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Starting Presentation Type Verb Description

The/ the given / the the comparison of

diagram / table/ shows/represents/
supplied /the figure/illustration depicts/ enumerates the differences
presented / the graph chart flow ilustrates/ presents/ the changes
shown / the chart/picture/ gives/provides/ the number of.
provided presentation/ pie delineates/ outlines/ information on.
data on..
chart/bargraph/ describes/

column graph / line delineates/ the proportion of.

graph/ table data/ expresses/ denotes/ the amount of.

data / information / compares/ shows information on..
contrast/ indicates/ data about.
pictorial pro ss

figures/gives data comparative data.

diagram/ map/ pie
chart and table/ bar on / gives information the trend of.
graph and pie chart on/ presents the percentages of..
information about the ratio of.
shows data about/ how the.

demonstrates/ sketch
out summarises..

c a p t et
Vocabulary to show the changes
Noun Form
Trends Verb form

rise/ an increase /an upward

/ rocket(ed) a
Increase Ise/increase/go up / uplift / a leap /ajump
improve/trend/a growth
Climb/upsurge / soar/ shot up/
an improvement/ a climb.
Jump/ leap/ move upward/ skyrocket/ s0ar/
/b0om /swetl in fiu
decrease/a reduction /a
plunge a fall / a
/ plummet/
Decrease fall/ decrease / decline downward trends la downward
drop/ reduce / collapse / deterioriate/dip a slide /
tendency / a decline/a drop /
dive/ go down / take a nosedive / slum
/shaink a collapsela downfal
slide go into free-fall. bust

a steadiness/a plateau/a stability

out/ remain constant/
Steadiness unchanged / level
a static
plateau / remain the
remain steady /
remain stable / remain

an upward trend / an upward

Gradual increase
tendency/a ceiling trend

a downward trend /a downward

Gradual decrease
tendency/a descending trend

Standability/ Flat level(ed) off/ remain(ed)
stable No change, a flat, a plateau.
remain(ed) unchanged / remain(ed)
prevail(ed) consistencyI plateaued /
reach(ed) plateau/ stay(ed) uniform

limmutable/ level(ed) out/ stabilise

remained) the same. /hoves

SIumP- t o fatl y and y a lurye w

3teep rising d o teautiny quicluly; at ea shenrp owe.

shTnlk Smel D7 muNe Somethin smo
to beco me

. The yeute info Jnnertian hus shru1a 40 4y,

mul-e 5omethiny invrtesC n mwwS°
nOsedve a shwpefe ov rap

Yumber of pebple or things HVVJ

hOu XnIE Sudden ty.
Type of Change Adverb form Adjective form

/ hurried
Rapid change dramatic l rapid / sharp quick
dramatically /rapidly/ sharply speedy/ swift/significant/ considerable
quickly /hurriedly/ speedily/ swiftly/
/ substantial / noticable
significantly/ considerably
substantioally/ noticably / SteeP

moderate/ gradual / progressive

Moderate change moderately/ gradually / progressively

steady/ ceaseless.
Steady change steadily/ ceaselessly.

slightly/ slowly / mildly / tediously. slight/ slow/ mild / tedious

Slight change

SPi k e

Type of Change Verb form Noun form

Rapid ups and downss wave / fluctuate/ oscillate / vacillate waves /fluctuations/ oscillations /
vacillations/ palpitations
Rebownds boungin9 baal

hovevim- to ste in thc air i n one pleuee,

fallen off c cli (f - sud odewly a quiee Cduce

Sous to fiy igh irthe c i , se yeryust

uPAic - small o uireease

change/ Huge difference:
Adjectivees Adverbs
Substantial Overwhelmingly
Enormouus Substantially
Medium change I Moderate
Adjectives Adverbs
Somewhat Somewhat
Moderate Moderately
Minor change/ Small difference:
Adjectives Adverbs
Fractional Fractionally
Marginal Marginally
Slight Slightly

Dates, Months& Years related vocabulary and grammar

'» From 1990 to 2000, Commencing from 1980, Between 1995 and 2005,
After 2012.

» By 1995, In 1998, In February, Over the period, During the period,

During 2011
»In the first half of the year, For the first quarter, The last quarter of the
year, During the first decade.

»In the 80s, In the 1980s, During the next 6 months, In the mid-70s,
Next 10 years, Previous year, Next year, Between 1980 1990.

»Within a time span

often years, within five years.
»Next monti, vEXt quarter, Next year, Previous month, PreviouS year.

»Since Tnen From

Percentage. Portion and Numbers:

Percentages decrease,
increased by 15%,
T0% Increase, 25 percent reached to
at 50%,
dropped by 10 per cent, fall three-quarters,
half, double

one-fourth, declined to
tripled. doubled, 3 timers
fold. treble. 5 times higher,
about 49%. stood
exactly at 43%.
nine in 1 0
in 1 o
87 hen
Fractions: less
fraction. half
4% = A tiny less

quarter. 4 8 - Sight lyundev

24% = Almost a hîrd

25% =Exactly a quarter 3 1- J u S t

in 8
one quarter. one
26% = Roughly a third.12
one-third, nearly
32% =Nearly under a half.
= Around a half, just
50%= Exactly a
over a half.
51% =

73% Nearly three quarters. more than three-

three quarter,
77% =

three quarters.
79%= Well over

small proportion.
2% A tiny portion, a very
an insignificant
4% = An insignificant minority,
a small portion.
16% A small minority,
70% A large proportion.
A significant
72% = A significant majority,
89% = A very large proportion.

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