3 Sampling Size and Sampling Techniques

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ID NO 0229/03






First and foremast I would like to thank the almighty God who has been with me
throughout my life and give me the strength to complete my paper. Next there are many
people to thank their effort and help.
My heart fast gratitude primarily goes to my advisor, Gebreslass ( Mpp ) for his valuable
advice and inseparable support from beginning to the completion of this paper. He has
followed as my works and given supportive suggestions and comments.

My special thanks go to my family for heir being with me in Mayer to the lord help me; for
their financial and other support in my academic lite, my brother shame Golla who always
with me in ideas, finical and other things.

My best thanks goes to fikralem and chalachew who supported me by encouraging and
helping me by materal, Ermias Tilahun who cooperated me by allowing his computer,
Fekade and endae who gave me constructive ideas. I also thanks dawit Girmay and eiyas
who are supporting me and sharing their ideas.
Table of content page


1. Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1. Background of the study ------------------------------------------1
1.2. Statement of the problem------------------------------------------2
1.3. Research questions-------------------------------------------------3
1.4. Objective of the study ----------------------------------------------3
1.4.1. General objective of the study---------------------------------3
1.4.2. Specific objectives of the study--------------------------------3
1.5. Research methodology----------------------------------------------4
1.5.1. Types of data-----------------------------------------------------4 Primary source of data-----------------------------------4 Secondary source of data--------------------------------4
1.5.3 . sampling size and sampling techniques---------------4
1.5.4 . Method of data analysis-----------------------------------5
1.6. Scope of the study--------------------------------------------------5
1.7. Limitation of the study---------------------------------------------5
1.8. Signification of the study ------------------------------------------6

Chapter Two------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Review of literature---------------------------------------------------7
2.1. Definition and meaning of training---------------------------7
2.1.1. Aim and objective of training -------------------------------9
2.1.2. Purpose of training ------------------------------------------10
2.1.3. Goals of training ---------------------------------------------10
2.1.4. Training management ---------------------------------------11
2.1.5. Who is involved in training ---------------------------------11

2.2. Managing the training program ----------------------------------------12

2.3. Choosing trains and trains----------------------------------------------13

2.4. Types of training ----------------------------------------------------------14

2.5. Training methods---------------------------------------------------------15

2.6. factors affecting training-------------------------------------------------16

2.7. training and its outcome-------------------------------------------------17

2.8. Employee performance---------------------------------------------------18

2.9. Standard of performance-------------------------------------------------19

2.10. Measures of employee performance----------------------------------19

1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the study
 Training refers to a planned effort by a company to facilitate the
learning job related knowledge’s, skills, or behaviors of employees.
The goal of training effort is for employees to improve their
knowledge’s skills or ability emphasized in training program and
to apply it in their day to day activities (Ger hart wrghti, 1996).
 Training is any attempt to improve employee performance on
currently held jobs or one related to it. This usually means
changes in specific knowledge’s, skills, abilities or behaviors. To
be effective training should involve a learning experience by
planned organizational activity and simultaneously meeting the
goal individual employees (Beranardin, 1998).
 In the organizational context, training can be defined as
organizationally directed experience designed to further the
learning specific job behaviors that will contribute to
organizational goals. In the ideal situation training helps to
further both the goal of the organization and individual goals
(French, 2007).
 Employees are the main assets of all companies. Every company
want this employees must be energetic and effective so, that the
company can lead to the success. Organizational goals are always
achieved by employees efficiency so, it is an organizational need
that their employees must be trained (Torrington, 2005).
 Organizations are taking great interest regarding their employee’s
performance in these days. All organizations make sure that their
employees are getting good and up to date training programs. All
organizations make sure that their employees are getting good and
up to date training programs. Although there are many types of
training programs some give more effective and energetic
employees to the organization (Torrington, 2005).
 Human Resource management has a key role to play in training
the employees. Cowling mailer (1998) suggests that basically
training is given to both new employees and to employees who
recently moved to a new work area. They also said that in change
process training is also very necessary. That’s why trains become
one of the most important tasks which human resource
management (HRM) manager has to look at. The amount and kind
of training is very important for managers they should be aware of
this a manager should always focus firstly on type of training
methods. They are using and then it is also very important for a
manager to make sure that these straining methods are being put
in practice through a proper channel. A proper method of training
in a proper channel makes an employee more effective and
efficient (Barton and Gold, 2003).
1.2. Statement of the problem
The main focus for this study behavior of company or an
organization which they show towards their employees. Organization
should insure that their staffs were well trained in most aspect of
their business (Torrington, 2005).
Training of the chosen organization was interested with respect to
the current studies. Effective and efficient role of training helps the
organization to the society in particular. If there is no effective and
efficient role of training exists, the organization would not successful
to increase its productivity. To overcome this problem it was obvious
that the manger should develop effective training policy and
implement. Planning of one organization can be affected through
series of changing that might affect the entire effective of training on
employee’s performance.
The idea of having right people is possible through the integration of
training in development Bank. In addition to this the role of training
on employee’s performance was a critical issue on the training of
employee’s performance in the bank.
1.3. Research questions
1. What is the method of training used?
2. What are the types of training offered by the bank?
3. What are the criteria used for selecting employees for the
training program?
4. What is the role of training on employee’s performance?
1.4 Objective of the study
The study would basically focus on the role of training on employee
performance and this study is aimed to achieve general and specific
1.4.1 General objectives of the study
The main objective of this study was to examine the significance of
training on employee’s performance in development bank at Mekelle
1.4.2 Specific objectives of the study
The role of training on employer’s performance would try to assess
the following specific objectives.
-To evaluate the methods of training used.
- To identity the types of training offered by the
-To identity the criteria used for selecting
employees for the
training program
-To evaluate the role of training on employees performance.

1.5. Research Methodology

1.5.1. Types of Data
As to conduct this study and show its goal effectively, the researcher
would use both primary and secondary of data. Primary Source of Data
In this the researcher would use both questionnaire that was open
ended and close ended questions and structural interview as source
of primary data. The questionnaire is distributed for the employees
in development bank and the researcher would interview the higher
position person that is the bank managers to assess, training and its
effectiveness. Secondary Source of Data
Also to support different argument raised in the study the secondary
source of data would be considered as an important part of the
research. These data would come from different manuals, books,
magazine, and application, internet and the record of the
organization under study.
1.5.2. Sampling Size and Sampling Techniques
The sampling procedure the researcher user in this study is census
techniques because the population is very small in size so, in this
study the researcher use census techniques, to examine the role
employees of development bank from the stated section to express
their idea about necessary of training on employee performance for
the bank under this sampling techniques, the study will focus and
divide the workers of the bank as trained and non-trained employees
to provide the desired sample size for this study.
There are 17 workers in the bank so starting from this point of view
I will examine the role of training for those population depend on
trained and trained workers. Among 17 workers (employees) of the
bank 12 of them are trained and the remaining of 5 (five) are non–
trained employees. from those 17 employees of the bank the
researcher prepare question for 16 employees and interview for a
1.5.4. Method of Data Analysis
A quantitative method and qualitative method of data analysis will
use in this study to assess the role of training on employee
performance at development bank. A quantitative data will be
obtained from the questionnaires that will distribute for the
respondents, whereas, a qualitative data is obtain from the manager
through questionnaires of the bank for strength this study. During
the analysis f this study, I will organize the collecting data in the
form of tabular and interpretation of all collecting data in the form of
1.6. Scope of the Study
The study focus only on the role of training on employee
performance related to problems and solution under taking. Though
role of training on employee performance can be affect by various
factors, the study will be cover only the role of training on employee
performance in development bank at Mekelle branch.
1.7. Methodological scope
The methodological scope will include using census research design,
data will be collected through primary and secondary data
collection, then it will be interpreted by tabulation and in the form of
1.8. Limitation of the study
As stated from the scopes of study the study assesses the role of
training on employee performance in development bank mekelle
town only due to the following limitation.
 Luck of sufficient finance for transformation to assess the whole
bank training practice in all bank of Tigray region as well as the
 Luck of time is another constraint to narrow the scope of the
study. There is no time to move freely in every bank, therefore I
will focus on development bank in mekelle town.
 Luck of available data and information of all banks of Tigray
region as well as the country due to this I will focus the study
on available data that gain about role of training an employee
performance at development bank mekelle branch.
1.9. Significant of the study
The study of this proposal will provide information about the role of
training on employee performance for the manager, employees and
other workers of the bank. The main purpose of this paper is to
 As reference for future study on role of training on
employee performance
 It will assist the firm to plan and implement actions aiming
at improving firms performance by evaluating the existing
performance result.
 This study will help development development bank in
terms of improving its training program based on findings
of the study’s and recommendations forwarded.
 The paper is significant on providing some information
about the concepts of training on employee performance
 Will serve as bench mark for other researcher who wants to
study further.

2.1 Definition and meaning of training
Training is a planned, continuous effort by management to improve
employee competency levels and organizational performance training
is an activity designed to provide learner with the knowledge’s and
skills needed for their present jobs. Training shows for the workers
how to operate a supervisor how to schedule daily production.
Training activities have the potential to align employs of affirm with
its corporate strategies. In virtually every market, customers are
demanding higher equality lower costs and faster cycle times to meet
these requirements, firms must continually improve their overall
employee performance rapid advances in technology and improved
processes have been important factors in helping businesses meet
this challenge however ,the most important competitive advantage
for any firm is its workforce and these workers must remain
competent through continuous training efforts a number of forward
thinking forms have became or are strived to become learning
organizations. Learning organizations are firms that recognize the
critical importance of continuous performance related training and
take appropriate action to improve them training costs should be
accepted for what they are an investment in human resources Ti is
clear that training is not merely a nice thing to provide it is strategic
resource that firms must tap to move their organizations an
organized in to the next century (hall, 1999).
Training as an organized procedure for increasing the knowledge
and skills of people for a definite purpose. In the industrial situation
the trainees well acquire new sills, technical knowledge, problem
solving ability and attitude (singh, 2004)
Training represents a planned effort by an organization to facilitate
employees learning of job-related behaviors. It is usually refers to
teaching low-level or technical employees how to do their present
jobs (daft, 1997).
In the organizational contort training can be defined as
organizationally directed experiences designed to further the
learning of specific job behaviors that will contribute to organization
goals. In the ideal situation training helps to further both the goal of
the organization and the individual goals .Broadly speaking, we are
using the term training to mean the same as skills training skills
training can very all the way from learning how to use particular tool
to learning a new procedure or even to learning skills in running
meeting if the job requires such skills the concept of training usually
implies fairly direct or immediate applicability skills training tends
to focus more on specific tasks (L.French 1999).
Training is defined as any attempt to improve employee performance
o a currently held job or one related to it this usually means
changes in specific knowledge, skills attitudes or behaviors to be
effective training should in valve a learno9ng experience be a
planned organizational activity and be designed to meet the goals of
the organization while simultaneously meeting the goal of individual
employees (bernardin, 2003)
Training is the process of etching new employees the basic skills
they need to perform the jobs training may mean showing a new web
designer them in traceries of your safe a new sales person how to
sell your firms product or a new supervisor how to interview and
evaluate employees training is a hall mark of good management and
task managers over look at their peril ( dessler . 2004).
Business is determined not only accountability but also greater
articulation of how training programs is a very difficult task and
several issues need to be considered which includes employee
development and performance improvement employee retention
/Ivancevich and Williams. 1997)
Training should being in the first day while employee start to work
and it is continuous process that should be managed by experts
training as a part of staffing is done to aide employees in improving
performance to be effectives training programmers should
accomplish a number of objective like,
-Training must based on organizational and individual needs
training objective must be directed to words the accomplishment of
organizational objectives such as efficient production methods
reduced operation costs, and improve duality of product and service
-training should address problems that need to be solved company
reports and records provide clues to the treble spot, record on
tardiness, absenteeism, and interview conducted with the individual
employees questionnaires group discussions can be used to identify
the problems areas as well as training needs.
-Training programs should be based on sound theories of learning
-Training must be evaluated modifications in training programs
must be made whenever necessary. It is quit unlikely that the task
demand are stable more frequently because of volatile technology
and market condition the job are charging this regular in training
2.1.1 Aims and objectives of training
This is the first of a series of guidance antes that the judicial studies
Board (JSB) monitoring and evaluation team will issue periodically
on key training
Topics. The target audience for example Justice Clerks legal advice
and training managers the Nate is written as a practical tool and
provides working examples aims and objectives of essential for
designing effective training without understanding the purpose and
expected results of training things can go badly wrong If clearly
defined aims and objective are looking there is on sound basis for
the selection or design of materials content and methods A clear
statement of what is to be achieved through the training will provide
a sound basis for choosing approached evaluation methods In other
words learners will know precisely in which direction they are
travelling and trainers will know whether or not they are getting
there as a result evaluating training becomes a much easier process
with in the four main areas indentified in the Judicial studies
Board monitoring and evaluation guidance(on the JSBM and E) thus
aims and objectives play vital role in planning
 A training program
 B course
 C short training even for individual learners
 Evaluation methods
(WWW, jsboard.co.uk/Mandeldocs/Aims%2000/
2.1.2 Purpose of training
The purpose of training includes
 Improved productivity at all organizational level
 Presentation of obsolescence
 Preparation for higher level tasks
 To improve the quality and quantity of out put
 Lowering the cost of waste and equipment maintenances by
improving employees equipment handling
 Lowering the number and cost of accidents
 Lowering the turnover and absents
 Increase job satisfaction
 Improve employee self-esteem (mondy and Noe)
2.1.3 Goals of Training
Training can provide information about when various training goals
have been accomplished some important goals is:
 Training validity the trainees learn skills or acquire knowledge
are abilities during the training
 Transfer validity knowledge skills or abilities learned in training
lead to improved employee perform an on the job.
 Interne organizational validity job performance of new groups of
trainees in the same organization that develop the program
comparable to the job performance of the original training group.
2.1.4 Training management
Training management defined the process in which the trains obtain
necessary skills experiences and attitudes that they need to become
or remain successful leaders in their respective organization there
are number of reasons for using training management some of them
1. Reducing or preventing training obsolesce by keeping the
individual up to data in the fled modern organization are
sensitive to the problem of training obsolescence there are there
(3) major cause for this problem
i. Trainees in ability to keep up with technological changes in
the pled
ii. The promotion of individuals to positions are unqualified
iii. As managers get older they find it difficult to keep up in
their field
2. Increaser employees overall effectiveness
3. Increaser employs overall satisfaction
4. Satisfying some of the refinements of equal employment
opportunity (Hodgetts and kuratko,1991)
2.1.5 Who involved in training?
Fr training to be effective top management must support it in an
open manner employees must see that top management supporting
training personally and financially as with other HRM activities both
operating and HR managers are in groups involved occasionally
more than these two groups are involved community theater actors
enacted the roles to show participants how to perform on the job
(Ivancevich, 1998).
2.2 managing the training program
-Determine needs and objectives it is the first step to determine
training needs and set objectives for these needs. The needs
assessment involves analyzing the organization needs the knowledge
skill, and ability needed to perform the job or the person or job
holders. The organizational needs assessment requires an
examination of the long and short term objectives of the firm. The
organization`s financial, social, human resource, growth, and
market objectives need to be matched with the firm human talent,
structure, climate, and efficiency. The knowledge, skills and abilities
needed to perform the job are carefully considered. The employee`s
needs also must be considered. Asking people what their needs are
in the job and asking them to perform tasks can provide information
and data. There are four ways to determine employee’s needs for
1. Observe employees.
2. Listen to employees
3. Ask supervisor about employees needs
By observing asking and listening manager or Hr specialist is
actually conducting a performance analysis. There are number of
steps in performance analysis to determine training needs.
Step 1. Behavioral discrepancy appraises employee’s performance
how employees donning now and how should they be doing?
Step-2 cast value analysis determines cast and value of correcting
the identified behavioral discrepancy.
Step-3 is it a “can’t do” won’t do” situation? It is important to
determine if the employee could do the expected job is she or he
wanted to their questions need to be answered.
I. Does the person know what to do interims of performance?
II. Could the person do the job is she or he wanted to?
III. Does the person want to do the job?
Step-4 set standards establishing a standard and clearly
communicating it can improve performances.
Step-5 remove obstacles ream eve obstacles that results behavioral
Step- 6. Practice practice may be one avenue to perform a job better.
Step-7. Training should be weighed and considered to fined the one
best suited to correct the behavior discrepancy
Step-8. Change the job redesigning the job through job enrichment,
job simplification or job enlargement may be the best solution.
Step-9 Transfer or terminate if all else has failed the employee may
have to be transferred or terminated.
Step -10. Create a motivational climate use motivational approach
that converts unsatisfied person to motivate high perforce
(Ivancevich, 1998).
2.3. Choosing trainers and trains
Great care must be exercised in choosing effective trainers the
success of training program depends an proper selection of the
person who performs the training tasks personal characteristics
(such as ability to speak well, to write convincingly to organize the
work of other to be inventive and to inspire others to greater
achievements) are important factors in the selection of trainers. The
process of analyzing needs and developing a training program can be
accomplished by company trainers hr specialist who report to the
HR manager or other top managers are also used to perform a needs
analysis and to conduct the training although much formal training
is performed by professional trainers offer operating supervisor may
be best trainers technically especially if the training mangers helps
them prepare the material the presence of trained trainers is the
major factor in whether the training program is successful.
It will help if these principles of learning are followed.
 Providing time for practice of the materials
 Require practice and reputational of the material.
 Communicate the material effectively
Another planning factor is the selection of the trainees who will
participate in the programs in some cases this is obvious; the
program may have been designed to train particular new employees
in certain skills (inancevich, 1998).
2.4. The types of training
The types of training management uses will vary with its jobs,
people and higher management support some of the more popular
ones will be discussed here.
1. Job Rotation:- the training technique of job rotation is one which
exposes an employee to many different faces of an organization over
a period of time moving through various jobs in significant
department the person sees how the entire organization hangs
together such a comprehensive view is offer proffered to the is
solvated experience of moving up through one department only.
2. In House schools:- by organizing seminars firms often develop
the content and selecting talented instructions management controls
the process and tailors the program to current needs.
3. Cooperative training: Arrange courses which will meet
employee’s current educational needs; often the student employee
earns collage credit for the effort.
4. Vestibule Training: when new employees must be thought
certain manual skills visibility training is very logical choice.
Assimilated work no area is set aside and furnished with training
equipment exactly like that which the employee will eventually
5. Seminars: Private organizations and management Research
Corporation periodically stage workshops and seminars in large sites
throughout the country. They are conducted by practicing
executive’s reputable consultancy and well know college professors.
6. On the Top Training: The training learns the job under the
guidance of supervisor because the person is the key to success on
the job training, he or she must enthusiastically welcome the role of
trainer as a regular responsibility (T.straub, 2000).
2.5 Training Method
A. Presentation techniques: includes traditional class room
instruction, distance, learning, and audiovisual techniques. These
are ideal for
Presenting new facts, information different philosophies, and
alternative problem solving solution or processes.
B. Class room Instruction: Involves having the trainer lecture a
group. Class room instruction remains popular training method
despite new technologies assisted instruction.
C. Distance learning: used by geographically despaired companies
to provide information about new products, policies, procedures as
well as skill training and lectures.
D. Audiovisual Techniques: Includes over heads slides and video.
Video is the most popular instructional method it has been use for
improving communications skills, interview skills, and customer
service skill.
E. Hands on Techniques: Including on the job trainings
simulations, business games, and case studies, behavior modeling
and interactive video this methods are ideal for developing skills,
understanding how skills and behaviors can be transferred to the
F. on- the- job training (OJT):- it can be useful for training newly
hired employees up grading the skill of experienced employees when
new technology is introduced crass training employees within a
department or work unit and orienting transferred or promoted
employees to their new jobs ( Gerhartwright,1996).
2.6. Factors affecting training
An organization’s training effort will be met with some undesirable
employee will be met with some undesirable employee attitudes
regardless of how care full they are presented being aware of mare
popular ones helps to prevent them.
1. Scorekeeping attitude: - Also called get your ticket punched is
the feeling that the mare training sessions one attends and the
more certificate he/she hangs on the wall the better the chance
for promotion it may cancel out one true goals of training
which is to improve employees performance in their present
jobs and prepare them for greater responsibility promotion
should be based on accomplishment resulting from training
rather than sheer training gone.
2. Not putting training to work: - one challenging of training is
show participant’s avenues by which the materials, ideas and
practices may be applied to their work the training program
should require that employees actively try to use that to which
they were exposed.
3. Choosing wrong trainee: - candidates for training are chosen
on the basis of numbers rather than need and motivation.
4. Indifference:- indifference may arise when management does
not require training to be applied to the job. It also happens
because of management does not public the success of those
who have wrought improvements in their work through

All of these attitudes may be minimized by carefully designing a

training experience and communicating its importance throughout
the organization (T.Straub, 1979).
2.7. Training and its out cane
The following are the main value of training
1. Reduced learning time; a systematic program of training helps
to reduce the learning time to reach the acceptable level of
2. Reduced supervision; if the employees are given proper training,
the responsibility of supervision is lessened.
3 .better performance; well trained employee shows a greater in a
higher quality of work of output than untrained group.
4. Economy; trained personal will be able to make better and
economical use of material and equipment. Wastage will also
reduced inddition, the rate of accident and damage to machinery
and equipment will be kept to minimum by the well trained
employees. These will lead to lesser cost of production per unit.
5. Increased moral; the moral of the employee is increasing if they
are giving proper training. As a common objective of the organization
training program will be mauled employees attitude to achieve
support for organizational activities and to obtained better
cooperation and greater locality with the help of training
dissatisfaction complaints and turn over can also be reduced among
the employees.
6. Better management: - A manager can make use of training to help
him manage his planning organizing; controlling and employees can
assist in improving his planning organizing and actuating.
7. Organization stability and flexibility:- training increase the
stability and flexibility of the organization creation of reservoir of
trained replacement will increase the stability of the organization in
the sense that organization will be able to sustain its effectiveness
despite the lass of key personnel or employee. Training can also help
the employees to gain multiple skills to enable their transfer to job
where the demand is highest (Ivancevich, 1998).
2.8. Employee performance
Despite the importance performance appraisal few organizations
clearly define what it is they are tiring to measure. In order to design
a system for apprising performance. Although a person job
performance depends on some combination of ability effort and
opportunity it can be measured interims of outcomes or results
produced performance is defined as the record of outcomes or
results produced job function or activist during a specified time
(Bernard, 2003).
Performance is common to most jobs includes the following
 Quality of output
 Quantity of output
 Timelines of output
 Presence at work
 Cooperativeness
Other dimensions of performance beyond these general ones apply
to various jobs. Specific job criteria or dimensions of job
performance identify the most important element in a given job. Job
criteria are the most important element people do in their jobs
because they define what the organizations pay an employee to do;
therefore, the performance of individual and job criteria than others.
Also some criteria might more important than others to the
organization weights can be used to show the relative importance of
several job criteria is one job (Mathis, 2003).
Most jobs have more than one job criterion or dimensions often a
given individual might demonstrate a better performance on some
job criteria than others also some criteria might more important
than others to the organization weights can be used to show the
relative importance of several job criteria is one job (mathis,2002).
2.9. Standard of performance
Every job has an expected standard of performance unless such
standards are attained not only interrelated job suffer, but
organizational viability will be affected, and so will the expectations
of that have been set for that particular job itself. If the standards
set for performance of a job are known then it is possible to know
whether the job is being performed at the desired level of output or
not knowledge of the task will help in understanding what skills
knowledge and attitudes an employee should have (monappa, 2000).
2.10. Measures of employee performance.
According to monopod, irrespective of the level small or large, most
companies use eleven performance measures.
 Quantity at work
 Quality of work
 Waste and breakage
 Money/profit/ earned
 Tab knowledge
 Job tenure
 Absenteeism
 Rate of advancement
 Self-judgment
 Judgment by supervisors or immediate bass
 Judgment by peers
4 Survey Results And Analysis
In the previous chapter it has been discussed that appropriate
training and development program results in up dated knowledge
and skill as the technology, competent and customer mid change
besides improving the moral sense of competency for workers in an
The researcher has also seen the need for training and development
of employees and its contribution for program improvement. In this
chapter an assessment on the theoretical aspect of training and
development of employees with practice are conducted. This paper is
devoted to the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data
obtained from employees of Axum zone water supply development
coordination office. The data required full fill the information
requirement of the objective of the study has been exclusively
primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through
questionnaire and interview from the selected respondents who are
responsible for conducting training and development program with
in the organization.
The researcher has distributed 25 questionnaires to the worker of
the organization and 3 interview questions to the 3 department

Questionnaire Analysis
Table 4.1 Profile of Respondents
No Response Number of Percentage
Responden (%)
1 Sex Male 16 64%
Female 9 36%
2 Age  18 – 25 9 36%
 25 – 40 10 40%

 41 – 55 6 24%

 56 and - -

Total 25 100%
3  Certificate - -
Educationa  Diploma -18 72%
l level  Degree 6 24%

 Master and 1 4%
Total 25 100%
Source: survey result, 2012
As we observed above in table 4.2 the number of male responded
ants were 16(64%) where as the number of female respondent were
9(36%) out of the total respondent 25 (100%) it is also observed from
table 3.2 item 2 that the employees with age group. According to the
response there were 9(36%) of the respondent age loges b/n 18-25,
10(40%) of respondent b/n 25-40, 6(24%) of respondent b/n 41 – 55
and who one is above 56.
Most of the respondent fall sunders the category of the most
productive age that is 25-40 years old. Focusing on this productive
age group for training and development provision enables the high
value added from the young and matured work force compared to
the low value added from the premature or old age group.
The purpose of the question stared in item 3 is to classified the
employees by educational level or status from the above table 6(24%)
of the respondent are degree holders, 18(72%) are the diploma
holder 1(4%) of the respondent is master holder and there is no one
who have certificate status.
Table4.2 the participation of an organization in training and
development program
No Respons No of Percentage
e responden (%)
4 Does the organization Yes 25 100%
provide training and No - __
development program?
Source: survey result, 2012
As shown table 3.3 the question is designed to examine heather the
organization provide training and development program to its
employees. So as the result in dictates’ the entire respondent make
sure that the organization give training and development program,
regardless of their satisfaction towards, the training and
development program that have taken in the organization.
Some respondents also suggest that the organization cold
increase employee job satisfaction in that.
 By making training effectively and efficiently
 By providing an experienced trainer that gives the training
 By budgeting enough capital for training
Table 4.3 the time that the organization gives training
No Response No of Percentage
5 If your answer for question number 4
is yes when is the time that the
organization provide training 2 8%
 After the employee made lower 15 60%
performance 8 32%
 At the time of working process
 When anew employee is hired
Total 25 100%
Source: survey result, 2012
The intension of the question in item 5 is to indicate the time that
the organization gives training and development programmed to its
employees .AS the table shows a 52(8 %) of the total respondent said
that the organization give training after a given employee made lower
performance or when his/her supervise or observe him/her doing
lower performance. 15(60%) of the total respondent said that the
organization give training or provide training programmed at the
time of working process so as to increase productivity in the work
force. At least 8(32%) of the total respondent said that the
organization give training when ever a new employee is hired so as
to enable him/hart adapt with the new environment that he/she
As we have observed in the above the dominant time that the
organization give training and development programmed is during
the working process, that is why this situation enables the
organization to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a given
work and also it help the organization to increase the work
productivity that makes to meet future objective and goals. It is also
clearly shown that in above table 3.4 that the organization also give
also give training when new environment but the organization do not
consider to give training when new employee made a lower
performance. This situation is not good being because it makes the
employee to committee another mistake.
Tab le 4.4 Types of Training that are provided by the Organization
No Response No of Percentage
responden (%)
6 What types of  Lecture 3 12%
training method is method 15 60%
used by the  On the job - -
organization to training 7 28%
provide training  Audiovisual
 Of the job
Total 25 100%
Source: survey result, 2012
Ones the organization decide to train its employee and what they
have to learn, the organization has to designee the training and
development program the organization concert the content and
program sequence it self. There are various methods companies
used to actually deliver the training and development. As it is
observed in table 3.5 the organization uses different methods to
train its employee. So 3(12%) of the total respondent said the
organization use lecture method. 15(60%) of respondent said the
organization uses on the job training, 7(28%) of the respondent said
the organization uses off the job training, and finally, the
organization not table to give training by using audio visual method.
From the above information we can conclude that on the job
training is the most preferable method by the organization to train
employee suites very use full as a given employee have a strong
contact with his/her trainer, at job time. But the organization don’t
use audio visual method of training and we can consider these as
weak side of the organization because, audio visual method is very
useful method in relating or helping the theoretical education with
the piratical one, ore create a god image on the eye of the trainee. It
is also clearly observed that the organization give of the job training
sometimes, there situation is better or a given employee more deep
concentration the training given because he /she is out of the job. At
the time the organizations do not consider to use lecture method of
training. As lecture method of training is use gull in understanding
then nature of works deeply, the employee as may miss the chance
to set such kind of there advantage.
There is no attempt that is made by the organization that is
designed to know whether the training was satisfactory or not that
means after training is given the organization do not take any kind
of fed back from the employee.
Table 4.5 the responsible person for training and development
program and his/her ability to provide sufficient knowledge to the
No Response No of percentage
7 Who is  Department
responsible head 6 24%
person to give  Immediate 7 28%
training and supervisor 18 48%
development  Executive
program? bodies
 External trains
Total 25 100%
8 Does the  Yes 10 40%
trainer give  No 15 60%
that a given
deserves to

Total 25 100%
Source: survey result, 2012
The intention of the question in item 7 is to know the responsible
person for the training and development programmed, to provide for
employees. As the table indicates 6(24%) of the total respondent said
that department head is the responsible body giving training 7(28%)
of the total respondent said immediate super visor is the responsible
body for giving training to the employee, 18(48%) of the total
respondent said executive bodies of the organization are the
responsible party for providing training and development program
and no one is hired from out side to give training programmed for
the trainees.
 Executive bodies of the organization have scored large no of
percentage than the other bodies. The secrete a good situation
in that as long as executive body are inside the organization
they can manage the training programmed effectively because
every environment that they are not able to expose for incurring
additional cost that deserves, to extern a trainers employees are
not able to get a diversities knowledge, and a versatile thinking
ability to wards a given change because training from executive
body of the organization is not sufficient enough for improving
employees job performance. Department head and immediate
super visor are also responsible for giving training program but
they are some time.
As shown in table 3.6 the question in item 8 is designed to know
whether the trainer give sufficient knowledge to the trainee. So
accordingly to the information given by respondent 10(40%) of the
total respondent said that the trainer gives sufficient that a given
train desired to have and 15(60%) of the total respondent said the
trainer is not able to give sufficient knowledge that a given trainer
needs to have.
 As stated above 15(60%) of the total respondent said no the
trainer do not, give sufficient knowledge that a given trainee
that why the researcher tries so know what makes them to say
no. the following are some of the reasons that makes the
respondents why the researcher tries to know what makes them
to say no. the following are some of the reasons that makes the
respondents to say no.
 There is no experienced trainee that delivered the training
programmed, that means even if training is provide, the person
who gave the training program is not sufficient enough to fro
word desired knowledge to the employee.
 There is nothing special that the employee gets from the
 There is some a financial construct or lack of sufficient bud get
and other necessary material.
The respondents also gave some comments on the advantage of
training on employee job performance and satisfaction.
Among the comments provided by respondents:
 It creates good time management ability to the employee.
 It creates a good work ethics and helps the employee to finish
the work according to the desired standard.
 It creates good relationship among employees and it enable
enables them to help each other.
Table 4.6 the Relationship between Training and Practical
No Response No of Percent
Respond age
9 To what extent is the  Very 1 4%
training related with the high 5 20%
practices job the each  High 17 68%
employee performs  2 81%
Moderate - -
 Low
 Very
Total 25 100%
10 Do the training and Yes 20 80%
development program make a No 5 20%
good coworker interacting
and create a good working
environment in the

Total 25 100%
Source: survey result, 2012
As shown in table 9, the extent of the knowledge and skill employees
acquired from training is related with their job requirement 1(4%) of
the respondent said that very high 5/20%/ of the respondent said
that high, 17(68%) of the respondent said that medium, 2(8%) of the
respondent said that low. But there were no respondent who was
greed with very low. This figure implies that even though employees
are taking training and development programmed, it is nit much
more related to the practical job that they work. So in this mater
employees are not satisfying by the training programmed that is
given to them.
 The question in item 10 is designed to check out whether the
training and development programmed that is given to the
employees create a good co-worker interaction and suitable
environment in the organization. So according to the gathered
data, 20 (80%) of the total respondent said at the training and
development programmer create a good coworker environment
and co – worker interaction and said do not create good by
these it is relevant to conclude that even practical job that a
given employee perform, it is evident that the programmed
created a good co – worker relationship and inter action among
member of the organization. As well as the working environment
 As it is clearly identified in the above table 4.7 the dominant
number of respondents means, 20(80%) of the total respondent
said that the training a good coworker inter action and also
more a good working environment in the organization.
Therefore; there are some comments forwarded by employees of
the organization about the advantage that they are getting from
the training program. These are:-
 It creates good relationship between employees and it enables
employees to help each other.
 It creates good time management ability by the employees.
 Even if it is not much more observed some change in work
efficiency are observed as compared with the past time.
 It enable employee to work inter dependently that means it
makes them to commit for one goal and objective of the
 Even if it is not sufficient enough it enables employees of the
organization to give the desired service for customer.
 Employees are getting better knowledge about how to collect
revenue of the state.
 It creates good work initiation and seed in the work they
Table 4.7 the impact of the training and development show more
observed in the organization.
No Response No of Percentage %
1 To what extend do you Very 1 4%
think that the impact of high 11 44%
training and High 8 23%
development is shown Moderate 4 16%
or observed in the Low 1 4%
organization? Very low

Total 25 100%
Source: survey result, 2012
From table 3.8 out of the total respondent 1(4%) of respondent were
said very high, 11(44%) of respondent wren said high, 8(24%) of
respondent were said moderated, 4(16%) of respondent were said
low, and the last 1(4%) of respondent were said very low. From these
data we can observe that the impact of training and developments
towards the organization is observed high that means 44% of the
total respondent answered that training is making an impact on
employee job perform mane and job satisfaction. It is also observed
that 32% the total responds said that the programmed have an
impact towards employee job performance but it is not much more
According to the comment that is forwarded by employee of the
organization there are some situations or negative impacts that are
observed by the employee that a given employee faces due to lack of
training. Some of them are:
 Lack of self-confidence that means, losing confidence for
making decision.
 Not working your job properly that means, lack of additional
knowledge to accelerate your task.
 The employees are not discharging their responsibility
 Lack of self-esteem, employee reduce the value that gives for
their self. And these things create effecting is /her work.
 It becomes an obstacle for not achieving the goal and object of
the organization effectively and efficiently.
 It creates a problem for business process re-engineering (RBR)
 There is problem in gathering information and making different
report in different situation.
 Government revenue is not collected properly.
 It there is new environment that occur within the organization
employees cannot adapt the new environment or they take a
large time to adapt the new environmental.
 There are some problems in giving service or the deterioration in
the quality of service given is observed and also there is a
problem in work implementation.

Table 3.8 obstacles that make the organization not provide

training and development
N Response No of Perce
o respond ntage
ent %
What are the main obstacles that make
the organization not to provide training
and development programmed? 1 4%
 Carelessness and willingness by 17 68%
executive bodies 4 16%
 Lack of adequate budget or capital 3 12%
 Lack of necessary equipment for
 Low employee initiation for
participate in training
Total 25 100%
Source: survey result, 2012
As shown in table 3.9 the question in item 12 is designed to know
what are the obstacles that are making the organization not to
provide training programmed and quality and effectively. So
according to the data given by respondent 1(4%) of the respondents
said that carelessness and negligence by executive body, 17(68%) of
the respondent said that lack of adequate budget or capital, 4(16%)
of the total respondent said that lack of necessary equipment for
training and finally 3(12%) of the total respondent said that low
employee nation to participate in training are the obstacles of the
organization. That makes the organization not to provide training
and development programmed. It is clearly observed that the main
reason that makes the organization not to provide training and
development programmed is that lack adequate budget or capital.
And the second reason for not providing training and development is
lack of necessary equipment. Finally carelessness and negligence by
the to executive bodies gets ale sat percentage (4%) these shows as
the executive body of the organization are aware of training
regardless the limitation that they face
Table 3.9 Methods used by the organization to identify training
needs of the employee.
N Response No percenta
o of ge%
What are the methods used by the
organization to identify training need of
employees. 7 28%
 Immediate supervisor observation 14 56%
 When new things are occurred that need 4 16%
 Employees in efficiency or when
something wrong is observed

Total 25 100%
Source: survey result, 2012
The intention of the question in item 13 is to know the method used
by the organization to identify training need of the employee. As the
table indicates 7(28%) of the total respondent said that the
immediate super visor is identify the training need of employee
14(56%) of total respondent said that when new things are occurred
that need for training is identified and 4(16%) of the total respondent
said that employee in efficiency or when something wrong in
observed it becomes the reason for identify the training need of
From the above table it is clearly observed that, the organization
identifies the training need of a given employee mostly when new
things are occurred that means the organization is tacked to give
training and development programmed. Ex in the business process
Re-engineering time training very essential, matter of the
organization. These training need identification method is very
significance since it in able a given employee to adapt the
environment that her/she faces. It is also help full in erecting and
making the work environment suitable. The second mostly used to
identify the training need for a given employee by the organization is
that the immediate supervisor observation to his/her employees.
That means whenever the supervisor found it giving training for the
employee at these situation is essential. Training will give; these
methods are somewhat advantage quince the super visor is taking
accretive action fatly. As he/she observed the need for training.
Lastly it is observed that workers in efficiency to do my thing have
the least percentage for becoming the reason or identifying training
need of employee. So these situation is not good since giving for
employee at the time, they lack efficiency is very significance.

Table 3.10 performance of employee after they take training and

other satisfaction from the training they get.
No Response No of Percentage
responden %
14 To what extent are ether performance
of employee change after giving the
training program 5 20%
 High 8 32%
 Medium 12 48%

 Low
Total 25 10%
15 How much you are satisfied by the
training that is delivered or given to
you 3 12%
 Highly satisfied 9 36%
 Medium satisfied 13 52%

 Lower satisfied
Total 25 100%
Source: survey result, 2012
As we observed above in table3.11, item 124 the question is
designed the performance of employee after the training program is
given, so according to the data gathered 5(20%) of respondent said
high, 8(32%) of respondent said medium and 12(48%) of the
respondent said low. So according to the data given even through
the organization provide training program, as long as the training
program is not much ore related the job that an individual employee
perform, the performance of employee is not greatly changed even it
they get little knowledge from the training.
The intention of question item is to know the satisfaction of
employee that they gate from taking training programmed. That
means to measure whether employees are satisfied or not by the
training that is provided to them. According to gathered data 3(12%)
of the respondent said highly satisfied 9(36%) of the total respondent
said medium satisfied and 13(52%) of respondent said low satisfied.
It is clearly observed that even if the organization is providing
training and development program. As long as the training given to
organization is not much more related with the practical job that
each employee perform employees are not highly satisfied by the
training they are training.

1 The manager responded that taking of training have a contribution
for the employ job      satisfaction.
2 The in valuation criteria of the effectives of the training and
development are by assessing the        propositions activates which
did not take training and official training action taken.
3 The advantage of training and development for employ job
satisfaction enable to do the activity      simply and know the over all
profession of what they put the posit ion
5 Conclusion And Recommendation
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusion s and
recommendation are forwarded. The main purpose of this study was
to know the impact of training and development program on
employee job satisfaction so to find out the impact, employee of
Aksum town water supply development coordination ware taken as
target population.
From the study were;
Concerning the training and development program capacity and
implementation Aksum town water supply development
coordination, it had not made a sustainable benefit for the
organization and some strong sides of the training were also
observed in relative the whole system of training and development
Even if the organization provide training program for the employee
are not satisfied by the training they get from the organization. That
is why concerning the impact of training and development program
in employee actual job performance the company achieved low
improvement in area were;
. Availability of technological and environmental consideration like
providing necessary equipment that accelerates the training
.Providing an experienced and well educated external trainer that
gives training program effectively
.Matching perform the training program with the practical job that
given employee.
It is also to be concluded that even though the training provided to
the employee is creating a good co-worker relationship among the
employees of the organization and enable them to help each other.
The direction of the training program towards improving the
employee job performance and increasing the level of employee job
satisfaction is low that is 13(43%) because the training is no much
more related with the actual job that individual employee perform.
so accordingly the employees are not able to .
.Grow their confidence for the job that they perform.
.Make a quick decision by their selves that accelerates work
.Increase their working ability or enhance their work performance.
The other thing that is observed in the organization is that the
executive bodies of the organization do not budget adequate capital
and other necessary material that enable the training program to be
effective on top of that most of the time the organization uses on
the job training method to train employee, reject on the job training
have an advantage over the trainee, because the trainee have a good
contact with his/her trainer. But these methods only cannot be
sufficient enough to train employee.
It is also clearly observed that organizations do not make any
attempt to know whether the training was satisfactory or not. That
means after training is given the organization do not take any kind
of feedback from employee.
Generally the study shows that the training and development
program that is provided by the Aksum town water supply is not
making an impact or do not show any kind of effect on employee job
performance positively or negatively but it has little bit significance.
5.2 Recommendation
Following the above conclusion within the context of data analysis
coupled with the regard for review of related literature on attempt is
made to recommend possible solution for training problems of
Aksum town water supply development coordination.
. It is advised for the organization that in order to increase
employees’ job performance, it is better to give training that is much
more related to the task that individual employees perform.
The organization should hire also an external, well experienced and
educated trainer and that gives the training program effectively
rather than focusing only one internal trainer.
.The organization is better to provide adequate materials and
equipments that accelerate the training program without any
obstacle and also should consider all the environmental
consideration that have to be available during the training program.
.It is also advised for the organization that in order to increase
employees confidence towards their job, make quick decision by
themselves that accelerate work efficiency and increase their
working ability or enhance their work performance.
The training given to them should have to be much more related to
the actual job a given employee performs.
Finally, the administration of the organization is better to take
feedback from employee of the organization after training is given to


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