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By Poul V. Lade,t Member, ASCE, Jerry A. Yamamuro,z Member, ASCE,

and Paul A. Bopp3

ABSTRACT: Particle breakage occurs when the stresses imposed on soil particles exceed th~ir strength.. To
quantify the amount of breakage, many particle breakage factors have been proposed. Corr~lations of ~artic~e
breakage parameters with standard soil parameters such as effective mean normal stress at fallure a.nd VOid ratio
at failure do not provide a fully unified correlation with m~y diff~rent types of test.s. However, p~~le bre~age
factors appear to correlate very well with the total energy mput mto the t~st spec1m~n, thus prov1di~g a ~mgle
unifying parameter for all types of soil tests. Therefore, th~ amou~t of particle crus~mg may ~ ~red1c~ed.1f the
stresses and strains in the soil can be estimated, such as m a firute-element analys1s. The pnnc1pal s1gnificant
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use of these particle breakage factors may be related to permeability estimates when there are changes in
gradation due to particle breakage. A new particle breakage factor, BIO, is proposed that will allow easy per-
meability computations when related to the total input energy.

INTRODUCTION Lee and Farhoomand (1967), Lee and Seed (1967), Vesic and
Clough (1968), Barden et al. (1969), Marachi et al. (1969),
The most important engineering properties of granular ma- Tai (1970), Murphy (1970), Billam (1971), Murphy (1971),
terials such as stress-strain and strength behavior, volume Becker et al. (1972), Miura and Yamanouchi (1973), Lo and
change and pore-pressure developments, and variation in per- Roy (1973), Miura and O-hara (1979), Hardin (1985), Murphy
meability depend on the integrity of the particles or the amount (1987), Colliat-Dangus et al. (1988), Fukumoto (1990), Ya-
of particle crushing that occurs due to changes in stress. There- mamuro (1993), Hagerty et al. (1993), Bopp (1994)]. Particle
fore, it is important to be able to identify and quantify the breakage may occur even at relatively low pressures. This de-
effects of particle crushing on these engineering properties. In pends on the character of the individual soil grains. Several
previous publications, the effects of particle crushing on the different particle breakage factors have been proposed to at-
stress-strain and strength behavior has been presented for tempt to quantify the amount of particle breakage. These
drained and undrained conditions in triaxial compression and breakage factors are empirical in nature, and are based on
extension tests, as well as in one-dimensional compression changes in particle sizes as the key measurement. Some are
(Yamamuro and Lade 1996; Lade and Yamamuro 1996; Ya- based on a single particle size, while others are based on ag-
mamuro et al. 1996). Presented here is a study of the measures gregate changes in the overall grain-size distribution. The most
employed in the quantification of the particle breakage itself widely used particle breakage indices are the ones developed
and their uniqueness and usefulness in expressing changes in by Marsal (1967), Lee and Farhoomand (1967), and Hardin
engineering properties, such as the permeability of the granular (1985).
material. Marsal (1967) developed his measure of particle breakage
Tall earth dams subject underlying soils to significant stress in connection with the design and construction of earth and
magnitudes, resulting in significant changes in the grain-size rockfill dams. While performing large-scale triaxial compres-
curve of the original soil. This change is the result of particle sion tests, he noticed significant amounts of particle breakage.
breakage and affects the permeability of the soil in the dam. He subsequently developed a breakage index, B, to quantify
This in turn may have significant influence on the seepage this breakage. His method involves the change in individual
pattern and the pore-pressure distribution in the earth dam. particle sizes between the initial and final grain-size distribu-
A method is presented to estimate the permeability of a soil tions. The difference in the percentage retained is computed
element by relating the change in its grain-size curve to the for each sieve size. This difference will be either positive or
amount of total energy applied to the soil element. negative. Marsal's breakage factor, B, is the sum of the dif-
ferences having the same sign. This is depicted in Fig. I. The
DEFINITIONS OF EXISTING PARTICLE BREAKAGE lower limit of Marsal's index is zero percent, and has a the-
FACTORS oretical upper limit of 100%.
Virtually all investigations involving soil testing above nor-
mal geotechnical pressures have resulted in considerable par-
ticle breakage [e.g., Terzaghi and Peck (1948), Roberts and de
Souza (1958), Hendron (1963), Vesic and Barksdale (1963),
Hirschfield and Poulos (1963), Hall and Gordon (1963), Leslie
(1963), Bishop et al. (1965), Bishop (1966), Marsal (1967), l
ffiz 80 I-+++-+-+-+
'Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., The Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD
2Asst. Prof., CEE, Box 5710, Clarkson Univ., Potsdam, NY 13699- !z
5710; formerly, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Civ. Engrg., The Johns ~40
Hor,kins Univ., Baltimore, MD. ~ ~j·.'.;i ..i.. ·I....'..·.. i........j.
Proj. Engr., CH2M Hill, 2510 Red Hill Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92735-
Note. Discussion open until September I, 1996. To extend the closing
date one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager
of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and
0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01
possible publication on January 19, 1995. This paper is part of the Jour-
lUll of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 122, No.4, April, 1996. @ASCE,
ISSN 0733-9410/96/0004-0309-0316/$4.00 + $.50 per page. Paper No. FIG. 1. Definitions of Particle Breakage Factors Proposed by
9927. Marsal (1967), Lee and Farhoomand (1967), and Hardin (1985)


J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:309-316.

Lee and Farhoomand (1967) developed their measure of cles, such as when raising the reservoir behind a rockfill dam
particle crushing while investigating earth dam filter materials. for the first time, also causes particle breakage; this results in
Their concern was whether extensive particle crushing could movement of the dam (Nobari and Duncan 1972).
effectively plug dam filters. They performed a series of isotro-
pic and proportional loading tests on sands to study particle REASONS TO QUANTIFY CRUSHING
breakage, and proposed a breakage factor expressing the
change in a single particle diameter, namely that corresponding Existing particle breakage factors satisfy the need for mea-
to 15% finer on the grain-size distribution curves before and surements of particle breakage that are consistent and numer-
after testing (as shown in Fig. 1). These grain sizes were cho- ically specific, such that the extent of crushing can be quan-
sen because gravel filter drainage requirements were com- tified and reasonable comparisons can be made. However,
monly based on this particle size. Their measure of particle other than such comparisons, there does not appear to be sig-
breakage was expressed as the ratio D"(initiaI)ID 1S(fil1Jll)' The nificant uses for particle crushing parameters. Since most mea-
lower limit of this ratio is unity and there is no upper limit. sures of particle crushing are related to the grain-size distri-
Hardin (1985) based his measure of particle breakage on bution before and after shearing, correlations with basic
properties such as shear strength do not produce meaningful,
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changes in the entire particle-size distribution. He defined two

different quantities: The breakage potential Bp , is defined as unique relationships. Any soil of a specific gradation can exist
the area between the original grain-size distribution curve of with a wide range of densities. Therefore, the particle breakage
the soil and the No. 200 sieve size, as shown in Fig. 1. The parameters cannot form any consistent pattern with the shear
breakage potential represents the total possible change in gra- strength of a given soil.
dation obtained if every grain is broken down from its original However, the one area where crushing indices could have
size to particles smaller than the No. 200 sieve size. Hardin significant application is in that of soil permeability. There are
limited the lower grain size to the No. 200 U.S. sieve size a number of empirical correlations relating grain size with per-
because there is limited amount of crushing below this size. meability (Duncan et al. 1972). One of the most widely used
It is also more difficult to obtain particle-size distributions be- of the correlations relating the grain size with permeability is
low this particle size using a standard sieve analysis. The total Hazen's (1911) formula [see also Taylor (1948)]
breakage, B" is defined as the area between the original grain-
size distribution curve and the final grain-size distribution k = 100' (D IO)2 (1)
curve, as shown in Fig. 1. Hardin then defined the relative in which k = permeability coefficient (crn/s); and D IO = grain
breakage, Bn as the ratio of total breakage divided by the diameter (cm) corresponding to 10% of the material being
potential breakage (B,IBp ). The relative breakage has a lower smaller by weight, often referred to as the "effective" grain
limit of zero and a theoretical upper limit of unity. size.
This relationship was developed by Hazen (1911) on the
FACTORS AFFECTING PARTICLE BREAKAGE basis of tests with filter sands used for water purification, for
There are several factors that affect the amount of particle which the D IO sizes were between 0.1 and 3 mm and the co-
breakage in a soil (Lee and Farhoomand 1967; Hardin 1985; efficient of uniformity was less than five. This engineering
Murphy 1970; Billam 1971; Lo and Roy 1973). The amount formula produces a rough estimate of the permeability of the
of particle crushing is affected by the stress level (proximity sand. The known influence of void ratio and several other, but
to failure), the stress magnitude, and the stress path. Larger minor effects, are not included in this formula. Nevertheless,
amounts of particle breakage are generated when stress levels the change in the permeability of a sand may be estimated
are higher and when large amounts of strains occur in regions with this relationship before and after crushing.
of high stress magnitudes. The quantity of particle breakage With permeability correlations in mind a new particle crush-
is also a function of time. Even under constant stress states of ing parameter is proposed, based on the D IO particle size
sufficient magnitude, particle breakage continues with time,
but at decreasing rates. This time effect shows up externally B 10 -1-~
- (2)
D lOi
as creep of the soil, as presented and discussed in detail by
Yamamuro and Lade (1993). in which BIO = particle breakage factor; D 1Qf = effective grain
As the particle size increases, particle crushing also in- size of the final gradation; and D IOI = effective grain size of
creases. This is due to the fact that larger particles contain the initial gradation.
more flaws or defects, and they have a higher probability of The formulation of this particle breakage factor is based on
the defect being present in the particles that will break. Smaller the lower limit being zero when there is no particle breakage,
particles are generally created from larger particles fracturing and the upper limit being unity at infinite particle breakage.
along these defects. As the breakdown process continues, there The usefulness of this formulation will be discussed later.
are fewer defects in the subdivided particles. Therefore, similar
particles are less likely to fracture as they become smaller. LOADING EFFECTS ON GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION
Increasing the particle angularity increases particle break-
age. Angular particles break more easily because stresses can High-pressure triaxial tests on dense Cambria sand (confin-
concentrate along their narrow dimension, thus fracturing the ing pressures from 0.5 to nearly 70 MPa) have been performed
particle. Stresses can also concentrate at angular contact and the results have been presented (Yamamuro 1993; Ya-
points, causing the points to fracture. mamuro and Lade 1996; Lade and Yamamuro 1996). They
Well-graded soils do not break down as easily as uniform include undrained and drained tests in both triaxial compres-
soils. As the relative density increases, the amount of particle sion and extension. After testing, the specimens were recov-
breakage decreases. Both these factors are based on the fact ered and a sieve analysis was performed on the dried soil to
that with more particles surrounding each particle, the average evaluate the grain-size distribution after shearing. The results
contact stress tends to decrease. of some of these sieve analyses (from individual specimens)
Increasing the mineral hardness decreases the amount of are shown in Figs. 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), and 2(d) for drained triaxial
particle crushing. The harder or stronger particle materials compression, undrained triaxial compression, drained triaxial
show smaller amounts of breakage for a given stress. extension, and undrained triaxial extension, respectively. The
Introduction of water into a collection of susceptible parti- regular pattern of the curves indicates consistent behavior.

J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:309-316.

100 r--".--,----r-----,-,-.,-,--,,--.,---,,----,--T'!T.,....,--T"'T-,.-----,-----,

(d) ~~U"D~SKlN
I _....;.- ..+
++++-- .

2.22MPa Iii i Ii lI 12.0MPa

~\J-++++-+--+----+---.--+------------+H.-HI l l-U..!.. 17.5MPa

'.OMPa 80 ,-----,,------- - -----
5.85 MPa jj j 1
28.0 MPa
8.0MPa Z 42.0 MPa
18.9MPa ~ .-. R\' 52.0 MPa
28.0MPa () \ \' iii i INcREAsI ~_99NF1 .
8O.0MPa ~ .-.-. ~-;~~~ [l'T~~ ~~··H+H--I-··+-·-+- .. -·t

H--H-+--f--+---;---.----i-------\lJ~t~:f'l~=·~~t+- -_ .._.... _._.- _.._---- H--!'-t--I---t--+----;---...-t·-.... ,~::fmt~ --·--·-··-·-I+-H-+-+..;·---·;··---..t

o LLLLLL...L.-'--'-_---l.:l..w....w...-'--L.-..L...:;;==:Li.-.L..i.____'___,_---l
" 1 i If'' :.:.~~;;~. ~
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10 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 10 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01

FIG. 2(a). Grain-Size Distribution Curves for High-Pressure FIG. 2(d). Graln-8lze Distribution Curves for High-Pressure
Drained Triaxial Compression Tests of Varying Confining Pres- Undrained Triaxial Extension Tests of Varying Initial Confining
sures on Dense Cambria Sand Pressures on Dense Cambria Sand

tests appear to produce more particle crushing than the un-

drained tests. This was also evident from visual examination
::: :
,\ .. , , 8.45MPa of the sheared specimens after the tests were completed. In
" ,
l' l
terms of their appearance after testing, the higher-pressure
l H--;--;--i---I----i--+_-----t- "' .---------.... ++j-
18.9 MPa
drained test specimens were crushed and compressed so much
II: \\ !; 34_0MPa that they resembled solid rock, while the soil in the undrained
~80", .,~l 1:1 43.0MPa test specimens poured out of the membranes as individual
u: riT.'--+--,-.---+-------t--- t\--- ~ -~-i ..i-- grains. The latter specimens were not further compressed dur-

I- i\Jfff~~" ;11=-=-
ing shearing because their void ratios must remain constant
during the undrained shearing in which the volume is constant.
High-pressure undrained tests did not appear to exhibit as
much crushing in the shearing phase as drained tests with the
.... +----.------j same initial isotropic compression pressure. This is because
the average mean normal effective stress is lower in the un-
OLLL"-'--J----'---'--'----'-""'-'-'-'--'--'_J..-_""-"'--'------'----'-----'-_-' drained tests due to development of large positive pore pres-
10 1 0.5 0.2 0_1 0.05 0_02 0.01
GRAIN SIZE - MIWMETERS sures. Another observation from the gradation curves indicates
FIG. 2(b). Grain-Size Distribution Curves for High-Pressure
that extension tests do not exhibit as much particle crushing
Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests of Varying Initial Confin- as compression tests.
Ing Pressures on Dense Cambria Sand
The four particle breakage factors discussed thus far, the
0_50MPa Marsal B, the Lee and Farhoomand Dis/DIS/, the Hardin rel-
8.0MPa ative breakage B" and the proposed B IO have been calculated
l 10.0MPa
for many of the compression and extension tests performed.
ff]80H-i-i+-f-+_+_-+-ti\---ti_+++-+-+_+-+_-+++-H Linear interpolations were used between sieve sizes in the cal-
z 17.5MPa
culation of the particle breakage factors. Linear extrapolation
~ H--f--f--I---f---j· 1\
+-------I---I\\:~H++--;-+---i---+.---+----.-.---I-i--i ..HI 35.0MPa was required to find the DIS! and DIll! sizes in a few of the
~40m-i-+-f-+-+--t--t\--'.lI:-+++++-+-+--+++-H 42.0MPa highest confining-pressure-drained compression tests, because
!!! IlicR~t l'sC(ONR I~(l! !
~ H+-H---I--+-+_-
+,-lj~~-- I~'~~f~~-' .__u.~_ Tir1 52.0MPa
the specimens contained large quantities of soil particles
smaller than the No. 200 sieve size. Figs. 3 and 4 show the
h-W-k-+-.. ~~~~~.;;.:IblE.~.~~+---l-t----:--+~-4-,. H+=;=+=~
particle breakage factor by Marsal and by Lee and Farhoom-
20 . __
and plotted against the effective mean normal stress at failure
OLLLLLL...L.-'---'-_---l.:l~:l:;:J,o""""=.-_ ~.L..i.____'__--L_---l
for the different types of tests on dense Cambria sand. The
10 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 diagrams indicate that particle crushing increases with an in-
GRAIN SIZE - MIWMETERS creasing mean normal stress at failure in each type of test.
FIG. 2(c). Graln-8lze Distribution Curves for High-Pressure Particle breakage also appears to be greater in compression
Drained Triaxial Extension Tests of Varying Confining Pressures than in extension tests for tests ending up at the same mean
on Dense Cambria Sand normal stress at failure. This may be because the stresses and
strains are much smaller in extension than in compression (Ya-
Since the curves do not cross one another, it indicates a rela- marnuro and Lade 1996; Lade and Yamamuro 1996). Figs. 3
tively low level of scatter in the data. The diagrams show and 4 clearly show that the amount of particle crushing re-
percent finer by weight plotted against the grain size. The di- duces in drained compression and extension tests at high ef-
agrams also show the initial gradation for Cambria sand. It fective mean normal stresses at failure, Le., the particle break-
may be concluded from Fig. 2 that particle crushing increases age factors become constant at high pressures. However,
with an increasing initial confining pressure. The gradations different levels of crushing occur in the various tests. Thus,
all shift toward a more well-graded condition after shearing. for each type of test the grain-size distribution curve appears
For similar initial effective confining pressures the drained to be approaching what could be considered a practical max-

J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:309-316.

imum density curve for the Cambria sand. As the amount of
particle crushing approaches these limits, the void spaces are ;f
greatly decreased, and the individual particles are packed so ~4O J---f------If-----I--f--+--+---+--J
tightly and supported by enough contact points that particle w
breakage essentially ceases at higher confining pressures. ~
When compared on the basis of the effective mean normal
stress at failure, it appears that particle crushing is greater in
undrained tests than in drained tests, whether in compression
or extension. This is because typical effective stress paths of w
undrained tests at high pressures are shaped as shown in Fig. ~
5. A specimen with a specific effective mean normal stress at II
failure in an undrained test initially undergoes a much greater
amount of isotropic compression than the specimen in a
~ 40 ~ 00
drained test with the same mean normal stress at failure. Once p' = EFFECTIVE MEAN NORMAL STRESS (MPa)
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shearing begins in the undrained test, the pore pressures rise

rapidly and the effective mean normal stress reduces to a much FIG. 5. Effects of Effective Stress Path on Particle Breakage
lower magnitude at the effective stress failure. The effective between Drained and Undrained Tests
stress path of the corresponding drained test, shown in Fig. 5,
reaches its maximum effective mean normal stress at failure,

r ........, lJNllRAfED
and never reaches into higher stress regimes. Since the effec-
tive mean normal stress at failure does not accurately reflect m~


the effect of stress path on particle crushing, it cannot be con-

sidered a useful parameter for the effective comparison of par- I······(···········~· '=:;:::::=DRAIIED=·'t===::;===..........,TO=::::=.t........ ,...... 1
ticle crushing encountered in different types of tests. lD 0.6 r--;---t--+--+---+--+--+---+---+.----1
The particle breakage factor of Hardin Brt and the pro-
posed factor B 10, obtained from the tests on dense Cambria
sand are plotted against the void ratio at failure in Figs. 6 and ~
w 0.' 1----+--+---+--+--~.--1----,--I--'----I
7. These diagrams clearly indicate direct relationships between ~ -'-~b h i + , j
, -..JIJ:-B-,.IU
lD '00 .-------,----.-------r----.------,---,---,------, 02
~ -b- ~--JI! [tl-~
a:: 1········;···········+·········;·············+········..;..... ·····j············:',·'·-t~F .... +Jr.··".,··..,;.••.•.•.••.• ~

; .. ha ""h-.
o L----'_--l._--'-_.-L._--'-_...L.._.l..'_.-L.--=
o 0.' 0.2 0.3 0.' 0.5

~ ~rr
J'J • •
i1i1lO1----=+-:;#--+--~L,a_--+-----i--_+_--+--_I FIG. 6. Hardin's (1985) Particle Breakage Factor, B" Related to
a:: 0./ ./. Void Ratio at Failure for Drained and Undrained Triaxial Com-

~ f--...-....-....- t.~'-!.i_.~.-..~•. .,L>-....:.==::=====:==== =====~~~=.=~==~.~:

pression and Extension Tests on Dense CambrIa Sand

~ ~ _~ ~ H----+---j

~ .7~···II!...-·---.l--J.':::==DRAIIED=.~=:::r:=-=lJNllRAfED~~==;il~~.-.. ~.~.;~..~.~. . ~.

o ~ 40 IlO ~


FIG. 3. Marsal's (1967) Particle Breakage Factor, B, Related to
pi for Drained and Undrained Triaxial Compression and Exten-
sion Testa on Dense Cambria Sand

o oL-_i..-_.L-_.L-_-.L.._..l..-_....L_-'-_--l.._~_.....J

~ 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.' 0.5 0.6

6 20 f---------L---+----'---+------+------+---+--1
en FIG. 7. Proposed Particle Breakage Factor, B10, Related to
Void Ratio at Failure for Drained and Undrained Triaxial Com-

!'Jf j.
pression and Extension Tests on Dense Cambria Sand

!..--J1j:- *"~
particle crushing and void ratio at failure. The obvious reason
is that particle breakage is the major component in the total
= ...",=, ··j···············-t················j··········_·····j volume change of the material at high pressures. Therefore,
the void ratios are directly linked to the amount of particle
crushing. Figs. 6 and 7 also show that particle breakage is
o 20 40 eo ~ greater in compression than in extension, and these compari-
p' = MEAN NORMAL STRESS AT FAILURE (MPa) sons appear to show similar amounts of breakage in the
drained and undrained tests. Therefore, the effect of the stress
FIG. 4. Lee and Farhoomand's (1967) Particle Breakage Fac-
tor, 0,6, Ratio Related to p; for Drained and Undrained Triaxial path is apparently included in the void ratio at failure. How-
Compression and Extension Tests on Dense Cambria Sand ever, the void ratio at failure cannot be considered an effective


J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:309-316.

correlation factor, because the extension and compression tests void ratio at failure were not fully satisfactory. Most soil me-
still produce separate lines. chanics parameters derived from the analysis of test data will
not effectively correlate with the amount of particle breakage
ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT PARTICLE BREAKAGE observed in various types of tests. However, it has been dem-
FACTORS onstrated that increases in confining pressure as well as shear-
ing of the soil to larger stress and strain levels increase the
The aforementioned crushing parameters indicate different amount of particle breakage. With this in mind, the magnitude
amounts of scatter in Figs. 3-7, even though they are com- of total energy input per unit volume of specimen during the
puted from the same grain-size distribution data. The reason tests would seem to be a more appropriate parameter to use
for the variation in scatter is to be found in the formulation of for correlation with particle breakage. The reason for this is
the individual particle crushing parameters. based on the fact that computations of energy incorporate the
The Marsal (1967) breakage factor, B, is calculated from magnitudes of both stresses and strains, both of which greatly
the changes in the amounts of material retained on each sieve affect the amount of particle crushing. A form of this type of
size. All sieve sizes are theoretically included in the compu- correlation was proposed earlier (Miura and O-hara 1979).
tation of this breakage factor. However, when particle crushing However, they proposed using plastic work instead of total
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is extensive, the gradation curve shifts substantially from the input energy. They extracted the elastic energy from the total
larger to the smaller sieve sizes and there tends to be very energy to obtain the plastic work. The amount of elastic energy
little material left for comparison on the original, larger sieves. present in specimens in which particle crushing is significant
The originally uniform Cambria sand changed gradations to is very small when compared to the magnitude of plastic work.
such an extent that the initial and final gradations overlapped Consequently, there is little difference between the total work
only over a narrow range of grain sizes, resulting in only one and plastic work, and the use of total energy input simplifies
or two sieve sizes to be used in the computation of the break- the computational procedure considerably. The total amount of
age factor. This tended to create additional scatter in the mag- energy input per unit volume of specimen during a triaxial test
nitude of B for tests in which the soil was extensively crushed. is the sum of energy input during the isotropic compression
The particle breakage factor of Lee and Farhoomand (1967), and the shearing phases
Dls/D IS/, originally developed to evaluate plugging in gravel
filters in earth dams, exhibits larger scatter for the same ex- (3)
perimental data because the ratio is based on a single grain
size. A breakage factor should not be formulated to magnify in which E T = total energy input per unit volume of specimen;
the inherent scatter in the results of a sieve analysis, which is Ec = energy input during isotropic compression; and Es = en-
not a particularly well-controlled test. This magnification of ergy input during shearing.
scatter occurs because the ratio of the DIS grain sizes contains During isotropic compression the amount of input energy is
the final grain size in the denominator. When significant par- created by the increase in confining pressure, resulting in vol-
ticle crushing occurs, the DIS grain size after shearing may be umetric strains. During drained shearing the input energy is
very small. Any inaccuracies or errors in the determination of generated by two components: (1) The confining pressure with
this grain size is amplified by division of the smaller number resulting volumetric strains; and (2) the stress difference with
into the larger number, thus causing undue sensitivity of the resulting axial strains as shown in the following:
breakage factor to small variations in measured values of D ls/.
Hardin's (1985) relative breakage factor, B" is based on the (4)
area between the original and final grain-size curves, normal-
ized by the area between the original grain-size curve and the
No. 200 sieve size. Since all sieve sizes are involved in this in which (J'c = final confining pressure; O'c = average confining
area calculation, any small errors or inaccuracies in the deter- pressure over increment; £v = volumetric strain increment; «(J' I
mination of individual grain sizes are attenuated in the cal- - (J'3 = average stress difference over increment; £a = axial

culation of this breakage factor. Hardin's measure of particle strain increment; SOT = start of test; EOS = end of shearing;
breakage is therefore stable and robust, and not unduly sen- and BOS = beginning of shearing.
sitive to small variations in individual measurements. Undrained tests do not experience volumetric strains, so
The proposed particle breakage factor, B IO [given in (2)], is there is no contribution to the total energy from that compo-
based only on one grain size, but the ratio of the diameters is
inverse to that formulated by Lee and Farhoomand (1967).
This tends to reduce the effect of the crushing parameter on
small errors in the determination of D IOf• Since the crushing ~
. .
0.8 ~-'------'-----r-----'---'---r--..,-----,------,

llr-3Ollo llr-lIO%

parameter has a lower limit of zero and an upper limit of unity, C)

the scatter in results is limited because the calculated values

of B IO for heavily crushed specimens are all relatively close to
~ 0.4 f-----+-+----i--------!--..4--!---+---+---4---I
l5 .~.~...~I--~I-__1----... _ _+-_:l
unity. Consequently, this breakage factor is stable, and effects
of scatter are reduced. However, it may be necessary to obtain ~ ;:~~...~.j....:-.. .
D IOf by extrapolation for cases in which more than 10% of the
crushed soil passes the No. 200 sieve. This was required for
rtZ. •
a few of the very high-pressure drained triaxial compression
tests on dense Cambria sand. This procedure was also required
for the determination of the Lee and Farhoomand particle ~ fi~- .J._--.
breakage factor. o
o 10 20 30


WITH ENERGY FIG. 8. Hardin's (1985) Particle Breakage Factor, B" Related to
Total Input Energy for Drained and Undrained Triaxial Compres-
It has been pointed out that correlations between particle sion and Extension Tests on Three Different Densities of Cam-
crushing and effective mean normal stress at failure as well as bria Sand


J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:309-316.

l.. .. ...••...;, ~ ..>_•••••• Even though there are apparent differences between the two
....~.. ..............r..~ _ i·············17 sands in the mechanisms of volumetric compression at the
grain level, it appears that either can be treated with the mac-
0.8 ., i ~ CUR\'E~ rolevel correlations presented here. Energy computations are
·+ ..· . ·+..· ·
·~ ·:! ·..· ,I · ·; ·..1 global in nature, and are independent of how the actual strains
are achieved.
o •
1XI ........ ~
0.4 ~-i-~l-~i----Il---ii-~I---i;__---II__---;----1
0.2 .......... r.. . .·. . . . ;
l ....[ + ; , ; 1
As discussed, particle breakage factors may, if appropriately
formulated, be used to determine the permeability of granular
..........., , ,1 o.-.'JJ1% 0.-._ 0.-.- Ii· + + 1 materials as their gradation changes due to crushing. The cor-
relation of particle breakage factors with the total energy input
o I I
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o ro ~ 00 ~ ~ can be used as the basis for the evaluation of permeability of

TOTAL ENERGYNOLUME (MPa) soils in earth and rocldill dams or other earth structures in
FIG. 9. Proposed Particle Breakage Factor, B,o, Related to To- which the effect of particle breakage on permeability is im-
tal Input Energy for Drained and Undrained Triaxial Compres- portant for seepage analyses. In a finite-element analysis of
sion and Extension Tests on Three Different Denaltles of Cam- any earth structure, the stresses and strains in each element
bria Sand (Best Fit and Hyperbolic Curve Fit are Shown) are computed throughout loading. Thus, the total energy input
per unit volume can easily be computed for each element. With
nent. The correlation with particle crushing necessitates that particle breakage being directly related to energy, the particle
computations be performed and energy be accumulated from breakage factor can be estimated from the calculated total in-
the beginning to the point where the test is terminated. The put energy to each soil element. This was the principal reason
input energies were calculated for all tests in which particle for proposing the new crushing parameter, B 10, to be based on
breakage factors were calculated. D IO , the "effective" particle size, since it appears directly in
The particle breakage factors by Hardin (1985) and the pro- Hazen's (1911) permeability equation expressed in (1). Fig. 9
posed factor B IO are plotted against the total input energy and shows that the value of BlOis zero at zero energy input, and
shown in Figs. 8 and 9. The total energy and the breakage approaches unity as the energy input goes to infinity. This type
factors were calculated for tests on Cambria sand for three of data distribution may be fitted well by a hyperbolic curve
different initial densities (Yamamuro 1993; Yamamuro and of the following form:
Lade 1996; Lade and Yamamuro 1996; Bopp 1994). The cor-
relation of crushing parameters with the total input energy is (5)
excellent, and it appears to relate all types of tests in one B IO = a + b'ET
unique curve. Due to the formulation of the proposed B IO par-
ticle breakage factor, the scatter is substantially reduced when in which B IO = particle breakage factor based on the D IO par-
compared with Hardin's B,. Much of the observed scatter can ticle size; ET = total energy input per unit volume of specimen;
and a, b = hyperbolic curve-fit parameters.
be attributed to the inherent inaccuracies in sieve analyses. The
The hyperbolic curve-fit parameters a and b need to be de-
proposed B IO appears to offer minimum scatter combined with
termined. Parameter b is always unity because the asymptotic
a unique correlation with the total input energy.
limit of B IO is unity. Testing data is required to determine pa-
MECHANISMS OF PARTICLE DEFORMATION AND rameter a. For Cambria sand parameter a was determined to
FRACTURE be 0.747. After parameters a and b in (5) are obtained, the
total input energy per unit volume is used to produce the par-
Thus far the analysis of particle breakage has taken the form ticle breakage factor.
of relating the empirical particle breakage factors, derived Fig. 9 shows both the best-fit B IO particle breakage curve
from the change in particle sizes, with soil parameters obtained and the hyperbolic curve fit. Points were selected for the hy-
at a macrolevel, such as the effective mean normal stress at perbolic fit to provide a close fit in the initial 10 MPa of input
failure, void ratio, and total input energy. The qualitative energy, where most geotechnical engineering applications
mechanisms on a microstructural level need to be ascertained would occur. At higher input energy levels the hyperbolic
to observe whether the foregoing correlations may be gener- curve fit does not appear to follow the measured B IO values
ally applicable to all soils. Thin-section slides were made from accurately. However, the test specimens corresponding to the
the original sand and from sand that was tested at high pres- upper portion of the correlation have been essentially com-
sures. Thin sections of Cambria and quartz sands were ex- pressed into sandstone by the high stresses. The sieve analyses
amined under a light-polarizing microscope, in which the min- are difficult in this situation because the delineation between
eralogy and structure can be evaluated (Yamamuro et al. individual particles is not distinct. The sheared specimens must
1996). be broken down into individual particles, but the smaller par-
Cambria sand is composed of many mineral constituents of ticles tend to stay in groups, which may be reflected by the
varying hardnesses (Yamamuro 1993). Thin sections of Cam- particle breakage factors remaining at a relatively constant
bria sand shown by Yamamuro et a1. (1996) indicate that com- level at high-energy levels.
pression and densification involve a combination of particle Once the particle breakage factor is determined, the D 1Qf
breakage and deformation and the squeezing of mineralogi- grain size may be obtained according to (2). The D lOf particle
cally softer grains into the void spaces between harder grains. size then directly yields the permeability from (1). To dem-
The thin sections of quartz sand indicate that particle fractur- onstrate the proposed method of obtaining permeability from
ing and rearranging are the predominant forms of densification the input energy to a soil element just outlined, the predicted
for this sand. The plastic deformations seen in the Cambria changes in permeability [from (1)] of Cambria sand during a
sand thin sections is not apparent in the quartz sand. This typical high-pressure, drained triaxial compression test are
stems from the fact that all the quartz grains have the same shown in Figs. 10 and 11. This test was performed with an
relatively high mineral hardness. effective confining pressure of 26.0 MPa. This confining pres-

J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:309-316.

the squared D IO grain size. Note the vertical line segment at
the end of the isotropic compression. This predicted decrease
in permeability is due to soil creep, occurring during the stage
between compression and shearing. The creep reflects energy
input and the consequent crushing and reduction in perme-
ability. Fig. 11 shows that the permeability further decreases
during the shearing phase (applied at an axial strain rate of
0.OO24%/min), and near the end of the test the permeability
reaches values similar to those found in fine and silty sands.
Near the end of the test the rate of reduction in permeability
slows down rapidly because the rate of particle crushing de-
creases even though the input energy continues to increase. Of
course, Hazen's approximation formula for permeability is
considered applicable to uniform sands only. Near the end of
Downloaded from by Northeastern Univ Library on 06/17/13. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

the test the grain-size curve of the heavily crushed Cambria

sand has achieved a coefficient of uniformity greater than five
(Le., beyond that for which Hazen's formula may be valid).
However, the predictions shown in Figs. 10 and 11 are only
intended to demonstrate the proposed permeability computa-
tion process. Other formulations of permeability calculated
from grain-size curves may be used. Unfortunately, it was not
possible to verify the actual permeability of the soil due to the
physical limitations of the high-pressure experimental setup.
The particle breakage factor B10 proposed here was adopted
because of its usefulness in the determination of D IO , whose
5 10 15 20 25 30 subsequent use in Hazen's (1911) formula was necessary for
CELL PRESSURE (MPa) the calculation of permeability in sand.
There are many other correlations relating permeability with
FIG. 10. Predicted Change In Permeability during Isotropic
Compression of High-Pressure Drained Triaxial Compression grain size (Duncan et al. 1972). Some use the D,o grain size
Test on Dense Cambria Sand and others use a grain size dependent on other factors. Such
other sizes can easily be accommodated by redefining the par-
ticle breakage factor in terms of different grain sizes and cor-
Cal i i i , , i ,
.. 80,-:-:----,-----,---,----,------,,-----,---,--,--.,.-----,
i.......•. , relating it with the total input energy.
~ 60
-t-- ······7~+········ -t-- +. -...j

Iffi NED'~M'P 'Essi~N'TE

Grain-size distributions determined from sieve analyses
········t7 <··+·ORA
1/' ; : ;
were evaluated for several high-pressure drained and un-
drained triaxial compression and extension test specimens after
a: v····f········ '·"'·"1'26:0 .wa-cPNFJIIING-r+ESSI RE···f········ shearing. Different particle breakage factors proposed by Mar-
Iii 0 L.---'.'_--'-_....:.._--'-_--'.'------'-_--'-._ - ' - - _ " ' - ._ . . J
sal (1967), Lee and Farhoomand (1967), Hardin (1985), and
10 20 30 40 50
a newly proposed particle breakage factor, BIO, were computed
from these grain-size distribution curves. Correlations with
t: standard soil mechanics parameters, such as effective mean

I,: M§iJmmlmtlm-1
normal stress at failure and void ratio at failure, were exam-
ined without finding a single unifying variable. However, it
was determined from these correlations that triaxial compres-
sion tests exhibited higher amounts of particle crushing than
triaxial extension tests. Particle crushing was seen to increase
§? 0 10 20 30 40 50 the most at moderate pressure levels (p' = approximately 5-
AXIAL STRAIN (%) 30 MPa for dense Cambria sand), whereas the amounts oc-
curring at high stress magnitudes appeared to become constant.

1°: m~t:~t:~t~[=1~tl:1
Total input energy was examined and found to produce a
unique correlation with all particle breakage factors that en-
compass all types of testing. The uniqueness is based on the
fact that computations of the total input energy are based on
both the stresses and the strains produced in a test, and this
quantity includes the effects of stress path and type of test.
~ 10 20 30 40 50 Different mechanisms of volumetric compression on the
AXIAL STRAIN (%) grain level were observed. The Cambria sand has its weaker
FIG. 11. Predicted Change In Permeability during Shearing of components being squeezed into void spaces (between
High-Pressure Drained Triaxial Compression Test on Dense stronger components) in addition to particle fracturing. Volu-
Cambria Sand metric compression in quartz sand, being of uniform hardness,
was dominated by fracturing.
sure was applied at a rate of 0.75 MPalmin. As can be seen The proposed particle breakage factor, B10, was devised to
from Fig. 10, a large decrease in permeability from 1.75 to correlate with Hazen's (1911) permeability equation [(I)], and
0.24 cm/s occurred during the isotropic compression phase. to provide a simple correlation with the total energy input,
This is due to crushing and severe reduction in the effective which could be fitted with a hyperbolic curve. B IO combined
grain size and to the sensitivity of Hazen's (1911) equation to with the correlation with the total input energy produces a

J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:309-316.

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