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Ecol Res

DOI 10.1007/s11284-017-1499-3


Julien Kouadio N’Dri • Fabrice Ange Seka •

Pacôme Konan Pokou • Rodolphe Arnaud Guy N’Da •

Jan Lagerlöf

Abundance and diversity of soil mite (Acari) communities

after conversion of tropical secondary forest into rubber
plantations in Grand-Lahou, Côte d’Ivoire

Received: 21 March 2017 / Accepted: 25 August 2017

 The Ecological Society of Japan 2017

Abstract The objective of this investigation was to in soil ecological quality with the aging of rubber plan-
understand the modification of mite communities and tations over time and this was characterized by an in-
soil physico-chemical parameters after conversion of crease in the density of mites (+150%), species richness
secondary forests into rubber plantations and how these (+63%), water content (+84%), organic carbon
change with the aging of the plantations. The sampling (+50%) and total nitrogen (+33%) in the 25-year-old
was performed in a humid period and samples were ta- plantations compared to the 7-year-old plantations.
ken from three of each age of secondary forests, 7-year-
old rubber plantations, 12-year-old rubber plantations Keywords Density of mites and species richness Æ Soil
and 25-year-old rubber plantations. We hypothesized physico-chemical parameters Æ Soil degradation index Æ
that the stress imposed on mite communities during site Rubber plantations Æ Secondary forest
preparation and planting would be compensated for by
the reduction of the soil degradation index as the rubber
plantations age. Across the 12 sampling areas, 120 soil Introduction
cores were taken at 10 cm soil depth over a 40 m tran-
sect. Soil physico-chemical parameters were character- The practice of irrational agriculture in the tropics by a
ized and soil mites were extracted with a modified growing population has contributed to significant
Berlese-Tullgren funnel over the course of 10 days. The reductions in natural forests. Global data from 2000 to
results showed that conversion of secondary forests into 2010 indicate a destruction of 13 million hectares of
rubber plantations leads to a modification in the density forests annually in the world (FAO 2012). The annual
of mites ( 60 and +1%), species richness ( 48 and rate of deforestation in Africa is about twice that ob-
15%), water content ( 62 and 31%), soil organic served in the rest of the world (FAO 2001). The forests
carbon ( 67 and 51%) and total nitrogen ( 64 and of Côte d’Ivoire have not escaped deforestation caused
52%) respectively after about 7 and 25 years of con- by various agricultural practices. The main perennial
version. The investigation pointed out an improvement crops observed in several localities are cocoa (Theo-
broma cacao), coffee (Coffea arabica), rubber (Hevea
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article brasiliensis), and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) (Ruf 2000).
(doi:10.1007/s11284-017-1499-3) contains supplementary material, Introduced in Côte d’Ivoire in the 1950s, rubber culti-
which is available to authorized users. vation has become a major perennial crop in the
J. K. N’Dri (&) Æ F. A. Seka Æ P. K. Pokou Æ R. A. G. N’Da southern part of the country (Ruf 2009). Over the last
Unité de Formation et de Recherche (UFR) des Sciences de la two decades, rubber plantations have boomed, particu-
Nature, Université Nangui Abrogoua, 02 BP 801, Abidjan 02, Côte larly in the 2000s when the purchase price of rubber
d’Ivoire increased dramatically. This boom was marked by an
E-mail: ndri_jk@yahoo.fr
Tel.: +225 07 49 38 08
increasing number of farmers, from 8, 000 in 2000 to
31,192 in 2007 (Brindoumi 2015), and cultivated area,
J. K. N’Dri which increased from 200,000 ha in 2008 (Ruf 2009) to
Centre de Recherche en Ecologie, 08 BP 109, Abidjan 08, Côte more than 300,000 ha in 2012 (CNRA 2013). Thus
d’Ivoire rubber production is considered the main cause of
J. Lagerlöf deforestation (Allen et al. 2015).
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Dept. of
Ecology, P. O. Box 7044, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Several studies have shown that forest conversion conditions as in secondary forest. The restoration of soil
into agrosystems and continual agricultural manage- mite communities would indicate that rubber planta-
ment (clearings, weeding, inputs of pesticides and fer- tions promote a stable soil environment.
tilizers, etc.) can affect the communities of soil
mesofauna and microfauna either directly (Lindo and
Visser 2004; Minor and Cianciolo 2007; Maribie et al. Methods
2011; Zhao et al. 2013; Sarkar et al. 2014; Krashevska
et al. 2015, 2016; N’Dri et al. 2017) or indirectly (Ha- Study site
segawa et al. 2012). In general the impact of conversion
is characterized by a drop in mite abundance and species The investigation was conducted in the department of
richness (Maribie et al. 2011; Sarkar et al. 2014; N’Dri Grand-Lahou (513¢N; 503¢W) situated in southern
et al. 2017) and a loss of soil carbon and nitrogen con- Côte d’Ivoire about 140 km of Abidjan. The climate of
tent (Guillaume et al. 2015, 2016). As a consequence, a the area is an equatorial type with four seasons—a long
decrease in soil fertility is observed (Bedano et al. 2006). dry season from December to March, a long wet season
According to Minor and Cianciolo (2007), land use type from April to July, a short dry season from August to
is a significant factor influencing both small-scale (within September, and a short wet season from October to
individual soil cores) and site-scale diversity of Orib- November (Ettian et al. 2009). Annual rainfall during
atida. Most studies from forest conversion into the study year (2013) was about 1,085 mm, and the
agrosystems and agricultural land that involve mite average monthly temperature was about 27 C. The
community response have been devoted to teak, cocoa, department is crossed by the Bandama River. The veg-
and mixed crops fields (N’Dri et al. 2013, 2017) or to etation is of rainforest type, and various land uses such
coffee, maize, pine, cypress, and conifer plantations as secondary forests, rural domains, and fallow systems
(Maribie et al. 2011; Hasegawa et al. 2012). Nevertheless characterize the study site (Ettian et al. 2009).
some investigations based on soil mites have been per- The forest of Gobodiénou, located upstream of the
formed in rubber plantations in India, Brazil, and Bandama River, contains an important floristic diversity
Nigeria (Chakraborty and Bhattacharya 1993; Franklin and extends over an area of 59,800 ha (Fig. 1). It con-
et al. 2004; Oke et al. 2005).
In Côte d’Ivoire, no study has been devoted to the
impact of rubber plantations on soil mites, and on the
physico-chemical soil parameters that determine their
distribution. However, rubber plantations could serve as
an alternative solution to the loss of natural forest
ecosystems. One of the ecosystem services provided by
this agrosystem is its ability to store carbon (Gréggio
et al. 2008; Podong and Poolsiri 2012) in the different
compartments (the soil and the above- and below-
ground biomass). Soil mites play a key role in the eco-
logical functioning of soil. They are involved in litter
fragmentation, organic matter decomposition, and
minerals recycling (Gulvik 2007; Yang and Chen 2009),
and therefore are seen as good indicators of the eco-
logical quality of the soil (Zhao et al. 2013).
The objective of this investigation was to study the
modification of mite communities and soil physico-
chemical parameters after conversion of secondary for-
est into rubber plantations and how this changes with
the aging of the plantations. Specifically, the research
was based on (i) assessing the abundance and diversity
of mites in the different land use types (ii) measuring the
soil physico-chemical parameters, and (iii) evaluating the
response of mite communities, and the modification of
soil physico-chemical characteristics after secondary
forest conversion into rubber plantations. We hypothe-
sized that the stress imposed on mite communities dur-
ing site preparation and planting would be compensated
for by the reduction of the soil degradation index as the
rubber plantations age. We expected that over time the
density of mites, their diversity, and their community
structure in rubber plantations would reach similar Fig. 1 Map of the study area showing sites and sampling points
tains trees more than 25 m high, herbaceous plants with using the cylinder method (Assié et al. 2008) for physical
several lianas and various palm species. Diospyros spp measurements. A total of 36 composite soil samples and
and Mapania spp. are among the dominant plants. This 36 non-composite soil samples were taken for the phy-
forest is a protected area. Despite this, it is highly sico-chemical measurements.
fragmented due to many agricultural activities (planta-
tions of rubber, oil palm and cocoa) carried out there.
Farmers suggested that most of the area we studied was Extraction and mite identification
secondary forest since 1980 (33 years before the field
works) and was converted to rubber plantations in 1988. Soil mites were extracted for 10 days with a Berlese-Tull-
A portion of the previous vegetation of rubber planta- gren apparatus (Ducarme et al. 2004; Bedano and Ruf
tions less than 10 years old was used for cocoa, coffee or 2007) and stored in a solution of 70% alcohol. Specimens
oil palm plantations in the former rotation. During the were mounted in permanent (using Hoyer’s medium) and
management of plantations, fertilizers and pesticides are semi permanent (using lactic acid) slides and observed with
applied once or twice per year during the first 4 years of a digital camera VC.5000 mounted on a NOVEX light
planting. Litter is abundant, whereas undergrowth and microscope. In the absence of African keys, adult mites
herbaceous stratum are absent in rubber plantations. were identified according to major group (Actinedida,
Soils are ferralitic type (Perraud 1971). Gamasida, Oribatida and Acaridida), family, genus, and
morphospecies levels by using keys and illustrations pro-
vided in Balogh and Balogh (1992), Krantz (1978), and
Sampling design Walter et al. (2013). Major groups (Oribatida, Acaridida)
were defined in the traditional sense used in soil zoology
Downstream of the Bandama River and around the and available in Krantz (1978) and Dindal (1990), not in
villages of Tieviessou, Betesso and Ahounianssou, nine the more recent sense found in Krantz and Walter (2009).
rubber plantations (1–2 ha) of different ages (7, 12 and SEM pictures were made at the Royal Museum for Cen-
25 years after planting) were selected for sampling. tral Africa, Belgium.
Three plantations per age class were selected and con-
sidered as replications. 7 years marks the beginning of
the latex harvest. At 12 years the plantations reach their Land use type analysis
maximum production level, whereas at 25 years latex
production begins to decrease. After the productive Impact of rubber plantations on soil biological quality
period (35–40 years), rubber trees are uprooted and a
new crop is planted after a few years of lying fallow. The impact of human interference (rubber production)
Upstream of the Bandama River, three islets of sec- on soil biological characteristics was estimated by using
ondary forest were selected and considered as control an index of change V (Wardle 1995) for each organism
plots. The ‘‘chronosequence’’ approach was used during group. This index compares the relative increase or de-
the fieldworks, and this allowed for the assessment of the crease in organism abundance between rubber planta-
impact of rubber plantations’ spatio-temporal dynamics tions and secondary forest. The index was calculated by
on the variables being studied (Walker et al. 2010). the formula
For each of the 12 sampling stands, soil cores were
taken during the wet period (April–June) with a steel V= 1
corer (˘ 5 cm) at 0–10 cm soil depth (Bedano and Ruf M R + MF
2007) following a 40 m transect. Five sampling points where MR and MF were the abundance observed
were allocated along each transect with a 10 m interval respectively in the rubber plantations and the secondary
between two consecutive points. At each sampling point, forest. The index V ranges from 1 when organisms
two adjacent soil cores including litter thickness were occur only in secondary forest to +1 when organisms
taken. This gave a total of 10 soil cores per transect. In occur only in rubber plantations with 0 representing
total, 120 soil cores were taken across the 12 sampling equal abundance in both secondary forests and rubber
stands and brought to the laboratory in plastic packets plantations. The magnitude of response to human
for mite extraction. Soils for chemical analysis were interference was expressed by the following categories:
sampled according to the Tropical Soil Biology and
Fertility method recommended by Anderson and In- extreme inhibition by rubber plantations V < 0.67;
gram (1993). Composite soil samples were obtained moderate inhibition by rubber plantations
from five cores taken in quadrats (50 cm · 50 cm · 10 0.67 < V < 0.33;
cm) and at 50 cm from the sampling point. On each mild inhibition by rubber plantations 0.33 < V < 0;
sampling stand and following the same transect, three mild stimulation by rubber planta-
composite soil samples were taken with 20 m intervals tions 0 < V < 0.33;
between two consecutive points. Along the transect, moderate stimulation by rubber plantations
three soil cores (non-composite samples) were taken 0.33 < V < 0.67;
with 20 m intervals between two consecutive points extreme stimulation by rubber plantations V > 0.67.
Soil degradation index
The soil degradation index—SDI was expressed as the
inverse of the number of years since the last clearing and Soil physical characteristics
tillage operations (Parisi et al. 2005). This index was
estimated by using the age of the rubber plantations. The bulk density was significantly lower in the secondary
The first agrosystems were established in the forest of forest compared to the rubber plantations but did not
Gobodienou in 1980, which was 33 years before the differ between the three ages of rubber plantations (one-
sampling. Thus the soil degradation index values were: way ANOVA; F = 2.102, P = 0.1441). Water content
0.03, 0.04, 0.08, and 0.14 respectively for secondary varied significantly across the land use types (Table 1),
forest, and 25-, 12- and 7-year-old rubber plantations. and increased significantly (one-way ANOVA;
F = 3.878, P = 0.0347) with the increasing age of
rubber plantations. The highest value of water content
Data analysis was measured in secondary forest. The soil water con-
tent decreased by 62 and 31%, respectively, in 7-, and
Soil mite abundance was expressed as the mean 25-year-old rubber plantations compared to the sec-
number of individuals per square meter. The mean ondary forest.
species richness, the Margalef diversity index (Gamito
2010), cumulated species richness (Colwell et al. 2004),
the Shannon index (Shannon and Wiener 1962), Soil chemical parameters
evenness (Pielou 1969), the Berger Parker index
(Caruso et al. 2007), and the Sorensen dissimilarity The soils in the rubber plantations and the secondary
index expressed in percentages (Chao et al. 2005) were forests were acidic. Mean values of soil organic carbon,
used to assess the soil mite diversity. The community total nitrogen, C/N ratio, and pH were significantly
structure was characterized by using dominant, ubiq- different across the land use types (Table 2). Apart from
uitous, and specialist species (Badejo and Ola-Adams pH, the highest values of chemical parameters were
2000; N’Dri et al. 2016). Soil bulk density was esti- measured in secondary forest. The amount of soil or-
mated using the cylinder method (Assié et al. 2008). ganic carbon (one-way ANOVA; F = 3.862,
Soil water content was determined after drying at P = 0.0351), total nitrogen (one-way ANOVA;
105 C for 48 h. Soil pH-H2O was determined by F = 4.028, P = 0.0310), C/N ratio (one-way ANOVA;
means of a glass electrode in 1:2.5 soil:water (Tondoh F = 6.510, P = 0.0055), and pH (one-way ANOVA;
et al. 2015). The Walkley and Black (1934) method F = 35.938, P = 0.0001) varied significantly with the
was used to determine soil organic carbon, namely a increasing age of rubber plantations. The soil organic
wet oxidation of organic carbon in an acid dichromate carbon decreased by 67 and 51% whereas total nitrogen
solution, followed by back titration of the remaining decreased by 64 and 52% respectively in 7-, and 25-year-
dichromate with ferrous ammonium sulfate. Total old rubber plantations compared to the secondary for-
nitrogen was determined using the Kjeldahl method, est.
and the C/N ratio was also estimated.
Because the data did not follow a normal distribu-
tion, a Kruskal–Wallis test was used to compare the Density of soil mites
density of mites in the different land use types. A one-
way ANOVA associated with the post hoc Fisher’s test The mean density of soil mites changed significantly
was performed to examine the effects of land use types (Kruskal–Wallis test, P = 0.0009) across the land use
on the soil physico-chemical factors and mite diversity types (Fig. 2), and increased significantly (Kruskal–
parameters. The relationships between soil physico-
chemical and biological parameters along the
chronosequence were investigated with Pearson’s corre- Table 1 Soil physical characteristics measured in the land use types
lation coefficient. The same test was used to determine Bulk density (g cm 3) Water content (%)
the interaction between the soil degradation index and
the overall measured parameters. All tests were carried SF 0.95 ± 0.06b 29.12 ± 3.95c
out using the software Statistica 7.1 (StatSoft Inc., R7 1.27 ± 0.03a 11.02 ± 1.13a
Tulsa, USA). The cumulated species richness was esti- R12 1.18 ± 0.02a 18.86 ± 2.14ab
R25 1.23 ± 0.04a 20.23 ± 3.64b
mated after 500 randomizations by using the software P value 0.0001*** 0.0017**
EstimateS 7.5 (Colwell 2005). The first-order jackknife
non-parametric estimator discussed by Colwell and SF Secondary forest, R7 7-year-old rubber plantations, R12
Coddington (1994) was used to estimate the true species 12-year-old rubber plantations, R25 25-year-old rubber planta-
tions. N = 36, One-way ANOVA test
richness. The sampling efficiency in the four land use ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001; means followed by the same super-
types was also evaluated. script lowercase letter within column are not significantly different
at the 0.05 level (Tukey’s multiple-comparison test)
Table 2 Chemical variables measured in the land use types
1 1
SOC (g kg soil) TN (g kg soil) C/N pH-H2O

SF 22.9 ± 3.31b 2.00 ± 0.29b 11.46 ± 0.30b 4.48 ± 0.09a

R7 7.5 ± 0.47a 0.72 ± 0.04a 10.35 ± 0.18a 5.87 ± 0.14c
R12 11.3 ± 1.41a 1.05 ± 0.11a 10.55 ± 0.21a 4.67 ± 0.06ab
R25 11.22 ± 1.20a 0.96 ± 0.08a 11.45 ± 0.27b 4.81 ± 0.12b
P value 0.0001*** 0.0001*** 0.0037** 0.0001***

SF Secondary forest, R7 7-year-old rubber plantations, R12 12-year-old rubber plantations, R25 25-year-old rubber plantations, SOC soil
organic carbon, TN total nitrogen, C/N carbon nitrogen ratio, pH-H2O potential of hydrogen–water. N = 36, One-way ANOVA test
** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001; means followed by the same superscript lowercase letter within column are not significantly different at the
0.05 level (Tukey’s multiple-comparison test)

Major taxa groups

The soil mite communities consisted of four major taxa

(Oribatida, Gamasida, Acaridida, and Actinedida).
Whatever the land use type, the Oribatida and Gama-
sida represented the dominant groups with an abun-
dance respectively exceeding 60 and 21%. The
Actinedida (2%) and Acaridida (1%) were minor groups
with highest relative abundance recorded in the 7-year-
old rubber plantations. A total of 14, 7, 14, and 16
species of Gamasida and 45, 22, 28, and 35 species of
Oribatida were observed, respectively, in secondary
Fig. 2 Soil mite density (Mean and SE) observed along the forest and in 7-, 12-, and 25-year-old rubber plantations.
chronosequence. SF Secondary forest, R7 7-year-old rubber
plantations, R12 12-year-old rubber plantations, R25 25-year-old Thus the numbers of species of Gamasida and Oribatida
rubber plantations. N = 120, Kruskal–Wallis test, P < 0.001. increased with the aging of rubber plantations.
Means followed by the same lowercase letter are not significantly
different at the 0.05 level (post hoc multiple comparison, bilateral
Diversity of soil mites

The species richness of mites was composed of 100

Wallis test, P = 0.0033) with the increasing age of the morphospecies. A total of 61, 32, 44, and 52 species were
rubber plantations. The highest density recorded, respectively, in secondary forest and in 7-, 12-,
(7,429 ± 1,144 ind m 2) was observed in the 25-year- and 25-year-old rubber plantations. Except for the
old rubber plantations and was similar to the density Berger Parker index, soil mite diversity parameters
recorded in secondary forest (7,376 ± 874 ind m 2). varied significantly across the land use types (Table 3).
The lowest density was observed in the 7-year-old rub- The mean species richness (one-way ANOVA;
ber plantations (2,972 ± 413 ind m 2). The density of F = 6.136, P = 0.0032), Shannon index (one-way
mites decreased by 60% and increased by 1%, respec- ANOVA; F = 4.186, P = 0.0183), Margalef diversity
tively, in 7-, and 25-year-old rubber plantations com- index (one-way ANOVA; F = 6.175, P = 0.0031), and
pared to the secondary forest. the total species richness (one-way ANOVA;
F = 13.983, P = 0.0001) increased significantly with

Table 3 Soil mite diversity across the land use types

Diversity parameter Land use type

SF R7 R12 R25 P value

Mean species richness 5.7 ± 0.56c 2.56 ± 0.36a 4.1 ± 0.57ab 5.26 ± 0.66bc 0.0004***
Margalef diversity index 42.51 ± 5.41b 14.16 ± 2.95a 28.42 ± 5.34ab 39.34 ± 6.33b 0.0006***
Shannon–Wiener Index H¢ 1.48 ± 0.11c 0.74 ± 0.11a 1.05 ± 0.14ab 1.28 ± 0.13bc 0.0006***
Evenness J 0.87 ± 0.04b 0.64 ± 0.08a 0.67 ± 0.07a 0.81 ± 0.06ab 0.048*
Sobs cumulated 61 ± 2.90c 32 ± 1.54a 44 ± 2.05b 52 ± 2.41bc 0.0001***
Berger Parker index 0.34 ± 0.03a 0.48 ± 0.06a 0.46 ± 0.05a 0.42 ± 0.04a 0.455 ns

SF Secondary forest, R7 7-year-old rubber plantations, R12 12-year-old rubber plantations, R25 25-year-old rubber plantations.
N = 120, One-way ANOVA test
* P < 0.05, *** P < 0.001; means followed by the same superscript lowercase letter within rows are not significantly different at the 0.05
level (Tukey’s multiple-comparison test)
Table 4 Impact of rubber plantations on major groups of mites based on the data listed in Table S1

Index V Abundance Species richness

R7 R12 R25 R7 R12 R25

Actinedida +0.000 0.333 1.000 +0.000 +0.000 0.333

Gamasida 0.664 0.311 0.145 0.333 +0.000 +0.067
Oribatida 0.354 0.030 +0.087 0.343 0.233 0.125
Acaridida +1.000 +0.000 +0.000 +1.000 +0.000 +0.000
Total mites 0.451 0.126 +0.004 0.312 0.162 0.080

Index V ranges from 1 to +1 and is increasingly negative or positive as the group under consideration is increasingly decreased or
increased in rubber plantations compared to secondary forest
R7 7-year-old rubber plantations, R12 12-year-old rubber plantations, R25 25-year-old rubber plantations

the increasing age of the rubber plantations. The Berger

Parker index (one-way ANOVA; F = 0.591,
P = 0.5829) and evenness (one-way ANOVA;
F = 1.572, P = 0.2132) did not vary significantly with
the increasing age of rubber plantations. The highest
mean values of the diversity parameters were mainly
recorded in secondary forest, and the lowest values were
primarily recorded in the 7-year-old rubber plantations.
The species richness decreased by 48 and 15%, respec-
tively, in 7-, and 25-year-old rubber plantations com-
pared to the secondary forest. The total number of
observed species corresponded to approximately 69, 63,
69, and 72% of the value predicted by the first-order
jackknife estimator in secondary forest and in 7-, 12-,
and 25-year-old rubber plantations, respectively.

Response of soil mite density and species richness

to the establishment of rubber plantations
Fig. 3 Hierarchical classification of land-use types based on the
composition of mites species. UPGMA method (Unweighted Pair-
The mite community changed along with the age of the Group Method using Arithmetic averages) was used. SF Secondary
rubber plantations (Table 4). The abundance of Gama- forest, R7 7-year-old rubber plantations, R12 12-year-old rubber
sida, Oribatida, and total mites were negatively modified plantations, R25 25-year-old rubber plantations
in 7-year-old rubber plantations compared to the sec-
ondary forest. The reverse trend was observed in
25-year-old rubber plantations, where the abundance of Haplozetidae sp.1, Scheloribatidae sp.2, Afrotrachytes
Oribatida and total mites were positively changed sp.1, Afrotrachytes sp.3, Oppia sp.1, Phthiracarus sp.1,
compared to the secondary forest. In all ages of rubber Epilohmannia sp.1, Trachyuropodidae sp.1,
plantations, the species richness of Oribatida and total Trachyuropodidae sp.2, and Nothrus sp.2). The relative
mites were reduced compared to the secondary forest. abundance (proportion) of all dominant species put to-
The species richness of Actinedida and Gamasida were gether varied across the land use types and decreased
positively and negatively impacted, respectively, in with the increasing age of the rubber plantations. A total
7-year-old rubber plantations. The species richness of of 6, 12, 11, and 7 species were dominants and repre-
Actinedida and Gamasida were negatively and positively sented 10, 38, 25, and 13% of total species observed,
affected, respectively, in the 25-year-old rubber planta- respectively, in secondary forest and in 7-, 12-, and
tions. 25-year-old rubber plantations (Table S1). A total of 50
specialist and 10 ubiquitous species were recorded at the
landscape scale. Only two species, Galumna sp.1 and
Community structure Galumna sp.2 were considered both dominant and
ubiquitous. Values of the Sorensen dissimilarity index
Overall, 20 dominant species composed of 14 Oribatida calculated between the land use types were different. The
and 6 Gamasida were collected (Mycobatidae sp.1, highest distance (66%) was obtained between 7-year-old
Damaeidae sp.1, Scheloribatidae sp.1, Galumna sp.1, rubber plantations and secondary forest whereas the
Galumna sp.2, Javacarus sp.1, Eviphididae sp.1, Rho- lowest distance (35%) was estimated between 12- and
dacaridae sp.1, Mycobatidae sp.2, Acaronychus sp.2, 25-year-old rubber plantations (Fig. 3).
Relationships between mite community characteristics chemical and biological characteristics. The Pearson
and soil physico-chemical parameters correlation showed that the soil degradation index was
negatively correlated with the density of mites
The different interactions showed that the density and (R = 0.741, P = 0.022), species richness
species richness of mites were not significantly influenced (R = 0.746, P = 0.021), water content (R = 0.913,
by the soil physico-chemical parameters in 7-year-old P = 0.001), and soil organic carbon (R = 0.734,
rubber plantations. However in 12-year-old rubber P = 0.024), and positively correlated with the pH
plantations, soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and pH (R = 0.846, P = 0.004) across the chronosequence.
were significantly and negatively correlated with the
density of mites (Table 5). The density of mites was
significantly and positively correlated with bulk density Discussion
whereas the species richness of mites was significantly
and negatively correlated with water content, respec- Abundance and species richness of soil mites
tively, in 25-year-old rubber plantations. Soil organic across the chronosequence
carbon, total nitrogen, and pH were significantly and
positively correlated with species richness in secondary The study of soil fauna diversity along a chronosequence
forest. is described in several research works (Gilot et al. 1995;
Walker et al. 2010; Hasegawa et al. 2012; Tondoh et al.
2015). Soil microarthropod communities are governed
Interactions between the soil degradation index by the age of the agrosystem and the time that has
and edaphic physico-chemical and biological character- elapsed since habitat modification (Lindo and Visser
istics 2004; Maribie et al. 2011; N’Dri et al. 2013, 2017; Sarkar
et al. 2014). Our results showed a significant increase in
The soil degradation index decreased with the increasing mite abundance and species richness with increasing age
age of rubber plantations and impacted the soil physico- of rubber plantations, and this trend might be explained

Table 5 Pearson correlation between mite characteristics and soil physico-chemical parameters according to the land use types

Density Richness


7-year-old rubber plantations

Bulk density 0.039 0.975 0.095 0.939
Water content 0.769 0.441 0.848 0.356
Soil organic carbon 0.241 0.845 0.369 0.760
Total nitrogen 0.234 0.850 0.362 0.764
pH-H2O 0.235 0.849 0.363 0.763
12-year-old rubber plantations
Bulk density 0.735 0.475 0.497 0.669
Water content 0.195 0.875 0.515 0.656
Soil organic carbon 0.999 0.027* 0.481 0.681
Total nitrogen 0.999 0.032* 0.489 0.674
pH-H2O 0.999 0.034* 0.499 0.668
25-year-old rubber plantations
Bulk density 0.999 0.027* 0.917 0.261
Water content 0.895 0.295 0.998 0.007**
Soil organic carbon 0.983 0.116 0.805 0.404
Total nitrogen 0.990 0.091 0.828 0.379
pH-H2O 0.994 0.073 0.844 0.361
7-25-year-old rubber plantations
Bulk density 0.184 0.636 0.145 0.712
Water content 0.694 0.038* 0.896 0.001**
Soil organic carbon 0.392 0.296 0.118 0.764
Total nitrogen 0.346 0.361 0.104 0.784
pH-H2O 0.680 0.044* 0.348 0.359
Secondary forest
Bulk density 0.967 0.165 0.973 0.148
Water content 0.935 0.231 0.992 0.082
Soil organic carbon 0.862 0.338 0.999 0.025*
Total nitrogen 0.864 0.336 0.999 0.022*
pH-H2O 0.879 0.316 0.998 0.003**

* P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01

by the high availability of trophic resources due to an The abundance, diversity, and community structure
increase in litter biomass. The investigation made by of mites have been shown to be unaffected whether soil
Yéo (2017) on the same plantations pointed out an in- cores are taken from plots under shade or exposed di-
crease of litterfall production with the increasing age of rectly to sunlight (Badejo and Akinwole 2006; Schneider
rubber plantations (7-year-old rubber plantations: et al. 2007). However, long-term exposure of 7-year-old
3.88 ± 0.14 t ha 1 y 1, 12-year-old rubber plantations: rubber plantations to sunlight increases soil drought and
3.86 ± 0.71 t ha 1 y 1, 25-year-old rubber plantations: consequently limits litter decomposition processes and
5.11 ± 0.60 t ha 1 y 1). The research conducted by the biomass and diversity of fungi considered as a food
Chaudhuri et al. (2013) in India revealed an increase of source for many Oribatida (Koukol et al. 2009). Clear-
litterfall production (3 years: 2.8 g m 2, 10 years: ings, weeding, and inputs of pesticides and fertilizers in
200–700 g m 2, 14 years: 750–1400 g m 2, 25 years: rubber plantations could also eliminate some species,
800–1500 g m 2), and a decreasing polyphenol (3 years: specifically those with a life cycle longer than 1 year
90 lg mg 1, 10 years: 300 lg mg 1, 14 years: 30 lg (Behan-Pelletier 1999; Lindo and Visser 2004; Cao et al.
mg 1, 25 years: 45 lg mg 1 dry matter) and lignin 2011).
(3 years: 1.4 g, 10 years: 2.7 g, 14 years: 0.6 g, 25 years: The investigation made by Maribie et al. (2011) re-
1.2 g per 100 g dry matter) content in leaf litters with vealed a higher abundance and family richness of soil
increasing age of rubber plantations. The increase of mites in artificial forests (cypress forest, abundance: 607
litter input likely promotes the stability of the soil individuals, richness: 16.8 families; pine forest, abun-
microclimate for the development of soil mites. The in- dance: 436.2 individuals, richness: 15.8 families) com-
crease of water content in soil allows for rapid decom- pared to natural forest (abundance: 244 individuals,
position of litter (Gréggio et al. 2008; Yang and Chen richness: 12.3 families) and agrosystems (coffee, abun-
2009; Podong and Poolsiri, 2012) and greater restoration dance: 72.3 individuals, richness: 6.5 families). The
of nutrients in the soil (Podong and Poolsiri, 2012). In works performed by Sarkar et al. (2014) showed a lower
contrast to our observation, Hasegawa et al. (2012) density of soil mites in brick field (1,612 ind m 2)
noticed in the chronosequence of conifer plantations compared to agricultural field (4,785 ind m 2) and for-
that forest age was not significantly correlated with est area (5,057 ind m 2). The same trend was observed
density or species richness of the major mite groups. by N’Dri et al. (2017) in Cote d’Ivoire where the density
The large number of mite species recorded in sec- and mean species richness of soil mites decreased sig-
ondary forest soils could be explained by the hetero- nificantly from primary forest to mixed crop fields
geneity of sources of organic residues (food web) with (primary forest, density: 2,264 ind m 2, richness: 9.6
vegetation consisting of several tree species (Hansen and species; secondary forest, density: 1,468 ind m 2, rich-
Coleman 1998). The complexity of ecological niches and ness: 7 species; fallows, density: 1,264 ind m 2, richness:
refuges enhance the stability of soil organism commu- 5.6 species; multi-species planted trees, density:
nities and therefore promote the co-existence of many 1,020 ind m 2, richness: 5.6 species; 4-year-old teak
mite species (Schneider et al. 2004). Hasegawa et al. plantations, density: 979 ind m 2, richness: 5.4 species;
(2012) showed that the vegetation structure in secondary 10-year-old teak plantations, density: 959 ind m 2,
forest influences both the abundance and species rich- richness: 4.8 species; cocoa plantations, density:
ness of major groups of mites, and densities of Oribatida 673 ind m 2, richness: 4 species; and mixed crops fields,
were significantly correlated in broad-leaved sites with density: 204 ind m 2, richness: 1.4 species). Krashevska
forest age, twig litter weight, maximum DBH of tall et al. (2016) found that the species richness, density, and
trees, and the species richness of tall trees, whereas biomass of living testate amoebae (Protist) were all
species richness of Mesostigmata was significantly cor- lower in rubber plantations compared to rainforest with
related with water content in leaf litter, forest floor leaf an impact that was more pronounced in litter than in
litter weight, soil respiration, and species richness of soil at about 13–29 years after conversion. In the litter of
forest floor plants. The total species richness of mites rubber plantations, the concentrations of certain phos-
observed in our study is superior to that recorded by pholipid-derived fatty acids, including the gram-negative
Oke et al. (2005) in rubber plantations (23 species). The bacteria marker cy17:0 and the gram-positive bacteria
mean species richness of Oribatida estimated by marker i17:0, were reduced compared to rainforest
Franklin et al. (2004) in secondary forest and on aban- (Krashevska et al. 2015). The same variation was ob-
doned rubber plantations was similar to ours. Indeed, served with basal respiration and gram-negative bacteria
those authors recorded 4.8, 5.7, and 6.7 species of Ori- in soil (Krashevska et al. 2015).
batida, respectively, in secondary forest and polyculture Our results suggest that the sample size of 30 cores
systems 1 and 2 based on four tree species (Hevea spp., per treatment was adequate to capture 63–72% of mite
Schizolobium amazonicum, Swietenia macrophylla, and assemblages in all examined land use types (Fig. 4).
Carapa guianensis). Chakraborty and Bhattacharya However, the strong unsaturated relationships between
(1993) observed 37 species of Oribatida in rubber plan- sample size and species richness is explained by two
tations, which was higher than the 22 species of Orib- fundamental factors. First, soil mites in rubber planta-
atida they identified in 7-year-old rubber plantations. tions are presented in aggregate form (Chakraborty and
Bhattacharya 1993); second, Oribatid mites have low
y 1) and average nitrogen input (0.10 ± 0.008 t ha 1
y 1) in soil were highly concentrated in 25-year-old
rubber plantations (Yéo 2017).
This study points out the improvement in soil eco-
logical quality with the aging of rubber plantations,
which was characterized by an increase in the density of
mites (+150), species richness of mites (+63%), water
content (+84%), organic carbon (+50%), and total
nitrogen (+33%) in the 25-year-old plantations com-
pared to the 7-year-old plantations. It would be impor-
tant to extend the study to the oldest village plantations
(40–50 years old) in order to better appreciate the
Fig. 4 Sample-based rarefaction curves of species richness from the implication of this agrosystem in improving soil quality.
land use types. The 95% confidence intervals are not shown. SF For better management of plantations, it would be
Secondary forest, R7 7-year-old rubber plantations, R12 12-year-
old rubber plantations, R25 25-year-old rubber plantations interesting to see what effect there is from associated
cover crops and food crops during the first 3 years of
planting. This would enhance the quality of soil organic
mobility (Berthet 1964) and this limits the ability to
matter and would ensure food security for the local
capture rare species. These trends are similar to those
observed by Minor and Cianciolo (2007).
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the farmers
and SODEFOR staff for their involvement in identifying suit-
Rubber plantations and soil ecological quality able plantations for this work. We thank the field workers for their
assistance during the sampling period. A Big thank you goes out to
Prof Jérôme E. TONDOH for its assistance on the project and its
Several studies based on cocoa (Dawoe et al. 2014; advices during data analysis. We thank Dr. Martine Kah Touao
Tondoh et al. 2015; N’Dri et al. 2017), teak (N’Dri et al. GAUZE, Director of the Ecological Research Center, for accom-
2013, 2017) and rubber (Gilot et al. 1995; Oke et al. modating the project in his institute. Thanks to Drs. Martinez A.
2005; Chaudhuri and Nath 2011; Chaudhuri et al. 2013; GUÉI and Ettien F. EDOUKOU for technical assistance. This
Guillaume et al. 2015, 2016; Krashevska et al. 2015, study was supported by the International Foundation for Science/
Ref. D/5287-1.
2016) have highlighted the decrease in soil physico-
chemical and biological parameters after conversion of
forests into agrosystems. This observation is in accord
with our results. In a study by Guillaume et al. (2015),
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