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Killzone Tactic Summaries

Deathworld Tactics
Name Cost Phase Effect Specialist?

At start of phase and to end of phase, Eldritch Ruins and open ground w/in 1” of
Deadly Vines 0 Movement No
this terrain is dangerous terrain; this does not trigger abilities that gain CPs

At start of phase and to end of phase, Barbed Venomgorse and open ground w/in
Malevolent Flora 0 Movement 1” of this terrain is dangerous terrain & models w/in 1” cannot be Readied; this No
does not trigger abilities that gain CPs

At start of phase and to end of phase, all open ground is difficult terrain; this does
Tangled Undergrowth 0 Movement No
not trigger abilities that gain CPs

At start of phase and to end of phase, Shardwrack Spines and open ground w/in
Vicious Spines 0 Movement No
1” of this terrain are dangerous terrain; this does not trigger abilities that gain CPs

At start of phase, friendly models do not take dangerous terrain tests if they begin
Follow My Lead 1 Movement Scout 1
phase w/in 3” of chosen friendly Scout and end move w/in 3” of it

At start of phase and to end of phase, add 1 to Psychic and Deny the Witch tests
Tap the Ruins 1 Psychic No
for friendly models w/in 1” of an Eldritch Ruin

When chosen friendly model shoots, instead of using its weapons, chose terrain
Anti-Plant Grenade 2 Shooting No
(<10” to a dimension) w/in 6” of it and roll D6; on a 4+ remove that terrain

At start of phase and to end of phase, the penalty to hit rolls for intervening terrain
Living Barrier 0 Fight No
is -2 instead of -1; this does not trigger abilities that gain CPs

When chosen friendly Combat 2+ specialist fights an enemy w/in 1” of any terrain,
Grisly End 2 Fight Combat 2
any wound rolls of 6+ on this enemy also inflicts 1 mortal wound, to end of phase

When chosen friendly Combat specialist fights, re-roll its failed wound rolls to end
Poison Blades 2 Fight Combat 1
of phase

At end of game, if friendly Scout 2+ is on battlefield and not out of action, spend
Expert Forager 1+ End of Game Scout 2
1+ CPs and roll 1D6 per point; on a result of 1 or more 6’s, gain 1 Material

When chosen friendly Veteran specialist suffers a mortal wound due to dangerous
Close Call 1 Variable Vet 1
terrain test, roll D6; ignore this wound on result of 2+
Killzone Tactic Summaries

Ministorum Shrine / Truehawk Tactics

Name Cost Phase Effect Specialist?

When friendly, non-shaken model is target of a declared charge, if charge is

Point Blank Overwatch 1 Movement successful, Overwatch is made at any point during charge movement; if charge fails, No
no Overwatch may be made

When friendly, non-shaken Infantry ends normal (not Advance or Fall Back) move w/
Remote Access 1 Movement in 1” of a Control Panel and there are no enemies w/in 1” of this terrain, open or No
close a door on the board (D3 doors if friendly model is a Comms specialist)

Killzone-Specifc Rules: Ultra-Close Confines

crossing a wall, then target is not 4. Where an enemy is within 1”, then
opening or closing a door may be
1. Distances cannot be measured contested by opposing player. Roll
through walls, rather around them off and the winner decides whether
via the shortest path.
door is open or closed.

2. Models cannot move through walls, 1. All doors are closed at start of a 5. Open doors are slid over an
even those with Fly.
adjacent wall.

3. Models can also trace LOS if one 2. Closed doors act as walls.
6. The revealed area is considered
can draw a 1mm wide line from the open ground.

closest part of one model’s base to 3. Non-shaken, non-readied Infantry

any part of the target model’s base, models who did not Advance or 7. If a door would close on a model(s),
without this line crossing a wall.
Fall Back can automatically open or the door does not close; roll a D6
close doors if it starts Movement for each model in doorway, on a 1
4. Models cannot attack through walls
within 1” of the door and does not the model suffers a mortal wound.

move, or if it ends a normal move
5. For determining obscurement, if within 1” of the door and no
one can draw a line from the enemies are within 1” of the same
closest part of one model’s base to door.

all parts of target’s base without

Killzone Tactic Summaries

Sector Fronteris Tactics

Name Cost Phase Effect Specialist?

Start of At start of round with Solar Storm and to end of round, if non-shaken, friendly Medic is w/in 3”
Rad-Salve 1 Medic 1
Round targeted friendly models, opponents do not add 1 to wound rolls due to Solar Storm

Claim Bounty 1 Variable Once per mission, when friendly model takes an enemy specialist out of action, it gains 1 exp. No

At start of phase, chosen non-shaken enemy standing entirely on Desert is taken out of action if
Pit Trap 2 Movement No
it does not move at least 1”.

At start of phase, a non-shaken, friendly Sniper adds 1 to hit rolls for attacks that target enemies
Counterfire 1 Shooting Sniper 1
that already made a shooting attack.

Detonation When a friendly model shoots, if target is w/in 1” of a Buried Barrel, wound rolls of 6 also cause
1 Shooting No
Underfoot a mortal wound.

When a friendly model shoots and it is w/in 1” of a Promethium Canister on a Ryza Ruin Roof,
Prometium Bomb 1 Shooting No
it can instead attack with a Canister “grenade” [Rng 8”, Grenade D6, S4, AP -1, Dmg 1]

At start of phase, chosen non-shaken, friendly model w/in 1” of terrain adds 1 to saving throws to
Sturdy Cover 1 Shooting No
end of phase; this tactic can be used multiple times, but only once on any given friendly model.

Solar Glare 2 Shooting At start of phase only during 1st Round, to end of phase subtract 1 from all hit rolls. No

Trigger Exhaust At start of phase if any non-shaken, friendly models are w/in 1” of a Ryza Ruin Vent, all models
2 Shooting No
Vent w/in 3” of this Vent count as obscured (even if completely visible to shooter).

Rallying Before taking Nerve tests and non-shaken Comms is w/in 1” of any terrain, -1 to Nerve tests for
1 Morale Comms 1
Broadcast all friendly models to end of phase

End of
Discover Cache 1 Roll a D6 if a friendly, non-shaken Scout is w/in 1” of terrain; on 4+ it gains 1 exp. Scout 1

Automated End of
2 Before rolling to determine battle’s end, add 1 to roll; useable once per round per player No
Alarms Round 4/5
Killzone Tactic Summaries

Sector Mechanicum Tactics

Name Cost Phase Effect Specialist?

At start of round and to end of round, if non-shaken, friendly model is w/in 1” of Alchomite
Start of
Taint the Air 2 Stack and more than 1” from all enemies, all players add 1 to Injury rolls for models within 6” of No
of this terrain

Improvised After activating friendly model this phase that is standing on gantry of Ferronic Incinerator while
1 Movement No
Harness more than 1” from all enemies, it does not take Falling tests to end of round unless it moves

At end of phase and if non-shaken, friendly model is w/in 1” of Alchomite Stack & more than 1”
Lethal Fumes 1 Movement from all enemies, draw a line from this terrain to a random corner & roll a D6 for each model w/in No
2” of this line and 12” of this terrain; on 4+ suffer 1 MW

Patch At start of phase and if a non-shaken, friendly Comms 2+ is w/in 1” of any terrain, gain D3
1 Movement Comms 2
Communications command points; useable once per battle

At end of phase and if non-shaken, friendly model is w/in 1” of Ferronic Incinerator’s door &
No Smoke
2 Movement more than 1” from all enemies, in next Shooting all targeted models w/in 1 of this terrain are No
Without Fire

When activating friendly model w/in 1” of Plasma Conduit to shoot a weapon that “Gets Hot,” to
Energy Sink 1 Shooting No
end of phase unmodified hit rolls of 1 do not injure it

When activating friendly model whose target is w/in 1” of Plasma Conduit, any wound rolls of 6+
Hit the Conduit 1 Shooting No
also cause 1 mortal wound (“MW”)

Improvised When activating friendly model w/in 1” of any terrain to shoot a Grenade, to end of phase double
1 Shooting Demo 1
Grenade number of attacks made by this weapon

When activating friendly model w/in 1” of Plasma Conduit to shoot a weapon that “Gets Hot,” to
Tap Conduits 1 Shooting No
end of phase add 1 to Damage value of this weapon

When activating friendly Combat that is standing on gantry of Ferronic Incinerator, targets w/in
Brutal Shove 1 Fight Combat 1
1” of edge fail Falling tests caused by its attacks on results of 1-3

Rousing Before taking Nerve tests and non-shaken Comms is w/in 1” of any terrain, -1 to Nerve tests for
1 Morale Comms 1
Broadcast all friendly models to end of phase

Rig for End of At end of round, if non-shaken, friendly Demo 2+ is w/in 1” of any terrain up to 10” in size, mark
2 Demo 2
Detonation Round it with token; at end of next round, all models w/in 1” suffer 1 MW on 4+
Killzone Tactic Summaries

Sector Munitorum Tactics

Name Cost Phase Effect Specialist?

At start of phase, if friendly model is w/in 1” of Galvanic Servohauler, after activating

Pilot Servohauler 1 Movement No
model move this terrain up to 6”; terrain cannot Advance, Charge, move vertically

When activating friendly model w/in 1” of Munitorum Crates, to end of phase add 1 to
Ammo Supply 1 Shooting No
weapon’s Attacks

Commandeer When activating friendly model w/in 1” of Munitorum Armored Container’s storm bolter, it
1 Shooting No
Weapon shoots storm bolter (24”, Rapid Fire 2, S4, D1) instead; once per bolter per phase

When activating friendly Demo w/in weapon range of Galvanic Servohauler Crane, instead
Galvanic Detonation 1 Shooting Demo 1
of shooting, roll a D6 for each model w/in 1” of this terrain; they suffer 1 MW on result of 6

When activating friendly model whose target is w/in 1” of Munitorum Crates or Barrels,
Hazardous Goods 1 Shooting No
any wound rolls of 6+ also cause 1 mortal wound (“MW”)

Ricochet 1 Shooting When activating friendly Heavy 2+, to end of phase its attacks ignore Obscure penalties Heavy 2

Plentiful Ammo 2 Shooting When activating friendly Heavy w/in 1” of any terrain, to end of phase reroll its failed hit rolls Heavy 1

When activating friendly model w/in 1” of Galvanic Servohauler, it makes 1 attack (S8, AP
Servo-Arm Attack 1 Fight No
-2, D d3) targeting enemy w/in 1” of terrain instead; once per Servohauler per phase

At start of phase, roll D6 for each friendly model with 1+ flesh wound(s) w/in 3” of non-
Fresh Supplies 1 Morale Medic 1
shaken, friendly Medic; on 5+ that model removes 1 flesh wound

At start of phase if non-shaken friendly model w/in 1” of Galvanic Servohauler & not w/in
Pin Down 2 Morale 1” of non-shaken enemy, chosen shaken enemy w/in 1” of this terrain passes Nerve tests No
only on an unmodified 1; once per Servohauler per phase

At start of phase, chosen non-shaken friendly Comms 2+ not w/in 1” of enemy model,
Remote Control 1 to end of phase it is considered to be w/in 1” of any Galvanic Servohauler for Comms 2
purposes of Pilot Servohauler, Servo-Arm Attack and Pin Down

End of Final At end of a campaign battle, friendly models with 1+ flesh wound(s) will only go out of
Sheltered Triage 3 Medic 2
Round action on a roll of 5+, instead of 4+, and will otherwise recover
Killzone Tactic Summaries

Wall of Martyr Tactics

Name Cost Phase Effect Specialist?

When friendly model on Imperial Defense Emplacement fires Overwatch, re-roll failed
Firing Step 1 Movement No
hit rolls to end of phase

Minesweeper 1 Movement At start of phase, chosen non-shaken Scout reveals all booby-trapped terrain w/in 6” Scout 1

At start of phase, chose an unoccupied or friendly-occupied Imperial Bunker and

friendly model w/in 3” of this terrain, it occupies this terrain and all LOS is measured to &
Take the Bunker 1 Movement No
from Bunker’s vision slits; it is always Obscured, cannot move, be charged, fight or
targeted in Fight phase; All occupants are w/in 1” of each other; useable 1+ / phase

At end of phase, chose friendly-occupied Imperial Bunker, place one occupant w/in 3”
Vacate the Bunker 1 Movement No
of this terrain & not w/in 1” of enemy; it moved but can act normally; useable 1+ / phase
When activating friendly model to shoot a Grenade, to end of phase each hit targeting an
Fire in the Hole 1 Shooting No
Imperial Bunker occupant also scores hit on all other occupants & re-rolls failed wound rolls

When non-shaken friendly model on Imperial Defense Line or Emplacement is targeted,

Go to Ground 1 Shooting place Shoot token on it and enemy gets -2 to hit versus it to end of phase; useable 1+ / No
phase but only once per model.

At end of phase, chose non-shaken friendly Comms 2+ and visible enemy, roll D6 for
Call in Fire Support 2 Shooting Comms 2
enemy & each model w/in 2” of that enemy; on result of 6, model suffers 1 mortal wound

At start of phase and to end of phase, intervening terrain penalty is -2 instead of -1; this
Sturdy Barrier 0 Fight No
does not trigger abilities that gain CPs

If non-shaken friendly Leader is on top of Imperial Bunker, re-roll failed Nerve tests to
Inspiring Vantage 1 Morale Leader 1
end of phase

Relative Safety 1 Morale At start of phase, -2 to Nerve tests for friendly models occupying an Imperial Bunker No

End of At end of round, chosen non-shaken Veteran w/in 1” of any terrain rolls D6; gain 1 XP on
Loot the Battlefield 1 Vet 1
Round result of 4+; useable once per battle

Battle’s Before rolling to determine battle’s end, add 1 to or subtract 1 from roll; useable once per
Report Position 2 Comms 1
End Roll round per player

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