Assignment 30% PJJ 2021

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Assignment (30%)

In group of 2-3 students, select 1 type of vegetable that is locally grown. The 30% marks are
come from your presentation, presentation and reflection. Please read the guidelines for
each assessment. The due date for this assignment is on the 29/11/2021, 11.59 pm.

A. Presentation (10%)

You need to present in detail on the chosen vegetable by using virtual platform / video
presentation. Record the presentation and submit it as link. Make sure that the link is an open
access link and does not require permission to view.
10-15 minutes of presentation –maximum of 20 slides
You need to present the harvesting and handling of postharvest of vegetable:
1. Introduction (type/species, how many varieties available, production)
2. Market demand and criteria (maturity, appearance, etc.)
3. When to harvest (how many days, time, etc.)
4. Indicators (example for eggplant: the eggplant fruits are ready to be harvested when
the surface showed glossiness, optimum size and firm)
5. How to harvest and the harvesting steps (Methods, washing, selecting, grading,
6. Price
7. Problems (must state at least 2 problems and suggest how to overcome the
problems. Examples: pests and diseases, low production, low shelf life, low demand,
Submit your presentation to:
or you can scan the code here:

B. Report (10%)
1. Details for each subtopic
2. Marks will be given as a group
3. 10 to 15 pages only, Times New Roman, Font 12, 1.5 spacing (not included Reflection
– please refer to C for more details)
4. Please submit your report (together with reflection) to Turnitin
5. Make sure to compile the report and reflections and submit it to Turnitin as 1 file. 1
6. Login to Turnitin and you can enroll using the Class ID, click on the ‘Report and
Reflection (20%)’ to submit

*Once you have submitted your report, please wait for few hours for the similarity report.
Make sure that the similarity is less than 20%. You may want to resubmit if the percentage is
higher than 20%. You can resubmit before the due date : 29/11/2021, 11.59 pm

C. Reflection (10%)

1. This is an individual mark.

2. Each student must write their own reflection for this assignment, but you need to
compile it together with the report (in B section).
3. 1 page maximum (Times New Roman, 12, single spacing) for each reflection.

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