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A Watchdog For Indigenous Cattle Breeds To Increase Milk Yield in Indian

Dairy Farms

Article  in  Pure and applied mathematics quarterly · July 2018


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4 authors:

Roger Rozario Pravinth Raja S.

Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology


Nagarani Santhannakrishnan Arjuman Banu

Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology


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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Volume 120 No. 6 2018, 165-178
ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue

A Watchdog For Indigenous Cattle

Breeds To Increase Milk Yield in Indian
Dairy Farms
A.P.Roger Rozario1 , S.Pravinth Raja2 ,
S.Arjuman Banu3 , S.Nagarani4
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering1
Department of Computer Science and Engineering2
Department of Science and Humanities3&4
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology
Coimbatore, India

July 13, 2018

Dairying and animal husbandry along with agriculture
continue to be an integral part of human life since the civ-
ilization process started. The demand for milk is tremen-
dous, and is growing not only in cities but also in small
towns and rural areas. Over the past two decades, dairy
farming has progressed in the direction of becoming an or-
ganized industry that encompasses not only increased pro-
duction of milk and milk products, but also the breeding of
higher yielding cattle, scientific rearing of animals and feed
production. Dairy farming in India is now evolving from just
an agrarian way of life to a professionally managed industry.
India continues to be the largest producer of milk achieving
155.499 metric tonnes during 2015-2016 and the demand for
milk is also growing. The milk yield is majorly affected due
to improper domestication. Monitoring the activities and
health of the cattle continuously and taking corrective mea-
sures help in increasing the milk productivity. Monitoring

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

cattle the whole day requires skilled human personnels and

it is also time consuming. Our product senses temperature,
rumination and other cattle activities through the sensors
and sends data to data logger. The collected data from
data logger is sent to the micro-controller and uploaded to
cloud. The data are retrieved from cloud to our mobile ap-
plication. It alerts the farmers in case of any abnormalities.
An algorithm is developed to predict the cattles behavioral
changes and diseases. This helps in preventing the cattle
from diseases at early stage and increase milk productivity.
Key Words:component; formatting; style; styling; in-
sert (key words)

Dairying and agriculture continue to be an integral part of human
life. These practices have contributed not only to the food bas-
ket and draught animal power but also for maintaining ecological
balance. Owing to conducive climate and topography, Animal hus-
bandry and Dairying have played prominent socio-economic role in
India. India continues to be the largest producer of milk in world.
According to the most recent data from food and agriculture or-
ganization India has 75 million dairy farms about half of all dairy
farms in the world. More than 90% of Indias milk production con-
centrated on 14 of countrys 29 states.
Indian dairy production is characterized as a low input/low out-
put system mostly constituted by small and marginal farmers and
landless laborers owning less than five cows or water buffaloes. In
general, milk productivity of dairying animals is very low in when
compared with the global demands. Per Government of India (GOI)
statistics for the fiscal year 2014-15, the average milk yield of in-
digenous cattle, water buffaloes and exotic breeds is 2.5, 5.2 and
7.2 Kg per day respectively.
The Indian dairy sector produced 134.5 million tonnes of milk
last year. Over the past decades production increased from 53.9
million tonnes in ’90-’91 to 127 million tonnes in 2011-2012. The
Asian country represents 17% of the world’s total dairy production.
This makes India the largest dairy producing country in the world.
The Indian government is aiming for an intensive expansion of milk

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

production to 180 million tonnes in 2021-22. This is happening

within the framework of the National Dairy Plan (NDP). Partic-
ularly small family farms with few cows account for an important
part of India’s milk production. In 2010, Indian dairy farmers kept
a total of 109 million animals for the dairy industry (almost half
concerns buffaloes). Development of our system focuses on Indian
dairy industry which increases the countrys GDP.
The demand for milk is tremendous, and is growing not only in
cities but also in small towns and rural areas. Despite the increasing
demand driven by more nutrition consciousness of people, increas-
ing population and their incomes, for the past few years Indias milk
production rate did not witness a spectacular growth whereas its
consumption is increasing at faster rate.
The health of the cattle plays a major role in the milk pro-
duction. The various factors that affect the milk production are
climate, feed, bacterial and viral infections, stress, nutrition defi-
ciency, mastitis etc. The farmers will get to know that the cattle
are affected by disease only at its lateral stage of disease. This im-
proper domestication will drastically affect the milks quantity and
quality. Monitoring the activities and health of the cattle in farm-
ing industries continuously and taking corrective measures helps
in increasing the productivity. Monitoring of cattle the whole day
requires skilled human personnels and it is also time consuming.

Indian diary has output value of INR 5,00,405 crore in 2014-2015
which proves that diary is the high-ranking market commodity in
India. Based on the report by National Dairy Development Board
(NDDB), the demand for milk will reach about 155 million tons by
2016-2017 and about 200 million tons by 2022. To meet the demand
in the absence of increased production, India will need to depend
on foreign imports. This situation is due to improper maintenance
of cattle by the farmers and no development of innovative prod-
ucts in the market to support the cattle maintenance. The milk
production has to be increased to an average of 5 million tonnes
per annum for the next 15 years to supply the demand. The milk
yield is reduced mainly due to low genetic potential, lack of nutri-

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

tional feeds and inadequate veterinary services. Indias growth in

milk production therefore largely depends on an increase in veteri-
nary services and sufficient additional quantities of feed and fodder.
People follow the traditional technique involving labor to monitor
the activities of cattle which will not lead to meet the national milk
demand. The proposed model has non-invasive sensors which mea-
sures the particular characteristics to monitor the health activities
of cattle. This dairy management system helps to maximize cattle
performance and boost efficiency of milk productivity. The smart-
tag focuses on individual cows and helps in identified the activity,
behavior, position, signs of heat, etc. The information is turned
into real time and reports to the farmers and maps to manage the
herd effectively. It combines the advanced range of specifications
in a single, technical and yet easy-to-use smart tag.
The main objective is to increase the milk production by moni-
toring the health of the cattle 24/7 through mobile application us-
ing and implementing appropriate remedies automatically or with
the help of veterinarian services. It allows to access the health and
wellness of the farm without having to leave the comfort of your
own home.


A modeling related to monitoring of physiological parameters and
variations has been obtained in the cow. The general block diagram
for the proposed model is given below,

Figure 1: Block Diagram

Our project is based on Precision Livestock Farming (PLF),

unlike more traditional livestock management methods which fo-
cus on the herd, PLF is based on: 1. the monitoring of variables

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

at the individual level and at an appropriate frequency with reli-

able sensors. 2. The development of predictive models describing
the animals responses to environmental stimuli for each measured
variable. 3. The comparison of the prediction models with what is
actually measured through the sensors.
Our model uses a specially designed tag fitted to the cow, which
mounts all the sensors for monitoring the cattle health and behav-
ior. Sensors enable the monitoring of many physical variables. The
flex sensor fitted to the cattle tag, as a result of the cattle jaw move-
ment changes the electrical resistance between the electrodes which
induces a change in voltage which in turn produces a signal which
was proportional to the extent of the jaw movement and waving.
It is used successfully to differentiate grazing and ruminating be-
haviors and to measure time spent grazing, ruminating and idling.
The temperature sensor monitors the cattle temperature and alerts
the farmer in case abnormal temperatures which drastically affects
the milk production. The sensor also helps the farmer to detect
pregnancy at an early stage. Tracking location on cattle is done by
Global system for Mobile Communications.
The Accelerometer sensor helps in determining the resting pe-
riod of the cow since resting period determines the milk produc-
tivity. Microphones used for recording jaw sounds of a grazing
ruminant can be used to discriminate bites or chews. This al-
lows the classification between grazing or ruminating behavior to
be achieved over time with a succession of bites or chews. In a
microphone, sounds are going through a flexible diaphragm and
cause vibrations. The output electrical signal is proportional to the
intensity of these vibrations as well as their frequencies.
All the sensors are interfaced with the partical photon and the
sensed values are stored in the cloud. A unique algorithm is used to
detect the status of the cattle taking into account all the sensed pa-
rameters and an android app alerts the farmers to take appropriate
actions in case of any abnormalities.


The flowchart for watchdog to alert the farmers when needed is

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

given below,

Figure 2: Flowchart for watchdog

The disease of cattle and its behavioural changes and the place-
ment of sensors to monitor the changes are given below,

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 3: Tabular column for diseases, symptoms and placement

of sensors


i) Temperature and Humidity sensor (DHT11): DHT11 is a cal-

ibrated composite sensor with digital output of temperature
and the humidity sensing technology with high stability. It
consists of NTC temperature measurement devices and a 8-
bit processor.

ii) Pulse Sensor KG011: KG011 is a composite sensor with an analog output of the
pulse, this helps to find the rate of flow of blood. It is a
thin, small, low power sensor with Conditioned analog output
voltages. The sensor is a polysilicon surface-micro machined
structure built on silicon wafer. Polysilicon springs suspended
structure over the surface wafer provides resistance over the
blood flow. The resistance of the polysilicon increases when
the blood flows and it is converted into a voltage and this
is measured continuously for a period of time. It is used to
determine the pulse rate of the human or an animal.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Sound detection module KY-038: The microphone is used to feed the input to an amplifier,
peak detector and the buffer. When the sensor detects a
sound, it processes an output voltage signal which is sent to
controller, then performs necessary processing. Microphones
are generally scalar sensors of pressure. They exhibit an om-
nidirectional response, limited only by the scattering profile
of their physical dimensions. Sound intensity or sound power
measurements require pressure-gradient measurements.

iv) Accelerometer ADXL335: ADXL335 is a thin, small, low power, complete 3-axis ac-
celerometer with conditioned output voltages. This can mea-
sure acceleration of about ±3g. It can measure the static
acceleration of gravity resulting from motion, shock and vi-

The sensor is a polysilicon surface-micro machined structure

built on silicon wafer. Polysilicon springs suspended structure over
the surface wafer provides resistance over the acceleration forces.
Deflection of the structure is measured by a differential capacitor
consists of fixed plates and plates attached to the moving mass are
driven by 1800 out-of-phase square waves. Acceleration deflects the
moving mass and unbalances the differential capacitor resulting in
a sensor output whose amplitude is proportional to acceleration.
Phase-sensitive demodulation techniques are used to determine the
magnitude and direction of the acceleration.


The web user interface reflects a dashboard which displays the sta-
tus of the cow and the entire farm. The web UI is created using
node red software.
Node red is an open source visual editor for wiring the Internet
of Things (IOT).The system contains ”Nodes” which look simply
to be icons that can be dragged and dropped on to the canvas and
wired together. Each Node has different functionality.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 4: Node icons

The nodes typically falls under input operation or output. Node-

RED provides a browser-based flow editor, which can be used to
create JavaScript functions.

1. Add an inject node:

The inject node allows us to inject messages into a flow. We
can also set a time intervals between every injects.

2. Add a debug node:

It displays the messages in the debug sidebar. As a default, it
just displays the payload of the message, but it is also capable
of displaying the entire message object.

3. Wiring of nodes:
The inject and debug nodes are connected together by drag-
ging between the output port of one to the input port of the

4. Deploy:
The nodes that are displayed in the editor must be deployed
to the server.

5. Add a function node:

This node allows to pass the message as a JavaScript func-
tion. The function node is wired between the inject and debug

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a publish-
subscribe-based messaging protocol. It works on top of the TCP/IP
protocol. It is designed for giving connections for remote locations
where there is limited network bandwidth. Every messaging pattern
requires a message broker.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M) data transfer protocol

that is quickly becoming the leading messaging protocol for the In-
dustrial Internet of Things (IIoT). MQTT collects data from many
devices and then transports that data to the IT infrastructure. It is
lightweight, and therefore ideal for remote monitoring, small code
footprint or where network has limited bandwidth.
MQTT is a publish/subscribe protocol that allows the network
devices to publish to a broker. Clients are connected to this broker,
which act as a communication medium between the two devices.
Each device can subscribe, or register to particular topics. When
any client publishes a particular message on a s topic, the broker
takes up the message and forward it to the other required client.
MQTT is bidirectional. The light weightiness and efficiency
of MQTT makes it possible to significantly increase the amount
of data being monitored or controlled. Prior to the invention of
MQTT, approximately 80% of data was being left at remote loca-
tions, even though various lines of business could have used this
data to make smarter decisions. MQTT helps to collect, transmit,
and analyze more of the data being collected.
MQTT was initially developed for low-bandwidth, high-latency
data links. MQTT is now used in many applications from control-
ling smart lighting systems to the Face book Messenger application.
MQTT appears to be the best suited protocol for the control sys-
tems applications used by industries.
Particle photon pins are configured for each sensor and it is con-
nected with the cloud server by the help of an auth code or by the
help of MQTT broker. An interactive webpage is designed in order
to get the exact status of the farm and to give a live view about the
farm. An app is developed with the help of semantic framework to
give an interactive UI for the users. The app is supplied with the
data from the cloud server. The app is designed in such a way to
give report about the farm and to send alerts about the abnormal


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 5: IoT Diagram

Figure 6:Product collar

Figure:7 Android application for the farmer


IoT Technology was applied for the monitoring of the cows in the
dairy farm. The developed system was tested for a period of 30


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

days taking three reference sample cows. Temperature, Rumina-

tion, mooing pattern and activity of the cows were monitored and
the data was collected through IoT and stored in the database
for further analysis. The collected data was processed through a
unique algorithm which forecasts the diseases that might occur and
the factors affecting the milk yield and alerts the farmer and the
doctor linked to the cow. This procedure reduced the operation
cost by up to 17% with respect to the maintenance of the cows and
the doctors were alerted in case of any abnormalities in the status
of the cows.

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