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Q1. You are the Raman/Rati, Head Boy/girl of SKV FM block, Rohini. The
students have been complaining to you about shortage of cold drinking
water outlets in the school. Write a letter to the Principal of the school
requesting for one more water cooler in the school.

A1. 20 May, 2021

The Principal
SKV - FU Block
New Delhi-11

Subject: Request for more Water Coolers


I would like to bring to your notice the problems being faced by the students
due to inadequate number of water coolers in the school. Long queues of
students, especially during recess can be seen in front of the only
water cooler in the school. The students tussle with each other and in the
process, they even get hurt. It also causes a delay in going back to the

Most students complain that there isn’t enough water for everyone especially
during recess. The increasing temperature has increased the demand of
drinkable water.

One more water cooler on the first floor of secondary block would resolve the
issue to a great extent. I hope you will look into the matter and put an end to
the woes of the students.

Thank you

Yours obediently

(Head Boy)

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