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Katrin Joy D.

January , 2020
Thesis Statement: Our Environment is facing problems because of us and it is dangerous because it affects
not only us humans but also all the living things in our planet.

I. Environment can be living (biotic) or non-living (abiotic) things. It includes physical, chemical and
other natural forces. Living things live in their environment. They constantly interact with it and
adapt themselves to conditions in their environment. In the environment there are different
interactions between animals, plants, soil, water, and other living and non-living things. Environment
plays a significant role in life.
II. Causes of Environmental Problems
A. Global warming
B. acid rain
C. pollution
1. Air
2. Water
D. urban sprawl
E. waste disposal
F. ozone layer depletion
III. Effects of Environmental Problems
A. Human behavior can prompt mass migrations or battles over clean water.
B. Rise in water level and climate change that will prove difficult to control.
C. Activities such as overfishing, deforestation, and poor management of the ecosystem will affect
the way people live in their environment.
D. Biodiversity loss is believed to be one because that will lead to loss of important part of the
ecosystem causing one of the worst effects ever seen.
IV. Concluding Paragraph

Therefore, our nature is our source of everything we need and it is important that we should take care of it.
Katrin Jpy D. Pornosdoro
January , 2020


Environment is a place where different things are such as a swampy or hot environment. It can be
living (biotic) or non-living (abiotic) things. It includes physical, chemical and other natural forces. Living things
live in their environment. They constantly interact with it and adapt themselves to conditions in their
environment. In the environment there are different interactions between animals, plants, soil, water, and other
living and non-living things. Environment plays a significant role in life. It provides indispensible necessities to
humans, animal life and plant life, such as water, food, shelter, and air resources. Meanwhile, human everyday
actions and decisions are negatively impacting the environment, causing pollution, deforestation, overfishing.
As the human population increases, it is understood that the environment will change.

Environmental problems are something which belongs to nature or known as “Mother Earth” . Nature
was created to help people survive from gathering foods until build a house. This phenomenon happens
continuously without thinking how much damage that nature has because of human’s fault. Nature gradually
becomes worse and animal’s life becomes in danger. People who are aware of the importance of nature react.
Those people do several ways to save the environment. Although these efforts can return back the
environment, these efforts only can be hold temporarily. This problem happens because those people who are
aware of the environment only slightly for remaining, there are people either do not know or do not care about
the nature. Our Mother Earth is currently facing lot of environmental concerns. Humans impact the physical
environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like
these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. These negative
impacts can affect human behavior and can prompt mass migrations or battles over clean water. The
environmental problems like global warming, acid rain, air pollution, urban sprawl, waste disposal, ozone layer
depletion, water pollution, climate change and many more affect every human, animal and nation on this
planet. Over the last few decades, the exploitation of our planet and degradation of our environment have gone
up at an alarming rate. As our actions have been not in favor of protecting this planet, we have seen natural
disasters striking us more often in the form of flash floods, tsunamis and cyclones. Crucial environmental
issues are no more a blame game. While most of us crib about dirty air, smelly garbage or polluted water, least
do we know it is “us” who is responsible for this unfavorable circumstances leading to cautionary environmental
issues. Environmental issues are a major problem in our world, and all people need to recognize the need for
our social obligations. The effect of humans on our planet has increased significantly over the years. Not only
is the population constantly growing, there is “new technical power to dig deeper, cut faster, build larger, and
traverse more quickly great distances in automobiles, trucks, and planes” (Brown, 2001). Severe
environmental issues have appeared throughout the world as a result. It is very important that
environmentalists work to educate everyone so that they can learn how to make the most effective ethical
decisions in order to preserve nature.

Our Environment is facing problems because of us and it is dangerous because it affects not only us
humans but also all the living things in our planet.
There is much debate on whether or not global warming is real, but the evidence is overwhelming.
According the NASA, the average global surface temperature has increased considerably from 1880 with the
year 2014 ranked as “the warmest on record.” NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment has collected
data to show Greenland lost 150 to 250 cubic kilometers of ice per year between 2002 and 2006, and
Antarctica lost about 152 kilometers of ice between 2002 and 2005. The extent and thickness of Arctic sea ice
has also declined rapidly. There has also been a significant change in sea level; since 1993, the seal level has
risen by 65.91 millimeters. With so much data, it is hard to ignore the environmental impacts of global warming.

Nelson, 2003). Some key factors that are expected to change due to environmental stress include rise
in water level and climate change that will prove difficult to control. Water requirements are expected to change
tremendously and push to a percentage of about forty percent. Food is one of the most critical aspects that
should be considered to ensure that better results are achieved to get the best result ever seen. Food
consumption is expected to increase in order to contain increase in demand of food that is been seen to
continue. Activities such as overfishing, deforestation, and poor management of the ecosystem will affect the
way people live in their environment. Biodiversity loss is believed to be one because that will lead to loss of
important part of the ecosystem causing one of the worst effects ever seen. It is important to have a substantial
strategy that can help in finding the best solution for preserving the environment to get the positive results
required to come out.

Environment is really important. We need a healthy natural environment. Human beings cannot live
without foods, water, shelter, and other things and those needs that can be found in our environment.
Continuously, the human populations are increasing. They are cutting trees to build a house leading to some
cases that deeply affects our environment. Deforestation have a negative and harmful effect in our
environment, it can destroy the habitat of many species, it can cause flash floods and climate change which we
don’t want to happen.

The environment is an important issue even when society is faced with economic crises, wars, and unending
social problems. It matters because Earth is the only home that humans have, and it provides air, food, and
other needs. According to the EPA, in 2008 alone, 2.5 million tons of plastic bottles and jars were thrown away
in the United States. Help us save the environment by participating in our Tools of Change project. You can
also help by volunteering during our next coastal cleanup or make a donation. For more information fill out the
form on our contact page. Together we can help change the environment for the better!

Nature provides us all with so many wonderful and useful things. From beautiful sights, to food &
shelter, to maintaining the delicate balance necessary to sustain life on this planet. Mother Nature works very
hard to ensure that life can exist (and coexist) in the driest deserts, and the lushest rainforests. As industry
advances and the human footprint spreads, the delicacy of this balance increases more and more. As a result,
it is ever-important that we do our due diligence in helping nature to thrive, however we can. That starts with
taking care of the environment.

Humans, though often unintentionally, have the most detrimental impact on the environment. However,
there are a multitude of ways in which we help the environment as well. That is to say our impact on the
environment can be positive or negative, necessary yet cleaner, or unnecessary & discarded. Our way of life
currently dictates that some pollution is going to occur regardless of what we do in our everyday lives. Life is
chemistry, and chemical reactions are happening everywhere that help us to accomplish amazing feats that
are essential to the more hassle-free times we live in today. Currently, efforts are underway all over the world
to develop newer and cleaner energy sources to power our homes, run our cars, and light up the night. The
combined efforts have been showing progress in many different ways. You can help by getting involved with
conservation, volunteering, and staying in contact your local environmental government agencies.

To sum it up, we can say that humans are the major source of environmental issues and problems.
Likewise, our activities are the major reason that the level of harmful gases and pollutants have increased in
the environment. But now the humans have taken this problem seriously and now working to eradicate it.
Above all, if all humans contribute equally to the environment then this issue can be fight backed. The natural
balance can once again be restored .Take responsibility. Go within to find the answers in your own soul. When
you can do that you will begin to see the solution with new eyes. Change only happens when you become the

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