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Upon completing this unit, students are expected to be able to:

Describe about website design and architecture

Use passive to describe website design and architecture


Web design is the planning and creation of websites. This includes a number of
separate skills that all fall under the umbrella of web design. Some examples of these
skills are information architecture, user interface, site structure, navigation, layout,
colors, fonts, and overall imagery. By putting these things together, a web designer
creates websites, but a good web designer understands not only the principles of design
but also the constraints of the Web. For example, a successful web designer will be
skilled in typographic design principles, while also understanding the challenges of web
type design and specifically how it differs from other kinds of type design.

Web Design Has Many Different Roles, including the following:

 HTML: This is the structure of web pages, creating the foundation of all
 CSS: This is how web pages are visually styled. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
handles the entire look of sites, including layout, typography, colors, and more
 Java Script: This governs certain behaviors on websites and can be used for a
variety of interactions and features
 CGI programming: CGI, and the next few entries (PHP, ASP, etc.) are all
different flavors of programming languages. Many sites do not require any of
these languages, but sites that are more feature-rich will certainly need to be
coded using some of these languages
 PHP, ASP, ColdFusion scripting, XML
 Information architecture: The way a site's content and navigation is structured
and presented helps make for a successful site that is easy and intuitive to use
 SEO: Search engine optimization ensures that websites are attractive to Google
and other search engines and that people looking for the products, services, or
information features on that site can find it once they look for it online
 Server management: All websites need to be hosted. The management of the
servers that host those sites is an important web design skill
 Web strategy and marketing: Having a website is not enough. Those sites will
also need to be marketed with an ongoing digital strategy
 E-commerce and conversions
 Design: Creating the visual look and feel of websites has always been an
important aspect of the industry
 Speed: A successful site is one that loads quickly on a wide variety of devices,
regardless of a visitor's connection speed. Being able to tune the performance of
sites is a very valuable skill
 Content: People come to websites for the content that those sites contain. Being
able to create that content is a critically important component in the world of
website design

Taken from: Kyrnin, Jennifer. "What Is Web Design: An Introduction to the Basics."
ThoughtCo, Jul. 31, 2021,
A. Passive
Take a look at this video and pay attention to the use of passive
( Check how to construct your
sentence in the passive in the following explanation. Finally, do the grammar exercises
to check that you understand passive voice.
Adapted from: English for Information Technology by Hill David

Task 1
Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. He opens the door.

2. We set the table.
3. She pays a lot of money.
4. I draw a picture.
5. They wear blue shoes.
6. They don't help you.
7. He doesn't open the book.
8. You do not write the letter.
9. Does your mum pick you up?

10. Does the police officer catch the thief?

Task 1
Read this case study about a website development project. What do you think a fan
site is? Was the project successful? How do you know?
Adapted from: English for Information Technology by Hill David

Look at this website navigation chart. Which pages are linked to the home page?
Which page is the parent nodes? Which pages are the child nodes? Which are the
grandchild nodes?

Adapted from: English for Information Technology by Hill David

Task 1
Read the text in 1.3 again. What was done to create the website? Complete
this email to your manager. Use the passive.

Adapted from: English for Information Technology by Hill David

After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the
boxes with your most objective thoughts.
I have learned Challenges I faced during Aspects I need to
learning improve
1. 1
2. .
3. e


A. Grammar Task 1
Number of Question Point of Correct Answer Point of Incorrect Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
6 1 0
7 1 0
8 1 0
9 1 0
10 1 0
Total score= total points /10 x100

A. Reading Task 1
Number of Question Point of Correct Answer Point of Incorrect Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
Total score= total points /5 x100

B. Speaking Task 1
5 □ Easy to understand and has
native speaker’s accent
n 4 □ Easy to understand with certain

3 □ There are some problems in

pronunciation made listener
should more concentration and
sometimes there is

2 □ Difficult to understand because

there is problem in
pronunciation, asked to repeat

1 □ The serious pronunciation so it

cannot be understood


5 □ There is no or little mistake in grammar
Grammar 4 □ Sometimes makes mistake in grammar, but
it does not influence the meaning

3 □ Often makes mistake in grammar and it

influences the meaning

2 □ There are many mistakes in grammar which

made hinder in meaning and should re-
arrange sentence

1 □ The grammar mistake is so bad so it is

difficult to understand


5 □ Using vocabulary and expression like native
4 □ Sometimes using vocabulary which is not

3 □ using vocabulary which is not appropriate,

conversation becomes limited because the
vocabulary is limited

2 □ Using wrong vocabulary and it is limited so

it is difficult to understand

1 □ vocabulary is so limited so conversation

impossible to occur


5 □ Speech is smooth as a native speaker’s.

Fluency 4 □ The fluency is disturbed by language


3 □ The fluency is disturbed more by language


2 □ . Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky;

sentences may be left uncompleted

1 □ Speech is so halting and fragmentary that

conversation is virtually impossible.


5 □ Understand all without any difficulties

4 □ Understand almost all, although there is

Comprehend repetition in certain part

3 □ Understand most of what she/he talks in

slow speaking

2 □ Difficult to understand what she/he talks

1 □ Cannot understand, although in simple

C. Writing Task 1
No Aspects Excellent Good Adequate Unacceptable Not college
(86-100) (75-84) (65-74) (55-64) level work
1 Organization
2 Content
3 Grammar
4 Punctuation,
spelling, and

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