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The Great Academy

This is a grammar lesson, in this
How can I interact?
type of class we only focus on
learning some grammatical
structures and make games about
the given lesson.
Raise your
Talk Camera hand

The Great Academy

By the end of this lesson you will be able to:

Use There is and There Are

Use Some and Any

Use "How much" and "How Many"

The Great Academy

Let's learn
There Is and There Are

We use "there is" and "there are" to talk about the existence of something.

There Is: Singular or uncountable nouns

There Are: Plural

For affirmative sentences, we use this form: There is/There Are + number + noun +

For negative sentences, we use this form: There is/There Are + not +number + noun +

For questions: Is there/Are there + number + noun + complement

The Great Academy
Let's learn

There is an apple in the basket
There are two cars in the garage
There isn't a phone on the table
There are not three dogs in the yard
Is there a guitar in your studio?
Are there many oranges in the fridge?

Try making questions and answering them!

The Great Academy

Let's learn

Some and any

We use "some" and "any" when we don't know the exact number of an object. We use
them before plural nouns or uncountable nouns.

"Some" is for affirmative sentences

"Any" is for negative sentences and questions

There is some bread on the table
I don't have any homework today
Is there any coffee in the kitchen?

The Great Academy

Let's learn
Some and Any

Is there _______ food in your house?

I have _____ vegetables in my kitchen
You do not have _________ bread
He needs _______ help
She bought __________ milk for the cereal
I don't need ________ sugar
Does the coffee need _____ sugar?
He likes _________ dessert after lunch

The Great Academy

Idiom of the day

"How much" and "How Many"

We use these words to ask about the amount of something

How much: Uncountable nouns

How many: Countable nouns

How many spoons are there in the kitchen?
How much coffee do you drink?

The Great Academy

Idiom of the day

Countable and uncountable:

Discuss with the class if these objects are countable or uncountable nouns:
Cups of coffee

Try making questions using how much and how many!

The Great Academy

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