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PRECIOUS GIFT – written by Tanis Harms

TOPIC: Jesus is the gift of salvation from God

SCRIPTURE: Gen.22:1-13, Matt.2:11, Luke 21:1-4,
. John 12:3, Rom.6:23, Eph.2:8-9,
. 1 Peter 3:18, Heb.11:4
Style: drama/conversation: children wonder what
. kind of gift they can give to God for
. salvation, until they learn that it is free
Cast: CHILD 1-7 (if you have more or less actors,
. you can divide or combine the lines)
Set & Props: podium, Bible


(CHILDREN enter and see the Bible on the podium.

Curious, they approach it.)

C 1 Someone left their Bible here.

C 2 It’s just a book.

C 1 No it’s not. These are God’s words.

C 2 God wrote the book?

C 1 Yes, using men and through holy inspiration.

C 2 WHO is it for?

C 1 For everyone.

C 2 It’s still just a book.

C 1 The words in this book tell us

. about God’s gift to us.

C 2 We get a gift?

C 1 Only if we accept it.

C 2 I like gifts.

C 3 Me too. So how do we get it?

C 4 Remember when Jesus came to earth as a baby? 2

C 3 You mean the Christmas story?

. Isn’t that story only good for Christmas time?

C 4 I think it’s good for anytime.

. Jesus is God’s only Son.
C 3 I thought Jesus – is God?

C 4 Yeah, God came down to earth –

. in a man’s body – as the Son of God.
. Anyway, people brought gifts to Him.
. The magi came with gold, and
. frankincense and myrrh.

C 3 I have a gold chain I could give.

C 5 Oh, do you remember the woman, Mary,

. who gave Jesus some very expensive perfume?

C 3 I could get some perfume too, I guess.

C 2 Too much for me. I can’t afford anything

. like that.

C 6 There was that part in the Bible

. where rich people were giving lots of money
. to the church. And then a poor widow
. only gave a few copper coins.
. Jesus said that this woman put in more
. than all of them because
. she put in everything that she had.

C 2 Everything? That takes a lot of guts.

C 7 Talking about guts – Abraham was

. going to sacrifice his only son, Isaac.

C 2 You mean – kill him?

C 7 Yeah. Well, Abraham was totally willing

. to do that for God – but then God provided
. a sheep for the sacrifice.

C 1 Back in the Old Testament times, people would

. give sacrifices –
. 3
C 2 Why? Why would they do that?

C 1 To – cover their sins. Romans 6:23 says that

. “The wages of sin is death-“

C 2 What? Sounds gruesome!

C 7 Or the people in the Old Testament times

. would give sacrifices to show their thankfulness.
. Like with Abel. His gift of sacrifice
. was better than Cain’s because Abel gave it
. in faith, and with the right attitude.
. But Abel’s sacrifice was the best
. from the crops that he was growing.

C 2 So instead of sacrificing one of my pets, I could

. just give God some fruit and vegetables?

C 1 No, we’re missing point here.

. Let me finish reading Romans 5:23,
. “For the wages of sin is death,
. but the FREE gift of God is eternal life
. in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

C 3 Okay, so what does that really mean?

C 1 We are all sinners. And where there is sin,

. there is death. But Jesus died for us.
. So if we accept Jesus as our Lord – we will have
. the gift of God – which is eternal life.

C 2 But – what do we need to give – in order to

. get that? I don’t have very much to give.

C 3 I can give quite a bit.

. My parents are super rich.

C 1 Nobody has enough.

C 3 What do you mean?

C 1 All the riches in the world are not enough.

C 3 Then we’re all doomed?

(CHILD 7 pages through the Bible to find Eph.2:8-9.)

. 4
C 7 Let me read you something else, Ephesians 2:8-9,
. “For by grace you have been saved through FAITH;
. and that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT of God;
. not as a result of WORKS so that no one may boast.”

C 1 It is a gift of God. It is totally free.

. All you have to do is have faith.

C 2 Ah, what about all those sins and death –

. that you were talking about?

C 7 Jesus died for all our sins. THAT is the gift.

. 1 Peter 3:18 says, “For Christ also died for sins
. once for all, the just for the unjust,
. so that He might bring us to God,
. having been put to death in the flesh,
. but made alive in the spirit.”
C 2 That is the best gift anyone could ever give.

C 1 You just have to decide if you want to accept it.

C 3 I suppose the question is – why wouldn’t you?

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