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Cloud for IoT,Case Studies

• Cloud for IoT:
• IoT with Cloud-Challenges
• Selection of Cloud Service Provider for IoT Applications
• Fog Computing
• Cloud Computing: Security Aspects
• Case Study: How to use Adafruit Cloud?

• Case Studies:
• Smart Cities and Smart Homes
• Professor Ramnath Chellappa from Emory University defines cloud computing as,
• “A Computing paradigm where the boundaries of computing will be determined by
economic rationale rather than technical limits”.
• Cloud computing does not only give Technical strength to the application,but also
adds to economic viability.Storage,analytics,platform,etc.,are accomplished at the
• It is important to learn about cloud computing storage for most IoT Applications
takes place at the cloud. The most significant reason to opt for cloud is that it is more
economical when used for storage.
• Cloud is preferred more than expected as it is affordable,effective and efficient for
data storage.
• Cloud services could be any of the following:
• Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): Complete software application as a service is provided
to the user. (( It can also be called application as a service as a pay monthly, yearly
• Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): Development tools, APIs,libraries etc. will be provided
by the cloud service provider. Users have to build, manage and maintain the
applications (provides platform to develop)
• Infrastructure-as-a-Service (laaS): Virtual Machines kind of support. Users shall
manage the machines. Users shall select the OS and underlying applications. PAY as
YOU use! (with laas approach, you can choose virtual machines over physical
• Some well-known service providers in the market include the following:
• Amazon web service
• Azureo
• Adafruit

• Cloud Deployment Models

• Cloud computing comes in three forms:
• But, before we go in, we should understand:
• .Based on the data we work on, it should be categorized as public/private or hybrid
cloud..So, the data and data confidentiality essentially is the driving parameter for
the cloud choice.
• Three types:
• Public

• Private and
• Hybrid.
• Private Cloud Deployment: This is one of the best models,where the data generated is
safeguarded without any flaw. This particular deployment model can be opted
whenever confidentiality matters the most.This model can be chosen whenever the
Intellectual Property (IP) needs to be protected. When this model is chosen,the
complete control of everything is well within the organization for which the
deployment is carried out.
• The Cloud servers are typically in the datacentres inside the organization.Everything
has to be taken care of by the organization that owns this deployment.This model
demands that the hardware,software,datacentre,personnel,infrastructure,etc.,be
maintained,monitored,and installed by the organization,which makes this model
• This model offers the organization complete flexibility in terms of deciding and
managing the resources.Data security can be ensured in the best possible way through
this model as per the organization’s datasecurity guidelines.
• The main Advantages of private cloud deployment include the following:
• Data security is paramount in this model and is ensured.
• This model is seen as a flexible model compared to others.
• The main disadvantages of private cloud deployment include the following:
• Expensive
• Maintenance,periodic upgradation,etc.,could be difficult
• Policies and other related things are to be framed carefully to make sure that the data
is safe.
• 2. Public Cloud Deployment:This deployment is for general public or a large group.The
cloud service provider owns all the resources,which include
hardware/infrastructureand software.
• Cloud service provider (e.g.,Amazon,Microsoft)will take care of all the resource
management.Installation,maintenance,upgradation,and monitoring everything
comes under the pursuit of the service provider.
• Access to this cloud service happens via the internet.The biggest advantage of this
approach is the ease of usage and it being inexpensive compared to private cloud
deployment.The Pay and use approach makes it easier for the cloud service will get 24*7 customer support for technical support for technical and
other related clarifications when you opt for this deployment model.Security and
Privacy issues are the Major Challenges.
• The main advantages of public cloud deployment include the following:
• It is a simple approach where the user needs to pay for what he has used.It is also
termed as pay and use system.
• You do not need to invest in setting up the hardware or infrastructure when it comes
to this approach.
• Customer support team can be reached on demand and the team should try to resolve
the challenges.
• It can be easily scaled up or scaled down based on requirements.
• The main disadvantages of public cloud deployment include the following:
• Data is not within the walls of the organization or user.
• Securing the data while ensuring privacy.
• 3.Hybrid Cloud Deployment: As the name suggests, this deployment is a mix of both
private and public cloud deployment.In this approach,the resources offered and
managed are both in-house and third party based.
• Organization and service providers both have the control and stake.This approach
offers flexibility to decide what is to be owned by the organization and what can be
leased to a third party.
• This would help in access control and also data can be secured to a great extent.But
even then,the data is not 100% safe.
• The main advantages of Hybrid cloud deployment include the following:
• i)Both Organization and third party come together.
• ii)Not as expensive as private cloud deployment
• iii)Flexible and controlled access can be enabled.
• The main disadvantages of Hybrid cloud deployment include the following:
• It is public cloud,which means the service being opted for is shared with other
users.Hence,there is higher chance that the data may be unsafe.The data could be
vulnerable to attacks as well.
• Private cloud have Advantages security and Privacy

• There are many challenges one could list.
• Here, we shall see 7 such challenges, with some relevant example for each.
• Privacy and Security.
• Bandwidth Cost.
• Migration and Portability.
• Reliability and Availability.
• Costing.
• Data Ownership.
• Expertise.
Challenge 1 - Privacy and Security
• Security is a major concern in the field of IoT
• Valuable and confidential data goes into the cloud, outside the firewall.The moment
the firewall is crosses,this data becomes hackable.There is a possibility that this data
could be monitored without informing the user.
• The following are solutions to this privacy and security challenge.
• Periodic monitoring of the network activities,tracking unusual events in the
network,opting for private cloud if the data is confidential, and using recognized anti-
virus solutions could certainly reduce the risk of being exposed.
• Before signing the contract with a cloud service provider,it is necessary to read and
understand the regulations involved in the service being provided.
• The data received is from multiple sensor nodes.It is important to interpret this data
in the correct sequence.This will safeguard the data and ensure that it is not stolen.
• Challenge - 2 - Bandwidth Cost:
Cloud computing is favoured for storage/processing because of the following reasons:
There is no need to invest on hardware and to maintain it.
Hardware/software upgrade is not the responsibility of the end user but that of the
service provider.
Customer service and technical support is provided 24*7
There are some challenges with cloud computing.Bandwidth is one such concern.If the
IoT application is on a small-scale demanding lesser resources,then requirement for
investment in bandwidth would not be too much.In case the application is data-
intensive,then the investment would be huge.IoT is all about data,and in most
cases,this would be big data.There is always the necessity for huge investment.
3. Migration and Portability: When data is moved to the cloud.
How safe is it to move the data?
How much downtime would this process require?
How easy is it to move the data?
What is the strategy to migrate data to the cloud?
When data is to be migrated from the cloud.Will it be easy to opt out of the cloud and
take data out safely back to the infrastructure?
How much would it cost?
Would the move of data affect current workflow?
What would be the downtime?
Would there be support offered to migrate smoothly to another cloud service
All these challenges are doubled with IoT as the data comes from the sensory nodes
at a very high speed.
4.Availabilty,Reliability and Robustness:
In IoT,there is a continuous monitoring and reading of the data.Data generation and storage
have to be spontaneous.This forces the need to have continuous cloud service
availability(24*7 availability).If there is a downtime,it would/could miss critical
data.Hence,reliability of the process has to be monitored,which decides the effectiveness of
the service.
The process should be robust towards handling data at different rates.IoT could flood data at
any particular time,while it could be slow some other times.Both these situations should be
handled effortlessly.
5.Costing:One of the main advantages of cloud is that it can scale up with rising demand.While
it is scalable and flexible,an organization should plan its budget carefully.If someone opts for
subscription without having clear vision and planning,it may lead to unnecessary cost.
6.Data Ownership:The data stored by the user on the cloud is owned by the user.This means
that the data is under the ownership of the person who generates it.However,when opting for
cloud storage(i.e.,public/hybrid deployment model),the data is under the custody of the cloud
service provider.Then, it appears that the service provider owns the data.There are still
challenges surrounding this debate of data ownership.When it comes to IoT,the data is
generated at multiple points and ownership could lie with multiple participating parties.Hence
in IoT the ownership-related challenges are multiplied.
7.Expertise: To use the cloud with IoT requires a specific skill set.The cloud platform gets
updated every time and then experts have to constantly upgrade themselves.When it comes
to IoT,the challenge lies with understanding the sensors and at the same time,getting updated
on cloud development.
Selection of Cloud Service Provider - An Overview
There are many parameters and considerations to select the cloud service provider.

Fig(a) Selection of cloud service provider

Criteria1:Certifications and Standards Compliance:When a product adheres to the
standards that are accepted widely,it is considered as a reliable
product.Similarly,cloud service providers(CSPs) are expected to comply with
standards.This compliance with industry accepted standards is the first criteria to
select the CSP.There are many standards framed and followed by the industry,some
of the main standards for cloud are ISO,Open Cloud Consortium(OCC),IEEE,SNIA(Cloud
Storage Initiative).
Criteria2: Financial Health of the service provider
The service provider should hold sufficient money/funding to operate for a long
period.If the service provider has healthy financial status and history of
sustenance,then it is most unlikely to shut down.
Criteria3: Business and Technology Strength
Having the technical expertise to sustain and adapt to a client’s requirementstain. is a
key factor in selecting a CSP.Having just the Technical skill and strength does not
help;the CSP needs business skills as well as sustain.Business skills include growth
planning,financial planning,and other factors that are required to sustain in the
Sustenance=Technology+Business Skills
Criteria4: Compliance Audit
The CSP must validate compliance with the client’s requirement,which shoud be done
through a proper third party audit.This will enable transparency and perfect
Criteria 5:Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
• Service Level Agreements (SLAs)provide details and information about the services
being provided and the real value that a customer gets out them.
• They serve as a contract between two parties , they define the terms and conditions
and also the legal aspects of the contract and the relationship between the two
• Criteria 6:Reporting / Tracking
The service provider should be capable of issuing a comprehensive performance report,which
also Highlights the shortfalls.This will enable the customer to understand the complete
Criteria 7:Costing and Billing
The costing and billing should be transparent and should provide the complete details of the
usage.Also,it is expected to be automated with details of the complete resource
utilization.It should not come as a shock to a customer to see a bill with a huge amount
mentioned,without having clarity on the breakup.This means the billing should be transparent
and for the usage only.This is a major factor in selecting the CSP.
Criteria 8: Maintenance, Monitoring and Upgrade:It should be easy and less expensive to
migrate to the CSPs environment. Also, when there is an upgrade, it should be done with ease.
• Any maintenance should be easier and affordable.In short, it should be easier to Install,
Manage, Maintain and Upgrade. (This upgrade includes migration from private to public to
hybrid cloud, if needed)
• Criteria 9:Support: Help and assistance should be provided when should
be available based on the agreements, and a dedicated resource may be needed based on
the complexity of the problem.Also,onsite support may be needed when clarifications
cannot be offered over phone.Thus,support is a major deciding factor for selection of a
service provider.
• Criteria 10:Security: We have already discussed the importance of Privacy and Security.The
Infrastructure, both hardware/software should be secured.There should be defined
policies about the security that should also be shared with a customer.This includes
everything, from access restrictions to customer data.The data should be safe in case of a
breakdown/failure.The recovery and backup options should be sound.
• The physical infrastructure has to be safeguarded as well.All these factors would require
audit, which should be carried out by a third party.
• Introduction to FOG computing
• Whenever we think about loT, one thing is inevitable!
• The data getting generated.
• - 4 Vs- Variety, Velocity, Veracity and Volume-Huge Challenges.
• - All loT applications requires instant analysis and action.
• Most of the time, the action would be corrective in nature,that is ,it would be business
critical.In case the data volume is high and it reaches the cloud after some delay, the
opportunity to use it appropriately may be lost. In such cases,Fog computing serves the
purpose and provides the solution.
• The most sensitive data(i.e.,data that must be analysed out of all the voluminous data)
should be analysed in the vicinity closer to the place where it is generated.
• With fog computing,it is possible to analyse the data at a place that is closer to where it
was generated.In this way,we can prevent all the data to be sent to the cloud and respond
much faster since data travel is reduced.It thus becomes a reality to process the data in
milliseconds time frame.
• Only the required data will be sent to the cloud.This will be based on storage requirements
and guidelines.The data stored in the cloud can be used to understand the history and it
would even help in prediction of the future.Predictive analytics can also be carried out with
the data stored in the cloud.
• This faster response time provided by fog computing also results in increased efficiency
and safety(both physical and asset safety).Some instances where faster response time is
extremely important are factory manufacturing line,oil and gas tube lines fault analysis,on-
flight diagnosis,and healthcare.

• Working of Fog Computing
• As shown in Fig 5.4 Sensors/devices generate data and transmit to the middle layer,which
is veryclose the data source.These nodes in the middle layer are capable of handling the
data.This requires minimum power and lesser resources.
• The idea is that all data need not go to the cloud at the instant it is generated.also,sensitive
data gets processed very fast,which results in an instant response.Fog is not meant for
hefty storage.It is still the cloud that does the task of storing big data.Fog is just an
intermediary layer that enables faster data processing,thereby facilitating faster response
• The following points summarize the concept of fog nodes:
• It receives the data feed from the sensors,in real time.
• Response time for this is very minimal - Ideally in milliseconds.
• Fog computing is transit,where data is stored for a limited time only.
• Data is then sent to cloud as a summary. It is important to note that not all data goes to
the cloud.
• The following points summarize the concept of cloud computing platform:
• It receives the data summary from the fog.
• Data prediction,data analytics,data storage,etc.takesplace here.
• The benefits of using fog computing model are as follows:
• 1.Minimal amount of data sent to the cloud.
• 2.Reduced bandwidth consumption
• 3.Reduced data latency
• 4.Improved data security.When limited data goes to cloud,it is easier to protect it.
• 5.Immediate processing of data in real time(this is very much needed in industrial
• Difference Between Edge and Fog Computing
• Both fog and edge are concerned with the computing capabilities to be executed
locally,before passing it to the cloud.Both aim at reducing complete dependency on the
cloud to perform computation.Analysing data and processing it at the cloud is to be avoided
and both edge and fog computing helps in accomplishing this aspect.
• Both these approaches essentially reduce the time delay due to decision-making before
the data is passed on to the cloud.Data-driven decisions would be much faster,which is
crucial for real-time applications.
• The main difference between edge and fog computing is where data processing takes
place.Edge computing is the computing carried out at the device itself,where all the sensors
are connected.That is,the computing devices would be physically much closer to the data
generation point(i.e.,sensors). In fog computing,data processing is moved to the processors
that are connected to the local area network(LAN),making it a little farther from the
sensors and actuators.The main difference between edge and fog computing is the
• Cloud Computing :Security Aspects
• The security of any computing platform includingCloud computing depends on software
security , infrastructure security , storage security and network security . If any of these is
compromised,it would result in security violation and could cause damages. Let us discuss
these security aspects briefly:
• 1.Software Security: Software is the core component and plays a vital role in presenting
and ensuring a secure environment . If there are defects created/generated during the
development phase ,it is a software security threat . Defects such as simple software
implementation defects,memory allocation,design issues, and exception handling all
contribute to security issues. Care should be taken to write software for IoT without
errors/defects. This can be ensured by complete and comprehensive testing carried out at
all stages.
• 2.Infrastructure Security:The infrastructure provided by the CSP is safe is a must.The entire
data is stored and is dependent on this infrastructure.Since a thirdparty could also
contribute to the infrastructure,it is extremely important to check the security
vulnerabilities with the infrastructure.All infrastructure related guidelines should be
mentioned clearly in the agreements and should be made transparent to the customer.If
data is damaged,everything is damaged and lost.Hence care should be taken to protect the
• 3.Storage Security:It is important to be informed of who owns the data and the location
where it is stored.
• Data leak,snooping,malware attacks,etc.are all threats to the stored data and can be listed
under storage security.Appropriate antivirus software and periodic monitoring,should help
protect the data.
• 4.Network Security:Data is stored in the cloud via the internet,and hence all network
threats become a possibility.
• Case Study: How to use Adafruit Cloud?
• Adafruit is one of the simplest platforms and provides multiple features and easy
access.Also,there are many data representation options in Adafruit.
• Insights into Adafruit Cloud
• Step1:Creation of Account:
• The very first step to access the cloud service is to create an account.To do this,visit,which is the homepage of Adafruit.On the home page,at the top
right corner,you will find the button”Get started for Free”
• Click on it to go to the page where you will need to fill in all your personal details.
• Fig(a) Adafruit web page for creation of account

• Fig(b) Sign up screen
• Step2:Generation of AIO Key: For every account ,there will be a unique asynchronous input-
output (AIO)key that is used by the program to identify the account without any error.The
AIO key is a prerequisite for every code and leaving this field empty may lead to
misidentification of the account.The processes to get the AIO key are shown in Figs© and

Fig©Tab for viewing the AIO key

By clicking on the “view AIO key” you can view the corresponding page(Fig(d))

Fig(d)Image revealing the AIO key of the respective account
The AIO key must be copied and preserved for future use.However,it can be regenerated if
• Step3:Creation of Feeds
• In Adafruit cloud, feeds play a major role because all the data sent into the cloud will be
stored in these feeds.These serve as variables that can hold different types of data.We can
send values such as analog values,digital values,timestamp,latitudes,and longitudes of a
location.The feeds can hold any type of data passed in the form of a string.Let us see how
to create our own feed.Let us consider that we need to monitor the brightness of a room
for the duration of one hour.To upload the data we need to create a feed inside our
respective account for collection and representation of the sensor data.Figures(e) and (f)
illustrate the procedure for creation of feeds along with the description.

• Figure(e) Creation of a new feed
• By clicking on the “Create a New feed”tab you can create a new feed.In this case,the feed’s
name is given as “LDR data”as we intend to measure the brightness of the room.In order
to achieve this,we use a light-dependent resistor(LDR)sensor mounted inside the
room.Fig(f) shows the fields to be entered for the creation of feeds.The description field is
• Fig(f)Fields to be filled while creating a new feed

Step4:Methods of Uploading data
We have seen how to deal with Adafruit cloud from the web interface only.We will now look
at how to deal with existing methods of uploading data into the feeds that are created.This can
be done via MQTT client and Python client.
Method1:MQTT Client
MQTT is a publish-subscribe message protocol.In order to upload the data into feeds,we use
an embedded device called NodeMCU,which is a microcontroller withgeneral purpose input-
output(GPIO)pins.These pins help in hooking up sensors to the boardand making data
transmission possible.this module is used especially for data upload because it contains the
ESP8266 Wi-Fi module that can connect Wi-Fi to a home with ease.The connection time is
minimal and the transmission speed is almost 7Mbps,which is an optimal speed for
transmission.Figure(g0 shows a NodeMCU module mounted with ESPWi-Fi module.

Fig(g) NodeMCU module with ESP for Wi-Fi connectivity

We will now learn the coding for connecting NodeMCU to the internet and uploading the
data.Before starting, we need to specify some parameters to connect the module.The code
snippet in Fig(h)illustrates the parameters to be specified.
Fig(h) Parameters required for the connection
Line 1:We need to include this library to enable the Adafruit client services.
Line 2:Importing the ESP8266 library connects the module to the Wi-Fi with ease.
Line 4 and 5:These specify the name And passcode of the Wi-Fi so that the module connects
to it automatically.
Line 6 and 7:These specify the server name or IP address to which the data must be uploaded.In
this case,the server is the online Adafruitcloud service.The port number is required to
distinguish the destination.
Line 8 and 9:These fill the fields with username of the account and the AIO key that was shown
in Fig(d)
Line11:This creates an instance for Wi-Fi client.In this case,the instance createdis named
Fig(i) Code for Wi-Fi connectivity

Line13:All the required parameters that are specified by the userare passed into the function
Line 15:It specifies the web page so as to tell theprogram where to publish the data from the
sensor.Figure(j) shows the feed link containing the URL.

Fig(j) URL with the feed name

Lines17 to 22:Beginning of the void setup and initializations.
Line23:Command to begin the Wi-Fi connection provided with the username and password of
the network.
Lines24 to 28:wait until the module is connected to the Wi-Fi(Fig(k))
Fig(k):More on connections part
Lines30 and 31:Print the IP address of the local server started by the NodeMCU module.
Lines 33 to 37:Make request to the MQTT client for initiating the data publish process.Until the
connection is successful,the server receives pings from the module for establishing the
Lines 39 to 41:Verify the connection of MQTT to start uploading the data from sensor(fig(l))
Line 43:Reads data from the sensor hooked to the analog pin A0of NodeMCU and stores it in
the variable named”LDR_stat”,which stands for LDR_status.
Lines 46 to 54:Publish the data to the specified cloud and if the process is successful it will
intimate you printing a success statement in the serial monitor.
Line55:This step is different for different users and depends upon the type of account the user
subscribes.If the account the user holds is a freeaccount provided by Adafruit,then the delay
must be 2 seconds because in the free tier of the Adafruit cloud the cloud service speed is
restricted only to 30 feed data per minute.So,this delay has to be provided in order to time
synchronize the program with the server speed. Fig(l)Publishing the sensor data
Method2:Python Client
The above mentioned process can also be easily done by using Python client with fewer lines
of codes.The initial step is to install the dependencies/libraries for using Python client and
uploading the data.For installing the library for Adafruit client in Python,carry out the following
For Windows:
1.Open a command prompt window with administrative privileges.
2.Change the directory to the path(using “cd” command),where Python is installed.
3.Go into the scripts folder and enter the following command to install adafruit dependencies
pip install adafruit-io
4.The above command installs the adafruit-io library with root permissions and is then ready
for import.
For Linux:
In Linux,the process of installing the dependencies is easy.Open a terminal and type the
following command by pressing the enter key successively.
sudo pip install adafruit-io
Let us now look at the coding by using Python client.

Fig(m)Python client programme for data updation

Line 1:Imports the needed libraries.”import*” means that we are importing every file present
inside that library.
Line 2:Initializes the AIO key of the user to begin communication with the server.
Line 3:This command sends data to the cloud by passing the feed name and value they would
like to upload as the parameters.
Line 4:Acknowledges the successful attempt with the server
Lines5 and 6:These Lines of code receive the updated value in the feed and print it in the
Step5:Representation of Data Using Dashboards
Raw data never makes any sense nor is it easy to understand.Hence, the next step is to
represent the data.This will help differentiate the data to understand it better.Adafruit cloud
provides various types of data representation methods.To access them directly,we have to go
to the homepage and click on the Dashboards tab shown in fig(n).

Figure(n)Tab to open the dashboard

Similar to the feed creation step,click on the Actions tab and create a new dashboard with a
name and description as shown in fig(o)

Figure(o)Fields to be filled for the dashboard

By clicking on the create tab,your unique dashboard is created.Now,create the different
represenatations of data such as line chart,location map,terminal view,etc.(Fig(p)).
Fig(P) Different representations available
You can choose up to five feeds from which the data must be taken and plotted or
Figure(q) Selection menu from feed

After completing this step,click on “Next step”tab for creating the dashboard icon.You can see
your live data being uploaded to the cloud and represented in the dashboard.
In this way,you utilize the cloud services and can integrate them in daily projects for yielding
better results with accuracy at high speeds.this is one of the best and easiest ways to access
cloud services.

• Case Studies:
• Smart Cities and Smart Homes

• INTRODUCTION: A smart city may be defined as a developed urban area that contains
economic development and high quality of life by excelling in multiple areas like
infrastructure, living, environment, its people etc. A smart city is a city that is well planned,
and it provides the cost efficient services for the welfare of the citizens. Smart solutions can
be helpful in controlling the ever increasing population in the cities.

• A smart city has no particular definition and its components may vary easily in different
parts of the world according to the need of that area and its people A smart city is
sometimes also referred to as a digital city, intelligent city, knowledge city, sustainable city,

• A smart city is an urban development vision to integrate information and communication

technology(ICT) and Internet of things(IoT) technology in a secure fashion to manage a
city's assets Smart Cities Mission is an urban renewal program to develop cities making
them citizen friendly and sustainable VISION MISSION.

• OBJECTIVE:The objective of the mission is to promote cities that cater core infrastructure
and provide its citizens a decent quality of life, a clean and sustainable environment and
application of “smart solutions” Such Smart Solutions include interventions for e-
governance, online government services, and for improving the efficiency of core services
at a relatively lower cost Annual revenue generation for state and central government.

• The Smart Cities Mission (SCM) of the Government of India, promotes cities that provide
core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable
environment and application of ‘Smart Solutions'.

• NEED FOR A SMART CITY Smarter constructions Environment friendly Structural

planning Energy efficient Effective transportation Easy healthcare Quality education.

• HISTORY The earliest smart grid project in Teleogestore,Italy in 2005 which offered a
saving of 500 million Euros per year. IBM and CISCO had visions to use information
technology to make cities smarter Various smart cities were being developed in the last
20 years like Los Angeles, Vienna, Rome etc. "100 Smart Cities Mission" was launched
by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in June 25, 2015. A total of 98,000 crore has been
approved for development of 100 smart cities.

• Smart cities are being developed to improve the quality of life of all people

SMART SOLUTIONS AND ROLE OF A CIVIL ENGINEER E-Governance and Citizen Services like
public information, Grievance redressal, citizen engagement, video crime monitoring. Civil Engineer can
provide the required infrastructure for these services Waste management like waste to fuel and energy,
waste to compost, treating waste water, recycling. The structures required to complete this work are
designed by a civil engineer to provide maximum workspace and efficiency.

Water management like smart meters and management, leakage identification and prevention,
water quality management Energy management by smart meters and management and renewable
sources of energy. Efficient structures are made by civil engineers to produce energy harmlessly
Urban mobility like public parks, smart parking and intelligent traffic management. The facilities
required are to be made by a civil engineer

Smart Building - The most important concentration of any construction is building. Improvement is
being done as per the necessities over the time. The features like lightning, ventilation, heating, air
conditioning, and security can be selected separately. The vision is successfully implemented only
when the energy is minimized, boot support to electrical grid and accessing the impacts in the
environment. The serviceability of the building is considered on the basis of good sanitation,
thermal comfortableness, good quality of air, security system etc. with minimum possible

Smart Infrastructure - Infrastructure is the term used for facilities that support city systems and
keep a city functioning It includes roads, buildings, electricity grids and communication networks
City infrastructures will need to withstand pressures such as extra stress on the electricity grid
resulting from more homes. Smarter infrastructure will lead to less environmental impact

Smart Transportation - It advocates more efficient transportation systems and promotes new social
attitudes towards vehicle usage, ensuring that citizens have access to local and public

CONCLUSION A considerable amount of time, money and effort will be required to make cities
smart The planning, designing and development for any smart city should be such that it is
sustainable and also ensure successful returns The technologies like ICT which uses various tools
like GIS, GPS have to be used as smart solution for the infrastructure strategies like pan city
development and redevelopment.



--It is one of the applications of smart technologies within our home,in creating a comfortable
home,an effective lifestyle.

--It improves automation control and monitoring of household devices

--and connect via standard means of communication for its operation.


• Home Security System

• Controlled Exterior and Interior Lighting
• Automatic Window and Curtain
• Automatic Garage door
• Intercom/Telephony Systems
• Home Energy Management Systems

Smart Home is applicable in various aspect of our home and environment to suite our
different preferences.

Comfort or Ease of control


Security,convenience at all times,lifestyle personalization and user bfriendly.

Smart Homes offers ease of controlling devices around the home.This is one of its
outstanding feature.

These features offers automation remote control of devices around the home from any
location within such as:

.Automatic control of garage door and gate(s);

.Automatic shut down of appliance when not in use;.Automatic setting and maintenance of
right temperature for each room;Automatic adjust/regulate light intensity based on room

Smart Home offers multi room entertainment network which enables listening of
audio music and watching of movies from any part in the house.
Easy control:Parental control feature on television channels for children to watch only
certain programmes.
Digital Access:Access favourite CD’s,DVD’s from any music system and television
around the home;
Digital Storage:
System automatically stores most played music based on number of play.

Security Camera:.Controlled motion sensitive cameras which allows for observation of

activities.Capture and record video surveillance.

Emergency:.Initiate emergency alarm or audible intruder alert.Activate sprinkler and fire

extinguishing system in case fire emergency.Automatic de-activation of electric systems
and activate emergency light.

Controlled Access: Granting access using finger print,eye or face recognition. The system
informs the user if a visitor is at the door;the owner can then grant or deny access.
SMART homes offers benefits for the disabled and elderly persons in the various ways:

Monitory systems.

Automated alarm systems directly connected to hospitals in case of incidents like a fall or

Alert systems for the notification on prescribed medications.

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