Prelim Exam in Readings

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“CNSC as a Premier Higher Education Institution in the Bicol Region”

Republic of the Philippines The Camarines Norte State College shall provide higher and advanced studies in the
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Prelim Examination
2ND Semester
2020- 2021
Name : Kirsteen Cassandra D. Rahl Score : ___________________
Course, Year Level & Block: BSHM-1A Date : September 24, 2021
Direction: Identify the following statements and write the answer in the space provider for.

_Historical document _1. These works pertaining to the events in the past, time and place the historical
documents and the circumstances during the time were considered by the
______Aristotle ______2. A Greek philosopher that gave the meaning of history is a systematic account
of a set of natural phenomena, whether on not chronological factoring.
___Pre-historic past___3. It refers to the time before man invented materials. The social scientist like
historians rely on physical evidences like skeletal, fossils and artifacts to
ascertain what really transpired during the period.
_____Historic past_ __ 4. It refers to the period where events were recorded through written documents.
____Primary source___5. It refers to the information directly shared by the witness or participant in the
____Robert B. Fox____6. The author of the article Tabon Cave: Archeological Explorations and
excavation in Palawan Island.
__Radiocarbon dating__7. It is a process in which the relics, fossils will determine the number of years
_____Perspective____8. It refers to the point of view of the writer who was a witness to the certain event.
__Battle of Mactan___9. It was the battle between the Spaniards and native Filipinos where Magellan died.
Juan Sebastian Elcano10. He was the Spanish missionary chronicles of Magellan’s voyage in the
_____Lapu-Lapu_____11. He was the chieftain of Mactan when the Spaniards set foot on the island.
___August 15, 1519__12. Magellan started his historic voyage toward the orient from San Lucar Spain
on __.
___Antonio Pigafetta__13. He was among the survivors who came back to Spain on September 6, 1522
and reported to the King Charles and gave the handwritten account of what
happened during the journey.
The first Voyage around the
World by Magellan 1518-1521 14. This book is considered secondary source because the contents were
coming from the narrative story of the survivors.
The 1494 treaty of Tordesillas 15. The agreement created an urgent need for Spain to discover a westward
route going to Asia.
__Ferdinand Magellan__16. He was a Portuguese sailor and soldier who renounced his loyalty when King
Manuel I, ignored his proposal and the services he had rendered.
_Kingcharles of Spain__17. He was a king impressed by Magellan’s explanation and ordered to prepare
for expedition.
____Victoria Ship_____18. Which ship piloted by Esteban Gomez decided to returned in Spain on the
night of November 20.
_The_Marianas Island_19. On March 7, 1521, Magellan reached Ladrones and decided to take a rest and
his men and the same time to obtained fresh provision. This island is
“CNSC as a Premier Higher Education Institution in the Bicol Region”

Republic of the Philippines The Camarines Norte State College shall provide higher and advanced studies in the
CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE fields of education, arts and sciences, economics, health, engineering, management,
COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES finance, accounting, business and public administration fisheries, agriculture, natural
resources development and management and ladderized courses. It shall also
Daet, Camarines Norte respond to research, extension and production services adherent to progressive
leadership towards sustainable development.
commonly known as ___.
_Island of Homonhon_20. After resting, Magellan ordered to go on sailing westward and at the dawn on
Saturday, March 16, 1521 reached the island of ___ .


Direction: Choose the correct answer and write the letter in the space provided for.
_____B____21. It is the time and place where the historical documents are written as well as the situation
or circumstances during the time.
(A) Historical Perspective (C) Content Analysis
(B) Historical Context (D) Context Analysis
_____C____22. His common definition of the word history which mean “the past of mankind”.
(A) R.G. Collingwood (C) Louis Gottschalk
(B) Robert B. Fox (D) William Henry Scott
_____A____23. It discusses why we study history and it refers to: the more knowledge we gain of the past,
the more insights we will have in the present.
(A) To understand the present (C) To appreciate our heritage in a broad perspective
(B) To learn about the past (D) To acquire a background of critical thinking
_____B____24. A contemporary historian focused his study about the politics of the country.
(A) Renato Constantino (C) Reynaldo Ileto
(B) Teodoro Agoncillo (D) Sonia Zaide
_____C____25. The materials produced by people or group of people directly involved in the event or
participant or eyewitness is considered __.
(A) tertiary sources (C) primary sources
(B) secondary sources (D) references
_____B____26. An information drawn from the people or groups of people who where no present at the
event of which he/she tells and justly interpreted from the sources is considered ___.
(A) tertiary sources (C) primary sources
(B) secondary sources (D) references
_____D____27. The best example of the primary sources is the following except ___.
(A) Photographs, old sketches and cartoons
(B) Old syllabaries, ancient writings and pre-historic materials
(C) Statistics tables, graphs and charts
(D) Books, articles, and scholarly journals
_____A____28. He was Magellan’s slave and interpreter during his expedition in the Philippines.
(A) Enrique de Mallaca (C) Enrique Abubacar
(B) Enrique de Iglisia (D) Enriquo de Mallaca
_____C____29. The Ottoman Empire of Constantinople is commonly known as ___.
(A) Iran (C) Turkey
(B) Iraq (D) Syria
_____C____30. King Charles of Spain entrusted Magellan to have an expedition to the east because __.
(A) He was convinced the richness of Asia
(B) He was convinced that can reach the east using westward route
(C) He wanted to go beyond the limitation of the Treaty of Tordesillas
(D) None of the above
_____D____31. Before Magellan reached the Philippines, his expedition landed in the island of Marianas
“CNSC as a Premier Higher Education Institution in the Bicol Region”

Republic of the Philippines The Camarines Norte State College shall provide higher and advanced studies in the
CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE fields of education, arts and sciences, economics, health, engineering, management,
COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES finance, accounting, business and public administration fisheries, agriculture, natural
resources development and management and ladderized courses. It shall also
Daet, Camarines Norte respond to research, extension and production services adherent to progressive
leadership towards sustainable development.
and he named it as ___.
(A) Islas Filipinas (C) Archipelago de San Lazarus
(B) Islas San Miguel (D) Islas Ladrones
_____D____32. The King ordered to prepared for Magellan’s expedition that include 270 men with 5 ships
and the Magellan’s flagship is ___
(A) San Antonio (C) Concepcion
(B) Victoria (D) Trinidad
____A____33. Out of five ships accompanied by Magellan’s expedition only two survived namely __.
(A) Victoria and Trinidad (C) Concepcion and Santiago
(B) Santiago and Victoria (D) Trinidad and Concepcion

_____C____34. The expedition of Magellan started in San Lucas Spain on?

(A) September 21, 1520 (C) September 20, 1519
(B) September 6, 1521 (D) March 16, 1521
_____A____35. Of the four known sources that dealt with the Magellan expedition, Pigafetta’s account is
the longest and, most comprehensive.
(A) True
(B) False
(C) Maybe
(D) Both A and B


Direction: Arrange in order the sequence of events in Philippine History by writing the numbers 36 –
50 on the space provided for.

_____36_____. Crusades
_____40_____. Battle of Granada
_____37_____. Renaissance and Reformation
_____44_____. Magellan – Elcano Expedition
_____41_____. Christopher Columbus
_____46_____. Elcano and 17 survivors arrived in Spain
_____45_____. Battle of Mactan
_____50_____. Getting provisions in Ladrones
_____38_____. Marriage of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand II
_____39_____. Competition of two Iberian countries
_____43_____. Treaty of Tordesillas
_____47_____. Treaty of Zaragoza
_____49_____. Blood Compact between Rajah Kolambu and Magellan
_____48_____. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
_____42_____. Cape of Good Hope
“CNSC as a Premier Higher Education Institution in the Bicol Region”

Republic of the Philippines The Camarines Norte State College shall provide higher and advanced studies in the
CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE fields of education, arts and sciences, economics, health, engineering, management,
COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES finance, accounting, business and public administration fisheries, agriculture, natural
resources development and management and ladderized courses. It shall also
Daet, Camarines Norte respond to research, extension and production services adherent to progressive
leadership towards sustainable development.

Prepared by:

Instructor I
Republic of the Philippines
College of Education
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

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