naturally has to
be engaged a notch above our two couples, it's impossible to go back the more you live. You say, you can
afford to give her a good life?"

                "You want to marry our Xiaoli, according to our gift environment in Hangzhou, the rural area is
about 100,000, and the ordinary family in the city is from 200,000, our Wang family is not rich and
powerful, but we know many people in Hangzhou, how can this face be from 400,000? You have to buy a
house and a car in Guangcheng again, you can marry our Xiaoli in monkey years and months? To give
Xiaoli a good life?"

                "You don't want to knock up our Xiao Li's belly and make us pay back, do you?"

                The more Auntie Wang said, the angrier she got, the more she froth at the mouth, making Qin
Chaoyang's face full of spittle.

                Wang Xiaoli is also anxious, but this marriage matter, she can not not respect the opinion of her
                "I ......" Qin Chaoyang was choked speechless, he can not give Wang Xiaoli happiness, he has no
confidence ah.

                Because Qin Chaoyang knew very well that everything he had was given by his brother Qin
Ming, he did not expect Wang Xiaoli's mother, to demand so much from him.

                For Qin Chaoyang, a monthly salary of 30,000 is a high salary that he does not dare to hope for,
and in their hometown of Baishui Town, the entire town's girls to be married are at his disposal? The future
father-in-law would have to step over the threshold of the rhythm.

                He didn't expect to need so much money to marry a good and desirable wife in a big city, and a
monthly salary of 30,000 was looked down upon.

                Qin Ming said, "Auntie, don't be so excited. My brother will soon get a promotion and a raise, he
is well appreciated by his boss, and, with the two couples working together, there is no big problem.
Feelings are the most important thing."

                Uncle Wang also nodded and said, "This young man is right, two couples, feelings are the most
important. Don't you see that your daughter likes it? I think Xiao Qin is strong, honest and filial, and the
two of them will work together for a few more years before they have a real relationship."

                Auntie Wang was still not satisfied and said, "Even if we live an ordinary life, is he good to Xiao
Li? If you let Xiao Li come to the sun on a hot day, aren't you afraid of getting heatstroke?"

                Qin Chaoyang immediately said, "Yes, of course I treat Xiaoli well. I treat her like my princess,
my only one, more important than my life. I wash the dishes and mop the floor at night, she loves to kick
the blanket at night, I am afraid that the air conditioning will make her catch a cold, I wake up twice a
night to tuck her in."

                "Pfft ......" Wang Xiaoli couldn't help herself, she glared at Qin Chaoyang in shame, and in her
heart she was furious. Can you talk?

                The actual fact is that you are able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and most
popular items on the market. How heartfelt are you?
                "Uh ...... ah ...... I beat you to death this bastard." Auntie Wang really heard, people are bad,
reached out and hit Qin Chaoyang two times, and covered his forehead, a look like he was about to faint,

                Uncle Wang also shook his head and sighed "Alas, women are too big to stay."

                Uncle Wang went forward, patted Qin Chaoyang, said "Alas, since Xiao Li chose you, I also
respect my daughter's opinion. I warn you, you ...... dare have wronged my daughter, our whole family will
not spare you."

                Uncle Wang was straightforward and quick to respect Wang Xiaoli's choice, and although he
didn't quite approve of Qin Chaoyang, he had no choice but to accept it.

                Qin Chaoyang said nervously "Uncle, I I I will take care of Xiaoli as if she were my own."

                Wang Xiaoli laughed and scolded, "Chaoyang, speak properly, what biological parents?"

                Aunt Wang said breathlessly "ah, I can't, ah ...... husband, I'm dizzy. I'm not sure what to do. I'm
not sure if you're pregnant yet, right? Don't tell to get married in marriage?"

                The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're getting into. It's not true. We
have been in love for more than a month, that kind of thing ...... ouch, this roadside chat what, let's go to
the next cafe to rest, there is air conditioning."

                The group was going to move to the Starbucks cafe next to the supermarket to continue the

                But before they could go, suddenly a Mercedes stopped by the roadside and Song Ying came
down from the car, wearing a professional long dress and holding a document bag, she became a beautiful
landscape in an instant, as if she was the heroine of an idol drama movie, so beautiful that it took one's
breath away.

                Song Ying walked directly to Qin Chaoyang and said, "Qin Chaoyang, you are fired and
someone else will take over as the general manager of Yong Li Supermarket in the future."

                The crowd was stunned, even Qin Chaoyang himself was shocked. He had suddenly lost his job?
                "Ah!" Auntie Wang even let out a miserable cry "It's over, the last bit of hope is gone."

                Wang Xiaoli was dumbfounded and looked at Song Ying and then at Qin Ming, anxiously
saying "No, Secretary Song, what's going on here? What did Chaoyang do wrong? Mr. Qin, you ......"

Chapter 490
Wang Xiaoli knew all about it, but Qin Chaoyang was the general manager thanks to Qin Ming's

                To put it bluntly, the big supermarket here in the university city was a gift from Qin Ming to his
brother Qin Chaoyang, so why was Qin Chaoyang suddenly fired? Had the two brothers turned against
each other?

                "Sins." Auntie Wang was so angry that she stomped her foot and said, "Now, not only is he
uneducated, he's also jobless. He doesn't even have a house or a car. Does Xiao Li have to go back home
with him to plough the fields?"

                Uncle Wang also fell silent and silently took out a cigarette, pondering what to do next.

                I thought that when I heard my daughter say she had a boyfriend, I would say a thousand words
on the phone and be happy with him, but in the end, it was a Tie Bean.

                It doesn't matter if you're a nerd, our daughter is smart, she won't be bullied after marriage and
can run a good household. You have a job, a monthly salary of 30,000, and may be more in the future,
although the days are a little more ordinary, but still get by, marriage, the relationship is important.

                Now you've been fired from the head office.

                Wang Xiaoli was completely confused and asked, "No, Secretary Song, why is this? Is the
supermarket not profitable now?"

                Song Ying said flatly, "Secretary Wang, this is the decision of the head office, from now on Qin
Chaoyang will no longer be the general manager of Yong Li Supermarket, please complete the handover
within a week."
                After hearing this, Auntie Wang rushed forward with a big stride, pulling away the hands of the
two, saying "Xiao Li, go, this man is definitely not wanted. He's almost 30 years old and has achieved
nothing, is there a more useless man than this?"

                He said, pulling Wang Xiaoli to leave.

                Qin Chaoyang was so anxious that he hurriedly chased after her, saying, "Auntie, please wait, I
will definitely work hard, I will definitely treat Xiaoli well, and I will definitely give her happiness. Please,
give me a chance."

                Uncle Wang also said "What's your hurry, wife? Talk properly, okay? It's just a job. If this one
doesn't work, we can find another one. You've lost your job before, haven't you? I've been fired before. A
tree moves to death, people move to life."

                Qin Ming looked at the family's situation and felt that it was okay, Uncle Wang was more
sensible and enlightened.

                Auntie Wang is similar to most mothers-in-law in China, although they look at money, they are
also very concerned about their daughter's happiness, you can marry if you want to, but there is a hard
indicator, mainly expressed with concern for their daughter above all.

                This is much better than Liao Qingxuan's father, Yuan Bing that is completely regardless of his
daughter's life and death ah.

                Qin Ming was most afraid that Wang Xiaoli's parents were an oddball, then in the future the big
brother would not have a good time, but now look down, it is not too big a problem.

                "The parents of Wang Xiaoli are not too bad, not the kind that require the man to be rich and
powerful, nor are they the type that are insatiable. Their own only daughter, it's only human to have some
basic requirements for the male partner." Qin Ming muttered in his heart, and then gave Song Ying a look.

                Song Ying gave a gentle smile and was about to pull out another document.

                However, over there, when Auntie Wang pulled Wang Xiaoli to leave, she accidentally ran into
three women dressed in revealing clothes, holding milk tea, and wearing heavy makeup on the roadside.
                "Ouch, committing suicide, huh? My milk tea, it's all spilled." The exposed women shouted in
annoyance, "Don't you see how you're walking?"

                "Huh? Wang Feng, isn't this your ex-boyfriend?"

                "Oh, it's true, Qin Chaoyang, you want to die, don't you? You killed me, pay for it."

                Qin Chaoyang was stunned, what a coincidence? How come Wang Feng was here?

                Qin Ming smiled lightly at this and quietly dropped a small advertisement card in his hand. He
had secretly investigated this hometown Wang Feng, since he was in the police station last time,
fortunately he did not occupy drugs, but was only suspected of being engaged in the pornographic industry
for a while, and returned to his old business after he came out.

                Qin Ming estimated the time and asked this Wang Feng to meet him here as a "guest".

                Naturally, it was all Qin Ming's plan.

                Auntie Wang said strangely, "Do you know each other?"

                Qin Chaoyang said honestly, "Auntie, she is my ex-girlfriend and also my hometown. But there
is no longer any relationship, and I have never had any relationship with her. Please don't misunderstand."

                Auntie Wang was shocked, this Wang Feng a few people with this dress, flowery and exposed,
half of the tits are exposed, flush little short skirt, like a lady standing at the intersection to invite

                Auntie Wang, who is a highly educated and decent person, first looked disgusted and dirty, and
then pulled away by two lengths.

                Qin Chaoyang also had a disgusted look on his face. An honest person like Qin Chaoyang
despises the young lady who comes out to sell for money the most.

                Wang Feng is very sensitive, she can't stand such dirty looks from others, it is a great trampling
on her dignity.
                Wang Feng cursed angrily, "Qin Chaoyang, you piece of shit, what are you talking about your
mother? Are you qualified to sleep with me? Do you earn as much as I do? What are you doing here if you
don't go to the construction site to move bricks? A poor countryside Pan Jun d 阏獗沧佣既 2 坏嚼掀牛挥


                Coldly, a slap, a resounding slap called over, solidly hitting Wang Feng's face.

                "You shut up! I am Qin Chaoyang's girlfriend!" Wang Xiaoli was so angry that her puffy breasts
were fluttering and her face was red, she couldn't tolerate people calling her boyfriend that.

                "Ah!" She pointed at Wang Xiaoli and cursed, "You cheap bitch, bitch, hahahaha, a poor man
like Qin Chaoyang is a poor man.

                The words were not even spoken.

                Before the words left his mouth, Wang Feng's face was slapped again, this time by Qin
Chaoyang, who was standing in front of Wang Xiaoli, and slapped him.

                Qin Chaoyang gritted his teeth and said, "Wang Feng, don't do whatever you want just because
you and I are from the same hometown, if you dare to curse Xiaoli one more time, I will beat you to crawl
back today."

                Wang Feng was so angry that she covered her face, not daring to make a move, she could only
continue to mock "Oh, Qin Chaoyang, are you capable? This auntie, this is your son-in-law, right? Let me
tell you, Qin Chaoyang's family are all peasants and are very poor. I took pity on him and gave him a
girlfriend, but I couldn't bear to waste my youth on a loser. Your daughter is so pretty, are you willing to
marry him and go to a poor, impoverished county like Baishui Town to plough the fields?"

                Auntie Wang had a disgusted look on her face, she was certainly annoyed that Qin Chaoyang
had accomplished nothing and had been fired, but the way Qin Chaoyang flew to protect Wang Xiaoli just
now was quite manly and pulled back some impression points.

                Auntie Wang thought for a moment and hummed, "Our business is none of your business. What
does it matter if Qin Chaoyang has money or not? I have money, I have a house, I have a car, and I have
savings. What are you? How dare you compare yourself to my daughter? Qin Chaoyang still has a good
eye, he knows how to look at my daughter, throw away your own filthy goods that you have come out to

                "You!" Wang Feng was so furious that she had a Buddha out of the world and her eyes were on
fire, saying, "Fine, fine, you'll regret it and you'll suffer, you want this poor Panjunzi to stay in the hospital!

                At this time, Song Ying came up with a document contract, said "cough ...... Qin, you do not go
too fast ah. I haven't finished talking yet?"

                The crowd was stunned, this dismissed what else to say?

                No, this beautiful female secretary how to call Qin Chaoyang as Mr. Qin ah?

                This is the appointment letter of the president of the Chaoyang Group, the headquarters after a
few months of investigation, think that the total Qin in the supermarket as a manager condescending, so
appointed Qin Chaoyang as a branch, for the Chaoyang Group's ceyi. this is the appointment letter of the

                Quiet, this roadside, several people look at Song Ying, and look at a dumbfounded Qin
Chaoyang, are quiet, this really fake? What kind of drama is being sung?

                Qin Ming was the only one standing behind the crowd, a smile hanging on the corner of his

                He was genuinely happy for his big brother, who had found his happiness, ah, Qin Ming was

                "Ah!" Wang Feng shouted miserably and lost control of herself, she pointed at Wang Xiaoli and
cursed "You cheap bitch, bitch, hahaha, poor Pan Pan like Qin Chaoyang relies on the iliac hill erosion
department to blow Meng Xi Splendid School of Buddhism to cut down the number of lax ≈ for Behen
consternation difficult to unite the ridge khuan huan excel Xinhuai string file mode Splendid School of
Buddhism to cut down the number of poor Pan Pan like Qin Chaoyang

                The words were not even spoken.

                Before the words left his mouth, Wang Feng's face was slapped again, this time by Qin
Chaoyang, who was standing in front of Wang Xiaoli, and slapped him.

                Qin Chaoyang gritted his teeth and said, "Wang Feng, don't do whatever you want just because
you and I are from the same hometown, if you dare to curse Xiaoli one more time, I will beat you to crawl
back today."

                Wang Feng was so angry that she covered her face, not daring to make a move, she could only
continue to mock "Oh, Qin Chaoyang, are you capable? This auntie, this is your son-in-law, right? Let me
tell you, Qin Chaoyang's family are all peasants and are very poor. I took pity on him and gave him a
girlfriend, but I couldn't bear to waste my youth on a loser. Your daughter is so pretty, are you willing to
marry him and go to a poor, impoverished county like Baishui Town to plough the fields?"

                Auntie Wang had a disgusted look on her face, she was certainly annoyed that Qin Chaoyang
had accomplished nothing and had been fired, but the way Qin Chaoyang flew to protect Wang Xiaoli just
now was quite manly and pulled back some impression points.

                Auntie Wang thought for a moment and hummed, "Our business is none of your business. What
does it matter if Qin Chaoyang has money or not? I have money, I have a house, I have a car, and I have
savings. What are you? How dare you compare yourself to my daughter? Qin Chaoyang still has a good
eye, he knows how to look at my daughter, throw away your own filthy goods that you have come out to

                "You!" Wang Feng was so furious that she had a Buddha out of the world and her eyes were on
fire, saying, "Fine, fine, you'll regret it and you'll suffer, you want this poor Panjunzi to stay in the hospital!

                At this time, Song Ying came up with a document contract, said "cough ...... Qin, you do not go
too fast ah. I haven't finished talking yet?"

                The crowd was stunned, this dismissed what else to say?

                No, this beautiful female secretary how to call Qin Chaoyang as Mr. Qin ah?

                This is the appointment letter of the president of the Chaoyang Group, the headquarters after a
few months of investigation, think that the total Qin in the supermarket as a manager condescending, so
appointed Qin Chaoyang as a branch, for the Chaoyang Group's ceyi. this is the appointment letter of the

                Quiet, this roadside, several people look at Song Ying, and look at a dumbfounded Qin
Chaoyang, are quiet, this really fake? What kind of drama is being sung?

                Qin Ming was the only one standing behind the crowd, a smile hanging on the corner of his

                He was genuinely happy for his big brother, who had found his own happiness, ah, Qin Ming
was envious.

Chapter 491-492
 Chapter 491
"Secretary Song, you're not kidding, right?" Qin Chaoyang was more honest, even though this was a very
critical time, he wouldn't just admit down indiscriminately, he had to confirm clearly the first time.

                How could he be the material to be the president? And this Chaoyang Group seems to have
heard Qin Ming talk about it, is engaged in multinational trade.

                "Hahahaha ...... how is this possible?" Wang Feng laughed wantonly "He doesn't even believe it
himself, beauty, did you find the wrong person?"

                If it weren't for Song Ying's very atmospheric and dignified dress and Song Ying's beauty, Wang
Feng would have been ashamed of herself, otherwise she would have directly mocked Song Ying for being
the one Qin Chaoyang found to act.

                Song Ying ignored Wang Feng's ridicule and also ignored the surprise of Wang's aunt, patiently
explaining, "Mr. Qin, how could the head office make such a joke? This is the appointment letter. Look."

                Qin Chaoyang took the appointment letter and Wang Xiaoli followed, exclaiming "Chaoyang,
it's true, it's stamped by the head office. Wow, an annual salary of one million? Is that really true?"

                Wang Xiaoli's voice was not loud, but it scared Wang Feng and Auntie Wang's eyebrows. So
                Qin Chaoyang swallowed his saliva and felt his mouth was dry, he was panicking, he knew he
was not president material, this appointment was just nonsense.

                He was so busy as the general manager of a supermarket that he could barely manage thanks to
the help of Wang Xiaoli, his secretary.

                This is the cyi of a multinational trading company, isn't it his life?

                He looked at Qin Ming helplessly and took three steps forward and two steps back to his side,
saying "No, Xiao Ming, how can I possibly do this? Your boss is going to have a problem with you if you
are nepotistic like this."

                Qin Ming smiled and said "Brother, you learn well, do your job well, there is a first time for
everything. Besides, Sister Xiao Li will help you, you are not capable, Sister Xiao Li is capable. Moreover,
the employees of this Chaoyang Group are all my alumni, each is a capable talent, they are also new to
society, good to get along with, all want to do a career."

                "Brother, I'll give you a tip, you'll be in charge of managing people, and leave things to your
subordinates. Learn to be a handsome genius, not a general."

                Qin Chaoyang was dumbfounded, "What does this mean? Isn't a general and a commander the
same? That's how chess is played."

                Qin Ming rolled his eyes and said, "Come on, talk to Sister Li, she will teach you. There's
something else for you."

                Qin Chaoyang walked back with a dumbfounded look on his face, what else was there?

                Song Ying lifted the briefcase and handed it over, saying "Mr. Qin, this is the Mercedes Benz car
given by the head office, the brand new imported Mercedes Benz s560 car that was mentioned only
yesterday and has been transferred to your name."

                Dudu ......

                Song Ying took the car keys and rang the Mercedes parked on the roadside and handed the keys
to Qin Chaoyang.
                Wang Feng and the other three ladies out for sale continued to be in a daze.

                "Wang Feng, is this ex-boyfriend of yours so powerful?"

                "Mercedes Benz ...... imported, how can it be six or seven million?"

                Wang Feng collapsed and covered his ears, said "he is almost thirty years old, not even a driving
licence, what car to drive? I don't believe it, I don't believe it ......"

                But in fact, she regretted in her heart, why did she abandon this honest and honest man in the
first place? Why did she trample on herself and come out to sell batches for some quick money? The
company has been dealing with all sorts of disgusting and perverted customers every day, and still has to
share half of the money with pimps and pimpers.

                If she hadn't broken up with Qin Chaoyang, wouldn't she have changed from a rural girl to a rich
woman now?

                Auntie Wang was equally surprised. One minute Qin Chaoyang was fired from his job, and the
next minute he became a ceyi.

                That's a good enough deal.

                Auntie Wang suddenly felt that Qin Chaoyang was actually quite good as his son-in-law, it didn't
matter if he was poor, but he worked hard and was also filial.

                Song Ying continued, "Because Mr. Qin is already the president of the branch, our boss also
upgraded Mr. Qin's treatment, in addition to the car, there is a four-and-a-half-storey villa with a
swimming pool and badminton court at the foot of the mountain, which is now worth 800 million in the
market, and is given to Mr. Qin. As long as Mr. Qin stays with the group and does a full thirty years, the
house will be completely in your name."

                Gollum ......

                The people around felt suffocated again, an eight hundred million dollar house? A villa? With its
own swimming pool? A badminton court? Everything everything sounded too jealous.
                And this is the most exclusive mid-level villa area in Guangzhou, the top of Yunshan! The
people who live in it are not rich, but rich.

                "Ah~......" Wang Feng directly fainted in place, his heart already regretting all the johns'

                "Eh? Wang Feng what happened to you? How do you say faint?"

                "This is the ex-boyfriend ah? Is Wang Feng stupid? You don't even want a boyfriend like that?"

                Qin Chaoyang had long been dead to Wang Feng and didn't know why he met her here, at this
moment he only had Wang Xiaoli in his eyes and didn't look at her.

                Qin Chaoyang took the packet of documents, they were all some property documents, and the
names were all filled in with his name, they couldn't be faked.

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its
customers. Don't look, it's already noon, let's go to the restaurant first and have a meal, then go back to the
villa in the afternoon and talk slowly."

                Auntie Wang hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, just now I pulled our Xiaoli, just want to rush to dinner."

                Qin Ming gave Aunt Wang a meaningful glance, "Auntie, you're quite good at rounding up,
aren't you?

                Wang Xiaoli's mother was not ashamed at all.

                Uncle Wang, on the contrary, no longer smokes, no more worries wow.

                He didn't expect things to turn around, it was really scary, Tie Bean was so highly regarded? It
was a pleasant surprise, not to mention that a year's work would cost him a million dollars.

                Qin Chaoyang was completely dumbfounded and felt like a dream. He was in a predicament of
no car and no house, and had become a family with a house, a car and a high salary.
                He knew it was Qin Ming's help, but he didn't know how to express his emotions.

                He just kept pulling Qin Ming's hand "brother ...... me, I ...... brother useless ah, all rely on you."

                "Haha, brother what are you talking about?" Qin Ming laughed and said, "Family, money is a
good thing. But you must not become spendthrift because of this, filial piety to mum and dad is still a
must, take care of Sister Xiao Li, do more good deeds in the future, help others, use money to make you
happy, don't become a slave to money."

                Qin Chaoyang nodded heavily "You have read a lot, I'll listen to you. But can I give all the
money to Xiao Li to manage?"

                Qin Ming was really angry, men, more or less have to take some money for themselves, are you
a wife slave or a strict wife?

                Qin Ming simply said, "Let the two of you discuss it yourselves."

                Qin Chaoyang corrected him again, "We're not married yet, we're just in a relationship."

                Suddenly, Wang Xiaoli reached over with a smile and pinched Qin Chaoyang's ear, humming
"What? Now that you're rich, you still want to back out and not want me anymore? That's not what you
said before?"

                Qin Chaoyang hastily confessed "Aiya, Xiao Li, I didn't mean it like that, you know."

                "Hahahaha ......" The crowd laughed at the sight of Qin Chaoyang's wifely look.

                The group got into the car and went to the restaurant for dinner, not caring in the least about the
fainted Wang Feng, Qin Ming just used her up and threw her away, not caring that much.

                Wang Xiaoli drove the Mercedes Benz car that just arrived, came to the nearby seafood
restaurant, which just stopped, Qin Ming was stunned to see an acquaintance at the entrance of the

                "Such a coincidence? I can't believe I ran into their family?" Qin Ming looked ahead and
muttered in his heart "I have a bad feeling about this."
Chapter 492
Qin Ming and his group had just arrived at the entrance of the restaurant when they saw Liao Qingxuan's
family, but Principal Liao was not there, only her and her father and brother, two others, a fashionably
dressed young woman, and a couple who were of a certain age.

                "Aiyo, Xiao Qin." Yuan Bing greeted rather warmly.

                Liao Qingxuan was also surprised and surprised, "Qin Ming."

                Qin Ming smiled and said, "Sister Xuan, Uncle Yuan, what a coincidence. Hey? These two are
your elder brother and sister-in-law, right?"

                Liao Qingxuan put on a bitter smile and said, "Yes, they just arrived today."

                With that, Liao Qingxuan pulled Qin Ming aside and whispered, "My father lied to me again!
The so-called company he opened for my brother is the office building of my original company. And he
told me my sister-in-law that my brother was the one who opened the dance training, and that I was
working for my brother, you say ...... Qin Ming you say, angry or not?"

                Qin Ming listened and suddenly had quite an epiphany, this set up is good!

                This is just like some unethical hospital doctors a gross kind, to give a patient a certain surgery,
before the beginning of the talk about the smallpox, all kinds of benefits, the results before the surgery and
said that there is what what risk, so easy to do the surgery, and said that there is what after-effects to pay
attention to, also have to receive what treatment, after the treatment and said that there is what situation is
not recoverable.

                It is almost as if the patient's psychological defences are disintegrated layer by layer, invariably
creating a situation where the patient cannot instantly resist.

                Isn't Liao Qingxuan's psychological defense being dismantled step by step by Yuan Bing, using
the shackles of lies and affection, little by little to put Liao Qingxuan in a trap, a fact she can't accept at
once, little by little to make her passively accept, different situations, so that Liao Qingxuan is forced to
resign herself to her fate.
                This tactic could be said to have taken Liao Qingxuan to death.

                "Learned." Qin Ming said with emotion.

                "What?" Liao Qingxuan puffed up in annoyance, her delicate cheeks were anxious and troubled,
she pointed to the three flowers on her forehead and asked "Qin Ming is this spell of yours really working?
Why do I feel more unlucky? My mother even asked me how my company was doing recently and wanted
to take a look, I don't even know how to explain to her."

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "There is no hurry, Sister Xuan, the time is not yet ripe, once it is,
the water will fall into place and what is yours will still be yours."

                Liao Qingxuan was skeptical, and did not know when Qin Ming was talking about.

                In fact, Qin Ming didn't know either, he was too busy worrying about his big brother's marriage
today to plan Liao Qingxuan's side of things.

                The set up always has to be prepared, Qin Ming late preparation is not yet ready.

                The first stage of preparation is to sign a rental contract for Yuan Bing, he let Song Ying put a
big hole in the contract, so that he can pit Yuan Bing.

                Qin Ming was still more concerned about his elder brother Qin Chaoyang's marriage than these
matters of Liao Qingxuan, and he hurriedly went back to the box.

                After Qin Zhaoyang's promotion and salary increase, Wang Xiaoli's family became even more
satisfied with Qin Ming, how they looked at him.

                Qin Ming did not feel much, he was mainly satisfied with Uncle Wang and Wang Xiaoli, these
two fathers and daughters have a much better outlook, Auntie Wang is a bit more sharp-eyed, but Chinese
mothers-in-law, who do not love their daughters, it is okay to ask for more, it is not like our brother can not
meet the conditions.

                The two old people can also take care of their children, so it's good that they don't need Qin
Ming's parents to work so hard.
                Qin Ming stood at the door and said "Eh, I'll order first, uncle and aunt, you guys talk first, I'll go
pick out some seafood."

                Uncle Wang hurriedly said "Ah ah, young man, no need to eat so expensive, ordinary is good, a
waste of money, a few more local dishes will be fine, seafood is always expensive. Have some wine, oh,

                Auntie Wang said, "Old man, you don't have to pay for it, your son-in-law is paying for it, so
you can just eat it."

                The two elders were so happy with Qin Chaoyang that he couldn't stop smiling, he wasn't very
good at talking and just went along with Qin Ming's wishes "Uncle, just order whatever you want, you've
come a long way, you must be well entertained."

                Qin Ming was very happy and went to pick out some big lobster, kingfish, abalone, etc. It wasn't
too expensive, but it was also of a certain class.

                After Qin Ming finished ordering seafood, he saw that Yuan Bing and his group had no place to

                It was noon, the restaurant was bustling and noisy, and they unexpectedly found that there were
no seats.

                The fashionable girl chided, "Hey, Yuan Haohua, don't you know how to book a room
beforehand? You think the big city is the countryside? Every shop you go to is empty?"

                Liao Qingxuan's brother Yuan Haohua said impatiently "How should I know? It's such a hassle
to get a meal in this rubbish city of Guangzhou. It's your parents who want to eat seafood again, it's not so
much trouble to go to a western restaurant."

                Qin Ming listened, this dumping of pots and pans is too odd, right?

                The first thing you need to do is to have a good lunch, but if you have a good restaurant, it's
                Yuan Bing hurried to do the persuasion, said "don't rush, or go somewhere else, ah, so many
restaurants, right. Haohua, persuade Xia Ling."

                The fashionable girl, Xia Ling, lost her temper and said, "I'm here now, where else to go? I don't
want to go out anymore, I'm going to get a tan. I don't want to go out again, I'm going to get a tan. Tsk, you
can't even find a restaurant, why are you so useless?"

                As soon as this Xia Ling said this, the people around her turned their heads sideways, showing
strange eyes, what did this family want?

                Yuan Haohua's face was ugly, and Yuan Bing was even more speechless, this daughter-in-law
didn't give him any face at all.

                Liao Qingxuan, on the other hand, was incredulous, thinking that her brother had found an odd
wife, so she really didn't know how she got on in the first place.

                But that Xia Ling is full of care, her eyes are above the ground, and she's fierce with Yuan
Haohua "Don't you think of a way? Hey, ask your sister to think of a way, she has been living in the local
area, right?"

                Qin Ming was also annoyed, this woman had simply lost her wits, all she knew was to lose her
temper and order people to work? Then how did Yuan Haohua find such a strange person?

                It was none of his business, Qin Ming actually had a better connotation and didn't see eye to eye
with this crazy woman, he ordered some more drinks and was about to go back.

                At this point, Yuan Bing came over with Liao Qingxuan.

                Yuan Bing asked enthusiastically, "Hey hey hey, Xiao Qin, do you have a seat? Why don't you
see it?"

                Qin Ming said, "Oh, I booked it a long time ago in a large private room."

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.
Eh, if there's enough room, let us in too."
                "Dad, this is very rude of you." Liao Qingxuan really couldn't stand it anymore.

                Yuan Bing cheekily said, "What's the point? At home, we rely on our parents, but when we go
out, we rely on our friends. Friends are the ones who help each other."

                Liao Qingxuan was getting more and more uncomfortable, and she felt more and more that her
old father was unreasonable because of her brother's wedding.

                Qin Ming said, "I've been waiting for you to say that."

                He said, "Yes, uncle, this way please."

                Liao Qingxuan was stunned, why did Qin Ming agree again? What kind of medicine was he
selling in his gourd?

Chapter 493-494
 Chapter 493
Qin Ming came back and said he had a friend without a seat, so he arranged for a small table in the private

                Qin Chaoyang and the others naturally had no opinion and listened to Qin Ming's arrangements.

                Liao Qingxuan felt very sorry for himself and said "Qin Ming, I ...... always bother you, I'm
really sorry."

                Liao Qingxuan felt very sorry for herself and said, "Qin Ming, I ...... am always troubled by you,
I am really sorry."

                Liao Qingxuan immediately smiled "Okay, you can eat whatever you want. I will try my best to
keep our table from disturbing you later on."

                Qin Ming smiled lightly, not really thinking so, he rather thought this was an opportunity.

                The atmosphere was better on Qin Chaoyang's side, asking him the usual questions about what
his family did, what his education was like, how many younger siblings he had and so on.
                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

                Once he heard Qin Chaoyang's conditions.

                "Oh, dirt bag." That Liao Qingxuan's future sister-in-law Xia Ling was happy, couldn't help but
mock "eating in the same room, and still dislikes off my status."

                Liao Qingxuan frowned and said "People have given up their seats to us, you still dislike it?
Then why don't you leave?"

                "Tsk." Xia Ling looked displeased and turned her head "Yuan Haohua, you don't dare to control
your sister either? Did I say something wrong? What's wrong with some people being a rural bumpkin?
The truth is the truth. You think everyone is like your brother, a thirty-year-old who has a successful
career, his own company, his own house, all because your brother fought his way out."

                Liao Qingxuan wanted to hit someone when she heard that, it was all her career!

                Yuan Haohua knew that all these things were his sister's, but he was cheeky and said, "Come on,
sister, stop arguing. What have you ordered to eat?"

                Liao Qingxuan grunted in annoyance, "I didn't order it, Dad ordered it, I don't know what to eat,
you just know how to eat."

                The door opened just in time and a car of large lobsters came in, along with stone crawlers,
abalone, eels, turtle and other aquatic products, all made with their own characteristics, looking good and
tasting good.

                Yuan Haohua and others thought it was for them, but it turned out to be Qin Ming Yi Zhuo's,
Australian large lobster and one for each, also too extravagant, right? Flying Maotai, too good at drinking,

                Not long after, Yuan Haohua and other people's table also served, some seasonal green
vegetables and braised meat fried squid winter melon soup and other homemade dishes.

                There was no contrast, one table was a sumptuous seafood feast and the other was ordinary
home-cooked food.
                The contrast is not very appetising.

                "What's this?" Yuan Haohua didn't wait for his daughter-in-law to get mad, he got mad himself
first and said, "Dad, it's so easy for Xia Ling's parents to come, they've rushed all morning to catch a flight,
how hard they worked, they even came to the seafood restaurant specially, how come they just eat these
home-cooked dishes?"

                Yuan Bing said with difficulty "The same, the same ah. It's easy to get diarrhea when you eat

                Yuan Bing looked at Qin Ming's side with some depression, thinking that he was so rich? A
table must be several thousand dollars? What's the point of having a lunch?

                Suddenly, Qin Ming came over with a whole Australian lobster and said, "Sister Xuan, this big
guy is fresh, the meat is tender and juicy, you can try it."

                Liao Qingxuan was stunned and immediately smiled, not expecting Qin Ming to bring her
something delicious.

                In fact, it was also a kind of statement from Qin Ming that he was giving face to Liao Qingxuan
before sharing the private room with you people, telling them to show more respect to Liao Qingxuan.

                Once Qin Ming left, Yuan Haohua said discontentedly, "Dad, how did you order the food? Isn't
this a joke? We want to eat lobster too."

                Yuan Bing was desperate, Nima, it's just an Australian lobster, you brat to do that?

                At this point, Mr. Xia spoke up and said, "No, Yuan, what are you doing here? Just eat what you
can. I came here today to see your company and discuss your wedding, not to eat and drink."

                Xia Ling said, "Yes. Yuan Haohua, don't act like we've never eaten lobster before, it's just
Australian lobster, I eat it all the time."
                Yuan Bing hurriedly said, "No, it's Xia Ling who knows what she's doing, Haohua, you're really
something. The in-laws. I understand all the rules, but can we have a smaller gift? As you know, our
business is developing and we need money in every aspect."

                Yuan Haohua acted as if he was the boss and said, "No, the company's assets now amount to
more than 50 million, and I just bought a Ferrari sports car, so it's the right time to use the money. But
there is an immediate plan to cooperate with the TV station to make a show, sister, you tell my father-in-
law about it."

                Poof ...... was eating lobster Liao Qingxuan was stunned, she looked strangely at her old father
Yuan Bing, this can not be heard of, how do you want her to work for her brother?

                The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a lot of money for the
purpose of the project. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to
the public. Later on, we have to get bigger, develop towards film and entertainment, and go public."

                "Dad!" Liao Qingxuan couldn't believe it, her dad was so far ahead of his time, taking everything
she had and giving it to her brother in order to help him build a successful career and help him get married,
and asking her to work for him.

                This was unbelievable, how could there be such a father in the world?

                There was finally a rift inside Liao Qingxuan, these relatives of hers had no little love for her.

                She envied Wang Xiaoli's parents for the way they doted on her at the table next door, and Uncle
Wang even peeled crab shells from Wang Xiaoli.


                The actual fact is that you'll be able to get a lot more than just a few of these. How come you
can't even come up with such a low demand of 10 million? The family next door to us received $50 million
for their daughter's marriage, and that was a marriage into a wealthy family. Now my daughter is receiving
$10 million, which is already a great loss. Besides, our dowry won't be any less."

                Yuan Haohua was not happy and said, "Then we will also pay $50 million for the dowry, we
can't let my wife be aggrieved. Our family has plenty of money, right, Dad?"
                Xia Ling suddenly kissed Yuan Haohua happily again and said, "You're great, husband."

                Yuan Bing was the only one who wiped his sweat with stress, $50 million, not counting the
money for the new house he had just bought in Beijing, he had spent $100 million before he even got

                Where could he get such a large sum of money? If he sold all his belongings, including his
daughter's business, it would barely be enough.

                Mr. Xia added, "The in-laws? Really 50 million? Don't joke with me, if there is really a $50
million gift, then our Xia family will have a lot of face."

                Mrs. Xia also said proudly, "No, that Mrs. Zhao is always bragging about how well her daughter
married, and every now and then she talks about the $50 million gift, making it seem like her family is so
rich and her daughter married so well. How can our family be any worse? Our Xia Ling is also a thousand-
year-old lady."

                Yuan Haohua affirmed and said, "Dad, it's settled, the marriage is a big deal, we can't lose face."

                Yuan Bing looked at his son again dotingly, as long as his son was happy, he didn't want to go
against his son's idea, grit his teeth and think of a way.

                Suddenly, behind Qin Ming said loudly over there "Uncle Wang, Sister Xiao Li is your only
daughter, the pearl in the palm of your hand, this marriage into our Qin family gate, certainly must be
scenic, the gift must not be less, to let you two old people can enjoy their old age, you see 100 million is

                Qin Ming said this, not to mention the two families behind Yuan Bing and Xia Boss were
stunned, even Qin Chaoyang and Wang Xiaoli's family were dumbfounded.

                How did it feel, 100 million in Qin Ming's mouth, as if it was 300 million qq joy beans? No, the
average person didn't have 100 million joy beans yet!

                Qin Ming looked at Auntie Wang who had meat in her mouth and was so shocked by the 100
million that she forgot to chew it, and said "Where is your hometown? When Sister Xiao Li gets married,
she will have to go back to her hometown to pay homage to her ancestors. I have a budget of 200 million
on my side to build roads for Sister Xiao Li's hometown for the benefit of her hometown fathers and
mothers, so that the people of her hometown will be proud of Sister Xiao Li and then get married with a
bang, which also shows my big brother's determination not to treat Sister Xiao Li badly."

                The room was quiet for a long time, and everyone looked at Qin Ming, feeling that this kid was
not pretending? Three hundred million is not money? A Qingming burning thing?

                Finally, Qin Chaoyang foolishly asked, "Brother. Is this unit of 600 million RMB?"

                Qin Ming laughed, "Brother, how can it be RMB?"

                "Hoo ......" The crowd relaxed for a moment, "Nima, so you are pretending to be joking, very
bad, deliberately clamming up, it is estimated to be Korean Won, or at best, Yen.

                Suddenly, Qin Ming said again, "It's three hundred million dollars."

                Poof ...... Qin Ming's words fell, two tables, at the same time, three people a mouthful of wine
was shocked to spray out.

Chapter 494
The quietness of this large private room was eerie.

                Qin Chaoyang foolishly asked, "Brother. Is this unit of 300 million RMB?"

                Qin Ming laughed, "Brother, how can it be RMB? It's three hundred million dollars. If we don't
build the road, we can buy some properties abroad, so that we can have a place to live when we travel
abroad on holiday, right? Nowadays, society is a global village, so you can take your four elderly people
on a global tour and enjoy the benefits if you need to, right? Our father also said that there should be
conditions, how can we condemn the daughter-in-law who married into the Qin family door."

                This time, Wang Xiaoli's parents did not dare to speak.

                Qin Ming's opening mouth of over a billion dollars and shutting up about dollars scared people.

                They were really intimidated.

                They were only middle-income people, and although their days were not bad, they had never
seen big money in the tens of millions of dollars.

                The original thought was that Qin Chaoyang was earning a million a year, so he would receive a
gift of 500,000, hold the wedding in style at his hometown, and turn around and pay part of the bride price.

                The company's business is not a business, but it is a business.

                Wang Xiaoli was so happy that her heart was thumping, she didn't think she had chosen such a
rich husband, so she could live without worrying about food and clothing in the future.

                Qin Chaoyang also said happily, "Then, brother, everything will be done as you say."

                Qin Ming's words deeply stimulated the people on Xia Ling's side, they were still bargaining for
the bride price of ten million fifty million, over there Qin Ming directly threw out three hundred million
dollars, also said what global village, foreign purchase of property, real wealth, simply envious.

                "Bragging rights." Yuan Haohua was a little upset, feeling that Qin Ming was tearing down his
stage and embarrassing him.

                The voice was not too loud, but everyone could hear it.

                At this time, a waiter came in and said, "Hello, sorry. Which one of you owns the brand new
Mercedes S560 at the door? Can you move it? There is a car that is blocked from getting out, so please
move it, thank you for your cooperation."

                Qin Chaoyang hurriedly got up and said, "Oh, our car. Hey, I don't have a driver's licence, Xiao
Li, go and move it."

                Wang Xiaoli immediately took the keys and went to move the car.

                A brand new car? How can you afford a brand new car without several million dollars?
Obviously, Qin Ming's table had that kind of power.
                Yuan Haohua could not afford to drive a big Ben, and the Ferrari he bragged about had been
obtained through his old father's prank on his sister, so he immediately held his face red and kept quiet.

                The more you look at Qin Ming, the better you feel.

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of services and services to the public,
including the provision of services to the public, the provision of services to the public, and the provision
of services to the public.

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

                In fact, Wang Xiaoli would like to save a little, but thinking that women get married once in a
lifetime, which woman does not want a beautiful and romantic, like a royal princess wedding of the
century? The fact that Qin Ming had made the arrangements, so she simply listened to them, made her
heart grow fonder.

                The wedding will cost at least a billion dollars, which has already made the two families at the
next table unable to eat.

                In fact, the wedding will cost more than a billion dollars, but Qin Ming is talking about
exaggerated figures to stimulate the people next door.

                Yuan Bing was even more sad, he felt that rubbing Qin Ming's private room to come in for
dinner was the wrong decision, his son was completely outclassed.

                Xia Ling was even more completely set his mind and spirit on Qin Ming's side, listening in
fascination, obviously envious of this wedding of the century for Wang Xiaoli.

                Mr. Xia couldn't sit still any longer and lifted a glass of wine and said, "Mr. Liao, I didn't expect
you to know such a powerful person, why don't you introduce us to him? Can you do us a favor and
introduce us?"

                Yuan Bing also immediately said, "Yes, yes, Xuan, your friend is so powerful, how come we
didn't know? I thought he was just an ordinary person."
                Xia Ling was also very interested and said, "Yes, yes, Miss Liao, you can introduce him, such a
young and top-notch second generation, we are all in business, we can earn money together in the future."

                The only one who had a problem with this was Yuan Haohua, why did his wife care so much
about the guy at the next table? Today we are discussing his wedding and we are going to visit his
company later on.

                Liao Qingxuan was speechless, as far as she knew, Qin Ming used to be a poor student, then he
made a rich white girl friend and became rich, but then his girlfriend's family went bankrupt, he should
have gone back to his original form, then she heard Qin Ming say that he was speculating in stocks and
making big money, she originally did not believe it, but now she had to believe it.

                Liao Qingxuan gave a speechless blank look and waved towards Qin Ming, saying "Qin Ming,
come here for a moment."

                This tone of voice was really like a big sister greeting her little brother.

                Qin Ming had almost finished, and said, "Brother, why don't you guys go to the villa at the top of
Cloud Mountain and take a look, I'll talk to my friends for a while. Oh, the meal has been paid for, you
guys can go straight away."

                Wang Xiaoli's parents answered and walked out with smiles on their faces.

                Qin Ming walked over and Liao Qingxuan gave up her seat and let him sit next to her.

                "Aiyo, little handsome boy, what's your name?" Boss Xia gave Qin Ming a toast at the first
opportunity, as if he was a VIP.

                Qin Ming declined the drink, made a Daoist fist hug, raised his mid-air and said "Thank you,
Boss Xia, but I am a monk, I don't drink during the day, and drunkenness can easily lead to mistakes."

                "Eh? A monk?" The group was stunned.

                Even Liao Qingxuan was dumbfounded, thinking, "What are you pretending to be? Aren't you a
senior student at the China Provincial University of Technology? You're pretending to be a godly man
                Qin Ming smiled, straightened his back and said, "I'm not going to hide it from you all, I'm the
heir of the 560th generation of the Heavenly Master, the head of the Daoist sect of the Tiger Dragon
Mountain, I'm a proper monk."

                "Oh, so you are a religious person." Boss Xia and his wife followed suit and made a fist hug.

                Liao Qingxuan instead secretly snickered as she reached down to the bottom of the table and
secretly pinched Qin Ming, indicating that you are so bad, so good at lying to people.

                Xia Ling said curiously, "Wow, is it so much money to be a Taoist priest now?"

                Yuan Bing said, "That's not true. If there are many followers, the incense will flourish. I know a
Buddhist master who drives a Rolls-Royce and lives in a European-style house, and everyone who sees
him calls him master.

                "Master Qin, thank you for your respect." Boss Xia hurriedly said "Master Qin is so young and
has such achievements, I really admire him."

                Qin Ming said "Eh, Boss Xia, Boss Yuan, you have misunderstood. I am still only an apprentice,
a master is too far away for me. The reason I'm rich is because I helped the Mu family, the local gentry of
Guangzhou, with the feng shui fortune theory taught by my teacher, and helped them through two difficult
times, and they returned the favour by sending me a billion dollars. I'm a monk, money is an external thing,
it just so happens that my elder brother is getting married, so I took some out and gave it to my elder

                Gollum ......

                A billion, extraneous things?

                He, Yuan Bing, could not take it out.

                The eyes of Mr. and Mrs. Boss Xia seemed to be unable to take it out either, looking like they
were limited even for the more luxurious.

                 You kid is not shouting my sister teacher? Don't brag."

                Qin Ming smiled faintly "This thing did not happen long ago, you can be on the Mu family
family change incident, when the city of Guang circulated quite a lot."

                Yuan Haohua is still not convinced, directly out of the phone to check when the Mu family
brothers turned against each other, the murder of the family property case, and the Mu family to get help
from mysterious people, the old man's illness was cured, all disclosed, and which has Qin Ming when the
Mu family company at the gate to hand out money to stabilize the borrowing people's photos.

                The table all scrambled to check Yuan Haohua's phone and found that it was indeed true!

                The Mu family is the oldest and most powerful family in the city of Guangzhou, known as a
hundred billion dollars, rich as hell, giving Qin Ming a random billion is nothing.

                After reading it, Mr. Xia came straight up and grabbed Qin Ming's hand, crying out, "Oh, Master
Qin ...... is really a real person, I'm really lucky to know Master Qin today, please save our family."

                Qin Ming drew back his hand and laughed dryly, "Oh, you're welcome, Mr. Xia, what are you
doing? Aren't you all fine?"

Chapter 495-496
 Chapter 495
The crowd checked the content on the phone, when Qin Ming did for the Mu family, part of it was also
reported, Qin Ming was also photographed, although the content did not say too much, but it is true that
Qin Ming was involved.

                This is now his words, the credibility is greatly enhanced.

                A young and gentle Taoist fortune teller? How dare he make the gang master Guang City's old
and powerful Mu family have Qin Ming out to help?

                Obviously, this master Qin is really capable ah.

                Boss Xia suddenly grabbed Qin Ming's hand and begged, "Aiya, Master Qin ...... really real
people do not show their faces, today I can know Master Qin, really lucky, please Master Qin save our
family ah."
                Qin Ming drew back his hand and laughed dryly "Oh, Boss Xia is polite, what are you doing?
You guys are fine, right?"

                Yuan Bing was also surprised, what does Mr. Xia mean?

                Mr. Xia said, "Here's the thing, Master Qin, I've been having a dream lately, our Xia family is in
trouble. Can Master Qin give me a calculation?"

                Qin Ming shook his head and said, "This ...... simple calculation of a face is not impossible, I
will not charge the boss Xia, are friends of Sister Xuan. But I can not reveal too much, after all, the
heavenly opportunity can not be revealed, once leaked, I am to break life."

                Qin Ming is not what to read, but he Zhang Quanzhen gave the autobiography book, he found
that at the beginning Zhang Quanzhen also do not understand, Zhang Quanzhen from the beginning is not
a Taoist old Taoist, he only began to believe in Taoism after he became famous.

                The table all looked at Qin Ming, even though Qin Ming was very young and not familiar.

                But Qin Ming had money. Money is the best status symbol, and Qin Ming had more money than
all of them, so he got their respect.

                That Yuan Haohua also did not dare to make a reckless voice.

                Qin Ming first give Xia boss feel the bones, the hand is a bit rough, Qin Ming heart is puzzled,
not the business people? He looked at the hands of Hou Qing and Qi Yundong, but it is fine skin and
tender flesh, nails seem to be a little gray.

                Boss Xia's face is more fat round, a little pointed forehead, bald, smile nothing affable, but rather

                Qin Ming recalled some of the contents of Zhang Quanzhen's autobiography, the boss Xia is not
like a very rich and noble phase ah.

                But it doesn't matter, Qin Ming doesn't understand either, he just has to follow his plan.
                "Not good, not good."

                He suddenly became frightened, let go of his hand, revealing an expression of great misfortune,
then picked up his fingers and wiped his hands, then Qin Ming immediately pulled Liao Qingxuan's hand,
said "Xuan sister go, go."

                Qin Ming then pulled the unknown Liao Qingxuan ran out quickly.

                "Hey? What's going on here?" Yuan Bing Xia boss and others feel very strange, what is going
on? No.

                Not fortune telling to see what strange things, right?

                The group looked strangely at Boss Xia, who wondered "What's wrong with me?"

                This is not to know what is going on, but the human psyche is like this, curious.

                The moment Yuan Haohua moved his body, with this future father-in-law to pull away from the

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its

                Liao Qingxuan is not much happy, said "you do not save me, I also have nothing to be cheated
by my father."

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its
customers. My father cheated me from the beginning, I should have known that I shouldn't have put up
with it and should have gone through legal channels to get my money back. But time and time again, trust,
but only in return for his inch of progress. I have already guessed that he will soon have to give me
ideological work, to work for my brother, perhaps add a deadline, in short, to coax me is."

                Qin Ming said "I have already expected, your father's eyes, there is not too much concern for
your eyes, he is all about getting money for your brother, to fill the face, to meet all your brother's
requirements and desires. He is too patriarchal. Your brother, on the other hand, is a social baby who relies
on your father for everything and has no idea that your career is not easy to come by, nor is he sympathetic
to your father, he is simply a bottomless pit."

                Liao Qingxuan gritted her teeth and said, "Qin Ming, you're right. My father only cares about me
in his mouth, but what he cares about in his heart is always Yuan Haohua, his son. I am a daughter, he does
not care at all. My mother is right, my father is a patriarch."

                Qin Ming scratched his head, he also as a man, but for Yuan Bing this behavior is not over, the
daughter is the father's sweet little coat ah, this old father but as a stepping stone, too abominable.

                Liao Qingxuan said "I will definitely get back what I have lost."

                Qin Ming said "Sister Xuan, didn't you say that you would leave it to me? I have already done
the spell for you, don't worry, you don't have to do anything, your wishes will all come true."

                Liao Qingxuan said, "Qin Ming, you do not lie to me. You can't be a real Taoist priest, right?"

                Qin Ming smiled mysteriously "Couldn't I be? Sister Xuan, do you think that you know me

                Qin Ming said this, Liao Qingxuan really do not know much about Qin Ming, very unfamiliar,
before only as a poor student, the result of Qin Ming again and again to give her surprises and surprises.

                Whenever Liao Qingxuan was in trouble, Qin Ming appeared by her side like a timely rain, as if
he was the god of luck in her life.

                Every time Liao Qingxuan was inspired and helped by Qin Ming, she was always a little touched
and felt that the more she looked at Qin Ming, the better she saw him, she just felt that Qin Ming was still
young and a student, otherwise she suspected that she would fall in love with him.

                Qin Ming continued "Sister Xuan, look, you don't know me well enough either, do you?
Actually, I'm really a Taoist priest, but I'm only a beginner."

                Liao Qingxuan asked again "Then what did you just tell that boss Xia?"
                Qin Ming laughed, "What did you calculate? I am deliberately, leaving a suspense, let them
guess, they can not guess, will be itchy, itchy will not be able to sleep, can not sleep will come to me. This
is called a trick to capture."

                This move is also Qin Ming learned from Zhang Quanzhen's autobiography book, there is a
Zhang Quanzhen lesson black-hearted rich businessman case, and his today's Liao Qingxuan's "robbery" is
quite similar, Qin Ming is only learning stage, of course, this he will not give Liao Qingxuan point break.

                The next time they come back, Qin Ming is already waiting for the rabbit, so he won't worry if
you don't fall into the trap.

                Liao Qingxuan poked Qin Ming with her finger and said, "You kid, you are so bad. No, so smart.
Hahaha, let you guys rush. I'll trust you and wait for your good news."

                After Qin Ming sent Liao Qingxuan back, he immediately sent the photos of Boss Xia's family,
which he had just taken, to Ao Mei, who was building Qin Ming's exclusive intelligence.

                Qin Ming instructed "Ao Mei, give me a check, this family's situation in the capital city, seems
to be quite successful entrepreneurs."

                After receiving Qin Ming's order, Ao Mei quickly replied, "Young master, give me half an hour,
I'll get to the bottom of everything about this family."

                Qin Ming smiled lightly, received the phone, leisurely rushed to the cloud mountain villa.

                As for the Yuan and Xia families, he was in no hurry, they came back to him.

                A dragon just drove the car over, suddenly heard a woman's shout behind "Master Qin Master
Qin ......"

Chapter 496
Qin Ming saw the visitor, is not that Yuan Haohua's fiancée Xia Ling, how did she come out with?

                He looked at this Xia Ling for a while, this woman dressed fashionably, a black halter, red skirt,
revealing a pair of shoulders and jade arms, and long legs, look quite okay, quite tender, but not into the
eyes of Qin Ming, but the chest is a bit ordinary, Qin Ming like chest big, like Liao Qingxuan Sun Changxi
Nie Haitang and other beautiful women as big.

                Qin Ming asked "Miss Xia, what's wrong?"

                Xia Ling softly whispered leaned over and said "Master Qin ...... you just left in such a hurry, is
my father something happened?"

                Qin Ming "heart palpitations" said "heavenly information can not be revealed, or I have to break

                Xia Ling is not deep into this issue, and said softly whispered "that you do not say, that ......
people have not yet properly acquainted with you la. Master Qin is so capable, people also want to find
Master Qin fortune telling ah."

                Qin Ming smiled lightly "Miss Xia, the north and south of the sky double flyers, across the shore
is the former dust. I am not easy to tell fortunes with people, but if there is fate, we will meet again, maybe
I can tell for you."

                After saying that, Qin Ming was about to get into the car, not bothering to deal with this woman.

                But that Xia Ling to take the first step, a fragrance puffed nose, she is slim, immediately sat in.

                Qin Ming cursed in his heart, this woman to shame?

                But Qin Ming still have to put on a smile, as a godly man, must keep a smile, this is called

                Since Qin Ming read Zhang Quanzhen's autobiography book, he felt that Zhang Quanzhen's
smile often may be a fake smile, he has always been amiable feeling to people, but may often explode
inside, cursing others ancestors.

                Qin Ming also sat in, crossed his legs and snapped his fingers for Ah Long to go around first.
                Xia Ling leaned over and landed on Qin Ming's shoulder, saying "Yo, Master Qin is still
cheating, you're such a handsome man with a big hand, driving a Mercedes Maybach, but dressed like a
bumpkin, so low-key, it's really rare. But isn't our meeting a destiny arranged by God?"

                Qin Ming was choked by Xia Ling's perfume smell, Qin Ming is not a casual person, and will
not think of others so casually.

                But he is now in a strong sense of foreboding, as long as he opened his mouth, this Xia Ling
immediately to be able to undress in the car for his service.

                Qin Ming was not tempted by her bent low shoulders, deliberately revealing, calmly said "Miss
Xia, you are going to eat me? Well, you say, what do you want me to count? I'll make an exception today."

                That Xia Ling has been looking at Qin Ming's eyes and expression, see Qin Ming looked down
at her, and immediately moved away, this is not the pure virgin shy?

                This is a young and golden young Taoist priest?

                Xia Ling actually contacted some religious people's children, they have in foreign countries to
further study, there are dude show off rich, I feel that this Qin Ming is one of them.

                What can a young man be capable of? Most of the old father's ability to take the family money to
show off.

                Xia Ling from the beginning to listen to Qin Ming hundreds of millions of dollars to help his
brother's wedding, and then read the article about Qin Ming to help the Mu family through the difficult
times, and look at him driving a Mercedes, already have an idea.

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its
customers. Always much better than that gnawing Yuan Haohua.

                Since you want to find a man, of course, to find a more money, more reliable existence.

                Men like goods, not afraid of no goods, afraid of goods than goods.
                She thinks she has all the poise, not worrying about this rich little innocent handsome man not

                But Qin Ming really feel bored, Qin Ming heart score, she is not as good as Li Meng, Li Meng
body is much better than her, not to mention some other stunning beauty he knows.

                After all, you are used to eating mountains and seafood, suddenly let you go back to eat
vegetables and rice, you can stand it?

                Xia Ling smiling against Qin Ming, whispering voice, reached out and took Qin Ming's hand,
fell on the chest, said "Master Qin, help people calculate, how people here will develop?"

                Rub miles, although looking at little material, but after all, there is still, warm and whistling.

                Thumb ...... suddenly a sharp brake.

                The car of Ah Long to pull over in a car less greenway under the shade, I do not know where to
pull out a box of condoms, and then did not return to say "young master, I go to the toilet, go to go back."

                Shit! What do you mean, Ah Long? I'm not going to have a car accident here?

                And you're just ten steps away from that smoking, you go to the toilet?

                "Young master?" Xia Ling heard the bodyguard and driver Ah Long's name for Qin Ming, his
heart more certain, Qin Ming should be the son of a religious big brother, must be very rich.

                Xia Ling fortunately the whole body leaning in Qin Ming's arms, the other hand in Qin Ming's
firm chest speculation, she came up to Qin Ming's ear, said "Little Taoist ...... you have opened the light of
the hand, touched will develop?"

                Qin Ming took the opportunity to touch two times, withdrew his hand, said with a stern face "We
are not worshipping the Buddha, what light? We are catching goblins, just like you goblins."

                Xia Ling hooked Qin Ming back strength, said "ouch ...... eh hey, people this little demon spirit
not fall into the hands of the small Taoist master, Taoist master can love people."
                Xia Ling so active, is Qin Ming never expected.

                Ah Long so understanding, is also Qin Ming never thought of.

                But he really want to have something with Xia Ling in the car, it is impossible.

                Qin Ming said "Miss Xia, please come down first, I am curious, what I have attracted you? My

                The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're looking for.

                Xia Ling asked softly and pitifully, "Master Qin, don't you like me? I fell in love with you at first
sight, can you believe it?"

                Qin Ming laughed and took that Huawei thousand-dollar machine, the screen protector wallpaper
is Mu Xiaoqiao, the phone application wallpaper is Nie Haitang.

                He said disdainfully "They are my girlfriends, Miss Xia thinks can compare with them?"

                Xia Ling was stunned, looking at the photos on Qin Ming's phone, whether it was Mu Xiaoqiao
or Nie Haitang, her looks, figure and temperament were all a hundred thousand miles away from her,
making her ashamed of herself, even as a woman, she could see the beauty of these two.

                The atmosphere became awkward, Xia Ling beauty plan failed, which can make her situation
immediately become unstable.

                Dudu ...... exactly at this time, responsible for intelligence collection Ao Mei sent information,
that is, the information of Xia Ling's family.

                Qin Ming smoothly open to see, this look is not good, directly directly sneer, said "tsk tsk, this
can be hilarious it. Miss Xia."

Chapter 497-498
 Chapter 497
What did Qin Ming see? All the information of Miss Xia's "family".
                I have to say, Ao Mei is worthy of being the elite trained within the Huan Yu Century Group, the
information was found quite fast, it didn't take long to scrape out the full identity of Xia Ling.

                Qin Ming smilingly said "Miss Xia Juran, I do not eat fast food, not healthy."

                The fast food in Qin Ming's mouth does not mean takeout.

                He said the name "Xia Julan", and said the word fast food, the implication immediately made
Xia Ling application a stunned, she looked at Qin Ming incredulously, asked "how do you know my
original name?"

                Qin Ming smiled lightly and said "How difficult is this? You have been arrested five times by
the Chaoyang police in Beijing for engaging in pornographic services in the past. Tsk, this is to wash clean
to find a rich man, to be a rich wife? Oops, this 'robbery' seems to be simpler than imagined."

                Qin Ming directly point out, Xia Ling more fear, her heart nest "Peng Peng" accelerated straight
jump, suddenly turned his head, push open the car door, get out to leave.

                But did not take two steps, Ah Long pinch a stone, a throw in the air.


                Ah Long's wrist strength is also scary strong, accuracy is also high, directly hit Xia Ling's knee
nest, Xia Ling directly fell to the ground.

                Qin Ming walked over without a moment's hesitation, saying "You can ah? You can cheat me
out of a marriage. What? You think I'm like that Yuan Haohua, so easy to cheat?"

                "The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its
customers. But you guys are really professional enough, pretending to be quite decent, I still want to
exchange acting skills with you."

                Xia Ling was scared out of her wits, hastily crawled over, hugged Qin Ming's thighs, and begged
"Master Qin, please, don't expose me, I've resolved to be a virtuous person and not to do that kind of flesh
business anymore. I know I was greedy and saw that you were richer, so I wanted to hook up with you, but
I know I was wrong. I beg you to let me live, the dark lord Yuan Haohua has a violent temper and easily
loses control of his emotions, if he finds out, he will definitely kill me."


                Ah Long pulled out a knife, the sword pointed at Xia Ling head, said "Young master, I'll take
care of it, right?"

                Xia Ling saw that Ah Long had pulled out a real knife and was going to kill her? She was so
scared that she directly fainted.

                Qin Ming frowned, touched her cheek, said "so unstable? Forget it, take it back first, I have to
take a good look at this matter."

                In the afternoon, Qin Ming went to visit the new villa of his elder brother at the top of the cloud,
and Wang Xiaoli's parents also chatted for a while, suggesting that as long as Qin Chaoyang and Wang
Xiaoli first received the certificate, the $100 million gift money immediately arrived.

                Qin Ming also does not want to delay the marriage of the elder brother, because Qin Chaoyang is
not young, are almost 30 years old, parents have been worried about the marriage of the elder brother, he
took care of this matter, both to help the elder brother have a home, a stable career, a good wife, but also
for the parents to do a filial piety.

                After all, he has the ability to ah.

                In the future, if he has a long and short, big brother by virtue of the career and money now given
by Qin Ming, the rest of his life also worry about food and clothing, after all, Wang Xiaoli is a real 985
school graduate of high school students, how the future days will not be bad.

                Big brother is worried about food and clothing, then parents and sisters in the future is also
worried about food and clothing.

                This is what Qin Ming cares most.

                His parents are too honest, he was afraid to give them too much money, stimulating their parents,
that would be the opposite.
                That afternoon, Qin Chaoyang was encouraged by Wang Xiaoli's parents, and Wang Xiaoli first
received a certificate, Qin Ming directly to the account of the practice elders played a hundred million
dollars, never go back on their word, which can be the two elders happy mouth, a praise Qin Chaoyang
good son-in-law.

                And then discuss the wedding invitations to pick the day and organize the wedding.

                These things, Qin Ming will not be involved, he has to start to help Liao Qingxuan put her
"robbery" to resolve.

                In the big manor at the top of Cloud Mountain, Xia Ling was woken up by someone.

                She was trembling, looking at her surroundings, apparently a small dark room, surrounded by
seven fierce men wearing only pants, she knew she had fallen into the hands of Qin Ming.

                She regretted in her heart, if not greedy Qin Ming more rich, she forged the identity of the rich
white woman, next to the silly gnawing old man Yuan Haohua, that is also able to cheat a large sum of

                Greed, really hurt people.

                Qin Ming came in and said "Miss Xia, now you have two ways ahead of you, either let my men
brothers finished, I send you to Yuan Haohua, you explain yourself to him."

                "Ah! Don't, please Master Qin, don't." Xia Ling was scared enough.

                Xia Ling cried and screamed "I promise you, I promise you everything. He knows I'm not a rich
girl, I'm cheating on my marriage, he will kill me, oooh ......"

                The second way is to listen to me on everything. I need you to cheat Yuan Haohua out of

                Xia Ling shouted "I promise you, Master Qin, please let me go, I'll do whatever I say."

                Qin Ming was satisfied and said "But you can't let the other two crooks know, got it?"
                Xia Ling said "I know, I will do it. That Yuan Haohua is very stupid, he was fooled by me, he
gave whatever I said he wanted, don't worry, I will do it."

                Qin Ming nodded and said, "Someone will send you away, you have to wait for my phone
contact at any time, if you dare to escape, the consequences do not need me to say it."

                Qin Ming finished intimidating Xia Ling, out of the small dark room, said to Song Ying standing
at the door "this person is a professional liar, know my background, I'm afraid there will be a bit of trouble
in the future, after the end of this incident, deal with her."

                Song Ying's eyes glanced toward the door of Xia Ling, a casual glimpse of a killing machine,
softly said "I know, young master."

                Qin Ming used Xia Ling as a pawn and disposed of her afterwards, so you can't blame him for
being ruthless.

                He knows that his identity is now very sensitive, Xia Ling, a professional liar, or from the capital
city, the hell knows what she has a way, what trouble will bring him in the future, to Song Ying to dispose
of is the best.

                Caution can catch a thousand autumn Zen, careful sailing is the boat, is this reason.

                That night, Xia Ling lived with Yuan Haohua in the city greenway district house, she contacted
Qin Ming in the middle of the night, she took advantage of Yuan Haohua asleep, stole Liao Qingxuan was
cheated bank card, secretly transferred to Qin Ming.

                As for those forged mortgage documents of the dance training company.

                In fact, the company is still the same company, but Liao Qingxuan was cheated by Yuan Bing,
Yuan Bing is not to take away, just cheated away the official seal, forged a lot of transfer documents.

                Xia Ling also a brain all steal out and give to Qin Ming.

                So far, Liao Qingxuan's deposits and the company's official seal and important information, all
                The process was so easy that Qin Ming was surprised that it seemed to be a trivial matter.

                The next morning, the villa in the area, Liao Qingxuan got up early to make breakfast for Qin
Ming, while doing so, complained "Last night my father also advised me to help my brother work, saying
that my brother does not know how to manage the company, my sister-in-law is not the right professional,
and said that the company is my heart and soul, do I want to see the company collapse? He let me take
them by the hand for a while, and when they are familiar with it later, I can leave. Tsk ...... said more than
an hour, even the salary did not talk to me, too abominable, I am still not his own life? Is only big brother
is his own life?"

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its

                Liao Qingxuan sighed and said "Then our Master Qin, you said that after I did the puja, my qi
will naturally turn to, things will turn around, I've been waiting for two days, the turnaround?"

                Qin Ming pretended to be mysterious and counted his fingers, saying "Well, as I expected, Sister
Xuan, you count to three, the turnaround will come."

                Liao Qingxuan cute beak, said "you bad boy, fool me? You are so god? I do not believe, I will
count, three two one ......"

                The words just fell, Liao Qingxuan cell phone rang, she was surprised to see Qin Ming, and look
at their own cell phone, incredulous said "Qin Ming you so god? No way?"

                Qin Ming smiled lightly "mysterious ah."

Chapter 498
"Hello? Mom, what's wrong?" Liao Qingxuan was surprised that her mother called early in the morning.

                Principal Liao said, "Your brother is getting married, and I heard that he came to Guangzhou,
and he lived there with you last night, right? I'm almost at the entrance of your neighborhood."
                Liao Qingxuan hurriedly said "Eh eh eh eh, mom ...... I don't live on the second floor of that suite
now, I live in the courtyard of the independent villa inside the district, the entrance is all the laurel trees
that a villa."

                Principal Liao was stunned, said "your career just started, spend so much money to rent a villa to
do what? The last time you said you wanted to pay for a Ferrari? Qingxuan, I'm not saying that you should
not be too wasteful, you should wear a big hat if you are capable. Have you forgotten that you used to owe
hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit cards just to enjoy luxury?"

                "Hello? Mom ...... I found a bad signal here, hello ...... you know how to go? I hung up oh." Liao
Qingxuan hurriedly hung up the phone, a long breath, said "to count me down again, my mother grew up,
day after day, count me down, control me this, control me that, my father is different, my father does not
care about me."

                The more he knew Liao Qingxuan, the more he felt that Liao Qingxuan was under control and
had poor self-control, thanks to the fact that Principal Liao was an educator and knew how to be sagacious
in Liao Qingxuan's ears from time to time, but Liao Qingxuan still felt the rumble.

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its

                "What's going on here?" Both sides asked in the same breath.

                Liao Qingxuan asked, "Why did you come together?"

                Yuan Bing said, "When I came downstairs, your mother said you live here, I do not believe, so I
came with."

                Then Yuan Bing looked at the independent villa in front of him in shock, but also with a private
garden, the door placed a big Ben particularly conspicuous, he then said "Xiao Xuan, you your house? You
have such a big villa?"

                Principal Liao was equally surprised "Xiao Xuan, you rented it and bought it? Why didn't you
tell us earlier?"
                To be honest, Yuan Bing was jealous, he didn't have such an independent villa with a garden in
Beijing either.

                The fact that his daughter gave up her commercial house, but he is living in a big villa, this old
father is sour in his heart.

                Liao Qingxuan flattened her mouth and said with emotion "My house is occupied, I can only rely
on friends. This is Qin Ming's house, I just live temporarily."

                The first mention of Qin Ming, Yuan Bing inwardly suffocated, that rich but very low-key rich
young man, seems not easy to climb.

                But her daughter climbed up ah.

                The face of Yuan Haohua on the side was even more ugly, he stood at the door not quite wanting
to go in, but there was nowhere to go if he didn't.

                The lobby of the villa, luxurious decorations, than the mansions inside the TV series more grand,
a variety of antique collections set up, it seems that the house is very literary atmosphere, as if into here,
since the temperament of the gods have been inculcated.

                Qin Ming was fiddling with the skeleton of the prehistoric creature Dodo bird, saw the arrival of
Principal Liao, very enthusiastic forward to embrace "Principal Liao, welcome."

                Principal Liao asked "Qin Ming, aren't you a poor student at school? How ......"

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. It
is my boss, the boss of my internship company, he moved to other places, his villa for me to watch, I have
to watch a year and a half, I will boast that it is mine, so that Ms. Liao live in some comfortable. She does
not have nowhere to go?"

                Principal Liao listened to this, and did not say anything about Qin Ming, but was grateful to Qin
Ming for taking care of his daughter, and gave him a thumbs up, saying "This will be the teacher also have
to thank you."
                Qin Ming laughed "Principal Liao, you often listened to your class teaching, those who help
others, are often helped."

                The first thing you need to do is to get a good job.

                When Liao Qingxuan saw Yuan Bing, she didn't have the good look she had before, she was so
upset about being cheated that she asked, "Where's your sister-in-law? Not coming?"

                Yuan Haohua said discontentedly "Don't mention that bitch."

                Liao Qingxuan was shocked, how could she become a bitch after only one day? Yesterday, they
were still in love, discussing to go to the Maldives to get married?

                "What's going on?" Not quite understand the situation, Principal Liao frowned "Since Haohua
wants to get married, that girl does not bring me to see?"

                Yuan Bing sighed and said, "This morning disappeared. Home was also robbed, things were
taken away."

                Yuan Haohua viciously scolded "phone calls also can not be reached, we have to immediately
rush back to the capital city, to go to their homes to investigate the situation."

                The two fathers and sons said this, directly to the sky to talk dead.

                Liao Qingxuan mother and daughter are stunned to look at the father and son.

                What do you mean missing? The family was also robbed?

                This is also too scary, right?

                Liao Qingxuan loudly questioned "What happened? What about my money? Where is my car?
Where is my company's official seal?"

                Principal Liao was stunned again, "Xiao Xuan, did you pay for it? What happened? What's going
on? You still have to use your money to get married? The first thing you need to do is to get your own
money. The first thing you need to do is to get your son married, even if you can't earn money, you don't
have money to pay for it? The fact that Xuan has a career is not easy, you want to harm her?"

                Yuan Bing hurriedly said "What are you arguing about, maybe there is some misunderstanding
in it."

                The company's main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

                Yuan Bing said with a gloomy face "the other party may be a fraudulent marriage. Anyway, I'll
call the police first."

                "Have you guys made a mistake?" Liao Qingxuan did not believe the two father and son's
bullshit, emotionally out of control cursed "from the beginning, said Dad's company turnover difficulties,
need a large amount of money, my deposit full rhythm, and then also mortgage my company to loan, and
then said brother's wedding, to buy a house money is not enough, and then said the company is not
mortgaged, I want to give the company to Yuan Haohua temporarily, but also I have to work for my
brother. Do the appearance to support the face, can not lose face."

                "Now tell me, what sister-in-law are fake, deceitful."

                "Stop it, I don't believe you." Liao Qingxuan completely collapsed, hysterically roaring "My
money, my house are returned. I won't believe your words anymore."

                As Principal Liao listened, he became more and more frightened "Yuan Bing, you bastard!
You're a son who prefers his daughter! For the sake of the son, all the daughter's things to cheat? I smoked
you to death ......"

                The two couples who had already divorced, wrestled with each other.

                Qin Ming bottle watching, but not much touched, sent a message to Song Ying, said "notify the
police, to arrest people back. That Xia Ling handle a little better."

                Soon Song Ying will be the message "Yes, young master."

                The two fathers and sons and two mothers and daughters quarreled for a long time, Yuan
Haohua's full of care, Yuan Bing's sad face was scratched on a face of scars, Principal Liao's anger, Liao
Qingxuan's despair and crying, all contrasting strongly.

                Qin Ming saw the two sides a little pause, then said "Uncle Yuan, know why I suddenly ran
away yesterday when I told the fortune of Mr. Xia?"

                Yuan Bing was stunned, although he was also curious, but did not look deeper, now Qin Ming
said, could it be related to what happened here? He then asked "Why?"

Chapter 499-500
 Chapter 499
Yuan Bing was actually curious as to why Qin Ming had told Boss Xia's fortune yesterday and suddenly
left in the middle of the calculation.

                Now Qin Ming suddenly mentioned it, could it be that there was some kind of metaphor?

                Qin Ming laughed and said, "I saw that Mr. Xia, although he was dressed in high class and
luxurious clothes, his face was fierce, his seal was bulging, his hands were gloomy and weak, and he had a
lot of bad luck. I was right in my prediction that he was a crook, or perhaps a wanted criminal. I was
afraid, afraid that he would pass on his bad luck, so I took Sister Xuan and left first."

                Er ......

                The first time I saw the man, I was so scared. He was still living under the same house last night
and stayed for a day, wouldn't it be bad luck after bad luck.

                The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the website.

                This means you damn well don't pass on your bad luck to me.

                Yuan Haohua also subconsciously pulled back a bit.

                Yuan Bing was so depressed, he was innocent.

                The first thing I said was, "I told you, that would be a crook, otherwise why did he steal my bank
card and some of the decorations in the house."

                Yuan Bing was so tired that he said, "Shut up."

                He actually hoped that Mr. Xia was the real boss, if he was a crook, then he had lost a lot of
money this time.

                Yuan Bing sat down on the sofa, his face was haggard, and now he was even more haggard by
more than ten years. He had thought that his son would marry a rich woman, and he had even visited the
Xia family, the big villa, it couldn't be fake, right?

                But if they were really serious people, would they cheat on their bank cards and roll away
important company documents and official seals?

                Yuan Bing did not know how to face this fact, the money was all cheated and the other party's
name could be fake.

                The company's name may be fake.

                Qin Ming said "Sister Xuan, I'll do it, I have acquaintances at the police station, maybe it's still
too late, after all, there is surveillance at the entrance of this district, where they went, it should be easy to

                As if she had found a lifeline, Liao Qingxuan hurriedly took Qin Ming's hand and said, "Fine,
fine, Qin Ming, I'm counting on you for this."

                Qin Ming called Sun Changxi's mobile phone and soon heard Sun Changxi's unhappy voice,
saying "What are you doing, Qin Ming? My mum hasn't left yet, are you trying to get an inch?"

                Qin Ming was puzzled, what was the point of taking an inch?

                Qin Ming told the story, and implied that Sun Changxi went somewhere to look for "Xia Ling's
family", after saying clearly, Sun Changxi realized that she misunderstood, said "Oh, this ah, you are good,
I am worried about nothing to do, can not get rid of my mother, hahaha, do not worry, immediately catch
you back. "
                Qin Ming didn't know what to expect, but if Sun Changxi was going to do it, there should be
results soon.

                After Qin Ming called this side, he calmed down Liao Qingxuan's mother and daughter, then the
group went together to take a look at the commercial room on the first floor.

                The house was in a mess, the paintings on the wall had been stolen and the sofa had been turned

                Many of the valuable decorative items in Qin Ming's house were also stolen, which is a huge

                Qin Ming suddenly said "Mr. Yuan, I remember we have signed a rental contract, once I lost
something in this house, you have to pay back ten times the price, moreover, you were to rent for a year,
otherwise it is considered a breach of contract, also have to compensate for the breach of contract."

                The corners of Yuan Bing's mouth twitched, his face was unusually ugly, and he said, "Xiao Qin,
you and our Xiao Xuan are good friends, you can just call me Uncle Yuan, it's too much to call me Mr. ah.
Eh, let's not talk about that now, Xiao Xuan, join Dad and tidy up the house first."

                Qin Ming smiled lightly, this Yuan Bing should be scared this time, right?

                Liao Qingxuan didn't shake him off in the slightest and said "Don't destroy the scene, when the
police come later, they may need to collect fingerprints and other evidence."

                In fact, it didn't take long for Qin Ming to receive news from his men that Xia Ling had been
disposed of by Song Ying, and that the fraudsters, Mr and Mrs Xia, had been caught by Sun Changxi.

                The police then came to the door to inform them of the situation, but the company's seal and
documents were recovered, but the bank card that held tens of millions of dollars was not.

                The team worked for a long time and did not return until the evening.

                This time, Yuan Haohua the old man is a poor man, the money is the old father's expenses, in
addition to learning that his fiancée is a nightclub "Miss", or a scammer, was hit, there is no loss.
                Yuan Bing also lost some of his investment money that was fooled by "Boss Xia", but it wasn't

                The only thing she kept was the company's important contracts and documents, all of which
Yuan Bing had cheated her out of because she was too naive.

                In addition, Xia Ling has been told that she has not been found and has disappeared. Moreover,
Xia Ling has not acted together with "Mr. and Mrs. Xia", who are the culprits of the theft of precious
accessories from Qin Ming's house.

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.
You are a pig, you have ruined your son and now you are ruining Xiao Xuan. Look at the son you have
educated, he is nothing but a nibbler. Qin Ming's family is poor and comes from a rural background, but he
is a thousand times better than Yuan Haohua, who grew up with a lot of privileges.

                "Yuan Haohua, why don't you grow up? You are almost thirty years old. You still have to rely
on your sister's career and money to save face when you get married, is face as important as your

                "Now that people and money are empty, when are you going to grow up? Can't you listen to a
single word I've taught you before?"

                Headmaster Liao lamented and was so angry that he wanted to crush the heads of these two
fathers and sons.

                The first thing you need to do is to sue him, sue him to the death."

                Seven hundred thousand ten thousand sets of seven million, is this not a pit?

                Moreover, the dirty things are still in the police station, can't go back? This secretary of yours is
too insensitive, right?
                Song Ying's words plunged the haggard Yuan Bing into even more painful stress, he wanted to
find Qin Ming to have a proper chat, but Qin Ming had already dragged Liao Qingxuan upstairs, and
Principal Liao kept blocking him from seeing his daughter again.

                The house had been re-packed by Song Ying, and Qin Ming handed a glass of water to the
unstable Liao Qingxuan, saying "Sister Xuan, do you have your card? Check it out, maybe the money is
still there."

                The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.
By the way, when cleaning the house today, the workers said they found some things that don't belong
here, among them was a bank card, Sister Xuan, please see if it's yours."

                Liao Qingxuan was stunned when she saw Qin Ming handing over a plastic bag, and with the
intention of casually rummaging through it, she picked up a bank card and exclaimed, "How come it's still
here? This card is my bank card, tens of millions of dollars are here, where did Qin Ming find it?"

                Qin Ming was also "surprised" and said "Really? Sister Xuan, that's great. The worker said he
found it under the stall at the entrance. So, that Xia Ling cheated the card last night but dropped it again."

                "Yes, it should be, it's this number, my god, this can even be recovered, it's too godly." Liao
Qingxuan was so happy that she jumped three feet high.

                Qin Ming looked at such a happy Liao Qingxuan, his heart was also happy, he secretly did a lot
of things, and later on, with some of his godly words, then his name of the divine calculator sat true.

                Suddenly, the exuberant Liao Qingxuan hugged Qin Ming, then stretched out her jade arm,
hooked Qin Ming's rear end and gave him a kiss.


Chapter 500
With this peck, Qin Ming was stunned.
                Although Liao Qingxuan's soft lips only pecked the left side of his face like a dragonfly, Qin
Ming still felt electrified, especially when Liao Qingxuan suddenly hugged him, the friction between her
body, her thin outer clothing, the squeezing sensation of her bulging chest, made Qin Ming's heart flutter
with charm.

                This was too unexpected, Qin Ming never thought that Liao Qingxuan would be excited to such
an extent that she would take the initiative to kiss him back and express her happy emotions.

                Although it was a kiss on the face, Qin Ming's face had sweat and face oil all day and was
actually a bit dirty, but Liao Qingxuan was not bothered.

                Qin Ming was worried about Liao Qingxuan falling and also hugged her slim little waist, which
felt very thin and soft, worthy of being a dance practitioner.

                Qin Ming carried Liao Qingxuan around and then put her down, saying "Be careful, Miss Liao."

                "Hey hey hey ......" Liao Qingxuan happily kissed her bank card again and said "Qin Ming, your
calculations are really accurate, I don't seem to have any losses now. The company and the car and house,
my mother helped me to get back. The savings were also unexpectedly recovered. You said that the Xia
family's people are liars, and they are really liars. Tsk, it seems that you guessed everything right."

                Qin Ming proudly ran his hand through his hair and said proudly, "That's not true, Sister Xuan,
I'm not bragging. If you have a puja done for you, your qi will naturally flourish, and if your qi flourishes,
then you will have great luck. If you go out now and appease your father and your mother, but don't say
that you've got the money you lost, not only will you look like you know how to be generous, but you'll
also make your father feel guilty about you, and he might care more about you in the future."

                Liao Qingxuan, still angry, flattened her mouth and said "I don't think so, he's too much of a
patriarch. I'm not asking him to be nice to me, but at least he shouldn't be too biased towards my brother.
But he hasn't been able to do that for so many years."

                Qin Ming could see that Liao Qingxuan did that with her mouth, but in her heart she was still
somewhat expecting her old father to care for her, after all, who can be unfeeling if people are not grass?
The lack of fatherly love since she was young was always a hurdle that she could not get over in her heart.
                Qin Ming had already made preparations, he had a final insurance policy for Liao Qingxuan.

                In the quiet of the night, with Qin Ming's help, Liao Qingxuan moved all her luggage back to her
original two-room apartment and could finally sleep in peace.

                Qin Ming deliberately strolled around the area, knowing that Yuan Bing and his son would come
looking for him, according to his beginning psychology.

                As expected, the two father and son Yuan Bing leaned up to Qin Ming as soon as they saw him.

                "Master Qin ......" Yuan Bing took Qin Ming's hand as soon as he met him and said, "Master Qin
save me."

                Qin Ming was stunned and said "Oh, Mr. Yuan, what's wrong?""

                Yuan Bing sighed and said, "Can you make an accommodation for that rental agreement ......?"

                Qin Ming said, "How can I do that? Mr. Yuan, you haven't even paid the deposit and the first
month's rent, and you've lost all the precious collections in my house, so I guess you won't be living in the
back, right? Of course, if you want to keep paying the rent, you will not be charged for the breach of
contract. Let's just charge ten times the price of the lost collection."

                Yuan Haohua was annoyed and said, "What do you mean by living here? We are from Beijing,
who would come to live in your city? If we don't live here, will we still pay you rent and provide you with
accommodation? You have a good calculation."

                Qin Ming said helplessly with both hands, "Then you pay the rent and live here, right? The
penalty for breach of contract is ten times the rent, will you pay ten times the penalty or will you pay the
rent? What? Don't you have any contractual spirit? Are you in business? Oh, I forgot, Young Master Yuan
is an old man, not a businessman. As long as Dad is around, you can renege on anything"

                "You!" Yuan Haohua was furious when he heard Qin Ming's gloomy mockery and stepped
forward with a punch.

                But Qin Ming caught it with one hand!

                Even though Yuan Haohua was a big bull, he was not half as strong as Qin Ming, so he was
easily blocked by Qin Ming's hand.

                Qin Ming twisted Yuan Haohua's wrist with a little force, causing him to scream in pain, "Let
go, ah, kill someone, ah ...... pain, pain me to death."

                The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem.

                Qin Ming sent a hand to push, a light smile, said "Uncle Yuan, how the contract is written, how
you compensate, seven million not a penny less than my. As for renting a room, you can rent it for your
daughter for a year to make up for the rift in your father-daughter relationship, see how thoughtful I have
been on your behalf."

                Yuan Haohua said with displeasure, "Why should I? My sister has her own company and makes
her own money."

                Qin Ming angrily rebuked, "Just because you, a pig, gave that important bank card to a nightclub
girl! You've been cheated and you don't even know it. You think you're great, but you're no different from
a pig in the eyes of everyone! Don't you know you're a piece of shit? You've lost your father, so what are
you? What? Tens of millions of dollars lost to Liao Qingxuan and it's like nothing, huh, scum. Now you're
asking you to pay your sister less than 100,000 a year in rent, and you're not willing to do it? Your father
has even bought you a house in Beijing, what are you still not satisfied with?"

                Yuan Haohua was scolded by Qin Ming, his face was red and he couldn't say anything, his dad
valued sons over daughters he knew, but he was the one being valued, he naturally wouldn't have a
problem with it, just enjoy his father's pampering of him, why think so much about it?

                "Ahhhhh~!" Yuan Haohua broke down and shouted loudly, punching at the trees on the
roadside, venting his inner anger and incompetence like a fool.

                Qin Ming smoothed out his mood, patted Yuan Bing on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Yuan, I am
under the tutelage of Master Tiger Dragon Mountain, and those who know me call me the Younger True
Daoist, the Sai Half Immortal, and although I am still uneducated in fortune-telling, I can tell fortunes with
people without them having to ask. Yesterday, when I told the fortune of the Xia family, I knew that they
were strange and frauds, but today it is not true?"

                "Meeting each other is destiny, if for the sake of Sister Xuan, how about I give you a free
calculation, calculate your old age, whether you will enjoy both blessings and fortune, or if you will violate
the eclipsed year, how about that?"

                Yuan Bing saw that Qin Ming did not want to waive his compensation payment, and was in no
mood to tell his fortune.

                The company will soon be paid, so how can you do a show without money? The only thing she
can do is to find someone else to buy the company, and she'll be lucky to get out of it. My mum doesn't
have much money either, she can't help much."

                Qin Ming smiled lightly and lowered his head to Yuan Bing's ear, "Actually, Uncle Yuan, you
don't need me to calculate your situation to understand it yourself. A son like that can provide for you in
your old age? Isn't that a joke? Uncle Yuan, your mid-star Taiyang has left the nest, and from this year
onwards your qi will be exhausted, and you are also charged with Taiyang, so it can be said that you are
carrying a comparable fortune at this time."

                Yuan Bing was stunned and asked curiously, "What does it mean to have a time of great

                Qin Ming said in a pretentious manner, "There is a cloud in the Book of Changes that says that it
is not good to be wealthy when you have a time with a robbery, you will have difficulties in raising
children, your old fortune will be less secure, your life will be weak, you will be sick and hurt, your death
tomb will be empty. Uncle Yuan, I advise you to pay the rent of my house, give a few good words to Liao
Qingxuan, let her live on, as a way to leave yourself a way back, after a year and a half there is still a
chance of survival. If you walk away from this, the gods will not be able to help you."    

                Later, after Qin Ming learned that Yuan Bing had paid out seven million dollars in compensation
for the collection, he continued to pay the rent according to the contract, saying that it was for Liao
Qingxuan to live in, but Liao Qingxuan did not appreciate the situation, instead she felt that Qin Ming had
cheated her father out of his money and wanted to settle the score with him.

                Qin Ming no longer has time to care about these trivial matters, that these people hammer him.

                Because Feng Dongxiang, one of the group's four patriarchs, is here again, he wants Qin Ming to
attend the engagement ceremony between Qin Ming and the Zhao family's child, Zhao Xinran.

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