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General – MS Word Shortcuts Keys

Action Shortcut keys

Create a new document Ctrl + N
Open document Ctrl + O
Close document Ctrl + W
Save document Ctrl + S
Save document as F12
Print document Ctrl + P
Open recent file Alt then F, R
Undo the last action Ctrl + Z
Redo the last action Ctrl + Y
Cut text or object Ctrl + X
Copy text or object Ctrl + C
Paste selected text or object Ctrl + V
Copy text format Ctrl + Shift + C
Paste text format Ctrl + Shift + V
Paste and keep source formatting Ctrl + V, then Ctrl, then K
Paste and keep text only Ctrl + V, then Ctrl, then T
Show or Hide the Ribbon Ctrl + F1

Shortcuts Keys on Navigation in Word Documents

Action Shortcut keys

Jump one character to the left ←
Jump one character to the right →
Jump one word to the left Ctrl + ←
Jump one word to the left Ctrl + →
Jump to the end of a line End
Jump to the beginning of a line Home
Jump one line down ↓
Jump one line up ↑
Jump one paragraph down Ctrl + ↓
Jump one paragraph up Ctrl + ↑
Jump one screen down PageDown
Jump one screen up PageUp
Move to the beginning of the next page Ctrl + PageDown
Move to the beginning of the previous
Ctrl + PageUp
Alt + Ctrl +
Jump to top of the visible window
Jump to the bottom of the visible Alt + Ctrl +
window PageUp
Jump to end of the document Ctrl + End
Go to a page, bookmark, comment, etc. Ctrl + G or F5
Go back to the previously edited
Alt + Ctrl + Z
location in a document
Go to the last change or revision Shift + F5
Set and edit bookmarks Ctrl + Shift + F5

Extend Selection (Select text, move and delete)

Action Shortcut keys

Extend selection one character to
Shift + →
the right
Extend selection one character to
Shift + ←
the left
Extend selection one word to the
Ctrl + Shift + →
Extend selection one word to the
Ctrl + Shift + ←
Extend selection to the end of a
Shift + End
Extend selection to the beginning
Shift + Home
of a line
Extend selection one line down Shift + ↓
Extend selection one line up Shift + ↑
Extend selection one screen
Shift + PageDown
Extend selection one screen up Shift + PageUp
Extend selection to end of the
Ctrl + Shift + End
Extend selection to the beginning
Ctrl + Shift + Home
of the document
Extend selection to end of the Alt + Ctrl + Shift +
visible window PageDown
Extend selection to the beginning Alt + Ctrl + Shift +
of the visible window PageUp
Select entire document Ctrl + A
Turn extend mode on F8
Enter (in extended
adds one paragraph to selection
Arrow keys, PageUp
Extend selection in extend mode
and PageDown
Reduce the size of a selection in
Shift + F8
extend mode
Select a vertical block of text in
Ctrl + Shift + F8
extend mode
Turn to extend mode off Esc
Delete one character to the right Delete
Delete one character to the left Backspace
Delete one word to the right Ctrl + Delete
Delete one word to the left Ctrl + Backspace
Delete one character to the right
or delete the selection
Decrease font size one value Ctrl + Shift + <
Increase font size one value Ctrl + Shift + >
Insert special characters, Text elements and Breaks

Action Shortcut keys

Insert Copyright symbol Alt + Ctrl + C
Insert Trademark symbol Alt + Ctrl + T
Insert Registered Trademark
Alt + Ctrl + R
Insert Euro currency symbol Alt + Ctrl + E
Insert horizontal ellipsis(…) Alt + Ctrl + .
Insert Em dash Alt + Ctrl + –
Insert Symbol Alt then N then U
Insert Footnote Alt + Ctrl + F
Insert an Endnote Alt + Ctrl + D
Insert a Hyperlink Ctrl + K
Insert Citation Mark Alt + Shift + I
Insert Index Mark Alt + Shift + X
Insert Paragraph Break Enter
Insert line break without breaking
Shift + Enter
the paragraph
Insert Page Break Ctrl + Enter
Insert column break Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Insert Non-breaking space Ctrl + Shift + Space
Insert Non-Breaking Hyphen Ctrl + Shift + –
Insert Hyphen Ctrl + –
Shortcut Keys for Find and Replace in MS Word

Action keys
Open find and replace window Ctrl + H
Repeat last find after closing find the
Shift + F4
Jump between find menu and document Ctrl + Tab
Closed Find and Replace window Esc
Open Search menu from the navigation
Ctrl + F
Shortcut Keys For Format Text and Paragraph in MS Word

Action Shortcut Keys

Apply and Remove Bold Ctrl + B
Apply and Remove Italic Ctrl + I
Apply and Remove Underline Ctrl + U
Apply and Remove double-underline Ctrl + Shift + D
Apply and Remove words underline Ctrl + Shift + W
Apply and Remove Big capitals Ctrl + Shift + A
Apply and Remove Small capitals Ctrl + Shift + K
The open Font dialogue box Ctrl + D
Increase font size by one value Ctrl + Shift + >
Decrease font size by one value Ctrl + Shift + <
Apply and Remove subscript Ctrl + =
Apply and Remove Superscript Ctrl + Shift + =
Copy formatting Ctrl + Shift + C
Paste formatting Ctrl + Shift + V
Change between all case Shift + F3
Apply strike-through formatting Alt + H then 4
Reveal formatting Shift + F1
Apply and Remove Highlight text feature Ctrl + Alt + H

MS Word Shortcut Keys For Format Paragraphs & Apply Styles

Action Shortcut Keys

Right align paragraph Ctrl + R
Left align paragraph Ctrl + L
Center align paragraph Ctrl + E
Justify align paragraph Ctrl + J
Set line spacing to single space Ctrl + 1
Set line spacing to double space Ctrl + 2
Set line spacing to 1.5 Ctrl + 5
Open or Close styles task pane Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S
Apply Heading 1 style Alt + Ctrl + 1
Apply Heading 2 style Alt + Ctrl + 2
Apply Heading 3 style Alt + Ctrl + 3
Apply Normal Style Ctrl + Shift + N
Open apply styles task pane Ctrl + Shift + S

Shortcut Keys For Review Documents in MS Word

Action Shortcut Keys

Choose the spelling command F7
Insert a comment Alt + Ctrl + M
Turn change tracking on and off Ctrl + Shift + E
Display the selection Alt + F10
Open the word counting dialog box Ctrl + Shift + G
Shortcut Keys for Enter some Special fields are as follows:

Action Shortcut Keys

Insert current Date Alt + Shift + D
Insert Page number Alt + Shift + P
Insert Current Time Alt + Shift + T
Insert Mark citation Alt + Shift + I
Insert Mark Index Alt + Shift + X
Insert Table of Content Alt + Shift + O

Shortcut Keys For Mail Merge are as follows:-

Action Shortcut Keys

Preview a mail merge Alt + Shift + K
Merge a document Alt + Shift + N
Print the merged document Alt + Shift + M
Edit a mail merge document Alt + Shift + E
Insert a merge field Alt + Shift + F

Shortcuts with Function Key


F1 Open “Microsoft Office Excel Help“.

F2 Edit an Excel cell.

F3 Displays the “Paste Name” dialog box.

F4 Repeats the last action.

F5 Opens “Go To” dialog box.

Switches between worksheet and menu /

F7 Spelling Check.

F8 Switches Extend mode on / off.

Calculates all worksheets in all open


Highlights shortcut keys of Menu and

Ribbon items.

F11 Creates chart of selected cells.

F12 Opens “Save As” dialog box.

List of Excel Shortcuts Keys for Windows & Mac

Excel Shortcuts Excel Shortcuts Excel Shortcut

Keys for Windows Keys for Mac Function

Select all contents of

Ctrl+A ⌘+A
a worksheet.

Bold all cells in the

Ctrl+B ⌘+B
highlighted section.

Fill the Content of the

selected cell on top to
Ctrl+D ⌘+D
bottom. CTRL + D
(i.e. Ctrl+ Down)
"Search the current
Ctrl+F ⌘+F

Ctrl+G ⌘+G Go to a certain area.

Ctrl+H ⌘+H Find and replace.

Puts italics on all

Ctrl+I ⌘+I cells in the
highlighted section.

Ctrl+K ⌘+K Inserts a hyperlink.

Print the current

Ctrl+P ⌘+P
Ctrl+R ⌘+R Fill Right.

Saves the open

Ctrl+S ⌘+S

Underlines all cells in

Ctrl+U ⌘+U the highlighted

Pastes everything
Ctrl+V ⌘+V copied onto
the clipboard.

Closes the current

Ctrl+W ⌘+W
Cuts all cells within
Ctrl+X ⌘+X the highlighted

Repeats the last

Ctrl+Y ⌘+Y

Ctrl+Z ⌘+Z Undo the last action.

Changes the format

Ctrl+1 ⌘+1
of the selected cells.

Bolds all cells in the

Ctrl+2 ⌘+2
highlighted section.
Puts italics all cells in
Ctrl+3 ⌘+3 the highlighted

Underlines all cells in

Ctrl+4 ⌘+4 the highlighted

a strikethrough all
Ctrl+5 ⌘+5
cells in the
highlighted section.

Shows or hides
Ctrl+6 ⌘+6
Shows or hides
Ctrl+7 ⌘+7
the toolbar.

Toggles the outline

Ctrl+8 ⌘+8

Ctrl+9 ⌘+9 Hides rows.

Ctrl+0 ⌘+0 Hides columns.

Enters the current

Ctrl+Shift+: ⌘+⇧+:

Enters the current

Ctrl+; ⌘+;
Changes between
displaying cell values
Ctrl+` ⌘+`
or formulas in the

Copies a formula
Ctrl+' ⌘+'
from the cell above.

Copies value from the

Ctrl+Shift+" ⌘+⇧+"
cell above.

Deletes the selected

Ctrl+- ⌘+-
column or row.
Inserts a new column
Ctrl+Shift+= ⌘+⇧+=
or row.

Switches between
showing Excel
Ctrl+Shift+~ ⌘+⇧+~
formulas or their
values in cells.

Applies time
Ctrl+Shift+@ ⌘+⇧+@

Applies comma
Ctrl+Shift+! ⌘+⇧+!
Applies currency
Ctrl+Shift+$ ⌘+⇧+$

Applies date
Ctrl+Shift+# ⌘+⇧+#

Applies percentage
Ctrl+Shift+% ⌘+⇧+%

Applies exponential
Ctrl+Shift+^ ⌘+⇧+^

Selects the current

Ctrl+Shift+* ⌘+⇧+* region around the
active cell.
Places border around
Ctrl+Shift+& ⌘+⇧+&
selected cells.

Ctrl+Shift+_ ⌘+⇧+_ Removes a border.

Ctrl++ ⌘++ Insert.

Ctrl+- ⌘+- Delete.

Ctrl+Shift+( ⌘+⇧+( Unhide rows.

Ctrl+Shift+) ⌘+⇧+) Unhide columns.

Selects the array
Ctrl+/ ⌘+⇧+) containing the active

Selects the cells that

have a static value or
Ctrl+\ ⌘+\ don’t match the
formula in the active

Selects all cells

referenced by
Ctrl+[ ⌘+\
formulas in the
highlighted section.

Ctrl+] ⌘+] Selects cells that

contain formulas
that reference the
active cell.

Selects all cells

directly or indirectly
Ctrl+Shift+{ ⌘+⇧+{ referenced by
formulas in the
highlighted section.

Selects cells that

contain formulas
Ctrl+Shift+} ⌘+⇧+} that directly or
indirectly reference
the active cell.
Selects the cells
within a column that
don’t match the
Ctrl+Shift+| ⌘+⇧+|
formula or static
value in the active

Fills the selected cells

Ctrl+Enter ⌘+Return with the current

Selects the entire

Ctrl+Spacebar ⌘+Spacebar

Selects the entire

Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar ⌘+⇧+Spacebar
Ctrl+Home Fn+⌃+← Move to cell A1.

Move to the last cell

Ctrl+End Fn+⌃+→
on a worksheet.

Move between Two or

Ctrl+Tab ⌘+Tab more open Excel

Activates the
Ctrl+Shift+Tab ⌘+⇧+Tab
previous workbook.

Inserts argument
Ctrl+Shift+A ⌘+⇧+A names into a
Opens the drop-
Ctrl+Shift+F ⌘+⇧+F
down menu for fonts.

Selects all of the cells

Ctrl+Shift+F ⌘+⇧+F that contain

Opens the drop-

Ctrl+Shift+P ⌘+⇧+P down menu for the
point size.

Pastes what is stored

Shift+Insert ⇧+Insert
on the clipboard.

Shift+pg up Fn+⇧+↑ In a single column,

highlights all cells
above that which are

In a single column,
highlights all cells
Shift+pg dn Fn+⇧+↓
above that which are

Highlights all text to

Shift+Home Fn+⇧+←
the left of the cursor.

Highlights all text to

Shift+End Fn+⇧+→ the right of the
Extends the
Shift+↑ ⇧+↑ highlighted area up
to one cell.

Extends the
Shift+↓ ⇧+↓ highlighted area
down one cell.

Extends the
Shift+← ⇧+← highlighted area left
one character.

Extends the
Shift+→ ⇧+→ highlighted area right
one character.
Cycles through
Alt+Tab ⌥+Tab

Opens the system

Alt+Spacebar ⌥+Spacebar

Alt+Backpspace ⌥+Backpspace Undo.

While typing text in a

cell, pressing
Alt+Enter will move
Alt+Enter ⌥+Return to the next line,
allowing for multiple
lines of text in one
It creates a formula to
Alt+= ⌥+= sum all of the above

Allows formatting on
Alt+' ⌥+'
a dialog box.

Opens the Help

F1 Fn+F1

Edits the
F2 Fn+F2
selected cell.
After a name has
F3 Fn+F3 been created, F3
will paste names.

Repeats the last

action. For example,
if you changed the
color of the text in
F4 Fn+F4
another cell, pressing
F4 will change the
text in a cell to the
same color.

Goes to a specific cell.

F5 Fn+F5
For example, C6.
Move to the
F6 Fn+F6
next pane.

Spell check selected

F7 Fn+F7
text or document.

F8 Fn+F8 Enters Extend Mode.

Recalculates every
F9 Fn+F9

Activates the menu

F10 Fn+F10
Creates a chart from
F11 Fn+F11
selected data.

F12 Fn+F12 Save as.

Opens the "What's

Shift+F1 Fn+⇧+F1
This?" window.

It allows the user to

Shift+F2 Fn+⇧+F2
edit a cell comment.

Opens the
Shift+F3 Fn+⇧+F3
Excel formula window.
Brings up a search
Shift+F5 Fn+⇧+F5

Move to the previous

Shift+F6 Fn+⇧+F6

Shift+F8 Fn+⇧+F8 Add to selection.

Performs calculate
Shift+F9 Fn+⇧+F9 function on the active

Open Excel Name

Ctrl+F3 Fn+^+F3
Closes current
Ctrl+F4 Fn+^+F4

Ctrl+F5 Fn+^+F5 Restores window size.

Ctrl+F6 Fn+^+F6 Next workbook.

Ctrl+Shift+F6 ⌘+⇧+Fn+F6 Previous workbook.

Ctrl+F7 ⌘+Fn+F7 Moves the window.

Ctrl+F8 ⌘+Fn+F8 Resizes the window.

Minimize the current
Ctrl+F9 ⌘+Fn+F9

Maximize the
Ctrl+F10 ⌘+Fn+F10 currently selected

Ctrl+F11 ⌘+Fn+F11 Inserts a macro sheet.

Ctrl+F12 ⌘+Fn+F12 Opens a file.

Creates names by
Ctrl+Shift+F3 ⌘+⇧+Fn+F3 using those of either
row or column labels.
Moves to the previous
Ctrl+Shift+F6 ⌘+⇧+Fn+F6
worksheet window.

Prints the current

Ctrl+Shift+F12 ⌘+⇧+Fn+F12

Alt+F1 Fn+⌥+F1 Inserts a chart.

Alt+F2 Fn+⌥+F2 Save as.

Alt+F4 Fn+⌥+F4 Exits Excel.

Opens the macro

Alt+F8 Fn+⌥+F8
dialog box.
Opens the Visual
Alt+F11 Fn+⌥+F11
Basic editor.

Creates a new
Alt+Shift+F1 Fn+⌥+⇧+F1

Saves the current

Alt+Shift+F2 Fn+⌥+⇧+F2
Helpful Shortcut Keys
To Press
Save a presentation CTRL+S
Print a presentation CTRL+P
Open a presentation CTRL+O
Create a new presentation CTRL+N
New slide CTRL+M
Duplicate CTRL+D
Paste CTRL+V
Undo (last action) CTRL+Z
Redo (last action) CTRL+Y or F4
Select all CTRL+A
Close active presentation CTRL+W or CTRL+F4
Close PowerPoint CTRL+Q or ALT+F4 *
Moving In a Presentation
To Move Press
First slide CTRL+HOME
Last slide CTRL+END
Next slide (depending on Zoom) PAGE DOWN
Previous slide (depending on PAGE UP
Move from pane to pane F6
Moving Around In Text
To Move Press
One character to the left
One character to the right
One line up
One line down
One word to the left CTRL+
One word to the right CTRL+
To the end of a line END
To the beginning of a line HOME
Up one paragraph CTRL+
Down one paragraph CTRL+
To the end of a text box CTRL+END
To the beginning of a text box CTRL+HOME
To the next title or body CTRL+ENTER
Find CTRL+F or F4
To repeat the last Find action SHIFT+F4
Formatting In a Presentation
To Press
Align left CTRL+L
Align right CTRL+R
Center CTRL+E
Bold text CTRL+B
Insert hyperlink CTRL+K

Creating and Selecting Text and Objects

To Press
Draw a perfect shape (constrain) Hold SHIFT
Show/Hide ruler SHIFT+ALT+F9
Show/Hide gridlines SHIFT+F9
Show/Hide guides ALT+F9 *
Select one character to the right SHIFT+
Select one character to the left SHIFT+
Select to the end of a word CTRL+SHIFT+
Select to the beginning of a word CTRL+SHIFT+
Select one line up SHIFT+
Select one line down SHIFT+
Select multiple objects Hold SHIFT and click
Select an object TAB or SHIFT+TAB until
the object you want
is selected
Select all objects (slide view) CTRL+A
Select all slides (slide sorter view) CTRL+A
Select all text (outline view) CTRL+A
Deleting and Copying Text and Objects
To Press
Copy a shape CTRL+D or hold CTRL
while dragging the
Copy a shape and align with Hold CTRL+SHIFT
original whiledragging
Delete one character to the left BACKSPACE
Delete one word to the left CTRL+BACKSPACE
Delete one character to the right DELETE
Delete one word to the right CTRL+DELETE
Cut selected object CTRL+X
Copy selected object CTRL+C
Paste cut or copied object CTRL+V
Undo the last action CTRL+Z
Working In an Outline
To Press
Switch between Outline and CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Slidespane in Normal View
Promote a paragraph SHIFT+TAB
Demote a paragraph TAB
Move selected paragraphs up ALT+SHIFT+ *
Move selected paragraphs down ALT+SHIFT+ *
Show heading level 1 ALT+SHIFT+1 *
Expand text below a heading ALT+SHIFT+PLUS *
Collapse text below a heading ALT+SHIFT+MINUS *
Show all text or headings ALT+SHIFT+A *

Running & Navigating

To Do Press
Run a slide show from beginning F5
Run a slide show from current SHIFT+F5
Run a slide show with ALT+F5 *
Advance to the next slide , , N,
PAGE DOWN (or click
the left mouse)
Return to the previous slide , , P,
Go to slide <number> <number>+ENTER
Return to the first slide HOME or 1+ENTER or
press both mouse
buttons for 2 seconds
Go to last slide END
Open the Slide Selector CTRL+S
See all slides G
Stop or restart an S
automatic slide show
End a slide show ESC, HYPHEN,
Go to next hidden slide H
Displaying & Annotating
To Move Press
Display a black screen, or B or PERIOD
return tothe slide show from a (press any key to
black screen returnto the slide
Display a white screen, or W or COMMA
return tothe slide show from a (press any key to
white screen returnto the slide
Change the pointer to pen CTRL+P
Change the pointer to arrow CTRL+A or CTRL+U
Change the pointer to eraser CTRL+E
Change the pointer to highlighter CTRL+I
Erase on-screen E
Change to laser pointer CTRL+L or
CTRL+click (and hold)
Show/hide ink markups CTRL+M
Hide the pointer and CTRL+H
Zoom in on a slide + (plus)
Zoom out/display slide navigator - (minus)
Turn subtitles on/off J

Presenter View
To Press
Start Presenter View (even ALT+F5
withsingle display)
Cycle between regions F6
Cycle through tools TAB
Read the elapsed time ALT+W
Down one screen in Notes pane CTRL+PAGE DOWN
Up one screen in Notes pane CTRL+PAGE UP
Read the next line in Notes pane ALT+A
Read the previous line in Notes ALT+Z
To Press
Set new timings while rehearsing T
Re-record slide narration and R
Working with Hyperlinks
To Select Press
Next hyperlink on slide TAB
Previous hyperlink SHIFT+TAB
Run selected hyperlink ENTER (while
hyperlink isselected)
Run mouse-over behavior SHIFT+ENTER (while
ofselected hyperlink hyperlink is selected)
Working with Media
To Press
Media: Play/pause ALT+P *
Media: Stop playback ALT+Q *
Media: Volume down/up ALT+DOWN *
or ALT+UP *
Media: Skip backward/forward ALT+SHIFT+LEFT *
Media: Mute/unmute ALT+U *
Getting Help
To Press
Help during slide show F1
View task bar CTRL+T
Display the shortcut menu SHIFT+F10
(or right-click)

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