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Mobile Web Augmented Reality in 5G and Beyond: Challenges, Opportunities,

and Future Directions

Article  in  China Communications · September 2019

DOI: 10.23919/JCC.2019.09.010


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6 authors, including:

Xiuquan Qiao Pei Ren

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications


Guoshun Nan Schahram Dustdar

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications TU Wien


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Mobile Web Augmented Reality in 5G and Beyond:

Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions
Xiuquan Qiao1,*, Pei Ren1, Guoshun Nan1, Ling Liu2, Schahram Dustdar3, Junliang Chen1
State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
Beijing 100876, China
College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
Distributed Systems Group, TU Wien, 1040 Vienna, Austria
* The corresponding author, email:

Abstract: The popularity of wearable devices challenges and opportunities of MWAR in the
and smartphones has fueled the development 5G era. Then we describe our design and de-
of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR), which velopment of a generic service-oriented frame-
provides immersive experiences over the real work (called MWAR5) to provide a scalable,
world using techniques, such as computer flexible, and easy to deploy MWAR solution.
vision and deep learning. However, the hard- We evaluate the performance of our MWAR5
ware-specific MAR is costly and heavy, and system in an actually deployed 5G trial net-
the App-based MAR requires an additional work under the collaborative configurations,
download and installation and it also lacks which shows encouraging results. Moreover,
cross-platform ability. These limitations ham- we also share the experiences and insights
per the pervasive promotion of MAR. This from our development and deployment, in-
paper argues that mobile Web AR (MWAR) cluding some exciting future directions of
holds the potential to become a practical and MWAR over 5G and B5G networks.
pervasive solution that can effectively scale Keywords: 5G; edge computing; augmented
to millions of end-users because MWAR can reality; mobile augmented reality; Web aug-
be developed as a lightweight, cross-platform, mented reality
and low-cost solution for end-to-end delivery
of MAR. The main challenges for making I. INTRODUCTION
MWAR a reality lie in the low efficiency for
dense computing in Web browsers, a large Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) [1]-[3] re-
delay for real-time interactions over mobile cently gained popularity thanks to the prolifer-
networks, and the lack of standardization. The ation of smartphones, tablet PCs, and wearable
good news is that the newly emerging 5G and devices, such as Google Glasses, MAD Gaze,
Beyond 5G (B5G) cellular networks can miti- and Microsoft HoloLens. Cisco reported that
gate these issues to some extent via techniques the traffic of MAR will increase seven-fold
such as network slicing, device-to-device between 2016 and 2021, with 3 Petabytes per Received: May 11, 2019
communication, and mobile edge computing. month in 2016 [4]. Recently we have wit- Revised: Jul. 02, 2019
In this paper, we first give an overview of the nessed many use-cases of MAR in a broad Editor: Honggang Zhang

China Communications • September 2019 141

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area of games (e.g., Pokémon GO), educa- be directly used in other applications.
We describe our de- tion (e.g., IWow), and commerce (e.g., IKEA Nowadays, the Web has become one of the
sign and development Place), which can be largely classified into most pervasively used and fundamental infra-
of a generic service­ wearable device-based and application-based structures over the Internet [5]. One can do
oriented framework
(App-based). These MAR applications provide almost everything on a Web browser, such as
(called MWAR5) to
provide a scalable,
attractive enriched experiences over the real surfing the Internet, reading news, and so on.
flexible, and easy to world through cameras, GPS, and compass This is possible because the HTTP communi-
deploy MWAR solu- sensors. They are powered by new technolo- cation protocol and the HTML/XML descrip-
tion. gies, such as deep learning, computer vision, tion languages with JavaScript are highly sim-
Internet of Things (IoT), and edge computing. plified and standardized, they are also flexible
However, to date, wearable device-based for both software development and Web-scale
and App-based MAR implementations have deployment. Hence, mobile Web AR (MWAR)
suffered from some inherent limitations, holds considerable potential to become a scal-
which hinder their potential deployment to able solution to promote AR to millions of on-
millions of users, designer, engineers, and en- line users via a pervasive and cross-platform
trepreneurs. First, a hardware-specific MAR user interface [6].
is costly and only a small number of users Previous work [7]-[9] took the first step
can afford it. Second, hardware-specific MAR and implemented a mobile Web AR browser.
approaches are heavy due to the requirement However, this requires the browser’s kernel
for additional hardware (e.g., Meta Glass) and support for object detection and tracking and,
their platform dependency: each is designed hence, cannot work on other platforms without
for a specific physical device or an operat- modifying the browser’s kernel. The follow-up
ing system (e.g., Embedded Linux, iOS, or solutions, JS-ArUco [10], JSARToolkit [11],
Android). Third, App-based MAR solutions and the latest achievement (in 2017), i.e., AR.
have varying capability and interfaces among js [12], are all pure front-end solutions that use
different applications. They also require the JavaScript in a mobile Web browser. Unfor-
download and installation of an applica- tunately, both implementations are burdened
tion-specific package onto the user’s mobile with two problems over today’s wireless net-
phone in advance, which raises the barriers to works.
entry for users to some extent. For example,  F irst, these solutions are limited to low
when users travel to a city, if they wish to ac- Frame Per Second (FPS) due to the com-
cess a business promotion, such as advertising, puting efficiency of JavaScript in a mobile
shopping, or tourism, they first have to down- Web browser for dense computing tasks.
load and install one or more App-based MAR Although computing on the cloud will help
software packages to enjoy the AR experience to improve FPS, it introduces large laten-
on mobile device. This requirement is incon- cy for interactions and real-time tracking
venient and unfriendly to potential consumers caused by wireless networks. To achieve a
or visitors, especially compared to alternative good immersive experience, one confronts
solutions that enable users to have on-demand a technical dilemma: running AR tasks on
use of the MAR service whenever they need a Web browser might yield low FPS. How-
it; for example, through a pay-as-you-go MAR ever, placing these computation-intensive
service provisioning at edge cloud. Another tasks on the cloud might incur high inter-
limitation is that App-based MAR solutions active latency (up to hundreds of millisec-
are heavily application-dependent and device onds) [3].
platform-dependent (iPhone vs. Android), and  The second problem is that both implemen-
they lack cross-platform support among dif- tations suffer from a lack of standardization
ferent applications. For example, the AR func- in mobile Web browsers, Web AR enabling
tionalities that are offered on Alipay cannot technologies, content producing tools, and

142 China Communications • September 2019

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5G and B5G enabling technologies (e.g., networks, we present the design of a novel
Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) [13], and generic mobile Web AR service archi-
Device-to-Device (D2D) communication tecture, termed Mobile Web AR over 5G
[14]). For example, Chrome, Firefox, and (MWAR5), which is proposed to provide
built-in browsers in social platforms (e.g., developers with a scalable, flexible, and
Facebook, WeChat) yield different FPS easy-to-deploy Web AR solution.
results for the same mobile Web AR appli-  Experiment. To get the performance com-
cation on a same mobile phone [15]. In ad- parisons, we further detail the MWAR5
dition, diverse browsers also have different pipeline over the 5G trial network and
levels of support for mobile Web AR en- then conduct experiments on a testbed us-
abling technologies, such as WebRTC [16] ing Chrome with three different working
(only Safari 11 and later versions start to modes.
support this technology), WebGL [17], etc.  Experience. The deployment and evalua-
Meanwhile, Web 3D objects generated by tions provide several valuable insights for
different tools, such as 3D Max, Maya, and future research of MWAR in the context
Blender, are incompatible with each other. of 5G networks, we summarize the lessons
And diverse communication protocols for learned and future directions as well to
device-to-device and deployment environ- provide guidelines for both researchers and
ment for mobile edge computing also make developers.
the pervasive promotion of MWAR chal- The remainder of this paper is organized
lenging. as follows. Section II details the state of the
In this paper, we conjecture that these diffi- art in Mobile Web AR (MWAR). Section III
culties can be partially mitigated by the emerg- presents the challenges of MWAR over the
ing 5G and B5G networks via new techniques 3G/4G networks from three aspects. Section
such as network slicing, MEC, D2D commu- IV summarizes the opportunities of MWAR
nication, and much higher channel capacities in the 5G era and gives the overview of the
(i.e., 10x larger than 4G LTE) [18]. Hence, 5G generic mobile Web AR architecture. Section
and B5G mobile network communication tech- V reveals a service framework of MWAR over
nology holds the potential to boost MWAR 5G, and the experimental analyzation is given
over the World Wide Web (WWW) ecosystem in Section VI. Section VII presents the lessons
to attract millions of end-users [19]. The main learned. Section VIII outlines avenues for
contributions of this paper can be summarized future research. Finally, Section IX concludes
as follows. the paper.
 Architecture. Based on the previous dis-
cussion of key features of 5G and B5G
Table I. MAR taxonomy and development tool kits.
Hardware control based [20] Google Glass, Epson BT Series, ODG R Series
Hardware inter-
Semantic gestures based [21] Microsoft HoloLens, HiAR Glasses
Semantic gestures + direct contact [22] Meta 2
Navigation [23]: NaviCam, Localscope, Find Your Car with AR, Heads Up Navigator
Commerce [24]: iGreet, IKEA Place, Sephora Virtual Artist, Amikasa, Quiver, Tap Painter
Visual Art [25]: Junaio, MoMAR Gallery, ILEVA, StraxAR, Art++
Education [26]: iWow, Construct3D, Chemistry AR, SkyView, AR Circuits, Anatomy 4D
Game [27]: Pokémon GO, Star Wars Rebels, AR air hockey, Titans of Space
Music [28]: ARmony, AR Mixer, ControllAR, AR/DJ, LCoM AR
Web AR Argon [9], JS-ArUco [10], JSARToolkit [11], AR.js [12], Web XR [29]
Tool Kits CloudRidAR, Vuforia, ARToolKit, Catchoom CraftAR, ARLab, Mobinett AR, Wikitude, Blippar, Layar

China Communications • September 2019 143

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II. STATE OF THE ART IN MWAR provides a rendering acceleration solution
for MWAR applications and the WebRTC
We present a whole picture of MAR’s taxono- achieves real-time streaming using the camera
my in Table I, which classifies the applications on a UE. The experiment shows that AR.js
into wearable device-based, App-based and can reach 60 FPS on a 2-year-old phone for a
Web-based. This section summarizes mobile simple fiducial marker. Although many efforts
Web AR implementations over current wire- are now available to implement MWAR by
less networks. using JavaScript, such as JS-ArUco [10], awe.
Web browser-based: This implementation js [31], the performance of the MWAR appli-
approach aims to achieve near-native perfor- cation is still limited due to the low computing
mance for MWAR applications by fully utiliz- efficiency of JavaScript, which will further
ing the computing capability of Unit Equip- degrade the user experience.
ment (UE). Argon [9] was one of early efforts Our proposed MWAR5 can schedule dis-
in this direction. It was designed as a pervasive tributed computing between the cloud, net-
AR application provisioning platform that uses work edges, and UEs, which therefore has the
a pre-defined URL for AR service accessing. advantages of both cross-platform support and
The state of the art from Mozilla and Google performance guarantee compared with exist-
are Web XR [29], WebARonARKit (based on ing approaches. Moreover, with the advance of
ARKit) and WebARonARCore (based on AR- 5G and B5G enabling technologies, MWAR5
Core) [30], respectively. All of these efforts applications can achieve more powerful func-
aim to achieve performance improvement and tionalities. For example, the D2D commu-
pervasive MWAR service provisioning to re- nication together with WebRTC technology
duce the development threshold. However, the make collaborative MWAR5 applications and
cross-platform requirement is still challenging short-distance data sharing possible.
for MWAR applications due to the lack of
standardization between different MWAR-sup- III. CHALLENGES OF MWAR OVER A
ported browsers. 3G/4G NETWORK
JavaScript-based: This implementation
approach meets the cross-platform require- As we discussed, MWAR is a promising
ment of MWAR applications. The newly pro- solution to attract millions of online users via
posed AR.js [12] is a MWAR library, which standardized Web technologies. Unfortunately,
can run on any mobile browser with WebGL it does not come for free and this section will
and WebRTC techniques. Note that WebGL outline some of the challenges that confront
the state of the art Web-based MAR over to-
day’s 3G/4G wireless networks.
30 140
Computing efficiency for CPU hungry
28.5 130 1000 947
tasks on a mobile Web browser: AR com-
Power Consumption (mW)
Frame Per Second (FPS)

25 120
100 putations include video or image processing,
Latency (ms)

80 600 object recognition and tracking, etc. All of the
60 51 400 392 405
tasks require dense computing and they may
5 200
lead to very low FPS when using JavaScript
5 20
on a mobile Web browser. The widely used
0 0 0
PF PE PC PF PE PC PF PE PC JavaScript performs poorly for highly com-
(a) Frame Per Second (b) Latency (c) Power Consumption plex computation tasks, such object detection
and feature extraction over a mobile Web
Fig. 1. The performance of mobile Web AR over 3G/4G networks in terms of FPS, browser. Figure 1 shows that the FPS of a pure
latency, and power consumption (PF: Pure Front-end; PE: Pure MEC; PC: Pure front-end solution (e.g., AR.js) for an image
Public Cloud). marker is as low as 5. Meanwhile, the corre-

144 China Communications • September 2019

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sponding battery consumption is very high; respectively, the average latency can be as
i.e., an average 947 mW per 5 minutes. In large as 51 ms and 130 ms, and will be much
addition, embedding AR’s API into a mobile worse over a deteriorated wireless channel
Web browser may sacrifice the generalization that suffers from interference, congestion, and
ability. Although mainstream Web browsers signal fading, etc.
have already supported WebAssembly [32] Standardization: The goal of MWAR is
technology, which is designed to encode pro- to build a hardware-independent, browser-in-
cedures (e.g., C, C++, Rust) into a size- and dependent, and producer-independent service
load-time-efficient binary format, the perfor- framework using standardized Web technol-
mance is still limited when applying MAWR ogies. However, achieving this goal is very
applications on the Web. Hence, there is still challenging due to the following difficulties:
room for improvement to achieve efficient (1) There is no standardization of MEC and
computing on a mobile Web browser. D2D techniques to define the common proto-
Latency for real-time interactions: Due cols and APIs to simplify the deployment of
to the low computing efficiency of a mobile MWAR; (2) Mobile hardware such as smart-
Web browser and the limited battery capacity phones, tablet PCs, and laptops have different
of a UE, offloading the tasks to a public cloud levels of support for AR; e.g., capturing video
can improve FPS, although it incurs additional with the camera over a Web browser is re-
delay during the interactions. Previous work stricted on some mobile phones; (3) Modern
shows that the user experience of MAR is Web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and
highly sensitive to communication latency be- built-in browsers have very different capabil-
tween a user and the back-end servers. Large ities to support AR applications [15] in terms
latency cannot meet high interactive demands of FPS and processing time, let alone the
and this will lead to poor user experience. As distinctions of the built-in Web browsers over
shown in figure 1, although the FPS of pure social platforms such as WeChat; (4) We still
MEC and public cloud can reach 28.5 and 25, lack a standard for Web 3D objects, which

AR 1 AR 2 AR 1 AR Applications
MEC Service
AR 2
Mobile Web Browser Service Registry Big Data Deep Learning
AR 1 AR 2 ...
Android / iOS AR n
Network Edge

Traffic Rules DNS Web Server

Mobile Web Browser Computation Control Handling

Camera Touch Screen Offloading AR

Android / iOS
Cache MEC Platform SDN/NFV

Camera Touch Screen Mobile Users Infrastructure Layer Virtual Machine


Cloud Side

Smart Phone
Distributed Edges

5G Base

Mobile Edge Cloud Remote Cloud


AR application 1 AR application 2 Device to Device Link


Fig. 2. Generic Mobile Web AR Architecture over 5G networks. Two MAR applications (i.e., AR1 and AR2) are demonstrated in this case.

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leads to compatibility issues among different the infrastructure layer, the network function
3D tools, such as 3D Max, Maya, and Blender. layer, and the service layer.
The MWAR standardizations are therefore ex- Moreover, Web-based mobile augmented
pected to be released. reality as a computation-intensive and de-
lay-sensitive application, which has higher
IV. OPPORTUNITIES OF MWAR IN THE requirements for the network performance, es-
5G ERA pecially for bandwidth and end-to-end latency.
Fortunately, the upcoming 5G proposed three
To meet the ever-growing traffic demands typical application scenarios, i.e., enhanced
over wireless networks, the 5G and B5G Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Ultra Reliable
cellular networks [33] have been proposed Low Latency Communications (URLLC),
as the next-generation wireless network ar- and massive Machine Type Communications
chitectures. In particular, 5G aims to provide (mMTC). By using the network slicing tech-
about 1000x system capacity, 25x average nology [34], which enables flexible resource
cell throughput, green energy and very high allocation to meet the different application
data rates (typically of Gbps order), as well as requirements, it can therefore easily accom-
extremely low latency (1-10 ms) compared to modate the communication demands of AR
current 4G LTE networks. Fundamentally, 5G services, and will further improve the utiliza-
and B5G will shift the cellular network archi- tion of network resource.
tecture from a base station-centric model to a Meanwhile, both of these clients can be
device or user-centric model. It also innovates served by cached objects and data or by AR
several new techniques, such as D2D, MEC, services running over the service layer of
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO), spa- MEC cloud [35][36]. Intuitively, the latency
tial modulation, etc. Thus, 5G and B5G hold and FPS can be improved without accessing
the potential to foster new business models the public cloud, which may be congested at
among network operators, MAR enterprise peak hours. On a public cloud, high comput-
providers, and even individual designers. Fig- ing demands tasks, such as object recognition
ure 2 demonstrates how MWAR works in the and training via a deep learning program, can
context of 5G networks and the ecosystem be performed more efficiently over data center
over WWW. infrastructures.
As illustrated in figure 2, at the client side,
there are six mobile users belonging to two V. A SERVICE FRAMEWORK OF MWAR
different groups, which are classified by two OVER 5G AND B5G NETWORKS
MAR applications, AR1 and AR2. Mobile
users in the same group can exchange data We have discussed the challenges of MWAR
directly thanks to the D2D communication over current 3G/4G networks and have also
technique of the 5G networks at the Radio articulated the opportunities of MWAR in the
Access Network (RAN), which will result in context of the 5G and B5G networks. This
a significant improvement of latency and FPS. section will present our design of a service
As shown, two clients, customer1 and cus- framework for a MWAR, which is called
tomer2, are experiencing MAR applications MWAR5, by exploring the technical potentials
AR1 and AR2 on mobile Web browsers via in the 5G era.
the URLs http://Web-based-ar/ar1 and http:// The goal of MWAR5 is to deliver scalable,
Web-based-ar/ar2, respectively, without any flexible, and easy to deploy MAR for millions
pre-installation required. The MEC cloud is of users, designers, engineers, and companies
deployed at a 5G based station. We harness over a pervasive mobile Web browser that uses
the generic system framework of this cloud, standard Web technologies, such as CSS, Ja-
which is composed of three main layers; i.e., vaScript, etc. The framework of the MWAR5

146 China Communications • September 2019

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Augmented Model
Case 1: China Mobile

N Object Detection
MEC? Detection
N Extracting
Extracting Features
Object Features
Recognition Object Model
The Logo of China Mobile
Local? Recognition Trainiing

Web Server

Web Server
Y Features Recognition
Augmented Model
Object Cached
Computation Database Database
Detection Database

Cache Object
Detection Object
A wine bottle of FenJiu Company

3D Model
Computing Pose Computing Pose
Case 2: FenJiu

User Equipment (UE) 5G Base Station Mobile Edge Cloud Public Cloud

Computing on Web Browser Computing on Public Cloud Computing on Mobile Edge Cloud Tracking without recognition

Fig. 3. The MWAR5 pipeline over 5G and B5G networks.

is presented in figure 3 and the workflow is them over the browser. To achieve minimal
described as follows. delay, the tasks can be further broken down
The first step Capturing Object is to stream into sub-tasks, if possible, and they will then
a real object (i.e., an image marker or a real be adaptively allocated via reinforcement
object) by a smartphone’s or tablet’s camera learning approaches among a mobile phone,
over a Web browser. The standardized We- network edges, and public cloud, respectively,
bRTC technology provides Web browsers depending on the service requirements and
with the ability to access the camera on UEs, environmental conditions. Furthermore, object
which provides a basis for the MWAR5 im- detections on a mobile Web browser can be
plementation to achieve real-world and object tailored using JavaScript with WebAssembly
capturing in a video stream format. The video technique to improve the computing efficiency
is then converted into separate frames for and save battery energy.
object detection and feature extraction. Note The third step lies in Object Recognition us-
that WebRTC as a real-time peer-to-peer com- ing a Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR)
munication technology also provides a basis approach [38] and then computing a new pose
for collaborative MWAR5 applications (e.g., for augmented models over the real target.
multiplayer interactive AR games) with the Moreover, recent algorithms that are based
help of D2D communication technology in 5G on deep learning, such as BIND [39], can im-
networks. prove the accuracy of the recognition. These
Object Detection in the second step checks tasks require dense computing and, hence, are
for the existence of the object and locates deployed on the mobile edge cloud and public
the Regions of Interest (RoI) corresponding cloud.
to the target. Meanwhile, extracting features The fourth step refers to real-time Object
means finding the key point for each RoI Tracking. Given the initialized state of a target
from a frame, such as a rotated image. Due object in a frame of a video stream, Object
to the high computation demands (e.g., RON Tracking estimates the states of the target in
algorithm [37]) of such tasks, the scheduler the subsequent frames. The challenges lie in
will make a decision to offload the tasks to variations due to geometric changes and pho-
mobile edges, the public cloud, or execute tometric factors, occlusions, and non-linear

China Communications • September 2019 147

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motion, etc. Although many accuracy and whose camera will be activated by MWAR5.
robust trackers have been proposed [40] based The user then scans the logo of China Mobile
on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) (or the wine bottle of FenJiu), an augmented
[41]-[44] and correlation filters (e.g., kernel- 3D model will be downloaded and rendered in
ized correlation filters [45]), it is infeasible to the users’ Web browser over the logo or bottle.
deploy them directly on a mobile Web browser Finally, the user interacts with the augmented
to yield high FPS due to limited computing model to acquire more product information.
capabilities. Thus, an adaptive policy using These interactions are much more attractive
reinforcement learning may be able to help when compared with current popular sales
to dynamically allocate tracking tasks among promotions using QR Codes.
mobile clients, edge nodes, and on the public We conducted the experiments in an actual-
cloud. ly deployed 5G trial network which has been
supported by China Mobile Communications
VI. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Group Beijing Co., Ltd. and Huawei Technol-
ogies Co., Ltd. 20 times with different user de-
The experiments are conducted with two dif- vices (e.g., Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy Note
ferent applications, and figure 4 demonstrates 8, Huawei P10, Meizu MX5, Samsung Galaxy
the operating process. S8). All of the experiment results show a sim-
To access the mobile Web AR application, ilar trend in terms of FPS, latency and power
users first need to click the pre-defined URL consumption. Here, we choose one result for
links in the Web browser on a mobile phone, analysis, which uses Chrome and a Huawei
P10 mobile phone, equipped with a 2.4 GHz
and 8 core Hisilicon CPU, 4 GB RAM. The
mobile phone connects to the edge server
Case 1: China Mobile which is deployed on the 5G base station via
Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) then it
The augmented
3D model connects to the MWAR5 server on the Alibaba
Cloud via the core network as shown in figure
5. The network latency between the user de-
vice and the network edge is about 8.76 ms.
Between the network edge and the MWAR5
cloud server, it is about about 27.04 ms, on
Case 2: FenJiu
We present the design of MWAR5 by le-
veraging techniques that hold potential for
The augmented
3D model
us in the 5G and B5G networks. We also
deliver a proof-of-concept development and
deployment over an actually deployed 5G trial
network. Three different working modes are
supported in MWAR5: Front-end plus mobile
Edge cloud (FE), Front-end plus public Cloud
(FC), and Front-end plus mobile Edge cloud
plus public Cloud (FEC). The percentages
Fig. 4. Two experimental cases of the use of MWAR5 for sales promotions by Chi-
of tasks computed on a UE, edge cloud, and
na Mobile and FenJiu, the largest mobile operator in the world and a very famous
public cloud are about 20%, 80% for both FE
wine company in China, respectively. By scanning the logo of China Mobile or the
wine bottle of FenJiu, the augmented model therefore can be activated then display and FC, and are about 20%, 60%, 20% for
to users. Multiple entrances are available for users to experience mobile Web AR FEC, respectively (the computation offload-
applications, here we use Chrome as the demonstration. ing assumption scenario in our experiment

148 China Communications • September 2019

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is obtained based on the proportion of time tion. The power consumption on the mobile
required for each sub-task execution on a spe- phone only has slight difference among three 1
Specifcation of the
cific computing platform1). Specifically, the approaches, which is about 560 mW every 5 computing platform:
IBM System x3650 M4,
image preprocessing, object tracking, and aug- minutes. This is much less than the mode of
Ubuntu 16.04, Intel
mented model rendering tasks are assigned to a pure front-end (i.e., 947 mW). Finally, we Xeon E5-2600 v2 @
perform on the mobile Web browser (i.e., UE). would like to remark that although MWAR5 2.0 GHz, 16 GB RAM.
While the others, such as object detection, fea- is designed for a 5G network, our prototype
ture extraction, object recognition, and tem- development experience and our experiments
plate matching, are performed on the edge or also show that several design concepts can
public cloud. Moreover, for the FEC comput- help to improve the application performance
ing mode, the template matching is assigned in current mobile networks. By deploying
to perform on the public cloud to alleviate the mobile Web AR applications to data centers
computing pressure on the edge servers. Note or anywhere close to the user, we can often
that different computation partitioning policy achieve performance improvement in term of
will obviously result in different MWAR ap- FPS and latency. However, the AR service de-
plication performance in term of FPS, latency, ployment on network edges in current mobile
and power consumption. For simplification, networks is more challenging and expensive
we adopted a straightforward partitioning ap- because of the lack of a standard management
proach in this paper only for demonstration mechanism and platform. The upcoming 5G
purpose, there is still a lot of room for further and B5G networks will be able to provide a
study about computation offloading especially flexible and pervasive MWAR service deploy-
for mobile Web augmented reality service. ment infrastructure on network edges, which
Our design has demonstrated that the user
experience of the MWAR5 prototype appli-
cation can achieve skip-type improvement, Latency : 8.76 ms Latency : 27.04 ms
especially for latency (7 ms (5G) vs. 51 ms

Core Networks
(4G), on average). In this part, we compare the
performance of the MWAR5 prototype system
CPE Edge Server
under the FE, FC, and FEC modes, using a 5G Base
Station Cloud Servers
number of performance metrics, such as FPS,
latency, and the UE’s power consumption.
As shown in figure 6, the FE mode per-
forms best in terms of FPS (i.e., 31.4 in aver- Fig. 5. Experimental 5G network environment.
age), compared with FC (i.e., 27.3) and FEC
(i.e., 29.0) mode, respectively. The user device
shoulders about 20% of the computation tasks 31.4
44 600 560 564 562
Power Consumption (mW)

30 29 40
in three hybrid modes. It is clear that network
Frame Per Second (FPS)

27.3 500
performance has a significant impact on the
Latency (ms)

30 400
performance of MWAR applications (25 FPS 300
15 20
(4G) vs. 34 FPS (5G) for the PF mode in our 200
experiment). Note that a different partitioning 10
method will lead to a different result. Mean-
0 0 0
while, FE yields less average latency (i.e., 5.6 FE FC FEC FE FC FEC FE FC FEC

ms) than FC (i.e., 44.0 ms) and FEC (i.e., 8.8 (a) Frame Per Second (b) Latency (c) Power Consumption
ms). The reduction stems from AR dense com-
putations because the core network introduces Fig. 6. Performance comparisons of different hybrid modes for MWAR5 (FE:
delay into the FC and FEC, which may be Front-end plus mobile Edge cloud; FC: Front-end plus public Cloud; and FEC:
worse at peak times due to network conges- Front-end plus mobile Edge cloud plus public Cloud).

China Communications • September 2019 149

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will greatly reduce the deployment difficulty velopment and deployment of collaborative
for developers [3]. MWAR5 by leveraging several techniques that
hold considerable potential on 5G networks.
VII. LESSONS LEARNED In particular, remote or network edge server
has stronger computing capability and suffi-
Through our research, we have learned several cient storage space. Furthermore, reasonable
lessons. The first is that MWAR implementa- resource scheduling can effectively improve
tions open the door for Web users to more eas- the performance of MARW5 applications.
ily experience MAR services and, therefore, Considering the diverse capability of the end
is a promising direction for MAR. Hardware devices, an adaptive collaborative computing
specific MAR solutions are costly and incon- paradigm should be considered in the future
venient to carry, while App-based ones require development process to balance the cost and
a download and installation in advance, they user experience.
also lack cross-platform compatibility. In con-
trast to the existing MAR implementations, VIII. FUTURE DIRECTIONS
the Web-based implementations can provide
lightweight and cross-platform MAR services The practical deployment and performance
and, therefore, achieve pervasive promotion results sheds some light for future studies
for MAR over WWW. of MWAR application over the 5G and B5G
The second lesson is related to the up- networks. In this section, we will detail these
coming 5G and B5G networks. Although AR insights and will further discuss these issues.
applications require real-time interaction, Computing at the front-end and mobile
current 3G/4G mobile networks cannot meet edge cloud: Figure 6 indicates that computing
this requirement. The emerging 5G networks at the front-end and mobile edge cloud stands
provide a higher data rate and lower commu- out as a low latency and high FPS solution.
nication delay, which will greatly improve Ideally, high demand tasks are expected to be
the data transmission on the Internet. In this processed at the front-end or network edge to
work, we have designed and implemented reduce interactive latency. Recently, industries
a MWAR5 service provisioning framework such as Tencent have developed an AR API
through a prototype development and deploy- in its beta version of a Web browser, which
ment effort. Our experience shows that many promises to improve computing efficiency.
of the limitations can be partially mitigated by Meanwhile, offloading some tasks to the mo-
the newly emerging 5G networks, powered by bile edge cloud is amenable to the computing
some advances in computer vision and deep capabilities of a Web browser [46]-[49].
neural networks. The MEC paradigm reduces Real-time object recognition and track-
the communication delay. Meanwhile, the ing: These two tasks are CPU hungry, and
D2D communication will enable efficient col- they require high FPS and low latency. In the
laborative mobile Web AR applications, and 5G networks, the problem can be formulated
also achieve data sharing. The development of as follows: given the battery constraint of mo-
networking will provide many opportunities bile phones, caching or storage size and com-
for the pervasive promotion of MWAR5 appli- puting capability of mobile phone, edge cloud
cations. and public cloud, and network delay among
The third lesson is related to collaborative mobile phone, edge nodes and public cloud,
computing. By gathering distributed comput- how can we achieve maximized performance
ing and storage capabilities on the Internet, in terms of FPS and interactive latency? The
this computing paradigm can achieve flexible challenge lies in optimal decision making un-
resource scheduling and energy saving. We der a dynamic environment; e.g., CPU, mem-
have also shared our experiences with the de- ory usage, network latency and computing

150 China Communications • September 2019

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requirement. eral technical challenges related to ease of de-
Low latency mobile Web AR: Latency is ployment, cross-platform support, energy effi-
one of most important performance metrics for ciency, standardization, and some of them due
mobile Web AR over 5G networks because of to the limitations of 3G/4G wireless networks.
the processing time at the front-end and back- We design and implement a MWAR5 service
end and the network delivery delay. Therefore, framework, our experience shows that many
reducing the application’s latency is a difficult of the limitations can be partially mitigated by
task that includes the algorithms for video pro- new emerging 5G and B5G networks. We also
cessing, dynamic resource allocation between shared our experiences with the development
front-end and mobile edge nodes, although 5G and deployment of MWAR5 by leveraging
can mitigate the bottlenecks of latency at the several techniques that hold high potentials in
access network. 5G networks. We believe that our research and
Collaborating with neighbors: De- development efforts in exploring the potential
vice-to-Device (D2D) communication tech- of mobile Web AR on 5G network are valuable
nique in the 5G network provides us with experiences to share and that our findings of
more opportunities for both development and the challenges, opportunities, and future direc-
deployment. From development aspect: D2D- tions will be able to enlighten more research
based mobile Web AR implementation has interests and efforts on delivering life-enrich-
a wide range of applications in many fields, ing, Web-based MAR experiences to the rap-
such as entertainment, education. From de- idly growing mobile and wireless business and
ployment aspect: both computing and storage consumer industry of the twenty-first century.
capabilities can be shared between different
devices by using this approach, it therefore ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
can achieve a more intelligent and flexible
computing and communication paradigm for This work was supported in part by the Na-
mobile Web AR applications. tional Key R&D Program of China under
Standardization: The MEC and D2D tech- Grant 2018YFE0205503, in part by the Na-
niques have been proposed for many years tional Natural Science Foundation of China
and they require a standardization to align (NSFC) under Grant 61671081, in part by the
the development mobile Web AR over the 5G Funds for International Cooperation and Ex-
and B5G networks. There are also compatible change of NSFC under Grant 61720106007, in
issues between the implementations of Web- part by the 111 Project under Grant B18008,
GL (e.g., Three.js) and the Web 3D models in part by the Beijing Natural Science Foun-
generated by tools such as 3D Max, Maya and dation under Grant 4172042, in part by the
Blender. This results in a reduction of anima- Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
tion effects and computing efficiency. Hence, a Universities under Grant 2018XKJC01, and
standard Web 3D object and development API in part by the BUPT Excellent Ph.D. Students
on Web browsers is expected to be released to Foundation under Grant CX2019213.
address these problems.
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dia communication, computer vision, machine learn- matics Section. He was a recipient of the ACM Distin-
ing, augmented reality, virtual reality and 5G net- guished Scientist Award, the IBM Faculty Award, and
works. He has published papers in Computer Net- the IEEE TCSVC Outstanding Leadership Award. He is
works, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions on
Review, SIGCOMM, etc. Internet of Things and the Editor-in-Chief of Com-
puting (Springer).
Ling Liu, (Fellow, IEEE) is cur-
rently a Professor at the School Junliang Chen, has been with
of Computer Science, Georgia the Beijing University of Posts
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, and Telecommunications, Bei-
GA, USA. She has published jing, China, since 1955, where
over 300 international journal he is currently the Chairman
and conference articles. Dr. Liu and a Professor with the Re-
was a recipient of the IEEE search Institute of Networking
Computer Society Technical Achievement Award in and Switching Technology. His
2012 and the Best Paper Award from numerous top current research interests include communication
venues, including ICDCS, WWW, IEEE Cloud, IEEE networks and next-generation service creation tech-
ICWS, and ACM/IEEE CCGrid. She is the Edi- nology. Dr. Chen was elected as a member of the
tor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions on Internet Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1991 and a member
Technology. of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1994 for
his contributions to fault diagnosis in stored program
Schahram Dustdar, (Fellow, control exchange. He received the First, Second, and
IEEE) is currently a Professor of Third prizes of the National Scientific and Technolog-
Computer Science with the ical Progress Award in 1988, 2004, and 1999, respec-
Distributed Systems Group, TU tively.
Wien, Austria. Dr. Dustdar was
an elected member of the
Academy of Europe, where he
is the Chairman of the Infor-

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