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Religious Belief Systems

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Religion is the belief in a power that is supernatural and beyond human knowledge. It

gives people a sense of hope and the ability to pursue their day-to-day lives. It provides a

relationship between human being and their God or gods and provides guidelines on how people

should co-exist and survive. Generally, human beings are social, and therefore religion helps

them live harmoniously among themselves as it requires them to practice and behave in a certain

prescribed manner according to their commandments or doctrines, which regulate behavior

within certain religions. Religions are usually based o promises that after behaving in a certain

way, certain extraordinary benefits will be obtained.

There are various religious belief systems. These systems are usually named depending

on who is believed to be the higher power. This paper will focus on monotheism, that is, the

belief in the sole Supernatural God and also Atheism. This system is mostly practiced by

Christians, Muslims, and Judaism who believe that there is only one God who lives in heaven

and is responsible for all good things that happen to people. They believe that their God is the

greater of the world and universe together with all the things that fill the world (Balcerowicz,

2018). On the other hand, there is the atheist, who does not believe in any supernatural beings.

They offer explanations for the occurrence of certain events such as natural calamities, death,

and suffering. They also provide hope that the living thing will be fine whenever they are faced

with difficult situations.

On the other hand, there is Atheism, which can be defined as a psychological state in

which people do not believe in God, gods, or any power higher than human knowledge. They

believe in the fact that they believe about God is a psychological state and that there is no person

who has any tangible evidence that God exists. For this reason, they support their ideology and

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psychological state that God does not exist. The debate about the existence of God and the

nonexistence has lasted for a long people as believers try to prove their own facts.

Monotheists, mostly Christians, believe that leadership or leaders are God-given and any

person who is in power is a representative of God on earth and should be respected (Dawson &

Thiessen, 2014). They also believe that change is inevitable and that a person can become new

again through baptism and the repentance of sins. They also believe in life after death, just like

their leader Jesus died and resurrected, they believe that there is another spiritual life and that

they will get new lives and bodies after this body has died. Christians also believe that God has

the ability to reject a leader who does not act according to God's will and appoint another leader

for them. In this case, they are open to the change of leadership as they believe that God can

choose them another leader in case one fails to fulfill God's wish upon people.

Unlike people who believe in theism, atheists do not believe in any higher power above

human power. For this reason, they hardly respect leaders as they just take them as their equals.

Besides, they embrace change as they believe that the world keeps on changing based on

technology, inventions, and innovations. Besides, the fact that they are never willing to behave

according to the demands of any doctrine or commandments makes them very difficult to

embrace change in leadership. However, they prefer leaders who work to please them and are

always willing to disrespect or work against any leader who acts against their will.

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Balcerowicz, P. (2018). Logic in religious and non-religious belief systems. International

Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 84(1), 113-129.

Dawson, L. L., & Thiessen, J. (2014). The dimensions of religion. The sociology of religion: A

Canadian perspective, 44-68.

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