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6 Diseases of Carambola

Sepiah1, Randy C. Ploetz2 and Anthony W. Cooke3

1Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, University Malaysia Sarawak, Sarawak,
Malaysia; 2University of Florida, Tropical Research and Education Center, Homestead,
Florida, USA; 3Queensland Horticulture Institute, QDPI, Indooroopilly, Queensland,

Introduction western hemisphere in 1854 (Rio de Janeiro

Botanical Garden), and has now naturalized
Carambola, Averrhoa carambola (family: and developed a secondary centre of diver-
Oxalidaceae), is a small tree, growing to 12 m sity in northern South America (Knight,
in height (Sedgley, 1984; Vijaysegaran, 1988). 1989). Carambola is now grown to 30°S in
It has compound leaves and pink or light red Australia and 32°N in Israel.
flowers with purple hearts that are borne on The name ‘carambola’ came from Malabar
leafy twigs in clusters. Its fruit are ellipsoid, (Popenoe, 1924). The Portuguese adopted this
whitish yellow to light orange or golden red, name shortly after their first encounter with
and ribbed (Martin et al., 1987; Vijaysegaran, the fruit, and it is the common name of the
1988). fruit in English and Spanish. Other names
Carambola requires tropical conditions include ‘belimbing manis’ in Malaysia, ‘five-
for optimal growth and production. It will finger’ in Guyana and, due to its silhouette in
grow on almost any type of soil provided cross-section, ‘starfruit’ in the USA (Martin et
that it is not waterlogged (Sedgley, 1984; al., 1987; Ramsammy, 1989). Unfortunately,
Abidin, 1987; Vijaysegaran, 1988). It will the last name confuses the fruit with
establish in sandy tin tailings, and peat and Dasmasonium stellatum, a water plant whose
mineral soils, but grows best in acidic to common name is starfruit. A close relative, the
slightly acidic soils. It thrives in areas with bilimbi, Averrhoa bilimbi, is a minor fruit crop
high rainfall and temperatures, partial shade and will not be considered in this chapter.
and protection from wind (Martin et al., 1987; Carambola is usually self-incompatible
Marler and Zozor, 1992; Marler et al., 1994). (Knight, 1966). Thus, seedling progeny are
Minor element deficiencies often plague the often out-crossed hybrids that do not retain
crop when it is grown in alkaline soil, and in the full suite of characters that are possessed
the subtropics trees often defoliate during by the female parent. In most commercial sit-
the winter. uations, superior selections are clonally
Carambola is thought to have originated propagated, usually by graftage on to
in Southeast Asia. The crop has been culti- seedling rootstocks (Campbell, 1989; Crane,
vated in the region since ancient times, but 1992). However, in some areas, commercial
only recently elsewhere (Martin et al., 1987; production is mainly from seedlings (e.g.
Ngah et al., 1989). It was recorded in the Guyana).

© CAB International 2003. Diseases of Tropical Fruit Crops (ed. R.C. Ploetz) 145
146 Sepiah et al.

Current Status ally only two seasons due to cool, winter

temperatures. Depending on the climate,
The popularity of carambola has increased fruit mature from 40 to 70 days after they set.
since the early 1980s for two reasons. First, The fruit is picked green or mature, depend-
the sour types of carambola, which were the ing on cultivars and markets, and can be
first types to be widely grown outside Asia, stored effectively for >6 weeks at 5°C with-
have been replaced by sweet, low-acid culti- out chilling injury (Campbell et al., 1989).
vars that have far broader appeal. Secondly, Production figures for carambola are
as disposable incomes and the awareness scarce. In descending order, the following
and acceptance of exotic foods have locations recently had the largest areas
increased in many parts of the world, so too devoted to production: Taiwan (3140 ha),
have the demands for fruit such as caram- Guyana (2450 ha), Malaysia (900 ha), Brazil
bola (Green, 1989). (300 ha) and Florida (300 ha) (Donadio, 1989;
Improved carambola germplasm has Green, 1989; Ngah et al., 1989; Ramsammy,
been developed in several areas (Knight, 1989; Crane, 1997). Carambola is also grown
1989). The Malaysian Agricultural Research commercially in Australia, Hawaii,
and Development Institute (MARDI) has a Indonesia, Israel and Thailand. Annual pro-
series of selected clones, the B-series, which duction ranges from over 38,000 million
are used widely in that country and are tonnes (Mt) in Taiwan and 24,000 Mt in
beginning to be used in other areas. The Malaysia to a few thousand tonnes or less in
most important are ‘B10’ and, to a lesser other production areas. In total, global out-
extent, ‘B17’ (Green, 1989; Knight, 1989). put probably does not exceed 0.5 Mt year⫺1.
Several different cultivars are grown in
Taiwan, of which one known variously as
‘Cheng-Tsey’, ‘Chun-Choi’ or ‘Cheng-Chui’ PESTS
is probably the most important. ‘Fwang
Tung’ is the best known of the selections Insects are serious fruit pests. In Florida,
from Thailand, and ‘Arkin’ (Florida) and fruit are affected by: stinkbugs, Nezaera sp.;
‘Kary’ (Hawaii) are two of the most popular squash bugs, Acanthocephala sp.; fruit blotch
selections outside Asia. miner; red-banded thrips, Selenothrips
In Australia, Florida, Malaysia and rubrocinctus; and soft brown scale, Coccus hes-
Taiwan, pruning is practised to remove peridum (Crane, 1992, 1993). The weevil,
branches and control the height and growth Diaprepes abbreviatus, damages roots and can
of the canopy (Crane, 1992; Izham et al., cause canopy dieback. Important pests in
1992; Samson, 1992; Vijaysegaran, 1988; Malaysia are: fruit fly, Bactrocera sp.; fruit
Watson et al., 1988). Recent work in Florida borer, Diacrotricha fasciola, which attacks
has also shown that pruning and fruit flowers; Porthesia (Euproctis) scientillans,
removal promote flowering (Nuñéz-Elisea which attacks flowers and fruit; Archips
and Crane, 2000). Pruning can also be used tabescens, which attacks fruit and mature
to reduce the inoculum of several carambola green leaves; Adoxophyes privatana, which
pathogens and is used in many disease con- attacks shoots and young leaves; and stem
trol strategies. borer, Indarbela disciplaga (Ooi, 1984;
Management on commercial farms usu- Vijaysegaran, 1988; Ithnin et al., 1992). A fruit
ally includes pruning and spraying. In some fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Dacus dorsalis com-
locations, young fruit are bagged to exclude plex), is the most serious pest in Southeast
insect pests and increase fruit quality. In Asia (Samson, 1992). Since it can cause losses
Malaysia, heavy pruning is usually con- of 100% (Vijaysegaran, 1988), some form of
ducted to keep the tree at a height that facili- fruit protection is necessary. Birds also attack
tates bagging and harvesting. Carambola is fruit. Pest control is achieved by bagging the
non-seasonal in the tropics and usually pro- fruit, spraying with insecticides, use of pro-
duces 3–5 peak crops of fruit per year. tein bait sprays and removal of infested fruit
However, in subtropical areas, there are usu- or stems.
Diseases of Carambola 147

DISEASES spots on the surfaces of leaves, stems, twigs,

limbs and fruits. Leaf spots can be up to
In general, diseases are not limiting factors in 5 mm in diameter, and they often merge to
carambola production in most countries. form large, irregular spots.
This is due, in part, to the short history of The alga can penetrate cortical tissues of
cultivation in most areas, and the fact that the host, causing these tissues to swell and
large, homogeneous plantings that would be crack as the pathogen filaments grow and
conducive to the development of diseases expand inside the host. The leaves on
are uncommon. In many areas, fruit are pro- affected twigs wilt, turn yellow and fall, and
duced in small plots, <1 ha, or on backyard shoots gradually die back.
trees that are interplanted with other crops.
As the volume and intensity of carambola CAUSAL AGENT Algal disease of carambola
production increases around the world and is caused by the alga, Cephaleuros virescens. It
new cultivars are introduced, it is logical to is the most important of a few algae that
assume that diseases will increase in impor- cause diseases on fruit and plantation crops
tance. Minor diseases that rarely impact in the tropics and subtropics (Joubert and
small or interplanted plots may become dam- Rijkenberg, 1971). It is described in Chapter 1.
aging as large monocultures of this crop are
established. Furthermore, as carambola’s EPIDEMIOLOGY Algal disease is found in
popularity increases, so too will the market- humid tropical and subtropical regions, and
place’s demand for high quality, blemish-free is most prevalent during the rainy season
fruit. Finally, the increased movement of and on plants with dense canopies. The
people and agricultural commodities across pathogen’s primary infective propagules are
international borders will undoubtedly result biflagelle zoospores that are dispersed by
in the movement of carambola pathogens water splash and wind. A wet, humid envi-
into new production areas. Although it is not ronment, and poor ventilation within the
possible to predict which will be important, it plant canopy are favourable for its establish-
is clear that some will cause problems when ment and spread (Manners, 1993).
they find a conducive niche.
MANAGEMENT Good plantation manage-
ment is the most effective means for control-
Foliar and Canopy Diseases ling the disease. Proper fertilization schemes,
good irrigation and pruning systems are
Leaf spots, and stem and branch diseases are needed to make conditions less favourable
usually not severe problems. Pink disease for the pathogen, and copper-based fungi-
potentially is the most debilitating of these cides can be used to control the disease in
problems. Many of the diseases that are severely affected plantations.
listed below can be serious during rainy
weather and when canopy management is
not practised. Cercospora leaf spots

Algal disease Cercospora leaf spots are common diseases

in warm, humid production areas. They
Algal disease is usually not a major problem, have been reported in Australia (Watson et
but can be damaging in unmanaged planti- al., 1988), Canary Islands (Galan-Sauco and
ngs where it reduces host photosynthesis Menini, 1991), Florida (McMillan, 1986;
and causes dieback of twigs and branches Campbell, 1989), India (Mukerji and Bhasin,
(Joubert and Rijkenberg, 1971). 1986) and Malaysia (Ting and Tai, 1971;
Ithnin et al., 1992). With the exception of
SYMPTOMS Algal disease is characterized Malaysia, they usually are not important
by the presence of orange, rust-coloured (Ting and Tai, 1971).
148 Sepiah et al.

SYMPTOMS Symptoms occur on both major damage, but severely affected

young and mature leaves of seedlings and branches may wilt and die, especially in
mature trees, and may also affect twigs, high-density plantations or in shaded areas.
branches and leaf petioles. Initially, they The disease occurs in areas with high rainfall
appear as tiny necrotic or chlorotic spots on and on plants that are more than 2 years old
leaflets. As they enlarge, they develop grey- and have dense canopies.
ish white centres, definite dark reddish
brown margins, and chlorotic haloes. Spots SYMPTOMS The most common and con-
may enlarge to 5 mm in diameter, and adja- spicuous symptoms of pink disease are
cent spots often coalesce to form large, irreg- patches of silky pale pink fungal growth that
ular lesions. Sporulation of the causal fungus develop along twigs, branches and trunks
is evident in lesion centres as dark masses, (see Plate 9). Under high humidity, mycelial
and heavily affected leaves become yellow threads of the pathogen rapidly form a thin,
and fall prematurely. rough, pink encrustation on the bark surface.
The pathogen penetrates the bark and wood,
CAUSAL AGENTS Cercospora leaf spot is eventually causing tissue to dry and crack.
caused by Cercospora averrhoae in Australia, Twigs and branches above the infected area
the Canary Islands, Florida and Malaysia may be killed.
(Ting and Tai, 1971; McMillan, 1986; Watson
et al., 1988; Campbell, 1989; Galan-Sauco and CAUSAL AGENT Erythricium salmonicolor
Menini, 1991; Ithnin et al., 1992), and C. welle- (anamorph: Necator decretus) causes pink dis-
siana in India (Mukerji and Bhasin, 1986). ease on many woody plants in the tropics
The pathogens are hyphomycetes that (Hawksworth et al., 1983). It is described in
produce conidia in the small greyish centres Chapter 1.
of old lesions on the lower leaf surface.
Conidiophores are unbranched, light brown EPIDEMIOLOGY During wet conditions, the
and two-celled, and conidia are 71–284 ⫻ pathogen forms basidiospores on
2.5–4.3 ␮m, hyaline, multiseptate (8–23), and white–pinkish hymenial layers. They are
straight to slightly curved with a truncate released and dispersed by rainsplash and
base and tapered apex (Ting and Tai, 1971). wind. The fungus can also spread through
contact with infected limbs, and wounded
EPIDEMIOLOGY Conidia are produced dur- plants are most susceptible.
ing periods of rainfall and high humidity,
and are dispersed by rainsplash, wind, MANAGEMENT Early detection of the dis-
insects and irrigation. Infection requires high ease is important. Affected branches should
moisture conditions, and under favourable be removed immediately and destroyed.
conditions can occur on successive new leaf Trees should be pruned regularly to provide
flushes. good air circulation and penetration of sun-
light in the canopy.
MANAGEMENT Certain cultivars, such as
‘B17’, are more susceptible to the disease, and
may suffer considerable defoliation. Less sus- Miscellaneous foliar and canopy diseases
ceptible cultivars should be considered in
conducive disease environments. Cercospora Leaf spots caused by Corynespora cassiicola,
leaf spot can be controlled with regular appli- Diplodia sp., Gloeosporium sp., Phomopsis sp.
cations of several different fungicides. and Phyllosticta sp. have been reported in
Florida and Guyana, but they are not impor-
tant (Campbell, 1989; Ramsammy, 1989).
Pink disease Leaf spots can also be caused by a bacterium,
Xanthomonas sp. In the Canary Islands,
Pink disease is a problem in Southeast Asia carambola trees can also be affected by
(Samson, 1992). It usually does not cause Rhizopus sp. (Galan-Sauco and Menini, 1991).
Diseases of Carambola 149

Fruit Diseases 35°C. Although penetration of the fruit sur-

face via lenticels can occur, it is greatest via
Diseases can occur on fruit during every wounds. Infections occur during all stages of
stage of development, but are most common fruit development, but usually remain latent
after harvest. Since they impact the quantity until fruit ripening begins.
and quality of the final product, they exert a
most important influence on the production MANAGEMENT Dead or dying plant mater-
of these fruit. ial should be removed from trees.
Several precautions are needed in order to Recommended fungicides should be applied
avoid disease problems and maintain the qual- regularly to trees and young fruit prior to
ity of fruit during storage and marketing bagging. Injury of fruit should be avoided
(Watson et al., 1988). Symptomatic fruit must during postharvest handling, and fruit
be discarded since some of these diseases can should be stored in a cool environment.
spread to healthy fruit during storage, and
fruit with physical damage should also be Anthracnose, fruit speckle, black spot and scab
rejected at the packing plant since wounding
enhances their development. Many of these Several different diseases on carambola fruit
diseases are latent, and thus are not evident are associated with species of Colletotrichum.
upon packing. Whenever possible, fruit should The most important, anthracnose, probably
be pre-cooled and stored at 5–10°C to reduce occurs in all countries that produce fruit. It is
the rate at which these diseases develop. present in Australia, the Canary Islands,
Florida, India, Southeast Asia and Taiwan
Alternaria black spot (brown spot) (Srivastava and Tandon, 1968; Rana and
Upadhyaya, 1971; Watson et al., 1988;
Alternaria black spot, which is also known as Campbell, 1989; Duan et al., 1991; Galan-
brown spot, has been reported in India and Sauco and Menini, 1991; Singh, 1992; Crane,
observed on stored fruit in Malaysia (Tandon 1993; Persley, 1993). It is usually a major
and Verma, 1964; Jain and Saksena, 1984; postharvest disease, but substantial losses
Singh, 1992; Sepiah, Malaysia, personal obser- can also occur prior to harvest.
vation). The disease can be an important Speckle, black spot and scab have been
problem during transit and storage of fruit. reported in Malaysia, and are the most
important fruit diseases in this country. They
SYMPTOMS Small, light brown or black cir- can appear at any stage of fruit develop-
cular spots develop on the fruit skin. Lesion ment, particularly during the rainy season,
centres are slightly sunken and, if the fruit and can result in serious losses if infection
are kept moist, olive–brown spores of the occurs early in development since fruit are
pathogen will develop. The spots are more then distorted. All cultivars are affected, but
limited, darker and firmer than those of ‘B17’ is particularly susceptible. Speckle also
anthracnose. The associated decay is firm affects leaves.
and does not penetrate deeper than 1 or
2 mm until later stages, when the flesh SYMPTOMS Anthracnose first appears on
becomes discoloured and partially softened. fruit as tiny, slightly sunken, light brown or
dark spots. These eventually expand and
CAUSAL AGENT Alternaria alternata is soften the flesh. Spots often coalesce to form
described in Chapter 1. large, irregular necrotic lesions (Plate 42).
Lesions may develop anywhere on the fruit
EPIDEMIOLOGY The pathogen colonizes surface, but often are associated with physi-
dead and dying plant material, and leaves cal damage on the ribs (Fig. 6.1).
and twigs are significant sources of inocu- When conditions are favourable, orange
lum. Conidia are dispersed by wind and masses of spores of the pathogen develop on
rainwater, and germinate between 4 and affected tissue. In storage, greyish white or
150 Sepiah et al.

Fig. 6.1. Anthracnose symptoms on a ‘Leng Bak’ carambola fruit. Anthracnose often develops on the outer
portions of the ribs of carambola fruit (photo: A.W. Cooke).

dark mycelium may develop, especially at On leaves, speckle appears as numerous

temperatures above 15°C. During extended tiny pinkish red or red spots on the lower
storage, the entire fruit surface may be cov- surface. Where spots are concentrated, the
ered with mycelium and become rough due symptoms also appear on the upper surface
to the formation of dark fruiting bodies that of the leaf as irregular reddish spots sur-
produce pinkish or whitish conidia. rounded by yellowing tissue. In severe cases,
Oval to irregular brown anthracnose leaves yellow and abscise.
lesions of variable sizes can also develop on Black spot appears as dark, irregular, dry
leaves. They may be at the tip, margin or the spots on mature or ripening fruit. Only a few
midrib of the leaf, and they enlarge and coa- layers of surface cells are affected. Spots may
lesce under moist conditions. Young leaves be up to 5 mm in diameter and do not
are more susceptible than older leaves. increase in size after harvest.
Speckle appears on fruit as tiny brown to Scab causes raised, light brown, irregular
dark brown spots that can develop soon after patches that contain numerous tiny dark
fruit set and eventually reach 1 mm in diam- brown spots. They develop on any part of
eter (Fig. 6.2). The spots are composed of the fruit, and in severe cases enlarge to cover
dark brown masses of fungal mycelium that the entire fruit. Young fruit crack and their
can be removed from the fruit skin without development is distorted. Scab develops
leaving a visible indication of infection until when speckle is severe.
a few hours after harvest. Thereafter, spots
cannot be removed and the surrounding tis- CAUSAL AGENTS Glomerella cingulata (ana-
sue turns light brown. These symptoms do morph: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) is the
not develop further. major cause of anthracnose. C. acutatum also

Fig. 6.2. Speckle symptoms on a carambola fruit (photo: Sepiah).

Diseases of Carambola 151

causes anthracnose in Australia (Persley, ing the wet season. Pruning dead twigs and
1993). Both are described in Chapter 1. In branches, and removing dead leaves and
Malaysia, postharvest anthracnose on fruits infected fruit helps reduce inoculum levels in
of ‘B2’ and ‘B10’ is due to C. gloeosporioides, the canopy. Several systemic and non-sys-
whereas that on ‘B17’ is caused mainly by C. temic fungicides control anthracnose, but the
crassipes and C. gloeosporioides, and less fre- timing and frequency of application are criti-
quently by C. acutatum and C. capsici (Sepiah, cal. They should begin shortly before fruit
Malaysia, personal observations). are either set or bagged, and subsequent
The pathogens that are associated with applications should be made to reduce pre-
speckle, black spot and scab on carambola and postharvest disease on fruit. Careful
fruit are C. crassipes and C. gloeosporioides. handling of fruit to minimize injury, storing
fruit at 5°C, and avoiding long storage peri-
EPIDEMIOLOGY Conidia of the pathogens ods are also helpful.
are produced on dead stems, twigs, branches,
leaves, flowers and fruits, and are dissemi-
nated by wind, rainsplash and insects. Aspergillus fruit rot
Optimum conidium germination and appres-
sorium formation for C. gloeosporioides occurs, Aspergillus fruit rot is a minor disease that
respectively, between 16 and 36°C and 16 and occurs during storage. The disease has been
24°C. Infection occurs on most aboveground observed in Florida and Malaysia (Alfieri et
tissues of the host, and requires free mois- al., 1994; Sepiah, Malaysia, personal observa-
ture. In water, conidia form germ tubes tion). Symptoms appear initially as a discol-
within 6–8 h and appressoria within 10 h. oration and softening of fruit tissue, and
Infection pegs are formed beneath appresso- lesions are almost circular, enlarge slowly,
ria, and wounding is not required. and may be covered with white mycelium
In Taiwan, Duan et al. (1991) reported that and dark coloured conidia of the pathogen,
the primary inoculum of C. gloeosporioides for Aspergillus niger. A. niger is a cosmopolitan
fruit infection was conidia that were pro- fungus with significant saprophytic capabili-
duced on fruit lesions. Several scenarios are ties. It is described in Chapter 1. Its conidia
possible. Conidia may germinate to produce are dispersed by wind, rainwater and
small, dark brown colonies of mycelia that insects. During storage and transit, the fun-
are superficial and removed easily by hand. gus enters the flesh via wounds. Applying
Conidia can also infect, grow inside and kill fungicides in the plantation can reduce
epidermal cells soon after germination to inoculum, and careful handling of fruit to
form tiny brown spots, or may damage big- minimize injury, and storage at 5–15°C
ger areas and deeper layers of fruit tissue to reduces the occurrence of the disease.
form black spots. If lesions are dry and no
fungal structures appear on the surface, they
may not expand until after harvest. Most Black rot
commonly, fruit are infected in a latent fash-
ion; these infections remain quiescent on Black rot occurs on fruit during storage. It
fruit for months and cause perceptible dam- can cause significant damage in India
age only after ripening begins. Postharvest (Subramanian and Rao, 1981), but is unim-
anthracnose can be severe and develops portant in Malaysia (Sepiah, Malaysia, per-
mainly during long storage periods or on sonal observation). Initially, lesions are small,
fruit that is overripe. Fruit-to-fruit spread dark brown and dry. As they enlarge, they
after harvest probably is uncommon. become black, slightly sunken and irregular
in shape. Small, black pycnidia of the
MANAGEMENT To protect fruit, effective pathogen, Phoma averrhoae, form at the centre
control measures must be initiated during of lesions (Subramanian and Roa, 1981).
flowering and fruit development. Good Lesions may develop slowly in green fruit or
plantation hygiene should be practised dur- remain latent until fruit ripening. The fungus
152 Sepiah et al.

survives on branches, twigs and leaves of the larly and all dead materials in the canopy
plant, and releases conidia from pycnidia removed. Fruit should be stored between 5
during rain. Good ventilation within the and 15°C and handled carefully to avoid
plant canopy should be maintained, and damage.
fungicides should be applied when needed.
Ceratocystis fruit rot (black rot)
Diplodia rot
Ceratocystis fruit rot is also known as black
Diplodia rot causes serious damage to fruit rot. To avoid confusion with the disease that
during storage and transit. The disease has is caused by Phoma averrhoae, the former
been reported in Australia, Florida and India name will be used in this chapter.
(Mukerji and Bhasin, 1986; Watson et al., Ceratocystis fruit rot is usually a postharvest
1988; Singh, 1992; Alfieri et al., 1994) and on problem, and can occur in the field if fruit are
fruit imported into Britain (Snowdon, 1990). wounded or overripe. The disease occurs in
It is common on fruit of ‘B17’ in Malaysia. Malaysia and Queensland, and is usually a
Symptoms begin as light brown lesions minor problem (Watson et al., 1988; Sepiah,
that enlarge relatively quickly, especially Malaysia, personal observation).
above 20°C. Infected tissue becomes dark, Initial, water-soaked lesions enlarge
soft and watery, and covered with dark grey- rapidly and turn greyish black. The entire
ish mycelium of the pathogen, Diplodia theo- fruit can become soft and watery, and dark
bromae (Fig. 6.3). Pycnidia that exude tendrils coloured mycelium and chlamydospores of
of white conidia are produced eventually on the causal fungus, Ceratocystis paradoxa
the fruit surface. The teleomorph of the fun- (anamorph: Chalara paradoxa), form on the
gus, Botryosphaeria rhodina, has not been fruit surface. The pathogen is described in
reported on this host. The pathogen is Chapter 1 (Fig. 1.1). It survives as chlamy-
described in Chapter 1 (Fig. 1.1). dospores on plant debris in the plantation.
Rainwater and insects disperse conidia Conidia are splashed on to fruit by rain, and
and mycelium to new infection sites. The infection of fruit may occur before, during
pathogen grows on fruit surfaces and infects and after harvest via wounds.
via wounds that occur during handling, or at Fruit damage should be avoided at all
the stem or stylar end. The entire fruit can be stages of development. Regular applications
rotted within 2–3 days at 25–30°C. Diplodia of fungicides, and pruning and removing
rot can be reduced by regular applications of plant residues from the plantation are benefi-
fungicides, particularly before young fruit cial. Fruit should be stored between 5 and
are bagged. Plants should be pruned regu- 10°C.

Fig. 6.3. Diplodia rot on a carambola fruit. Note hyphae of causal fungus on portions of the lesion surface
(photo: Sepiah).
Diseases of Carambola 153

Cladosporium spot

Cladosporium spot occurs on fruit before

and after harvest. It is present in India and
Malaysia (Sharma and Khan, 1978; Jain and
Saksena, 1984; Campbell, 1989; Singh, 1992;
Sepiah, Malaysia, personal observation). The
disease is most important during posthar-
vest storage, especially on fruit stored
between 5 and 15°C. In Malaysia, the fruit of
‘B 17’ are most susceptible.

SYMPTOMS Tiny watery spots form on the

fruit surface, and masses of greyish brown Fig. 6.4. Conidia and conidiophores of
mycelium may develop at their centre. Cladosporium cladosporioides (from Ellis, 1971).
Symptoms are most common at the stem end
of fruit. long, and bear golden brown conidia,
5.5–13 ⫻ 3.8–6.0 ␮m, that are usually single-
CAUSAL AGENTS Cladosporium cladospori- celled (Fig. 6.5).
oides (Jain and Saksena, 1984; Snowdon,
1990) and C. herbarum (Sharma and Khan, EPIDEMIOLOGY The pathogens are cos-
1978; Singh, 1992) cause this disease. On mopolitan colonists of plant surfaces and lit-
fruit, growth of the fungi is limited to just a ter. They normally grow as saprophytes.
few millimetres, and small masses of conid- Their conidia are common on live and dead
iophores and conidia are often formed on the plants and other organic materials, and are
spots. Conidiophores are olivaceous brown dispersed to other fruits by wind, rainwater
and bear conidia from the upper to middle or insects.
portion (Domsch et al., 1980). Those of C. cla- Cladosporium spot is more common dur-
dosporioides are 2–6 ␮m wide and up to ing the rainy season, and it can reduce the
350 ␮m long (although usually much quality of fruit in storage, especially between
shorter), and bare ellipsoid, single-celled, oli- 5 and 15°C. At higher storage temperatures,
vaceous brown conidia that are 3–7 ⫻ diseases that are caused by D. theobromae,
2–4 ␮m (Fig. 6.4). Conidiophores of C. Colletotrichum spp. and Phomopsis sp. are more
herbarum are 3–6 ␮m wide and up to 250 ␮m prevalent due to their faster growth rates.

Fig. 6.5. Conidia and conidiophores of Cladosporium herbarum (from Ellis, 1971).
154 Sepiah et al.

MANAGEMENT Cladosporium fruit disease Strategic pruning after flowering, to force new
can be controlled with good plantation man- growth, may also reduce postharvest losses.
agement and by avoiding prolonged cold

Dothiorella rot This is a relatively unimportant fruit disease

in Florida; apparently, it has not been
Symptoms of this disease appear as fruit reported previously on carambola (R.C.
ripen. A brown soft decay starts usually at Ploetz, UF, personal observation). The most
the stem end (Plate 43), but may also conspicuous symptoms of flyspeck are small
develop on other portions of the fruit sur- black dots that are formed in roughly circu-
face that have been injured. As the disease lar patterns on the fruit surface; they resem-
spreads, fruit collapse and may split open. A ble marks made by flies (Plate 44). They are
straw-coloured fluid drains from the stem superficial, and can be rubbed off. The dis-
end or from splits in the side of the fruit, ease is often found in association with sooty
and steel-grey mycelium of the causal fun- blotch, but is far less common.
gus, Dothiorella sp., may cover the surface of Flyspeck is caused by the ascomycete,
the fruit. The pathogen may spread from Schizothyrium pomi (anamorph: Zygophiala
diseased to healthy fruit by physical contact, jamaicensis). It has a wide host range, includ-
and flesh of affected fruit has an ‘off ’ ing apple, carnation and many other temper-
flavour. ate and tropical hosts. Baker et al. (1977)
Pre-harvest sprays for anthracnose control indicated that although the epithet
may reduce the incidence of this disease. The Leptothyrium pomi was often used when
disease is less prevalent in young plantations reporting the flyspeck agent, this fungus has
where leaf litter and prunings have not accu- not been demonstrated to be a part of the fly-
mulated. Water stress during fruit develop- speck disease cycle.
ment and maturation should be avoided, and On the fruit surface, S. pomi forms minute
immature fruit should not be harvested. pseudothecia (flyspecks) and sparse net-
Harvested fruit should not be ‘bled’ on the soil works of interconnecting dark hyphae that
surface, since this can be a source of infection. produce undulating conidiophores ~20 ␮m
Fruit should be cooled and stored in well-ven- in length (Fig. 6.6). Each conidiophore pro-
tilated containers immediately after harvest. duces a pair of two-celled conidia.

Fig. 6.6. Conidia and conidiophores of Zygophiala jamaicensis, anamorph of Schizothyrium pomi (from
Ellis, 1971).
Diseases of Carambola 155

The disease is observed during warm, oval, slightly greenish or bluish conidia, that
wet periods. Specific control measures for it are 3.0–3.5 ␮m in diameter and are formed in
are not indicated. chains on 400 ␮m long conidiophores (Fig.
6.7) (Domsch et al., 1980). In culture, the fun-
gus produces a fruity odour that is reminis-
Fusarium fruit rot cent of apples.

Fusarium fruit rot has been observed infre- EPIDEMIOLOGY The fungus occurs com-
quently on stored fruit of ‘B17’ in Malaysia monly on plants, and in air and soil, and
(Sepiah, Malaysia, personal observation). The saprophytically colonizes dead and dying
disease is caused by Fusarium pallidoroseum plant materials. Conidia are released and
and F. moniliformae (Fig. 4.28). It causes a soft- dispersed by wind and rainwater. In wet,
ening and darkening of fruit tissue. Lesions warm weather, the fungus may penetrate
up to 15 mm in diameter develop in fruit fruit tissue and form spots, or it remains
grooves or on wounded areas. Pinkish white latent until conditions are favourable.
or yellowish mycelium of the causal fungi is Infection may also occur via wounds that
always present on lesions. The pathogens occur during harvesting and handling.
usually survive as saprophytes in the field on
leaves, branches and fruits. They produce MANAGEMENT Inoculum of the pathogen
micro- and macroconidia on dead or live should be reduced by pruning trees, and by
plant materials, which are dispersed by rain- applying recommended fungicides on a reg-
water. The fungi grow on the fruit surface, ular basis. Treating young fruit with fungi-
and infection is increased on wounded fruit. cides before they are bagged is also effective.
Fusarium fruit rot can be controlled with reg- Wounding and prolonged storage of fruit
ular applications of fungicides, especially should be avoided.
before fruit are bagged. Plants that have a
dense canopy should be pruned.
Pestalotiopsis rot

Penicillium spot Pestalotiopsis rot occurs during storage. It

affects fruit of ‘B17’ in Malaysia, and only
Penicillium spot occurs on fruit of ‘B17’ in rarely causes serious losses (Sepiah,
Malaysia (Sepiah, Malaysia, personal observa- Malaysia, personal observation).
tion). It develops before and after harvest, but Initially, light brown, circular lesions
is not important until fruit are stored. The dis- enlarge up to 2 cm in diameter and soften.
ease can cause substantial losses, particularly White mycelium of the pathogen,
when fruit are harvested in the rainy season Pestalotiopsis guipini, covers lesions and even-
and kept for long periods at 5–15°C. tually produces dark masses of conidia. It is
a weak pathogen that usually requires
SYMPTOMS In the field, tiny dark, dry wounding in order to infect carambola.
spots, up to 1 mm in diameter, appear on the The disease is controlled with regular
fruit surface. They usually do not enlarge applications of fungicides, by pruning trees
until storage. In storage, lesions may expand and removing the debris from the plantation,
or be initiated at new sites. Lesions can and by storing fruit at 5–10°C.
develop at any place on the fruit surface, and
begin as tiny, pale brown spots that become
darker and increase slowly up to 2 mm in Phomopsis rot
diameter as time in storage increases. The
pathogen often produces whitish mycelium Phomopsis sp. causes leaf and fruit diseases of
on spots that turns bluish as conidia form. carambola. Phomopsis rot of fruit is most
important, particularly after harvest. It can
CAUSAL AGENT Penicillium expansum causes cause substantial damage during storage
Penicillium spot. It produces spherical to and transit, and is present in Australia,
156 Sepiah et al.

Fig. 6.7. (A) Czapek agar culture after 2 weeks at 25°C, (B) malt agar culture after 2 weeks at 25°C, (C)
scanning electron micrograph of conidial head and (D) conidium of Penicillium expansum (from CMI
descriptions nos 97 and 1258).

Florida, India and Malaysia (Mukerji and dia that are ovate or ellipsoidal, and ␤-coni-
Bhasin, 1986; Watson et al., 1988; Campbell, dia that are long, filamentous and sickle
1989; Singh, 1992; Sepiah, Malaysia, personal shaped (Sutton, 1982). Conidiophores are
observation). simple, and pycnidia are dark, ostiolate,
immersed, erumpent and nearly globose.
SYMPTOMS Phomopsis rot may occur
while fruit are still in the field, or during EPIDEMIOLOGY Pycnidia are formed on
transit or storage. Symptoms usually dead parts of the plant. They ooze conidia in
develop near the stem and stylar ends of tendrils that are dispersed by splashing
fruit (Plate 45), but also occur on wounded water, and can also be spread by insects.
areas, particularly on the ribs. Affected areas Wounding enhances infection, and growth of
become discoloured, soft and watery. the pathogen during storage is promoted
Depending on the strain of the pathogen, the above 20°C.
whole fruit can be affected within a few days
at temperatures higher than 20°C. Greyish or MANAGEMENT Precautions are needed
yellowish white mycelium of the pathogen when wet weather follows a dry season,
often grows on affected tissue, and produces since stressed plants are more prone to
black pycnidia that release yellowish masses growth cracks. It is also important to treat
of conidia. young fruit with recommended fungicides
before bagging. Harvested fruit should be
CAUSAL AGENT A coelomycete, Phomopsis handled properly to avoid unnecessary
sp., causes Phomopsis rot. It produces two wounding, and should be stored at a low
types of hyaline conidia in pycnidia, ␣-coni- temperature as soon as possible.
Diseases of Carambola 157

Sooty blotch subsequently that this problem was related to

sooty blotch of apple (Ploetz et al., 1995).
Sooty blotch can be an important problem. Johnson et al. (1996, 1997) recently deter-
Severely affected fruit are unsightly and are mined that sooty blotch of apple is a disease
either downgraded at the packing plant or complex. They associated a ramose symptom
require cleaning before they can be sold. with either Geastrumia polystigmatis or
This disorder has been confused with Peltaster fructicola, a fuliginous symptom with
sooty mould, a distinctly different problem, Leptodontium elatius, and a punctate symptom
in at least two producing areas. A recent with a fungus that resembled, but was dis-
illustration and description of ‘sooty blotch’ tinct from, P. fructicola. Preliminary work
in Malaysia was clearly of sooty mould, and indicates that the most prevalent symptom
in Florida the problem was reported initially on carambola in Florida is of the ramose type
as sooty mould (Campbell, 1989; Crane, (Ploetz et al., 2000). These symptoms are very
1992). The problem in Florida is now recog- similar to the ramose symptoms on apple, as
nized as sooty blotch due to its distinct are the cultural appearances of P. fructicola
symptoms and the absence of insect associa- and ‘Peltaster sp.’ (carambola). However, they
tions that are needed for sooty mould devel- differ in the dimensions of their brown pyc-
opment (Ploetz et al., 1995). In Queensland, nothyria (81–113 ␮m versus 35–64 ␮m,
Watson et al. (1988) reported ‘a surface respectively) and single-celled conidia (4–6 ⫻
mould’ on fruit that could be rubbed off and 2 ␮m versus 1.5–2 ⫻ 3.2–4.8 ␮m, respec-
was not associated with insect feeding. tively), and DNA restriction fragment length
Thus, sooty blotch may also occur in polymorphisms (RFLPs) (Ploetz et al., 2000; S.
Australia. Williamson, personal communication).

SYMPTOMS In general, symptoms appear EPIDEMIOLOGY In Florida, symptoms begin

on the fruit and leaf surface as smoky grey to during the summer rainy season, and moist
black, irregular splotches of varying inten- microclimates appear to favour sooty blotch
sity (Plate 44). They are finely webbed net- development (Ploetz et al., 2000). The dis-
works of hyphae of the causal fungi, are ease’s latent period was estimated to range
usually superficial, and in severe cases cover between 41 and 53 days.
>50% of the fruit surface. They possess
diverse microscopic, hyphal morphologies MANAGEMENT Variation in the susceptibil-
that presumably relate to the complex aetiol- ity of fruit of different cultivars has been
ogy of the disease (Ploetz et al., 2000). Most noted in different locations. In Australia,
often, they are aborescent and fernlike with ‘B8’, ‘B10’, ‘B16’ and ‘Fwang Tung’ were
few plectenchymal bodies; the latter mature reported to be susceptible during some sea-
to become pycnothyria. sons, but not others, whereas ‘Arkin’ was not
affected (Watson et al., 1988). In contrast,
CAUSAL AGENT The cause of this disorder is ‘Arkin’ is severely affected in Florida (Ploetz
somewhat confused. Although Watson et al. et al., 2000).
(1988) clearly described sooty blotch in Canopy size and density should be man-
Australia, they mentioned no causal agent. In aged to increase airflow and the rate of evap-
Florida, Leptothyrium sp. was cited originally oration. Likewise, when new plantations are
(Campbell, 1989; Crane, 1992) (this genus had planted, an E–W, rather than a N–S, row ori-
been associated erroneously with flyspeck in entation should be considered. In Florida,
the past, but not sooty blotch (Baker et al., ferbam, and less so copper fungicides, are
(1977)). Leptothyrium sp. was later recovered somewhat effective. Superior control in the
from a leafspot of an Averrhoa species other field will probably depend upon an inte-
than carambola (not specified) (Alfieri et al., grated approach that utilizes fungicides and
1994), and Microthyrium sp. was indicted as the cultural information above. After har-
the cause of the fruit blemish (G. Simone, vest, severely affected fruit must be washed
personal communication). It was determined with dilute bleach.
158 Sepiah et al.

Sooty mould low-lying areas and when infected trees are

planted in the field (Ploetz et al., 1991a).
Sooty mould is usually not a major problem
(Sepiah, Malaysia, personal observation). It SYMPTOMS Aboveground symptoms of
appears as light brown to dark blotches or this disease include a general sparseness of
encrustations on leaves and twigs. On fruit, the canopy, which is smaller than that of
the stem end is affected most often. The healthy trees of a similar age. Foliage often
causal fungi do not penetrate the host and displays symptoms of nutritional deficien-
can be removed by hand. cies, especially iron and manganese, and,
The disease is caused by dark coloured, during periods of water stress, wilts.
saprophytic fungi. They grow on plant sur- Root systems can be dramatically reduced
faces in the presence of honeydew of ants, in size and mechanical strength to the extent
aphids, mealybugs and scale insects. The that badly affected trees can be pulled from
fungi produce spores on these substrates that the ground by hand. The pathogen kills api-
are spread by rain and insects. The disease cal portions of roots, especially in the region
does not spread during storage. Systematic of the root cap.
pruning to provide good ventilation and
CAUSAL AGENTS The oomycetes, Pythium
reduce humidity within the canopy is helpful,
splendens, and, to a lesser extent, P. ultimum
but the most effective means by which this
var. ultimum cause Pythium root rot. They
problem is overcome is to apply recommended
produce coenocytic hyphae and have very
insecticides, especially before fruit are bagged.
wide host ranges (van der Plaats-Niterink,
Unlike most members of this genus, P.
Miscellaneous fruit diseases
splendens does not produce sporangia or
zoospores (van der Plaats-Niterink, 1981). It
Botryosphaeria ribis causes an uncommon produces globose, hyphal swellings,
postharvest fruit rot in Malaysia (Fig. 3.4) 25–49 ␮m in diameter, which are usually ter-
(Sepiah, Malaysia, personal observation). minal and germinate with one to six germ
Khuskia oryzae (anamorph: Nigrospora oryzae) tubes (Fig. 6.8). Although homothallic strains
(Fig. 4.20) has been reported to cause are known, the fungus is primarily het-
postharvest disease of carambola in India erothallic and requires complementary
(Jain and Saksena, 1984). In Malaysia, strains to form oogonia. Antheridia are dicli-
Rhizopus sp. damages fruit during storage, nous and usually terminal, and one to eight
but is not common. In Florida, a fruit rot form per terminal or intercalary oogonia.
caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas sp. has Oospores are aplerotic, 20–33 (25) ␮m in
been reported (Alfieri et al., 1994). diameter, with 1–3 ␮m thick walls. Its cardi-
nal temperatures for growth are 5, 25 and
34°C. Sporangia are not produced.
Root Diseases
P. ultimum var. ultimum produces sporan-
gia and zoospores infrequently. Hyphal
Root disease can kill trees, but is most often
swellings are globose, 20–29 ␮m in diameter,
responsible for reducing vigour of the caram-
and usually intercalary. Oogonia are smooth,
bola host. In many cases, these diseases are
globose, 14–25 (21.5) ␮m in diameter, usually
inconspicuous and may not be recognized
terminal, each with one to three mostly mon-
unless roots are excavated. To avoid these
oclinous antheridia. Oospores are aplerotic,
problems, it is imperative that clean nursery globose, 12–21 (18) ␮m in diameter, and have
stock and non-infested planting sites be used. cell walls of 2 ␮m or more in thickness. Its
cardinal temperatures for growth are 5,
25–30 and 35°C.
Pythium root rot
EPIDEMIOLOGY P. splendens is an oppor-
This can be a serious problem in Florida in tunistic pathogen that causes its greatest
Diseases of Carambola 159

Fig. 6.8. (A) Globose hyphal swellings and (B) an oospore of Pythium splendens (from CMI description
no. 120).

damage during cool weather that does not SYMPTOMS The primary symptom of
favour the carambola host. In controlled tem- white root disease is rot of the major roots
perature studies, Ploetz (2003) demonstrated that is covered with white rhizomorphs of
that it caused its greatest root damage and the pathogen (Nandris et al., 1987). Affected
reduction in canopy growth on carambola at trees wilt, yellow, defoliate prematurely, and
15 and 20°C, far below the pathogen’s opti- eventually die.
mum temperature for growth (Fig. 6.9).
Nutritional deficiencies that were induced by CAUSAL AGENT Rigidiporus lignosus, the
the pathogen were eliminated by either treat- basidiomycete that causes white root dis-
ing soil with metalaxyl or by pasteurizing ease, is a common soil inhabitant in the
soil (Ploetz, 1991b). humid tropics of Africa and Asia (Holliday,
1980). It is described in Chapter 1.
MANAGEMENT Disease-free nursery stock
and non-infested planting sites should be EPIDEMIOLOGY Previously colonized stumps
utilized whenever possible. Low-lying areas and infected woody debris of rubber and
should also be avoided. Although metalaxyl other hosts are primary sources of inoculum.
controlled the disease in pot studies, its effi- Orange–yellow, bracket-like sporophores are
cacy on mature, bearing trees in the field has produced during the rainy season on the root
not been demonstrated (Ploetz, 1991b; R.C. collar, trunk or exposed roots. Basidiospores
Ploetz, USA, personal observation). produced by these sporophores are viable, but
are thought to play a secondary role in dis-
seminating the disease. Rhizomorphs are
more significant, since they grow rapidly and
White root disease can advance great distances in soil in the
absence of woody substrates.
White root disease of carambola has been
reported in Malaysia, where it is a minor MANAGEMENT Colonized woody debris
problem (Ithnin et al., 1992). It occurs in lim- should be eliminated when new plantations
ited areas of a plantation, and appears to be are established. Affected trees in pre-existing
related to the plantation’s history. The dis- plantations should be removed and
ease occurs where rubber (Ithnin et al., 1992) destroyed, and the soil in the surrounding
and cassava (B.S. Lee, Kuala Lumpur, 1998, area treated with suitable fungicides (Tan
personal communication) were grown previ- and Hashim, 1992; Lam and Chew, 1993;
ously. Jayasinghe et al., 1995).
160 Sepiah et al.

Fig. 6.9. Influence of Pythium root rot and temperature on ‘Golden Star’ carambola seedlings. Seedlings on
the left were grown in soil infested with Pythium splendens and those on the right were grown in pathogen-
free soil. Note the smaller root systems and canopies of seedlings from infested soil and the interaction of
low temperatures (15 and 20°C) and root rot on plant size (photo: R.C. Ploetz).

Miscellaneous root diseases Collar rot, caused by D. theobromae, has been

seen on carambola in Malaysia, and causes
Phytophthora citrophthora, P. nicotianae and wilting and plant death (B.S. Lee, Kuala
Rhizoctonia solani cause root rots of caram- Lumpur, 1998, personal communication). All
bola in the field (Ho, 1983; Alfieri et al., 1994). but R. solani are described in Chapter 1.


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