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Annex 2:


Ce este bullying-ul?

Agresorul sau Bully

Victima sau Budy

Tipuri bullying
e is no unique definition for bullying. Bullying is difficult
ssible to identify when you see it.
nitions of bullying:
ying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intim
sively dominate others. The behaviour is often repeated

ying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour among school ag

volves a real or perceived power imbalance.
behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeate
g includes actions such as making threats, spreading rum
A bully is a person who purposely tries to hurt
others by: making them feel uncomfortable;
hurting them by kicking, hitting, pushing, tripping,
etc.; name-calling; spreading nasty rumours.[4]

The bully hurts the other person over and over.

A victim is a person who suffered bullying, a
victim of a bully, a person upon which an abuse
from a bully took place.
The victim (bullied child) is always affected
from physical, emotional, psychological,
relational point of view and thus s/he suffers a
lot. Often, the effects of bullying can do the
bullied child to commit suicide.
Types of bullying
lying behaviour is characterised by a physical or psychological imbalance of
re different types of bullying [5]:
.g. name calling, teasing, threatening
e.g. hitting, punching, kicking, inappropriate touching
al (emotional or psychological) e.g. ignoring, leaving out, spreading rumou
e.g. stealing, damaging belongings, targeted graffiti
llying (or electronic bullying) e.g. sending abusive texts or emails
e.g. undesired touching, comments, gestures, or giving attention in orde
or intimidate another person, focusing on things like a person's intimate
rientation in an offensive way.
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