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WUUPEDRDEDDED DRED RRR R TDD + Most.people nave. heard the tesm.“eco- Friendly” or “green’ interiox cx.Gustanable. design. .Being sensitive crowards. the _ the occupants {while designing is. called | Sustainable. design Sustainable clesigning Should Consides Paromelers Such_as. Planning. Using. efficient use of Space» hoosing mederials with low environment. imeacts, -jO.nd reducing energy. donsumpHan,. Pollution and jWoste }ic19 balance. the Functionally af. the Spaces 145, so_necessarry -to_ Coorcl nade “HQ, with other _ |consultonts +o. find intergrated 1 innovative + and pniediscpinany Solwions_+o. design, tuith ehurronm- -lental consideacdions. Ss Asa. Sustainable intemionr designes, You have +o See who's best Suited forthe project, be it lwesidenticd OF commerical - All_ materials and Products. have +o Mee! enviwonmental Standards [0s well as durability/ maintanence need of the client For @xample your can choose -to use Aimoleum varhea +han Vinyl floosing because. Aincleum. is made Sustainebtially fyorn jute, a _Moturolly Occuring Fibre: and Possesses. nakurad bacteria - resistance Properties. you can also ichose +o use Scrubbable cotton. well coverings jbecause Vinyl 19. Known -to be higly -toxic. Even Choice OF Carpets. coud be based on ecycled Product ond the ochesive. used -to Glue. down -+he flooring canbe. chosen -Hoot iwhich_hos alow toxic emission ade. wherevers_ Possible »_you Should ideoly chose +o use local _ maknial +o teduce the need ferr long -distance | Tntertion: designers howe -+remendous. impact on the /SUstamnahiltyoF an. environment because they jOre. the: anes. dectecling which» matenal and {ewroducts wii be. used and. haw ecologically. people wale, able +p. interact with ther Surrounding Spaces: 2 ah A. Design forr_energy efriciency. 4 Enexgy Consumphon. 1s6ne. of the mayor conti bulet -oClimate..change: Busldings awe. xeseonsible fora ..| big Shave of the wards greenhouse: gas emissions. 4 _by energy consumption. Architects and inieain _jdesigness Con do.alot+o Improve -o_ buildings eneagyy ef Fclency, manly ‘by reducing ne. amount of -enexgy. needed. fare heating, \ighting running lappliances..ete. Onda by Providing. senewable , {pon = combon=based energy +o. the: bus lding - | Hecaing and. lighting owe wo. mest crucial Factors [nienior: designess. have influence Over, Since. mast (of the buildings head escape -Harough windows, 4's Ampostont thal the installed windows ore oF high quatity and. Provide good. inswlotion: Curtains and idyapes keep both cold) arr aind the Suns heat owside iMindew coverings blinds andiShades enable presidence +e. cantsol -the “building. temperate ic a energy _eAiclent way be LVVELVUVYVUVYWUE ERED ERE EEEeerrn BUN) | — hem ns needed. ns ut ee -|Cowpets one excellent ahéntol, insulators Accordin to. €54i malians, Carpet arelains as much 406. 10% oF o.Amomis hea. of i ie 8 Since. Conpets nswlete_qgainst bath cold Lond. heat, —Selain_worrmth tn rooms ond give the Psychologica} te Feeling OF Wormth theyre grec to hele Save Wneoding Cnengy To. Sove_ energy. Spent. on. lighting | gegihe Si a done_by just by. Picking -the sight lows. Lightor _ fanless. erect ctrnge_ligists. hile _(fmams. ait darker | | | | | wer noustind Rompe Abad natusel sesouates eed +o (be. treated: es eansibly .chease..moesials. that cre quickly. 7senewable (Such as fast- growing -barmnbao), and ore extiacted in oh /Enviaonmentaliy. xesponsill woy- These age lables . Standords ond centi Picaions the Give! credible. Infowmedion about the: Product's i aetginieee help you identify eco-friendly Pxeducts - The environmental: impacto & nadesialscind Products must be evaluated -theoughouk the enti«e : “hie cyle-feom. extsaction , Production ;-ans PomtaHo: ___jand. processing. all -the way to. i ee _.Wdiscomded sGmea, home-LETY “AGH & BRICKS wu! cae dpe inal Poel aioe ee ee Ibericks Rene tT eek. aC idee).

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