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Balancing volume resuscitation and ascites management

in cirrhosis
Federico Pollia and Luciano Gattinonia,b
Dipartimento di Anestesiologia, Terapia Intensiva e Purpose of review
Scienze Dermatologiche, Università degli Studi di
Milano and bDipartimento di Anestesia, Rianimazione e
Patients with cirrhosis have total extracellular fluid overload but central effective
Terapia del Dolore, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda - circulating hypovolaemia. The resulting neurohumoral compensatory response favours
Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy
the accumulation of fluids into the peritoneal cavity (ascites) and may hinder renal
Correspondence to Luciano Gattinoni, MD, FRCP, perfusion (hepatorenal syndrome). Their deranged systemic haemodynamics
Dipartimento di Anestesia, Rianimazione e Terapia del
Dolore, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda - Ospedale (hyperdynamic circulatory syndrome) is characterized by elevated cardiac output with
Maggiore Policlinico, Via F. Sforza 35; I-20100 Milan; decreased systemic vascular resistance and low blood pressure.
Tel: +39 02 5503 3232; fax: +39 02 5503 3230; Recent findings
e-mail: Molecular and biological mechanisms determining cirrhosis-induced haemodynamic
Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology 2010,
alterations are progressively being elucidated. The need for a goal-directed assessment
23:151–158 of volume resuscitation (especially with volumetric techniques) in patients with cirrhosis
is becoming more and more evident. The role of fluid expansion with albumin and the use
of splanchnic vasopressors in a variety of cirrhosis-related conditions has recently been
The response to fluid loading in patients with advanced cirrhosis is abnormal, primarily
resulting in expansion of their noncentral blood volume compartment. Colloid solutions,
in particular albumin, are best used in these patients. Albumin may be effective in
preventing the haemodynamic derangements associated with large-volume
paracentesis (paracentesis-induced circulatory dysfunction), in preventing renal failure
during spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and, in association with splanchnic
vasopressors, in caring for patients with the hepatorenal syndrome.

ascites, fluid therapy, haemodynamics, liver cirrhosis, serum albumin

Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 23:151–158

ß 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

the various body compartments. Ascites is the accumu-

Introduction lation of fluids in the peritoneal cavity and represents
Liver disease is not an infrequent condition for patients the most common complication of advanced liver
admitted to ICUs. Cirrhosis represents the final evolution disease [4]. The current view of ascites regards its pro-
of advanced liver disease. Outcomes for critically ill cess of accumulation as an aspect of the more general
patients with cirrhosis remain poor, with mortality rates disturbed haemodynamic framework of patients with
exceeding 40% [1]. When organ system complications of cirrhosis.
cirrhosis develop (most notably, acute renal failure [2]),
mortality rates can reach 80% [3]. Ascites was originally thought to result from liver
disease-associated hypoalbuminaemia, causing unba-
In this review, we will examine the haemodynamic lanced Starling forces within the splanchnic circula-
derangements peculiar to patients with cirrhosis and tion. Subsequently, it became clear that renal sodium
ascites. We will outline the response of their cardiovas- retention played a central role. Two opposing theories
cular systems to volume expansion and – eventually – were, therefore, developed. According to the ‘overflow’
discuss the specific role of albumin in this regard. theory [5], renal sodium retention is the primary abnorm-
ality. The associated total body water expansion
would cause excess water to be lost across the splanchnic
Haemodynamic derangements associated capillaries into the peritoneal space. In contrast, accord-
with cirrhosis ing to the ‘underfilling’ theory [6], the primum movens
Liver cirrhosis is associated with altered regulation is the portal hypertension-associated release of medi-
of total body water volume and distribution within ators causing arteriolar vasodilation, primarily in the
0952-7907 ß 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI:10.1097/ACO.0b013e32833724da

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152 Intensive care and resuscitation

Figure 1 Pathophysiological alterations in cirrhosis

(portal hypertension)

Endothelial dysfunction
(release of nitric oxide...)

Haemodynamic derangement
Splanchnic arteriolar vasodilation
Hyperdynamic circulation

Effective circulating volume


Activation of:
Increased -Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system Renal vasoconstrction:
cardiac output -Antidiuretic hormone reduced glomerular filtration rate
- Sympathetic nervous system

Sodium retention Water retention

Extracellular fluid compartment


-Ascites accumulation
- ...

Unifying view of the pathophysiological modifications occurring in cirrhosis, involving multiple neurohumoral systems and linking haemodynamic
derangements with ascites accumulation and with renal dysfunction in a coherent framework.

splanchnic region. This reduces the central effective therefore activating a neurohumoral response which
circulating volume [7] (i.e. that part of the intravas- induces the kidney to avidly retain sodium and water
cular volume capable of interacting with arterial baror- (Fig. 1). Today, most evidence supports this latter
eceptors) and causes relative arterial hypotension, theory.

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Volume resuscitation in cirrhosis Polli and Gattinoni 153

Pathophysiology of ascites and neurohumoral profile in reduced afterloads. Cardiovascular stress may, however,
patients with cirrhosis reveal systolic dysfunction, with ejection fraction being
Cirrhosis involves anatomic [8,9] and functional [10–12] unable to increase appropriately [33]. Diastolic dysfunc-
alterations whose final result is portal hypertension. This, tion is also present due to the structural heart modifi-
primarily via the release of soluble mediators from the cations occurring in cirrhosis [34]. Therefore, acute
dysfunctional endothelium [13–17], induces vasodilation changes in filling pressures, such as after acute fluid
of the splanchnic arteriolar bed [18]. expansion, may put patients with cirrhosis at increased
risk of developing congestive heart failure. Finally,
Arteriolar vasodilation with pooling of blood into the electrophysiological abnormalities (e.g. QT interval pro-
splanchnic district causes ‘underfilling’ of the arterial longation [35,36]) may also render them prone to major
system [19] and is associated with a drop in arterial dysrhythmic events.
pressure. This causes the activation of the renin–angio-
tensin–aldosterone system, the sympathetic nervous Body fluids distribution in cirrhosis
system and induces nonosmotic release of arginine vaso- Animal and human studies have shown an abnormal
pressin [20]. A compensatory vasoconstrictor and anti- distribution of body fluids within the various body com-
natriuretic response aiming at maintaining arterial pres- partments [37] in patients with cirrhosis. Splanchnic
sure is thus initiated. Because of severe vasoconstriction, blood volume is increased and accounts for more than
glomerular filtration rate is reduced and the kidney 22% of all circulating volume. In contrast, the ‘central’
excretes water and solutes less efficiently [21]. Moreover, effective circulating volume (i.e. that part of intravascular
it also actively and avidly retains sodium and water due to volume contained in the heart, lungs and central arterial
the activation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone sys- tree that is ‘sensed’ by arterial baroreceptors) has been
tem. Eventually, extracellular fluid overload is observed, shown, with dilutional techniques, to be significantly
which tends to accumulate within the peritoneal cavity in reduced, especially in patients with advanced disease
the form of ascites as a consequence of the altered [7]. Indeed, many lines of evidence support the fact that
intestinal capillary pressure, and possibly permeability, cirrhosis is characterized by relative effective hypovolae-
associated with the state of portal hypertension and mia, despite total extracellular fluid overload. The activa-
splanchnic vasodilation. Moreover, it contributes to the tion of salt and water-retaining hormonal mechanisms –
typical hyperdynamic circulatory syndrome. as pointed out previously – is the strongest evidence for
this, being a marker of the activation of arterial baror-
The cardiovascular system in cirrhosis and the eceptors secondary to the hypotensive state associated
hyperdynamic circulatory syndrome with arterial ‘underfilling’. In this sense, it is interesting
The hyperdynamic circulatory syndrome, frequently to note that cirrhotic patients with hypertension have
encountered in patients with cirrhosis, is characterized only blunted hyperdynamic states [38].
by increased cardiac output (CO), low arterial blood
pressure (BP) and reduced peripheral vascular resistance
[22]. Increased CO seems to have multiple determinants, Effects of fluid expansion in patients with
including greater preload secondary to the rise in extra- cirrhosis
cellular fluid volume, reduced afterload secondary to the Fluid loading may be necessary to ensure haemodynamic
fall in systemic vascular resistance and increased heart stability in cirrhotic patients, characterized by relative
rate [23]. In patients with the hyperdynamic circulatory hypovolaemia and, possibly, to prevent complications
syndrome, splanchnic blood flow is increased and this, such as the hepatorenal syndrome. However, fluids
possibly, contributes to perpetuating portal hypertension may simply expand the extravascular compartment,
in a vicious circle [24]. thereby worsening organ function and contributing to
the maintenance of ascites.
Patients with cirrhosis tend to be resistant to the vaso-
pressor effects of norepinephrine, angiotensin II [25] and Accurate haemodynamic management is, therefore,
vasopressin [26], possibly because of reduced sensitivity important. In fact, although in this group of patients
of adrenergic receptors to their ligands [27,28] or the volume expansion may fail to normalize BP, it may
presence of endogenous vasodilators (nitric oxide, calci- nonetheless be associated with an improvement in car-
tonin gene-related peptide, . . .) and autonomic nervous diac function and peripheral vascular resistance, large
system dysfunction [29–31]. enough to ameliorate end-organ perfusion. Indeed, it
has been shown that, in severely ill patients with cirrhosis
Finally, despite increased CO, cirrhosis per se may be (Child–Pugh classes B and C), volume expansion reduces
associated with impaired heart function (cirrhotic cardio- plasma levels of renin, suggesting that some degree of
myopathy [32]), which usually remains an elusive con- subclinical increase in the effective circulating volume
dition, as these patients’ hearts typically work against does indeed occur [39]. The reduction in endogenous

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154 Intensive care and resuscitation

vasoconstrictors per se may help preserve renal function volume, as reflected by the global end-diastolic volume
despite persistently altered systemic haemodynamics. index, a surrogate measure reflecting it, and an improve-
ment in cardiac index. Central venous pressure, on the
Optimization of the haemodynamic state has also been contrary, was not modified by the intervention. A similar
advocated in the management of patients with cirrhosis goal-directed approach to albumin infusion also improved
undergoing liver transplantation. Outcomes have been renal function in patients with renal failure undergoing
shown to be improved in patients in whom stable paracentesis [53]. Not only are static central pressure
haemodynamics – as reflected by greater values of the determinations poor guides for fluid resuscitation, as
ratio of CO to blood volume and reduced mean circulation largely documented [54], but, in this specific subgroup
time – could be maintained after living donor liver of patients, dynamic central pressure monitoring also
transplantation, even within the context of a persistent seems to add no value. This had also previously been
hyperdynamic circulatory syndrome [40,41]. This documented in patients with cirrhosis undergoing liver
possibly resulted from improved portal blood flow favour- transplantation [55]. The usefulness of central pressure
ing liver regeneration. monitoring is particularly reduced in patients with cir-
rhosis, especially because the measurement is itself
Cirrhosis is characterized by impairment in free water difficult to interpret due to the increased intraabdominal
[42] and sodium excretion, secondary to nonosmotic pressure. Therefore, volumetric measurements seem to
release of arginin vasopressin, activation of the renin– be of greater value in assessing the haemodynamic status
angiotensin–aldosterone system and enhanced sym- of patients with cirrhosis.
pathetic nervous system activity. Recently, reduced
expression of aquaporin-2 channels has also been impli-
cated [43]. Therefore, in cirrhosis, fluid expansion with The role of albumin
crystalloids simply tends to induce volume overload Albumin has had alternating fortunes in the critical care
while only transiently improving cardiac performance. community. Previous meta-analyses have variously con-
cluded that albumin was harmful for critically ill patients
Artificial and natural colloids are known to have longer [56], that it was safe but not superior to other volume
intravascular half-lives than crystalloids [44], and, there- expanders [57] and, finally, that it could be administered
fore, appear to be better choices. Because of their oncotic if judged clinically appropriate [58]. Meta-analyses were
power, they are capable of driving water intravascularly. biased by the different sample sizes, protocols, albumin
This effect is also transient, with subsequent redistribu- formulations and control treatments tested in the various
tion of a fraction of the administered albumin out of blood studies that were examined and no definitive conclusion
capillaries, partly into the peritoneal cavity. could, therefore, be reached [59].

Data on the specific haemodynamic responses to fluid A pivotal large randomized clinical study [60] [the Saline
expansion in cirrhosis are sparse. Patients with mild versus Albumin Fluid Evaluation (SAFE) study], in
disease tend to show normal responses to fluid loading, almost 7000 patients admitted to an ICU, has recently
with their central blood volumes increasing appropriately found that fluid resuscitation with 4% albumin was not
after intravenous infusions. In contrast, in advanced dis- superior to physiological saline as far as mortality and
ease, plasma volume expansion and correction of the several secondary outcomes were concerned. On the
central circulatory deficit with its associated hypotensive basis of this result, current guidelines maintain the
state does not occur. Noncentral blood volume overload similarity of fluid resuscitation with natural and artificial
and worsening vasodilation only seems to take place [45]. colloids or crystalloids [61]. The SAFE study, however,
has been criticized, as the population investigated
Abnormal responses to fluid infusion may partly be included only mildly to moderately ill patients (up to
related to the increased vascular (arterial) compliance 55% had no organ failures) and was unselected, deliber-
observed in patients with cirrhosis [46–49], which may ately not including those patients who could possibly
be related to structural abnormalities of the vascular wall benefit the most from albumin administration, such as
or to the effect of mediators such as nitric oxide, calci- patients with liver disease.
tonin gene-related peptide [50] or downregulated C-type
natriuretic peptide [51]. The role of albumin in the specific population of patients
with cirrhosis has been better established, appearing to
Recently, a haemodynamic goal-based approach for guid- have a role in at least three areas of interest: prevention of
ing fluid management has been investigated in a group of paracentesis-induced circulatory dysfunction, prevention
patients with advanced cirrhosis and functional renal of renal failure during spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
failure [52]. Fluid expansion with 400 ml of 20% albumin and treatment of the hepatorenal syndrome in addition
brought about a significant increase in central blood to vasoconstrictors.

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Volume resuscitation in cirrhosis Polli and Gattinoni 155

Prevention of paracentesis-induced circulatory nor crystalloids have convincingly been proven to be

dysfunction equivalent to albumin in preventing paracentesis-
Control of ascites is difficult to obtain with diuretics (and induced circulatory dysfunction [70,78–82], especially
a sodium-restrictive diet) alone because the ascitic fluid when large volumes of ascites are evacuated. Data indi-
contains albumin [62] and oncotic forces tend to sustain cating differences in survival associated with albumin or
the condition by continuously driving fluids into the artificial colloids are not available [83]. Liver dysfunction,
peritoneal cavity. Evacuation of fluids, together with however, can be worsened with some colloids such as
protein and sodium, from the abdomen with paracentesis hydroxyethyl starch [84].
is superior to diuretics alone in controlling ascites and is
associated with fewer complications [63,64]. Current Recently, vasopressors have been proposed to contain
guidelines, indeed, suggest that large-volume paracent- the haemodynamic disturbances associated with large-
esis should be used in patients with tense or refractory volume paracentesis. Terlipressin has been found to be
diuretic-resistant ascites [65]. as effective as albumin [85–87]. Midodrine and norepi-
nephrine are also being studied with differing [88]
The most frequent adverse event associated with paracent- but promising results [89,90]. However, the associated
esis is paracentesis-induced circulatory dysfunction. This is cardiovascular adverse events reduce their potential
a condition of haemodynamic derangement mimicking usefulness, especially in those patients most likely
the hyperdynamic circulatory syndrome of cirrhosis [66], to have paracentesis-induced haemodynamic derange-
described in up to 75% of patients after large-volume ments [91].
paracentesis. Traditional theories maintain that the rapid
decrease in intraabdominal pressure obtained with para- At present, balancing all available data, current guide-
centesis would putatively promote reaccumulation of lines suggest that after paracentesis fluid infusion may be
fluids in the peritoneal cavity, with ensuing acute central necessary only after evacuation of at least 4–5 l of ascites.
effective hypovolaemia. Alternatively, it is possible that the In that case, 6–8 g of albumin per litre of removed fluid
relief in abdominal tension reduces intrathoracic pressure, should be given [65]. The removal of smaller volumes
which improves CO. A compensatory decrease in systemic does not activate the release of humoral mediators [92].
vascular resistance occurs with secondary effective circu- Some authorities, therefore, advocate that only small-
lating hypovolaemia [67,68]. The renin–angiotensin– volume paracentesis (together with adequate diuretic
aldosterone system is thus activated and plasma norepi- and dietary therapy) should be performed [93]. This
nephrine levels increase, worsening renal function and should not induce significant haemodynamic derange-
favouring dilutional hyponatraemia [66,69]. Paracentesis- ments and does not require postprocedural albumin
induced circulatory dysfunction is not spontaneously infusions.
reversible and has been associated with poorer outcomes
[70], which makes its prevention important. Prevention of renal failure during spontaneous bacterial
Paracentesis-induced circulatory dysfunction can be pre- Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is the infection of
vented with volume expansion. Initial studies from the the ascitic fluid, possibly originating from the trans-
1980s, based on the experience accumulated in clinical location of intestinal bacteria [94]. Renal failure occurs
hepatology [71], favoured the use of albumin, which has in about one-third of patients with this condition [95],
been shown to be highly effective [63,69,72–74]. Several significantly worsening their prognosis. Circulating cyto-
concerns, however, exist over albumin infusions. First, kines and vasodilators seem to account for this form of
albumin is a human plasma derivative product and poten- renal failure, possibly with a pathogenesis involving
tial transmission of pathogens (mainly prions) remains a effective circulating volume hypovolaemia. In rando-
problem. As a protein, it can also induce allergic reactions mized controlled clinical trials, the infusion of albumin
[75]. Second, infusion of albumin has been shown to exert a has been found to reduce the incidence of renal failure
negative impact on its own biological cycle, potentially and improve survival [96,97]. Therefore, the most shared
promoting its own degradation [76] or downregulating its view is that, apart from antibiotic therapy, infusion of
synthesis [77]. Third, and more important, despite the 1.5 g/kg albumin on the day of diagnosis and 1 g/kg of
improvement in clinical and biochemical markers associ- albumin on the third subsequent day is beneficial for
ated with paracentesis-induced circulatory dysfunction, no patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis who
data support any significant benefit on the ultimate out- are developing or have developed renal failure. How-
come of survival [70,72]. Finally, the cost of the albumin ever, it has recently been proposed that only patients
solution is high. meeting strict biochemical criteria (serum creatinine
>1 mg/dl, blood urea nitrogen >30 mg/dl or total bili-
Therefore, studies have focused on possible alternative rubin >4 mg/dL) might benefit from the infusion of
volume expanders. However, neither artificial colloids albumin [65,98].

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156 Intensive care and resuscitation

Treatment of the hepatorenal syndrome their liver disease. Albumin infusions, in particular, have
The hepatorenal syndrome is a functional form of acute a definite role in preventing haemodynamic derange-
renal failure that can develop in advanced cirrhosis or ments associated with large-volume paracenteses (para-
fulminant hepatic failure [99]. It is thought to originate centesis-induced circulatory dysfunction) in preventing
from severe vasoconstriction [100] of renal arterioles in renal failure during spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and,
response to neurohumoral mediators activated by central together with splanchnic vasopressors, in caring for
effective circulating volume hypovolaemia coupled with patients with the hepatorenal syndrome.
the systemic circulatory dysfunction of cirrhosis [101].
The final consequence is reduced renal perfusion and
glomerular filtration rate [102]. It is interesting to note L.G. is currently the principal investigator of a study (ALBIOS study)
that no anatomic abnormality is detected, and that kid- aimed at determining the role of fluid therapy with albumin in septic
neys of affected patients transplanted into noncirrhotic patients.
individuals usually resume normal function [103], as do
There are no conflicts of interest.
those of affected patients after receiving liver trans-
plantation [104]. Prognosis in patients developing the
hepatorenal syndrome is particularly poor [2]. The References and recommended reading
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been highlighted as:
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