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Ages2and Up KUM()N

Yo'\l.?- will cle-velop fihe inotor

~ohtrol skills while ha-vihg f'1h '1Sihg
SC!issor s to ~'1 t liheS ahC:l shapes.
Special features of this book
1. Thi s L>ook ~s si111pl c dt~s i gn can h elp cli i]dt·cn a s young as hvo lea rn
iinporta nl bas ic skill s while having fun.
2. Thi s book a ll o\vs parents a nd chil cli·cn lo share 1ncaningful
pla yti1nc logether .
3. T hi.s book is slructurcd so tha l yollr child will d evelo p fin e 1no tor
conlrol skill s ' vhile accpliring ne\v vocabula ry.
The aims and purpose of this book
• Develop fine motor skills 3. Cutting easily along straight lines and
Your child will improve finger strength and curves.
dexterity. This will help your child hold and use The exercises in this book are designed to
a pencil correctly, which is an important skill teach children the above three skills in
for more advanced learning. order of difficulty. You may think that it is
not safe to give children scissors, but for
• Improve scissor control
this very reason, it is extremely important to
If your child can manipulate scissors and
teach them how to use scissors properly.
cut along designated lines accurately, then
he or she has acquired basic scissor control. •Enhance children's sense of shape
In general, young children usually develop As children cut along straight lines and
scissor control in the following order: curves, or cut out circles and animals, they
1. Cutting by opening and closing scissors will associate words such as " straight" and
once (one stroke). " curved " with the shapes they represent.
2. Cutting along a line by opening and closing Your child's creativity and shape composition
scissors repeatedly. ability will be greatly enhanced.

How to use this book

I. To make the exercises easier for your J. When your child has completed each
child, please cut out the illustrated portion page, please offer him or her lots of praise.
of each page for him or her. 4. Please refer to the i• To parents" notes
2.. This book requires scissors. Please in this book, which provide more comments
use a pair of child-safe scissors and show and advice on how to help your chi ld enjoy
your child how to hold them. Teach him or and learn from this book.
her not to point scissors at others, not to S. Try to limit the number of pages your
cut things other than paper, and to be child will complete in a day. It is best to end
careful not to cut his or her fingertips or the day's work when your child still wants to
other body parts. do more.
• (.over illt1sm11io11 by M1Jf1m11 Ogum • Cover deJig11 by 7iuhihiko Knrnkitln • frturior dt'1ig11 by l-liroshi \'(/armmhe
• 1'1111111i11g by 1Wichiko Kozumn • /m;-rior il/usrrnriom by Kolui Ogawa, Mnsnml Ogum, Shi11ji Sako,,, Mmmwri Mi111gi.
Ki111ihis11 Mo1011ob11 • PhotograpJ,s ~y Seiichi 0111k11
Copyright © 2011 . Kumon Publishi ng Co .• Ltd. Reproduction or these materials is prohibited.
l\t'llu f"ltko..-, oeo """ r o ,..rr u•ol11,.fi1•u"I ...,f thoeo mo to"i""le "°'"'' •~ l'OC t h o ntil"Lr u 1ritton rnncont n f W'11mnn Dt 1hllchlnn Nnrth Al1'\0ri,..!::ti
Relax and enjoy!
Kumon's First Steps Workbooks are designed so that children and parents can
learn and have fun together. Children learn best from active and participatory
parents, so please help your child with the activities in this book. By helping,
you are encouraging your child to develop a desire to learn, as well as laying
the foundation for him or her to become a self-motivated learner.

' How to choose and hold scissors
Scissors can be dangerous if not handled properly. Keep an eye on your child
when he or she is doing the cutting exercises.
: Ho goodp I
•• I
• Choose safety scissors with round I

tips. •••
Choose scissors with holes
that suit your child's hands and

fingers. •
@ Choose scissors your child can
open and close easily.
• Please choose easy-to-use safety scissors.
Pictured on the right are plastic safety scissors.

Show your child how to put his or her

thumb into the smaller hole and his
or her forefinger and middle finger
into the bigger hole of the scissors. If
the bigger hole is large enough, have ••
your child put his or her ring finger
into the hole as well. I
When your child holds scissors,

please align his or her hand with the
scissors so that they form a straight A. Please iry to align your child's hand with the


line when viewed from above. scissors so that they form a straight line. ••
·-- - • - - - - - - - · - · - - · - - · · - - - - - · - · - - - - - - - - - · - · - · - - - · - - - - - - - · · ~*
How to cut with scissors
Show your child how to cut along the designated lines. It is perfectly okay if your
child cannot cut completely accurately. He or she will gradually learn to do so.

The first step in cutting is learning

- Encourage your child to align the
how to properly manipulate scissors. scissors with the cutting line. Please
Check to see if your child can easily do not be concerned if your child cuts
open and close the scissors, and also off of the designated line, or if he or
check to see if he or she can hold the
scissors at a right angle to the paper.
she cannot stop the scissors at a
designated point.


' t

t •


- ... 1
4 In the early stages, children usually cut unevenly. 4 Cutting a rectangular line can be difficult.

Show your child how to hold the paper

away from the scissors, with the • ..
-4 •
scissors pointed at the cutting line. This
is a difficult skill that requires some
getting used to.

Tips for cutting neatly

• I

Open the scissors wide and cut half an •I•

inch, then open the scissors wide again •
and cut another half an inch. Repeat I
this technique. •
4 In order to cut neatly, use the section of the
' blades nearest to the joinl in the scissors. '•

'' .. -- -- --- ·-·
~ -·-··~--··· ·- .. -........ ·----- ---·· --------··--~
•••••• ••• •• ••• • •••••• • •• • ••• •• ••
To.,., 'i'1
Your child will practice cutting short lines with one stroke. First, say "juice"
aloud while poinling to the word. It is okay if your child goes off the cutting
line or cuts unevenly. Please keep an eye on your child so he or she does
not get hurt.

• •
Cut along Juice
lo· Parents: Please cut along - - - · for your child.

•• ••••• •••••• • •• •••• •••••• •• ••••
Encourage your child to practice opening and closing the scissors. If he
or she is having difficulty holding the paper steady while cutting, you can
place the paper on the table.

Cut along
~ Parents: Please cut along - - - · for your chi ld.
Gingerbread eone,

•• • •• • •• • •• •• • •• ••• • •••• •• •• • ••
ll is okay 1f your child cuts off the line or cuts unevenly. The important thing
is that he or she enjoys the exercise.

Top nl
When he or she has completed the exercise. o ffer praise and say "banana"
aloud while poinling to the word.

Cut along
): Parent.s: Please cut along - - - for your child.


•• •• • •
•• •
• •
•••• •• •••••••••••••• • •• •• ••
To perem•
From this page on, your child will practice opening and closing scissors repeatedly
to cut longer lines. It is okay for your child to stop after one stroke and start over
again. When your child has successfully cut both parts out, offer lots of praise and
encourage him or her to arrange the parts as shown.

Cut along and arrange

the parts as shown.
~ Parents: Please cut along - - - • for your child.
candy cane
Hot Dog
•• •• • •• • •• •• • •• • • • • •• • • •• •
To parents
Encourage your child to arrange Iha pieces afler culling them ,
and say something like, "It loo ks yummy! Do you like hot dogs?"

Cut along and arrange

the parts as shown.
~ Parents: Please cut along for your child.
hot dog

+-- f- +-- +- +-
•• •• • • • ••• ••• •• •• •• • •• • • • •
I- nt
The line on this page is diagonal and longer than previous
exercises. Do not be concerned ii your child 's cutting is askew.
When your child finishes. offoer lots of praise and encourage him
or her lo arrange the parls as shown.

Cut along and arrange

the parts as shown.
ci,. Parents: Please cut along for your child.

To parl!flts
This is more complicated than the previous exercise. If your child seems to be
having a difficult time cutting properly, you can guide his or her hand in the right
direction. Give appropriate help so that your child can enjoy the activity without
feeling pressured.

Cut along and arrange the parts •

as shown.
~ Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child.

To pe1'11nts
From this page on, your child will practice cutting curving lines. It is okay
if your child cuts oft of the line , or cuts in straight lines at first. Help your
child open and close scissors with short strokes in order to cut curves
neatly. Have fun moving the lid .

Cut along and arrange

the parts as shown.
~ Paren ts: Please cut along for your child.
• •
• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Encou"1~ )'OU'" child 10 cut CUl'\'Ot $IOwfy and 'lNd•'Y When hCt (H She

has suooesstully cut lhe papet. your <hfd put lhtt btead 1n and CUI Ol lhe

Cut along and arrange

the parts as shown.
)-- Pa.renb; <Ut ak:Nlg fOf your <hrld

I I /I I
Macaroni and
Cheese Oonei
Tg parents
Do not be concerned if your child's cutting is uneven. The most important
thing is that your child enjoys cutting paper.

macaroni and
Cut along
:;s:: Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child . cheese

Pancakes Cone/

~ith Syrup
••••• • •• •• •• ••••• •••••• • •• ••••• •
T r nl
Help your child open and close the scissors with short strokes to cut curves
neatly. Through repeated practice, he or she will acquire firm scissor

Cut along

Shish• Kebab
••••• •• ••• •• ••• •••••••• • ••• ••• •
From lh1s page forward, your child will practice changing the direction al
the * in order to cut zigzag Iines. This can be very difficull, so when your
child has successfully cut lhe paper. offer lots of praise.

Cut along shish kebab

,/· Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child .

To parent•
In lhis exercise, the zigzag line is more difficult Do nol be concerned ii
your child's cutting is askew. The most important thing is that your child
enjoys culling paper. When your child has completed the exercise, say
"watermelon" aloud while pointing to the word.

Cut along watermelon

~ Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child.

• • •'
• I
' • •
•' • • '• '' I

• •• '' ' • • •

To parents
Cutting in a zigzag is a d i f~icu l t skill to master. When your child has
successfully cut the paper, offer lots of praise.

Cut along
~ Parents: Please cut along - - - • for your child.
Top •ent
When your child is finished cutting along the designated line, pretend to
eat the sub and say something like, "Yummy!"

Cut along
)-< Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child.
• •• • •• • •
•• ••• • •• •• ••• • • •• •••• •••
To parants
In this exercise, the curving line is getting more difficult. When your child
has finished cutting, pretend to spread the jam with a knife and eat the

Cut along bread

~ Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child.
b ll
When your child has finished cuuing, pretend to pick the tomatoes and say
something like, "Tomato plants grow lots of tomatoes. Let's pick some."

Cut along tomato

)':'. Parents: Please cut along - - - for your thild.

To parents
Now your child will practice cutting very wavy curves. II is okay for him or
her lo cul al sharp angles al first. Remind your child lo change direction
with each cutting stroke.

Cut along
~ Parents: Please cut along - - - • f or your chi ld.

••••••• •• •• •• • •• •••••• ••••••• •
To parent•
When your child is finished, offer lots of praise and say something like, "It
looks good. Which one do you like the most?"

Cut along
~ Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child.

,, \ ~

,' '

• • • ••• • •
• • ••••• • •
•• •• •• ••• ••• ••• • ••••
To pcenta
From this page on, your child will practice cutting long lines and slopping. It is okay
if your child cannot stop cutting at the * ·After cutting, fold along the dashed line.
Open the tin and pretend to serve soup.

Cut along
~ Parents: Please cut along ---·for . chicken
your child. Fold upwards along - · -·

Roast Chicken
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••
To pereni.
If your child is having trouble cutting curved lines, it is okay for him or her to cul
sharp angles. After cutting, fold along the dashed line and prop up the dish.

Cut along
~ Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child. Fold upwards along - · -·
roast chicken

Apple Pie
To parenlll
If your child seems to be having difficulty cutting along the designated line, offer
your help. After culling, fold along the dashed line and prop up the dish.

Cut along apple pie

~ Parents: Please cut along - - - for your chil d. Fold upwards along


Avocado Roll
To parents
From this page on , your child will practice cutting long lines and changing
direction. By now, you have probably noticed a big improvement in your child's
paper cutting skills.

Cut along • avocado roll

~ Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child.

Cinna1non Roll
To parents
In this exercise, your child needs to hold the paper and turn it while cutting.
Make sure he or she is hold ing the scissors at lhe prope r angle. Through
repeated practice, he or she will acquire firm scissor control.

Cut along •
~ Parents: Please cut along - - - f o r your child.
cinnamon roll

• • • • ••
•• ••• • • ••• •• ••••• • • • •• • ••• • • •
p Tl
In this exercise. your child wi II hold the paper and rotate it in order to cut in a
circular direction. Do not be concerned if your child's cutting is crooked. The
most important thing is that your child enjoys cutting paper.

Cut along
!}-- Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child.

• •
•••••• • • •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •
To paninls
The culling line In this exercise is more difficull to cut than in previous pages. Have
fun pretending to eat the frozen yogurt.

Cut along frozen yogurt

~ Pa rents: Please cut along - - - f o r your child.
Spaghetti ~ith

• ••
• •• • • • •• •• • •
• • •• •• •• • • •• • ••• •• ••• •• ••
Tb parents
Even if your child cuts loo far, you can always mend the paper with
tape. When he or she is finished , offer lots of praise.

spaghetti with
Cut along meatballs
~ Parents: Pfease cut along for your chil d.

.... -~

ro ta
From this page on . your child will practice cutting out the figures from
the edge of the page. After cutting, lold along the dashed line and
pretend to make a taco.

Cut along
) ..,,, Parents: Please cut along - - - • for your child. Fold downwards along - •- .

• •
•• •••• ••••• •••• • •••• •••• •• ••
r ,
In this exorcise , your child will practice rotating the paper while cutting
in order to cut evenly curved lines.

Cut along
t· Parents: Please cut along - - - · for your child.

• • •••• • ••• •• ••• •• •• •• ••• • •• • • • • •
To parents
When your child is finished, offer lots of praise and say something like, "Well
done! It looks good."

Cut along
~ Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child.

- . ,, .

• ,, " •

• •

•.. • "'

• 9 .

•1 •
Ir •

• • l
... ....
• •

• • •••• ••••••• •• • • • •••• • •• • •••

for , nt1
When your child has successfully completed the exercise, have fun
pretending to eat the cake.

Cut along
!)--: Parents: Please cut along

- - - for your child.

- ..,,,,
.. •

• • •
•• •

• •




• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •
To parents
II your child does not cut perfectly, that is okay. It's more important that your
child enjoys cutting.

Cut along •
~ Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child.
trench toast

To parent•
When your child has successfully cut out the sushi, offer lots of praise.
You can say something like, "Well done! It looks good."

Cut along
~ Parents: Please cut along - - -

To parert•
If your child is cutting off the line and into the picture, help him or her
adjust the direction of the scissor. Even if he or she cuts too far, you
can always mend the paper w ith tape.

Cut along
~ Parents: Please cut along - - - · for your child .
Ice Crea111 Done/

To parent•
It is okay for your child to close the scissors completely at the end of
every stroke. However if he or she seems able to control the scissors
well, show him or her how to keep moving the scissors without
completely closing them.

Cut along ice cream sandwich

~ Parents: Please cut along - - - for you r child.

To parents
If your child seems to be having difficulty, offer to help. When your child has
finished, offer lots of praise.

Cut along pumpkin

~ Parents: Please cut alon g - - - for your chi ld.
Ha~aiian Oo11e/


• •••• • ••••••• •• •••• • • ••••••••
To parent•
The designated line here is more difficult than the previous exercises.
When your child has successfully cut out the Hawaiian candy lei,
please offer lots of praise.

Cut along .
~ Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child.
Hawaiian candy lei

• ••
• • •• • • •• • •• •• •• • •• • •• •• •••

To parents
This is the last exercise in this workbook. Compare your child's work
on this exercise with his or her earlier work. You will probably notice a
lot ol progress in your child's ability to cut paper precisely. Offer lots of
praise for his or her accomplishment!

Cut along lobster

~ Parents: Please cut along - - - for your child.
- · - .

• • t KuMO' N~ tl . ....· · •- • . e -.
•*• • ..: - • . -
11 • •
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• • *
Certificate of Achievement !.,
e . •

-• is hereby congratulated on connpleting

• Let's Cut Paper! Fooci Fun

PresEinted on , 20._ _
* ••
• •
F>arent or Guardian
••• •
• . • *
• •


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KUMQN First Steps Workbooks

" ~r.'
Trust Kumo11 [ko·o-11100 I MaJh attd Reading Ce11ten.
the world's /tadtri11 after-school readiq a11d math
instntction, with over 3 million sl11dimts-andjapan's
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If your child enjoyed t his First Steps Workbook, consider one of our
other Kumon Workbook titl es. Each workbook is designed to guide
your child throug h a particular skil l or learning concept.

First Steps Workbooks

Your child will develop fine motor control skills and pencil control through coloring, folding, pasting, and cutting
paper. These skills are an Important foundation for further learning. First Steps Workbooks are specially
designed for children who have not yet mastered the use of a pencil.

. ·-

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Gain - pol!Cil Oevolo!> an Develop an Develop basic Pr,clil» pol!Cil sl<ills lmP'OYe manual Develop Me motor
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Copyright O 201 1 by Kumon Publishing Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved. Printed in China.
Arst edition, May.. 2011 / 1I ·05-101

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