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(1).The Laughing Heart by Charles bukowski

Your life is your life

don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.

Be on the watch.

There are ways out.

There is a light somewhere.

It may not be much light but

it beats the darkness.

be on the watch.

the gods will offer you chances.

know them.

take them.

you can’t beat death but

you can beat death in life, sometimes.

and the more often you learn to do it,

the more light there will be.

your life is your life.

know it while you have it.

you are marvelous

the gods wait to delight

in you.

The Laughing Heart is still a powerful example of the life effect of acknowledging mortality In it,
Bukowski urges the reader to embrace life fully, and with it embrace death because everyone and thing
has to die. These are the first lines "your life is your life/questit don't let it be clubbed into dank
submission," lines 6 and 7, it may not be much light/but it beats the darkness," lines 12 and 13, youcan't
beat death but/you can beat death in life sometimes" and the final 3 lines, "you are marvelous/the gods
wait to delight /in you. In many ways, the entire poem could be summarized in those nine lines,which
explain the necessity of living life to its fullest in spite of the inevitability of death, and the uplifting

The Laughing Heart 'speaks to the dark side of us all. The part that grapples with the meaning of
life, struggle with sadness, depression or even anger. The message in this poem makes you optimistic and
tries to find good in every situation, not giving up easily to try and find light in all darkness. the more you
achieve this and learn to defeat death in life, the more light there will be

Here Bukowski writes for inspiration. It begins with a bit of a platitude. Your life is your life.
The meaning here is that your life is yours only. No one else has possession of it. The next line follows
from it in that you shouldn't let what is yours get clubbed into dank submission. That is, don't let the
people and circumstances of life drag you down into submission. The third line is about what it takes to
avoid this situation. You have to be on the watch, and if you do feel like you've been clubbed into
submission you have to understand that there are ways out. The poem isn't quite motivational, but more
didactic in it's purpose. It doesn't take for granted the circumstances of the reader, but assumes that life
will greet the reader with oppositional forces.

The poem goes on to say that there is a light somewhere. Here the traditional oppositions of
light and darkness are brought into play. Bukowski doesn't short the reader with empty promises of a
plethora of light. But instead candidly states that however little it may be, it's better than living in

The poem returns to the phrase, be on the watch. Here he turns it into a watch for opportunity.
Invoking nameless deities as traditional masters of fate, and generous with their opportunities to bestow
light and blessings. But the reader has to acknowledge them and take these opportunities.

The narration again returns to the limitations of life, acknowledging them as a reality. You can't
beat death. But you can beat death in life. What does it mean to beat death in life. It means to live a life
where the inside isn't dead to the world perhaps. Or perhaps it simply means that the reader has avoided
concrete death in some particular way.

Once again the narration is practical in it's remedies for getting or avoiding getting clubbed into
dank submission. The more often you learn how to do it, the more light there will be in life.The poem
then reiterates the first line, your life is your life. He then applies a turn on the phrase from Polonius line
in Shakespeare "Know thyself". For time immemorial poets and philosophers have urged readers to this
point, and Bukowski is no different. The twist that he puts in it here is that life is finite so you'd better
know yourself while you have it. He goes on to proceed in encomium to the reader, saying that they are
marvelous and that the aforementioned deities who are interested in giving chances to the watchful wait
to delight in the reader.

Reading poetry for other people is basically the same as making a poem written, both in audio
and visual form. Such reading is called declamation. Declamation will involve elements of readers,
listeners, and poems that are read. Readers have a very dominant role in reviving poetry so that listeners
can enjoy it. Therefore, in reading there are several things that must be considered, such as utterances,
linguistic factors, and non-linguistic factors. By mastering these three factors will facilitate the
1. pronunciation

Pronunciation is a process or effort to pronounce the sound of a language, be it syllables, words, phrases,
or sentences according to the soul and the theme of poetry.

2. Intonation

Intonation is the presentation of high and low poetry rhythms by observing the types of stresses, such as
dynamic pressure, tone pressure, and tempo pressure. See the explanation below.

a. Dynamic pressure

Dynamic pressure, namely the pressure on the most important word becomes the essence of the sentence
or verse of poetry.

b. Tone pressure

Tone pressure, is low high pressure, feeling excited, happy, angry, sad, upset, upset, and other moods.

c. Tempo pressure

Temporal pressure, namely slow or fast pronunciation of syllables or sentences.

3. Non-linguistic factors

Non-linguistic factors or expressions are divided into several things including attitudes, gestures and
gestures, volume, and fluency and speed. See the explanation below.

a. Attitude

Attitude is the key to the success of reading poetry in front of people, therefore it requires the mastery of a
perfect attitude by the reader. During reading poetry, readers should try to get positive attention from
listeners or viewers. The thing to do is a reasonable attitude and calmness to face other people. To be able
to master these two things, the reader is required to practice and master the poetry that will be read out
carefully so that when appearing will not be nervous and the attitude shown can be perfect.

b. Motion and Mimic

Motion and gesture are important factors in reading poetry in front of many people. The use of gestures in
reading poetry can arouse the listener's passion for listening to the poetry that you are carrying. In
addition, the use of mimic that is appropriate to the theme of poetry must also be done well so that it is as
if the reader has come to experience and feel what is contained in the poem that is read. Therefore, the
reader is required to understand the material of poetry and deepen it in earnest so that the expression can
be perfect.

c. Sound Volume

The sound volume used should adjust the place and the estimated number of listeners. If poetry reading is
done in an open place, then the volume should be louder and if the poetry reading in the room the volume
must adjust the area so that the listener can comfortably listen to the poem you are reading. For poetry
presentations there are very many using loudspeakers or mics. So from that poetry reader must also
master the technique of using the mic so that the resulting sound is not discordant, not too slow or not too

d. Smoothness and Speed

Fluency and speed greatly influence listeners in enjoying the poetry that is delivered. Both of these things
must be carefully observed so that listeners can enjoy the poetry that is read well and the message
contained in the poem can also be conveyed. The fluency of poetry reading is closely related to practice,
because only with practice will good fluency in reading be obtained. Besides the speed of reading must
also be considered, if the speed of reading poetry is too fast, the listener will find it difficult to understand
the contents of the poem and if it is too slow it will also make the listener saturated.

In order to be able to express the poetry that is read, you should also understand the contents of the poem
that was read. Understanding the contents of poetry requires precision because in general many poems
use figurative language and symbolic language. Therefore, to understand the contents of the poem, you
should first understand the figurative and symbolic languages contained in the poem that will be read.

The cloud seemed to tell about us

The blue sky is our happy and cheerful atmosphere

Meanwhile, the heavy rain was like tears

Bright sun is the face of us all

The colors of the rainbow are like the color of our journey

As a marker the rain subsides

When differences, disputes

Change into beauty

Heaven becomes thousands of languages

Sometimes deny and sometimes say yes

Sometimes it's sad and sometimes exciting

And even then we can no longer deny

The world is so

Also about friendship

However, we are still together anyway

As friends and even brothers

Rise up my Indonesia
A glimmer of hope is waiting
See my Indonesia green
When and when
he is getting older
Oh ... Indonesia
I see you turn white
Down with the industrial boom
you are getting dimmer
Oh ... Indonesia
When do I look at you green
With a gentle breeze
I want to spend the rest of my life
for see you smile


A.acrostic poem

“The One Best Friend” by Belle

Thanks for being there for me,

through good times and bad times.

I will be on your side even if the the world ends.

When the world is going,

I will be here,

now and until the end.

Your my very best friend.

The one that I look up to.

The one that I run to, when I have a problem.

The one that I talk to.

Your the one best friend that was always there for me.

I wanna thank you for all the things you gave and showed me.



Thanks for being there fo r me,

through good times and bad times.

I will be on your side even if the world ends.

When the world is going,

I will be here,

now and until the end.

You’re my Best Friend very best friend.

The one that I look up to.

The one that I run to, when I have a problem.

The one that I talk to.

Your the one best friend that was always there for me.

I wanna thank you for all the things you gave and showed me.

The English poem of friendship was made by Belle to express herfeelings towards someone she
considered the same as her best friend. Thechoice of words used by Belle shows that he is a person who
likes to befriendly and has one best friend. He assumed that all problems could besolved together. Belle
can trust that person because she feels that only shecan be the best friend. Through this English Poem
About Friendship, Belletries to show everyone that she has her best friend and Belle can gothrough
everything with her. English Poetry About Friendship above canalso reflect Belle's love for the
people closest to her because there isalways beside her when needed. In conclusion, poetry is a medium
that isused by someone to express feelings that have been harbored by using anaesthetic language so that
they can be enjoyed by everyone but can still beenjoyed both in English and Indonesian poetry.That poem
is uniqueness, I learned a lot in this poem becausehaving one true friend is more valuable than a thousand
friends who areselfish. What we experience for friends is sometimes tiring and annoying,but that is what
makes friendships have a beautifu l value. Friendship oftengets some trials, but true friends can overcome
them with there is support,and trust in each other. Friendship is not established automatically butrequires
a long process such as iron sharpening iron, and like water thathas a huge impact on our lives, so friends
sharpen their friends and makea positive impact on us. Friendship is colored with various experiences
ofjoy and sorrow, being entertained – hurt , noticed - disappointed, heard -ignored, helped - rejected, but
all of this was never intentionally done withthe purpose of hatred. A friend will not hide mistakes to avoid
disputes,precisely because of his love he ventured to rebuke what he is. Friendsnever wrap a punch with
anything, but states what is very painful with theaim of his friend wants to change. Process from friend to
friendrequires a maintenance effort from loyalty but not when we need help,we have the motivation to
seek attention, help and statement of love fromothers, but instead we take the initiative to give and realize
what is neededby his best friend. We never assume that friend is an entertainer when weare sad only, but
we will always need friends in any circumstances becausefriends will always be there both like and
sorrow. Friends can be, parentswho will scold us when we are wrong, can be brothers who will protectus
and provide solutions in every problem we face, but also a sister wantsto be bribed, rice is taken. Looking
for a friend, who can understand andunderstand all our shortcomings, can have a good impact on us, and
cancomplement our lives, it is very difficult, but without knowing it eventhough it's difficult, we
keep looking for it, without a friend we will feellonely and empty; save the problem yourself, play alone,
remember withyour death, do we want it to be like that? Of course not, we definitelyneed laughter,
entertainment, opinions, and direction. Friendship is acomplete tree with roots, leaves, stems, branches,
and twigs, without theroots of the tree will not be frozen, without leaves will not look beautiful,as well as
friendship, without mutual trust, complement each other and haveeach other, friendship will not be
perfect, and will not even last. Hislonging is to be a part of his best friend's life, because there is
nofriendship that begins with selfishness. Everyone definitely needs a truefriend, but not everyone who
gets it. There are also many people whohave enjoyed the beauty of friendship, but there are also those
who are sobroken because of being betrayed by their best friend.


 Alphabet poem
My best friend forever

A= accepts you as you are

B= believes you in every condition

C= calls you just to say you are my best friend

D= doesn't give up in every problem

E= envisions the whole of you even the

unfinished parts.

F= forgives your mistakes

G= gives unconditionally without any reward

H= help you selflessly

I= invites you ever

J= just be with you I will be strong

K= keeps you close at Heart

L= love you without expecting more

M= makes a difference in your life

N= never judge one another

O= offers Support has you are down

P= picks you up if you are need to me

Q= quiets your fear and tell me what your problem is with me

R= raises your enthusiasm and always fight together both hard and happy.

S=s ay good things about yourself without blaspheme each other.

T= tells you the truth when you needto hear it

U= understands You

V= values You.

W= walks beside you

X= plain things you don't understand anything

Y= yells when you won't listen and

Z= zaps you back to reality.


My mother

Kind, gentle, warm, patient

Mother Maiza, Japari, and Minarni

Who likes wet crackers, robes, and always reads prayer before sleeping.

Who enjoys cooking dinner, always folding clothes, and likes to help with homework.

Those who are afraid of cockroaches, garden snakes and lightning.

Who raised three happy children, who took care of three children, two boys and one girl

Who wants to see the hustle and bustle of the city and the holy land of Mecca

Born in jonkong, lives in jongkong, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

My mother

 Adjective placement poem

Goes to singkawang

We goes to Singkawang

And we carry favorite items;

My pleasure, dark black camera, laptop,

and also my favorite motorbike.

and what is more important is that friends

are always there when they are in trouble

and we are happy.

We are vacationers, take pictures and play on the beach.

And we will have fun!





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