Instructions:: This Assignment Is A Final Assessment Tool For The Department and Will Count Toward Your Final Grade

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MTH 342 Name:

Quiz 6
Due: 2021-12-09 Section: 11

1. Read the directions carefully.

2. Write neatly in pencil and show all your work.

3. Use the appropriate notation.

4. Do not use decimals on any intermediate step.

5. If you have trouble during the quiz, feel free to ask me for help.

6. Submit a pdf copy of the handout with your solutions on Canvas. Include the cover
sheet. This is 3 point deduction if the directions are not followed.

7. This assignment is a final assessment tool for the department and will count toward
your final grade.

1. Researchers in Germany concluded that the risk of heart attack on a Monday for a working
person may be as much as 50% greater than on any other day. The researchers kept track of
heart attacks and coronary arrests over a period of 5 years among 330,000 people who lived
near Augsberg, Germany. In an attempt to verify the researcher’s claim, 200 working people
who had recently had heart attacks were surveyed. The day on which their heart attacks
occurred appear in the following table:
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
24 36 27 26 32 26 29

a. Do these data present sufficient evidence to indicate that there is a difference in the
percentages of heart attacks that occur on different days of the week? Test using
α = 0.05.
b. After inspecting the data above, you might wish to test the hypothesis that the prob-
ability that a heart attack victim suffered a heart attack on Monday is 1/7 against the
alternative that this probability is greater than 1/7. Carry out the test above, using
α = 0.05.

2. Previous enrollment records at a large university indicate that of the total number of
persons who apply for admission, 60% are admitted unconditionally, 5% are conditionally
admitted, and the remainder are refused admission. Of 500 applicants to date for next year,
administrators collected the data represented in the table below.
Admitted Unconditionally Admitted Conditionally Refused Admission
Observed 329 43 128


a. Do the data indicate a departure from previous admission rates? Test using α = 0.05.
b. Use an applet to find the p-value associated with the test in part (a).
3. A study of the amount of violence viewed on television as it relates to the age of the
viewer yielded the results shown in the accompanying table for 81 people. (Each person in
the study was classified, according to the person’s TV-viewing habits, as a low-violence or
high-violence viewer.) Do the data indicate that viewing of violence is not independent of
age of viewer, at the 5% significance level?
PP Age
P 16-34 35-54 55 and Over Row Totals
Viewing PPPP
Low Violence 8 12 21 41

High Violence 18 15 7 40

Column Totals 26 27 28 81
4. A study to determine the effectiveness of a drug (serum) for the treatment of arthritis
resulted in the comparison of two groups each consisting of 200 arthritic patients. One group
was inoculated with the serum whereas the other received a placebo (an inoculation that
appears to contain serum but actually is not active). After a period of time, each person
in the study was asked whether his or her arthritic condition had improved. The results in
the accompanying table were observed. Do these data present sufficient evidence to indicate
that the proportions of arthritic individuals who said their condition had improved differed
depending on whether they received the serum? Use α = 0.05.
Treated Untreated Row Totals
Condition ```
Improved 117 74 191

Not Improved 83 126 209

Column Totals 200 200 400

5. Let µ1 , µ2 , µ3 be, respectively, the means of three normal distributions with a common,
but unknown, variance σ 2 . In order to test, at the α = 0.05 significance level, the hypothesis
H0 : µ1 = µ2 = µ3 against all possible alternative hypotheses, we take a random sample
of size 4 from each of these distributions. Determine whether we accept or reject H0 if the
observed values from the three distributions are, respectively, as follows:
x1 : 5 9 6 8
x2 : 11 13 10 12
x3 : 10 6 9 9
By hand, fill in the following table.
Source Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F ratio


6. Four chemical plants, producing the same products and owned by the same company,
discharge effluents into streams in the vicinity of their locations. To monitor the extent of
pollution created by the effluents and to determine whether this differs from plant to plant,
the company collected random samples of liquid waste, five specimens from each plant. The
data are given in the accompanying table.
Plant Polluting Effluents (lb/gal of waste)
A 1.65 1.72 1.50 1.37 1.60
B 1.70 1.85 1.46 2.05 1.80
C 1.40 1.75 1.38 1.65 1.55
D 2.10 1.95 1.65 1.88 2.00

a. Do the data provide sufficient evidence to indicate a difference in the mean weight of
effluents per gallon in the effluents discharged from the four plants? Test using the
Excel file on Canvas and α = 0.05. Include your Excel file.

Source Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F ratio




b. From the Excel file, find the p-value associated with the test in part (a).

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