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EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My




EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

Câu 1: What is the main idea of the text ? ‘B

Chọn một câu trả lời
Exercise is important to make sure you get a good night's sleep
There are several different things you can do to make sure you sleep well
Sleeping well is not an easy thing to do and should only be done after talking to a
Question 2
In what order were the topics presented in the text?
Chọn một câu trả lời
bedroom, exercise, sleep schedule, snack nicotine and caffeine
bedroom, sleep schedule, exercise, snack, nicotine and caffeine B
bedroom, sleep schedule, exercise, nicotine and caffeine, snack
Question 3
According to the text, snacking before bed
can help you sleep better A
reduces the amount of Tryptophan in your body
EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
keeps you awake and should be avoided Gửi kết quả
Question 4
According to the reading, exercise
Chọn một câu trả lời
for can lower the body's need sleep
should be done during late afternoon and at night
should be done in the morning or early afternoon C

Question 5
According to the text you should go to sleep
Chọn một câu trả lời
early on work or school days and any time on non-work days
at the same time every day, including non-work days
when you feel tired, no matter what time it is B
Question 6
What does the text say about nicotine and caffeine?
Chọn một câu trả lời
They are fine in small amounts before bed
They can help you sleep better
They should be avoided before bed
Question 7 T
Eating a small cheese sandwich before bed might help you sleep well
Not Given
Question 8
Before you change your sleep habits, you should talk with your doctor
Chọn một câu trả lời NG
Not Given
Question 9
The most common cause of sleep problems is stress NG
Chọn một câu trả lời
Not Given
True Question 10
Caffeine, nicotine and tryptophan can cause sleep problems F
Chọn một câu trả lời
Not Given

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
Asthma is an obstructive lung disorder characterized by recurring inflammation of mucous
membranes and spasms of smooth muscles in the walls of bronchial air passages. The inflammation
and contraction of smooth muscle narrow the airways and make breathing difficult. Initial onset of
asthma can occur in children of adults. Stress, heavy exercise, infection or exposure to allergens or
other irritants such as dusts, vapours, or fumes can trigger acute episodes of asthma, so called “asthma
attacks”. Many patients with asthma have a family history of allergens. Dyspnoea is the major system
but hyperventilation, headaches, numbness and nausea can occur. One way to treat asthma is by using
inhaled or systemic bronchodilators that reduce muscle spasms and open the airways. Other types of
treatment use anti-inflammatory medications or leukotriene modifiers that reduce the inflammation
associated with asthma.
( 1 => 5 )
Question 1How does the doctor diagnose asthma?
The patient’s smooth muscles become inflamed
The patient finds it difficult to breathe due to nasal inflammation
The patient’s mucous membranes become red and sore again and again. C
The patient’s muscles in bronchial air passages contract very often

Question 2: Which is NOT one cause of asthma?

Extreme physical activities
Dangerous smoke
Anorexia D
Question 3: Which is NOT true? - The patient
may not feel in body parts
breathes with difficulty
certainly suffers headaches C
sometimes breathes quickly

Question 4: Which is prescribed to lessen the inflammation in asthma patients?

leukotriene modifiers B

anti-inflammatory medications

Question 5: What does the underlined word “episodes” probably mean?

Chọn một câu trả lời
attacks A

New words
recur: tái diễn
irritant : chất kích thích
fumes: khói
numbness: tê cóng
spasm: co thắt

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
Lung cancer is a malignancy of pulmonary tissue that not only destroys the vital gas exchange tissues
of the lungs but also like other cancers may invade other parts of the body (metastasis). Lung cancer
most often develops in damaged or diseases lungs. The most common predisposing condition
associated with lung cancer is cigarette smoking (accounting for about 75% of cases). Other factors
include exposure to ‘second-hand’ cigarette smoke, asbestos, chromium, coal products, petroleum
products, rust and ionizing radiation (as in radon gas).
Lung cancer may be arrested if detected early in routine chest X-ray films or other diagnostic
procedures such as bronchoscopy. Depending on the size, location and exact types of malignancy
involved, several strategies are available for treatment. Chemotherapy can cause a cure or remission in
selected cases, as can radiation therapy. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is also used to treat cancer of
the lining of the bronchial tubes. Surgery is the most effective treatment known, but less than half of
those diagnosed are good candidates for surgery because of excessive metastatic spread.(6 => 10 )

Question 6. The malignancy of lung cancer

is caused by emphysema
will certainly spread to other areas
damages all other parts of the body
damages the tissues of the lungs D
Question 7: Which is the most likely cause of lung cancer?
cigarette smoke B
metal products
ionizing and non-ionizing radiation

Question 8: What is the possible meaning for the underlined word “arrested”?
noticed stopped cured captured B
Question 9: What should be noticed about chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and PDT?
a. They are effective in certain conditions. A
b. They are likely to give remission
c. They provide the best results to cancer patients
d. They are good treatment for respiratory cancers
Question 10: Surgery for cancer patients
can cure even the spreading metastasis
is not very effective.
can be used in only a few cases C
is approved by fewer than 50% of doctors

New words
Malignancy :
xâm lấn
di căn
đưa đến
Account for:
bức xạ
sắt gỉ
Arrest: bắt giữ
Detect: phát hiện
Procedure : thủ tục

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
Chemotherapy: hóa học trị liệu
Remission: sự giảm
Candidate: ứng cử viên
Excessive: quá nhiều


1.It can be inferred from the passage that the phrase “hay fever” refers to
viral bacteria
a seasonal discomfort B
a lung cancer
fodder for cattle
2. According to the passage, the symptoms of the allergy are predominantly
respiratory A
3. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
The cause of allergic reaction has not been determined. A
People should not have an emotional response to allergic reactions
The nervous system balances allergic reactions
Hay fever may cause severe allergic reactions and even death
4. According to the passage, patients suffering from hay fever may also experience
mood swings A
hunger pains
nervous blockage
sensory perception
5.In paragraph 1, the bold word “resentment” is closest in meaning to
acrimony B
EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
6.It can be inferred from the passage that a frequent source of allergy-causing irritants can be
larynx infections
organic matter B
ear membranes
human contact
7. According to the passage, the irritants are transported by
Wind travelers food air passages A
8. In paragraph 2, the word “blockage” is closest in meaning to
bleeding obstruction dryness enlargement B

9. According to the passage, to avoid incidents of hay fever, patients need to

take doses of prescribed medicine
increase their self-confidence
avoid exposure to pollen C
avoid interactions with other patients
10.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a cause of allergies?
flowers mold injections pollen C

11.It can be inferred from the passage that hay fever

has no known cure A
is rooted in the human psyche
can be linked to a breakdown
has no effective antibodies
12.A paragraph following this passage would most probably discuss
what flowers are harmless to hay fever patients
what other diseases can be relieved by vaccines B
how the nervous system alerts patients
how the immune system reacts to allergens

New Words
Hay fever:

sốt mùa hè
Itchy :

Runny nose :

Congested nose:

nghẹt mũi
Suffer from:

Bout of .. :

cơn (bệnh)
Periodic :

định kì

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
Sinus infecton: viêm xoang
Theory: học thuyết
Resentment = anger : giận dữ
Lack of : không
Self confidence = assurance : sự tự tin
Blossom : nở hoa
Attempt: cố gắng
Eliminate: loại bổ
Considerable : đáng kể
Over extended period of time : trong một khoảng thời gian dài
Prescribe: kê đơn
Predominantly chủ yếu
Perception: nhận thức
Swing: thay đổi
Repreive: /ri'pri:v/ sự hủy bỏ
Reprisal: /ri'praizl/ sự trả thù
Acrimony: sự gay gắt
Grief: nỗi đau buồn
Irritant: kích thích
Exposure: sự tiếp xúc

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

What is ONE of several diseases recorded as a cause of death if the elderly have the flu?
Bacteria pneumoniae
What percentage of the vaccination coverage is recently maximised by the research of Lone
Simonsen? About 70%

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

New words
Slimy: nhầy nhụa -> As far as :
Wriggly : uốn éo
Guarantee: bảo đảm ● as far as I know : Theo như tôi được biết
Stoic: chịu đựng nghịch cảnh ● as far as I concern : Về phần tôi
Nibble: gậm nhấm Bluish : xanh
Earthworm: giun đất Tinge: đượm vẻ
Leech: đỉa Latch on : bám vào
Aid: sự giúp đỡ Drop off: ngủ
Convince: làm cho thuyết phục Satiated : no
Blood sucker: động vật hút máu Leave: để lại
Offer: đề nghị Artificial : nhân tạo
Set up : mở Reconstruction: tái cấu trúc
Cottage industry : nghề thủ công Dispose of : vứt bỏ
Hit upon : tìm ra Passing oil infection????
Apply to: đặt vào Starve -> starvation : đói
Amputation: sự cắt cụt Regime : chế độ
Accidental: ngẫu nhiên Obviously: hiển nhiên rằng
Reattach: gắn lại = knit It’s no use + Ving = It’s no good + Ving : vô ích khi
Congeal: kết đông làm gì
Blockage: tắc nghẽn Illustrious : lừng lẫy
Cut off: cắt đứt Gruesome : khủng khiếp
Relatively: tương đối Turn pale: tái đi
Gangrene: hoạt tử In store for : dự trữ, để dùng
As soon as: ngay sau khi Deliberate: có chủ ý
-> As long as = So long as = Provided that :
miễn là

1.Which word in paragraph 2 gives a clue to the size of the leech ?

creature microsurgery nibble earthworm B
EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My
2.Dr sawyer and his team hit upon a proven use of leeches. What is the proven use ? That leeches can
be widely used in research
be used to help improve blood circulation in re-joined limbs B
be used by hospitals on a large scale
provide certain useful enzymes
3. In paragraph 4, it is said that leeches are used for accidental amputations. What inference can be
drawn from this phrase ?
That some people lose their limbs through no fault of their own A
That all accidents cause limbs to be cut off
That leeches do not work on limbs deliberately cut off
That leeches work well on limbs severed in accidents
4.When will a limb suffer from gangrene ?
When there is no blood flow in the arteries
When there is insufficient blood
When the blood is flowing slowly
When there is an obstruction in the free flow of blood in the veins D
5.How is the leech important to the modern doctor ?
It helps in the knitting of severed limbs It helps heart patients
It has anti-coagulant properties .. It restores circulation
6.Which word or words in paragraph 6 indicate that a leech is difficult to shake of once it is in close
contact with its victim ?
latched on satiated 20 minutes feed on A
7.Why is leech treatment gaining rapid acceptance by reconstruction and other units in hospitals
throughout the world ?
Leeches are easily bred.
This is in keeping with alternative medicine treatment
Leeches are cheaper than drugs.
The body need not be pumped with drugs to facilitate blood flow D

Ms Tran

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

New words
Accumulate : tích tụ Distinctive: đặc biệt
Medical procedure: thủ thuật y khoa Femoral artery: ĐM đùi
Inflate: thổi phồng Groin: háng
Coronay balloon angioplasty : Monitor: theo dõi, giám sát
Bypass surgery : ( Coronary artery bypass Path: đường đi
surgery) phẫu thuật bắc cầu ghép động Stainless steel: thép ko gỉ
mạch vành Statistics : số liệu thống kê

Compress: nén Compile: thu thập đc
Invasive: xâm lấn Superb: toẹt vời
Section : khu vực Therefor: do đó
Calf: bắp chân Twofold: gấp đôi
Angioplasty: nong mạch Recurrence: tái diễn
Thread: lắp Degree: mức độ
Dye: thuốc nhuộc

Question 1.When coronary arteries are blocked by plaque, one of the results could be
hospitalization femoral artery deterioration
stroke heart attack D

Question 2 According to the passage, angioplasty is defined as

blood vessel repair A
bypass surgery
a plaque-laden artery
a tiny balloon

Question 3 It can be inferred from the passage that invasive most closely means
entering the body cavity A
resulting in hospitalization
causing infection
requiring a specialist’s opinion

Question 4.The angioplasty procedure begins with

a thin catheter being inserted into the femoral artery
a healthy artery being removed from the calf
a special dye being injected into the bloodstream C
a balloon being inflated in the heart

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

Question 5. It can be inferred from the passage that

3–5% of the patients refuse to undergo this procedure
surgeons do not take even a 2% chance ofdeath lightly B
patients have trouble accepting the ideathat a tiny balloon will cure the problem
a healthy artery is removed and awaits possiblebypass surgery
Question 6. Which one of the following statements is true?
A. The risk of dying during an angioplasty procedure is 3–5%.
B. The coronary balloon angioplasty is a separate procedure from inflating a balloon
into a blocked artery
C. The plaque that has caused the problem is not removed during angioplasty C
D. All of the above statements are true

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

New words
Gasp: thở hổn hển Tension : căng
Trap: chặn lại Intrusive : xâm nhập, xâm lấn
Uvula:lưỡi gà Abstain from : kiêng
Risk of factor: yếu tố nguy cơ Combat disease : chống laị bệnh tật
Rouse : đánh thức Do away with = get rid of : từ bỏ
Dizzy: hoa mắt Undergo = experience = endure = sustain
Irritability : dễ cáu Rely on : tin tuởng
Exhaustion: kiệt quệ Mandibular : xuơng hàm duới
Seek: tìm Expertise : ý kiến chuyên môn
Progressive: tăng dần Shrink : co
Blame for something: đổ lỗi Palate: vòm miệng

Question 1-5 : The passage describe 3 different types of sleep apnea. Which of the
characteristics below belongs to which type of sleep apnea ‘ABCCA’
1. Its root cause is a blockage at the trachea
2. It is connected exclusively with the nervous system
3. It blocked airflow and a brain malfunction
4. It is the most unusual type of sleep apnea
5. It is the most common form of sleep apnea
A. if it is a characteristic of obstructive sleep apnea
B. if it is a characteristic of central sleep apnea

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

C. if it is a characteristic of mixed apnea

Question 6-10 Do these statements agree with the information in the passage? Write TRUE,
6. Sleep apnea only affects men over 40
7. Most people with sleep apnea have the problem diagnosed
8. Often a relative of sleep apnea sufferer is the first to notice the problem
9. Sleep apnea is more common in Greece than in other countries
10. Sleep apnea can cause problem at work

Questions 11-14: Which treatments for sleep apnea are mentioned in the passage? Choose
FOUR answers from the list below: ABDF
A getting surgery B wearing a mask C taking sleeping pills
D reducing one’s weightE massaging the throat muscles
F sleeping on one’s side G drinking moderate amounts of alcohol

1. Antibiotics may be organic substances produced by living organisms or synthetic
compounds. In practice, they inhibit the development of or kill other cells. The term is
derived from the word "antibiosis", that means "against life"; in other words, unilateral
antibiosis takes place when one organism is inhibited by another and a reciprocal antibiosis
occurs if both organisms are in opposition.

2. Antibiotics are a relatively new weapon in the struggle against disease. At the beginning of
this century a primitive antibiotic known as pyocyanase was used to treat diphtheria but its
results were unreliable. Scientific literature also mentions the inhibitory action of fungi but
no-systematic study was carried out.

3. An important step forward was made in 1929 by Sir Alexander Fleming, who discovered
the antibacterial powers of penicillin. Further experiments on penicillin were carried out by
Sir Howard Florey and E.B. Chain who, together with Fleming, received the Nobel prize for
their contribution to medicine. The effectiveness of penicillin awakened the interest of
scientists in the field and hundreds of antibiotic substances were soon discovered, although
most of them were too toxic to be used clinically.

4. Antibiotics can be classified as anti-bacterial, antifungal, anti-tumorous and anti-viral

according to the agent they counteract and some may belong to two of these classifications,
for example anti-fungal and antibacterial. The general public and even doctors can be
confused by the numerous trade names often used to refer to antibiotics, so in scientific
works it is advisable to use generic names. Antibiotics are active in infections of bacterial
origin although some broad spectrum antibiotics like tetracycline (C22H2408N2) may be used
to counteract mycoplasma, chlamydia, rickettsieae and certain protozoa. At present much
research is being carried out in the hope of finding effective anti-tumorous antibiotics. One
may well ask how substances that are so different chemically all have antibiotic properties.
The answer is simply that they act on a cell from different points of attack: they may cut off
the supply of essential nutrients to the cell, they may inhibit the processes of
phosphorylation and they may interfere with the nucleic acid synthesis.

5. The chemical nature of an antibiotic is generally that of a large molecule with a complex
structural formula. Antibiotics may be acids, bases or neutral compounds. Many antibiotics
have been chemically synthesized and are produced commercially on a large scale in many
countries of the world, although the greatest production is concentrated in the USA, Europe
and Japan. The process can be summarized as follows: a medium, which may be an inorganic
salt, lactose, glucose, soybean meal etc, is fermented for several days; then the medium is
processed involving extraction, precipitation, decolourization and crystallization. A litre of
medium gives only a few grams of antibiotic.
EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

6. Antibiotics have solved many problems but they must never be used unless under strict
medical control because they can provoke severe allergic reactions and even lead to death if
the patient develops immunological hypersensitivity to these drugs. In addition new
antibiotics are always needed because disease-bearing micro-organisms defend themselves
by creating pathogens, which enable them to resist to antibiotics already in use. The cell wall
may succeed in blocking the antibiotic or a micro-organism may manage to create new
metabolic circuits to compensate for the interference in the old ones.

New words
Organic: hữu cơ Essential : chủ yếu
Synthetic compound: hợp chất Interfere: cản trở
tổng hợp Scale : qui mô
Derive: có nguồn gốc Concentrated in: tập trung
Struggle against: đấu tranh Inorganic : vô cơ
Diphtheria : bệnh bạch hầu Medium: môi trường
Literature: tài liệu Fermented: lên men
Further: đẩy mạnh Process: xử lí
Contribution: đóng góp Extract: trích
Counteract: trung hòa Precipitation: kết tủa
General public: quần chúng Crystallization: kết tinh
Trade name: tên thương mại Provoke: khiêu khích
Refer: chỉ Pathogen: nguồn bệnh
Generic name: tên hóa học Circuir: chu trình
Broad spectrum antibiotic:KS Metabolic: chuyển hóa
phổ rộng Compensate: bù trừ
Counteract: chống , kháng cự

1. Find one correct word from the text “ANTIBIOTICS” to complete each of these sentences.
Remember to capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence and use exactly the same form of
the words in the text.

1. The word ‘antibiotics’ originated from anti-biosis , which expresses the meaning of ‘against
2. Diphtheria is usually found in children with the symptoms such as slight fever, rapid pulse, and
swelling of glands in the neck.
3. Libraries must present a system of detailed … so that readers can find the materials they want as
soon as possible.
4. Metoprolol is the generic name for a drug treating hypertension, whereas a brand name for the
same drug is Lopressor
5. Most throat … are caused by viruses.
6. Parasitic protozoa can cause severe diseases, including amoebiasis, malaria, and other tropical
7. Protein synthesis is the transcription and translation of specific parts of DNA to form proteins.
8. You can find a fluid or solid medium in which organic structures are placed, for preservation,
for example.
9. Snow, after the process of crystallization, becomes ice in this extreme cold in European
countries this year.
10. … , or infectious organisms, include bacteria such as Staphylococcus, viruses such as HIV, and
fungi such as yeast. They can also be called “disease producers.”

2. There are six paragraphs in the text. Match each of them with the appropriate main idea. (135462)

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

● Formation and definition of antibiotics

● The development of antibiotics
● Specific process of formation of antibiotics
● Classifications of antibiotics
● Problems in using antibiotics
● The start of antibiotics

3. Choose the best meaning of each word

● primitive
a. major
b. belonging to first periods of human society
c. at an early stage C
d. very old
● toxic
a. poisonous b. safe c. common d. expensive A

● counteract C
a. work with b. perform c. reduce the bad effect d. classify
● synthesize (par. 5)
a. produce by combination of chemicals A
b. collect necessary chemicals
c. separate unnecessary substances
d. eliminate harmful chemicals
● generic name
a. special name b. popular name
c. scientific name d. easily - pronounce name
● provoke (par. 6)
a. interfere with b. cause B
c. react d. combine
● resist (par. 6)
a. not be harmed b. not develop A ??
c. not cope with d. not fight against

4. What do these words refer to?

Its (results) (par. 2) pyocyanase

Some (may belong to) (par. 4) antibiotics
One (may well ask) (par. 4) peopple
They (act on a cell) (par. 4) substances
That (of a large molecule) (par. 5) (2 words) chemical nature
(in the old) ones (par. 7) metabolic circuits

5. Complete the sentence with ONE word from the text in each blank:

The first antibiotic was but it was put aside because of its unreliable results

6. How can antibiotics be classified? (Choose the correct answer)

a. two main groups
b. more than six basic groups
c. four main groups C
EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

d. six groups

7. Complete the sentence with ONE word from the text in each blank:

Trade names are used to referred to antibiotics in business, while generic names are scientific ones.

8. Chemically different substances have antibiotic properties because they _____.

a. interfere with the process of phosphorylation

b. synthesize the essential nutrients
c. function differently in different cases C
d. affect a particular cell

9. Antibiotics are mainly used to treat infection.

True False T

10. What is the main idea of paragraph 5 ?

a. Types of antibiotics
b. Formation of antibiotics. B
c. Various origins of antibiotics.
d. The countries of the greatest production of antibiotics.

11. What does “medium” probably mean?

a. a medicine
b. a substance in which other things grow B
c. a way of communicating information and news
d. a mixture of substances

12. New antibiotics are always needed because

a. there are more and more disease-bearing micro-organisms
b. a micro-organism creates new metabolic circuits B
c. the pathogens can resist the cell wall
d. antibiotics in use are no longer effective

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

1. In its broadest sense the word "tumour" means a localized swelling of any composition or an
abnormal tissue growth. In fact, swellings of hypertrophic, parasitic or inflammatory nature are often
referred to as "false tumours" to distinguish them from true tumours, that are masses of tissue cells
developed from already existing body cells. Tumours may be malignant or benign. In the former the
cells are different in size, structure and shape from the normal type, while in the latter the cells appear
normal and are like the parent type. In addition to benign and malignant tumours, there are those that
fall between these two types because they are locally malignant and destroy the normal tissue around
them but do not spread widely ("in situ"). The main characteristic of a malignant tumour is that it can
spread to distant organs, determining metastases. Therefore, a metastasis is a neoplastic lesion arising
from another cancer, which it is no longer in contiguity and can reach any other tissue or organ. This
makes the complete eradication of the malignant tumour difficult, unless it is at a very initial phase.
Benign tumours may degenerate into malignant ones but the opposite never occurs. However, benign
tumours generally remain localized and may be encapsulated. The pathologist identifies a tumour
according to its histologic aspect. By studying the cell structure microscopically, the tumour is
classified according to the predominant body tissue: epithelial, connective, mixed or compound.
2. The cause of tumours is not yet certain. The proliferation of body cells is a normal process in
healthy individuals and is necessary to replace old cells and renew tissue, for example after a bum or
an injury. It is a reaction to a normal stimulus.
3. Presumably tumours are proliferations of cells in the presence of an abnormal stimulus, but the
mechanism of this process is still a mystery. Most oncologists agree that one of the causes of tumours
may be a hereditary factor, because there is a high incidence of cancer in certain families. It is almost
certain that particular ambiental conditions favour the growth of tumours; one of these may be the
excessive exposure to the rays of the sun; others are associated with occupations such as the working
of asbestos, or contact with x-rays; other tumours are attributed to substances like preservatives and
conservation of food. Some researchers suspect that tumours are caused by viral infection.
4. Tumours may manifest themselves in different ways. They may, for example, resemble warts, cysts,
or ulcers and often patients go to their doctor, because they can feel tumours on or near the surface
since they are palpable. Tumours of the intestinal, urinary or biliary tracts are often discovered
because they cause obstruction of these tubular structures or, if they are located in the walls of the
organs, they may cause bleeding and traces of blood can be seen in the stools, in the urine or in vomit.
Bone tumours maybe diagnosed when they cause fractures or if they exert pressure on adjacent
structures like the brain or the heart. They also interfere with the specific function of an organ, such as
the loss of sight in intraocular tumours. Pain is a common symptom in tumours especially when bone
and nerve trunks are invaded; headaches in patients suffering from brain tumours are an example of
pain caused by pressure. In the early stages, however, and even in large tumours that do not impair
function or cause pressure, pain may be absent or slight.
5. The diagnosis of a tumour requires a careful clinical examination,taking into consideration the
swelling, symptoms, site, and effects on local functions and structures. The physician or surgeon will
find x-rays, C.T.scans, nuclear magnetic resonance, thermography, ecography, as well as routine and
specialized blood tests like cancer markers useful aids in making a diagnosis. A biopsy will give an
exact picture of the nature of the tumour. Cancer is considered a "disease of the century" together with
AIDS, because of the great number of deaths it causes. In most countries associations exist for the
care of patients suffering from cancer and for research into its causes and possible treatment.

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

Universities and public health organizations are carrying out research in the fields of biology,
radiology, biochemistry, histology, surgery, clinical research and statistics. Many important advances
have been made but a satisfactory understanding of the problem has not yet been reached. 

New words:
Composition: thành phần Favour = support : tạo đk thuận lợi
Hypertrophic: nở to ra Excessive: quá mức
Parasitic: kí sinh Exposure: phơi bày, tiếp xúc
False-tumour : giả u Attribute to : cho là do
Distinguish: phân biệt Preservative: chất bảo quản
Mass: khối lượng Suspect: nghi ngờ
Malignant: ác tính # benign: lành Manifest: biểu hiện
tính Resemble: giống như
Lesion: tổn thương Wart: mụn cóc
Arise from: phát sinh bởi Palpable: sờ thấy
Contiguity: gần nhau, Biliary tract: đường mật
Degenerate: thoái hóa / biến chất Stool: phân
Encapsulate: gói gọn Vomit: nôn mửa
Predominant: nổi bật Fracture: gãy
Proliferation: sự sinh sản Exert pressure: chịu lực
Presumably: có lẽ Adjacent: kế cận
Mechanism: cơ chế Intraocular: nội nhãn
Oncologist: BS chuyên khoa ung thư Trunk: thân
Hereditary: di truyền = genetic Invade: xâm lấn
Incidence: tỉ lệ mắc phải Impair: suy yếu
Ambiental: xung quanh Take into consideration: suy xét
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Resonance: cộng hưởng Nature: bản chất

Biopsy: sinh thiết Advance: sự tiến bộ

eradication (par. 1) distinguish (par. 1) exposure (par.3)manifest (par.4)

favour (par.3) proliferation (par.3) degenerate (par. 1) contiguity (par.1)
hereditary (par.3) fracture (par.4) determine (par. 1) initial (par. 1)

Question 1.What does the word “the latter” refer to?

a. tumours
b. false tumours
c. malignant tumours
d. benign tumours
( Form : The former … , the latter … ✨✨✨ )

Question 2. Is it TRUE or FALSE to say there are only two kinds of tumours? F

Question 3
Complete the sentence with the word(s) from the text.
is the state when a malignant tumour spreads to distant organ.

Question 4. Choose the correct answer.

The word “it” in "with which it is no longer in contiguity …" may refer to
a. benign tumour
b. neoplastic lesion B
c. cancer
d. another cancer

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

Question 5. How many causes of tumours are listed in the text?

a. 5 b. 3 c. 2 d. 4 D
● (hereditary factor
● particular ambiental conditions : the excessive exposure to the rays of the sun

● preservatives and conservation of food. ✨✨✨
associated with occupations : contacting asbestos, x-rays

Question 6. What do the words “they” in “… they can feel tumours on or near the surface since they
are palpable” refer to?

Question 7.Choose the correct answer.Which sign can show a tumour?

a. The patient suffers from pain and headaches. A
b. It exerts pressure on the brain or the heart.
c. It contributes to the function of an organ.
d. None is correct.

heart ✨✨✨
(Bone tumours maybe diagnosed when they exert pressure on adjacent structure like the brain or the

Question 8:Decide whether the following statements are True or False.

1. Tumour is a a mass of tissue formed by a new growth of cells. T

(but do not spread widely ✨✨✨

2. Locally malignant tumours destroy the normal tissues around them and nearby organs.

3. The body tissue helps to define the type of tumours best. T

4. At the very beginning phase of metas­tases, eradication can help to remove all unregulated cell.
5. No one is sure exactly what causes tumors to begin growing. T

(conservation food can cause tumours ✨✨✨

6. Foods have no effects to the forming of tumors.

7. Pain is a common symptom in all tumours.

( expecially when bone and nerve trunk are invaded ✨✨✨ )

8. A biopsy can tell us the truth of the nature of the tumour. T

9. Cancers receive a lot of concerns in term of doing research and caring its patients.
(In term of: used to describe which particular area of a subject you are discussing ✨✨✨ T
Question 9 : Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.
● It is important to consider all available options
● Environment may enable
● Malignant tumours differ from the original ones
● Metastases are the invasion of a cancer
● Tumours which are palpable
● Benign tumours are not cancerous
● Bowel tumours can cause obstruction of tubular structures or
● Cancer might be an inherite disease
● Tumours present with
● Benign tumours can develop

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


1. Although any attempt at blood transfusion as we intend it was impossible before Harvey discovered
the circulation of the blood in 1628, there are several references to the beneficial effects of blood,
probably taken by mouth, in ancient Egyptian and Roman history. It is said that the Romans drank the
blood of dying gladiators to rejuvenate themselves. Blood was also given to Pope Innocence VIII in
1492 when he was in a state of coma, but it was of no avail.

2. About half way through the 17th century there are references to transfusion in the modern sense: in
1665 Richard Lower carried out a successful transfusion and about the same time in France Jean
Baptiste Denis, Louis XIV sphysician, was also experimenting in this field. He declared that he had
save da boy suffering from anaemia after treatment by bloodletting by administering half a pint of
lamb's blood. This seems improbable since we know that the blood of one species cannot be
transferred to another without serious risk. After the death of one of his patients, the Faculty of
Medicine forbade transfusion and soon after the same decision was taken by the British Parliament.
Therefore, interest in blood transfusion waned until the 19thcentury, when it was renewed thanks to a
British obstetrician, James Blundell. who saw it as the only way to save many women with
hemorrhages after childbirth.

3. When scientists began to understand physiology better, they realized that the blood of one person or
species could be "poison" for another. In 1900 an important step forward was made with the
discovery of blood groups by Karl Landsteiner, who proposed an international classification using the
letters A, B and the number 0. The Firstand Second World Wars saw the increasing use of transfusions
not only of blood but also of plasma. Plasma is very ef­fective in cases of shock and has the advantage
that it can be used regardless of the recipient's blood group. Another advantage is that it can be dried
and then dissolved in sterile water for use in injections; besides, unlike blood cells, it does not
deteriorate easily.

4. A unit of whole blood consists of 450 ml to which 63 ml of an anticoagulant and preserva­tive like
citrate-phosphate-dextrose-adenine (CPD-A)or citrate-phosphate dextrose (CPD) are added. The
former allows the blood to be stored for 5 weeks while the latter allows it to be kept in a refrigerator
for only 3 weeks. The use of citrate was perfected by Richard Lewischn. So, direct transfusion, that is
from the donor's blood vessel to the recipient's was replaced by indirect transfusion.

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5. Blood transfusion is often required after hem­orrhage due to major surgery, trauma or
gas­trointestinal bleeding. Transfusion has made new surgical techniques possible: open-heart
operations, for example, may require up to 20 pints of blood per patient as the action of the heart is
stopped and mechanical pump oxygen­ators take over the task of pumping the blood through the body.
Immediately after haemorrhage the routine blood tests are not reliable for assessing blood loss and the
doctor should look for clinical signs like postural hypotension, pallor, thirst, tachycardia and syncope,
that indicate the need for transfusion. Saline solution or plasma can be given to increase blood volume
while tests for compatibility and blood typing are carried out. When there is an urgent need of
transfusion, type O red cells can be given without cross-matching. During sur­gery, if there is only a
modest loss of blood (up to 500 ml), there is no need for transfusion in an adult and losses up to a litre
can be compen­sated by crystalloid infusions. This avoids unnecessary risks.

6. Whole blood transfusion is not always indicat­ed and packed red bloodcells are to be pre­ferred, for
example in hypoplastic and hemo­lytic anaemia.

7. The technique of fractionation or separation of the plasma was discovered by Edwin Cohn of
Harvard University and it was a significant advance in the use of blood and its derivatives in the
treatment of specific disease. The first practical application was the development of serum albumin,
used to combat shock, fol­lowed by the production of immune serum globulin or gamma globulin,
fibrinogen used to stop hemorrhages and anti-haemophilic globulin used to accelerate blood clotting
in patients suffering from haemophilia. The removal of plasma avoids circulatory over loading and
ad­ministration of excessive loads of potassium, sodium, ammonia and antibodies. Red blood cell
transfusion improves the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells, and so is essen­tial in
diseases of the redblood cells, like tha­lassemia. White blood cells or neutrophil transfusions are useful
in patients suffering from infections that do not respond to antibiotic treatment.

8. Blood transfusions should be carried out only when absolutely necessary as they can cause various
complications. These complications may be immunological reactions directed against red or white
cells and platelets, or they may be non-immune reactions caused by the transmission of infection,
siderosis, throm­bophlebitis, metabolic shock and circulatory overload. The most common disease
transmit­ted by transfusion is undoubtedly hepatitis B (HBV). However, the hepatitis B surface
anti­gen(HBsAg) can be detected in the blood. Nowadays blood transfusion centres are obliged to
perform this test as well as the test for AIDS. Generally blood taken from paid donors presents greater
risks. If the blood is incompatible, rapid cell destruction will take place and the patient may suffer
from nausea, tachycardia, tachypnea, chest pain or flushing and even shock and kidney failure. The
reac­tion may take place up to a week after the transfusion. For the above reasons laboratory
investigations are necessary to be sure of the compatibility of the donor's and recipient's blood. One
solution to the problem is auto transfusion. In other words, blood is taken from the patient who will
undergo an operation before the operation and it is given back to him, if necessary, during or after the
operation. This eliminates the risk of incompatibility or infection from donors, but obviously it is
possible only when the patient’s need of blood can be foreseen and not in emergency situations. In
addition to the predeposit of autologous blood, it is also possible to salvage blood during or after an
operation. In this case, the blood that is lost or drained from a wound during or after an operation is
aspirated, processed and re infused into the same patient. Unwashed blood is unsuitable because it
usually contains anticoagulants, irrigating solutions, free haemoglobin and debris and so cell-washing
devices are used to filter the blood. This process takes from 3-5 minutes.

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

New words
Gladiator: đấu sĩ Hypoplastic anaemia: thiếu máu giảm
Rejuvenate /rɪˈdʒuːvɪˌneɪt/: làm trẻ lại sản
Coma = unconsciousness : hôn mê Hemolytic anaemia : thiếu máu tán
No avail: chẳng có ích gì huyết
Declare: tuyên bố Fractionation: tách chiết
Forbade: cấm Derivative/dɪ.ˈrɪ.və.tɪv/: dẫn xuất
Wane: chấm dứt Application: ứng dụng
Obstetrician: BS khoa sản Serum: huyết thanh
Physiology: sinh lí Accelerate: gia tăng
Propose: đề xuất Complication: biến chứng
Plasma: huyết tương Siderosis: tình trạng nhiễm sắt
Not only…but also: không chỉ… mà còn Thrombophlebitis: huyết khối tĩnh mạch
Regardless: bất chấp Metabolic shock: shock chuyển hóa
Dissolve: hòa tan Circulatory overload: quá tải tuần hoàn
Sterile water: nước cất Undoubtedly: chắc chắn
Deteriorate: làm hư hỏng Oblige /ə.ˈblɑɪdʒ/ :bắt buộc
Trauma: chấn thương Generally: nói chung
Assess: đánh giá Paid donor: nhà tài trợ
Posture hypotension: hạ HA tư thế Present: hiện diện
Syncope: ngất Flushing: đỏ bừng mặt
Saline solution: dd muối đẳng trương Investigation: nghiên cứu
Compatibility: tương hợp Foreseen: dự đoán
Modest: trung bình Salvage/ˈsæl.vɪdʒ/: cứu vãn
Drain: rút
EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

Process: xử lí /ri´dʒu:və¸neit/
Irrigate: rửa (vết thương)
Debris: mảnh vụn

What do these words probably mean or refer to? (Take the words from the text - sometimes you need
to change the forms of the words. OR choose the right word from the suggested ones.)

1. it (it was impossible) (paragraph 1)

2. themselves (to rejuvenate themselves) (paragraph 1)

3. This (This seems improbable) (paragraph 2)

4. since (since we know that) (paragraph 2): when? because? from?

5. it (who saw it as the only way) (paragraph 2)
6. another (could be “poison” for another) (paragraph 3)
7. The former ... the latter (The former allows the blood to be stored for 5 weeks while the latter
allows it to be kept ...) (paragraph 4)
8. recipient’s (to the recipient’s) (paragraph 4)
9. as (as the action of the heart ) (paragraph 5): when? because? from?
10. This (This avoids unnecessary risks) (paragraph 5)
11. Complete the sentence with the words from the text. Write ONE word in EACH gap:
12. Write the answer of YES or NO to this question:
Did Pope Innocence VIII regain consciousness after being given blood?
13. Jean Baptise Denis could not have carried out a successful blood transfusion because _____.
A. patients from anaemia could not be treated
B. successful blood transfusion was not accepted at that time
C. blood from a kind of animal cannot be used for another C
D. blood transfusion could have brought serious risk at his time
14. Interest in blood transfusion grew again after ______. A
A. a British obstetrician applied it to save many women who lost a large quantity of bloodB.
James Blundell saved one pregnant woman with loss of blood
C. the British Parliament forbade it
D. one patient was killed
15. Later, better knowledge of physiology _____.
A. confirmed doubt about Jean Baptise Denis’ declaration A
B. helped scientists do successful blood transfusion
C. Both A and B are correct
D. Neither A nor B is correct.
16. Karl Landsteiner _____.
A. classified blood
B. made an important step in the identification of blood groups
C. Both A and B are correct C
D. Neither A nor B is correct.
17. Plasma is another important discovery in medicine because of _____.
A. its effective use as injections
B. its good usage in shock
C. its stable quality
D. its various benefits D
18. What does “deteriorate” (paragraph 3) probably mean?
A. have only one group
B. become worse B

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C. decolourize
D. become dried
19. According to paragraph 4, ____.
A. a unit of blood consists of more than 450ml
B. CPD-A and CPD are the elements of blood
C. blood can be stored for 8 weeks
D. None is correct. D
20. Direct transfusion and Indirect transfusion, which one was used first?

Đáp án :
21. Write down three health conditions in which there is the need of blood transfusion after
22. Complete the sentence with the words from the text. Write ONE word in EACH gap:
23. In what cases are blood transfusions unnecessary?
24. Complete the sentence with the words from the text. (Write ONE word in ONE blank):
Doctors are not willing to make use of blood transfusions in some cases in order to …
25. If patients develop infectious diseases but the antibiotic treatment fails, the doctor can use red
blood cell transfusion.
Đáp án : True False
26. The two possible complications by blood transfusions, according to the text, are caused by the
transmission of infection, siderosis, thrombophlebitis, metabolic shock and circulatory overload.
Đáp án : True False
27. The text mentions seven possible diseases/ symptoms if incompatible blood transfusion happens.
Đáp án : True False
28. All the complications and diseases caused by blood transfusion can be prevented by considering
the quality of the giver’s blood.
Đáp án : True False
29. One of the limitations of autotransfusion is that it cannot be available in emergencies.
Đáp án : True False
30. The last paragraph describes the advantages and limitations of autotransfusion.
Đáp án : True False

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


Night Cramp is something from which a great many people occasionally suffer- and they
Even the healthiest people may get a short, sharp pain in the legs after a strenuous day. Many older
people can bring it on by making powerful stretching movements while lying down in bed. If this sort
of night cramp becomes a real nuisance, avoiding over-stretching and tablets containing quinine
sulphate at bed-time
A very small number of patients, however, cannot take quinine without becoming dizzy or getting
buzzing in the ears. They may have to decide whether they would rather have cramp and no dizziness

But cramp in the lower limbs in the daytime and in younger, active patients can be very distressing
and is more serious. It is not uncommon and has the rather clumsy name
The patient first complains of aching legs after exercise. It may be slight, but gradually becomes more
pronounced. Then the pain is not merely an ache, but a definite, crippling cramp, which can become
so severe that the patient finds he or she cannot stand
Intermittent claudication is caused by the narrowing of the arteries and often starts in the 30s. It
generally means that the arteries everywhere in the body have become narrowed and blood cannot
reach the muscles fast enough when they are in use. The heart muscles
This condition may be a good enough excuse for not doing jobs you don’t like doing, but that is poor
consolation. It is a disease which affects men far more than women and attacks are more common in
cold weather, or even after sitting in a chair at the office in a draught. It is also
This is by no means the same as the night-time cramp already mentioned, and there is no absolute
cure. The patient learns to regulate the amount of exercise he or she
No drugs offer a complete relief but there is one habit which the sufferer must give up smoking.
Whatever may or may not be one’s views about the habit, it undoubtedly makes intermittent
A number of patients will secretly admit that so long as they keep off tobacco they do not get

● Of intermittent ● Far more troublesome ● May be equally affected

claudications ● After much walking ● Can comfortably take
● May be all that is needed ● A slightly hereditary ● Or the reverse
● Don’t easily forget it complaint ● This fearsome cramp

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New words:
Occasionally: thỉnh thoảng Clumsy: k gọn
Sharp: nhói Intermittent: k liên tục
Strenuous: căng thẳng Claudication: tình trạng khập khiễng
Bring ST on: make ST happen, usually ST bad Pronounced: rõ rệt
Stretch: căng Merely: đơn thuần
Nuisance: mối làm phiền /´nju:sənts/ In a draught:
Distress: đau đớn By no mean: không khi nào

1. Tobacco smoking was introduced into Europe over four centuries ago but never before has it
reached its present dimension. Nowadays, it is the main cause of preventable disease and premature
death. Carcinoma of the lungs of the squamous-cell and oat-cell types is a proven risk associated with
cigarette smoking. 80% of the 105,000 lung cancer deaths in the USA in 1981 can be attributed to
smoking. It is calculated that the smoker of one packet of cigarette per day runs 10 times more risk of
lung cancer than a non-smoker and in a smoker who consumes two packets per day this risk is 25 fold.
As more women become habitual smokers, their mortality from cancer will increase. The gravity of
this situation is clear if we consider that less that 10% of those affected by lung cancer survive more
than five years. The carcinogenic effect of cigarette smoking has been demonstrated in animals and
has been attributed to the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons while the catochol acts as a promoter
and accelerator of tumours. Smoking also increases the risk of tumours of the oral cavity, the larynx,
the esophagus, the bladder, the pancreas and the kidney.
2. Tumours are only one of the health risks run by cigarette smokers. Cardiovascular diseases,
including coronary heart disease, may lead to sudden death. The risk of cardiovascular disease in
women smokers is still greater if cigarette smoking is combined with the use of oral contraceptives. If
a patient continues smoking after a myocardial infarction, his risk of death from CHD is very great
because smoking causes an unbalance between the demand of myocardial oxygen and its supply, it
lowers the threshold for ventricular fibrillation and it increases the aggregability of the platelets.
3. Other pathologies aggravated by smoking include thromboangitis obliterans, arteriosclerosis
obliterans, peripheral ischemia, chronic obstructive lung disease, aneurysm of the aorta, subarachnoid
haemorrhage in women, gastric and duodenal ulcers and so on. Smoking may also have an adverse
effect on the fetus and infants whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are often underweight.
Smoking also increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, fetal death and neonatal death. It may also
affect the later physical and intellectual development of the child. Smokers, who are obliged to take
drugs, often require larger doses than non-smokers because smoking increases the metabolism of
some drugs including propoxyphene, phenacetin and antipirine reducing the time
of their effectiveness.
4. The composition of the smoke depends on the type of tobacco, the size of cigarette, additives, filter,
the porosity of the paper and the temperature of combustion that can cause pyrolysis or the thermic
decomposition of some tobacco components and pyrosynthesis, that is the re-combination of unstable
molecules to form new compounds. The tobacco leaf itself contains carbohydrates, non-fatty organic
acids, resins and nitrogen-containing compounds. Over 400 substances have been identified in smoke,
which probably explains the diversity of its biological effects. Nicotine, a highly-toxic alkaloid and
carbon monoxide are considered responsible for the greatest health risks but there are also low
concentrations of other toxic constituents.
5. What type of person is a cigarette smoker? Most people start smoking for sociological or
psychological reasons and then become dependent on cigarettes just as drug-addicts become
dependent on drugs. Smokers also consume more tea, coffee and alcohol than non-smokers, their
weight and blood pressure are slightly lower and their heart beat is faster than in non-smokers.
Physical exercise tires them more easily. The menopause in women who smoke comes earlier than in
non-smokers. Laboratory findings show increases in the serum cholesterol and in the total white blood
cell count and decrease in the uric acid, albumin, vitamin C and serum high density lipoprotein. Also

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proteinuria, increased carcinoembryonic antigen and antinuclear autoantibodies are more frequently
found in smokers than in non-smokers. In the USA 80% of smokers want to give up smoking, most of
them for health reasons. A person who gives up smoking enjoys almost immediate symptomatic relief
but there is only a gradual decline in the toxic effects present in the lungs. Only about 1/3 succeed in
giving up smoking and the others usually relapse within the first three months of abstinence. Smoking
is dangerous not only for the smokers themselves, but for the passive smokers, that is people who are
obliged to spend much of their time in smoke-filled ambient. Therefore, in most countries laws have
been passed, prohibiting smoking in public places.

1) What does the word “those” in paragraph 1 refer to?

a. smokers A
b. non-smokers
c. packets of cigarettes
d. women

2) Complete the sentence with ONE word in each blank:

The smoker of 2 packets of cigarettes per day…. 25 times more… of lung cancer than a … does.
(Runs- risk- non-smoker)

3) Which parts of the body can be affected by the risk of tumours by smoking?
a. body organs in most systems A
b. most urinary organs
c. respiratory system
d. digestive organs only

4) What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

a. The causes of smoking
b. The reasons of lung cancer
c. The relation of smoking and lung cancer
d. None of them is correct. D

5) What factor increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in women smokers?

Complete the sentence with ONE word in each blank:
The combination of ….and … …..
(Smoking oral contraceptives)

6) The only reason of death if a patient continues smoking after a myocardial infarction is
myocardium requires more oxygen than the body can supply.
Đáp án : True False F

7) What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. The relation between cardiovascular diseases and contraceptives
b. An unbalance between the demand of myocardial oxygen and its supply
c. Tumour – one of the health risks run by cigarette smokers
d. Effects of cigarettes on heart disease D
8) Which disease is NOT aggravated by smoking as mentioned in the text?
a. Gastric ulcers and Peripheral ischemia
c. Syphilis C
d. Both B and C
9) Infants whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are often overweight.
Đáp án : True False F
10) Smoking increases the risk of miscarriage.
Đáp án : True False T
11) Why do smokers who are obliged to take drugs often require larger doses than non-smokers?
→ Complete the clause: Because ……………………… drugs
(smoking increases the metabolism of some)
12) What does the word “their” in “the time of their effectiveness” probably refer to?

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a. smokers
b. non-smokers
c. drugs C
d. None of them is correct.
13) How many factors does the composition of the smoke depend on?
a. 7 b. 6 c. 5 d. 8 B
14) New compounds of the smoke are formed by the re-combination of stable molecules.
Đáp án : True False F
(unstable molecules)
15) The tobacco leaf does NOT contain

a. Resins
b. Fatty organic acids
c. Nitrogen - containing compounds
d. Carbohydrates
16) In over 400 substances which have been identified in smoke, ….. is considered the greatest health
17) People usually become addicted to cigarette smoking due to …. or …. reasons.
(Sociological Psychological)
18) Smokers … physical exercise every day.
a. cannot do
b. do not want to do
c. spend little time doing
d. None is correct.
(Physical exercise tires the smokers more easily✨✨✨ )
19) One-third smokers can manage to give up smoking while the other two-thirds

a. continue to smoke the next three months.

b. smoke again in the fourth month after that.
c. start smoking again not long later. C
d. cannot at the first stage.
20) What does paragraph 5 probably mention?
a. Cigarette smoke is so dangerous but not many smoke-addicts can give it up. So it is a good
idea to pass the laws of prohibiting smoking.
b. Due to the negative effects of cigarette smoke, smoking is not allowed in public places.
c. Cigarette smoke affects not only men, but also women and passive smokers. So prohibiting
smoking in public places should be applied.
d. It is not good to smoke in public places because of the diseases it causes in smoke-filled
ambient. B

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

New words
Preventable: có thể ngăn chặn đc Aneurysm: phình
Premature: sớm Subarachnoid haemorrhage: chảy máu dưới
Carcinoma: K biểu mô nhện
Squamous-cell: TB vảy So on: vân vân
Run: có xu thế Adverse: có hại
Consume: dùng Abortion /əˈbɔːʃ(ə)n/: sảy thai
Fold: gấp Spontaneous: tự phát #
Habitual: quen thuộc Fetal: thai
Mortality: tử vong Neonatal death: tử vong sơ sinh
Gravity: nghiêm trọng Physical and intellectual development: sự phát
Carcinogenic effect: tác dụng gây ung triển thể chất và trí tuệ
thư Obliged: bắt buộc
Demonstrate: chứng minh Composition: thành phần
Accelerator: chất gây tăng tốc Additive: chất phụ gia
Contraceptive: ngừa thai Porosity: độ rộng
Threshold: ngưỡng Combustion: sự cháy
Fibrillation: rung Pyrolysis: nhiệt phân
Aggregability /ˌaɡrɪɡəˈbɪlɪti/: kết tập Thermic decomposition : phân hủy nhiệt
Platelet: tiểu cầu Unstable: không bền
Pathology: bệnh học Compound: hợp chất
Aggravated /ˈaɡrəveɪtɪd/: trầm trọng Constituent: phân tử
Thromboangitis obliterans: bệnh Menopause: mãn kinh
Bueger Carcinoembryonic: tiền K
Arteriosclerosis obliterans: viêm tắc Decline: suy tàn
động mạch Relapse: tái phát
Peripheral ischemia: thiếu máu ngoại Abstinence: kiêng cử
biên Ambient: xung quanh
Why is it this disease we fear?

1. The current Ebola outbreak in Africa is dominating headlines globally. But Dr. Seth
Berkley, CEO of the GAVI Alliance, questions why this rather than any of the other deadly
diseases exists.
He suggests it's because people in the west have forgotten what it is like to deal with an
untreatable disease.
It starts with familiar flu-like symptoms: a mild fever, headache, muscle and joint pains.
But within days this can quickly descend into something more exotic and frightening:
vomiting and diarrhoea, followed by bleeding from the gums, the nose and gastrointestinal
Death comes in the form of either organ failure or low blood pressure caused by the extreme
loss of fluids.
Such fear-inducing descriptions have been doing the rounds in the media lately.
However, this is not Ebola but rather Dengue Shock Syndrome, an extreme form of dengue
fever, a mosquito-borne disease that struggles to make the news.
Ebola is without a doubt a truly horrible disease, but then there are many other bad ones that
kill far more.
So, why is it that Ebola is grabbing headlines and other deadly diseases are not?
2. Not the only one:
Is it because people in Africa are suddenly dying?
That seems unlikely. Dengue has a relatively low death rate, but it still kills up to 20,000 of
the half a million people who are infected every year; that's an order of magnitude more than
the worst Ebola outbreak, and yet barely a fifth of the number killed by measles every year.
And when you start to look at pathogens like pneumococcal and rotavirus - causes of the two
biggest childhood killers, pneumonia and diarrhoea - the number of deaths rapidly climbs up
into the high hundreds of thousands.
It is true that Ebola is also highly infectious, which drives away health workers who may
understandably fear a needle stick.

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

But then so many others are more infectious, like measles, through air-droplets, and
hepatitis B, which is transmitted by similar means to HIV but 50 times more infectious.
Perhaps then it has something to do with the fact that there is no cure and that 50%-90% of
people infected will inevitably die.
Possibly, but then there is no cure for rabies either, and once someone develops symptoms
they are almost 100% likely to die a slow and painful death, unless, that is, they have been
vaccinated post-exposure
3. And herein lies a clue.
The fact is while Ebola means a painful and isolated death, away from loved ones, there are
other diseases that are horrific and equally deserving of both our fear and respect; diseases
which, like Ebola, are still dreaded in West Africa and beyond, and which regularly kill
hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world's poorest countries.
However, in wealthy countries, thanks to the availability of modern medicines, many of these
diseases can now usually be treated or cured, and thanks to vaccines they rarely have to be.
Because of this blessing we have simply forgotten what it is like to live under threat of such
infectious and deadly diseases, and forgotten what it means to fear them.
So when an outbreak like this comes along, from the comfort of our relatively disease-free
surroundings it is only natural to look on in horror and be terrified by the prospect of
something like Ebola making its way to our shores.

New words:
Current: hiện nay Barely: chỉ vừa đủ
Outbreak: bùng phát A fifth of the number: 1/5
Dominate: chiếm ưu thế Measles: sởi
Exotic: /ɪɡˈzɒtɪk/ lạ Pathogen: tác nhân gây bệnh
Gum: nướu Inevitably = inescapably: chắc chắn
Description: diễn tả Needle stick: chấn thườn kim đâm
Do the round: lan truyền Herein: về khía cạnh này
Dengue fever: sốt nhiệt đới Clue: manh mối
-borne: carried or moved by a particular Isolate: cách li
thing Horrific: kinh khủng
Order of magnitude: the approximate size Dread: kinh sợ
of ST, especially a number Beyond: xa hơn nữa

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Blessing: sự may mắn Horror: khiếp sợ

Threat: sự đe dọa Terrify: kinh hãi
Come along= developing Prospect: viễn cảnh
Surrounding: MT xung quanh Keep one’s mind: lưu tâm

1. Dr. Seth Berkley believes A

a. westerners do not keep in mind well how to manage an untreatable disease.
b. Ebola ends with complicated symptoms and causes horror deaths.
c. Ebola has the symptoms so similar to flu that health care workers ignore it.
d. the world is not aware of Ebola as an untreatable disease.

2.Which one is NOT a symptom of Ebola?

a. hypertension A
b. myodynia
c. arthralgia
d. hypotension

3.Many other diseases which kill many more people than Ebola does are now frightening the world.
Đáp án : True False F

4. Compared to Dengue and measles, Ebola stands at the second place of deadly disease.
Đáp án : True False F

a. keeps doctors and nurses stay away.
b. is as an infectious disease as hepatitis B and HIV. B
c. causes deaths which climb up to hundreds of thousands.
d. is the least infectious disease.
(when you start to look at pathogens like pneumococcal and rotavirus - causes of the two

up into the high hundreds of thousands.???? So why don’t C????? 😱😱😱

biggest childhood killers, pneumonia and diarrhoea - the number of deaths rapidly climbs

6. So far (up to August, 2014)

a. 100% of patients with Ebola die.
b. there has been no vaccine for rabies. B
c. there has been no cure for rabies.
d. Ebola has been a curable disease

7.Ebola is not the only most fatal disease.

Đáp án : True False T

8.The passage implies that Ebola is causing extreme fear because B

a. modern technology are not available in the poor world.
b. well-developed countries are not used to dealing with deadly diseases.
c. people in rich countries are unable to stop it beyond their shores.
d. the disease exposure takes a short time and causes deaths soon.
Question 1
Read the article below and complete the gaps with these sentences
A. both doctor and patient had greater understanding of the symptoms
B. History-taking was limited to a number of closed questions.
C. Medical training was all about the disease
D. The patient is considered expert of their own disease.
Traditionally doctors took the dominant role during consultations; for many, a doctor's word was God
and, as such, their professional expertise unquestionable. Patients were not expected, neither did they

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expect to, participate actively in the history-taking process; indeed, their health was entirely in the
hands of their physician. (1), and the patient as victim of that disease; the disease ad the patient were
considered as separate entities.(2) regarding the functioning of the relevant organ or system in order
to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. The impact of the disease on the patient's life was barely
considered, if at all.
George Engel, pioneer of doctor-patient relations, soon realized a deeper understanding of patients'
problems could be achieved through a bio-psychological model. Engel believed strongly in the patient
as the main source of information. The patient-centered encounter therefore takes on a more holistic
approach, with social, economic, and psychological factors also playing an essential role in the
diagnosis. (3) ; one person's experience of a disease is fundamentally different from the text.
So what of the benefits of such a radically different approach to history-taking? Studies in the 1970s
showed that only 25% of doctors had an open, flexible consultant style; the other 70% interviewed
their patients in a tightly controlled way, allowing them limited participation. Doctors attending
three-day communication skills courses recently at the University of Sussex, UK; were found to be
significantly more patient-centered. Students showed more empathy, asked fewer leading questions,
and were more responsive to patient cues. More positive still- (3) and patients were more likely to
comply with treatment.
1C 2B 3D 4A


Dominant: vượt trội Encounter: gặp bất thình lình

Consultation: hội chẩn Holistic: tổng thể
Professional: nghề nghiệp Fundamentally: chủ yếu
Expertise: chuyên môn Radically: cơ bản
Unquestionable: k thể tranh cãi đc Consultant: BS cố vấn
Expect: mong chờ Empathy=responsive: thông cảm
Participate in: tham gia Comply: đồng ý làm theo
History-taking: làm bệnh án
Indeed: quả thực
Entirely: hoàn toàn
Entity: thực thể
Regarding:liên quan
Arrive: đạt được
Impact: ảnh hưởng
Achieve: hoàn thành

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


Top of Form
It is bad to have food stuck between your teeth for long periods of time. This is because food attracts
germs, germs produce acid, and acid hurts your teeth and gums. Flossing helps to remove the food
that gets stuck between your teeth. This explains why flossing helps to keep your mouth healthy, but
some doctors say that flossing can be also good for your heart. 
It may seem strange that something you do for your teeth can have any effect on your heart. Doctors
have come up with a few ideas about how flossing works to keep your heart healthy. One idea is that
the germs that hurt your teeth can leave the mouth and travel into your blood. Germs that get into the
blood can then attack your heart. Another idea is based on the fact that when there are too many germs
in your mouth, the body tries to fight against these germs. For some reason, the way the body fights
these mouth germs may end up weakening the heart over time. 
Not every doctor agrees about these ideas. Some doctors think that the link between good flossing
habits and good heart health is only a coincidence. A coincidence is the occurrence of two or more
events at one time apparently by mere chance. The incidence of these events is completely random, as
they do not admit of any reliable cause and effect relationship between them. For example, every time
I wash my car, it rains. This does not mean that when I wash my car, I somehow change the weather.
This is only a coincidence. Likewise, some doctors think that people who have bad flossing habits just
happen to also have heart problems, and people who have good flossing habits just happen to have
healthy hearts. 
The theory that flossing your teeth helps to keep your heart healthy might not be true. But every
doctor agrees that flossing is a great way to keep your teeth healthy. So even if flossing does not help
your heart, it is sure to help your teeth. This is enough of a reason for everyone to floss their teeth

1. In paragraph 2, the author introduces ideas about how flossing works to keep your heart healthy.
Exactly how many of these ideas does the author put forth in this paragraph?
a. 1 b. 3 c. 4 d. 2 D

2.Based on information in paragraph 2, it can be understood that germs in the mouth may harm your
heart by
I. getting into the blood that flows to the heart
II. forcing the body to fight against too many of them
III. causing food to get stuck in the arteries
Chọn một câu trả lời D
a. I, II, and III b. II and III only c. I only d. I and II only

3.In paragraph 2, the author explains how having too many germs in your mouth can "end up
weakening the heart." Using the passage as a guide, it can be understood that with respect to the
actual way in which this occurs, doctors are
a. uncertain but speculative b. extremely knowledgeable A
c. reluctant to hypothesize d. confident in their estimations

4.In paragraph 3 the author writes, "Not every doctor agrees about these ideas." The author's purpose
in writing this sentence is to
a. provide an example b. change a previous statement
c. introduce a new topic d. clarify an earlier assertion D

5.Using information in paragraph 3 as a guide, which of the following is the best example of a

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a. Laura remembers to brush her teeth every day, but she only remembers to floss once a
week. She writes a note to herself, reminding herself to floss and sticks it to her bathroom mirror.
b. Mario is not very good at baseball. He practices playing every day. After a several months
of practice, he is a much better baseball player.
c. Jim wakes up with a sore throat. He eats a piece of bacon for breakfast. By noon, he feels
much better. Jim decides that the bacon has cured his sore throat. C
d. Jai has a bad heart. Her doctor tells her to eat more vegetables and less junk food. After
nearly a year of doing this, the doctor tells Jai that her heart is doing much better.

6. Based on its use in the final paragraph, it can be inferred that theory belongs to which of the
following word groups?
Chọn một câu trả lời
a. hypothesis, supposition, belief A
b. idea, thought, notion
c. query, question, interrogation
d. assertion, declaration, affirmation

7. Which of the following best states the main idea of the final paragraph?
a. Even if flossing is only good for your teeth, you should still do it every day. A
b. Because doctors do not agree that flossing will help your heart, it is useless to floss.
c. There is no good reason to believe that flossing will help your heart, but it is still a good
idea to do it every day.
d. It is a fact that flossing can help your heart as well as your teeth.

New words
Germ: vi sinh vật
Come up with: khám phá ra
End up: trở nên
Coincidence: ngẫu nhiên
Occurrence: xảy ra
Apparently: hình như
Mere: chỉ là
Incidence: tỉ lệ mắc phải
Admit: thừa nhận
Theory = hypothesis : giả
Clarify: làm cho sáng sủa
Assertion: sự xác nhận
Query: sự thắc mắc nghi
Interrogation: sự hỏi dò

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


● This medicine must be taken as directed.

● Before using, shake the bottle.
● Dose: 50ml to be taken twice daily after the midday and evening meals.
● Do not take this medicine on an empty stomach or immediately before lying down.
● If any of the following occur, discontinue taking the medicine and contact your
doctor: dizziness, vomiting, blurred vision.
● This medicine is not available without a prescription and is not suitable for children
under 5 years.
● Once you have begun to take this medicine you must continue to take it until the
bottle is empty, unless advised otherwise by your doctor.
● Only one course of this medicine should be taken in a period of six months.
● Expiry date: 16 February, 2004

Write down true or false

1. You should lie down after you have taken the medicine.
2. You must shake the bottle before taking the medicine.
3. You must stop taking the medicine if your eyesight is affected.
4. You must stop taking the medicine when you feel better.
5. This medicine is suitable for a person of any age.

(😜😜 FTTFF 😜😜)

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


Allergic reactions are triggered by a contact, inhalation, or ingestion of a number of different
allergens. Some of the most common allergens are made up of proteins found in plants, mold, food,
venom, animal skin, and medication. Symptoms of allergic reactions range from mild irritation such
as itching, wheezing, and coughing to life-threatening conditions related to the respiratory and
gastrointestinal organs. Serious allergic reactions are more likely to result from food, drugs, and
stinging insects. A person does not become allergic to a particular substances until after the first
exposure. However, in some cases, even trace amounts of a substance, such as peanuts or seafood in a
mother’s breast milk, can cause an allergic reaction in a subsequent exposure.
A variety of allergy tests are available for determining specific substances that trigger allergic
reactions in individuals. Allergists, also known as immunologists, are trained in selecting the types of
tests that are both safe and appropriate, depending on the suspected allergies. By using allergen
extracts, tiny amounts of commonly bothersome allergens (usually in the form of purified liquid
drops), immunologists are often able to isolate which substances cause reactions in allergy sufferers.
One of the most common types of environmental allergy tests is the skin-prick test. This technique
involves placing small drops of potential allergen onto the skin of the forearm about one or two inches
apart. After the drops are placed on the arm, a needle is used to puncture the skin at the site of each
drop. (Though the procedure is virtually painless, this test is often done on the upper back of children
to prevent them from seeing the needle). If an allergy is present, an allergic antibody
called immunoglobulin E (IgE) will activate a special cell called a mast cell. Mast cells release
chemicals (also known as mediators) that cause itching and swelling. The most common mediator
is histamine. Histamine is what causes the controlled hive known as wheal and flare. The white wheal
is the small raised surface, while the flare is the redness that spreads out from it. In an uncontrolled
allergic reaction, wheals and flares can get much bigger and spread all over a person’s body. Results
from skin test can usually be obtained within 20 to 30 minutes, while the reaction usually fades within
a few hours.
Another test that is very similar to the skin-prick test is the intradermal allergy test. This involves
placing the allergen sample under the skin with a syringe. The intradermal test involves more risk and
is usually saved for use if the allergy persists even after a skin-prick test comes back negative. People
who have experienced serious allergic reactions called anaphylactic reactions are not advised to have
these types of tests. These allergy sufferers may be hypersensitive to even trace amount of the
allergens when they are introduced into the blood. Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction that affects the
whole body and is potentially life threatening. Hives on the lips and throat can become severe enough
to block air passage. Anaphylactic shock occurs when enough histamine is released to cause the blood
vessels to dilate and release fluid into the tissues. This lowers blood volume and can result in heart
A blood test can be performed to safety isolate over 400 different allergies, including dangerous food
and environmental allergens. The Radio Allergo Sorbant Test (RAST) measures specific IgE
antibodies using a blood sample. IgE is normally found in very small amounts in the blood; it is
created as a defense mechanism when it senses an intruder. Separate tests are done for each potential
allergen, and IgE results are graded from 0 to 6. For example, canine serum IgE will be high if a
person has an allergy to dogs. The RAST is used if patients have pre-existing skin conditions or if
patients cannot stop taking certain medications such as antidepressants or antihistamines for even a
short period of time. (People must stop taking antihistamines several days prior to taking a skin
allergy test because the medication can interfere with the results.) The RAST is a more expensive test
that does not provide immediate results.

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

A number of other allergy tests are available, though many are considered unreliable according to The
Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Applied kinesiology is a test that analyses the loss of
muscle strength in the presence of potential allergens. Provocation and neutralization testing involves
injecting food allergens into the skin in different quantities, with the goal of determining the smallest
dose needed to neutralize the symptoms. Sublingual provocation and neutralization is a similar test,
except that the allergens are injected underneath the tongue. Cytotoxity testing involves watching for
reaction of blood cells after placing allergens on a slide next to a person’s blood samples.
After using a reliable testing method, the cause of an allergic reaction is often identified, and a
physician is able to help a patient develop a treatment plan with the goal of controlling or eliminating
the allergic symptoms. Those who are allergic to furry pets, pollen, and plants are prescribed mild
medication or taught how to control their reactions with simple lifestyle changes, while those with
food allergies learn to safely remove certain foods from their diets. Allergy sufferers who are prone to
anaphylactic reactions are educated about life-saving techniques such as carrying the drug epinephrine
and wearing medical alert bracelets. As soon as people understand their allergies, they can begin to
experience an improved quality of life.
New words
Trigger: gây ra Mediator: chất xúc tác
Ingestion: ăn uống Wheal and flare: sưng và đỏ
Allergent: dị nguyên Obtain: thu được
Medication: dược phẩm Syringe: ống tiêm
Irritation: kích thích Persist: vẫn còn
Itch: ngứa Anaphylactic shock: shock phản vệ
Result from ST: do bởi Hypersensitive: quá nhạy cảm
Sting: chích Hives: nổi mề đay
Particular: đặc biệt Mechanism: cơ chế
Exposure: phơi nhiễm Sense: cảm thấy
Trace: dấu vết Intruder: kẻ xâm nhập
Subsequent: đến sau Canine: thuộc về chó
Specific: cụ thể Depressant: suy nhược
Potential: có tiềm năng Antidepressant: thuốc kháng trầm cảm
Puncture: đâm chích Goal: mục tiêu
Virtually: gần như Underneath: dưới

A substance is inserted beneath the skin with a needle
It is often done on a patient's back
It has a higher cost than other tests
It shows results within half an hour
It can cause red and white bumps on the patient's skin
It is not advisable for patients who have serious allergic reactions in the past
It is advisable for patients who have skin problems

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


Leukaemia, also known as a neoplastic proliferation of white blood cells, is divided into two forms:
acute and chronic disease. The causes of this disease have not been fully known. And the patients may
present with the following particular symptoms and signs. First, the patients could feel very ill and
sometimes they may get a high fever. Then, leukemia, which has prolonged, may make them lose
weight, energy and strength. Eventually, they will become more and more tired. Some patients may be
bleeding from the mouth, gum and nose. At this point, doctors could make a complete examination
and look for the enlargement of the tonsils. They may also touch the patients’ lympho nodes and
spleens because of the change in size of these organs. In some special cases, doctors may detect severe
signs of anaemia on a very ill patient such as pale skin, light mucous membrane and finger clubbing.
In conclusion, leukaemia may present a formidable challenge in diagnosis and treatment. However, if
the patients visit the doctors soon, they are more likely to obtain successful treatments.

The small intestine, also called the small bowel, is an important part of the lower digestive tract in
which a great deal of digestion and absorption takes place. The small bowel is six meters long, located
in the center of the abdomen, and linked to the stomach and the large intestine by the pyloric sphincter
and the ileocecal sphincter respectively so that fluids can travel in a one-way process. It also contains
circular and longitudinal smooth muscles which make the food move along in a wave-like movement
known as peristalsis. These essential structures help the small intestine work effectively. By the way,
the lining of the small intestine secretes enzymes that are mixed with pancreas enzymes and bile for
better absorption. In addition, sodium bicarbonate is released in order to neutralize potentially harmful
acid coming from the stomach. When food goes into the small bowel, the majority of them is digested
except starches and partial proteins. Next, food molecules pass through the intestinal membrane to
enter the capillaries. They are then transported to larger vessels before flowing to the liver where
absorbed substances are also stored for later use and detoxification which is the process of removing
harmful chemicals from blood. In conclusion, the primary function of the small intestine is the
absorption of nutrients and minerals found in food; things that remain undigested and unabsorbed pass
into the large intestine.

The stomach, a muscular, hollow organ, plays an important role in food digestion. It looks like the
letter C. The stomach is located on the left of the upper abdomen and connects the esophagus and the
small intestine. Its walls are made of three muscular layers and a rough lining. That structure helps the
stomach not only conduct its tasks, but also protect itself. When the food enters the stomach, it is
liquefied by acid secreted by many tiny glands in the stomach wall. Besides , the stomach 's muscles
contract in different directions, allowing acid to mix well with the food. The strong stomach-acid is
very useful but it can damage stomach. Nevertheless, the rough lining of stomach releases alkaline
mucus neutralizing acid to protect itself. In conclusion, the stomach with its suitable structure
liquefies and breaks down the food into wetter, smaller molecules, that makes the absorption in next
step easier.
Dorothea crusaded for the humane treatment of the mentally ill.

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My


Chọn một câu trả lời

a. Audacious

b. Ruthless

c. Apprehensive

d. Compassionate

Điểm : --/1
Bats are timid creatures.
Chọn một câu trả lời

a. Considerable

b. Audacious

c. Petrified

d. Shy

Điểm : --/1
Paul  daringly rode through the New England countryside to warn the colonists.
Chọn một câu trả lời

a. Apprehensively

b. Benevolently

c. Mercilessly

d. Courageously

EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

Điểm : --/1
Ketchup was developed from a tasty, spicy Chinese sauce made of pickled fished and shellfish in the
17th century.
Chọn một câu trả lời

a. Bland

b. Sour

c. Insipid

d. Flavored

Điểm : --/1
The largest petrified  forest in the world is the northern Arizona.
Chọn một câu trả lời

a. Generous

b. Stone

c. Intrepid

d. Insipid

Điểm : --/1
A benign lesion usually has a regular border.
Chọn một câu trả lời

a. Petrified

b. Harmless

c. Humane

d. Congenial


EDITED BY Phan Thảo Mi My

Điểm : --/1
Acorns are bitter to taste.
Chọn một câu trả lời

a. Acrid

b. Intrepid

c. Sour

d. Sharp

Điểm : --/1
Robert , an intrepid explorer, was the first to reach the North Pole.
Chọn một câu trả lời

a. Daring

b. Audacious

c. Insipid

d. Ruthless

Điểm : --/1
Many of America’s parks and monuments have been made possible by the generous donations of its
Chọn một câu trả lời

a. Meaningless

b. Kindhearted

c. Unwanted

d. Selfish

Điểm : 1/1
Flavored vinergars are produced especially for cooking, but white vinergars have a number of
household uses.

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Chọn một câu trả lời

a. Special tasting 

b. Bitter

c. Bland

d. Concentrated


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