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Design Player-Centered Experiences


flow state (n.) A state of complete Usually found at the end of a game
absorption in a task, characterized loop and accompanied by negative
by a loss of time. feedback.

Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment incentives (n.) Elements of your

(DDA) (n.) A game feature in game system which motivate play-
which the system automatically er behavior and foster engagement
raises or lowers the difficulty of the in your game world.
game to match the player’s skill
level moment by moment. core game loop (n.) The repeating
challenge or interaction progress-
nested game loops (n.) A struc- ing the player through objectives
ture of game loops in which small- to eventually achieve the win
er challenges represent constituent condition.
parts of larger, more complex
challenges. orthogonal game loop (n.) A
repeating challenge or interaction
failure state (n.) The condition in that does not advance the player
which a player doesn’t accomplish toward the win condition.
a stated challenge or objective.

D E S I G N P L AY E R - C E N T E R E D E X P E R I E N C E S

1. Put your players in a flow state. To

create it, balance the difficulty of your
game against the maximum ability
of your player. If your game has fail
states, they have to be quick, under-
standable, and immediately factored
s a designer, your prima- into the next game loop. Build small,
ry focus should be the repeatable game loops within larg-
player’s experience. Your game rules and er, complicated loops. For instance,
system only exist to enable that expe- offer resources to your player after
rience. Will uses this set of strategies they succeed or fail at a small task.
to increase the probability that players This creates a nested structure of
remain focused on his games through- challenge, so the player can always
out their experience. engage with a new task.


2. Gradually ramp up difficulty and “The really interesting

complexity. Give your player the player rewards
agency to decide which task to face
are the things that
next, and slowly ramp up the difficulty
of that task over time. Build a similar they came up with
ramp in the complexity of your game. themselves.”
Start with a few options, then start
adding more. Don’t just drop players
into a complete game world. LEARN MORE

3. Design fun, interesting, and hu- • Learn more about flow by thinking
morous fail states. In the real world, about when you encounter it in your
people try to avoid failure at all costs. own life. Take out your Concept Book
But in a video game, players are and write about a recent time you
always falling down chasms, driving were in a flow state. Think about
into walls, and accidently blowing up times you’ve been so absorbed in a
planets. Strive to make your fail states challenging task that time seemed to
as enjoyable as possible. Use fast or disappear. How was that flow state
humorous animations, and don’t pun- achieved? How did it feel? How long
ish the player too harshly if they don’t did it last? Was it a sustainable state?
succeed. If you do this, players will What could be adjusted to make the
begin to embrace failure as a way to experience more sustainable?
learn about the rules and regulations
of the game world. • Play a complex strategy game, such
as Sid Meier’s Civilization or World of
4. Use psychological incentives to Tanks from Wargaming. Keep an eye
motivate your player, rather than out for when you achieve the flow
relying on material rewards like coins state, and try to discover what factors
or points. Discovery is a powerful of the game experience brought you
incentive: Offer your player a glimpse there.
of a larger world they can access
later in the game. Self-expression is • Read Rami Ismail’s essay “Game a
an equally underutilized reward. Let Week: Getting Experienced at Failure”
your players pick their own teams and on Gamasutra. Consider his advice on
decide their own avenues of attack. the value of rapid prototyping, and
Designing a strategy and watching it how it intersects with Will’s thinking
succeed or fail can also be a strong on the value of failure for both players
incentive. and designers.


• Play Hotline Miami from Dennaton —— If you have a video game of your
Games. Observe how short the game own in development, test out new,
loops are. Consider how often you are more rewarding feedback for fail
encountering failure on a mission, then states. Add humor to the animations
factoring the lessons learned in failure for when your player character takes
into your next attempt at that same damage or dies. Make respawn an-
mission. imations immediate, and make the
setbacks for player failure as minor
• Play Celeste from Matt Makes Games. as possible.
Consider how the “death” animation,
or the fail state on level screens, differs • Create a simple Dynamic Difficulty
from more punishing games. Adjustment (DDA) system. Take your
favorite prototype from your library
and introduce a way to scale the dif-
ASSIGNMENTS ficulty of a task to match the player’s
skill. Build in a simple system that eval-
• Isolate the primary fail state in one of uates the player’s success and reduces
the prototypes from your library. Then, the challenges they face when they are
make the game more fun by adding behind. They should also face greater
rewarding feedback to that state. difficulty when they are ahead. Add the
new prototype to your library.


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