B-Module Ii - Workshop (Job Analysis Questionnaire)

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Job Analysis Questionnaire

General Instruction: This JAQ is intended to gather accurate information about your job. It is
not a test nor an evaluation of your performance. Use extra sheets if

Position Title: Finance Staff Department /Group: Finance Division

Name of Incumbent: Desiree D. Franco Name of Immediate Superior: Arien Y. Rio

Position / Title of the Immediate Superior: Chief Finance Officer

B. JOB MISSION / OBJECTIVE What is your job’s purpose or role?

Finance Staff primary function is monitoring, reporting, and reconciling on a regular basis the general ledger
account balances versus the corresponding subsidiary ledger balances. Assisting the Finance Head in managing, processing, and
troubleshooting various accounts and transactions.

C. WORKING RELATIONSHIPS On the left side, list your source(s) of input both internal and external, and on the right side,
the recipient(s) or user(s) of your position’s outputs.

Source(s) of Input Recipient(s) / Customer(s) / Output User(s)

Internal: Treasury, Billing, Admitting, Philhealth, Inventory etc. Internal: Accounting Manager

External: Finance Division External: Chief Finance Officer

Job Analysis Questionnaire


1. Track and reconcile bank statement with cash receipts books.
2. Create month, departmental profit and loss report.
3. Monitor reconciliation of General Ledger and Subsidiary Ledger balances.
4. Perform costing and benchmarking of hospital services and procedures.
5. Compute Income sharing from Joint Venture arrangements and other projects.
6. Create organized records and files to assists in tax preparation, filing and payment.
7. Ensure tax compliance activities were carried out timely and accurately.
8. Find solutions to discrepancies by working with other employees and correcting any erroneous Information or calculation.

What is the required activity? What are the basic steps involved? What is the How often is the
expected activity done and
output? for how long?

Bank Reconciliation -Get the bank statements records on books should be Monthly
-Check income/ expenses on balance from Bank Statemet 2 days
General Ledger/books
- Compare Balances

Regular Duties
 Monthly Bank Reconciliation
 Finance Summary of Weekly reports
 Monthly/Quarterly Tax Preparation, Filling and Payment
 Prepare monthly Departmental Income Statement
Occasional Duties
 Perform costing and benchmarking of hospital services and procedures.
 Compute Income sharing from Joint Venture arrangements and other projects.

Job Analysis Questionnaire

E. INPUTS REQUIRED: List the resources, tools, equipment, and information necessary to perform your job.
 Computer/Laptop
 Printer and Scanner
 Office Chair
 Office Table
 Company system used (Bizbox)
 Bank Statement
 Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
 Stable Internet connection
 Good Work Environment


1. What are the specific skills and knowledge required for the competent performance of the job? (driving skills, interviewing skills,
accounting, computer, etc.)
 Have knowledge about Accounting and have Computer and Excel Skills.
2. What are the specific values, behavior, attitudes required for the competent performance of the job? (sense of urgency,
perseverance, teamwork, customer service-orientation, etc.)
 Teamwork
 Organizational Commitment
 Professionalism

G. PROBLEMS NCOUNTERED Give specific examples to illustrate the types of problem you normally encounter in your work and how
you usually solve these problems.

System lag/Interruption Always Save your File even if you’re not yet finish

Meeting Deadlines Prioritize and Always Mark your Calendar for the work w/ deadlines

Job Analysis Questionnaire

H. CONTRIBUTION TO RESULTS / OUTPUT: List the major output for which your position is accountable for achieving and classify
them as:
Primary – has full control over end results
Shared - participates with others (except superiors and subordinates within or outside the organization in taking action
Contributory – interpretative advisory or facilitating services that others use in taking action
Remote – informational, recording, or incidental service for use by others

Note: This portion is different from an activity list (as in D). In Accounting, for example, the activity list may contain a statement
“Reviews accounting reports… “whereas the major end result may be “Timely and accurate financial reports… “.

End Result / Output Classify with a check ( ) mark

Primary Shared Contribution Remote

 Timely and accurate Departmental Income Statement Reports ✓

 Tax compliance activities were carried out timely and accurately ✓
 The general ledger account balances versus the corresponding subsidiary ledger ✓
balances. ✓
 Records on books balance with the Bank Statement ✓
 Timely and Accurate submission of Finance Summary Weekly reports to
immediate Superior

Accomplished by: Desiree D. Franco Finance Staff

Date: 07/17/2021

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