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Learning Journal Unit 3

Netiquette, Peer Assessment & Feedback

1. Why is netiquette online important? What are the consequences of bad netiquette in the
“Netiquette is etiquette governing communication on the Internet.” (Merriam-Webster, 2020).
The need for netiquettes is essential because they prevent incidents of miscommunication and
disrespect on a digital (online) platform or environment. They also provide the necessary
platform for good communication, collaboration and cooperative work to take place.
2. How does netiquette relate to peer assessment? Why is it important to use good
manners when leaving feedback?
Even though online classroom lacks physical interaction, it is still a classroom, and some
actions and behaviors that are not acceptable in the physical setting are the same for an online
learning environment.
Moreover, some consequences for bad netiquettes in an online classroom include;
a. An incident of bad netiquette in a class could lead to the violation of the Code of Conduct,
which could lead to some disciplinary action (such as suspension or dismissal in the worst-case
scenario) taken against the perpetrator.
b. Bad netiquettes (such as flame wars, spamming, sharing of private information, inappropriate
jokes or comments) deprived an online classroom the platform for victims of these
to desist from sharing their opinions which would have otherwise enriched the discussion or the
overall knowledge of the class.
c. It also undermines collaborative and cooperative work amongst learners. Some learners
including me, in an attempt to avoid future embarrassments or situations, where learners with
bad netiquettes would get the opportunity to disrespect them, would decide to entirely not
other learners in online class discussion. Bad netiquettes tend to not only affect the individual
during their time online but extend it into their real life and may carry the pain or hurt from the
online classroom into their life.
Netiquettes are essential to peer assessments and reviews because when providing feedback to a
discussion post or topic, your non-verbal communication can be misinterpreted misconstrued
but with a tone of appreciation and politeness your feedback could be well received. Moreover,
when assessing and reviewing a work whether or not conforms to your school of thought or the
rubrics given, give thoughtful but polite feedback to your peer. The purpose of feedbacks is to
either encourage or point out areas where the learner could improve. When these criticisms are
ill-constructed, they rather demoralize or discourage the receiver of the feedback.

3. How do you feel about the feedback you received this week? What about the feedback
you gave?
Sincerely, I still haven’t gotten used to assessing peers though I believe I am getting better at
the process than I was in my first week of the learning experience at the University of the
People. I find that every learner is trying to be as courteous and polite at possible but at the
same time providing criticisms that improve your understanding and grasp on the topic. This
week’s feedback, in particular, had an instance where I believe the peer assessor wrongly
accused me of omitting or forgetting to tackle all the requirements of the discussion post and
another also stated I could have paraphrased a portion I cited from the UoPeople
website. Well, I feel both understood me quite wrongly.
About the feedback I give to the others, it was herculean seeing that there are some many
justifiable schools of thoughts on the same topic. I did well to appreciate the effort of their
works, followed the rubrics and also notified them about spelling and grammar and also
punctuation errors that were lurking in their work.

APA Exercise
1. What is the title of the article?
2. Who is the author (or who are the authors)?
Answer: Carla J. Dove, Ray W. Snow, Michael R. Rochford and Frank J. Mazzotti
3. What year was the article published?
Answer: 2011
4. What is the title of the journal?
Answer: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology
5. What is the Volume number, Issue number, and page numbers?
Volume Number = Vol. 123,
Issue Number = No. 1

Page Numbers = pp. 126-131 (6 pages)

6. If the article has a DOI number, what is the DOI? If it does not, what is the URL of the
journal’s home

7. Write the APA reference for the book you found

Answer: Dove, C. J., Snow, R. W., Rochford, M. R., & Mazzotti, F. J. (2011). Birds Consumed
by the
Invasive Burmese Python (Python molurus bivittatus) in Everglades National Park, Florida,
USA. The
Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 123(1), 126–131.

8. Using the information from #5, write the APA in-text citation for the webpage you found.
Answer: According to a research, “Eight-five of 343 Burmese pythons (25%) collected with
Everglades National Park during 2003–2008 were found to have bird remains in their intestinal
tracts” (Dove et al.,
2011, p. 129)

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