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Name : Brayan Almeida

Course : Accountancy Part I

Semester : II
Subject : Research and Methodology
Topic : Awareness of Abortion
Around the world, both the young ladies and women experience unintended
pregnancy due to unprotected sex and some of them search for ways to get-rid
of the pregnancy at any possible cost . The termination of such pregnancies
mostly referred to as “abortion” is a universal phenomenon that occurs among
women especially the adolescents. Abortion is the separation or extraction, by
therapeutic or clinical means, the process of removal before the 24th week of
pregnancy . It can also be the abstraction or eviction of an embryo or foetus
from the uterus, resulting in or causing its death. This thus, occurs naturally as a
miscarriage or self-induced prompted by chemical substance, surgical or other
means . Legal provision has been made known on the stance on abortion and
which sit in the penal and criminal codes. The two legal provision emphasis the
position of the country on the phenomenon abortion. This study was therefore
designed to determine the level of knowledge of undergraduates on abortion
related issues as well as the legal conditions for abortion. The findings of this
study are potentially useful as baseline programme for the designing of
educational intervention aimed at preventing and/or controlling early
pregnancies which may be termed unintended and practice of unsafe abortion
among the study population.


Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of

an embryo or fetus. An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as
a miscarriage or "spontaneous abortion" and occurs in approximately 30% to
40% of pregnancies. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is
called an induced abortion, or less frequently "induced miscarriage". The
unmodified word abortion generally refers to an induced abortion.
When properly done, abortion is one of the safest procedures in medicine, but
unsafe abortion is a major cause of maternal death, especially in the developing
world, while making safe abortion legal and accessible reduces maternal deaths.
It is safer than childbirth, which has a 14 times higher risk of death in the
United States.
Modern methods use medication or surgery for abortions. The
drug mifepristone in combination with prostaglandin appears to be as safe and
effective as surgery during the first and second trimester of pregnancy. The
most common surgical technique involves dilating the cervix and using
a suction device. Birth control, such as the pill or intrauterine devices, can be
used immediately following abortion. When performed legally and safely on a
woman who desires it, induced abortions do not increase the risk of long-
term mental or physical problems. In contrast, unsafe abortions (those
performed by unskilled individuals, with hazardous equipment, or in unsanitary
facilities) cause 47,000 deaths and 5 million hospital admissions each
year. The World Health Organization states that "access to legal, safe and
comprehensive abortion care, including post-abortion care, is essential for the
attainment of the highest possible level of sexual and reproductive health".
Around 56 million abortions are performed each year in the world, with about
45% done unsafely. Abortion rates changed little between 2003 and
2008, before which they decreased for at least two decades as access to family
planning and birth control increased. As of 2018, 37% of the world's women
had access to legal abortions without limits as to reason. Countries that permit
abortions have different limits on how late in pregnancy abortion is
allowed. Abortion rates are similar between countries that ban abortion and
countries that allow it.
Historically, abortions have been attempted using herbal medicines, sharp
tools, forceful massage, or through other traditional methods. Abortion laws and
cultural or religious views of abortions are different around the world. In some
areas abortion is legal only in specific cases such as rape, fetal defects, poverty,
risk to a woman's health, or incest. There is debate over the moral, ethical, and
legal issues of abortion. Those who oppose abortion often argue that an embryo
or fetus is a person with a right to life, and they may compare abortion
to murder. Those who support the legality of abortion often hold that it is part of
a woman's right to make decisions about her own body.Others favor legal and
accessible abortion as a public health measure.
Abortion is when a pregnancy is ended so that it doesn't result in the birth of a
child. Sometimes it is called 'termination of pregnancy'.
There are two types of abortion treatment, 'Medical' and 'Surgical' abortion:

1. Medical abortion: The abortion pill

Some women feel that a medical abortion is a more natural process. There are
two types of medical abortion
Abortion pill (also known as early medical abortion) up to 10 weeks
Abortion pill from 10 weeks up to 24 weeks

2. Surgical abortion
Surgical abortion involves a quick, minor operation. There are two types of
surgical abortion:
Vacuum aspiration up to 15 weeks
Dilatation and evacuation between 15 and 24 weeks

Side effects and complications

Normal side effects after an abortion include:

 abdominal cramps
 light vaginal bleeding
 nausea and vomiting
 sore breasts
 fatigue

While both medical and surgical abortions are generally considered to be safe,
they can sometimes result in serious complications.

One of the most common complications is infection. This can be caused by

incomplete abortion or exposure to bacteria vaginally, such as by having sex too
soon. You can reduce the risk of infection by waiting to have sex and using pads
instead of tampons.

Symptoms of infections include strong-smelling vaginal discharge, fever, and

severe pelvic pain. Untreated infections can result in pelvic inflammatory
disease, so call your doctor for treatment as soon as you notice symptoms.

Other potential complications that a woman may experience from or after an

abortion include:

 Incomplete or failed abortion, in which the fetus is still viable or was not
fully evacuated from the womb. This can cause serious medical
 Uterine perforation, which has symptoms of severe abdominal pain,
bleeding, and fever.
 Septic shock, which has symptoms that include fever, chills, abdominal
pain, and low blood pressure.

Some symptoms can indicate an emergency complication stemming from your

abortion. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek emergency medical

 fever
 excessively heavy bleeding (as discussed above)
 strong-smelling vaginal discharge
 chills
 severe abdominal pain

Abortion can never be taken lightly. It’s one of those things that people tend to
avoid talking about. People either understand that it’s wrong or believe it’s a
right. Either way, abortion is something that cannot be pushed away. We must
discuss it.
Reason 9
As The American Pregnancy Association points out, the common side effects to
abortion are concerning. Heavy bleeding, infection, damage to the cervix,
scarring, and even death are just a few of the more complex side effects.

Reason 8 – Increases risk of depression

Women whose first pregnancies ended in abortion were 65 percent
more likely to be at high risk of clinical depression.
Reason 7 – Increases risk of breast cancer
A meta-analysis of 28 reports concluded that induced abortion is a significant
independent risk factor for breast cancer.
Reason 6 – Adoption is an option
Many women seeking abortion are not told of the power and beauty behind
adoption. Birth mothers are strong women who not only choose life for their
child, but who also choose a good home.
Reason 5 – Regret
A survey of post-abortive women found that 94 percent of women regretted the
decision to abort their child! (“Survey of Reaction to Abortion,” The Post
Abortion Review, Fall 1994.)
Reason 4 – Substance abuse
Women with a history of abortion are twice as likely to abuse alcohol, five
times more likely to use illicit drugs, and 10 times more likely to use marijuana
during the first pregnancy they carry to term compared to non-abortive women.

Reason 3 – Death

Women have not only died on the table during an abortion, but days later have
passed away due to complications. Earlier this month, a 24-year-old
woman died six days after her abortion procedure.
Reason 2 – It’s a lasting choice
Abortion may seem just like a simple choice to some mothers; however, an
abortion cannot be undone. It is a choice you will always remember. It is a
choice 94 percent of women regret. And it is a choice that will stick with you
for the rest of your life.

Reason 1 – Kills an innocent human being

Since a human being begins to grow at creation, abortion takes away the life of
a little child. That baby did nothing wrong and does not deserve a death
sentence. See and understand the humanity of your child. Choosing life is the
best option you can give your little one.

David Leonhardt

David Leonhardt says For nearly 50 years, public opinion has had only a limited
effect on abortion policy. The Roe v. Wade decision, which the Supreme Court
issued in 1973, established a constitutional right to abortion in many situations
and struck down restrictions in dozens of states.
But now that the court has agreed to hear a case that could lead to the
overturning of Roe, voters and legislators may soon again be determining
abortion laws, state by state. This morning’s newsletter offers a guide to public
opinion on the subject.

Americans’ views on abortion are sufficiently complex that both sides in the
debate are able to point to survey data that suggests majority opinion is on their
side — and then to argue that the data friendly to their own side is the “right”
data. These competing claims can be confusing. But when you dig into the data,
you discover there are some clear patterns and objective truths.
1. A pro-Roe majority …
Polls consistently show that a majority of Americans — 60 percent to 70
percent, in recent polls by both Gallup and Pew — say they do not want the
Supreme Court to overturn Roe. Similarly, close to 60 percent of Americans say
they favor abortion access in either all or most circumstances, according to Pew.

These are the numbers that abortion rights advocates often emphasize.

2. … and a pro-restriction majority

The most confounding aspect of public opinion is a contradiction between

Americans’ views on Roe itself and their views on specific abortion policies:
Even as most people say they support the ruling, most also say they
favor restrictions that Roe does not permit.

Roe, for example, allows only limited restrictions on abortion during the second
trimester, mostly involving a mother’s health. But less than 30 percent of
Americans say that abortion should “generally be legal” in the second trimester,
according to Gallup. Many people also oppose abortion in specific
circumstances — because a fetus has Down syndrome, for example — even
during the first trimester.

One sign that many Americans favor significant restrictions is in the Gallup
data. Gallup uses slightly different wording from Pew, creating an option that
allows people to say that abortion should be legal “in only a few”
circumstances. And that is the most popular answer — with 35 percent of
respondents giving it (in addition to the 20 percent who say abortion should be
illegal in all circumstances).

This helps explain why many abortion rights advocates are worried that the
Supreme Court will gut Roe without officially overturning it. Yes, the justices
are often influenced by public opinion.
3. Remarkable stability
Opinion on some major political issues has changed substantially over the last
half-century. On taxes and regulation, people’s views have ebbed and flowed.
On some cultural issues — like same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization
— views have moved sharply in one direction.
A key reason is that abortion opinion differs only modestly by age group.
Americans under 30 support abortion rights more strongly than Americans over
50, but the gap is not huge. The age gaps on marijuana legalization, same-sex
marriage and climate change are all larger.
Abortion remains a vexing issue for large numbers of Americans in every
generation — which suggests the debate is not likely to be resolved anytime
4. A modest gender gap …
Gender plays a major role in American politics. Most women voted for Joe
Biden, while most men voted for Donald Trump. On many issues, like gun
control and the minimum wage, there is a large gender gap.
But the gap on abortion is not so large. If anything, it seems to be smaller than
the partisan gap. That suggests, perhaps surprisingly, that there are more
Democratic-voting women who favor significant abortion restrictions than
Republican-voting women who favor almost universal access — while the
opposite is true for men.
5. … and a big class gap

One of the strongest predictors of a person’s view on abortion is educational

attainment, as you can see in the chart above. Working-class Americans often
favor restrictions. Many religiously observant people also favor restrictions.

It’s yet another way in which the Democratic coalition is becoming tilted

toward college graduates and the Republican coalition is going in the other


 To make people aware about Abortion.

 To study how many people are aware about Abortion.

 To understand different side effects of Abortion.

 To know peoples opinion on Abortion.

 To implement Survey with illiterate.

 To study various law regarding various country.

 To understand various cases of different country.

 To know how many abortion cases are there in every country.

 To study how many think that abortion is bad.

 To know safety measures of abortion.


Unsafe abortion remains one of the four main causes of maternal mortality and
morbidity. One of the reasons for unsafe abortion is that safe abortion services
are frequently unavailable and inaccessible due to a variety of reasons ranging
from legal and policy restrictions, lack of accessible and affordable abortion
services and lack of knowledge among women regarding the provision of safe
abortion. As WHO’s Safe Abortion Guidelines point out the provision of
information and knowledge about safe, legal abortion is crucial to protect
women’s health and their human rights. UN treaty monitoring bodies require
states parties to ensure the provision of information regarding safe abortion
services. Women have the right to access full information about the likely
benefits and potential adverse effects of proposed procedures and available

The findings from this systematic review underscore that across all settings and
sub- groups (e.g. legal, urban/rural, least/highly educated, low/high wealth
quintiles), women’s understanding of their country’s abortion legal situation
appears to be low. As some of the studies show, education and communication
interventions can have positive effects on increasing women’s knowledge
around the legal context of abortion. Communication methods can be influential
on vulnerable population sub-groups in helping increase their awareness and
knowledge. Thus, interventions to disseminate accurate information on the legal
context are necessary. Knowledge of accessible safe abortion services,
providing women with information on the legal context and methods to allow
access to such information assist in decreasing the chances that a woman will
seek unsafe abortion services and consequently decreasing her likelihood of
suffering from abortion related morbidity or mortality.


Primary Data

Primary data constitutes of first-hand information which is collected for the

first time in order to solve research problem. It is the data collected from
primary sources which are the original sources of data collection. The
researcher himself/herself collects primary data or through trained assistance.
Some of the primary sources of data collection include interview method,
questionnaire method and observation method.

Secondary Data

I collected the secondary data from websites such as


1. Name :

2. Age :
o 18 – 20
o 20 – 25
o 25 – 30
o 30 above

3. Gender : a) Male b) Female

4. What is your completed education Qualification ?

5. What is your Religion ?

6. Where are you from ?

7. DO you agree with Abortion ?

O Yes
O No
O I don’t know

8. In which case will you agree Abortion (MCQ)

O health hazard of mother
O Health hazard of babies
O poorly developing embryo
O becoming pregnant during rape
O woman is not prepared for baby
O unwanted pregnancy
O I don’t agree with abortion.

9. Do you think abortion can effect the health and pyche of women
O Yes
O No
O I don’t know

10.Is Abortion legal or illegal in your country?

O Yes
O No
O I don’t know

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