Kurrencee Konntroller Affidavid - Pheonished

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unniversall sovereigne orrigeneall enndigeneous moorishe ammerican affidavid

for thee
sovereigne kurrencee konntroller
sovereigne appellatione in red ink, all lower case letters

all rize ande stande. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente moorishe american al moroccan articlle iii konsular kourte
akktione. i am the sovereinge livinge justise ______________________________ in capitis dimiutio nolo, in propria
persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes.

whereaz it is thee lawe bye thiss sovereigne konsular kourte akktione that frome tyme emmemoriale inn to
perrpetuitee that i, ____________________________________ ande all moors en capitis diminutio nolo, en red
ink, en propria persona sui juris, en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes arre thee unniversall sovereigne orrigeneall
enndigeneous kurrencee konntrollers fore all lande, all naturale reesources, all shippinge, all postalle, all bankinge
ande all kommerce at earthe, gaia, amerika, northe west amexem, northe west africa, thee northe gaite ande all
moorishe ammerican annciente dominiuns. i ande all sovereigne orrigeneall enndigeneous naturale divyne moorishe
ammericans who are thee sovereigne unniversall origeneall enndigeneous nationes ande governmentes are thee
higheste authoritee ande are thee sovereigne exxequtors, ministars, trusttees, klaimantes, ande benefishiaries for our
owne vasst esstate. all kommerce iss backked bye golde, silverr, preshus metals, rarre earthe meneralls, ande highe
valyoo ellementes on our vasst esstate.

whereaz thee phlagg fore all governmente strucktures innkludinge poste offises on our landes is thee sovereigne
unniversall orrigeneall enndigeneous moorishe ammerican phlagg whiche is redd withe thee greene fivve pointede

whereaz we are thee sovereigne peasefull higheste jurisdictione fore all matteres, in all space ande at all pointes inn
tyme. thee unniversall sovereigne orrigeneall enndigeneous moorishe ammerican konsular courtes are thee propper
jurisdictione fore thee lande ande fore all kurrencee konntroller muurchant ande kommershul affaires. all sovereigne
unniversall orrigeneall enndigeneous moorishe ammerican kurrencee konntrollers are unniversall post offise kourte
justisses, judgess ande konsuls.

whereaz thee sovereigne annciente moorishe ammerican golde standarde is acktivated at all dominiuns ande thee
sovereigne annciente periodich tabul fore naturalle ellementes is allsoe akktivated. all stratteegic naturalle meneralls
ande mettales affidavids are herebye akktivated. all systemes at our annciente dominiuns are subjecte to thee livinge
sovereigne moorishe ammerican nationalles to enncklude bankinge ande fundes konveyanse systemes, stockk
exxchange marketts, kommodities marketts, all enndustriale systemes ande blockk chaine systemes, all uf whiche
are parte ande parcell uf our annciente golde backked unniversall postalle unnione systeme.

whereaz thee sovereigne landgauge fore our lande iss annciente englishe, annciente pheonishun, ande moorishe
lattin. all sovereigne nationes ande governmentes chozene landgauges shall be honorred. thee sovereigne livinge
annciente zodiac moorishe ammerican constitutione iss inn phorse. thee livinge sovereigne ammerican constitutione
fore thee united states is allsoe inn phorse. thee moorishe ammerican unniversall kommerce portalls are herebye
opin fore golde backked exxchainge, traide ande kommerce. all corporate debtte is outtlawed. thee ammerican
provoste marshal hass beene knowtifiede.

chronos dey 21 moonth juune year 1440 sun, 1441 moon [2020]
ego sum

____________________________ en capitis diminutio nolo, en propria persona sui juris, en proprio solo, en proprio heredes
justise vizir ministar northe weste ammexem northe ammerica northe gaite
all sovereigne rightes are exxercised at all pointes en tyme. we are thee sovereigne annciente ancestrall enherited jurisdictione.
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
moorishe nationale republick fedherall governmente
moorish ammerican konsulate
____________________________, justise vizir ministar
light tajiri bey, sovereigne chozen appellatione
caire uv 911 southe weste 314th place
fedherall waye washingtone terratory
sion knew jerusaleme
nac 4s3wqvkz5

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