ML Ysz120 2022

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Visualization, Mapping, Value Chain Analysis, Mind Mapping,

Brainstorming, Concept Development, Assumption Testing,

Rapid Prototyping, Implementation

Design Thinking tools to help you create real value for your
customers and users.
[(Empathize: Typeform, Zoom, Creatlr), (Define: Smaply,
Userforge, MakeMyPersona), (Ideate: SessionLab, Stormboard,
IdeaFlip), (Prototype: Boords, Mockingbird, POP), (Test:
UserTesting, HotJar, PingPong), (For the complete process:
Sprintbase, InVision, Mural, Miro),
a ∼ X|C1 ∼ N µ1 , σ12
b ∼ X|C2 ∼ N µ2 , σ22
We define random variable c = a − b. Each sample of c is generated by a random
(b W
): ha
sample from C2 , subtracted from a random sample from C1 .
ha st
W t is pro
ha t he b
st pro abili
he ba ty
dis bil tha
tri i ty tc
bu <
tio that 0
no c= ?
fc 0±

2 Z x −t2
erf (x) = √ e dt. (1)
π 0
(d): Write down the solution of the last two sections in terms of the Fisher
criteria. Explain why this relation between the Fisher criteria and distribution of
the random variable c = a − b makes sense.

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