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UPW Mastery

The massive action book

Dear UPW family,
We had an overwhelming amount of gold information and lessons in this UPW. This made me feel
like making an action plan. I love to share this action plan as I know there must be many people that
are too busy to structurize and implement everything we learned. I feel no one should miss this
opportunity to improve their lives.
Please share it with anyone who needs it, and if you have any recommendations for a second better
version let me know! Together we can do more!
Sending love to you all


Don’t need anything for this, just make your life (and others) awesome!
Part 1
Defining your strategy
“Willpower by itself is not enough. If we want to achieve lasting change, we must have an effective

Deleting the negative

What negative behaviours, values and beliefs do you still have and are not serving you anymore?
Remember: Towards/away values, Global/rules believes (life is.. I am.. People are..)

What is the fear/need behind this negative behavior?How can you use the energy from these fears to
stir/dance you in the direction that you want to?

Why CAN and MUST I change now? p.26

Remember: the Dickens' process visualization

1. Make a plan to not get rewarded for this behaviour anymore, and get rewarded if you do your
desired behavior. Remember Dickens' process. p.52 UPW workbook. immediate and immerse
levels of pain vs. pleasure (past,now & future)
2. How are you going to annihilate or interrupt this pattern?
3. What empowering pattern are going to have instead and how will you reinforce it until its the
new habit? Remember: reward yourself, pat yourself on the back, high-five, god pose etc

What has been keeping you from progress? How can you be resourceful in this case?
Define your why
Why do you want achieve what you want:
Remember: serving and love bring you in beautiful states,

Define fulfillment for yourself

Remember: growth contribution and love are important needs for fulfillment. Look at the 2 human
needs you choose at p.20 And your passions you put on p.30 of the UPW workbook

The important decision

Decide to be in a beautiful state no matter what, make a statement for yourself when you will be
happy and make sure it will always be true. Example: I will be happy if I wake up and I'm still above
the ground. p.11 UPW workbook

How are you going to put yourself in a peak state

Remember: smiling, dancing, physical, breathing, mindset. Energy is everything p.34

Close the gap and balance your life exercise

Remember: Excellence only gets good rewards, to be outstanding by tweaking 2% you gain
outstanding rewards. Use musts instead of shoulds. P.35-37 of UPW workbook

Outcome notes:

Define your goals

1. Focus on serving and love (an expression of the beauty in your heart)
2. Make it as clear and simple as possible
3. Make sure they are fulfilling (growth/contribution/love)
4. If your goal meets 3 basic needs it will become addictive
5. Say where you want to go, don’t focus on what you not want (positive vs negative target fixation)
and make the future very compelling

Make a plan to make massive action in this for a period, and a plan to keep yourself in the pattern
daily after this. How are you going to reward yourself?
Remember: how to make sure you have a laser focus on this and get excited about it. Make an intelligent
strategy, not only motivation. S.M.A.R.T. be honest where you are now, how are you going to reinforce

How do I become totally certain about this? Proof you will make this happen, how can you create 100%
believe and certainty?
Remember: repetition = conditioning = certainty, incantation

Technology is a big part of our life now, and is designed to influence us. Make a plan on how you are
going to stop technology from controlling you and you only use it to get better or reach goals.
Remember: Media doesn’t necessary have our best interest * documentary: The social dilemma

Choose what you need to master

Remember: understand it, feel the emotional consequences and be certain about it. Make it part of
your identity(next exercise)

Make a plan to make massive action/immersion in this, and a plan to keep yourself in the pattern
daily after this. How are you going to reward yourself?
Remember: have a lot of pleasure when you are learning, learn with emotion

Define your identity

What identity does the person have that will achieve or has achieved all these goals you have? What
desires, believes and patterns does he/she have? What does he/she focus on and what language does
he/she use. What physiology? Draw/photoshop your old and new identity next to each other and put
words around it to show the characteristics. Also make sure to draw in your current me and what bad
things will happen in the future if you continue like this. Example: I eat unhealthy I’ll be 15kg more
heavy, and probably have heart disease
Remember: don’t push yourself down, trying to fit in with other people

Make a plan to take one week massive action to create this identity and a plan for keeping this pattern
after this week
How can you use the power of priming to achieve your goals?
Remember: Asian vs woman on math test

Define your peer group

Describe the people who would be your ideal peer group. Who do you need to change/cut off?
Remember: rather one that challenges you than supports you. A group that expects more from life and
you. High-impact environment. p.41

Where would you find these people and how can you get in contact with them?
Remember: people like people like them(mirror them), and first think about what you can give them
before thinking of how they can help you p.42

Define your masters

Find a mentor or see people who lost or won in the area that you want to win in. learn from them.
How can you use intelligent asking p.33 UPW workbook
Remember: get the best(tools, coaches, strategies) and give what they need before you ask., find someone
that measures you and is not your friend.

What are things that could go wrong? Make a plan how you can anticipate weak or unexpected moments
to still reach your goals?
Remember: who could help? How can I make myself obsessed? Training effect graph

List and summary of all the habits and daily( actions) that came out of the strategy you made

Part two
Your daily ritual
When you envision it, it’s exciting, but when you schedule it, it’s real.

Plan every week your rituals and review them at the end at the check-ins. Implement the actions in
your summary and you can pick some from the ideas inspired by the Virtual UPW below. Define what
are the priorities/biggest impact changes. VERY IMPORTANT: Measure!! It takes 18-258 days to form
a habit, depending on the person

Monday G Tuesday G Wednesday G Thursday G

- Energy level 9
- Drinking 6

Ritual: X
- Reading X
- Priming
- Meditation X
- Meal plan

Massive action
- Intensive full
day french
lesson in

Friday G Saturday G Sunday G Notes G

Weekly check-in

- Drink more

- Move
meditation to
night instead
of morning

- Ask to change
classes to the
best french

Remember: repetition is the master of skill

(Weekly) action ideas
Energy measurement
Measure your energy level and make sure it’s 8 or higher

Physical conditioning
Condition your emotional/spiritual state by your body and movements. Think of smiling, breathing,
shoulders up etc.

The focus training game p.16

In your day try to find as many as possible of the same kind of positives you can focus on.
Examples: all what others made in this world and you can appreciate. All people that smile. Kind
gestures. All the things you own and make you feel grateful etc.

Priming exercise

I am the voice incantation

Repeat I am……

Gratefulness exercise
Think off 3 things that make you grateful and feel it inside your heart and like you are living in this
moment again

Visualizing goals all 5 senses

Visualize your goals like you already achieved all you wanted. Feel it with all your 5 senses and
your emotions, make it as clear and real as possible

Visualization exercise with pulling away

Do the same as with the exercise above, but imagine yourself being pulled away from this like an
elastic. Feel the emotions that you feel getting pulled back in your old situation

Dickens’ process visualisation

Dickens process old/new believes

Ridicule those old bullsh*t believes with your body vice and mind and make a power move with
your new believe *not sure if exercise is totally correct?

Wim hof breathing
Power breath: 1:4:2 daily 3x

Spread invisible love

Say I love you to all people you see around you in your mind

Mirror people
Match and mirror the people who you meet and see what happens

Language and meaning p.16

Define for yourself what language you need to use to change to a better meaning. Try to use this
positive language as often as possible, you can reward yourself the more often you do it

Subconscious wisdom
Ask your subconscious a question before bed and see what comes to you the next day

Lessons from life

Write down what you learned from the day, journal

Read or revise
Read 30 minutes daily(do it, because understanding is not knowing it)


Posture exercise

Power pose
Do the power pose for 2 minutes to reduce 20% cortisol

Lymphatic sports like jumping 20 mins
Aerobic sports 30 min
Avoid living in a box, move regularly

Other health
Ice bath

Meal planning (see day 4)

Alkaline water-rich foods
Living water
Lemon water
Essential oils
Stop Meat & dairy
Stop acid foods
Stop processed fats

Heart-brain communication p.92

Find exercise on p.92 of the UPW workbook

Train the 90 second rule

Train yourself to get out of a low state as soon as possible.

Create magic moments:

How can you make sure the social moments that you planned this week can become magical?

Comfort zone
Do things out of your comfort zone, work your courage muscle
Part 3
Your check-ins
Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards.
Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.
Plan check ins every week/month etc. to see if you are still on track and if you need to tweak things.
Here are some question examples you can use during check-ins

Know where you are ging

Is the action getting me closer of further from my goals

Where is my reality now and am I on course

Am I having the right focus

Do I need to change my approach

Remember: people who were very persistent and never changed their goal, they tweaked until they
got what they wanted. Example: Sylvester Stallone

Don’t forget to celebrate and reward yourself getting closer to your goals
Tutors and lessons

Did I learn anything new this week that can help me to reach my goals or become more happy

Who did I meet and how did they teach me to be more happy and reach my goals
Remember: everyone is an example or a warning

Did they teach you any success recipes? P.46 UPW workbook
Remember: 5 senses, amounts/qualities, Order/sequence, Intensity/Duration

Where there any challenges this week and how can I solve them and anticipate on this next time
Remember: thing of where you want to go instead of where you don’t want to go

How can I change my physiology with this challenge and change my state

Can I change my focus in this situation

Remember: find all the new doors that open when one closes. Where can you grow & give, where can
you feel gratitude, joy and love. Can you trade appreciation for expectations

How can I change my language in this situation

Remember: define a new meaning of this situation for yourself and repeat these words often

How can I be creative and resourceful in this situation

Notice how many more people are facing the same challenge as you. How can you learn from them
or help them too?

Stop using your mind for a second and feel your heart, what does your heart give as solution in this

*In case it had to do with people

How do you think they are hurting and what can you do for them? How can you interrupt their
patterns and make it fun?
Remember: When you treat people good when they are bad, they rarely forget you

Take action! Don’t leave the opportunities

Thank you for reading!

Hope this will be useful for you. There may be a lot of mistakes as this is my personal interpretation
of the event as a participant and I’m in no way an expert, also no native english speaker. Good luck
to you :)

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