ICoDIS 2017 Paper 39

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Ari Yanuar Ridwan Teddy Syafrijal
Industrial and System Engineering Industrial and System Engineering
Telkom University Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia
ariyanuar@telkomuniversity.ac.id teddysyafrijal@telkomuniversity.ac.id

Abstract— Managing an effective food logistic is important necessary to develop a technology and information system
factor in national food security. An effective food logistic technology roadmap
management depends on the availability of reliable Data warehouse is a system to consolidate and to integrate
information leading to an on-target public policy. Developing data from different sources and formats. In logistic system, data
a national roadmap of the integration of food security could be originated from multiple formats, sources and owners.
logistics information for analytics and predictive purposes to
In utilizing data warehousing capability, the data is
support national food security system is the main objective of
this research. This Roadmap is designed as framework to consolidated in a system to facilitate further process. Then, an
develop a food security business intelligence system that analytical system known as Business Intelligence could be
comprises of 4 development phases: (1) Developing of data developed. Business intelligence supports the decision-making
acquisition layer, (2) Developing of data integration layer, process by providing better understanding on the running
(3) Predictive and analytic layer; and (4) User presentation business condition and business trend, and it may lead to fast
layer. The output was in the form that offers the users an and accurate decisions.
integrated and comprehensive view of the food security In this research, the developed business intelligence was
performance metrics, the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) designed to provide well support to the policy makers in
of food security system that consist of three main sub-system: executing a comprehensive analysis of food security system.
food availability, food access and food utilization indicators. The output was in the form of food production, distribution and
This system supports the decision-making process by
consumption map; integrated early warning system for food
providing better understanding on the running business
condition and business trend, and it may lead to fast and scarcity; and lastly an information system for managing supply
accurate decisions. chain management of food security system. On the level of
Keywords— business intelligence, food security, Key Performance policy maker, accurate information would be utilized for
Indicators (KPI) anticipating the possibility of food scarcity and to produce
policy to improve the food security system quality in general.

Managing an effective food logistic is important factor in II. FOOD STABILITY DEFINITION
national food security. An effective food logistic management In accordance to the Indonesian Law no.7 in 1996, the
depends on the availability of reliable information leading to an definition of food stability is the condition of household food
on-target public policy. Moreover, the related issues arise from fulfillment indicated by: (1) sufficient amount and good quality
the food security such as: food scarcity, distribution, food availability; (2) safe (3) distributed evenly and (4)
consumption and production patterns could be well analyzed. affordable. By this definition, realizing food stability condition
At some extend it could be predicted with reliable accuracy could be interpreted as below:
level. One of the hurdles on managing food logistic nowadays 1. The food sufficiency is defined in broader perspectives. It
is the presence of disintegrated information from the related covers any foods derived from plants, breaded animals, and
agencies and stakeholders. This condition is resulted by the fish that provide the necessary amount of carbohydrate,
numerous stakeholder’s involvements from the up to protein, fat, vitamin and mineral (and the derivatives), to
downstream. It is required to have a model approach on the support the development of human health.
system development. By doing so, it is expected to have a 2. Safely food fulfillment is defined as the condition at which
system which has capability of integrating information from the food is free from any biological, chemical or other
several sources with different formats, and has capability in substances that may harm and endanger human health as
comprehensively analyzing the data of food logistics in the well as following the directive of religions.
scope of food security system. To solve those problems, it is
3. Evenly available food is defined as the food shall be Developing a national roadmap of the integration of food
available at any time and distributed evenly throughout the security logistics information is the main objective of this
country. research. This roadmap should ensure to integrate food
4. The affordability of the food is interpreted as the food shall logistics national information data in the logic and realize
be readily available and affordable for any households. national food logistics information sharing, from the physical
5. Sub-system of Food Stability point of view, information data is still stored in the parts of the
original operational database.
Sub-system of food stability comprises of three main sub- The sharing and integration of national food logistics
systems [17]. They are: food availability, food access and food information resources has great help to manage and control
utilization. Whereas nutrition status is the outcome of the food national food security system. Government and related
stability. Access availability and food utilization are must- stakeholder could use this information to do the right analysis
ready sub-systems. As one of those sub-systems is not fulfilled, and statistics from the right information source of national food
the country may not be declared as country with good food logistics’ capacities and condition [2].
stability. Even if the foods are available at nation and region-
wide, but the access to them are not available widely, the food IV. BUSINESS INTELLIGENC AND SUPPLY CHAIN/LOGISTICS
stability of that nation could be declared as fragile one. Business intelligence (BI) is a set of concepts, methods, and
processes to improve business decision making [3][4].
Business intelligence is a key enabler of supply chain
performance and capabilities and the value of BI as a strategic
asset for achieving the benefit and success in supply chain is
highly recognized [5][6][7]. Business Intelligence (BI) system
is recognized to be able to assist logistics service providers for
gathering, storing, and analyzing enormous data effectively [8].
The integration of business intelligence with supply chain
management helps organizations to improve the visibility of
supply chain management, forecast accurately what will
happen, carry out real-time decision, better knowledge
processing, reduced decision cost, and reduced decision time
Business intelligence, have been widely adopted to support
decisions making in many areas and cross-functional business
activities. BI decision-support applications may have many
capabilities, including: multidimensional analysis, statistical
analysis, forecasting, and data mining, digital dashboard access
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), and other cross-
functional activities [10] [11] [12].
BI tools are widely accepted as a middleware between
transactional applications and decision support applications
Fig 1. Sub-System of Food security [17] [13]. The integration between BI with transactional application
such as ERP systems can strengthen corporate decision-making
capability through utilizing the analytical capability of BI
III. THE NEED OF DATA INTEGRATION OF NATIONAL FOOD system and data managerial capability of ERP system [14].
SECURITY SYTEM This roadmap provides an option to integrate business
Managing national food stability involves many parties. intelligence with another enterprises system such as enterprise
According to the national food stability council, there are 16 resource planning (ERP). There are three approaches to
ministries/government bodies take part in managing policy on consider in BI and ERP integration roadmap [15]: (1) start with
food safety. Some of them are: local government, ministry for ERP implementation first and then build the business
internal affairs, ministry of trade, ministry of transportation, intelligence system; (2) build a business intelligence system in
ministry of villages, ministry of cooperative, ministry of combination with the ERP system; (3) Lead with business
finance, Indonesian Bureau of Logistics, Ministry of Health intelligence. This proposed roadmap uses the third approach to
and ministry of agriculture. Each of those ministries and provide the company early benefits of business intelligence
bodies has its own specific involvement in supporting the although this approach has disadvantages such as the lack of
national food security. The available data on those ministries data managerial capability to provide integrated data from the
and government bodies becomes the operational data of source system compare to lead with ERP or transactional
external data sources in a developed business intelligence system before business intelligence system.
system [1].
V. DESIGN OF FOOD SECURITY SYSTEM BUSINESS National Food Security System Business intellligence
The proposed roadmap of the integrated food logistic Business Intelligence Application (Tactical
Predictive and analytics and Strategic Decision support system):
system in supporting the food security system is shown by integration Layer Development Dashboard; data mining; forecasting;
reporting, OLAP, Ad-hoc Query
figure 1. It could be explained as below:
1. Development of information system integrated with Data Presentation Area: Dimensional (star
Business Processes area Data schema or OLAP cubes; atomic & summary
business transaction stage. At this stage, the transaction- Mart Development data; organized by business process area; uses
confornmed dimension
integrated system is developed with the basis of Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) or other enterprise-wide
Analytics Data Integration Layer ETL Staging System: Data Validation; Data
transaction system. The main function of ERP system in Development Cleansing; Data Trasforming; Data
aggregrating; data loading
this stage is to integrate the business processes within
enterprise involved in food logistics system. This roadmap
proposed approach is to lead with business intelligence to Data Acquisition Layer Development
provide the company early benefits of business intelligence. Operational & Transaction processing
system, flat file, spreadsheet
The most challenging requirement must be addressed by
this roadmap is how to provide information needed in
managing food logistics to the decision maker as soon as
possible. Thought this approach has disadvantages such as
the lack of data managerial capability to provide integrated
data from the source system compare to lead with ERP
system before business intelligence system. Fig 2. The proposed roadmap of the integrated food
2. Development of information system integrated with data security business intelligence system
analytic stage. A system information with capability of data
analytic is developed in this stage. The integration is built
up by using the data warehouse developed by ETL This roadmap proposes business dimensional lifecycle
approach (Extract, Transform, Load). This system functions method (Kimball method) to develop business intelligence
as the media to store the data from various sources, which system. Kimball dimensional lifecycle method consist of the
will be recalled for analysis purposes. The fact that the data following main activities [6][16]:
sources of food logistics are varying, hence data analytic is 1. Business Requirement Definitions: Business Process
required. Identification, Business Requirement Analysis, Business
3. Development of business intelligence application stage. At Requirement Data collection, Data Source Analysis;
this stage, the business intelligence system is developed 2. BI Application Design: Identify the candidate BI
with function of processing and presenting the data from Application, BI Application Development: Configure the
the data analytic information system (data warehouse) business metadata and tool infrastructure, Constructing and
developed earlier. The developed business intelligence validating the specified analytics and operational BI
application is standard report, dashboard monitoring, data applications;
mining and forecasting system. Ultimately, the function of 3. Technology track design: Technology Architecture (BI
this system is to present the information required for Physical Architecture), BI Logical Architecture (Selecting
supporting strategic and tactical decision to support food Product & Installation: BI Software comparison, Hardware
security system. specification, Software specification);
4. In addition to the technological aspect, as mentioned above, 4. Data track design: Dimensional Modelling (Choosing the
it is necessary to consider human and organization aspect as process, Choosing the grain, Identifying and Confirming
entities to operate the system. The issues arise from those Dimension, storing pre-calculation in fact table, rounding
aspects are: technology adoption, technology utilization and out dimension table, choosing duration of database,
change management. tracking slowly changing dimension, deciding query
priorities and query mode), Physical Design (Setting up the
database), Design & Development ETL (extract,
transformation, load).
5. Deployment: creating documentation, preparing Training,
organizing the user support Process.
6. Maintenance: Monitoring, performance Tuning, index
maintenance, system Backup;
7. Growth: Project definition activity for the future.
VI. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ARCHITECTURE Table 1. National food security indicators supported by
business intelligence system [18]
This business intelligence high-level architecture shown in
fig. 3 which consists of the following main components: Food Security Outcome Indicators Specifications
1. Data acquisition layer. the data sources component which is Aspects
a collection of operational data from various internal and Food availability The availability of 2200kcalorie/day
external sources. Organizations related to food logistics energy per capita. (MIN)
system must have transactional systems that record their The availability of
daily business transactions. The operational data can be protein per capita 57 gram/day
found in legacy systems such as various online transaction (MIN)
processing (OLTP) systems, flat file or spread sheet. Data Food resilience Import dependency Percentage of
can be found from both internal and external sources, import by needs
Internal: Agency for Food Security (Badan Ketahanan Government food Amount of food 3 months (MIN)
Pangan Nasional); External: government (local/national), reserve reserve
household, traders, and farmer. Price stability The price difference Difference 10 %
2. Food logistics data integration layer. a data warehouse between harvesting (MAX)
(DW) component where the data from the data sources is and non-harvesting
loaded in ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes. This season
layer has several main components such as: Extract- Nutritious status Life expectancy Year
Transform-Load (ETL) staging system, data presentation Baby mortality Number of baby
area, and data mart area. The main function of this death per 1000
component is to merge and to consolidate the operational birth
database management systems and the external sources the Iron deficiency Percentage of <
organization uses for further usage to support the food anemia 5 years with HB
logistics business intelligence. Data mart is a subset of DW < 11 gr/dl
that typically focuses on a single subject area. A data mart Iodine deficiency Percentage of
can be dependent or independent. disorder school age
3. Food logistics predictive and analytics system integration. a Vitamin A % of <5 years
business analytics component which is a collection of tools deficiency with retinol
to manipulate and analyze the data warehouse records. This serum < 20 µg/dl
component consist of modules such as the digital
Mal-nutritious <5 % of < 5years
dashboards, data mining, forecasting, and reporting tools
years with mal-
that offers the users an integrated and comprehensive vision
of the food security performance metrics, the Key
Performance Indicators (KPI), prediction, trends and
Energy sufficient 2000 kcal/day
exceptions as shown in table 1. Through the analysis of
number (MIN)
historic and present data as well as with metrics and key
performance indicators built upon business intelligence, Food Protein sufficient 52 gram/day
Susceptibility number (MIN)
decision makers obtain a knowledge that supports better
decision making. Achieved AKE % <70 % AKE:
4. A user presentation component, a user interface that shows very unsafe
the results returned form the analytics component. The 70-90 %AKE:
main function of this component is to provide some user light to medium
interfaces for end user to access information within safe
business intelligence system. This component is designed Consumed food Expected Food Score
both for desktop web browsers and for mobile web browser diversification pattern
using, ease, simple and interactive user interface. Food diversity Entropy index
Food Security Food poisoning case Number of cases
User presentation Layer Acknowledgements
Research presented in this paper was supported and funded by
Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of
Predictive and analytics Layer Republic of Indonesia, through "Penelitian Produk Terapan"
scheme (No. 1603/K4/KM/2017), Title: Developing Business
National, province, residence Nutritional Status Intelligence System for Food Logistics to Support national
level KPI’s: Food Availibility, food security system.
Food Distribution, food
utilization, land and Family level: affordability,
acessebility, health&sanitation, VIII. REFERENCES
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