GMR Institute of Technology Rajam, Andhra Pradesh: (An Autonomous Institution Affiliated To JNTUK, AP)

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GMR Institute of Technology

Rajam, Andhra Pradesh

(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to JNTUK, AP)

Cohesive Teaching – Learning Practices (CTLP)

Class II Sem. – B. Tech. Department: BS & H
Course Engineering Physics Course Code 20PYX01
Prepared by Mr. D. Govinda, Assistant Professor
Kepler’s laws of planetary motion (qualitative), Applications of Kepler’s laws –
Lecture Topic
motion of satellites
Course Outcome (s) CO1 Program Outcome (s) PO1
Duration 50 Min Lecture 7 of 60 Unit I
Pre-requisite (s) Gravitational field, Angular momentum

1. Objective

 To impart the concept of Scalr and Vector, and Scalr and vector fields (s)

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

At the end of this session the students will able to:

A. Understand the concepts of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion (S)

B. Understand the applications of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion (S)

3. 2D Mapping of ILOs with Knowledge Dimension and Cognitive Learning Levels of


Cognitive Learning Levels

Dimension Remember Understand Apply Analyse Evaluate Create

Conceptual A B
Meta Cognitive

4. Teaching Methodology

 Chalk & Board, Visual Presentation

Form No. AC 04. 01. 2016 (R: 06.10.2016)– GMRIT, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh
5. Evocation

6. Deliverables

Kepler’s laws:
Kepler proposed three laws to understand the motion of planets based on Newton’s law of motion
and law of gravitation. Plannet
1. The law of Orbits: All planets move in elliptical orbits having
the Sun at one focus.
2. The law of Ares: A line joining any planet to the Sun sweeps out
equal areas in equal time. This law says that the orbiting body
moves more rapidly when it is close to the central body that it does
when it is far away.

3. The law of Periods: The Square of the period of any planet about SU
the Sun is proportional to the cube of the planet’s mean distance
from the sun.

Where T is time period revolution and a is semi major axis.

Motion of satellites:
In our solar system certain heavenly bodies which revolve round the planets. These bodies are
called satellites. Moon revolves round the earth and hence moon is a natureal satellite of the earth.
Thus any small body moving round another massive body is called as satellite and its closed
repetitive path is called as orbit. Now artificial satellites are also put into orbits round the earth.
1. Orbital velocity
The orbital velocity v is defined as the velocity which the satellite must acquire to rotate round the
earth in circular orbit of radius r.
Let m be the mass and v be the velocity of the satellite which revolves roud the earth in a orbit of
radius r.
The centripetal force is

The gravitational force between the earth and the satellite is

The gravitational force supplies the required centripetal force

Form No. AC 04. 01. 2016 (R: 06.10.2016)– GMRIT, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh
If g is the acceleration due gravity at earth’s surface the (2)
Where R is radius of the earth from equation 1 and 2

Wher h is the height of the satellite from the earth’s surface.

2. Period of revolution
Let T be the period of revolution of the satellite then

By substituting the value of v in the above equation

3. Angular momentum of satellite

The angular momentum L of the satellite about the centre of the earth is given by

Hence the conservation of angular momentum holds in a satellite motion.


 Kepler’s Laws
 Centripetal force
 Angular momentum
 Satellite

7. Sample Questions


1. Define time period of a period oscillation.

2. Recall centripetal force.
3. State gravitational force.


1. Explain kepler’s laws of motion.

2. Illustrate the satellite motion by deriving orbital velocity and period of revolution.


1. If the earth be one half of its present distnce from the sun, what will be the number of
days in a year?

Form No. AC 04. 01. 2016 (R: 06.10.2016)– GMRIT, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh
2. Find the orbital velocity of satellite whose mass is 4000 kg at 5 Km from the surface of
the earth.

9. Stimulating Question (s)

1. Why planets are moving fast when nearer the sun?

2. If angular momentum of earth is not constant what happened to the earth?

10. Mind Map

11. Student Summary

At the end of this session, the facilitator (Teacher) shall randomly pic-up few students to
summarize the deliverables

12. Reading Materials

 Physics Volume-I, Resnick, Halliday and Krane, John wiley & Sons Inc. U.K., 2005,
Chapter 14, Page No.311-312.
 D Kleppner and Robert Kolenkow, An Introduction to Mechanics, Mc Graw Hill,
2019, Chapter 9, Page No.400-407.

13. Scope for Mini Project


Form No. AC 04. 01. 2016 (R: 06.10.2016)– GMRIT, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh

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