Question Paers DCE25052017

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‘arte eertteror efter Femrat - 2015 an daa, ater od career (tt Gere) waft 3; ee gw am : 100 fader: 1. wave A ga 7 wea wes 4 TS El wat we Heard Bi 2. walt weal Sousa & fore fruifta sie sore Era fev are FI 3. Fete wear & somal & seat seae-giteer Fue gf ere ot feat 4. seregitaer # Reet st gen at ogarr Reg a mend Te AGT aawAIe Sar fruits earet oe gf fered 5. apt at weat # req efter einige 8, Feet Wart eT ane BI 6. seat qfeaar A ere wre ae yes F anat wt Faeea: are a) wea 1, farrafetaa sate ar ar us erg erect & fee wer soqea aide 31 (40 stm) artery at & aye, wedt oar aornt Serer A fear A sont aa acat A we age & agcaget war ape sith aega aration tone at Aiea (AaIT) aT aK Pea rat 81 ae we Ageaaiah vise 8. ag art ahaa agt afee sa aft coffee & far argh andl at 8 at doom Ter wigd FATE SH ae aio FA AeTaT wT ara F fe eg faera & ach art & ure gt Pear & ave at sq Sth Tw ager ore st anit ae gat dita Fi ew shee wT eae A caer Ae avi Nah we ae FE aI ag zis waht ator eat a1 ste 2008 & any Hf wet 8) ater wets anior cian & aa @ ea us aves weer at at A 100 Ral aT tom oes A HT apt after ad $1 ug aise apue one A ane Set t our seh fae dene ae aoe 3 ya Prem oar $1 ge shor St ow set peat fear age fe aT F eT sreee tame #33 gfe amt aftatat et sveer Suet Bose dhe & aint deere & Ae aphor aftarc ar wg af geyR ER ARENT aT dea A aflfre a faites area ay waaT Fo sit acer Soha at weet 81 oe Gere wes & ae oer at ate arg ont axct $1 ae sie ard eqew waren arate caterer & 15 Bet sae aan ag feat ort oe ATER fruits at Aone sea wart Pee ore wr wees #1 art amieca: aie #5 feeteey & stay svar aren oar & seaer 10 vfeert sifaitea saath ta eet BI wat att ator at aifeert war ae oT TB) ae aie a dae woh GT hont qo ae a agerph afer faa wht afew staafeaat er yor st at att ante ai A tame & geet St soncua St aeit ast a way aT vara eA EI gad ote aw Gf aa Sore otk etaen A gif steer & wae cater ear a mage att _ fit, aah agi & as Peat Gat A ar ara & Pee She waht aa at at daw a) ay earnfes & ¢ fe wie et deere ava ot Sa at grace 4 fe one at er Tee Ft ore! ag tam gat shear F wife & srt gear fraeaae agat Sat F fae ore at ator ast a feera et Aer feat on wear Bi afer wat Sah wider caer sh Hieaface att sserax a aft + Ue ore, gee fae are aur Fedde dent ag ae & cart ae ett) aetar A ofralecar sity secre sy dat & fae amie aa vhet & far quer & after ar soir agceqct afar fer Te a staat A ovaifar oer sartdt ert art & fre annfae dar shen apeaet b) aie weer ste were a ae wind # aera athe ty water A he aeeren & Jayae & Paw ant & aqen waht ordardt ft aera Baa Hater sheet ator araat steal A aa oor Aare ata A oneiiet war Saeed orem Sea & fat atte San areal wd sachs ar sede at GT 1 anter fears saree gant festa eieeday aettnaive cer eRe Faye Pa gern daria ote Frade vate wort (Srewcaca) & arate S tieen # onefte ae wr ae vant fra 7a #1 fray aero ait weds Vor ARE atsaT ede ga ato tose tory Be arema & aoe franco Mt heen A aera yess Bl a aE Ma we one fpanieaa & or ae at aeteraeen H weer et qo gta ger ah She aero at ay a ot aaah) wat 2, wasrgumem, ote dar atenitat & faw siafte sam wher ste fer wz at age er vanngs srieat a7 steer He Ter 8) ardwA overt, Hiert } aT arte ey ga Sta vier afer 290,000 /- & war apa dade & areae S Ree, wr we oF wy, wieree at fea stm area feiss ores & waht sae Fw yer dar fadraqeT sar Renee Geet cada wi st sifee ser anise & fae mea fe ae aiftteat st amniagast act & fire wa erate ara PARTE] (20.30%) weet 3, fareafetirs aged or ah ere eet gu sera reat A watt we (25-10 3) ® awa at woop par (@) secte dre or aay Ba ™ m ® arigen eer era aie aver Hee AT QRT wen 4, freafaftra FW cede & fare at cated ez fra (1x5=5 ate) ®*) @ (™) ™) ® ay arene Ta ate Bl wea 5. frenfefte creat at ape ae ga: fed) (1x10-10 3%) ® ey ™ a ® @ ® = a ™ warn wen te Sagat erie at are war ay og fare F 2 ea ATT aT wat? after? sated et gent ai Breer Peal sear Bits Grater gat ser ett aTAeT ‘Berea ariel ar ter war sae TT! TeqR iieaai ato wife a tH ae aaa ca ort arr fet) ‘Sia at UT TT! We ae ape fi cea 6. farafefta ao Regt gia weg aagi & Fema oe waewe sree fe) (115-5 3m) (#) ot wth way (@) fern weet afta et ™ a & ae ae ®) aS ean & the at & iw ae et oar (a ot Rag te sat 7. frrafatara sh erect & seqer fied cate fered (1x10=10 3735) () Account (@) Income tax {M Non transferable (@) Under mentioned (Copy enclosed (@) Proposal (8) Grant {Order (advice (3) Detalfed inquiry DEPARTMENTAL CONFIRMATORY EXAMINATION DECEMBER. 2015, Précis, Draft & Grammar (Without Books) Timer 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100 (This question paper contains 3 pages and has 7 questions.) Instructions: There are total 7 questions. All questions are to be attempted. The marks carried by a question/part are indicated against them. All parts of a question shall be attempted together in the answer book, Making any identification mark in the answer book or writing the roll number at other than specified places is not permitted. 5. Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to and if answered in much longer or shorter than the prescribed length, marks may be deducted, 6. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer booklet may be struck off. Bere Q. No. 1 Write a précis of the following pessage reducing to about one third of its original length and suggest a suitable title. {40 Marks) One of the major steps taken towards the elimination of hunger, poverty and unemployment: from rural areas is the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGA). It is an extraordinarily ambitious scheme, tt’s not only a scheme but a guarantee to “right to work" for all Such persons who seek out employment. The government's scheme is based on the belief that the benefits of the development shoul reach those who are still deprived of it and it will further accelerate the national growth. it also aims to beat the rural unemployment. The scheme was launched on 1" Apri, 2008 for ail the rural areas. It aims to ensure livelihood security in rural areas by groviding at least 100 days of wage employment in a financial year to every rural household whose adult members volunteer to perform unskilled manual work. This scheme further ascertains that the statutory minimum wage Is paid. Another significant feature of the Act is the mandatory requirement to provide at least 33 percent of MNREGA employment to women. Under this scheme, any interested adult member of a household, orally ac in writing, may get registered in Gram Panchayat. Gram Panchayat issues a job card to the household after appropriate verification. The job card Is issued free of cost. in case, employment is not given within the period of 15 days of registration, government provides unemployment allowance at fixed rate. Further, if the worksite is more than 5 km away from the village, one is entitled for the subsistence allowance of 10 percent of the minimum wage MINREGA is considered as one of the most radical schemes. The scheme is not only playing a key role in eliminating poverty and unemployment, tut also creating assets. Grawing employment opportunities in rural areas resulted in control over migration of rural labour, The same was confirmed when landlords in Punjab and Haryana could not get sufficient labour for thelr farms. They were willing 1 to pay higher wages during the crop season. It is quite natural one never wants to migrate if employment is avaitable in vicinity. MNREGA is revolutionary in its objectives. If the scheme is implemented efficiently, it can accelerate the development in rural areas. The Central and State Governments as well as Note Government Organizations (NGOs) are coming forward to prevent irregularities and corruption in MINREGA, right to Information is playing a very significant role in social audit. Social audit very cruclal for maintaining transparency and fixing responsibility, In this context Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh are among the most active states. To attain and mariage the planned objectives at MINREGA, urgent action is required to eradicate corruption. Ministry is implementing modern techniques of information technology and broadcasting for transparency and accountability. By interfacing the MNREGASc, 2 software developed by Ministry of Rural Development and Public Financial Management System (PFMS) implemented by Controller General of Accounts, @ great leap has heen taken towards transparency. Undoubtedly, the National Employment Guarantee Scheme is unique in its concept and by means of rural development, a significant beginning towards poverty alleviation, iF the scheme could be implemented successfully, it wil certainly create wealth and contribute to the national econonty and poverty and unemployment would be wiped away. Q. No, 2 NIFM Faridabad is conducting two months certificate programme on ‘Internal Audit and Controls’ for Accounts Officers. The programme is residential, mandatory and the allinclusive fees af the pragramme is Rs. 90,000/- per participant which is to 8 paid through Cheque/DO in favour of Director, NIFM, Faridabad, Write an Office Memorandum from the O/o Controller General of Accounts to the Pr.cGAs/ CCAS/CAS with independent charge of all the Ministries to relieve the officers selected for the above treiring programme. (20 Marks) Q. No. 3 Rewrite the following sentences into Indirect Speech: (2x5=10 Marks) a) Rupa says, "\eata banana everyday” b) Pawan said, “I am going to church”. c) Anup said, "Vhave been reading a novel” 4} He said, "I will go to Mumbai tomorrow”. e). Ravi said, “I must go now" Q. No, 4 Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions, (1 x5=5 Marks) a) Heisfond___ coffee, b) The catjumped the chair. ©) Inaccordance ___ your instructions, we have remitted the amount to your bankers, d) Herules___a vast empire, e) Itcannot be done __offence. Q.No. 5 Fill in the blanks with suitable articles (a, an, the). a) Parisis___very costly place to live. b)_ India is one of ____most populous countries in the workd. c) He returned home after hour. d) Which is__longest riverin india? e) Sheis__ intelligent girl, Q, No. 6 Correct any five of the following sentences. a) She like dogs. b) What time itis? c) He don’t like vegetables. d} Ankit did not slept last night. e) My brother gone to movie. 8) you loose time, you won't get it back. 8) We have been living in Qelhi since two years. h) Idon’t agree to you. ’)_thave only one and halfrupee in my pocket. i)” Ankur knows lot of informations. Q. No, 7 Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs as indicated in brackets a) The moon __round the earth, [move bo) Myfriends___ the President yesterday. (see) ¢} shall telephone you when she __back. (come) 4) Don't disturb me. 1am __ my important work. (do) 2) The baby all morning. (cry) ff} Amav___ to be a doctor. (want) f} We for last five days. (work) h) The Controller of Accounts __to speak to you. (want) i) |___him since we meta year ago. (not see} i) This paper___ twice weekly. (appear) (1x5 =5 Marks) {2x5=10 Marks) (1x 10=10Marks) Raarete eeretercer year fearat - 2015 far arttafe (gferan & ee) war: 3 ae after 6 :100 save Yee : faite sen aa gira Faget 1. 38 wave A ga 8 Ra wd 3 ys Fi wear Geo 1 siftert & oer eH afaftea secret art wat a & Pregt 5 teat at seat & Tee eI 2. aaa acax & aaa A Pros sea Ft) 3. Sede wale & ste sae art aute ae FI 4, Sete wear & aeft snail & seaz seaeyfeoan & va ff Bret Ke Ra! 5. seat Gite a fet wert ar eae Pes a aay ae ave sepa ean frutite curr 9 Ferd 6. Seat Gitar A are ots ae yo & Pet Gro aT att w EaeCe: are Bl seq &. 1. cart Pe feafaisa oer att F sree weal HOF Scat F Bata F saftren er sft sere wt (2 x 10 =20 3m) () 0 Wafer aarerafeeer ar afte areata Aes sar widens gat ti (i) 7 aaa wd dar aries & goa & few Ager few & fete araalar & area eet Fi (i) Wena ae & She eer caro adita ech ata Aer aed aaa wd der arated a vega St ret t1 (iv) fetrrater ere A sent ayer wt arqerr fearor avr Ssh ora are FI (vy) ait deat faa dafte aft A 20 arte aa aaa wd dan aria BY age oT wee! (vi) Rear 8 weer weg sae Haifa aaeafant F tat oh aT area & aut a dara fae art Fi (vi) Baer Serer Sar writer $1 TGA 01 sara, 1990 #1 BF si (vii) Weert aehaftat st carer are deta afer set ae frrator afte, wer aes afer ar great Safta tat wd Sar erates care Pat oy ara & ae Gf HET Tee! (x) Wate sareavenr or wer qear dan Pdaeqed dar maszeter fae sah aaa can facia eta sqaet & fab seein a sratiga sik groan at & fae sige: Prewar ear a ) daftar oar ae are & data Aaa err A Rte aqaia & wer Ba at TTI wee @. 2 feafet@a oe efeed ech fae:- (8x2=16 37%) (®) daw vieeat aan saat dan art & vate (@) Fert art Gea a. 3 dfara A acter wh (8x2=16 3%) (#) ae agro Seis Sr eas gant fee art are TAT (&) faite San Peart 4 qeieg & agen atafte Fer shar & ard wa a. 4 Reafai@a an rae gia sede at (Bx2=16 3i%) (&) Sgr date frac ah sete viaftesi at dae wet & aefta va (@) Sere / Haare aaa sitar wear &. 5. Sfitca Real fafa - (8x2=16 4%) (#) fica Fa F sr 1-H 5 Rawr oe Vl sear ar acre ger date Baa Teas BY) (@) Fete Fareed a aaa eter Riera sat oy FerAR ae t Sie gee Fo aoae 1 FIAT afar Pome fers wea. 6. faeaiefac ox wiera feat free: (4x4=16 375) @) Fite wear at (8) aarater att att sa ware arf (a) wit ararectt () aaft wai wea. 7. () Hirer A Reqcit fers (2x4=8 3im) (i) sitwrérewa (oLTas) (i) taieae oat aan or aie Roof fafa) (@) ae Prater fast eer weal wet Se wea Pal At aie at wag atte aftrent gan ar ara-cgater ft ore BH (8 3i%) wet =. 8 (#) Sel A RBar Afrat am Peer ae F ara wet A ore saat ar ace Afra) (@) wera arygrer feet & Faw A aaRh at ae ate a ache afar (8x2 = 16 3m) TIME: DEPARTMENTAL CONFIRMATORY EXAMINATION December-2015 ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE (WITH BOOKS) 3Hrs. Maximum Marks: 100 Book Allowed: CIVIL ACCOUNTS MANUAL. (This question paper contains 3 pages and has 8 questions.) Instructions: 1 wpe p QNo. 1 iii. iv. vi vii. viii There are total 8 questions. Question No, | is compulsory and candidate should answer any five of the rest. Quote rules in support of your answers. The marks carried by a question/part are indicated against them, All ports of question shall be attempted together in the answer book, Making any identification mark in the answer book or writing the rol] number at other than specified places is not permitted. Any page or pottion of the page Kft blank in the answer booklet may be struck off |. State whether the following statements are true or false. Quote authority in support of your answer. (10 x 2=20 Marks) Secretary of the Ministry/Department concemed is the Chief Accounting Authority for the Ministry/Department. Specific approval of CGA is required for cretion of a new Pay and Accounts office Main Scroll alongwith relative instruments are submitted to PAO by Focal Point Branch of the accredited bank. 1 Stage of Appropriation Accounts is also known as Grant Statements. Monthly Salary Bills should reach Pay and Accounts Offices by the 20" of the month to which they relate. Cash grants received from Abroad are accounted for in the books of Pay and Accounts Office of the Ministry/Department concemed, Central Pension Accounting Office has been established with oftect from 1" January, 1990, Long term interest bearing advances to Government Servants, namely, HBA, MCA shall be paid only after pre-check of bills by the concerned Pay Accounts officer. 1 ix. Pr. CCAICCA/CA of each Ministry/Department is finally responsible to approve and sign the Head wise Appropriation Accounts of Grants/Appropriations administrated by his Ministry ‘Department. x. Personal Deposit Accounts may be authorised to be opened only with the special permission of the Ministry/Department af the Government concerned (8x 2= 16 Marks) QU. 2. Write a short note on: (a) Transfer Entries and purposes for their preparation 4b) Permanent Advances Q.No. 3. Describe in brief about: (8.2 = 16 Marks) (a) The payments which are permitted to be made by Cheque Drawing DDOS. (b) What are the duties of Intemal Audit es listed in Civil Accounts Manual? |. Elaborate on :- (8x 2= 16 Marks) (@) The procedure for preparation of Statement of Central Transactions and Joumal Entries. (b) Pensiou/ Leave Salary Contributions Q.No. 5. Briefly comment on : - (8x2=16 Marks) (a) Part 1 of Finance Accounts has 5 statements name these and briefly describe them. (b) Secretary of each Ministry/Department signs headwise appropriation accounts but there are some exceptions td it. Please explain briefly Q.No. 6 Write short notes on following: (4X 4= 16 Marks) (a) Contract Contingencies (b) List of payments and their timelines (©) Receipt Scroll (4) Prior pesiod Adjustments Q.No. 7 (a) Write short notes on fi) OLTAS. (ii) Personal deposit account (2X 4=8 Marks) (b) What are the checks applied by Regional Officer while examining the bills received from PWD (NH) division. (8 Marks) Q. No. 8 (a) Describe different categories of Cheques and their use for making different kinds of payments. (8 Marks) (b) Describe the checks to be exercised in respect of Grants-in-Aid bills. (8 Marks) Reena eardterrer ofa wg - 2016 eR tam, wag Ud cae (ait Foam) waft 3: ee Fa se : 100 fg: 1. Meany A ga 7 wea Ue ages #) woh oer aimard #1 2, wat weal somet fate fruifte sie sah erat fee ae Bi 3, Wee get & saws & gee Serv gieaar a we a eort oy G 4. sereyfeaer a Pret st war at seat Ree a aay aM AeA Hawa Fae fruifta vera ox of fray 8. agi at weit FF seq shan fafeieee 8, swan cree aye staves BH 6. Seat Gferrer A are OS we yee & areal wy eaved: HE I wea 1, fereafei@e starier ar are car faerg erect A fore ser sega ene S1 (40 sia) Be 01 arts, 2010 wt aeRy at fears ath ofaard Ren afters afta’ a areata oT fear oe we Cagiite Saar WNT GaN TadaeT OT Set H ae Aut A get ae yeaT ates after wen ag afefaan wer at ay ater erat § fH ay 6 B14 TER gets zat aT Reem & after fo meet & sty “uirard ede, safer oer wnfte fre et qr era ghia att aidan & anger fede sftangat at soe a feet aed] aime Rear qT ae ‘sarae agi andl arity freer ord BH aie WE woo Peet qeaue aa A oF a oe Pegew URage soem wT zed & Aer & afters ar ikea ti gw aftiese A go maT Rat 7 wafer Rare A aearre-Rter Fy 1:30 % ana ser sea wafaw Fat oe 1:35 & Ha A Be Abate say see some ae entre F ans sie wat af gay faqeneral a ser felt fears ght arftfitrr 4 femur & fre areal A ctr oat & alge weds Pere & few ve wa, Fercaare rene, eter tar fawre, waR Geter cer ww Se aT Here eniyer B Aen ar acre aftr & daw aw sua fm) dita ant & aett at faqwaa Rar & at A arn aw) aif Paaareral ate sah Feret aarer Gu Rete aret at ype fa ater BAAR sea Fer ay fea rete war & dame & wat coat gare eeracar Rear are azar yore wT fran ar aftr arftaas oY fBrar & A firth Rare at araet Remar A cw ater aE aitie te ater oft a acat & Gre ate wish AT) fier at bere ae ER carer & A ane Boh Reamer area ree ght abel et a ANRa Rast at wat st tet ge ge oi ae ge -2- iter at cet yates aoe A eile Rare syne Re oe ga agar aw) wears ae seare A aiarcen Tome ft greener B See var ate Ree a foe ate wast ant Pe are areaaat frat ¢ Pe oe-Rreret aera age ae wed faite vivir Aereh qart aoe oT Ue weal aR deat a ag fq sah arey Hed eo aie fen ar ater sft et awaengte ory rar are at 2015 ae wah weal care ara refers Ram qe weet a apes Pare aE st OTT ae amt owe ORR THR wet ware. 2 oa ft dicheaes ental & ag den A fered at & we cared we vitae wear Awet a vad, feat & stevie art ant oh visemes tere & Pert Sei ama: Her wee tte ete Freier wiie., Peregh oe een gat Us te ae wie, aw aoe a at wordt Fr oie araer fae ki sede fata swe (wafang) a Breer ce uta wear soar & areUEA aT A site gat Fear Set wt orcs Afar afateAea a fear ore, fara store fetrave, fect & ath syqee frert Sat at dearer sane & tere A ger feat rar tt any freee GEEMAT), aisteaws st a R Salter frat Fat F fefere aeteal wt sees ofa Br quar 2h ye ww arate arma AAAae ae Fae MATAR aah staraaiRearatt at aft Ft (20 st) wea a. 3 Prenat A a feed oe & tat carat feat (10 at} a) or v} Pree (i) ear (vi) arte Gil) ares (vil) Seat (Gv) aia Wa &. 4 farafelea Fo feegt sie & fasttarde eee fae (5 at) () ater (v) ai . () =F (vi) it (i) Sarr (vil) ter (iv) weer wea @. 5 eaieiea wer way Ae Pret ote & eae ae aes ere fet a iy i) fw) ™) wi) (wil —3- ot afm soos 4 a ais vt ger phat ae eH TAT Sere at erat att & aaft mg atl ‘Farah meg 3 Var ae TRY ah arenen fra & ret tr Reh deg wr eet Apr ae TT! ‘atest @ geet Tat ara! 6 am) wer, 6 ireafatan qeetatettecat & & Rregt ste aprattatetieaat wr anh eave wea ge, Soret areal A weiter Bt) 0 Gi) (ii) (w) w wi) (vil) Boh sage fer VeFAT ware Fret ahem ‘Berg farart & ga thet ara 5e & aig H ote are # ATT SATE wag Gara we & ut & aba! wea @. 7 Preaieien aidtst erect & igedt gate Pra “0 (ii) ‘it (iv) wh wi (vi) Willy (ig) (x) Expedite action Curriculum intimation Legitimate Inter-alia Forgo Judicial enquiry Concise Bankrupt Acknowledge (x5= 10 ais) (1x10 = 10 35%) DEPARTMENTAL CONFIRMATORY EXAMINATION May - 2016 Précis, Draft & Grammar (Without Books) Hours Maximum Marks: 100 (This question paper contains 3 pages and has 7 questions.) Instructions: . There are total 7 questions, All questions are to be attempted, ‘The marks carried by a question/part are indicated against them. . Ail parts of a question shall be attempted together in the answer book. . Making any identification mark in the answer book or writing the roll number at other than specified places is not permitted. 5, Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to and if answered in much longer or shorter than the prescribed length, marks may be deducted. 6. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer booklet may be struck off. Q.No. 1 Write a précis of the following passage reducing te about one third of its original length and suggest a suitable title. (40 Marks) ‘When on 1" April, 2010, the “Right of children to Free and Compulsory Education Act” became a reality; this historic step became the first fundamental right that has been added to the constitution since India attained independence. The Act makes it obligatory on the Store 10 ‘guarantee right to education and “ensure compulsory admission, attendance, and completion of elementary education by every child of 6 to 14 years.” According to the Act, financial constraints should not prevent a child from completing elementary education, which means eyen if a child lives in a remote area providing free transportation will be part of the child’s entitlement to education. Some of the salient features of the Act include: providing for school teachers at 1:30 teacher-pupil ratio at the primary school and 1:35 ratio at the upper primary level within six months, with these schools having only trained schoolteachers in five years The norms for the schools in the Act include one room for every teacher, subject wise teachers, toilets and drinking water, « library and a playground within three years. The RTE Act has three basic goals: a) bringing children of marginalized sections into the ambit of school education; b) ensuring that all schools and their teachers meet some specified norms; and c) ensuring that all children receive quality schooling free Ztom any kind of discrimination. ~o- The RTE Act says that private schools should reserve a fourth of their seats for the poor and other categories of children. The RTE Act says that all schools should now be recognized Given the shostage of trained teachers in the country, there is a need to do some rethink on this stipulation and explore the possibility of hiring para-teachers to run these schools until sufficient number of trained teachers are available, Studies in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar by Kingdon and Baneyji show thar children taught by para-teachers are as good if not better than those taught by regular trained teachers. If the RTE Act is implemented successfully, India can emerge as a global leader in achieving the Millennium Development Goal of ensuring alt children their elementary education by 2015. Q.No.2, Recently, following a large number of complaints from CGHS beneficiaries, an enquiry was ordered by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare into functioning of the two CGHS enmpanelled Diagnostic Centers under CONS Delhi, namely, City X-ray & Scan Clinic Pvt, Limited, Vikas Puri and Star Imaging & Path lab Pvt, Limited, Tilak Nagar. The enquiry was conducted by Medical Council of India (MCI) as per the directions of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, who found these Diagnostic Centers involved in un-ethical medical practices As a result the empanelment of the above Diagnostic Centers under CGHS, Delhi has been withdrawn with immediate effect. Write an Office Memorandum from the Additional Director (HQ), CGHS to the medical Superintendents of the concerned Diagnostic Centers conveying the above decision with copy to alt Ministries/Departments. (20 Marks) Q.No.3. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles (a, an, the)- (1x8. = 5 Marks) (@) ..... Eatth is round. (0) Shyam is ..... intelligent boy. (©) Delhi is capital of India. (@) Rohit is ...., engineer. (@) Virat Kobi is ..... reliable batsman. Q.No4. Rewrite the following sentences i indicest speech~ (2x5 = 10 Marks) (@) He said, “Iam going to see ericket match.” (8) The commentator said, “India will win the match”. (c) Ram said, “I have been prepariag for the Civil Services Examination”, (d) Tarun said, “I walk two Kilometers daily.” (©) Seeta said. “1 worked hard to obtain good marks”. —3- Q.No.5. Rewrite any five sentences correctly- (2x5 = 10 Marks) {a) He has not been attending office since the last 5 days. (b) He do not have good Knowledge of English (c) Both Ram and Shyam plays llockey. (3) Did he came late?” (e) He has complete his training successfully. (f) what is the time at your watch? (g) Nehra bowls faster then Zaheer. Q.No.6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions- (1x5 = 5 Marks) (a) We should abide ......the Constitution of our country. (b) He is fond... ~. Chinese food, (o) He was absont.....the sports class yesterday. (4) Indian cricket team depends ... (©) The boy jumped..... the river. .. their spin bowlers for vietory. Q.No.7. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb indicated in the brackets, @) ©) (©) @ ©) a (2) ) a a (x10 = 10 Marks) ‘The boys were...,,, noise in the classroom. (make) John always ......his home town in Kerala during school vacations. (visit) He has been ........with muttinational company. (work) Uwill Chennai next month. (go) She has not,..... her brother for the last two months. (meet) India is expected to. the world cup final. (svin) Have you the course for the exam? (complete) Ram and Shyam ..... for swimming every day. (go) He bas not ....... ftom Paris, (return) the food in the Party? (taste) Did you... fastrefte eerefartor Fat w$ - 2016 Bar wrsfaie (gyfer & ae) way: 3 ue after aim 100 sara Sferar : fafaer der frat gitar faa 1. sa wate HF Ga 8 ma ee 3S Hi wer Wea 1 wisest B ae Fa afattae seaelt ah weal 3S Reed 5 seat ar seat & wad Fi 2. 3 set & oata 3 Raa age Ft 3. sete Teast a aie Tae Arar gee are el 4. vere wea & wat aml & seat seacgfear A war gt eee oy fare 5. set feren A Ph ware ar syaret ea a aa aM Hea sae eam feruifta eert ot ft fre 6, seat Gear H are ots ae Po F feet ges a omits) eaeeE: HIE Gy wea So 1. ware Pe feaieiea wet al F Hea aaa! set sea WTF vaftrere ar sft sreer wt (2 x 10 =20 aim) () 0 Aareerfesrer er Rent der arate Usd aren at fer ae wait AT ages # Prat A mY au cara we Poneh cea & fae Reta Bar 8 (i) Sterat qu at ante at a fae age Pras or oer wT at Br eraetara erat (i) Saraafsta dat a qatar a fae av de ont eat Ft araverear dt ata (iv) 10 are sty sae arith afer ay front & walt dat ox ct seat eet angel

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