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2 A mon ami Paul Vidal Aimons-nous et Dormons Sleep, Dear Love Paroles de Théodore de Banville English words by Evangeline Lehman Moderato (d= 84) Musique de CLAUDE DEBUSSY 4880) VOICE Ai-mons-nous et dor ~ mons Sleepdear love, sleep and dream Sans son - ger au res- te du mon The while you rest I will watch o'er Mi le Slot de la Nei-ther tides. of the ni Vou- ra-gan des monts, nor storm-y windson mounts, £ Tant que nous nous ai - mons, Wef-flou-re- ba ta Nought knowsmy love for thee. No force can touch thy SS Copyright 193% by Theodore Presser Co. & International Copyright secured 181 40039 Printedinsa. = ff | t-te blon - de, Car Va-mour est plus fort Que les Diews et ta hairso gold - en, For my love shelters thee Ebn af- ter we are ‘Though the sun die out, le Pour lass - ser ta blan-chour plus pu- re; Le vent gui jus- quit Thy_fair-ness will re- main the pur-er; The wind thatbendsthe sf 4 Sa Ly a torre in. come la fo - rity trees in - clin - ing the— for - est, = Fea eS dt} s11-40089-4 P mu puss - ant no. se - rail Jou- er a- vee Passing by would not To play with thy + 4 4 8 _ ta che-ve - lu 70, tu ca- che - ras love-li-est gold-en hair, long as_thou wilt hide " — Ta téte en-tre mes bras. ‘Thy head with-in. my arms. ? Bt lors-que nos deux coeurs And then when our two hearts SSS 7 s41-40030-4 Se ront ‘aux sphi-res heu-reu - ses Ou — Les cé-les-tes tys 6-cl0 part tqthose heavily spheres— Where the ce-les-tialflowrs will 5 at lors, com-me deur then, —_ wetwo,like ront sows. nos pleurs, bloom ‘neath our tears, Sleurs, Joig-nons nos Ie-vres amour-eu - ses, ‘Et tachons dé-put- Will join our lips so ten-der- ly Ah,’tis then we will ff —$—— om F La mort dans un bai - sert A kiss that fears no death! =—S— . rr s11-40030-4

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