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Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling :

Inter-changeability of Parameters between
models versions

1 PhD student at Université de Bamako/ISFRA
2 Assistant at Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs (ENI-ABT), Bamako, Republic of Mali

ENI-ABT Berkner Travel Fellowship

Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
changeability of Parameters between models versions

1. Introduction: Study area and materials

2. Conceptual Frameworks: SimulHyd and GR2M

3. SimulHyd Validation

4. Inter-changeability of Parameters between models versions

5. Conclusion and Perspectives

Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
1a. Introduction: Study area and material changeability of Parameters between models versions

Source : WMO
Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
1b. Introduction: Study area and materials changeability of Parameters between models versions
SimulHyd-Data (Input):
 Precipitation database from British Atmospheric Data Center (BADC)

 Potential Evapotranspiration database from BADC

 Water Holding Capacity (WHC) from SIEREM (French database)

SimulHyd-Data (Output):
Runoff data are from HydroSciences Montpellier (HSM) and Institut de
Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)
Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
2. Conceptual Frameworks: SimulHyd and GR2M changeability of Parameters between models versions


GR are Hydrologic models from PET’ = X1.PET P’ = X1.P

CEMAGREF (French research centre)

En Pn

A= Constant (200 mm) Or

A= (1/X1).WHC
A= WHC (Water holding Capacity)
{ “Soil Reservoir” Pe
(X1 , X2) are models parameters
{ H
“Gravity Reservoir”
SimulHyd stems from proposed H n+1 – Hn

modifications of GR2M: ETR

Lg = X2.S

A = (1/X1).WHC 0.0000000001< X1 < 1

0.0000000001< X2 < 1 Q

GR2M: A= WHC (Water Holding Capacity)

SimulHyd: the modification is about: A= (1/X1).WHC.
Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
changeability of Parameters between models versions
Classical comparison of four model versions
3a. SimulHyd Validation
Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
changeability of Parameters between models versions
“Totalizing approach” of inter-comparison results presentation
3b. SimulHyd Validation

Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
changeability of Parameters between models versions
“Basin approach” of inter-comparison results presentation

□: GR2M - ○: SimulHyd
3c. SimulHyd Validation
Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
changeability of Parameters between models versions
Intercomparison Map
3d. SimulHyd Validation

Intercomparison Table
Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
4a. Inter-changeability of Parameters between models changeability of Parameters between models versions
Parameters Interchangeability : Calibration before 1970 & Validation after 1970

SimulHyd semi-distributed responses positively to parameters importing (b)

4b Inter-changeability of Parameters between models versions
Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
changeability of Parameters between models versions
Parameters Interchangeability : Calibration before 1970 & Validation after 1970

Parameters importing into SimulHyd semi-distributed is the

most promising (Calibration before 1970 and validation after
Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
4c. Inter-changeability of Parameters between models changeability of Parameters between models versions
Parameters Interchangeability : Calibration after 1970 & Validation before 1970

Gr2m responses positively to parameters importing (b)

Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
4d. Inter-changeability of Parameters between models changeability of Parameters between models versions
Parameters Interchangeability : Calibration after 1970 & Validation before 1970

Parameters importing into Gr2m Non-distributed is the most

promising (Calibration after 1970 and validation before 1970)
Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
changeability of Parameters between models versions

The limitation of these methods is related to the accuracy needed in a study

5. Conclusion and Perspectives

(when more accuracy is not required : more efforts for less results), otherwise :

The tool built with these models versions permits to break models
dependence to samples in importing calibrated parameter from elsewhere.

SimulHyd Semi-distributed (using imported calibrated parameters) would be

useful in forward modelling in Climate Change impacts assessment.

Gr2m and SimulHyd (using imported calibrated parameters) would be both

useful in passed ecosystems restoration studies and in hiatus filling in runoff
Niger River Basin - Hydrological Modeling : Inter-
changeability of Parameters between models versions
An enhanced hydrological framework from the existing conceptual model GR2M leads to significant results in
interchanging the models parameters, using the parameters obtained during the calibration process of a first
model version in the validation process of a second model version. A two parameters and three input
variables’ conceptual framework called SimulHyd is used to simulate the runoff of sixteen watersheds on the

Niger River and its tributaries, over eighteen years to forty six years. The first parameter controls the three
model input variables and the second controls its output runoff information. Between either a lumped version
and a semi-distributed version or the GR2M model and SimulHyd model, a set of three significant models
parameters inter-changeability are detected: SimulHyd is better in validation process after 1970 using the
calibrated parameters from GR2M before 1970, in forward modeling; GR2M is better in validation process
before 1970 using the calibrated parameters from SimulHyd after 1970; and in some cases the models are
more efficient in validation than in calibration. The combination both of two hydrological models drifting one of
the other and of two concepts of modeling are used to demonstrate a success in the synergy of four models
versions to simulate more accurately the behaviors of hydrological systems. This particularity of these models
versions, responding positively in models parameters importing and exporting between different models
versions, can be explored in the context of assessing climate change impacts on water resources.
Index Terms: HYDROLOG1805 Y Computational hydrology, 1816 HYDROLOGY Estimation and forecasting, 1847
HYDROLOGY Modeling, 1846 HYDROLOGY Model calibration.
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