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Aigbepue Osilama Paul, Roland Uhunmwangho, Big-Alabo Ameze, Wofuru Innocent

Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Choba, P.M.B 5323,
Rivers State. Nigeria.
Email Addresses:,
Abstract - Fuel cell technology is among the most promising choices for distributed generation
system either as standalone, isolated or grid connected mode. It can also be utilized both in single
and hybrid systems for power generation. In this paper, a Standalone Solid Oxide fuel cell (SOFC)
power plant is developed using MATLAB/Simulink algorithm for Bodo city Strengthening
Transparency and Accountability in Niger Delta (STAND) computer center to generate electricity
to a load demand of 6 kW 220Vac at 50 Hz. The Solid Oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack is modeled
based on the mathematical equations and executed using the Simulink power system blocks. The
SOFC low output DC voltage is stepped-up using a boost DC-DC converter then fed to a pulse
width modulation (PWM) based inverter (DC-AC converter). Simulation results shows that the
Solid Oxide fuel cell (SOFC) power plant is capable of delivering the maximum output power with
voltage and current within tolerable range.

Keywords – Fuel Cell, Renewable, Standalone, Solid Oxide, Power plant, Converter, Power


Fuel cells are fast becoming the next power chemical energy straight into electrical
home yet to come. The interest in fuel cell energy by means of an electro-chemical
systems as a substitute to a central power process called electrolysis. As different to a
plant has been growing during the past usual storing cell, it can function as long as
decades owing to their non-pollutant nature, there’s a continuous supply of fuel to it
great efficiency, high reliability and safety, (Devender, S, Sushil, K, Shiba, A., 2015).
flexible configuration, environmentally Amid the different fuel cell types briefly
friendly and use-able by product. For a long deliberated upon, Proton Exchange
time, fuel cells are under thorough research Membrane Fuel cell (PEMFC) with Solid
as future sources of electric power generation oxide fuel cell (SOFC) are widely used and
based on their characteristics. The fuel cells commercialized (Prema. N. K, Nirmala. K.
are systems or devices which converts K, and Rosalina. K. M., 2014). Also, a
handful of research is ongoing in the design, and electrical operation, is essential with
process and operation of the Proton regards to distributed generation know-how
Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC), application of this Solid oxide fuel cell
best suitable for mobile and residential uses. (SOFC) (Hosseinzadeh et al., 2016).
Due to their low efficiency and reliance on
clean hydrogen as fuel, they have not been
used widely in stationary power purposes
(Huang. X, Zhang. Z, and Jiang. J., 2016).
Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), which operate
at great temperatures, however, remain
suitable for Distributed Generation
applications, where power can also be
produced at the load location itself.

Fig 2. Fuel Cell Power Plant (Prabha

R, A., 2014).

The fundamental features of a fuel cell as

shown in figure 2 above, are composed of six
basic subsystems: a fuel processor, fuel cell
Fig 1. Diagram of a Fuel cell system stack, an air, water, thermal management,
(Huang. X, Zhang. Z, and Jiang. J.,2016). and Power Conditioning System (PCS) (Tae-
In view of the known point that Fuel cells Won., et al.,2014). Much effort has been put in
generate DC power, they are essentially tied to make it an inevitable choice for power
to the AC power distribution system via generation. They are commercially available
DC/AC inverters which can control the more than ever, and have the tendencies to
tracking of actual and reactive power set fulfilling global power needs while meeting
points and to regulate the power factor (Miao, the environmental expectations.
Z, et al, 2013). An appropriate dynamic
Design of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
prototype of fuel cells bearing in mind the
electro-chemical thermodynamic practice
Fuel are conveyed through this cells by RT pH2 .pO2
Vfc = No (Eo + In( )) − rIfo
2F pH2 O
regulating the valves. Been the central unit or
heart of the system is made up of the anode,
cathode, electrolyte, cell stacks, H2 and O2
Vfc - is the operating dc voltages (V);
gases, cooling system to maintain
No - is the number of cells;
temperature, water management to maintain
Eo - is standard cell reversible potential (V);
the humidity in the cell system and cell
R - is the universal gas constant (J/mol K);
resistance is left constant at any condition of
T - is the stack temperature (K);
operation (Khan. M. J, Iqba. M. T., 2015).
Ifo - is the fuel cell stack current (A);
They utilize hydrogen as fuel and oxygen
r - is the internal resistance of stack (S);
(usually from air) as the oxidant in the
F - is the Faraday's constant (C/mol);
electrochemical reaction. This reactions that
The main equation describing the slow
takes place are given in equations 1, 2 and 3
dynamics of the SOFC is given where pH2,
𝑝𝐻2 𝑂, and pO2 are determined by the
In the anode:
following differential equations:
H2 + O2 → H2 O + 2e− dIfc 1
= t (Ifc + Iref )
(1) dt e

In the cathode: (5)

1 dqIn 1 2𝐾𝑟
O + 2e → O2− H2
= t (qIn
H2 + Ifc )
2 2 dt f 𝑈opt
(2) (6)
Overall reaction is given as;
dpH2 1 1
1 = tH (pH2 + (qIn
H2 − 2Kr Ifc ))
H2 + 2 O2 → H2 O dt 2 KH2

(3) (7)

The stoichiometric ratio of hydrogen to dpO2

(pO2 +
qIn −
dt tO2 KO2 𝑟H2 O O2
oxygen is 2:1.
Nernst equation defines the average voltage 2𝐾𝑟 Ifc ))
degree of the fuel cell stack (Huang. X,
dpH2 O 1 2
Zhang. Z, and Jiang. J.,2016) The output fuel = tH (pH2 O + (𝐾𝑟 Ifc ))
dt 2O 𝐾H2 O
cell dc voltage (Vfc) across the stack of the
fuel cell at current (I) is given as:
𝑞H𝐼𝑛2 and 𝑞O𝐼𝑛2 are the molar flow of Hydrogen fuel and oxidant, also Pfuel and Pair are
𝑁𝑜 supply pressure of hydrogen and oxygen.
and Oxygen and Kr = is Constant (kmol/s
The rate of conversion of hydrogen and
oxygen are determined as follows:
n r H2 60,000𝑅𝑇𝑁𝑖𝑓𝑐
qH2 is the fuel flow in (mol/s) UfH2 = = 2𝐹P (12)
nIn H 2 fuel 𝑉𝑙𝑝𝑚𝑓 𝓍%

qO2 is the oxygen flow in (mol/s)

n r O2 60,000𝑅𝑇𝑁𝑖𝑓𝑐
kH2 is the valve molar constant for hydrogen UfO2 = = 4𝐹P (13)
nIn O2 air 𝑉𝑙𝑝𝑚𝑎 y%

(kmol/s atm) where 𝑉𝑙𝑝𝑚𝑓 and 𝑉𝑙𝑝𝑚𝑎 are flow rates of

kO2 is the valve molar constant for oxygen hydrogen and air in (L/min), 60,000 is a
(kmol/s atm) constant that comes from the conversion in
kH2O – is the valve molar constant for water the (litre/min) flow rate model (m3/s) given
(kmol/s atm) as (1litre/min = 1∕60,000m3/s).
τH2, τH2O, τO2 is the response time for
hydrogen, water and oxygen (s) Design of the Fuel Cell Block
τe – Electrical response time (s)
τf – Fuel response time (s) The designing of the fuel cell plant is

Iref - Reference current (A) achieved based on the mathematical

Pref – Reference power (kW) equations derived from [9]. This comprises of

Uopt – optimum fuel utilization a steady and dynamic state features.

Kr – constant (kmol/s A) Steady State Model

The partial pressures of the gas can be According to (Lee. C. H, and Yang. J. T,
calculated as: 2015), this model consists of a reversible
pH2 = (1 − UfH2 ) 𝓍% Pfuel potential (Enernst), activation voltage loss

(10) (Vact), ohmic voltage loss (Vohm), and

concentration voltage loss (Vconc). The Nernst
pO2 = (1 − UfO2 ) y% Pair
potential equation is expressed in equation
where UfH2 and UfO2 are the hydrogen and
Vcell = Enernst − Vloss
oxygen conversion rate, 𝓍% and y% are the
percentage of hydrogen and oxygen in the
Enernst = 1.229 + 0.85 × 10−3 (T – 298.15) + Vconc =
In (Cb )
nf ∝
4.31 × 10−5 × T× [In (pH2 +
1⁄ 𝐼𝑛 (pO ))]
2 2 where 𝐶𝑏 is the concentration at the three
(15) phase boundary (tpb) of gas, electrolyte and
electrode meeting, 𝐶∝ is the bulk
Vloss = (Vact – Vohmic − Vconc ) concentration reactant.
(16) The ohmic voltage loss is generated by
charge in cell temperature described by
Vcell = Enernst – (Vact – Vohmic − Vconc ) (Abraham. G, Debangsu. B, and
(17) Reghunathan. R.,2012) in equation (20).
1 1
Vohmic = (γ exp [β (T − T)]) Ifc = rIfc
where pH2 and pO2 denotes partial pressures
of hydrogen and oxygen in (atm), T is the
where T is the fuel cell temperature (To = 323
temperature stated in Kelvin.
K), γ = 0.2 ohms and β = -2870 K are
The Nernst reversible voltage is an open
constant coefficients of the fuel cell and r is
circuit voltage (OCV) of the SOFC when the
the internal resistance of the SOFC.
current density (Ifc ) is zero.
Dynamic State Design
The activation voltage loss is given by the
The dynamic state characteristic design on
Butler-Volmer expression according to
the operation of a fuel cell is hinged to the
(Chen. H. C, Tzeng. S Y, and Chen. P.
double layer charging effect. Thus, this
H.,2010) in equation (18).
(∝1n F) −∝2n F
relationship is expressed in the following
Ifc = Io (e Vact − e ( ) Vact )
RT RT equation (Xiao. Y, and Agbossou., 2015).
(18) 𝑑𝑉𝑑 1 𝑉𝑑
=𝐶 −𝑅
𝑑𝑡 𝑑1 𝑎 ×𝐶𝑑𝑐
where Io is the exchange current, ∝is the coefficient of
charge transfer n = 2 is the number of moles
where Cd1 is the double layer charge with Vd
of electrons transferred.
and Ra expressed in equation (22-a) and (22-
More so, the concentration voltage loss can
be calculated from (Abraham. G, Debangsu.
Vd = Vact + Vconc (22-
B, and Reghunathan. R., 2012) in equation
where Ra is
𝑉𝑎𝑐𝑡 +𝑉𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐
Ra = ( ) (22-
Design of Power Conditioning Units
b) The Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) is
Based on the load requirement of the connected to the Power Conditioning Units
computer center, the design specifications for (PCU) due to its main function of adjusting
the fuel cell is given in Table 1. power factor and stabilizing unregulated DC
voltages (Krykunov. O.,2017). This provides
Table 1. Fuel cell design specifications
the connection between the fuel cell output
(Himadry, S, al.,2013)
voltage and the load which thus regulates and
Descriptions Values Units converts the DC power to a usable AC
“load/grid” power electric current.
Rated Power 6000 W
DC – DC Converter Design

Voltage at Max. 100-200 V The DC-DC boost converter is a

power unidirectional converter which converts the
low output voltage of a system into a high
No of Cells 170 -
voltage DC. Using the Faraday’s law for the

Unit cell output 1.18 V boost inductor, (Senthil K.A., et al., 2015)

voltage shows the following equation.

Vs.αT = (Vo − Vs )(1 − α)
Current (I) 0 – 100A A

Operating 323.5 K where Vs is the voltage source (input

Temperature voltage), Vo is the output voltage, α is the
duty ratio and T is the time in (s).
Pressure at Anode 2.3816 Atm
The direct current transfer function is the
ratio of the output voltage to the input voltage
Pressure at 2.3816 Atm as shown in equation (24).
V 1
Cathode(Pc) Bv = ( Vo ) = (1−α)

Thickness, L 178e-4 Cm (24)

Since output is greater than input voltage, it
Fuel Cell area 232 cm2 operates in continuous condition mode for
L> Lb as shown in equation (25).
𝑜𝑉 𝐷
2 𝑅 L = 𝑓 (∆𝐼)
Lb = ((1 − 𝛼) 𝐷 (2𝑓 )) 𝑠
Output resistance (R out ) is shown in equation
where Lb is boundary value for inductor
(Henry), fs is the switching frequency, D is
R out = I
the duty cycle, R is the load resistance output

(ohms), and L is the circuit inductor. (29)

(1−𝛼)2 𝑅 Capacitor (C) value is expressed as:
Therefore, D = ≥ 5%
𝑓𝑠 𝐿
∆Vin DTs
= (30)
(26) Vout Rout C

Design of the Boost Converter D 1

C= × ∆Voutput (31)
Rout fs ⁄V
In this work, equations 3.31 is employed for output

the design of the boost converter using an

The specification parameters of the DC/DC
inductor, a capacitor and other components.
boost converter is shown in Table 2.
Calculation of Duty cycle (D):
Table 2. DC – DC Boost Converter
Voutput 1
Duty Cycle (D) = = (1−α) Parameters (Himadry, S, D., et al .,2013).

(27) Descriptions Values Units

According to (Aminu, 2015), using smaller
Input Voltage 100-200 V
values for current ripple factor (CRF) and
voltage ripple factor (VRF) less than 30% Rated output 250 V
will generate less ripples at the boost Voltage
converter output current and voltage. Hence
Rated power 6000 W
no need to include a filter to the converter
circuit design and the output voltage can be Switching 25 kHz
connected to the inverter without filtering. Frequency
CRF is selected as 15% ( I 1) and VRF is Inductor (L) 1e-3 mH

selected as 5% ( Vo ) with switching
i Capacitor (C) 2e4 µf
frequency (fs ) as 25 kHz.
Equivalent Load 100 Ω
Inductor value calculation is given by:
Duty Cycle (D) 1.25 - Fig 3. DC-AC Three Phase Inverter
Integral gain (Ki) 0.1 -
Design of the Inverter
Proportional gain 1 kHz A three-phase pulse width modulation
(Kp) (PWM) with modulating index set as 0.8 is
applied. The main components of the inverter
system are the input capacitor, IGBT/diodes
for switching frequency and the output filter.
The inverter circuit parameters are given in
DC – AC Converter Model
the Table 3.
The DC/AC converter produces an AC
Table 3. DC – AC Converter Parameters
output from the DC voltage by converting the
(Himadry, S, D. et al.,2013)
DC voltage into a Vrms sinusoidal AC
voltage. The average value inverter model is Descriptions Value Units
a voltage source (VS) type with an AC
Rated input voltage 400 V
voltage/current reference signal (Erickson. R,
W, and Maksimovic. D., 2014). This Rated output 220Vrm Vac
generates a three phase current and voltage at voltage s
the inverter output. When saturated, it
Rated Power 6000 W
operates in square wave mode and the current
source (IS) are replaced with the voltage Career frequency, fs 1.950 kHz
sources (VS). A model description is shown
DC link 12e3 µf
in figure 3.

Integral gain (Ki) 1.15 -

Filter inductance, 2 mH

Filter 100 μF
Proportional gain 0.15 - the main command signal for the inverter
(Kp) PWM.

Overall SOFC System Connected

The proportional integral (PI) and frequency
The system entails a solid oxide fuel cell
controller is designed for the inverter system.
SOFC plant connected to a three-phase 6 kW
Where the actual load voltage rated in per
load over an integrated bipolar transistor
unit signal is converted to root mean square
inverter. The inverter makes use of hysteresis
(rms) value and then compared with
in switching and regulating the active power
reference voltage (Trigg. M, and Nayar,
by manipulation of direct current however
2016). The resultant error signal is now fed to
stationing the reactive power at 0VAr. The
the PI controller which provides the duty
voltage and current signals from the fuel cell
ratio in the range of 0V to 0.85V and it is then
are measured by the voltage and current
multiplied with a sinusoidal reference signal
measurement block. The overall system
of fundamental frequency of 50 Hz to provide
connected to the load block is shown below
in fig. 4.

Fig 4. Overall SOFC system Connected to the Load Block

The measured signal from the fuel cell is fed block. The inverted signal passes through an
to the integrated bipolar transistor (IGBT) LC filter in order to remove any trace of DC
inverter and stepped down by a transformer signal, ripples or distortions and then fed into
from inverter voltage of 250/220Vac. The the 6 kW load block. A simplified model of
voltage and current from the transformer are the system is depicted below to reduce
measured by a Three-Phase V-I measurement complexity.

Fig 5. Simplified Overall SOFC system Connected to the Load Block

Given the above simulation block diagram, and sampling time of 5.144e-6 sec. The result
the simplified system is presented which shows that the percentage utilization of
shows the fuel cell power plant interfaced to oxygen and hydrogen by the fuel cell is in the
the power conditioners via a filter circuit to ratio (59.3% : 99.56%). The stack
the load block. It can be noticed that the load consumption (Air and Fuel) is in the ratio
changes in the power system can be (248 : 69.48). The stack efficiency is 54.93%.
effectively controlled by controlling the This evaluations demonstrates that the fuel
internal parameters of the fuel cell. cell system runs efficiently and proficiently.
DC-DC Converter Characteristics
Results and Discussion
Figure 6: shows the DC-DC boost converter
In this work, the discrete time simulation was
system of a DC output voltage. The output
carried out at a simulation time of 1 second
voltage starts from zero point after been fed
with a voltage ranging from 100-200V at start
uptime of 0.1sec and gradually rises to a
stable voltage of about 250V at same
simulation time. It was observed that the DC-
DC boost converter was used to enhance the
voltage level from the fuel cell power plant.

Fig 7. DC-AC Output Voltage


Figure 8. shows the AC voltage measurement

plot of the inverter system. This validates the
inverter output voltage waveform which is in
square wave form, before been passed
Fig 6. DC-DC Boost Output Voltage through the filter circuit block connection.

DC-AC Converter Characteristics

The DC-AC inverter uses the pulse width

modulation (PWM) signals from the duty
ratio already set up to convert the DC into an
AC power (Vac). During this conversion,
both the voltage and frequency of the fuel cell
system was regulated. Figure 7 and 8 shows
Fig 8. Output Current Measurement
the plot of the inverter system AC voltage and
current signals. Note that a three phase From figure 4.6, the inverter output current is
inverter system was used because most of the plotted. Although the waveform shows less
loads are in three phases and for the purpose distortion but sinusoidal in nature.
of grid connection too. Connecting the filter will make it a pure sine
wave to be fed to the AC load block.
Overall System Connected to Electrical Figure 4.8 and 4.9 shows the output pure
Load sinusoidal wave Vab and load current for the
demanded load. It clearly shows that it is
Connecting to the load, the SOFC power
within acceptable limit of the generated
plant was interfaced through the power
power from the fuel cell power plant to
conditioning units. The LC filter circuit block
conveniently handle the load.
in parallel with the power conditioners, to
filter off ripples and distortions. The Conclusion and Recommendations
generated power must be the same with the Studies have been undertaken with the Solid
load demand. Oxide fuel cell (SOFC) power plant which

was able to generate 6 kW of power with the

electrical and physical parameters been
discovered to be within the desired limits.
The Solid Oxide fuel cell coupled with
suitable power conditioning devices and
controllers, have also demonstrated
outstanding potential for standalone
Fig 9. Output AC Pure Sinusoidal wave generation.
Vac_load Furthermore, with the presence of this power
electronic devices, the fuel cell slow dynamic
issue was taken care of. To handle this
situation, various alternative energy sources
and storage devices can be joined. It will not
only increase the reliability of the system
applicability, but also improve the
performance of the integrated system as the
energy is clean and environmental friendly.
Fig 10. Load Current AC Output Acknowledgements
signals The authors would like to appreciate the
Head of Department and other lecturers of the
Department of Electrical/Electronic
Engineering for their impact. Lastly, thanks International Journal for Research in
Applied Science and Engineering
to colleagues who have directly or indirectly
Technology (IJRASET), Vol 3, June
contributed to the completion of this work. 2015, ISSN 2321-9653, pp 675-681

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