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Part 4
Moving Around your Model
Finding Isometric and Orthogonal Views

- Orthogographic Drawing (from the Greek word “orthos” meaning to draw and “graphos” meaning to write) is the representation of
an object in its true shape and size. In other words, orthographic view is the 2D representation of an object when it was viewed
perpendicularly from its surface. Orthographic drawings are commonly used in the industry to easily interpret ideas in the form of a
drawing. In manual drawing, orthographic view of a 3D object is obtained by projecting the measurements from each of the three
principal views. These 3 principal views are: top view, front view and the right side view. Your instructor will show you how to
draw the 3 principal orthographic views or the 3 view drawing of an object.

In AutoCAD, you can use the View Controls to easily switch your view to the orthogonal view of your 3D object. You can
find this tool at the upper left corner of the graphical area below the Drawing tab.

The view that appears inside the brackets

represents your current view. Top view is the
default view used by AutoCAD.

You can click this tool and choose from the

Custom Model Views available.

Your Current View (Top) is marked by a check

mark. Below are other orthogonal views you can
which The view that appears
includes; inside the brackets (Top)
bottom represents your current
view, left view chosen.
(side view),
right side view, front view, and back or rear
view. You can also see other options like SW (South West) Isometric, Parallel and Perspective which shows the 3D or pictorial views
of the object that will be tackled later in this chapter.

Activity No. 4

Name:_________________________________ Course & Section:_______________________


1. To determine the 3 principal orthographic views of the given 3D object.

2. Describe an orthographic view.

3. To identify the principles of orthographic drawing.

4. Identify the importance of Orthographic drawing in 3D modeling.


Draw the top, front, and right side view of the given 3D object with their corresponding measurements using your ruler and
triangles. Use the other side of this paper for your drawing.

After that, describe what you have drawn by answering the questions below.

1. Based on your drawing, can you tell if orthographic drawing looks pleasant in your eyes? If no, then why?

2. Based on what you have drawn, can you easily imagine or interpret how the 3D object looks like, and determine its exact
measurements? If yes, why do you think so?

3. Based on your answers from questions 1 and 2, form a sentence that describes an orthographic drawing.


4. Based on your drawing, the top view is directly above which view?____________________________________________________

5. Where did you get the width of the right side view? _______________________________________________________________

6. Where did you get the height of the right side view? _______________________________________________________________

Based on your answers from questions 4-6, state 3 principles of orthographic drawing.




10. Draw the 3D object in AutoCAD. Use the View Controls to obtain the top view, front view, and right side view of the object.
Describe what you see. Take a picture of the 3 views from AutoCAD. Compare them to your drawing. Do they appear the same?


What do you think is the importance of orthographic drawing, or orthogonal view in 3D modeling and in the industry? Can you give
concrete situation or example?

1.What are Alphabet of lines?

2. How are these lines used in creating orthographic drawings?

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