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is the belief in innate ideas, reason, and deduction. Empiricism is the belief in

sense perception, induction, and that there are no innate ideas. With rationalism, believing in
innate ideas means to have ideas before we are born. -for example, through reincarnation.

With rationalism, believing in innate ideas means to have ideas before we are born. Believing that
reason is the main source of knowledge is another clear distinction of rationalism. Deduction is the third
characteristic of rationalism.

Unlike rationalists, empiricists believe that sense perception is the main source of knowledge. John
Locke explained this by dividing ideas into 2 parts: 1) simple, and 2) complex. Simple ideas are based
only on perception, like color, size, shape, etc. Complex ideas are formed when simple ideas are

Empiricism Rationalism

Knowledge through experience

Posteriori knowledge A-priory knowledge

Sense experience is the ultimate

source of all concepts & knowledge Reason , the chief source
Intellect can grasp the truth

Weakness- data from five senses, so limited Weakness - Reason(logic) is not

the way to discover the truth

about a matter( innate

knowledge- notion of vacuum)
Father of Empiricism- Sir Francis Becon Father of modern rationalism-
Rene Descartes

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