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Name : Andre Nayoan

Class : D
NIM : 321420076

Meeting 9. Writing text report

The line chart presents information on the male and female smokers in Someland for a 40
years period starting from 1960. Overall, the number of male smoker decreased over time
but the female smokers’ number increased at the same time.
According to the bar graph given, 600 males out of thousand people used to smoke earlier
in 1960 while less than 100 female smoker could be found in Someland per thousand
people. The number of male smoker gradually decreased over time and reached to 500 per
thousand in 1975 while the female smokers per thousand increased to over 300 in this year.
This trend remained same throughout the years and after 40 years in 2000, the male
smokers percentage reduced while the smoking habit among female rose. In this year the
ratio of male and female smoker in Someland became almost same and that was about 250
and 200 respectively out of thousand people.

Meeting 10. Writing summary

Everyone knows what happened on that terrible day in January, 1986. Early in the morning,
the Challenger crew had a good breakfast and discussed their plans. They made sure they
understood all of the work theywould be doing during the flight. Later, they boarded a
special van which carried them to the shuttle. Theweather was rather cold, and some NASA
officials wondered if they should put off the flight. After somediscussion, they decided to go
ahead. The Challenger took off over the Atlantic Ocean in Florida. Minuteslater, it exploded
in the air. All of the crew members died in the crash.

Summary : The NASA’s rocket was exploded

Meeting 11. Writing annotated bibbliography

B. Setiawan, D. K. Innatesari, W. B. Sabtiawan, Sudarmin “Development of Local Wisdom-
Based Science Modules to Improve Students’ Scientific Literacy” JPII 6 (1) (2017) 49-54

Based on the research results contained in this article It can be concluded that the local
wisdom science module with the Mount Kelud eruption theme developed is theoretically
and empirically feasible. It is based on the suitability of the material.
The feasibility component of 87.5% with a very good category. Presentation eligibility is
91.7% from the very good category. The language feasibility component is 88.9% in the very
good category. The component value of local wisdom is 87.5% very good category. In
addition, the scientific literacy eligibility component is 88.9% very good category. Based on
the results of the student’s scientific literacy test with the value of variation N-gain 0.2; 0.3;
And 0.4 each with low, medium, and medium categories. Suggestions in this study are the
modules that have been developed are suitable for use by junior high school science
teachers as teaching materials for subjects related to natural phenomena and ecosystems.
It aims to improve the literacy skills of junior high school students.

Meeting 12. Writing the introduction chapter of thesis

“Analysis of the use of Jargon in the Lomaya nature lover student community”

ut their daily activities, humans cannot be separated from language.
In Gorontalo itself, especially at the State University of Gorontalo, there are several
Mapala organizations including Mapala Motolomoia (University), Lomaya from the Faculty
of Literature and Culture, Tarantula from the Faculty of Agriculture, Continents from the
Faculty of Economics and Business, and Alaska from the Faculty of Engineering. Here we
only focus on Mapala Loma
As an organization that is engaged in the environmental field and carries out efforts to
preserve the environment, this organization carries out activities related to such
conservation efforts. Of course, this community uses terms related to their field when
communicating, so most do not understand them, especially the general public. Use of
unfamiliar-sounding terms can lead to different interpretations. It is not uncommon for
people to think cynically, because there are still many people who do not know the jargon,
which is only found in the organizational environment. In the Mapala Lomaya community,
there are several terms or jargon that are used. For example, to refer to an object, they use
terms that are sometimes incomprehensible. For example, to mention backpacks, they
replace it with the word kerel.
In terms of communication, language is seen as social behavior. Because society consists
of individuals who as a whole influence and depend on each other. Language as the
property of society gives a mirror to each individual. Each individual can behave through the
language they have, so that in interacting they influence each other. Even though language
belongs to the community and is behavior in society, of course there are certain sub-groups
or groups that have linguistic behavior that shows their own characteristics that can
distinguish it from other groups.
The jargon used by the Mapala community is certainly different from the use of jargon in
other groups or fields. The jargon used by this nature lover community has various forms
and characteristics that are not understood by others. Variations of jargon used usually
consist of nouns, verbs and adjectives. Jargon, which is a noun such as a stove for cooking, is
called “Tranjia”, jargon. In the form of a verb, for example, the activity of climbing a rock is
called "Climbing".
This reason is the main attraction for researchers to examine the jargon or special terms
used in a community. This research is more devoted to the use of jargon by the Lomaya
Nature Lover Student Community at the State University of Gorontalo.

B. Problem Formulation
Based on the background above, the researcher can formulate the problem as follows.
a. How is the use of jargon by the Lomaya Nature Lovers Student Community seen from its
b. How is the use of jargon by the Lomaya Nature Lover Student Community seen from its
C. Purpose
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives of this study are as follows.
a. To describe the use of jargon by the Lomaya Nature Lover Student Community, it is seen
from its form.
b. To describe the use of jargon by the Lomaya Nature Lover Student Community, it is seen
from its nature.

Meeting 13. Literature review

The Concept of Jargon
Jargon is varieties of language created for specific functions by the people who engage in
them regularly. It is like mini dialects but used only for the activity for which they were
created. Other definition about jargon is more specifically stated in Oxford Advanced
Learner‟s Dictionary (2001: 693),states that jargon is technical words expression used by a
particular profession or group of people and difficult for others to understand:
medical/legal/computer jargon. So, people in certain groups or communities use jargon
on many purposes.
Jargon usually means the special language of a group that people outside the
group do not understand. Trades and profession have specialized terms that people
who work in the field know. Whenthe people are writing for general a general
audience however avoids jargon and use terms that everyone understand. According to
Jendra (2010:58) thelanguage used among members of a professional fieldis usually
different from the one use in other fields.
Jargon use as the label for vocabulary peculiar to some field or occupational.
Other group or communities who want to know the language should learn and interact with
those communities. Thus, in English for instance, the word such us epidemics, prescription,
contagion are found to be used by the medical professionals. Whereas,big
government, bipartisan, campaign are used in politics. According to Jendra (2010:59)
specialty words or jargons may be used by professional for different purposes.
The language often cannotbe understood in the general society or the society in the
society in the outside of the group. For example in the jargon of computer likes
mouse, keyboard, RAM. The people know about these words but still confuse to
interpret the meaning because jargon consists of technical words used by certain
people in a certain social or professional group.
Sometimes the samewords can indeed express different meanings when they are
used in different fields. The word “operation” for instance, means „soldier‟s attack to a
targeted area of war in military, but in the medical domains the word is used to mean „a
certain act by hospital surgeons of helping a sick person‟. The words „private‟ is commonly
used in the commercial fields to mean „not belong to public or government‟ such as in
„privet‟ company, „privet‟ business, etc.
Jargon used to communicate and interact between the people in one group in the
society.According to Yuniasih (2013:11-14) jargon has many forms like in word, meanings,
and functions
Forms of Jargon Word
According to Kridalaksana (2008:101),word is the smallest unit of language that the
people can understand if it is said or written on its own. For example,the word of
jargon forms in computer such as hardware(thephysical parts of a computer) and
virus(a program that has been deliberately created to cause computer problems).

According to Kridalaksana (2008:1),abbreviation is the result of shortened unit. The way of
shortened takes the first syllable from the words. For example of jargon in the
abbreviation form in the electronic MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service).
According to Krisdalaksana (2008:5),in the other hand, acronym is the word. The
meaning of the word is the long of that word. The example of jargon in the acronym from
computer is likemodem (Modulator/Demodulator, a device for allowing computers to
communicate over a phone line).
The Meanings of Jargon
Meaning is what is referred or indicatedby e. G. Sounds, words, or signals. Meaning can be
divided into two elements like lexical and grammatical meaning. Lexical meaning is the
meaning given to linguistics element. Grammatical meaning is meaning brought the
pattern in the language. Meaning is the way or how the people utter the words so the
hearer understands what the people speak or write. According to Boer (1973:42-
43),there are two kinds of words as followings
Denotative Meaning
Denotative is the natural meaning and no addition. The meaning in the word not
connected with the other thing, not explain in the connection with the other event.
The denotative meaning is the meaning that suitable with the definition in the
dictionary and it is limited. For example medicine has the denotative meaning the art
and science of the prevention and cure of disease.
Connotative Meaning
The connotative meaning must be learnt and mastered based on the language
experience and the usage. Some of the connotative meaning has been write on the
dictionary if thesemeaning become to general connotation. It is the subjective because
there are many additional feelings and values. If the denotative meaning can be understood
by many people, the connotative meaning only can be understood by the small number
of people. The connotative meaning is depend on the personal interpretation. For
example, itchy has the connotative meaning having or producing irritation on the skin.
The Functions of Jargon
Jargon is a specialized term that has special function in communication. Each
profession needs jargon. Based on Ivesin Yuniasih (2013:18) jargon has some
functionas follows: 1) jargon can give a person a sense of belonging to a specific
group; 2) jargon can also make it easier for a person to communicate with their friend,
3)jargon is effective as signals for identification

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