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5 5 5 S u n V a lle y D r iv e
S u ite N -4
R o s w e ll, G e o rg ia 3 0 0 7 6
Telephone (678) 762-1632
Facsimile (678) 695-6798
w w w . t lm a d d o x . n e t
t lm a d x @ c o m c a s t . n e t

Tommy Lee Maddox, PC

Of Counsel:
Lynwood A. Maddox
Lynwood A. Maddox Jr.

As previously discussed and agreed, Curtis Bratton, (hereinafter "Client") hereby employs the
law firm of Tommy Lee Maddox, (hereinafter "Attorney"), to act on my behalf pursuant to the terms
of this agreement.
I agree the Attorney will be representing me in the following matter(s): Divorce and Child
Custody matter in Fulton County, Georgia.

The services the Attorney are to period include all those actions which in my judgment is
necessary to adequately represent me. Such actions may include without limitation: preparation and
filing of pleadings; conduct of discovery; interviewing of witnesses; review of documentary and
financial information; preparation for and participation in evidentiary proceedings; legal research and
writing; conferences with me and opposing counsel as well as others; preparation of correspondence;
negotiations and drafting settlement agreements; and appellate work if necessary.
In consideration of the legal services rendered and to be rendered on my behalf, we hereby agree
to pay immediately a non-refundable retainer of $5,000.00 and an additional sum of $260.00 as a
nonrefundable deposit against costs and expenses. These fees are minimum fees and not the total fee
in this case. I further understand and expect that the time charges will probably cause the total costs
of services to exceed these initial fees. These initial fees shall not be placed in escrow, but shall be
deposited immediately 'in the Attorneys operating account as sums belonging solely to the Attorney.
I understand I may periodically be required to pay an additional retainer fee in such amounts
as you deem necessary to perform services required in your representation. I agree to pay any such
deposits promptly and understand failure to make such payments timely authorizes you to withdraw as
counsel in any legal proceeding and to terminate your representation.
I will be charged and agree to pay $300.00 per hour for the time of the Attorney for
consultation, preparation, phone calls, research, negotiation, travel, in-office work, non-jury court time,
jury trial work or appellate work. I understand that the hourly rate that I have agreed to pay may be
increased by the Attorney no more often than annually and that any increase may never exceed the rate
that the Attorney have set at that time for all new clients.
I understand the Attorney may incur certain out-of-pocket expenses, including but not limited
to: filing fees; deposition costs; court reporter charges; transcript costs; long distance phone charges;
witness fees; service of process for subpoena charges; photocopying expenses (at $0.10 per copy for
office copies); facsimile transmittals (at $0.25 per page for office transmittals) expert witness fees;
private investigator fees; text/e-mail messages [$10.00 - $15.00 per], appraiser's fees; accountants fees;
physician's fees; psychologist's fees; psychiatrist's fees; travel expenses and other related expenses.
I agree to pay directly such expenses in handling the matter(s) referred to in this contract and
understand that you will prior to securing those services, confirm my authority. I understand that the
Attorney are not required to advance these sums or otherwise finance the litigation. In the event the
client fails to pay any such require item and the Attorney do advance these sums, such sums shall
accrue interest at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½%) percent per month until paid.
I understand the Attorney cannot estimate my total bill at this time. I understand I are fully
responsible for all fees and charges incurred on my behalf, and the Attorney shall have an attorney's lien
on whatever property is awarded to us or retained by us until my final bill is paid. In the event I fail
or refuse to pay the amounts due and owing, and fail to make satisfactory payment arrangements with
you within 30 days of the receipt of my bill for services or expenses, I consent to the withdrawal of the
Attorney as counsel of record upon notices provided to me in the form required in the Uniform Superior
Court Rules, Rule 4.3. In the further event is it necessary to pursue legal means to obtain payment for
the Attorney' services, I agree to pay the amounts owed, interest, reasonable attorney's fees and costs
of collection.
I understand and agree that in the event I do not pay in full any bill from the Attorney so that
my payment is received by the Attorney within thirty (30) days of the date of the bill that I will be
charged interest on the unpaid balance at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½%) percent per month until
said bill is paid in full together with all such accrued interest.
I understand that a court may, in some circumstances, order any opposing party to pay all or a
portion of my fees and expenses. I agree I will not be given credit on my bill for any such payment
unless and until such payment is actually received by the Attorney. I further understand and agree the
pursuit of fees or charges against my opposing party is an additional service on my behalf and I will be
billed accordingly as previously set out in this agreement. It is my understanding I am responsible for
the payment of any deficiency in the total of the fees and expenses and the amount of the award.
However, if the award exceeds the total of fees, expenses, and the retainer of the amounts previously
paid to the Attorney, I shall be entitled to retain or receive a refund of the excess.
I acknowledge the reasonable value of the Attorney's services is dependent upon the time spent
on this matter; the results accomplished; the amount involved in controversy the novelty and difficulty
of the matter; the skill required to perform the legal services properly; the time limitations imposed by
me and/or special circumstances; the experience, reputation and ability of the lawyer or lawyers
performing the services for my spouse or any other adverse party. I agree to pay any additional fee over
and above the hourly rate ultimately agreed upon between the Attorney and I. If I cannot agree, I will
not be responsible for any additional fee above the hourly rate, the documentation fee and the costs and
expenses incurred by the Attorney.
I agree to cooperate with the Attorney fully and completely during the handling of my matter(s);
answer discovery requests promptly and correctly, pay my fees and costs when billed, and provide
current addresses and telephone numbers at all times. I understand the Attorney will keep us informed
of the progress of my case and will provide us with copies of all pleadings filed in court and
correspondence relative to my matter(s) upon request.
I acknowledge the Attorney has made no guarantee of the outcome of any phase of the matter
for which the Attorney has been retained and all expressions relative thereto are their opinions only.
I further understand those opinions are based upon an initial consultation, only, and may change
considerably at any point in the representation as additional facts and evidence are revealed. I further
understand there is no guaranteed or assured minimum or maximum result which will occur inasmuch
as every case has its own peculiarities and nuances.
While we hope that privacy concerns will not become an issue in your case, we recommend that
you take the following steps to ensure we are working together to protect your interests as your case
moves forward:
• Do not discuss your case with anyone but your attorney.
• Do not write about or otherwise discuss your case with anyone other than your attorney.
• Be aware that anything you post online may be accessed and used to undermine your case.
This includes postings on Facebook, My Space, Twitter and other social media, as well as comments
posted in online forums, or comments on photographs.
• Don't post until your claim or lawsuit is resolved.
• At a minimum, and in the event you do not wish to remove your social media network site(s),
we would recommend that you take all necessary measures to heighten your privacy settings to prevent
unintended viewers from being able to access your private information, from posting inappropriate
messages and/or private data, such as photographs, you do not wish to be viewed by others.
• Above all else, we work for you. You don't have to guess, when in doubt, consult your
I understand that my lawyer will retain the contents of my file for a period of five years after
which it shall be destroyed. Any portion of the file that I wish to retain shall be obtained by me at
the conclusion of my case.
I have read and understand this entire agreement prior to signing and further consent this
document will serve as your full authorization to act on my behalf.
AGREED to this the ________ October
day of ___________, 21

Accepted to by: Curtis Bratton, Client
Tommy Lee Maddox

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