Book of at Imahumaadatul Ahkaam

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Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

Hadith 382
- ُ‫ َوأَ ْه َوى النُّ ْع َمان‬- ‫ يَقُو ُل‬- ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ِ ‫سو َل هَّللا‬ ُ ‫س ِمعْتُ َر‬ َ  :‫ َقا َل‬ - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬- ‫شي ٍر‬ ِ َ‫ان ْب ِن ب‬ ِ ‫عَنْ النُّ ْع َم‬
‫فَ َمنْ اتَّقَى‬ , ‫س‬ ْ ‫ َوا ْل َح َرا َم َبيِّنٌ َوبَ ْينَ ُه َما ُم‬, ٌ‫((إنَّ ا ْل َحال َل َبيِّن‬ :- ‫صبَ َع ْي ِه إلَى أُ ُذنَ ْي ِه‬
ِ ‫ ال يَ ْعلَ ُم ُهنَّ َكثِي ٌر ِمنْ النَّا‬, ٌ‫شتَبِ َهات‬ ْ ِ ‫ِبإ‬
‫وش ُك أَنْ َي ْرتَ َع‬ ِ ُ‫اعي يَ ْرعَى َح ْو َل ا ْل ِح َمى ي‬ِ ‫ َكال َّر‬, ‫ َوقَ َع ِفي ا ْل َح َر ِام‬ :‫ت‬ ُّ ‫ َو َمنْ َوقَ َع فِي ال‬ , ‫ض ِه‬
ِ ‫شبُ َها‬ ِ ‫ستَ ْب َرأَ لِ ِدينِ ِه َو ِع ْر‬
ْ ‫ا‬ :‫ت‬
ِ ‫شبُ َها‬
ُّ ‫ال‬
‫س ُد ُكلُّهُ َوإِ َذا‬
َ ‫صلَ َح ا ْل َج‬ َ ‫ض َغةً إ َذا‬
َ ْ‫صلَ َحت‬ َ ‫ أَال َوإِنَّ فِي ا ْل َج‬, ُ‫ أَال َوإِنَّ ِح َمى هَّللا ِ َم َحا ِر ُمه‬, ‫ أَال َوإِنَّ لِ ُك ِّل َملِ ٍك ِح ًمى‬, ‫فِي ِه‬
ْ ‫س ِد ُم‬
ُ ‫ أَال َو ِه َي ا ْلقَ ْل‬.ُ‫س ُد ُكلُّه‬
]260[- ))‫ب‬ َ َ‫سدَتْ ف‬
َ ‫س َد ا ْل َج‬ َ َ‫ف‬-
‫أَو أَ ْج َم َع المسلمونَ على تَحليلِ ِه بِ َع ْينِ ِه أَو‬ - ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ُ‫ص هللاُ تعالى ورسولُه‬
َّ َ‫ وهو ما ن‬،‫وواضح‬
ٌ ‫ظاه ٌر‬ : ٌ‫بَيِّن‬
‫والح ْر َم ِة‬
ُ ‫الح ِّل‬
ِ ‫ضوح في‬
ِ ‫ وهو ُمشك ٌل؛ لما فِي ِه ِمنْ َعد َِم ال ُو‬،‫شتَبِ ٍه‬
ْ ‫ َج ْم ُع ُم‬ : ٌ‫شتَبِهات‬
ْ ‫تَحري ِم ِه ِب َع ْينِ ِه ُم‬.
‫ا ْبتَ َع َد َع ْنها‬ :‫ت‬
ِ ‫شبُها‬ َ َّ‫ات‬.
ُ ‫ق ال‬
‫ض ِه ِمنَ الطَّ ْع ِن‬ ِ ‫طَلَ َب البراءةَ ل ِدينِ ِه ِمنَ النَّ ْق‬ :‫ض ِه‬
ِ ‫ص ولِ ِع ْر‬ ِ ‫ستَ ْب َرأَ ل ِدينِ ِه و ِع ْر‬
ْ ‫ا‬.
َ ‫ت الحال َل ِمنْ َو ْج ٍه والحرا َم ِمنْ َو ْج ٍه‬
‫آخ َر‬ ْ َ‫ التي أ‬،‫ت‬
ِ ‫شبَ َه‬ ِ ‫شبُها‬ ُّ ‫قوع في ال‬ ِ ‫اجتَ َرأَ على ال َو‬ ْ  :‫ت‬ ِ ‫شبُها‬ ُّ ‫ َوقَ َع في ال‬.
ِ ‫ض ال ُمباحةُ لدَوا‬
ُ‫ ويَمنَ ُع َغ ْي َره ْم َع ْنه‬، َ‫ب ال ُمجاهدين‬ ِ ‫الخليفةُ أَو نائبُهُ ِمنَ األَ ْر‬ َ ‫ال َم ْح ِمي وهو ما يَ ْحمي ِه‬ :‫الح َمى‬ ِ
ُ ‫يَ ْق ُر‬ :‫ش ُك‬
‫ب‬ ِ ‫يُو‬.
ِ ‫أَنْ تَأْ ُك َل ِم ْنهُ ما‬ :‫أَنْ يَ ْرتَ َع فِي ِه‬.
‫شيَتُهُ وتُقي َم في ِه‬
‫س ِرقَ ِة‬
َّ ‫ال َمعاصي التي َح َّر َمها هللاُ تعالى كالقَت ِل وال‬ :ُ‫ َمحا ِر ُمه‬.
َ ‫قِ ْطعةً ِمنَ اللَّ ْح ِم قَ ْد َر ما يُ ْم‬ :ً‫ض َغة‬
‫ض ُغ في الفَ ِم‬ ْ ‫ ُم‬.

An-Nu‘mān ibn Bashīr - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah
‫ ﷺ‬say: "Verily, the lawful is clear and the unlawful is clear, and between
them are doubtful matters which many people do not know of. Whoever avoids
doubtful matters clears his liability regarding his religion and his honor, and whoever
falls into doubtful matters will fall into the unlawful, just like the shepherd who grazes
his animals in the vicinity of a pasture declared prohibited (by the king) and is, thus,
likely to let them graze in a prohibited area (and be punished for that). Verily, every
king has a protected area and the protected area of Allah subhanahu wa taala is His
prohibitions. Verily, in the body there is a piece of flesh which if upright then the entire
body will be upright, and if corrupt then the entire body will be corrupt. Verily, it is the

Explanation of the Hadith

The general rule is that what Allah subhanahu wataala and the Messenger of Allah
‫ ﷺ‬have permitted, and what Allah subhanahu wataala and the Messenger of
Allah ‫ ﷺ‬have prohibited, both of them are clearly and clearly stated, but the fear
for a Muslim is from suspect things. him because of this suspect. And whoever does not
avoid suspects, he has either exposed himself to falling into the forbidden, or people will
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

backbite him and take them from his honour.

And the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬gave an example of someone who commits
suspicions as a shepherd grazing his camels or sheep near a land that has been protected by
its owner. to fall into it.
And the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬- indicated that the outward actions indicate the
inner actions of righteousness or corruption, so he explained that the body contains a piece of
flesh (which is the heart) that fixes the body with its goodness, 

Benefits of the Hadith

 Urging to do the halal and avoid the forbidden and suspicious.
 Suspicions have a ruling of their own, on which is legal evidence that some people
can reach, even if many are hidden.
 Whoever does not fear suspicion regarding his earnings, his livelihood, and all his
dealings, then he has exposed himself to being challenged.
 Warning to venerate the heart and urge to reform it, for it is the ruler of the body with
its righteousness, and its corruption corrupts.
 Dividing things in terms of permissible and forbidden into three categories: clear
permissible, clear forbidden and suspected.
 Maintaining religious matters and observing chivalry.
 Blocking excuses for taboos, and the evidence for that in Sharia is many.
 Hitting proverbs for practical legal meanings.
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

Hadith 383

- ‫ َوأَد َْر ْكتُ َها‬, ‫س َعى ا ْلقَ ْو ُم فَلَ َغبُوا‬

َ َ‫((أَ ْنفَ ْجنَا أَ ْرنَبا ً بِ َم ِّر الظَّ ْه َرا ِن ف‬ :‫س ْب ِن َمالِ ٍك رضي هللا عنه قَا َل‬
ِ َ‫عَنْ أَن‬

ُ ‫ فَ َذبَ َح َها َوبَ َع َث إلَى َر‬, َ‫فَأ َ َخ ْذتُ َها فَأَتَ ْيتُ بِ َها أَبَا طَ ْل َحة‬
.‫ بِ َو ِر ِك َها َوفَ ِخ َذ ْي َها‬- ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ِ ‫سو ِل هَّللا‬

‫ أهـ‬.‫أَعيَ ْوا‬ :‫لَ َغبُوا‬ . ))ُ‫فَقَبِلَه‬

‫أَثَ ْرنا‬ :‫أَ ْنفَ ْجنَا‬

Anas - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported: We chased a rabbit at Marr Azh-Zhahrān. The people ran
after it but they got tired. I ran after it and eventually caught it, and brought it to Abu
Talhah- ‫رضي هللا عنه‬. He then slaughtered it and sent its hip and two thighs to the
Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬and he accepted them.  

Explanation of the Hadith

The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬and his Companions were on a journey. It appears
that they rested in that place "Marr Azh-Zhahrān", the same place where they stopped to rest
in the Year of the Conquest of Makkah. While they were there, they disturbed a rabbit. The
people chased it to seize it, but they got tired and Anas continued till he caught it. At the time,
Anas ibn Mālik- ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬was at the peak of his youth, so he seized it and took it to his
stepfather, Abu Talhah ‫ضي هللا عنه‬, who slaughtered it and sent its two thighs and hip as a gift to
the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬, and he accepted it and perhaps ate from it.  

Benefits of the Hadith

 The permissibility of eating rabbit, and that it is one of the good things, unanimously.
 Giving a small thing to a great deal; If he knows of the state of contentment with that.
 The acceptance of the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬- for the gift; A little or a
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

 Guidance and acceptance of gifts are among the ethics and guidance of Messenger of
Allah ‫ﷺ‬. Because of the affection and communication in it; This
should spread among believers, especially relatives and neighbours.
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

Hadith 384
ُ ‫((نَ َح ْرنَا َعلَى َع ْه ِد َر‬ : ْ‫ت أَبِي بَ ْك ٍر رضي هللا عنها قَالَت‬
- - ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ِ ‫سو ِل هَّللا‬ ِ ‫س َما َء بِ ْن‬ ْ َ‫عَنْ أ‬
))‫(( َونَ ْحنُ بِا ْل َم ِدينَ ِة‬ ‫ َوفِي ِر َوايَ ٍة‬. ))ُ‫سا فَأ َ َك ْلنَاه‬ً ‫فَ َر‬

Asmā’ bint Abu Bakr ‫ رضي هللا عنها‬reported: We slaughtered a horse and ate it at the time
of the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬. Another narration has the following addition:
"while we were in Madīnah."  

Explanation of the Hadith

Asmā’ bint Abu Bakr ‫ رضي هللا عنها‬reports that during the Messenger of Allah ‫' ﷺ‬s
lifetime, they slaughtered a horse and ate it. This proves the lawfulness of eating horse meat.
Therefore, no one should mistakenly believe that horse meat is unlawful to eat just because
horses are mentioned along with donkeys and mules in the verse where Allah, the Exalted,
says: {And the horses, mules, and donkeys are for you to ride, and as adornment. And He
creates what you do not know.} [An-Nahl: 8]
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

Hadith 385

ِ ‫ نَ َهى عَنْ لُ ُح‬- ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ‫((أَنَّ النَّبِ َّي‬ :‫عَنْ َجابِ ِر ْب ِن َع ْب ِد هَّللا ِ رضي هللا عنهما‬
- ‫وم ا ْل ُح ُم ِر‬
ِ ‫ َوأَ ِذنَ فِي لُ ُح‬،‫األَ ْهلِيَّ ِة‬
)‫وم ا ْل َخ ْي ِل‬

ِ ‫((أَ َك ْلنَا زَ َمنَ َخ ْيبَ َر ا ْل َخ ْي َل َو ُح ُم َر ا ْل َو ْح‬ ‫سلِ ٍم َو ْح َدهُ قَا َل‬

‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ‫ َونَ َهى النَّبِ ُّي‬-]261[- , ‫ش‬ ْ ‫َولِ ُم‬
))‫ عَنْ ا ْل ِح َما ِر األَ ْهلِ ِّي‬-)

Jābir ibn ‘Abdullāh - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported: The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬forbade
eating the flesh of domestic donkeys, and permitted eating horseflesh. Muslim's narration
reads: "We ate horse meat and wild donkeys during the time of Khaybar, but the Messenger
of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬forbade us from eating the flesh of domestic donkeys." ‘Abdullāh
ibn Abu Awfa - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported: We were afflicted with severe hunger during the nights of
Khaybar. On the day of the battle of Khaybar, we came across some domestic donkeys and
we slaughtered them. While being cooked in the pots, the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬
's announcer called that the pots should be turned over - and perhaps he said: "And eat
nothing of the donkeys' flesh." Abu Tha‘labah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The
Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬prohibited eating the meat of domestic donkeys.  

Explanation of the Hadith

Jābir ibn ‘Abdullāh - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported that the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬

prohibited eating the meat of domestic donkeys, and permitted eating the meat of horses and

wild donkeys. Moreover, ‘Abdullāh ibn Abu Awfa- ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported that they were afflicted

with severe hunger during the Battle of Khaybar. So, after conquering Khaybar, they

slaughtered some of its domestic donkeys and cooked them. After they had cooked the meat,

the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬ordered them to turn over the pots and not to eat from

that meat.
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

Hadith 386

َ َ‫((أ‬ :‫قَا َل‬ - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬- ‫عَنْ َع ْب ِد هَّللا ِ ْب ِن أَبِي أَ ْوفَى‬

- ‫ َوقَ ْعنَا ِفي ا ْل ُح ُم ِر‬ :‫فَلَ َّما َكانَ َي ْو ُم َخ ْيبَ َر‬ , ‫صابَ ْتنَا َم َجا َعةٌ لَيَالِ َي َخ ْيبَ َر‬

َ ‫ أَنْ أَ ْكفِئُوا ا ْلقُد‬- ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ِ ‫سو ِل هَّللا‬

‫ َو ُربَّ َما‬ , ‫ُور‬ ُ ‫نَادَى ُمنَا ِدي َر‬ :‫فَا ْنت ََح ْرنَاهَا فَلَ َّما َغلَتْ بِ َها ا ْلقُدُو ُر‬ , ‫األَ ْهلِيَّ ِة‬

ِ ‫ َوال تَأْ ُكلُوا ِمنْ لُ ُح‬ :‫قَا َل‬

َ ‫وم ا ْل ُح ُم ِر‬
))ً‫ش ْيئا‬

Jābir ibn 'Abdullāh - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported: The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬forbade

eating the flesh of domestic donkeys, and permitted eating horseflesh. Muslim's

narration reads: "We ate horse meat and wild donkeys during the time of Khaybar, but

the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬forbade us from eating the flesh of domestic

donkeys." 'Abdullāh ibn Abu Awfa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: We were

afflicted with severe hunger during the nights of Khaybar. On the day of the battle of

Khaybar, we came across some domestic donkeys and we slaughtered them. While

being cooked in the pots, the Messenger of Allah ‫' ﷺ‬s announcer called that

the pots should be turned over - and perhaps he said: "And eat nothing of the donkeys'


Explanation of the Hadith

Jābir ibn 'Abdullāh - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported that the P Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬

prohibited eating the meat of domestic donkeys, and permitted eating the meat of horses and

wild donkeys. Moreover, 'Abdullāh ibn Abu Awfa - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported that they were

afflicted with severe hunger during the Battle of Khaybar. So, after conquering Khaybar, they

slaughtered some of its domestic donkeys and cooked them. After they had cooked the meat,

the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬ordered them to turn over the pots and not to eat from

that meat.  
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

Benefits of the Hadith

 The prohibition on the meat of civil donkeys, and the prohibition of eating them.
 horse meat solution; Because it is a good fit.
 zebra solution; Because it is a good catch, and they are Alodaihat.
 The reason for its prohibition is that it is an impure and impure, and it came in the
hadith “for it is an abomination,” so its urine, dung, and blood are impure.
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

Hadith 387

- ‫ لُ ُحو َم ا ْل ُح ُم ِر‬- ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ِ ‫سو ُل هَّللا‬ َ  :‫قَا َل‬ - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬- َ‫عَنْ أَبِي ثَ ْعلَبَة‬
ُ ‫((ح َّر َم َر‬

))‫ األَ ْهلِيَّ ِة‬.

Abu Tha'laba- ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬said Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬prohibited the flesh of
domestic asses. (Bukhari and Muslim.)
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

Hadith 388
- , َ‫ بَيْتَ َم ْي ُمونَة‬- ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ِ ‫ول هَّللا‬ ِ ‫س‬ ُ ‫((د ََخ ْلتُ أَنَا َو َخالِ ُد بْنُ ا ْل َولِي ِد َم َع َر‬ :‫س رضي هللا عنهما قَا َل‬ ٍ ‫عَنْ ا ْب ِن َعبَّا‬
‫ت‬ ُ ‫فَقَا َل َب ْع‬ , ‫ بِيَ ِد ِه‬- ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ِ ‫سو ُل هَّللا‬
ْ ِّ‫ض الن‬
ِ ‫س َو ِة الالَّتِي فِي َب ْي‬ َ ِ‫فَأُتِ َي ب‬
ُ ‫ض ٍّب َم ْحنُو ٍذ فَأ َ ْه َوى إلَ ْي ِه َر‬
ُ ‫أَ َح َرا ٌم ه َُو َيا َر‬ : ُ‫فَقُ ْلت‬ , ُ‫ َي َده‬- ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ِ ‫سو ُل هَّللا‬
‫سو َل‬ ُ ‫سو َل هَّللا ِ ِب َما يُ ِري ُد أَنْ يَأْ ُك َل فَ َرفَ َع َر‬
ُ ‫أَ ْخبِ ُروا َر‬ :َ‫َم ْي ُمونَة‬
- ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ‫ َوالنَّبِ ُّي‬.ُ‫ فَأ َ َك ْلتُه‬, ُ‫اجت ََر ْرتُه‬
ْ َ‫ف‬ :ٌ‫قَا َل َخالِد‬ , ُ‫ فَأ َ ِج ُدنِي أَعَافُه‬, ‫ض قَ ْو ِمي‬ ِ ‫ َولَ ِكنَّهُ لَ ْم يَ ُكنْ بِأ َ ْر‬, ‫ال‬ :‫قَا َل‬ ‫هَّللا ِ؟‬
]262[- . ))‫يَ ْنظُ ُر‬-
‫ أهـ‬.‫ف و ِه َي ال ِحجارةُ ال ُم ْح َماة‬
ِ ‫ص‬ ُّ ‫ال َمش‬ :‫ال َم ْحنو ُذ‬
ْ ‫ْوي بال َّر‬
‫ب‬ َّ ُ‫خشن‬
ِ َ‫الذن‬ ِ ٌ‫حيوانٌ صغي ٌر معروف‬ :‫ض ُّب‬ َّ ‫ال‬.
ُ‫أَكرهُ أَكلَه‬ :ُ‫أَعَافُه‬.
Ibn ‘Abbās - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported: Khālid ibn al-Walīd- ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬and I went to the
apartment of Maymūnah along with the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬,and there
was presented to him a roasted lizard. As the Messenger stretched his hand towards It,
some of the women who had been in the house of Maymūnah said: "Inform the
Messenger of Allah about what he intends to eat." The Messenger lifted his hand. I said:
"O Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬, is it forbidden?" He said: "No. Yet it is not found
in the land of my people, and I feel that I have no liking for it." Khālid - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬said:
"I then chewed and ate it, while the Messenger was looking."  

Explanation of the Hadith

Huzaylah ibn al-Hārith- ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬went to visit her sister Maymūnah bringing with her some
gifts, including a roasted lizard. Joining this lunch were Maymūnah's nephews, including
Khālid ibn al-Walīd- ‫رضي هللا عنه‬. When the lunch was served and the Messenger of Allah
‫ ﷺ‬stretched his hand to eat, they told him about the type of food he was going to
eat. Thereupon, he lifted his hand. So, Khālid - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬asked whether this food was
prohibited, and the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬replied in the negative, explaining that
it was merely not found in the land of his people; that is why he did not feel like it. Then,
Khālid - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬began to chew and eat it while the Prophet was looking. 
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

Hadith 389
ُ ‫(( َغز َْونَا َم َع َر‬ :‫قَا َل‬ - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬- - ‫عَنْ َع ْب ِد هَّللا ِ ْب ِن أَبِي أَ ْوفَى‬
َ - ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ِ ‫سو ِل هَّللا‬
‫س ْب َع‬
))َ‫ نَأْ ُك ُل ا ْل َج َراد‬, ‫ت‬ ٍ ‫َغز ََوا‬
It was narrated from Abu Ya fur that he heard 'Abdullah bin Abi Awfa says:
"We went on seven campaigns with the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬and we used to
eat locusts."

Hadith 390
‫ َو َعلَ ْي َها‬, ‫ فَ َدعَا بِ َمائِ َد ٍة‬.‫ي‬ ْ َ‫سى األ‬
ِّ ‫ش َع ِر‬ َ ‫(( ُكنَّا ِع ْن َد أَبِي ُمو‬ :‫ رضي هللا عنه قَا َل‬- ‫ب ا ْل َج ْر ِم ِّي‬ َ ‫عَنْ زَ ْهد َِم ْب ِن ُم‬
ٍ ‫ض ِّر‬
ُ‫ فَإِنِّي َرأَ ْيت‬, ‫ َهلُ َّم‬ :‫فَتَلَ َّكأ َ فَقَا َل‬ ،‫ َهلُ َّم‬ :‫شبِيهٌ بِا ْل َم َوالِي فَقَا َل‬
َ  , ‫ أَ ْح َم ُر‬, ِ ‫ فَد ََخ َل َر ُج ٌل ِمنْ بَنِي تَ ْي ِم هَّللا‬, ‫اج‬
ٍ ‫لَ ْح ُم د ََج‬
))ُ‫ يَأْ ُك ُل ِم ْنه‬- ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ِ ‫سو َل هَّللا‬ ُ ‫ َر‬.
‫ت َر َّد َد‬ :َ‫فَتَلَ َّكأ‬

Zahdam ibn Mudarrib al-Jarmi - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported: We were hosted by Abu Mūsa al-
Ash'ari - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬and he asked for the food to be served and it had chicken meat in
it. A man from Banu Taymullāh entered. His complexion was red and he looked like the
non-Arabs. He said to him: "Come and join us." The man, however, showed
reluctance. Abu Mūsa said: "Come on, for I saw the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬
eating it."  

Explanation of the Hadith:

Zahdam ibn Mudarrib al-Jarmi - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported that he and other people were hosted by
Abu Mūsa al-Ash'ari- ‫رضي هللا عنه‬, who served them chicken meat. Meanwhile, a man from
Banu Taymullāh- ‫رضي هللا عنه‬, who had a red complexion and looked like foreigners, came
in. Abu Mūsa - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬invited him to join them. However, he hesitated and showed
reluctance. Abu Mūsa then told him that he saw the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬
eating chicken meat.  

Benefits of the Hadith

 It is permissible to eat chicken meat because it is one of the good things.

Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

 The permissibility of controlled luxury in food, drink and clothing, and that this is not
contrary to Sharia, and luxury should not be taken as a permanent habit, lest he
become accustomed to it, and he should not be patient with it
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

Hadith 391

َ ‫((إ َذا أَ َك َل أَ َح ُد ُك ْم طَ َعا ًما فَال يَ ْم‬ :‫قَا َل‬ - ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ‫س رضي هللا عنهما أَنَّ النَّبِ َّي‬
- ‫س ْح‬ ٍ ‫عَنْ ا ْب ِن َعبَّا‬

))‫ أَ ْو يُ ْل ِعقَ َها‬, ‫ يَ َدهُ َحتَّى يَ ْل َعقَ َها‬.

Ibn 'Abbas ‫ رضي هللا عنهما‬reported:

Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said, "When one of you finishes eating, he should not
wipe his fingers until he has licked them himself or has given them to someone else to lick
for him."
‫‪Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15‬‬

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

‫‪ِ - Book of At imah‬كت ُ‬

‫ص ْي ِد‬
‫اب ال َّ‬
‫بَ ُ‬

‫‪Hadith 392‬‬

‫شنِ ِّي ‪ -‬رضي هللا عنه قَا َل‪(( ‬أَتَ ْيتُ َر ُ‬

‫سو َل هَّللا ِ ‪ -‬صلى هللا عليه وسلم ‪ -‬فَقُ ْلتُ ‪ :‬يَا َر ُ‬
‫سو َل هَّللا ِ ‪-‬‬ ‫عَنْ أَبِي ثَ ْعلَبَةَ ا ْل ُخ َ‬

‫سي َوبِ َك ْلبِي الَّ ِذي لَ ْي َ‬

‫س بِ ُم َعلَّ ٍم ‪,‬‬ ‫ص ْي ٍد ‪ ,‬أَ ِ‬
‫صي ُد بِقَ ْو ِ‬ ‫ب‪ ،‬أَفَنَأْ ُك ُل ِفي آنِيَتِ ِه ْم؟ َوفِي أَ ْر ِ‬
‫ض َ‬ ‫ض قَ ْو ٍم أَ ْه ِل ِكتَا ٍ‬
‫‪ ,‬إنَّا بِأ َ ْر ِ‬

‫صلُ ُح ِلي؟‪ ‬قَا َل‪ :‬أَ َّما َما َذ َك ْرتَ ‪ -‬يَ ْعنِي ِمنْ آنِيَ ِة أَه ِْل ا ْل ِكتَا ِ‬
‫ب ‪ :-‬فَإِنْ َو َج ْدتُ ْم َغ ْي َرهَا فَال‬ ‫َوبِ َك ْلبِي ا ْل ُم َعلَّ ِم‪ .‬فَ َما يَ ْ‬

‫سكَ ‪ ,‬فَ َذ َك ْرتَ ا ْ‬

‫س َم هَّللا ِ َعلَ ْي ِه فَ ُك ْل ‪َ ,‬و َما‬ ‫تَأْ ُكلُوا فِي َها ‪َ ,‬وإِنْ لَ ْم تَ ِجدُوا فَا ْغ ِ‬
‫سلُوهَا ‪َ ,‬و ُكلُوا فِي َها‪َ .‬و َما ِ‬
‫صدْتَ بِقَ ْو ِ‬

‫صدْتَ بِ َك ْلبِكَ َغ ْي ِر ا ْل ُم َعلَّ ِم فَأَد َْر ْكتَ َذ َكاتَهُ فَ ُك ْل))‬ ‫صدْتَ بِ َك ْلبِكَ ا ْل ُم َعلَّ ِم ‪ ,‬فَ َذ َك ْرتَ ا ْ‬
‫س َم هَّللا ِ َعلَ ْي ِه فَ ُك ْل ‪َ ,‬و َما ِ‬ ‫‪ِ .‬‬

‫رمي قديم ٍة معروف ٍة‬

‫ٍ‬ ‫سي‪ :‬آلةُ‬
‫‪.‬بِقَ ْو ِ‬

‫َك ْلبِي ا ْل ُم َعلَّم‪ :‬ال ُم َد َّرب‬

‫‪Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15‬‬

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

‫‪ِ - Book of At imah‬كت ُ‬

‫‪Hadith 393‬‬

‫الب ا ْل ُم َعلَّ َمةَ ‪- ,‬‬ ‫سو َل هَّللا ِ ‪ ,‬إنِّي أُ ْر ِ‬

‫س ُل ا ْل ِك َ‬ ‫ي ْب ِن َحاتِ ٍم قَا َل‪(( :‬قُ ْلتُ ‪ :‬يَا َر ُ‬ ‫عَنْ َه َّم ِام ْب ِن ا ْل َحا ِر ِ‬
‫ث عَنْ َع ِد ِّ‬

‫س َم هَّللا ِ ‪ ,‬فَ ُك ْل َما أَ ْم َ‬

‫سكَ‬ ‫س ْلتَ َك ْلبَكَ ا ْل ُم َعلَّ َم َو َذ َك ْرتَ ا ْ‬ ‫س ْكنَ َعلَ َّي ‪َ ,‬وأَ ْذ ُك ُر ا ْ‬
‫س َم هَّللا ِ؟‪ ‬فَقَا َل‪ :‬إ َذا أَ ْر َ‬ ‫فَيُ ْم ِ‬

‫س ِم ْن َها‪ .‬قُ ْلتُ ‪ :‬فَإِنِّي أَ ْر ِمي بِا ْل ِم ْع َرا ِ‬

‫ض‬ ‫َعلَ ْيكَ ‪ .‬قُ ْلتُ ‪َ  :‬وإِنْ قَتَ ْلنَ ؟‪ ‬قَا َل‪َ  :‬وإِنْ قَتَ ْلنَ ‪َ ,‬ما لَ ْم يَش َْر ْك َها َك ْل ٌ‬
‫ب لَ ْي َ‬

‫ض ِه فَال تَأْ ُك ْلهُ))‬ ‫ق ‪ ,‬فَ ُك ْلهُ َوإِنْ أَ َ‬

‫صابَهُ بِ َع ْر ِ‬ ‫يب؟‪ ‬فَقَا َل‪ :‬إ َذا َر َميْتَ بِا ْل ِم ْع َرا ِ‬
‫ض فَ َخزَ َ‬ ‫ص ُ‬‫ص ْي َد ‪ ,‬فَأ ُ ِ‬
‫‪ ‬ال َّ‬
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

Hadith 394

- َ‫ فَإِنِّي أَ َخافُ أَنْ يَ ُكون‬, ‫ فَإِنْ أَ َك َل فَال تَأْ ُك ْل‬, ‫ب‬

ُ ‫((إالَّ أَنْ يَأْ ُك َل ا ْل َك ْل‬ :‫ َوفِي ِه‬ , ُ‫ي نَ ْح ُوه‬
ٍّ ‫ش ْعبِ ِّي عَنْ َع ِد‬ ُ ‫َو َح ِد‬
َّ ‫يث ال‬

َ ‫ فَإِنَّ َما‬،‫الب ِمنْ َغ ْي ِرهَا فَال تَأْ ُك ْل‬

َ ُ‫ َولَ ْم ت‬, َ‫س َّميْتَ َعلَى َك ْلبِك‬
‫س ِّم َعلَى‬ ٌ ‫ َوإِنْ َخالَطَ َها ِك‬.‫س ِه‬ َ ‫إنَّ َما أَ ْم‬
ِ ‫س َك َعلَى نَ ْف‬

))‫ َغ ْي ِر ِه‬.

ُ‫ َوإِنْ أَد َْر ْكتَه‬, ُ‫سكَ َعلَ ْي َك فَأَد َْر ْكتَهُ َحيّا ً فَ ْاذبَ ْحه‬ ْ ‫س ْلتَ َك ْلبَ َك ا ْل ُم َكلَّ َب فَ ْاذ ُك ْر ا‬
َ ‫ فَإِنْ أَ ْم‬،‫س َم هَّللا ِ َعلَ ْي ِه‬ َ ‫((إ َذا أَ ْر‬ ‫َوفِي ِه‬

ِ ‫ فَإِنَّ أَ ْخ َذ ا ْل َك ْل‬،ُ‫ قَ ْد قَتَ َل َولَ ْم يَأْ ُك ْل ِم ْنهُ فَ ُك ْله‬.

))ُ‫ب َذ َكاتُه‬

))‫اب َع ْنكَ يَ ْوما ً أَ ْو يَ ْو َم ْي ِن‬

َ ‫((وإِنْ َغ‬ ْ ‫س ْه ِم َك فَ ْاذ ُك ْر ا‬
َ  ‫س َم هَّللا ِ َعلَ ْي ِه)) َوفِي ِه‬ ً ‫ َوفِي ِه أَ ْي‬.
َ ِ‫((إ َذا َر َميْتَ ب‬ ‫ضا‬

‫ فَإِنْ َو َج ْدتَهُ َغ ِريقا ً فِي ا ْل َما ِء فَال‬, َ‫شئْت‬ َ ‫((ا ْليَ ْو َم ْي ِن َوالثَّالثَةَ فَلَ ْم ت َِج ْد فِي ِه إالَّ أَثَ َر‬ ‫َوفِي ِر َوايَ ٍة‬
ِ ْ‫س ْه ِم َك فَ ُك ْل إن‬

َ ‫ أَ ْو‬, ُ‫ا ْل َما ُء قَتَلَه‬ :‫فَإِنَّ َك ال تَ ْد ِري‬ ،‫تَأْ ُك ْل‬-

]265[- . ))‫س ْه ُمكَ ؟‬

ٌ‫سها َم ْحنيَّة‬
ُ ‫عصا رأ‬ :‫ال ِم ْعراض‬.

‫نَفَ َذ في الشيء ال َم ْر ِم ِّي ب ِه‬ :َ‫فَ َخ َرق‬.

‫ال ُم َد َّرب‬ :‫ا ْل ُم َكلَّب‬

Adiyy ibn Hātim - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported: I said: "O Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬, I
send my trained dogs, mention Allah's name, and they catch the game for me." So he
said: "When you let loose your trained dog (after a game) and you mention the name of
Allah, then eat what it catches for you." Then I said: "Even if they (the dogs) kill it (the
game)?" He said: "Even if they kill it, so long as no other dog, which is not one of them,
participates with them." I said: "What if I throw a blunt edged spear at the game and I
hit it?" He said: "If you strike it and it pierces it, then eat from it; but if it strikes the
game with the blunt end, then do not eat it." The Hadīth narrated by Ash-Sha‘bi from
‘Adiyy is similar but it mentions: "...except if the dog eats from it, then do not eat it, for
I am worried that the dog caught it for itself. If other dogs mix with yours, then do not
eat from it; because you only mentioned Allah's name when sending your dog, not the
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

other dogs." It also mentions: "If you send your trained dog, then mention Allah's
name. If he catches it (the game) alive, then slaughter it, but if it is killed and the dog
does not eat from it, then eat from it; because when the dog catches it, it is similar to
slaughtering." It also mentions: "Mention the name of Allah when you shoot your
arrow." It also mentions: "If the game disappeared a day or two (two or three in
another narration), and you found the trace of your arrow only, then eat from it as you
like. But if you found it drowned in water, do not eat from it; because you do not know
if it died from the water or your arrow.”  

Explanation of the Hadith

‘Adiyy ibn Hātim - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬asked the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬about hunting
with his trained dogs. The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬told him to eat whatever the
dogs catch as long as he mentions Allah's name on letting them loose after the game, and as
long as no other dog hunts with them. If he finds another dog, then he should not eat from it
because he only mentioned the name of Allah on sending his dog, not someone else's dog.
Moreover, the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬informed him that if he threw his spear
and it pierced the animal and spilled its blood, then he could eat from it so long as he
mentioned Allah's name. If the spear, however, stroke the animal with its blunt side, and it
died, then he should not eat from it. In this case, the animal died from being hit, like an
animal that dies from falling down or from being hit by horns. Also, if one sends his trained
dog and the game is found alive, without being killed by the dogs, then it is necessary to
slaughter it at that moment. Eating it is permissible even if other dogs are found with it. He
also asked him about hunting with an arrow if he mentions Allah's name, and the Messenger
of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬informed him that it is permissible for him to eat the game that he
hits by his arrow. If he finds it a day or two later with nothing but the trace of his own arrow,
then it will be permissible for him to eat from it. However, if he finds it drowned in water,
then he should not eat from it because he does not know whether it died from drowning or
from his arrow.
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

Hadith 395

- ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ِ ‫سو َل هَّللا‬ َ  :‫سالِ ِم ْب ِن َع ْب ِد هَّللا ِ ْب ِن ُع َم َر عَنْ أَبِي ِه رضي هللا عنهما قَا َل‬
ُ ‫س ِم ْعتُ َر‬ َ ْ‫عَن‬

َ ِ‫ص ِمنْ أَ ْج ِر ِه ُك َّل يَ ْو ٍم ق‬

ِ َ‫يراط‬
‫قَا َل‬ . ))‫ان‬ ِ ‫ أَ ْو َما‬, ‫ص ْي ٍد‬
ُ ُ‫ فَإِنَّهُ يَ ْنق‬- ‫شيَ ٍة‬ َ ‫ إالَّ َك ْل َب‬- ً ‫(( َمنْ ا ْقتَنَى َك ْلبا‬ ‫ يَقُو ُل‬-

ٍ ‫صا ِح َب َح ْر‬ ٍ ‫((أَ ْو َك ْل َب َح ْر‬ :‫ َو َكانَ أَبُو ُه َر ْي َرةَ يَقُو ُل‬ :‫سالِ ٌم‬
َ َ‫ َو َكان‬، ))‫ث‬ َ
Abdullāh ibn ‘Umar - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported that the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:

"If anyone keeps a dog that is neither for hunting nor for guarding livestock, their

reward (for good deeds) will be reduced by two Qirāts per day." Sālim said that Abu

Hurayrah, who had a farm, used to say: "Or a farm dog."  

Explanation of the Hadith

A dog is a despicable filthy animal, and that is why Islamic Shariah forbade owning it

because of the harms and bad consequences resulting from keeping it. Examples of these

harms include the following: The honourable and obedient angels turn away from the house

where a dog is kept; dogs frighten and terrify people; dogs are a source of impurity and harm;

and owning a dog is a sign of foolishness. Therefore, anyone who keeps a dog their rewards

of good deeds will decrease considerably every day. This amount is translated into two

Qirāts, which only Allah knows how big they are, because such a person insists on

disobeying Allah by keeping a dog. However, if there is a need for keeping a dog, it is

allowed to do so in three cases: 1- Guarding livestock against wolves and thieves. 2-

Guarding crops. 3- Hunting animals. A Muslim is allowed to keep a dog for any of these

purposes and is no longer blamed for doing so.  

‫‪Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15‬‬

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

‫‪ِ - Book of At imah‬كت ُ‬

‫‪Hadith 396‬‬

‫ول هَّللا ِ ‪ -‬صلى هللا عليه وسلم ‪ -‬بِ ِذي ا ْل ُحلَ ْيفَ ِة ِمنْ ‪-‬‬
‫س ِ‬‫يج ‪ - -‬رضي هللا عنه ‪ -‬قَا َل‪ُ (( :‬كنَّا َم َع َر ُ‬
‫عَنْ َرافِ ِع ْب ِن َخ ِد ٍ‬

‫صابُوا إبِالً َو َغنَماً‪َ ،‬و َكانَ النَّبِ ُّي ‪ -‬صلى هللا عليه وسلم ‪ -‬فِي أُ ْخ َريَا ِ‬
‫ت‬ ‫ع فَأ َ َ‬ ‫اب النَّ َ‬
‫اس ُجو ٌ‬ ‫ص َ‬‫تِ َها َمةَ ‪ ,‬فَأ َ َ‬

‫صبُوا ا ْلقُدُو َر فَأ َ َم َر النَّبِ ُّي ‪ -‬صلى هللا عليه وسلم ‪ -‬بِا ْلقُدُو ِر فَأ ُ ْكفِئَتْ ‪ ,‬ثُ َّم قَ َ‬
‫س َم‬ ‫ا ْلقَ ْو ِم‪ ،‬فَ َع ِجلُوا َو َذبَ ُحوا َونَ َ‬

‫يرةٌ فَأ َ ْه َوى َر ُج ٌل‬

‫س َ‬‫ش َرةً ِمنْ ا ْل َغنَ ِم بِبَ ِعي ٍر ‪ ,‬فَنَ َّد ِم ْن َها بَ ِعي ٌر فَطَلَبُوهُ فَأ َ ْعيَا ُه ْم ‪َ ,‬و َكانَ فِي ا ْلقَ ْو ِم َخ ْي ٌل يَ ِ‬
‫فَ َع َد َل َع َ‬

‫اصنَ ُعوا بِ ِه‬ ‫سهُ هَّللا ُ‪ .‬فَقَا َل‪ :‬إنَّ لِ َه ِذ ِه ا ْلبَ َهائِ ِم أَ َوابِ َد َكأ َ َوابِ ِد ا ْل َو ْح ِ‬
‫ش‪ ،‬فَ َما نَ َّد َعلَ ْي ُك ْم ِم ْن َها فَ ْ‬ ‫س ْه ٍم ‪ ,‬فَ َحبَ َ‬
‫ِم ْن ُه ْم بِ َ‬

‫ب؟‪ ‬قَا َل‪َ  :‬ما أَ ْن َه َر ال َّد َم ‪,‬‬ ‫ى‪ .‬أَفَنَ ْذبَ ُح بِا ْلقَ َ‬
‫ص ِ‬ ‫َه َك َذا‪ ،‬قُ ْلتُ ‪ :‬يَا َر ُ‬
‫سو ُل هَّللا ِ ‪ ,‬إنَّا القُو ا ْل َع ُد ِّو َغداً ‪َ ,‬ولَ ْي َ‬
‫س َم َعنَا ُمد ً‬

‫سأ ُ َح ِّدثُ ُك ْـم عَنْ َذلِكَ ‪ ,‬أَ َّما ال ِّ‬

‫سنُّ ‪ :‬فَ َع ْظ ٌـم ‪َ  ,‬وأَ َّما‬ ‫سنَّ َوال ُّ‬
‫ظ ْف َر ‪َ ,‬و َ‬ ‫َو ُذ ِك َر ا ْ‬
‫س ُم هَّللا ِ َعلَ ْي ِه ‪ ,‬فَ ُكلُوهُ ‪ ,‬لَ ْي َ‬
‫س ال ِّ‬

‫‪-‬ال ُّ‬
‫ظ ْف ُر‪ :‬فَ ُمدَى ا ْل َحبَ َ‬
‫ش ِة)) ‪]266[- .‬‬

‫‪.‬نَدَّ‪َ  :‬‬

‫‪.‬أَعياه ْم‪ :‬أَ َ‬
‫عج َزهم‬

‫أي أَنَّ لها ت ََو ُح َ‬

‫شا ً ونُفوراً‬ ‫‪.‬أَ َوابِد‪ :‬جم ُع‪« ‬آبِدَة»‪ ‬وهي الغريبةُ المتوحشةُ‪ْ ،‬‬

‫‪.‬أَ ْن َه َر ال َّد َم‪ :‬أسالَهُ وأَ ْجراهُ‬

‫سكينُ‬ ‫فَ ُمدَى ا ْل َحبَ َ‬

‫ش ِة‪ :‬جم ُع‪ُ « ‬م ْديَة»‪ ‬وهي ال ِّ‬
‫‪ reported: We were with the Messenger of Allah‬رضي هللا عنه ‪Rāfi' ibn Khadīj -‬‬
‫‪ in Dhul al-Hulayfah when the people were stricken by hunger. They got‬ﷺ‬
‫‪ was‬ﷺ ‪camels and sheep as war booty. He added: The Messenger of Allah‬‬
‫‪behind the people. They hurried and slaughtered the animals and put their meat in pots‬‬
‫‪ came), he ordered‬ﷺ ‪and started cooking it. (When the Messenger of Allah‬‬
‫‪the pots to be overturned. Then, he distributed the animals (of the booty), regarding ten‬‬
‫‪sheep as equal to one camel. One of the camels fled and the people ran after it till they‬‬
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

were exhausted. There were only a few horses with them. A man threw an arrow at the
camel, and Allah stopped the camel with it. The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
" Some of these animals are like wild animals. So, if you lose control over one of these
animals, treat it in this way." Before distributing them among the soldiers, my
grandfather said: "We may meet the enemy soon and we have no knives; can we
slaughter the animals with reeds?" The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: "Use
whatever causes blood to flow, and eat the animals if the name of Allah has been
mentioned before slaughtering them. Do not slaughter with teeth or claws, and I will tell
you why: It is because teeth are bones and claws are the knives of the Abyssinians." We
may meet the enemy soon and we have no knives; can we slaughter the animals with
reeds?" The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: "Use whatever causes blood to
flow, and eat the animals if the name of Allah has been mentioned before slaughtering
them. Do not slaughter with teeth or claws, and I will tell you why: It is because teeth
are bones and claws are the knives of the Abyssinians." We may meet the enemy soon
and we have no knives; can we slaughter the animals with reeds?" The Messenger of
Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: "Use whatever causes blood to flow, and eat the animals if
the name of Allah has been mentioned before slaughtering them. Do not slaughter with
teeth or claws, and I will tell you why: It is because teeth are bones and claws are the
knives of the Abyssinians."  

Explanation of the Hadith:

In this Hadīth, Rāfi' ibn Khadīj - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reports: We were with the Prophet (may Allah's
peace and blessings be upon him) in Dhul al-Hulayfah when the people were stricken by
hunger. They got camels and sheep as war booty. He added: The Prophet (may Allah's peace
and blessings be upon him) was behind the people. They hurried and slaughtered the animals
and put their meat in pots and started cooking it. (When the Prophet came), he ordered the
pots to be overturned. Then, he distributed the animals (of the booty), regarding ten sheep as
equal to one camel. One of the camels fled and the people ran after it till they were
exhausted. There were only a few horses with them. A man threw an arrow at the camel, and
Allah stopped the camel with it. The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him)
said: " Some of these animals are like wild animals. So, if you lose control over one of these
animals, treat it in this way." Before distributing them among the soldiers, my grandfather
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

said: "We may meet the enemy soon and we have no knives; can we slaughter the animals
with reeds?" The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: "Use whatever causes blood to
flow, and eat the animals if the name of Allah has been mentioned before slaughtering
them. Do not slaughter with teeth or claws, and I will tell you why: It is because teeth are
bones and claws are the knives of the Abyssinians." We may meet the enemy soon and we
have no knives; can we slaughter the animals with reeds?" The Messenger of Allah
‫ ﷺ‬said: "Use whatever causes blood to flow, and eat the animals if the name of
Allah has been mentioned before slaughtering them. Do not slaughter with teeth or claws, and
I will tell you why: It is because teeth are bones and claws are the knives of the
Abyssinians." We may meet the enemy soon and we have no knives; can we slaughter the
animals with reeds?" Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: "Use whatever causes blood to
flow, and eat the animals if the name of Allah has been mentioned before slaughtering
them. Do not slaughter with teeth or claws, and I will tell you why: It is because teeth are

bones and claws are the knives of the Abyssinians."  

Benefits of the Hadith

 It is from the beautiful custom of the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that he is at

the end of the army; Be gentle with the weak and the cut off, so should the leaders and
the princes, and this is how the weak and helpless should be observed in all cases, in
the leadership of prayer and others.
 The Imam’s discipline of his subjects and his soldiers, the Messenger of Allah
‫ ﷺ‬- disciplined them for this haste and behaviour, before taking his
permission, so their reward was to deprive them of what they wanted.
 The hadith is evidence of the jurisprudence rule: whoever hastens something before
its time will be punished with deprivation.
 Justice, especially in the homeland of jihad against enemies and infidels; Because it is
one of the reasons for victory and victory over the enemies.
 If a camel, cow, sheep, or domesticated animal escapes and cannot be caught, let him
be killed by throwing it. Because his rule became the rule of the repulsive beast.
 It is obligatory to name, and fall by inadvertence and ignorance.
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

 It is permissible to sacrifice all that flows and liquefies blood, such as iron, stone,
cane, or other things.
Umaadatul Ahkaam - Chapter 15

‫َاب األَ ْط ِع َم ِة‬

ُ ‫ ِكت‬- Book of At imah

‫اح ّي‬
ِ ‫ض‬َ َ‫اب األ‬
ُ َ‫ب‬
Hadith 397

- ‫ش ْي ِن أَ ْملَ َح ْي ِن‬ ِ َ‫عَنْ أَن‬

َ  :‫قَا َل‬ - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬- ‫س ْب ِن َمالِ ٍك‬
َ ‫ بِ َك ْب‬- ‫ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬- ‫((ض َّحى النَّبِ ُّي‬
ِ َ‫صف‬
))‫اح ِه َما‬ ِ ‫ض َع ِر ْجلَهُ َعلَى‬ َ ‫ َو‬, ‫ أَقَ ْرنَ ْي ِن َذبَ َح ُه َما بِيَ ِد ِه‬.
َ ‫س َّمى َو َكبَّ َر َو َو‬
]267[- .‫وبياض‬
ٌ ‫األَغبَ ُر وهو الذي في ِه سوا ٌد‬ :‫األَ ْملَح‬-
‫فاح أَعناقِ ِهما‬
ُ ‫ص‬ ْ ‫ص ْف َحةُ ك ِل شي ٍء‬ :‫اح ِه َما‬
ِ ‫ والمرا ُد‬.ُ‫وج ُههُ وجانِبُه‬ ِ َ‫صف‬
ِ .

Anas ibn Mālik - ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬reported: The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬sacrificed
two black and white horned rams, which he slaughtered with his own hand. He said:
"Bismillāh (in the name of Allah), Allah Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)!" and put his foot
on their necks.  

Explanation of the Hadith

Another proof that Ud'hiyah (Eid sacrificial animal) is a confirmed act of Sunnah is that the
Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬not only encouraged it, but he also performed it. He
sacrificed two rams, black and white, each one having two horns. He slaughtered them with
his noble hand, being a sublime form of worship that he performed himself. He mentioned
the name of Allah, the Exalted, seeking His help so that it would be blessed. He also declared
Allah's greatness by saying Allah Akbar, exalting Him, revering Him, singling Him out with
worship, and displaying weakness and humility in front of Him, Blessed and Exalted. Since
good treatment of the sacrificial animal is required, out of mercy toward the animal by swiftly
making its soul depart the body, he placed his honourable foot upon their necks so they
would not shake while being slaughtered, thereby lengthening the slaughter time which
would be a torture to them, and Allah is Merciful to His creation. 

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