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A. Choose There is or There are from the drop down menu to complete the
There is
1.      a bag on the table.
There is
2.      a calendar on the wall.
There are
3.      two posters in my room.
There is
4.      a banana in this basket.
There are
5.      six chairs in the kitchen.
There are
6.      lots of books on the shelf.
There is
7.      a mirror in our hall.
There are
8.      12 cushions on the sofa.
There is
9.      a big wardrobe in my sister's
There are
10.      children in the yard.
B. Complete the sentences using "there is" or "there are".
there are
1.   books on the table.
there are
2.   many cars in the street.
there is
3.   a picture on the wall.
there is
4.   a pencil near the book.
there are
5.   many trees in the forest.
there is
6.   a cat under the table.
there are
7.   seven apples in the fridge.
there is
8.   a dog in the house.
there is
9.   a monkey on the tree.
there are
10.   many rooms in my house.
C. Fill in the blanks using "Is there" or "Are there".
ise there
1.   an opera in our city?
are there
2.   many girls in your class?
is there
3.   a police-station near the hospital?
are there
4.   any bananas in the basket?
are there
5.   trees in the park?
D. Complete the sentences using "there isn't" or "there aren't".
there isnt
1.   many peaople in the streets.
there isnt
2.   any butter in te fridge.
there are
3.   any plates on the table.
there isnt
4.   any milk in the bottle.
there are
5.   any coffee in the cup.
E. Fill in the blanks using "there is" / "there are" / "is there" / "are there" /
"there isn't" / "there aren't".
there isnt
1.   someone looking at me.
there arent
2.   many boys in the school?
is there
3.   some photos in her bag.
is there
4.   any eggs in the fridge.
there isnt
5.   any magazine in her room.
there are
6.   any soccer stadium here?
F. Read the sentences and answer the questions.
 a>In Rita's kitchen there are twelve cupboards, five plates, six spoons and two cups
of tea.
b> In Kim's room there are two dolls, a glass of milk, three magazines, five shirts and
four skirts.
ex. Are there any magazines in Kim's room? -> Yes, there are three magazines.
there are
1. Are there any shirts in Kim's room? -> Yes,   shirts in Kim's room.
there are
2. Are there any cupboards in Rita's kitchen? -> Yes,   cupboards in Rita's
there isnt
3. Is there a glass of water in Kim's room? -> No,  .
there are
4. Are there any skirts in Kim's room? -> Yes,   skirts in Kim's room.
there are
5. Are there any plates in Rita's kitchen? -> Yes,   plates in Rita's
there idnt
6. Are there any forks in Rita's kitchen? -> No,   any forks in Rita's
there is
7.Are there any dolls in Kim's room? -> Yes,   dolls in Kim's room.
there is
8. Are there any cups of tea in Rita's kitchen? -> Yes,   cups of tea on
Rita's kitchen.
there isnt
9. Is there a TV in Kim's room? -> No,   one in Kim's room..
are there
10. Is there a glass of milk in Kim's room? -> Yes,   a glass of milk in Kim's

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