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Abstract: This experiment consists of 2 subjects that will perform the given exercise that will

lead to the improved quality of their sleep. This study is conducted to answer the question; does
yoga help improve your sleep? Each subject is expected to have a device that can accurately
measure the number of awake occurrences throughout the night. 5 days before the study starts
they will be expected to record the average number of awake occurrences. This will allow you to
see the progress increased or decreased. The subjects will do one of the three yoga videos
provided, preferably before noon. They will then record which video they have done as well as
the number of awake occurrences that night. They will be keeping a detailed data table with all
the information. It will record when they wake, how long they slept for, the number of awake
occurrences, external stress factors, daily energy level, and daily stress level. This experiment
will go on for 7 weeks. By the end of the experiment, I hope to see the number of awake
occurrences decreasing and the daily energy increasing. The subjects are of different ages,
which will allow consideration to more factors. It will expand the topic and add depth to it. The
brain is the main object we are observing, which means we need to take into account all factors
of daily life and habits.

Introduction: The topic is the effect yoga has on the quality and patterns of sleep. It can be
beneficial to many as sleep is the leading factor in developing your body and brain. Sleep is a
necessity everyone needs to function well throughout the day. Your brain controls your whole
body and when you sleep you’re giving your brain a chance to rest and develop. Your brain
controls your behaviour, actions and emotions.
As teens go into high school they start to get a heavier work load and begins to learn time
management. This can lead to elevated levels of stress that teens may not know how to handle.
They would start to over compensate by sleeping later and waking up later during the
weekends. Because the teens brain is not fully developed the brains activity is still going, which
is why teens tend to sleep later. However, school start times are typically earlier, which
becomes a problem for teens as science shows that the adolescent brain is not fully functioning
until 9-10am. As you can see this can lead to many problems with teacher, student relationship
and your own mental health. The main source of the problem is not to get rid of stress, but to
find coping mechanisms to help with the stress as adapting to stress will be more successful in
the future.
Yoga is a proven factor to help cope with stress or anxiety. You focus on your breathing and
thoughts, which is what helps you relax. The slow movements can alos relax you. My
experiment explicitly states that you are doing yoga before noon. Doing yoga in the morning can
increase your daily energy, which leads to you becoming more productive and motivated.
Through this experiment I expect to see adamant results and improved progress. Yoga is
supposed calm and relax the subjects despite their external stress factors. This can be helpful in
teens and adults as everyone is dealing with something on there own and if they don’t want to
talk about it yoga is an individual activity that can help your mind focus on one specific thing.

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