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Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh…

Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen…

Oke.. for the first, we must let us praise and thank for the presence of Allah SWT,
because with His will we can be together here right now. And don’t forget to together we say our
Shalawat and greetings to the great Prophet Muhammad SAW, Who brought us a meaning of
Islam and He is the source of Sunnah that we must follow.
Oke.. everyone.. How Are you ?? I am sure everyone is in good heath. Did you know me
already ?? there is a saying that if you don’t know a person, how can you love that person ?
that’s right ?
Let me introduce my self. My name is Mega Fitria Carnos, you can call me Mega or
Megnos. I have studied at Politeknik Kesehatan Malang and Midwifery Academic. It is an
honour to talk in front of all of you today. I will be doing a speech regarding about the hot topic
of the year.
Are you know guys ? About the topic ?? Yess… You know about the Pandemic Covid-19
As you know. We have any changes activities after the pandemic hit us all. I am not
talking about just our city or county. This happened all around the word.
As we all know. The pandemic of covid-19 is not over. Many people have died because
from the covid-19 virus and for example our family. Our friends, neighbors, and some one ell’s.
That is why we need to practice a healthy lifestyle and apply health protocols in everyday of life.
It’s our responsibility to look after each other in this conditions.
And then today.. we life in the same conditions as last year of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
We have tired about the conditions right know. Tired of words about the pandemic, virus, and
COVID-19. Frist step we can safety a our family, why ?? because we don’t want to lose our
Step one, we must follow the government about the protocols healthy of COVID-19.
Don’t be lazy to wash your hand every time want you touch many object and every moment you
can use hand sanitizer/soup , the second you must obey wearing a mask when you out of the
house, obey about social distancing. And you have remind and instruction our family for have
vaccinate of COVID-19. You must support them, and explain for don’t be lazy, and afraid.
Because vaccine COVID-19 is a one method of the government to reduce conditions of
pandemic COVID-19.
And if you see people around don’t be obey about the protocol healthy you must to
remind them. Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid. Because when the people don’t be obey the
healthy protocols of COVID-19 will actually make us longer in a condition of pandemic.
We must support our family. And we must explain about the COVID-19 Virus, about
how to make transmission.. we can safe healthy everyone in here..
Oke.. the last for me.. maybe enough about my speech right know. I hope is very
important to our everyone in here right know.. and make a motivation… maybe any questions.
you can ask me.. but maybe nothing.. I will closed .. and thank you for our attention.. see you..
Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh……….
Assignment 4.1
1. The specific information about the audience 
The specific information is a Healthy Protocols in the Pandemic COVID-
2. The specific purpose of the speaking
To obey the Healthy Protocols in the Pandemic COVID-19
3. How will you outline the speaking and why do you decide to do it in
that way 
I want use a leaflet. Because leaflet is very familiar for a many people and
always easy to use for give many information about the healthy protocol and
in the midwifery academic often use.
4. What will you speak
Protocols Healthy of the Pandemic COVID-19
5. How long the speaking will be

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