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C o v e r S t o r y SUSPENSION SYSTEMS


Twist beam rear axles are lighter and less expensive than multi-link suspensions but can’t be developed easily.
Thus, the University of Siegen developed a new analytical method for concept design, with which stiffness and
kinematics of twist beam axles can be evaluated within a few seconds.

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A ut h o r s
MOTIVATION AND STATEMENT OF complex interactions between the differ-
THE PROBLEM ent variables, since local improvements of
one requirement may have negative
With cost and weight advantages, the effects on the others.
twist beam rear axle has been increas- This fact is the main challenge for the
ingly used for vehicles in low and middle concept design of the twist beam axle.
classes. However, in comparison to multi- According to the state-of-the-art technol-
is Director of the Institute of link suspensions, more development ogy, the kinematics of the rigid axle and
Automotive Lightweight Design at efforts are required to improve the stiff- the independent suspension are usually
the University of Siegen (Germany). ness under lateral force and the axle kine- calculated using multi-body simulation
matics during cornering, which can cause (MBS) and then optimised with numeri-
over-steering behaviours. The develop- cal optimisation tools. Compared to the
ments of the last decade led to significant twist beam axle, in which especially the
improvements in axle stiffness and kine- cross member is designed relatively soft,
matics, so that an increasing use of the the components of the rigid axle and the
twist beam axle can be observed cur- independent suspension are much stiffer
DIPL.-ING. KANLUN TAN rently, also in higher class vehicles. and can be considered as rigid bodies in
is Research Associate of
the Institute of Automotive The main requirements for the concept those simulations. This assumption can-
Lightweight Design at the design of the twist beam rear axle include, not be applied to the twist beam axle,
University of Siegen (Germany). (a) the lateral, toe and camber stiffness, since the deformation of the axle compo-
as mentioned above; and (b) the kine- nents, particularly the bending and twist-
matic toe and camber. The latter show the ing of the cross member, determine the
changes of the toe and camber angles properties of the axle kinematics and
during parallel and opposite wheel trav- must not be neglected.
els. The lateral stiffness is defined as the For this reason, a highly detailed, para-
ratio of an applied lateral force at the metric MBS model with deformable com-
wheel contact point to the displacement ponents is required to enable the concept
of the point in the vehicle transverse design and optimisation of the twist beam
direction. Similarly, the toe and camber axle. The large number of optimisation
stiffness are the ratios of the same lateral variables and the high complexity of flexi-
force to the changes of the toe and cam- ble multi-body models require a huge
ber angles. computing capacity and a very long com-
As can be seen in 1, all requirements putation time. Therefore, this CAE optimi-
are simultaneously influenced by many sation method is rarely being used in the
factors and there is also a strong depend- industrial practice for the twist beam axle.
ence between the requirements. The most The commonly used approach in the
important influencing factors are the hard development of the twist beam axle starts
points, the three-dimensional form of the usually with several “empirical” or on
components and the sectional properties. benchmarking-based concepts. They are
These influencing factors are also the vari- at first roughly designed with CAD and
ables, which must be defined during the then converted into finite-element and
concept design. This means that the axle MBS models. A concept evaluation con-
stiffness and kinematics are mainly deter- cerning the stiffness and kinematics can
mined by its basic concept. Other factors, only be carried out after the simulations.
such as design details, do have influence The best concept must be further
on the strength and durability of the axle; developed and optimised via many opti-
however, they have only small influence misation steps. For this reason, many
on the axle stiffness and kinematics and resources must be invested in the CAD
will not be further considered in the cur- and CAE works before the concept eval-
rent investigation. uation. Furthermore, the quality of the
In addition to the illustration of the concepts is highly dependent on the
complex interactions, ① also clearly personal experiences of the engineers,
shows an enormous design potential. On so that unsuitable concepts might be
one hand, the large number of the varia- followed and optimised for a long time
bles can provide a large variety of concept without having a good result at the end.
possibilities, while on the other hand, the To solve these problems, a new method
design and optimisation of the twist beam for concept design was developed in the
axle become very difficult due to these work presented here. In this method, all

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C o v e r S t o r y SUSPENSION SYSTEMS

Lateral stiffness Toe stiffness Camber stiffness Other axle stiffnesses cross member with a high bending stiff-
ness but lower torsion stiffness. In the
example axle showed here, the cross
member has a hat profile cross section
Hard points
Sectional properties Other factors with reinforcements at each of the two
form of components
transition areas to the side arms, which
have a nearly circular cross section.
Each component can be idealised as
Kinematic toe Kinematic camber
Other kinematic five straight and homogeneous beams.
This subdivision is sufficient enough to
1 Complex interactions between the concept variables and requirements represent the three-dimensional form of
the components. In order to describe the
strong variation of the cross sections of
Ul Ur the axle components in reality, each beam
can be defined with a separate property.
For example, the cross member in the axle
is idealised to have a rectangular profile at
(a) the ends, a hat profile in the central
region and a partially closed profile in the
transitional areas. To improve the accu-
racy of the model, extra beams can be
introduced; however, it causes a signifi-
cantly higher computation time.
RAS FS Besides a cross member and two side
Ul Ur arms, a twist beam axle usually has also
components to connect with spring
damper elements. Traditional spring
damper seats, such as the one shown in
(b) ②, are connected to the stiff side arms.
They can be nearly neglected in the ana-
lytical method because of their small
influence on the axle stiffness.
However, some modern spring-damper
RAS FS seats connect the cross member with the
side arms at the same time, so that the
relatively weak cross member is signifi-
cantly reinforced. This leads to an
increase of the total axle stiffness.
Because of the complex geometry of the
(c) seats, their implementation into the ana-
lytical method is difficult and can be con-
sidered as a further development perspec-
tive of the current method.
In the second step, all loads on the
nodes and bearings are calculated analyti-
cally. For this purpose, the axle is
2 Idealisation of the example axle as a beam model and the calculation of its bearing and node loads with the mounted as a statically determined sys-
statically determined constraints tem, which requires exactly six con-
straints for its freedom of movement, ②
the complex interactions in ① were NEW APPROACH OF ANALYSIS (b), ② (c). The two guide bearings, Ul
mathematically, purely analytically and and Ur, are idealised as ball joints here,
completely determined and imple- The basic approach of the stiffness analy- where Ur can also move translational in
mented into a software tool. Once the sis based on this new method can be the car’s y-direction. While the lateral
concept variables are entered, the axle divided into four steps. In the first step, force acts on the left wheel contact point
stiffness and kinematics can be calcu- the axle is idealised as a beam model, 2 with a short offset RASFS, the right wheel
lated with a good accuracy in a few sec- (a). A twist beam axle usually consists of contact point RAS must have no move-
onds. The CAD data and CAE calcula- two side arms with high bending and tor- ment in the car z-direction. With these
tion are not required at all. sion stiffness, which are connected by a statically determined constraints, all

forces and moments acting on the bear-
ings and nodes can be calculated
In reality, the two guide bearings are
not ideal ball joints but rubber bushings,
whose characteristics can also affect the
axle stiffness additionally. However,
because the effects of the rubber bushing
on the axle characteristic are often consid-
ered separately in the industrial practice,
the assumption here of idealised ball
joints can be considered as sufficient.
In the third step, the three-dimen-
sional and manifold deformations of
each beam are calculated analytically.
They consist of tension, compression and
bending deformations, as well as pure
torsion and warping torsion. The corre- (b)
sponding equations or systems of equa-
tions are developed in matrix form and
solved analytically.
To complete the stiffness analysis, the
individual beam deformations are assem-
bled in the fourth and last step and then
the total axle stiffness is determined. As
can be seen in 3 (a), the deformation
begins at the left side arm, while the
cross member moves only slightly with-
out deformation. Then the elastic defor-
mation of the cross member is added. (c)
This elastic deformation causes kine-
matic movements of the bearings. For
example, the side arms rotate inward,
but do not deform further, ③ (b). It can
be concluded that these kinematic move-
ments have large influences on the axle
stiffness and must be considered in the 3 Deformation of the example axle with lateral force
analytical calculation.
The theory applied in the axle kine-
matic analysis was developed by Beck/
Hertel/Schneeweiß [1] and Matschinsky Parallel wheel travel
[2]. It is based on the following assump- Ul Ur
Opp vel
ew el tra
tions: during parallel wheel travels, the hee e whe
l tra
vel osit
wheels rotate around the line joining the Opp
two guide bearings; while in opposite
wheel travels, the rotational axis of the
wheel travels goes through the guide
bearing and the shear centre (SC) of the
cross member profile, 4. Generally, the
analytical determinations of the shear
centre for the typical cross member pro- 4 Geometric relationship of axle kinematics of twist beam axles
files, such as C, U or hat profiles, are
possible. However, cross members with
more complex profiles are being used in It has to be mentioned here, that RESULTS OF THE
current vehicles. Therefore, further mod- the theoretical rotational axis for oppo- ANALYTICAL CALCULATIONS
ules for the shear centre calculation of site wheel travel is only an approxima-
such kind of more complex profiles is tion, which has a deviation from the Based on the analytical method, a soft-
now under development. real wheel movement. ware tool was developed, which requires

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C o v e r S t o r y SUSPENSION SYSTEMS

Lateral stiffness Toe stiffness Camber stiffness ment. 5 shows that the results of the two
methods for the same example axle are
[N/mm] [N/min] [N/min] well comparable.
The results of the kinematics analysis
Simulation 1562.50 302.25 224.49
show that the analytically calculated
Analytical method 1584.10 291.14 208.04 curves for the case of parallel wheel travel
are exactly the same in comparison to the
Deviation [%] 1.38 -3.68 -7.33
curves of simulated ones, 6 (top). For
5 Stiffnesses of the example axle opposite wheel travel, a slight deviation
can be observed because of the above
Axle kinematics during parallel wheel travel mentioned inaccuracy of the
Axle theory, during
kinematics ⑥ opposite wheel trav
80 80
(bottom). However, the result is still satis-
factory for the concept phase.
Toe angle of analytical calculation
60 60
Toe angle of MBS simulation
Camber angle of analytical calculation
40 40
Wheel centre travel [mm]

Wheel centre travel [mm]

Camber angle of MBS simulation

20 20
With the presented analytical method, it
Design attitude
is possible to analytically evaluate a con-
Design attitude
0 0
cept of twist beam axles in terms of its
lateral stiffness and kinematics within a
-20 -20 seconds. In future developments, the
Toe angle of analytical method will be extended to enable the
-40 calculation -40
Toe angle of MBS simulation calculation of roll and longitudinal stiff-
Camber angle of analytical ness as well. The almost instantaneous
-60 calculation -60
computation times also enable the analyt-
Camber angle of MBS ical method as an ideal tool for optimising
-80 -80 concepts, since it can be combined
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 -200 -150 -100 -50 0
Toe and camber angle [min] easily and quickly with suitable mathe- Toe and camber angle [min
matical optimisation algorithms.
Axle kinematics during opposite wheel travel Through further development, it
should be possible that after the user
Toe angle of analytical calculation enters the desired requirements and con-
Toe angle of MBS simulation straints, such as package, into the soft-
Camber angle of analytical calculation ware, the suitable concepts can then be
determined quickly and automatically by
Wheel centre travel [mm]

Camber angle of MBS simulation

combining the current analytical method
with an appropriate optimisation algo-
Design attitude rithm. Thereafter, the concepts can be
transferred into CAD models and finalised
by detail optimisations using FEA and
MBS. Using this analytical method, a
much faster and more cost-effective con-
mulation cept development can be realised for a
ytical twist beam axle.
-80 [1] Beck, J.; Hertel, K.; Schneeweiß, M.: Die Kop-
150 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
pellenkerachse für frontgetriebene Personenwagen
Toe and camber angle [min]
– eine neue Entwicklung von Audi-NSU. In: ATZ
6 Axle kinematics of the example axle 76 (1974), No. 10, pp. 316–321
[2] Matschinsky, W.: Bestimmung mechanischer
Kenngrößen von Radaufhängungen. Hannover,
Universität, Dissertation, 1992
only the positions of all hard points and MBS programmes. The results were then
the basic profile cross sections as input to compared with those of the analytical
calculate the axle stiffness and kinemat- method. It was found that the deviations
ics. In order to validate the method accu- of stiffness of these axles were always less
racy, more than ten different axles were than 15 %. This result can be considered Read this article on
designed and calculated with FEA and as satisfactory for the concept develop-


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