Kaplan - Strategy and PowerPoint An Inquiry Into The Epistemic Culture and Machinery of Strategy Mak

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Kaplan - Strategy and Power Point An

Inquiry into the Epistemic Culture
and Machinery of Strategy Making
suryo hadi

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Organization Science informs ®

Vol. 22, No. 2, March–April 2011, pp. 320–346 doi 10.1287/orsc.1100.0531

issn 1047-7039  eissn 1526-5455  11  2202  0320 © 2011 INFORMS

Strategy and PowerPoint: An Inquiry into the

Epistemic Culture and Machinery of Strategy Making
Sarah Kaplan
Rotman School, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6, Canada,

P owerPoint has come to dominate organizational life in general and strategy making in particular. The technology is
lauded by its proponents as a powerful tool for communication and excoriated by its critics as dangerously simplifying.
This study takes a deeper look into how PowerPoint is mobilized in strategy making through an ethnographic study inside
one organization. It treats PowerPoint as a technology embedded in the discursive practices of strategic knowledge pro-
duction and suggests that these practices make up the epistemic or knowledge culture of the organization. Conceptualizing
culture as composed of practices foregrounds the “machineries” of knowing. Results from a genre analysis of PowerPoint
use suggest that it should not be characterized simply as effective or ineffective, as current PowerPoint controversies do.
Instead, I show how the affordances of PowerPoint enabled the difficult task of collaborating to negotiate meaning in
an uncertain environment, creating spaces for discussion, making recombinations possible, allowing for adjustments as
ideas evolved, and providing access to a wide range of actors. These affordances also facilitated cartographic efforts to
draw boundaries around the scope of a strategy by certifying certain ideas and allowing document owners to include or
exclude certain slides or participants. These discursive practices—collaboration and cartography—are part of the “epistemic
machinery” of strategy culture. This analysis demonstrates that strategy making is not only about analysis of industry
structure, competitive positioning, or resources, as assumed in content-based strategy research, but it is also about how the
production and use of PowerPoint documents that shape these ideas.
Key words: epistemic culture; strategy making; genres; PowerPoint; technology in use; strategy as practice; negotiated
History: Published online in Articles in Advance July 28, 2010.

Introduction To understand the role of PowerPoint in strategy, it

1 is useful to conceptualize strategy making as a knowl-
Overhead presentations and more recently PowerPoint
documents have come to be a dominant feature in our edge production process that can be examined in much
culture (Yates and Orlikowski 2007). In the case of strat- the same way that science in the laboratory has been
egy making within organizations, PowerPoint is the pre- studied by sociologists of science as a knowledge pro-
vailing genre for representation and communication. In duction process. We can see many parallels between
consulting, making strategy for clients ultimately leads doing strategy and doing science, in that they both
to the production of “decks” of slides with strategic occur in knowledge settings having their own expert cul-
recommendations. In organizations, strategy develop- tures. Knorr-Cetina (1999) refers to the cultures of these
ment activities culminate in PowerPoint presentations to knowledge settings as “epistemic cultures” and argues
senior management. Much of business education today that their existence demands an examination of the
activities that make up expert practice. This approach,
involves PowerPoint. Such is the presence of Microsoft’s
according to Knorr-Cetina (1999, p. 10), “foregrounds
PowerPoint that it has led to a proliferation of consumer
the machineries of knowing composed of practices,”
guides and how-to books championing its benefits2 as
otherwise known as epistemic machineries. Here, culture
well as some searing critiques of its use (Norvig 2000, is defined by the practices that make it up.
Parker 2001, Stewart 2001, Tufte 2003). Whereas cham- In science (and, I suggest, in strategy), these prac-
pions have promoted PowerPoint as a simple way to tices that make up culture are both discursive (focused
build persuasive presentations, critics (mainly in the pop- on the communication of ideas) and materially mediated
ular press) have argued that it constrains expression to (occurring through texts; see Gieryn 1999, Knorr-Cetina
certain templates, forces oversimplification, and even 1999). The study of discursive practices undergird-
edits thoughts. Yet these assessments, whether positive ing an epistemic culture therefore requires an exami-
or negative, have focused mainly on the features of nation of the technologies that mediate this discourse
PowerPoint software or the characteristics of presenta- (Orlikowski 2010, Schatzki 2005). During the past 10
tions produced using its features. They have not been years, scholars have paid increasing attention to the
made based on an appreciation of how PowerPoint is study of strategy practices (for summaries, see Jarz-
actually engaged in the practice of strategy making. abkowski et al. 2007, Jarzabkowski and Kaplan 2010,
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Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS 321

Whittington 2006), an approach that comes from the presence in organizational life justifies an in-depth focus
view that strategy is something that people do, not on how it operates in such organizational processes as
just something that organizations have. Recent empirical strategy making. The next section shows that although
work has represented strategy making as a dynamic, and there has been little scholarship on PowerPoint per se,
specifically discursive, process that is socially accom- studies of epistemic cultures and machineries as well as
plished by multiple actors (Ezzamel and Willmott 2008, genres-in-use give us analytical purchase in understand-
ing the dynamics observed in the field study examined
Jarzabkowski 2008, Rouleau 2005). Less is known, how-
here. Results presented in the next section suggest that
ever, about how these practices are materially and, more the use of PowerPoint cannot be characterized simply as
particularly, textually mediated. Yet because PowerPoint effective or ineffective. Instead, an examination of how
functions as both a medium and an outcome of discur- PowerPoint was engaged in strategy making in one orga-
sive practices, its use is essential to the strategy-making nization shows that this tool became both a space for
process. Without PowerPoint, as Rasche and Chia (2009, collaboration and a focus of cartographic efforts. The
p. 722) underline, “a strategist would not be a strate- epistemic culture of strategy is thus made up of two both
gist and the practice of strategy would be an impossi- conflicting and complementary practices that are medi-
ble endeavor.” This leads to the research question, how ated by PowerPoint. Collaboration and cartography are
is PowerPoint engaged in the discursive practices that two sides of the same coin, where knowledge produc-
make up the epistemic culture of strategy making? Ask- tion must involve both the generation of ideas and their
ing the question this way treats PowerPoint not simply as selection. This paper concludes with a discussion of how
these insights contribute to the literatures on strategizing
an artifact representing, more or less perfectly, an under-
and epistemic cultures. I suggest that strategy making is
lying culture, as it would be characterized in traditional not only about analysis of industry structure, competitive
culture studies (Hatch 1993, Schein 1990), but rather as positioning, or resources and capabilities, as assumed
part of the machinery that produces strategic knowledge. in content-based strategy research, but also about how
This paper addresses this question through the analy- the production and use of PowerPoint documents shape
sis of an ethnographic study of strategy making inside these ideas.
one organization. Direct, in-depth observation of actors
making strategy provides a window into the dynamics PowerPoint and Its Critics
of day-to-day practice. For the purposes of this analy- Although introduced into the market little more than
sis, these observations allow us to assess how Power- two decades ago, PowerPoint is now used pervasively
Point was used by various actors. Using a genre analy- in organizations. It is the most recent iteration in a long
sis of these practices, I explore not just the PowerPoint tradition of business presentation technologies (Yates
software or documents themselves but more importantly and Orlikowski 2002). The use of graphs as visual aids
how they get mobilized by actors and mediate inter- for management was pioneered most prominently by
actions between actors (Yates and Orlikowski 2007) in DuPont in the early 20th century. Their approach was
strategy making. Through this approach, I show how the copied by many of their customers and was eventually
institutionalized in business (Yates 1985). PowerPoint
affordances of PowerPoint enabled the difficult task of
is the digital-age successor to earlier presentation tech-
collaborating to negotiate meaning in a highly uncertain nologies such as viewgraphs, but its features make it
environment, creating a space for discussion, making even more predominant in business practice than were
combinations and recombinations possible, allowing for prior tools.
rapid adjustments as ideas evolved, and providing access PowerPoint is but one of many technologies used
to a wide range of actors, no matter how dispersed over in strategy making. E-mail clients, spreadsheets, and
space or time. Yet I found these affordances also sup- word processing programs also are engaged regularly.
ported cartographic efforts to draw boundaries around However, there are two reasons that PowerPoint should
the scope of a strategy, certifying certain ideas and be the subject of particular attention. First, PowerPoint
not others and allowing document owners to include or has a privileged position among strategy support tools.
exclude certain slides or participants and control access No matter what combination of technologies might be
to information. Cartography in the world of ideas is used to develop a strategic idea, strategy making nearly
always culminates in a PowerPoint presentation to senior
similar to cartography of the physical landscape: draw-
management. Thus attention to the development as well
ing maps and defining boundaries help people navi- as the delivery of these documents is essential. Second,
gate otherwise uncertain terrain. These collaborative and PowerPoint is not only a set of texts but also a tool
cartographic practices shaped the strategic choices and for creating those texts and a presentation genre (Yates
actions taken in the organization. and Orlikowski 2007). Although PowerPoint presenta-
In the sections that follow, I first discuss PowerPoint tions were initially intended only for in-person presen-
and its critics, arguing that its central, if controversial, tations, enabling technologies such as e-mail, WebEx,
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322 Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS

or NetMeeting3 make it possible to conduct presenta- porate productivity.” So we banned it. And we’ve had
tions with geographically or temporally dispersed audi- three unbelievable record-breaking fiscal quarters since
ences and even to decouple documents from the live we banned PowerPoint. Now, I would argue that every
performance entirely (Stark and Paravel 2008, Yates and company in the world, if it would just ban PowerPoint,
Orlikowski 2007). The documents operate in multiple would see their earnings skyrocket. Employees would
stand around going, “What do I do? Guess I’ve got to go
forms: they are projected in slide shows, printed out for
to work.” (McNealy 1997)
handouts, distributed via e-mail, etc. There is a notes
section for recording more information than can be con- The Columbia Accident Investigation Review Board
tained in slide. A variety of materials—spreadsheets, report on the 2003 Columbia shuttle explosion included
tables, graphics, videos, and sound files—can be incor- Edward Tufte’s analysis of a NASA PowerPoint slide
porated from other sources. The program provides a entitled “Review of Test Data Indicates Conservatism for
wide array of presentation templates and clip art. Unique Tile Penetration.” The report concluded
among technologies used in strategy making, the slides
It is easy to understand how a senior manager might read
in PowerPoint are modular, and therefore strategy mak- this PowerPoint slide and not realize that it addresses
ers can cut and paste them from one document into a life-threatening situation. At many points during its
another. investigation, the Board was surprised to receive simi-
A vast array of books, training sessions, newsletters, lar presentation slides from NASA officials in place of
and online help sites provides users with tips and tricks technical reports. The Board views the endemic use of
for taking advantage of these features to “plan the per- PowerPoint briefing slides instead of technical papers as
fect presentation,” and Microsoft even promotes “Power- an illustration of the problematic methods of technical
Point MVPs” who are “experts recognized by Microsoft communication at NASA. (Columbia Accident Investiga-
for their helpfulness, depth of knowledge, and passion for tion Board 2003, p. 191)
technology” (Microsoft Office Online 2006). Yet despite The bullet point mode of presentation, although useful
PowerPoint’s ubiquity, there is a growing wave of crit- for summarizing more complex information for brief-
icism about its effects. Norvig (2000), echoing an ear- ings, failed in this case to convey the tacit and special-
lier critique of overhead presentations by Rigden (1990), ized knowledge associated with a complex technology.
excoriates PowerPoint by showing that Lincoln’s literary These critiques point to the possibility that the use
Gettysburg Address might have been reduced to a few of PowerPoint can detract from the fundamental task
bullet points in the era of PowerPoint. Tufte’s (2003) tract at hand, be it managing a business or solving technical
on PowerPoint criticizes a cognitive style that, he argues, problems on a space shuttle. Any optimism about Power-
foreshortens evidence, leads to the extensive use of “chart Point on the part of its critics mainly takes the form
junk,” and forces a linear presentation. The effect, accord- of exhortations to circumvent its limitations and turn
ing to some, is “death by PowerPoint” (Felder and Brent presentations into performances (Gabriel 2008). Carried
2005). PowerPoint has been subject to many spoofs in forward to the domain of strategy, these concerns about
cartoons that portray PowerPoint as a tool for achieving PowerPoint highlight the risks of strategy making being
false productivity or even as a potential tool for torture obfuscated by the technology used to support it, but such
(see an example in Figure 1). conclusions miss the essential dynamics of the opera-
Less fancifully, Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Micro- tion of PowerPoint in the machinery of strategic knowl-
systems, banned the use of PowerPoint in his organiza-
edge production. These critiques of PowerPoint tend to
tion in the mid-1990s, stating,
focus on the specific technical enabling (and constrain-
We had 12.9 gigabytes of PowerPoint slides on our ing) features of the software tool and the strengths and
network. And I thought, “What a huge waste of cor- weaknesses of the documents themselves. This limits our

Figure 1 Dilbert’s View of PowerPoint

Credit. DILBERT © Scott Adams/Dist. by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

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Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS 323

ability to see how PowerPoint works within the discur- two numbers together. A teacher may give her the prob-
sive practices of strategy making. In the next section, lem. It could be written on paper. The child may count
I draw on research in the field of science studies to on her fingers. She may ask a friend. To understand
suggest that PowerPoint can usefully be viewed as part the process of adding numbers, one must go “beyond
of the machinery that makes up a particular epistemic the bare bones of the arithmetical processes” (Kaptelinin
culture of knowledge production. I also argue that ana- and Nardi 2006, p. 9) to see the teacher, paper, fingers,
lyzing PowerPoint not as a static object but rather as a and friends. It is in this way that an understanding of the
communication genre-in-use will help explore how this epistemic machinery of knowledge production pushes
epistemic machinery functions. the analyst to examine the “rich social matrix of people
and artifacts” (Kaptelinin and Nardi 2006, p. 9).
With regard to scientific practice, these artifacts are
Analytical Lens for Understanding the often textual and representational. Latour and Wool-
Epistemic Machinery of Strategy Making gar (1979) describe scientific knowledge production as a
This paper turns our attention away from whether actors network of texts that link actors, their labs, their equip-
make “good” or “poor” use of PowerPoint technology ment, and their experiments. Outcomes of experiments
and toward how these actors mobilize it in their discur- are represented in texts such as printouts from lab equip-
sive practices, in order to shed light on the epistemic ment and are later codified in reports or journal articles.
culture of strategy making and the epistemic machineries A subsequent wave of research in the social studies of
that make it up. science has showed how such discursive practices work
to produce knowledge (Collins and Evans 2002). As a
Epistemic Cultures and Epistemic Machineries next wave of analysis, Knorr-Cetina (1999, 2000) has
Epistemic cultures are the cultures of knowledge pro- proposed that scholars should problematize the objects
duction. They comprise the set of “arrangements and that are both the mediators and the outcomes of this dis-
mechanisms    which, in a given field, make up how cursive work.
we know what we know” (Knorr-Cetina 1999, p. 1). This idea of tools and technologies as part of the epis-
From this definition, one can draw out three essential temic machinery of a knowledge culture is distinct from
features about this idea of culture that make it distinct the typical understanding of artifacts in culture studies.
from traditional definitions of culture as norms or values Research on cultural artifacts in organizations has tra-
(see Martin 2002): first, an epistemic culture is made up ditionally viewed them as surface-level representations
of patterns of activities or daily practices; second, these of the culture (Hatch 1993, Schein 1990). An observer
practices are specific to particular fields; and third, they can know the organization by understanding the artifacts
generate and certify knowledge. Research on epistemic within it. Further extensions have recognized that arti-
cultures extends a long line of scientific laboratory stud- facts do not just represent culture but also do work to
ies (see Latour and Woolgar 1979) by examining how reinforce it (Rafaeli and Pratt 2005). Objects—such as
the underlying “machineries” of knowledge production lab coats for doctors—are conceived of as a means for
and consumption operate (Gieryn 1999, Knorr-Cetina actors to signal identity, legitimacy, and conformity to
1999). These epistemic machineries involve “objectual cultural norms (Cappetta and Gioia 2005, Douglas and
practice” (Knorr-Cetina 2000)—expert work takes place Isherwood 1979, Fiol and O’Connor 2005, Rafaeli and
in interaction with artifacts—and it is these interac- Pratt 2005). As a corollary, the provision of particular
tions that produce knowledge (see also Bechky 2003, artifacts can help socialize new members into a culture
Carlile 2002). (Pratt et al. 2006). In this stream of research, the artifact
The relationship of actors with such artifacts (such as is treated as fixed, either as a superficial layer of culture
instruments, tools, products, etc.) is central to the notion or as a tool to be used instrumentally to stabilize a cul-
of practice in analyses of epistemic cultures. Practices ture. However, if one treats artifacts as part of the epis-
are materially mediated. Scholars often turn to the exam- temic machinery, the analysis focuses instead on how
ple of a car and driver (Knorr-Cetina 1999, Spinuzzi they mediate activity within a culture. Therefore, a view
2003) to illustrate this relationship. When most of us get of PowerPoint as a cultural artifact in the classic sense
into a car, the car is merely a means to an end. Unless limits our ability to see how it is engaged in a broad
it breaks down, the car is absorbed into the practice of range of discursive practices (Kaghan and Lounsbury
driving. In Heidegger’s terms, the car is “ready-to-hand” 2005). Instead, it is worth examining how people act
(Heidegger 1962, p. 98ff; Knorr-Cetina 2000). The actor with technology, where the relationship between people
is acting with technology. Said differently, human activ- and artifacts is one of mediation (Kaptelinin and Nardi
ity is mediated by artifacts. A technology is not simply 2006, Orlikowski 2007).
an object but rather is implicated in a set of practices. Research specifically focused on the practice of strat-
A further example is that of a child doing a math prob- egy making has drawn our attention not only to what
lem (Kaptelinin and Nardi 2006). She does not just add actors do (Jarzabkowski et al. 2007, Jarzabkowski and
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324 Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS

Kaplan 2010, Whittington 2006) but also, in a few to get their claims accepted and their activities funded
very recent instances, to how they engage with various (Gieryn 1999).
strategy-making technologies such as plans (Giraudeau Discourse, both in scientific practice and in strategy
2008), “embodied metaphors” (Heracleous and Jacobs making, uses various communication technologies or
2008), and meetings (Jarzabkowski and Seidl 2008). genres—memos, meetings, computer displays, expense
These works emphasize that engagement with such forms, training seminars, and, of course, PowerPoint
pieces of the epistemic machinery is a significant, presentations—as resources. Discursive practices occur
though often invisible, part of the practice of making within these genres. PowerPoint is only one of the tech-
strategy, which enables communication, coordination, nologies in the genre repertoire (Orlikowski and Yates
and control across organizational actors. These initial 1994) of strategy makers, but as noted above it is the
forays into the analysis of enabling technologies of strat- most universal. Genres (such as PowerPoint) serve as
egy making suggest that studies in this area must involve organizing structures or templates for social action that
not just the technologies themselves but, more impor- both shape actors’ discursive practices (Bazerman 1994,
tantly, the social world in which the technologies are Orlikowski and Yates 1994, Yates and Orlikowski 2002)
produced and that they also produce through their use. and serve as the object of work itself (Geisler 2001).
In the context of strategy making, the use of genres
Discursive Practices and Genres-in-Use informs the analyses and discussions that produce strate-
Research on epistemic cultures suggests that the gic outcomes. Because discourse is “textually mediated”
medium of this social world is discourse (Gieryn 1999, (Smith 1990, p. 217), the investigation of genres-in-
Knorr-Cetina 1999). Epistemic machinery, as has been use becomes a way to understand the discursive prac-
outlined, is composed of practices and specifically dis- tices of strategy making (Levina and Orlikowski 2009).
cursive practices. Knorr-Cetina (1999) trains her ana- This approach therefore has analytic advantages over
lytical gaze on the culture of knowledge production in the treatment of PowerPoint simply as a cultural artifact
part to explore the symbolic aspects of practice. Corre- used to represent or reinforce an organizational culture
spondingly, we can think of discursive practice as “situ- because it places the analysis of the technologies and
ated symbolic action” (Heracleous and Marshak 2004). their affordances alongside that of the actors, their goals,
Whereas Knorr-Cetina (1999) focuses on scientific work, and organizational norms of use (Berkenkotter 2001).
research on strategy making has suggested that strat- Taking a genres-in-use perspective should shed light
egy work is similarly an essentially discursive process on how PowerPoint is engaged in the discursive practices
(Hendry 2000, p. 957), where discourse is “not only the that make up the epistemic culture of strategy making
medium in which decisions are discussed and recorded, and how this in turn shapes strategic outcomes. I exam-
but also the medium through which interpretations are ine these dynamics in a longitudinal field study of strat-
developed and expressed and strategic actions initiated, egy making inside one organization.
authorized and acknowledged” (see also Ezzamel and
Willmott 2008, Jarzabkowski 2008, Mantere and Vaara
2008, Rouleau 2005). Research Setting and Analytical Approach
These discursive practices are the means by which This study was based on observations of the Advanced
actors certify ideas and draw rhetorical boundaries Technologies Group (ATG) of CommCorp,4 a multi-
around which ideas will be considered when making divisional telecommunications equipment manufacturer
choices and taking action. The resulting maps provide and prominent player in the communications technology
direction. Just as geographic maps are drawn to help industry. A focus on a single organization is appropriate
people get around, scientific or strategic maps help peo- where the interest is in examining day-to-day activities
ple navigate uncertain intellectual terrain (Weick 1990). in depth (Dougherty 2002). The approach for this study
However, the drawing of boundaries is not a neutral pro- was open-ended and inductive, informed by a broad
cess: many people are involved, each with their own cog- interest in how managers make strategy. Indeed, Power-
nitive frames and interests about where the boundaries Point’s role in the organization’s discursive practices was
should be. Such boundary work has important politi- not an initial focus for the data collection. However,
cal consequences: people using the maps must face the its use was so pervasive in every aspect of the daily
outcomes of the choices made based on whose and activities of CommCorp managers that I came to regard
which ideas achieve legitimacy, whereas people attempt- it as an essential part of the epistemic machinery that
ing to make these maps must grapple with whether their made up the expert practice of strategy making inside
ideas, and perhaps the practical viability of their own the organization.
work, falls inside the map and is therefore supported or
falls outside the map and is therefore foreclosed. Thus The Setting
drawing maps is an act against some and for others, The ATG was a longstanding corporate group within
and the goal of the map makers (or “cartographers”) is CommCorp whose task it was to develop the long-term
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technology strategies for the corporation. These strate- diverse groups, and build consensus in the face of dif-
gies were meant to extend beyond the time horizons ferent views about the direction the company should
used by the individual business units. Strategy making take, all in a high-stakes and therefore highly politicized
involved not just the generation of ideas but also often context. These requirements made the use of Power-
the development and testing of advanced technologies. Point particularly salient. Actors engaged PowerPoint in
Many of the members of the organization were lead- all facets of their strategy-making activities. PowerPoint
ing experts in various telecommunications fields, often was the only presentation technology used in decision-
holding multiple patents. The group prided itself in hav- making meetings. Organizational participants often “sent
ing led the development of several new businesses for documents around” to share ideas and get input, and
CommCorp over the years, many of which had changed the PowerPoint documents became the focal point for
the face not just of CommCorp but also of the telecom- debates.
munications market.
PowerPoint had a pervasive presence in this strat- Data Collection
egy work. Its use was influenced by environmental and Consistent with a focus on strategic practices (Orlikowski
organizational conditions. To start, the environment was 2010, Rasche and Chia 2009), data collection involved
extremely turbulent. At the time of the study (2002), the ethnographic techniques (Agar 1980, Van Maanen 1988).
company was experiencing a crisis associated with the The study relied heavily on observations of everyday
crash in the telecommunications market. Organizational activities, interviews, and the collection of documen-
participants at CommCorp (and throughout the industry) tary sources of data. The goal was to get close to the
were faced with a great deal of uncertainty about what activities of participants (Emerson et al. 1995) to under-
direction the market would take and which technologies stand the practices of strategy making in the organiza-
would be most appropriate in the future. This resulted tion. With roots in anthropology, ethnographic techniques
in myriad interpretations about what was going on and have primarily entailed the researcher being physically
what should be done. It also engendered a high-stakes immersed in the field. With the growing use of mod-
environment in which strategic choices about investment ern communication technologies, the meaning of “being
had important consequences for the survival of the firm in the field” is changing as ethnography goes “virtual”
and for individual careers. Strategies were developed by (Hine 2000). This study combined traditional techniques
means of multiperson projects. To rein in costs during of being physically on the ground with virtual techniques
the downturn and to refocus strategic resource alloca- of participation via teleconference and e-mail. The latter
tion, in 2002 the ATG had formalized its review process was particularly appropriate for an analysis of Power-
for approving investments. All investment opportunities Point because such documents were regularly passed
passed through a technical steering committee made up around via e-mail, presented on NetMeeting, and worked
of technical personnel and then a review board made up on collaboratively over long distances.
of the group’s senior management team that had formal The data were collected over eight months from April
decision-making authority. to December 2002 and included more than 80 formal,
In addition, strategy making in the ATG required unstructured interviews; observations of daily project
coordination across a number of domains. The ATG activities; more than 30 formal and informal team
was charged not just with developing technologies but meetings; and the collection of related documentation
also with making sure that these technologies had rel- (in addition to PowerPoint presentations, data included
evance to external customers (the market) and to inter- spreadsheets, e-mail exchanges, agendas, and minutes
nal customers (the CommCorp business units). As a of meetings). All but two interviews were recorded and
result, the group included both technical personnel as transcribed. I wrote up the detailed notes I took dur-
well as experts in marketing and economic analysis. ing interviews and meetings within a day. I followed the
Coordination across these differences became essen- activities of the Steering Committee and Review Board
tial for achieving outcomes. The organization was also across all of ATG’s projects and also focused in more
highly geographically dispersed, with many of the crit- detail on several strategy projects. This meant that I
ical players located away from headquarters. The com- observed a wide variety of organizational participants in
pany made extensive use of teleconferencing technology strategy making, from the head of the organization down
for audio connections and NetMeeting for sharing doc- to junior team members, from engineers to marketers,
uments during presentations. The functional and geo- and from people at headquarters to those in regional
graphic dispersion put particular challenges on the ATG locations. The goal of this approach was to compile mul-
for coordinating inputs, negotiating differences in under- tiple overlapping sources of data to understand the day-
standing, and organizing meetings. to-day practices of strategy making. For the purposes of
Taken together, these conditions required project this study, these multiple sources of data allowed me
members to sort through inconsistent information about to situate the use of PowerPoint in the context of the
the market and technologies, coordinate inputs across organizational activities in which it was engaged.
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326 Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS

Analytical Approach PowerPoint and Strategy Making

The analysis followed the principles of inductive the- The goal of this study was to understand strategy mak-
ory building (Dougherty 2002, Eisenhardt 1989, Glaser ing as a knowledge production process imbued with its
and Strauss 1967). Although the use of PowerPoint was own epistemic culture. The crucial observation that trig-
not identified prior to the research as an area of inquiry, gered the analyses in this paper was the pervasiveness
its pervasiveness in the organization and the obvious of PowerPoint use at CommCorp. This communications
struggles participants had with its use in their daily genre was a central part of the epistemic machinery and
strategy-making practices made it an important subject discursive practices that undergirded strategy making
for analysis. For this paper, I use genre analysis to culture in the company. Resulting, in part, from broad
examine the mobilization of PowerPoint documents by trends throughout the business world and also from the
CommCorp actors. increasing attention to decision-making processes within
The genre analysis proceeded through several phases. CommCorp’s ATG organization, PowerPoint became the
In an initial stage, categories identified in prior literature predominant, and often only legitimate, communication
on theories of genres-in-use guided a first round of cod- genre in the organization’s strategy making practices. As
ing of the data. Yates and Orlikowski (2002) suggest that one informant said,
genres are organizing structures that shape expectations Everyone at CommCorp is a member of the Institute of
about the purpose (why) and the form (how something PowerPoint because that’s how you communicate around
is communicated) as well as the content (what), the par- here. [Hugh, senior scientist, Engineering]
ticipants (who), the time (when), and the place (where).
As the ATG was attempting to professionalize its
Using these categories as a starting point for under-
activities—focusing on business cases and investment
standing the practices associated with PowerPoint use
strategies as well as the underlying technologies—the
at CommCorp, I coded the interview transcripts, field use of PowerPoint came to symbolize a more busi-
notes, and PowerPoint documents (using ATLAS.ti text nesslike process. As a part of this effort, Theresa,
analysis software). From this initial coding, I identified the leader of the Steering Committee, established a
several different purposes (proposing an idea, making template5 that she hoped would guide the creation of
a decision, sharing information, requesting information, PowerPoint documents to be used in decision-making
convincing others, brainstorming or generating ideas, meetings. The implementation of this decision-making
directing or setting the scope of a discussion, align- procedure was part of a broad change that Brad, the
ing viewpoints, getting feedback, and gaining support). head of the ATG, was attempting to effect in the
In each case, the form of communication was noted organization—moving away from a “lab research” mind-
(whether this took the form of a PowerPoint presenta- set and toward an investment mindset—but the effect
tion, a meeting, a conference call, an e-mail, an agenda, was that strategy makers focused as much on the Power-
meeting minutes, or a Word document). I identified the Point documents as on the ideas contained within them.
participants, timing, and location (the who, when, and The central role of PowerPoint was particularly evi-
where). This first round of coding provided a subset of dent in situations when newly appointed managers in
texts for more focused analysis. I then turned to a phase positions of responsibility had to navigate decision-
of open coding to identify themes and patterns that con- making procedures. As scholars have noted, the social-
nected the purposes, forms, and uses of these texts. ization of newcomers is a process in which the shape
In a parallel analysis, I developed chronologies of sev- of cultures is evident (Van Maanen and Schein 1979).
eral ongoing strategy projects in CommCorp’s ATG and The provision of artifacts is often a central part of
matched PowerPoint and other documents to the vari- that socialization process (Pratt et al. 2006). In the
ous stages of the process. This allowed me to track how case of one manager recently promoted to lead a major
the production and use of PowerPoint documents con- project, his lack of knowledge about how to use Power-
tributed to participants’ efforts to make strategies and Point stymied his ability to move the project forward.
take action. A comparison between these two forms of Because one PowerPoint document he prepared was not
genre analysis (analysis of themes related to PowerPoint in the established format and did not contain all of
use and analysis of the involvement of PowerPoint in the required information for Review Board evaluation,
the evolution of strategy projects) elucidated how Power- a key decision-making meeting was postponed. As he
Point was mobilized as part of the epistemic machinery explained, “Now people have the idea that, ‘I am not
of strategy making at CommCorp. I further referenced going to be able to present my ideas, unless I use Power-
the literature to hone insights developed from the induc- Point.’ ” He continued,
tive analysis of field data. Out of this process, I identified Because this is the first [decision-making meeting] I’ve
two sometimes complementary and sometimes conflict- been through [as a team leader], I kind of rushed through
ing dynamics associated with PowerPoint use: those of getting the deck together. I found the template for the
collaboration and cartography. I next elaborate on each. Review Board at the last minute     After the initial
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problem, I got the template. It was not sent to me [by    a couple of discussions which could fall under bad
anyone on the Review Board]. I got the template from meeting management, allowing people to go eight slides
[a colleague who was not on the project team] actually. deep in detail on a particular topic just because it is inter-
He just forwarded it on to me. esting to them, not because it is useful for the end goal
[Hermann, senior manager, Engineering] of the meeting. [Chris, director, Economic Analysis]

This episode demonstrates that the lack of expert use of Thus we see that in the CommCorp organization,
PowerPoint delegitimated an actor and his efforts. By PowerPoint was a dominant communication genre in
implication, using PowerPoint signified managerial pro- the discursive practice of strategy making. Moreover,
fessionalism. The use of PowerPoint itself produced the PowerPoint did not serve simply as a vehicle for commu-
legitimacy actors needed to influence the outcomes of nication but rather played a central part in the machin-
the strategy-making process. ery of knowledge production. Progress was measured in
slides. Time was measured in slides. Strategic discus-
In addition, many participants said they felt that the
sions could not take place if the slides to support them
decision-making process was focused on the PowerPoint
were not available or correctly formatted.
deck rather than the ideas contained within it. This is
On the surface, the experiences of CommCorp man-
consistent with research suggesting that narratives fol-
agers in using PowerPoint were no different than those
lowing a standardized configuration are granted more
of any user, and their criticisms of the technology sound
legitimacy than other texts (Barry and Elmes 1997). At
like those levied by Scott McNealy at Sun Microsys-
CommCorp, preparing for strategy meetings tended to tems, by Dilbert cartoons, or by the Columbia Acci-
focus on assuring the charts were in place. One project dent Investigative Review Board. Yet by using a genre
leader suggested that the fairly substantial changes made analysis to examine how PowerPoint was mobilized at
to a PowerPoint project proposal over a period of sev- CommCorp, the study reported here moves beyond these
eral months aimed to “get it in the format. The actual critiques to shed light on the epistemic culture and
content of the program did not change. It was just the machinery of strategy making enabled and constrained
charts, you know.” He further reflected, by the technology. The central finding is that PowerPoint
What the Steering Committee has become is really just mediated two discursive practices: collaborative efforts
almost a filter for the Review Board. [It] is just to review, to negotiate meaning and cartographic efforts to adjudi-
to make sure the charts are all in order and the right cate interests.
information is there so that the Review Board does not PowerPoint has several affordances that shaped these
have to go through too many cycles. I just cannot help but two practices. First, PowerPoint offers materiality to
to think that is probably a poor use of all this high-priced strategic ideas. During strategy formulation, the ideas
talent. [Jack, director, Engineering] are not real in the sense that implementation has not yet
taken place: no technologies have yet been developed, no
Yet for Theresa, as the head of the Steering Committee, acquisitions made, no resources reallocated. PowerPoint
such changes were a way to get the information needed can display ideas that are not yet real (Stark and Paravel
to make a decision. When one project team failed to get 2008), and such corporeality is consequential because it
approval for its strategic initiative, she told its members, makes knowledge tangible. Yet because the PowerPoint
“At this stage, you need to fix the deck. Put it in the form documents and presentations are incomplete realizations
we are used to, and I need one chart that says you need of the proposed strategies, they are also mutable (Geisler
‘this many’ resources to answer ‘this’ question.” Later 2001). Users can change the documents and the ideas
the team “had a couple of meetings to get that straight, represented within them. In addition, PowerPoint docu-
and then we had a reasonable deck.” ments are modular. Each slide is a separate entity that
[Theresa, leader of the Steering Committee] can be moved within or across documents or cut without
affecting the other slides. Finally, PowerPoint’s digital
PowerPoint was not just the enabling technology for form means that it can be easily transmitted to others,
strategy making but the object of the process. Instead for example, in a live presentation using NetMeeting
of being asked to do a new analysis, a team member or as a document through e-mail. Although other tech-
would be asked to provide a slide on the topic; instead nologies such as spreadsheets, e-mail, or word process-
of disagreeing about an idea, participants disagreed with ing software share some of these features, PowerPoint
“charts”; deliverables were described in terms of “chart remains interesting as a focus of analysis both because it
decks” or “packs” rather than in terms of strategies or uniquely possesses this combination of affordances and
decisions. In a similar vein, the strategy-making process because it was the predominant genre for strategy mak-
was thought about in terms of the number of charts pro- ing at CommCorp.
duced. Participants calibrated progress in a meeting in Table 1 summarizes how these affordances enabled the
terms of number of charts reviewed rather than clock collaboration and cartography evident in CommCorp’s
time, as when one director complained about strategy making. The sections that follow delve more
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328 Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS

Table 1 PowerPoint’s Function in the Epistemic Machinery of Strategy Making

PowerPoint affordances Collaboration (negotiation of meaning) Cartography (adjudication of interests)

Material. Concrete representation of • Brings ideas to life and offers concrete • Certifies facts that are included and
ideas used to demonstrate strategies issues to discuss and debate. approved and delegitimizes that which
that are not yet “real” are not included.
Mutable. Imperfect realization of what • Allows discussions and debates to easily • Is subject to disagreements and debate
the technology strategy will be be reflected in changes to documents. about what should be included and
Modular. Possible to “cut and paste” • Acts as a space to collect ideas. Easy to • Allows authors to choose whose slides
and grow or shrink the document bring together inputs, add or edit the and which slides to include. The “owner”
document as ideas progress, or of the deck has power to define
eliminate outmoded ideas. boundaries.
Digital. Possible to transmit via e-mail, • Enables sharing and inclusion of people, • Offers authors of decks the ability to hold
NetMeeting, etc. especially those who are geographically them back or share only certain pieces
dispersed. or none at all. Materials can be
presented in a meeting but not
distributed as a file.

deeply into these complementary and conflicting prac- PowerPoint was also a means for planning analytical
tices of the epistemic machinery of strategy. By seeing work. In the early stages of one project, for example, the
strategy making through the lens of PowerPoint use, it coordinator of the effort said,
is possible to uncover how knowledge production works
We just mapped out five slides that we wanted to build for
in this critical organizational process. the Steering Committee review in July. Whether we get
there, I do not know, but it is just a little [guidance]    
Collaboration Here is what we have to do. [Vince, director]
CommCorp participants engaged PowerPoint in a discur-
sive practice that channeled individual knowledge into This practice helped the participants focus their work
the strategy-making process, enabling coordination and and develop a collective understanding of the project
collaboration. Although it is quite obvious to say that before all of the data could be obtained and analyzed.
a PowerPoint document is about the communication of The ability to collect information, reorder it, and pull
ideas (because this is the advertised function of the tech- slides from other documents not only facilitated individ-
nology), it is perhaps a more subtle point to say that the ual knowledge work but also eased collaboration. Many
technology enabled debate about interpretive differences of the PowerPoint documents that CommCorp partici-
and allowed for the achievement of agreement around pants put together were not intended for formal review
the information being communicated. PowerPoint docu- meetings but were rather “discussion documents” meant
ments worked as repositories for information and tools for sharing within the project team. One manager noted,
for organizing thinking as well as spaces for collabora- [Many PowerPoint documents were] educational back-
tive work among people from different functional areas, ground data and analysis. They were documents that we
from different offices, or with different viewpoints. could take to various people and talk through in a one-
Because of the high uncertainty in the telecommuni- or two- or three-hour session around what led us to draw
cations market during 2002 and the paucity of infor- the conclusions and what the data points were. They
mation that might clearly point to a plausible strategic were never intended to be packs that were taken into a
decision-making forum.
decision, actors at CommCorp needed to collect, sort
[Susannah, manager, Economic Analysis]
through, and interpret large volumes of data that could
provide clues. PowerPoint was seen as a useful space As a result of these kinds of discussions, team mem-
for the compilation of information, where one could, bers got feedback, sent out the documents to colleagues,
according to Hugh, a senior scientist, “collect a whole made some edits, and eventually distributed them to the
bunch of junk and then set up the whole [story] after- full team. This was a highly iterative process. From a
wards.” The document was also a way to structure think- junior engineer’s viewpoint, project work involved “reg-
ing and a preferred technology over other available ones. ular meetings twice a week or so, and it was largely just
As Hugh explained, “Since [Microsoft] Word is such an talking, having meetings, developing ideas on the white
unfriendly thing to use, what I do is take the Power- board and in PowerPoint. Sort of massive brainstorming
Point and I use the notes6 to annotate it. Then, I work activity on what the [technological] features should be
editing those things.” PowerPoint also allowed for the and so on” [Stephen, engineer].
evolution of a document over time. An actor could eas- To illustrate these points, Table 2 provides a more
ily include new information, edit existing slides, or, in detailed example of the use of PowerPoint documents in
Hugh’s words, “throw a lot of stuff out.” one project called “Savior.” The goal of this project was
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to formulate a strategy for CommCorp that would move is it? A multiservice layer 4–7 computing virtualization
the corporation in a new direction, taking advantage of switch.”
what team members hypothesized was the increasing Vijay: “I am with you when you say virtualization switch,
likelihood of a convergence between telecommunica- but when you add ‘computing’ you lose me, because it
tions and computing. This strategy would require a rad- could also work with storage, CPU cycles, etc.”
ically new technology, the shape of which was yet Rick: “Well, I use computing more broadly.”
to be established. The core team on the project was Vijay: “Maybe, I am being misled by using computing
geographically dispersed across multiple locations in as a computer.”
different countries. They “met” a few times per week Rick: “Maybe the term is misleading and overspecific.”
via conference call (and sometimes in person) and
Vince: “Yeah, we talked about that a month ago.”
exchanged thoughts in the form of PowerPoint docu-
ments and e-mail commentaries on these documents reg- Rick: “It is data center virtualization.”
ularly (often multiple times in a single day). Vijay: “Data center virtualization is fine assuming that
Table 2 shows the evolution of one team’s internal the data center is an aggregation of all of these func-
working document and another document intended for tions.”
presentation to the Review Board. In documents 1–8, Vince: “But I don’t want to get sucked into just building
we see multiple authors (Rick, Vijay, and Vince) con- something from the data center. You will see in the docu-
tributing to the document, each building on the work ment I sent out that I propose two different form factors,
one for the data center and another for the branch office.”
of the last: adding new slides, combining information
from multiple documents, eliminating other slides, and Rick: [Reads over slide on “what is it?” and “so what?,”
continuously refining the ideas. Rick focused primar- “who cares?,” and “why CommCorp?” sections.] “Any
ily on defining the value proposition; Vijay, on out-
lining the features of the technology; and Vince, on Vince: “Yeah    no. I just want to go through your next
establishing the economic rationale for the project. The slide and then go through the two slides I sent out. They
articulation of the concept for Savior evolved from a are a preface to this. I am looking at your slide 4.”
[After some discussion.]
“computing-savvy IT networking infrastructure” in doc-
ument 1 to a “multi-service layer 4–77 computing virtu- Vince: “Let’s go to my charts to lay out the vision and
alization switch” in document 2 and then to a “service then we can come back. I want to paint a more strategic
picture. I only have two slides.” [He takes five minutes
hotel” in document 3, specifically for “L4–L7 services”
to lay out the ideas.]
in document 6. As Rick and Vince honed the objec-
tives for the strategy, Vijay was able to develop fur- Rick: “I don’t understand the value proposition of the
branch office model.”
ther ideas for services that could be offered. Similarly,
Vijay’s increasing list of potential services helped define Vince: “Go to the next page. Firms will increasingly
the market concept for the strategy. adopt Web-based infrastructure.”
Even when one person was the lead author of an evolv- After a lengthy discussion on the value proposition,
ing document, as was the case for the presentation to the Vince said, “That took a little longer than I hoped. Want
review board (documents 9–12), the document changed to go back to your charts?” The discussion continued
as a result of input from all team members. The docu- like this for two hours with debates about different issues
ments, therefore, did not stand alone but instead served interspersed with references to materials each of the
as thought starters and as a means for documenting ideas team members had prepared in PowerPoint.
that came up in discussion. For example, project mem- These exchanges also happened via e-mail. For exam-
bers exchanged several documents the morning of a tele- ple, to accompany the 9/16 document (document 7),
conference on August 6 (documents 3–5). They fed a dis- Vijay wrote in an e-mail: “I made a pass on the ser-
cussion about what the Savior strategy would ultimately vice deck (attached). I’ve added a couple of new service
be. During the call, Rick started by reviewing his slides: ideas, reflecting the last two sessions. I’ve had further
Rick: “On page 2, I show that computing is morphing thoughts on the opportunity to link Savior with [another
into a utility computing model. This is both an opportu- project]. I still have mixed feelings on it (so I did not
nity and a threat.” write any details about that one just yet).” Later, he
Vijay: “OK, I put together a chart on the evolution of sent document 8 on 9/18, writing, “Here’s the new deck
industry including from thick server to thin server, etc. I including 5 new services for the Savior portfolio (it now
will send it to you.” has 15 of them altogether, ranging from table stakes to
Rick: “On page 3, I lay out the value for customer and outright lunacy). See you tomorrow.” Similarly, when
design objectives. [The chart] takes a stab at trying to Vince began to develop the document for presentation
classify some of the target functions. The Savior goal to the review board, he wrote on 10/21 (attaching docu-
is to maximize the value of the computing center. What ment 9), “Hi, I started a package for discussion at next
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330 Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS

Table 2 PowerPoint as Working Documents and Repositories (Examples from the Savior Project)

Document Date/ Latest No. of Type of

no. Document title time Sources Description author pages action

Internal team working documents

1 Savior: a back-office IT 8/1 2 × 2 matrix of ways to maximize Rick 2 Start
infrastructure strategy 5:53 P.M. growth and profit. Value
proposition for Savior:
“focuses on providing Fortune
500 enterprises with
computing-savvy IT networking
infrastructure that maximizes
their efficiency, flexibility and
competitive advantage.”
2 Same as previous 8/5 Doc 1+ Same as doc 1 plus pages on Rick 9 Build
12:33 P.M. computing architecture
evolution, the customer value
proposition (Savior is a
“multi-service L4–7 computing
virtualization switch”), value
proposition to CommCorp,
value proposition to suppliers,
design objectives, design
issues, target functions.
3 Same as previous 8/6 Doc 1+ Uses matrix from docs 1 and 2, Vijay 11 Combine and
8:30 A.M. plus page on Savior as a build
“service hotel” listing eight
potential services. Eight pages
describing each service in
detail (problem being solved,
who tackles this already, how
they do it, where and when to
visit). List of services similar to
(not identical to) doc 2 list of
target functions.
4 Same as previous 8/6 Doc 3+ Same as doc 3 but adds two Vijay 13 Build
11:53 A.M. more services to the list.
5 Same as previous 8/6 Doc 3+ Same as doc 3, adds two pages Vince 13 Build
1:10 P.M. up front on “Savior Objectives”
(“design, value, and prototype
switching platform for
back-office and front-office
support of critical business
processes and web-services”)
and “Savior market
6 Savior: a back-office/ 8/21 Doc 2+ Doc 2 plus Objectives and Rick 17 Combine and
branch-office IT 9:41 P.M. Doc 5+ Market Hypotheses pages build
infrastructure strategy from doc 5, plus pages on
strawman hardware
architecture, example data
flow, perspectives from
analysts, perspectives from
startups. Design objectives:
“consolidate computing
resources, accelerate key
functions and partition
dynamically according to
demand    create switching
platform that is an extremely
efficient channel-to-market for
L4–L7 services.”
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Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS 331

Table 2 (cont’d.)

Document Date/ Latest No. of Type of

no. Document title time Sources Description author pages action

7 Same as doc 5 9/16 Doc 4+ Same as doc 4 but eliminates Vijay 15 Disaggregate
4:51 P.M. the matrix originally from docs and build
1 and 2 and adds four more
services to the list. Only adds
detailed slides on three of four
new services.
8 Same as previous 9/18 Doc 7+ Same as doc 7 plus one more Vijay 17 Build
9:03 P.M. service added and additional
assessment of importance of
different services.
Document for presentation to Review Board
9 Savior formulation ideas: 10/21 Document for presentation to the Vince 16 Start
the search for business 5:09 P.M. Review Board. Slides on
value Savior focus, technology
concept, programmable
services switch value items,
industry discussion of
computing industry cycle,
drivers of business customer
spending, customer cost
function, explanation of how
market crisis occurred,
analysis of whether equipment
vendors have a long-term
problem, description of what
business customers are doing
now and how technology
promotes productivity gains,
and one-page work plan.
10 Same as previous 10/24 Doc 9+ Same as doc 9 plus one page Vince 19 Combine and
4:10 P.M. Doc 6+ listing all services in doc 7 build
Doc 7+ and two-page case study of
business functions to target.
Adding in ideas (but no slides)
from doc 6 on threat to
CommCorp from startups and
value proposition of Savior.
11 Same as previous 10/26 Doc 10+ Reordering pages in doc 10, Vince 25 Reorder and
1:03 A.M. plus showing CommCorp’s build
current businesses under
pressure, mapping Savior onto
existing product lines, and
expanding the work plan from
one to two pages.
12 Same as previous 10/30 Doc 11+ Doc 11 plus adding details on Vince 32 Build
7:42 P.M. business customer spending
on IT by geography, by sector,
also adding Savior questions
to answer “How do we sell
more intelligent high market
switches to enterprises?” and
expanding the work plan from
two to three pages.

week’s Review Board meeting    let me know if you ments for each slide, with suggestions for additions or
think I am off base.” Vijay replied with a detailed com- changes as well as questions, such as “slide (9) I wonder
mentary: “Looks good. I have changed the drawing of what are the effects of competition sharpening within a
the Savior box (slides 3 and 4). I find it more intuitive shrinking market” and “slides (8–13), do you plan to put
that way, do you as well?” He then added specific com- things into specific CommCorp context?”
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332 Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS

PowerPoint therefore enabled collaborative knowl- of a project, and therefore of the PowerPoint document
edge work within the organization. Just as engineers representing the project, was an especially potent force
use drawings to solidify product design ideas and get for the legitimation of those data included and for the
feedback from others (Bucciarelli 1994, Carlile 2002, delegitimation of data that were excluded. Similarly,
Vincenti 1990), CommCorp participants used Power- the owners of a PowerPoint document—those responsi-
Point to make strategy. This echoes descriptions of lab- ble for developing and presenting it—had the ability to
oratory experiments functioning to create discourse in include certain actors and exclude others simply by their
scientific practice (Knorr-Cetina 1999, pp. 173–174): At choice of which slides to include and whom to consult.
CommCorp, PowerPoint documents became spaces to These dynamics could occur in very bald form, as
express ideas about the direction and scope of a strategic in the case of the long-stymied “Multiservice” project.
choice and the constraints on it. Those who had access to Here, Jack, a director in the engineering group, had
these spaces could assess the ideas and shape the strate- proposed a new strategy to develop a bridge technol-
gies adopted. Because strategizing was not just some- ogy that would allow multiple forms of old customer
thing done by top managers but was engaged by people equipment to connect into new optical networks. As the
throughout the organization, PowerPoint was one means Multiservice strategy was being developed, marketing
through which distributed knowledge got negotiated and team members assigned to the project had not been able
embodied (Tsoukas 1996). to come up with a valid business case despite careful
PowerPoint’s role in CommCorp strategy making analysis. They conjectured that the economic downturn
enabled the assembly, interpretation, representation, and would delay any further investment in optical technolo-
sharing of information. Because PowerPoint documents gies. After several months of frustration, Jack simply
are nearly infinitely expandable (some of the Power- filled out the Review Board template. He included favor-
Point documents at CommCorp took up 28 megabytes or able estimates of the market size in the “potential mar-
more), they could serve as repositories for vast amounts ket share” section required by the template, arguing that
of data available from a rapidly changing and uncer- these estimates were based on conservative assumptions.
tain market. Because the technology allowed for easy With this chart in place, he was able to get the project
movement of slides and cut and paste of information, approved, the effect of which was to certify his particu-
PowerPoint was also a useful way to organize informa- lar portrayal of the market and exclude the assessments
tion and structure thinking. And because the documents of other actors in the decision-making process. Though
could be transmitted through e-mail, they were also a not always so purely instrumental in appearance, the use
means of sharing information around the organization. of PowerPoint had the effect of legitimating some infor-
As a result, PowerPoint was a space where collective mation and actors over others.
meanings could be negotiated. An extended illustration from the evolution of one
project called “Last Mile” serves to illuminate the car-
Cartography tographic aspect of PowerPoint in use.
More than providing a vehicle for information sharing
and idea generation, PowerPoint was also mobilized at Selective Inclusion of Information. Hugh, a director in
CommCorp in political efforts to adjudicate competing the engineering group, proposed a strategy to address the
interests in which strategies the firm should pursue under broadband access market. This project would represent
the uncertain conditions it faced. Much as Latour and a dramatic change in strategic direction for Comm-
Woolgar (1979) describe work in the scientific labo- Corp because the company had exited the access market
ratory as a network of texts that legitimate particular five years previously in order to focus on investments
knowledge, the use of PowerPoint at CommCorp was a in the “backbone” of the telecommunications network.
means to create legitimacy for one strategic vision over To overcome resistance to his proposed strategy, Hugh
another. Following Gieryn (1999), I call these efforts structured his PowerPoint document in such a way as
“cartography” because they seek to draw boundaries to validate his interpretation of the market problems and
around the scope of a strategy. PowerPoint texts could potential solutions. The initial document was 119 pages
be used in boundary work to promote an individual’s or long and filled with extremely dense charts featuring
group’s interests in that they present selected informa- data on all aspects of the market (see Figure 2 for an
tion, set agendas, and structured discussion. example slide).
When particular claims were contested, PowerPoint The intent, according to Hugh, was to “provide the
documents provided a means to make compelling argu- data” to support a discussion about the strategy. The
ments for why one view should predominate over document contained many pages of analysis of the ben-
another. This occurred through the selective inclusion efits of the technological solution that he preferred,
of information and actors. The embodiment of partic- “OpAccess,”8 including an evaluation of all of the other
ular information in charts naturalized it such that it companies pursuing OpAccess technology. Because his
became established as reality. Review Board approval document was so detailed, it was difficult for anyone
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Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS 333

Figure 2 Sample Page from Hugh’s 119-Page Presentation

Bandwidth demand per building

Required building capacity by size, traffic/employee

Multi-lambda access
Required capacity (Mb/s) @ 30 kb/s/emp 2001-1,800 employees @ 33% fill = OC-3
Required capacity (Mb/s) @ 60 kb/s/emp <0.25% of business buildings served

Single lambda access

Required capacity (Mb/s) @ 100 kb/s/emp
Required capacity (Mb/s) @ 200 kb/s/emp
Required capacity (Mb/s) @ 500 kb/s/emp

2007-100 employees @ 33% fill = OC-3

1,000 2.6% of business buildings served
Traffic demand (Mb/s)


Core range (3:1 removed
from other system
10 capacities)

copper technologies
1.0 2007

ADSL and other

Approximately 75–850
2004 employees

Approximately 25–2,500 employees













Number of employees

CommCorp logo Need for high fan-in forward looking edge solution April 2002 16

who might have opposed a move into broadband access produced. This question was particularly delicate within
technologies to counter his argument. As one observer teams, such as those for the Last Mile project, that were
in the organization asked ironically, “Did he tell you heavily cross-functional and where viewpoints about the
the secret strategy? [It] is just to wear them down with appropriate solutions differed dramatically. As one Eco-
charts.” The project was initially approved to move for- nomic Analysis team member reflected about the joint
ward because all of the weight of the data was on Hugh’s teamwork on the Last Mile project,
side. As opponents of this strategic direction began to
We spent an entire meeting with me trying to get them
develop their own charts showing that a reentry to the
to answer, “Who owns this pack? Who is going to pro-
access market made little sense, Hugh continued to add duce it? What is going to be in it? What are the ques-
to his document to “beat down the doubting Thomases. tions that had to be answered from the Review Board last
We were being driven ever deeper into detail by some of time around? Who is taking responsibility for answering
the hangers-on, who drive us to such intense frustration.” them?” And I thought that we were going to get a pack
What is especially worth noting about this document that was about addressing these questions. The pack that
is not just what Hugh included but also what he left out. came back didn’t address the questions and didn’t really
As Figure 3 demonstrates, the document only mentioned do what was needed. I sent an email to [Hugh] about this
alternative strategies on page 79 and only in a short list and said, “This is not my expectation on what was going
with no detail at the bottom of a page that was otherwise to be delivered. I know you are looking for me to input
into certain slides here. But this isn’t actually what we
focused on reasons that OpAccess was a preferred solu-
were expecting as a pack.”
tion. Because Hugh was the owner of the document, he [Susannah, manager, Economic Analysis]
could control what information was included or excluded
and how it was positioned. In laying out the argument in Ownership implied control over both the workflow and
this way, he hoped to get approval to invest in pursuing the content. Project leadership was conceived as shoul-
the access market with OpAccess technologies. dering the responsibility for producing a PowerPoint
As a result, in this project (as in many other projects document. This meant that the leader could hand out
at CommCorp), team members engaged in important work assignments and select what information would
debates about who “owned” a deck and how it would get ultimately be included in the final document.
Kaplan: Strategy and PowerPoint
334 Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS

Figure 3 Analysis of Page 79 from Hugh’s 119-Page Presentation

That darned copper……..

• It’s old, it’s low tech, it’s limited capability but ……….

• Copper ubiquitously available to all small, medium business locations
– Copper can support bidirectional ~ 10–12 Mb/s over ~ 1,500–2,000 ft.
– This reduces the fibering requirement from Fiber-to-the-(FTT) Building to FTT
Problem definition (copper is
Neighborhood/ FTT City District Deployment velocity, civil works cost
present, but has certain technical
limitations) favors support for
– Copper plant has multiple uses creating spectral incompatibilty, interference issues “OpAccess” technology solution
which limit the effectiveness of other technologies
– These effects are largely constrained to the first couple of MHz, leaving >3 MHz
relatively “unpolluted”… but loss is higher
• FTTN reduces path length, hence loss to bring link budget, modem design
under control
– Other FTTN-enabled “last mile” technologies also possible This list is the only mention of
alternative technologies; they are
• Free space optics
not subject to further analysis in
• Micro-cell radio the document
• Coax …..

CommCorp logo CONFIDENTIAL April 2002 79

Page 79 is first mention of

alternative technologies

Selective Inclusion of Actors. Just as the owner of the not support the project, Hermann stopped seeking that
document could selectively include information, the pre- team’s input for the document he was preparing. The
sentation of the document could either give voice to or marketers complained vociferously to Theresa, Steering
silence various actors. Table 3 examines three critical Committee leader, who then postponed the review meet-
PowerPoint documents in the evolution of the Last Mile ing to force the technical team to include information
project, demonstrating the ways that each became a site and insights from the Marketing team. According to
for battles about whose ideas would be included in the Susannah,
strategy-making process. The first document was devel- They were supposed to deliver a package to us     By
oped by the Marketing team (with Susannah and Albert Friday, nobody had talked to us for two weeks. We had
in the lead) and presented in early July to the project left multiple voice mails and emails. No response in any
leaders (Hugh and later Hermann), who were also the direction whatsoever. So it was clear that they were off
technical team leaders. This document summarized their doing something. What it was, we had no idea     So I
findings about the market for “last mile” technologies. said to Theresa, “Look, we were supposed to have this
It concluded that opportunities were few because most packet on Friday. We have had no input to it. So there
service providers would make do with existing systems, should be no expectation that we will support or cham-
given the industry crisis (slide 17). In addition, the mar- pion anything within this pack, because there has been no
keters stated that they could not identify any “killer communication. We do not even know what will be pre-
sented next week    ” So the material came out the next
app[lication]” that would drive increased demand for
day [September 11] anyway. It was basically the stuff
high-speed services (slide 28) and suggested that Comm- [on OpAccess technologies] with no context around why
Corp should focus on high-speed copper rather than opti- you would do it, or where it would fit into the market.
cal solutions (slide 33). So Albert [in Marketing]    went back with a response
The remaining two documents represent different that this pack is not fit to go anywhere. It does not have
decks prepared by Hermann, who assumed project lead- the marketing input in it. It does not have the sort of
ership from Hugh—the first on September 11 and then a agreement about where we are and what we want to do.
revised version on September 16—for a decision meet- So basically we got Theresa to cancel the meeting and
ing with the Review Board on whether a strategy for reschedule it for the following week. At that stage, it
the Last Mile would be pursued. The shading and the became evident to [Hugh and Hermann] that they were
information in the “source” column indicate that only not going ramrod it through the Review Board without
us on board. [Susannah, manager, Economic Analysis]
one of the slides (slide 3) from the marketing team’s
document was included in the September 11 version of As a result of these pressures, Hermann was forced
the draft Review Board presentation. Because the data to include more of the marketers’ perspectives in the
from Susannah, Albert, and others from marketing did document prepared for a rescheduled Review Board
Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS
Kaplan: Strategy and PowerPoint
Table 3 Comparison of Marketing and Technical Team Documents for Last Mile Project

“Last Mile” marketing report, July 9, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 11, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 16, 2002

# Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description

1 (Cover): “Last Mile” Cover page with logo. 1 (Cover) “Last Mile” Cover page with logo, date 1 (Cover): Last Mile Lists “prime” (Hermann), core
Review— Date: July 9, 2002. and Product X September 11, 2002 Results to team, extended team and
Marketing Next Gen Date+Product X customer (2 BU executives).
Document Proposal Next Gen Date: September 16, 2002
2 Sections Table of contents (TOC) 2 Portfolio gaps for Table listing portfolio segment 2 “Last Mile” White Reasons why “using existing
(market view, BB business (within CommCorp), portfolio Space—Media copper is not a panacea.”
qualitative and services gap, required technologies Summary: “white space
primary research, (with potential technologies exists in media technology:
internal view, and names assigned)
white space)

3 Global Market Size Data from corporate 3 Potential Table listing projects, customer 3 Using some info. “Last Mile” white Loosely derived from mkt.
Data (Equipment) Marketing dept. on programs— (within CommCorp BU), from pp. 14–17 space—carriers doc. pages. Assessment of
size and growth of “Last Mile” readiness and resource of mkt doc. major telco and cable
various types of evolution estimates. Highlighting the operator deployment of BB.
modems, also fiber to “Product X ” portion as “focus of Summary: “white space
the home, Ethernet, today’s presentation” exists in carrier’s BB
“OpAccess” offering”

4 Proposed Bandwidth Peak bandwidth 4 Decision Value, cost statement—phase 1: 4 The Fiber Divide Decision tree showing logic
Requirements requirements over statement— study and report (headcount 3 (Access) for fiber adoption. The
time, “100 Product X FTE, duration to Dec 15, total “Fiber Divide” is everyone
Kb/s/employee extension cost $127k), phase 2: product else without high bandwidth
appears to be a safe group support demand and positive ROI.
maximum value to Key question: ”what is the
use” likely fiber access adoption

5 Always On vs. Not Trend towards “always 5 Strategic/business Diagram of Product X system, 5 What could Reasons for adoption: higher
Always On on” broadband value plus list of “business value to change this? value for higher speed,
Access access but does not CommCorp” and “relational lower installation costs,
mean “always value to ATG” return of the “build it and
full”    questions about they will come and pay”
whether applications model, discontinuity,
will emerge to drive government reg., company
higher short-term with deep pockets
peak bandwidth

Table 3 (cont’d.)

“Last Mile” marketing report, July 9, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 11, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 16, 2002

# Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description

6 NA Business Site Bandwidth demand by 6 CommCorp/Carrier Diagram of project phases 6 Summary of pp. Broadband Summary of market team
Broadband size of business. interaction showing responsibilities at 6–7 of mkt doc. demand input: notes that 1.7% of
Demand Scores Assessment of how each phase and decision point summary business sites have >45
many sites “moving after phase 1. Identifies BU Mb/s demand. Summary:
into fiber range” of collaborators and potential “high percentage of the
demand. 1.8% of all carriers to work with. total bandwidth and
North American sites revenue is in the top 5% of
require fiber. business sites”

7 Broadband Demand Example from Manhattan 7 Project Diagram of deliverables for Phase 7 From p. 18 of mkt Key market take Revised from mkt. doc. page
Scores (”upper bound” of description/ 1 project: carrier business doc. aways to 7 (from 8) bullets: “still
demand). Breakdown deliverables case, ATG product readiness, don’t see a killer app, 100
of demand by type of CommCorp business case, Kb/s/employee appears
business. 13% of sites Deliverable 1: analysis of safe,” “it’s a copper based
require fiber. Product X reqs, Deliverable 2: world for now, no
report to BU on technology backhoes”    “do not
evaluation, Deliverable 3: cannibalize existing
technical support to business. revenues [of carriers].”
Summary: “‘build it and they
will come and pay’ has
completely failed as a bus.

8 Industry View Spending by different 8 Project description Description of project according 8 Access topology Map of Product X and
size businesses on to ATG phases of “explore,” options extensions and how they
telecoms. Access “validate” and “transition” to would match different
connections growth in BU. bandwidth demand levels
the U.S.

Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS

9 Outside Plant Industry downturn 9 Why in ATG? List of reasons: deep expertise in 9 “City X” case Map of City X, highlighting a
Access means tight budgets broadband, cross-BU support study specific business district
Infrastructure for service providers. of a common view, fits ATG (XXX Street)
“All near-term access mandate to provide
solutions must be forward-looking support to BU,
‘backhoe free’ ” support for LT ATG activities

Kaplan: Strategy and PowerPoint

10 Access Physical Matrix of different 10 Deliverables 3 deliverables, showing timeline. 10 Revenue potential Analysis of potential
Layer Scenarios wireline vs. wireless, List of team “prime” (Hermann) ($/month) on distribution of demand on
light based vs. non and members. XXX Street. XXX Street with scenarios
light based for bandwidth growth.
technologies with Summary: Product X not on
challenges for each this street because sites are
quadrant. <250 employees”
Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS
Kaplan: Strategy and PowerPoint
Table 3 (cont’d.)

“Last Mile” marketing report, July 9, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 11, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 16, 2002

# Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description

11 T1 Access: New Declining price of T1 11 Deliverables— Breakdown of deliverables with 11 ILEC service Decision tree for telcos to
Market Dynamics lines to customers agreed with “BU end dates, owner and decision tree provide high speed access
means less cash for executive” resources (people) to customers. Shows
service providers to opportunity for Product X if
invest in fiber and also carriers want to deploy
raises entry barrier for Fiber to the Business Curb.

12 Standards Many standards. ST 12 Risks and Table with risk description (project 12 “Last Mile” Target #1: Product line X
technologies already mitigation planning, carriers business Follow-on evolution. Collaboration with
in standards. LT strategy case support, CommCorp decision BU architecture team.
technologies will business case support), risk statement Target #2: focus on cable
require CommCorp level, mitigation providers. Consider for next
effort to influence proposal.
13 Sections TOC: “qualitative and 13 Transition List of activities for transitioning 13 Decision: Cost statement—phase 1:
primary research” the technology into a product Product X study and report (total 3 full
highlighted in the BU. extension time, Duration to Dec. 17,
$127k.) Phase 2: product
group support

14 SupperComm Comments from 14 Decision Repeat of p. 4. 14 From p. 6 of CommCorp/Carrier Identical to Sept. 11 page.
Comments customers during the statement Sept. 11 doc. interaction Diagram of project phases
SuperComm showing responsibilities at
conference. Main each phase and decision
themes: don’t point after phase 1.
cannibalize existing Identifies BU collaborators
businesses, voice and potential carriers to
services are “cash work with.
cow,” “copper is
golden, will last a long

15 “Customer X” Has already reached 15 Back-up [place holder page] 15 From p. 5 of Strategic/business Identical to Sept. 11 page.
Customer Input 83% of high value Sept. 11 doc. value Diagram of Product X
customers with DSL; system, plus list of
build out will now slow “business value to
down. CommCorp” and “relational
value to ATG”

Table 3 (cont’d.)

“Last Mile” marketing report, July 9, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 11, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 16, 2002

# Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description

16 “Customer Y” Fiberizing private line 16 From p. 3 of Global market Chart from p. 3 of marketing team 16 From p. 7 of Project Nearly identical to Sept. 11
Customer Input customers would cost mkt doc size data document. Additions: Sept. 11 doc. description— page. Diagram of
∼$1 billion for (equipment) highlighting DSK access Phase 1 deliverables for Phase 1
$100–1,000/month concentrator, Ethernet and deliverables project: carrier business
revenue. Would need FTTB; summary text on size of case, ATG product
to reduce cost 100X market for DSL, “OpAccess” readiness contributing to
to meet cost/revenue and Ethernet Access. CommCorp business case,
ratio demanded by Deliverable 1: analysis of
the financial markets. Product X requirements,
Deliverable 2: report to BU
on technology evaluation,
Deliverable 3: technical
support to business case.

17 Business (not Make do with existing 17 Project scope Evolution strategy for Product X, 17 From p. 8 of Project Derived from Sept. 11 page.
Technology) network and services, establish application Sept. 11 doc. description: Description of project
Alternatives to alter business configurations support phases and according to ATG phases of
High Speed practices, niche business case decision, IPR “explore,” “validate” and
Access solutions evaluate technical solutions “transition” to BU. More
detail on the patent

18 Key Market 8 bullets: “still don’t see 18 From p. 9 of Why in ATG? Identical to Sept. 11 page. List
Takeaways a killer app, 100 Sept. 11 doc. of reasons: deep expertise
Kb/s/employee in broadband, cross-BU
appears safe,” “it’s a support of a common view,
copper based world fits ATG mandate to provide
for now, no forward-looking support to
backhoes”    “do not BU, support for longer term
cannibalize existing ATG activities
revenues [of

Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS

carriers].” Summary:
“‘build it and they will
come and pay’ has
completely failed as a
business case”

19 Sections TOC: “Internal view” 19 From p. 10 of Deliverables Identical to Sept. 11 page. 3

Sept. 11 doc. deliverables, showing

Kaplan: Strategy and PowerPoint

timeline. List of team
“prime” (Hermann) and

20 Wide Range of Circle with “CommCorp” 20 From p. 12 of Risks and Identical to Sept. 11 page.
Access Related products around the Sept. 11 doc. mitigation Table with risk description
Products edge. Blind men and strategy (project planning, carriers
elephant in the center. business case support,
“Access has different CommCorp business case
meanings for different support), risk level,
product groups.” mitigation approach
Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS
Kaplan: Strategy and PowerPoint
Table 3 (cont’d.)

“Last Mile” marketing report, July 9, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 11, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 16, 2002

# Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description

21 Glue Factor vs. Diagram of different 21 From p. 13 of Transition Identical to Sept. 11 page. List
Business Size CommCorp product Sept. 11 doc. of activities for transitioning
groups for large, the technology into a
medium, small enterprise product in the BU.
customers. “Access
’glue’ is strongest and
direct for our largest

22 Recent Activities List of product 22 Back-up [place holder page]

development and
launch activities for
various CommCorp

23 “Product X” Near Description of “Product 23 From p. 2 of Portfolio for BB Identical to Sept. 11 page.
Term “Tactical” X”    using 3rd parties Sept. 11 doc. business Table listing portfolio
Focus for future functionality, access segment (within
but ST focus on CommCorp), portfolio gap,
meeting immediate required technologies (with
needs of 6 leading potential technologies and
customers names assigned)

24 “Product Y” 3G cellular networks will 24 From p. 16 from Global market Identical to mkt. doc. page in
Summary increase demand. Sept. 11 doc. size data Sept. 11 doc. Highlighting
Falling T1 prices will (p. 3 of mkt (equipment) DSL access concentrator,
impact demand. doc) Ethernet and FTTB;
summary text on size of
market for DSL,
“OpAccess” and Ethernet

25 CommCorp Sales Comparison of 25 Services vs. Table with services (analog

Strategy for requirements for copper delivery voice, digital voice, VoIP,
Access Access distribution technologies high speed internet access,
and current VPN, broadcast video,
CommCorp HDTV) and which
capabilities. Conclude technologies can deliver
that CommCorp does each. Summary: “not all
not address access services run on all
sales to small and technologies”
medium businesses.

Table 3 (cont’d.)

“Last Mile” marketing report, July 9, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 11, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 16, 2002

# Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description

26 Key Internal CommCorp previously 26 From p. 11 of Deliverables— Identical to Sept. 11 page.

Takeaways exited Access. Sept. 11 doc. agreed with Breakdown of deliverables
Several product teams “BU with end dates, owner and
actively investigating executive” resources (people)
solutions. Need a Sep 10, 2002
“broadband access
story” for requests for
proposals and for
customer interaction.
Need to develop
distribution channels.

27 Sections TOC: 27 “Last Mile” List of 22 analyses and

“recommendations” reports reports completed by the
highlighted “Last Mile” team

28 Broadband Access 9 bullets: “copper will

Summary dominate for awhile,”
“no identified ’killer
app’,” “product teams
solutions,” “ATG
should focus on
longer term

29 Broadband Access Table with market

Summary dynamics, BB
deployment and

Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS

recommended actions
for today, 18 months
and 3+ years.

30 Sections TOC: “white space”


Kaplan: Strategy and PowerPoint

31 Potential Table of 10 major
Development product groups at
Areas CommCorp. Indicates
“white space” in
places where
businesses are not
active. Conclusion:
help product groups
in ST, “explore”
activities for LT.
Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS
Kaplan: Strategy and PowerPoint
Table 3 (cont’d.)

“Last Mile” marketing report, July 9, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 11, 2002 “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, September 16, 2002

# Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description # Source Title Content description

32 [No title] Slide 31 plus comments

for the 10 products

33 Recommendations Split up ATG activities

into two areas: 1
person looking at LT
“disruptive” space; a
few people working
with the BUs. Highest
opportunity in
high-speed copper, IP

34 One Interesting Example of technology

Example to support digital
rights management
based on an existing
product and video on

Marketing document slide later used in “Last Mile” Review Board proposals, From Marketing document, used in September 11
both September 11 and September 16 and September 16 documents
Marketing document slide later used in “Last Mile” Review Board proposal, From Marketing document, used in September 16
September 16 only document but not used in September 11 document
September 11 document slide, later used in “Last Mile” Review Board From September 11 document, used in
proposal, September 16 September 16 document

Key to terms:
BB = broadband
BU = business unit
FTE = full time employee
LT = long term
ROI = return on investment
ST = short term

Kaplan: Strategy and PowerPoint
342 Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS

meeting. In this document (dated September 16), four persuade others. As the team’s ideas became more fully
pages (pages 3, 6, 7, and 24) representing information formed and as the date neared when they would have
from seven pages of the marketing document appear. to present their proposal to the Review Board, Vince
However, he positioned the marketing information in a wrote to the team about the composition of the docu-
way that was more favorable to an investment in OpAc- ment. He recognized that the order of the slides would
cess technologies by developing several new pages of structure the Review Board discussion: “I set up the flow
countervailing information. For example, although he of charts so that we could develop a concept of Savior
did use information on market “white spaces” (page 3 first, then we can layer in how it is applicable to cus-
of the September 16 document), he preceded it with a tomers, the industry, and CommCorp. I fear that if we
page on why “using existing copper is not a panacea” start with the industry we will get into a low-yield debate
(page 2) and followed it with a decision tree showing with the audience as to the history and the future.” He
the logic for optical fiber adoption (page 4). Meanwhile, was worried that such a debate would derail the project
the project description, deliverables, and strategic busi- and as a result CommCorp would not take up the oppor-
ness value slides (pages 14–23 and 26) remained nearly tunity to be a leader in what he imagined would be the
the same as the ones in the September 11 version. Thus future direction of the industry. Similarly, even though
he remained effective in shutting out marketers from the Hugh and Hermann used their September 11 and 16 doc-
decision. According to Susannah, uments for the Last Mile project to exclude the views
He included some of our charts in the pack, but not the and participation of the Marketing team members, the
ones that didn’t prove the scenario correctly. He put in the fact that they had to respond to the marketers’ claims
global one but didn’t put in the ones where we had gone pushed them to develop their thinking about the actual
through and identified the sweet spots. He then talked to business opportunity.
it in terms of “Well, you know the available market is In these cases, the materiality, mutability, modular-
48%” and we’re saying “No, no, no, the available market ity, and digital nature of PowerPoint meant that its
is something like 4%.” use enabled the simultaneous negotiation of meanings
[Susannah, manager, Economic Analysis]
and adjudication of interests in the process of making
This cartographic work to draw boundaries around the strategy in an uncertain context. Many have suggested
scope of a strategy was enabled by the digital nature that such artifacts function as boundary objects (Bechky
of PowerPoint, which allows documents to be combined 2003, Carlile 2002, Star and Griesemer 1989), enabling
selectively, either by choosing individual slides or by the communication and transformation of knowledge
picking out parts of slides. The owner of a document, across boundaries. However, the results from this study
Hugh and later Hermann in this example, could therefore suggest that the use of PowerPoint in the discursive prac-
control what information would be included or omit- tices of strategy making was as much about constructing
ted. Other participants had to fight to have their charts boundaries as it was about working across them. Putting
inserted into a presentation document once they had together a PowerPoint document was not just a commu-
been excluded. Thus, the ownership of a document and nications task but a knowledge production process that
the ability to get one’s charts incorporated into a doc- involved both collaboration and cartography.
ument shaped the process for making strategic choices.
As a result, the use of PowerPoint was a source of legit-
imation and control in the strategy making practices at Discussion and Conclusion
CommCorp. The PowerPoint document was the terrain The genre analysis reported in this paper looks at how
upon which battles of different interpretations and inter- the use of PowerPoint mediates the discursive prac-
ests played out in the organization. tices of strategy making in CommCorp. Doing so sheds
light on the epistemic culture of strategy, describing
Collaboration and Cartography as Two Sides of the how the culture operates and not just what the culture
Same Knowledge Production Coin is. Rather than treat PowerPoint as a pervasive cultural
The cartographic practice of drawing boundaries artifact to be investigated as a representation of this
occurred simultaneously with the collaborative practice culture, this study analyzes PowerPoint as part of the
of exchanging ideas. This genre analysis of PowerPoint- epistemic machinery that undergirds the knowledge pro-
in-use illuminates these two sometimes conflicting prac- duction culture in one organization. Here, we can see
tices in action. For example, in the case of the Savior how knowledge is produced and validated. Using such
project, the team (Vince, Vijay, and Rick) used Power- a lens allows us to move beyond the debate between
Point in collaboratively building their ideas about what a the promoters of PowerPoint’s features and the crit-
transformational technology to bring together computing ics of its pathologies. The findings in this paper show
and communications could look like. At the same time, that PowerPoint is not just a static piece of technol-
we see Vince thinking about the public face of the doc- ogy but rather that it exists as enacted in the organiza-
ument and how he would use it to marshal evidence to tion. Analogously, strategy culture is not static either but
Kaplan: Strategy and PowerPoint
Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS 343

exists through discursive practices that are mediated by meaning and carve up territories. This dynamic perspec-
PowerPoint-in-use. tive on the epistemic machineries of strategic knowledge
I find that the epistemic culture of strategy making production shows that strategies are defined as these
is composed of two interrelated discursive practices: texts change.
collaboration to negotiate meaning and cartography to This view of PowerPoint also fills an important gap in
adjudicate interests. Strategy making is ultimately about the strategy-as-practice research agenda. Research on the
actors attempting to make choices under uncertainty. The practice of strategy making has made important strides
practices that produce these outcomes are both about in moving our attention from strategies to the daily
finding one’s way through the uncertainties posed by doings of strategy makers (as described in Jarzabkowski
the market as well as about appropriating the rewards et al. 2007, Whittington 2006). Critics of such practice-
of the deliberations over which claims are included. based research worry that these studies risk privileging
Although limited in scope—the study examines Power- actions over artifacts and have the potential to side-
Point use in only one organization in a particularly line the cultural settings associated with such practices
intense period of uncertainty—the analysis presented (Rasche and Chia 2009, Yanow 2000). The genre analy-
here provides insights into both the discursive practices sis reported in this paper offers an approach to address-
that undergird epistemic cultures and the microdynamics ing these challenges by seeing strategy making as an
of strategy making. It also clears the way for a revised activity of expert culture and by using an examination of
appraisal of PowerPoint. PowerPoint-in-use to understand the epistemic machin-
Extending the analysis of epistemic cultures from its ery that makes up that culture.
origins in science studies of laboratories (Gieryn 1999, Although the participants at CommCorp found them-
Knorr-Cetina 1999, Latour and Woolgar 1979) to the selves in a particularly turbulent environment, strategy
context of strategy making in organizations offers a fresh making in any organization takes place under condi-
empirical setting in which to examine the culture and tions of uncertainty. The future is unknown and unknow-
machineries of knowledge production. It demonstrates able. Information arrives from myriad sources. Different
that science is not the only, nor even the premier, site of actors come from different backgrounds and thus will
knowledge generation in our society. The world of busi- likely have different interpretations of both the environ-
ness is both a consequential and revealing site for the ment and of the potential strategic solutions to the chal-
study of knowledge cultures (as Knorr-Cetina herself has lenges facing the organization (Kaplan and Orlikowski
noted in more recent work on the functioning of finan- 2009). Yet it is incumbent upon managers to make
cial markets; Knorr-Cetina and Preda 2005): consequen- strategic choices and take action. As they do this, they
tial because economic growth and jobs are at stake, and produce knowledge that will inform their decisions.
revealing because knowledge production feeds strategic At CommCorp, and in most organizations today, this
choice and action. process is enabled and constrained by the use of Power-
Research on the sociology of knowledge has focused Point. An analysis of this communication genre-in-use
on how texts, as they circulate in networks of relations, reveals its role in mediating two practices that address
serve to stabilize and naturalize facts and define accept- the problem of dealing with uncertainty, those of col-
able courses of action (Gieryn 1999, Latour and Woolgar laboration to negotiate differences in interpretation and
1979). Such texts have been described in this literature cartography to adjudicate differences in interests.
as “immutable mobiles” (Latour 1987): they are only The strategy field has long considered the impact of
mobile to the extent that they are immutable (retaining each of these dynamics separately. Research on the role
their essential form as they travel). Introducing genre of managerial cognition has examined the impact of
analysis of the use of PowerPoint as it functioned in interpretations on strategic outcomes (see Huff 1990,
strategic knowledge production offers a specific method- Walsh 1995). Research on the political pursuit of inter-
ology for investigating the circulation of such texts. This ests has highlighted the influence of agenda setting,
analytical approach revealed a pair of discursive prac- impression management, and power plays on strate-
tices that explains not just how texts circulate but also gic choice (cf. Dutton and Ashford 1993, Eisenhardt
what happens to the texts as they circulate. Because and Bourgeois 1988, Pettigrew 1973). Yet rarely does
PowerPoint mediates both collaboration and cartogra- research in these two areas intersect (but see Kaplan
phy, the texts themselves change as they travel. Rather 2008). However, when starting from the ground up in
than being seen as fixed road maps for action, they might an analysis of how PowerPoint is used in daily strategy-
be thought of as what Law and coauthors have more making practice, the connections between cognition and
recently called “mutable mobiles” (Law and Mol 2001, politics are unavoidable. Collaboration and cartography
Law and Singleton 2005). By examining this genre-in- are two sides of the same coin: these dual practices are
use, we see that PowerPoint texts are transformed as they the means by which organizational participants collec-
are engaged in discursive practices that must both make tively sort through uncertainties and make strategy.
Kaplan: Strategy and PowerPoint
344 Organization Science 22(2), pp. 320–346, © 2011 INFORMS

Just as Latour and Woolgar’s “Laboratory Life” (1979) opportunities are most open to those with political skills
showed how writing scientific articles was a means of (Kellogg 2011) for managing strategic knowledge pro-
establishing what was “true” or not (see also Knorr- duction. Through these processes, organizational partic-
Cetina 1981), this paper proposes that there is a paral- ipants were able to reach decisions about investments
lel “strategy life” at CommCorp (and by inference in in technologies that would affect the strategic direction
other organizations) in which the production of Power- of the firm. PowerPoint use was an essential part of the
Point documents was a means to generate and legitimize culture within which these strategies were constructed.
knowledge. These activities shaped the information pre-
sented to decision makers and therefore the decisions that Acknowledgments
they made. Thus, strategy was not only about analyzing The author thanks the members of CommCorp who par-
industry structure, competitive positioning, or resources ticipated in this study. Tina Dacin, Kate Kellogg, Wanda
Orlikowski, Joanna Radin, Klaus Weber, and three anonymous
and capabilities to identify new strategic directions, as
reviewers offered helpful comments on earlier drafts. Zhan Li
suggested by mainstream strategy research, but also provided much appreciated research assistance. The usual dis-
about making and presenting PowerPoint documents. claimers apply.
Treating PowerPoint as part of the epistemic machin-
ery of strategy expands our view of PowerPoint from the Endnotes
static reports of the kind critiqued by Tufte (2003). Such 1
PowerPoint is a registered trademark of the Microsoft
an approach shows that it is not even enough to ana- Corporation.
lyze PowerPoint as implicated in dynamic performances A search on Amazon.com™ turns up thousands of how-
(as articulated by Stark and Paravel 2008). Rather, we to manuals, with titles such as PowerPoint 2007 for Dum-
must think more broadly about the use of PowerPoint in mies, PowerPoint 2007 Bible, and Beyond Bullet Points: Using
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 to Create Presentations
social interaction. Facts do not travel directly into strate-
That Inform, Motivate, and Inspire. Even a book titled Why
gic choices and action. Instead, they are represented Most PowerPoint Presentations Suck is aimed at helping peo-
through PowerPoint documents, which are embedded in ple use PowerPoint more effectively.
a set of practices for constructing and presenting those 3
WebEx is a product of Cisco, and NetMeeting (more recently
documents. Genre analysis offers the means to map the replaced with Windows Meeting Space) is a product of Micro-
complex of arrangements associated with PowerPoint- soft. These and similar products allow geographically dis-
in-use in the discursive practices of strategy making. persed meeting participants to log into a website, see a presen-
What emerges is a multifaceted view of PowerPoint. Its tation as it is being projected, and participate in the discussion
use enables actors to sort through and decipher complex (a multimedia conference call).
and conflicting information, but in doing so, these actors The company name, the identities of projects and technolo-
gies, and the names of individual actors are disguised.
might simplify the data beyond usefulness or shape the 5
Although the structure of the template shifted over time and
information to suit a personal agenda. Some individu- not everyone in the organization was clear on what it con-
als’ voices might be excluded, whereas others’ might be tained, the basic components were the following: a decision
amplified. statement, resource requirements, a description of the tech-
In some ways, this picture of PowerPoint lives up to nology, an analysis of CommCorp’s potential market share,
the criticisms levied against it—the technology clearly a summary of letters of support from internal and end cus-
enabled simplification, objectification, and politicization. tomers, a risk assessment, program milestones, and a project
This may not be the whole picture, however. Those fea- plan (including budget).
tures are not necessarily “bad” in the sense that they He is referring to the notes section available in PowerPoint
that allows for annotating slides.
were part of what made knowledge production pos- 7
The communications infrastructure backbone is described
sible in a highly uncertain context. PowerPoint docu- according to the International Standards Organization OSI
ments became a space for the collective negotiation of (open systems interconnection) model for “layers” within it.
meaning and the adjudication of interests as CommCorp In brief, layers 0–1 are the basic physical hardware of the
managers attempted to respond to market uncertainties. system (and the traditional focus for CommCorp). Layers 2–3
Research has suggested that change can only occur when focus on data and networking. Layers 4–7 add on transport,
the required spaces exist in which such changes can protocols, and applications (such as TCP, SSL, or HTTP).
be envisioned and enacted (Kellogg 2009). The analy- The nature of the technology is disguised.
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